TnlS PAPER - PLEASE NOTICE. piceDted. We win be glad to receive . communications ; in T. juu I - r 1 from our friends on any and all subjects ol general interest. but - :.-.' : -. ct ...,r Editor and Prop. T.JAMES POSTAGE PAID: OPTION41- The name of tike writer must always be fur- the .oa Three olshed to the Editor. ix mum- une month, 35 cents. communications must be written 'only .on" 13. f l-1 one side of the paper. , ., v ,h- delivered toy carriers, irrc -itf'1 " . itv. at the above Persoualltles must be avoided. And It la especially and particularly under i3" stood that tne Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated; In the editorial columns. - - 0fK low and liberal. VOL XI. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1887 NO 233 wti! olease repui i their paper rejfi rev uiiu o . to jVt 1 P ip'inni? w "1 00r .. ;il he the owiti c..x xtyer. of the I r !a. ami it is prupv,. ' -i..m i.-..t the event. pr ,...i to TV !ii;i.I''lPiiU ..r Joes OI Times says: Pennsylvania is growing in sinful ness with appalling rapidity. In 1850 one person out of every 15,320 was arrested for crime. In 1880 the ra.tio of arrests was nearly trebled, bit!' the adminis- amounting to one person out of City Court. J ur Than. Oelia Osborn, colored, charged We thank our good friends of the with disorderly conduct, was the Star and the News and Observer for only case for the Mayor's considera- their pleasant .words. We expect, in j unteer and Thistle, which is hejng t ion this mornino-. She was found a few days, to have the advertising sailed to-day, was receive! nereirom The Yacht Kace. The following dispatch regarding the second contest between the Vol- ,,f are M,licv at the present 1 every 5,031. W.ill street Anar- , .,f Dr. .viH 1 . t XX he !.-r it ... w i Standiford, the it: ...iirii iiiL.- l ciiivr n, in.i i i - - in t r r , t i ,,,! iv ohstacie irum nathWav and it is sTor . ... . ..;u he reelected ,,rinM, for -1880, .which , i.iird. .shows an ex- .-, in iss5. The divorces u , in i.; numbered 2,949, LOCAL NEWS. SUk :0 BEW iOVEKTISESellTl Yatc Photo. Gallery II ElUSBUROES'B School Boks Change of Sailing Ja;s Wl! & N Y 8 SCo DICK Mkakes Gentlemen' rurnlsblng tioure - guilty and was required to pay a matter also in a new dress, we nave fine of $20 for the offense. The de" had the nonpanel on hand lor a fendant appealed, and gave a justi week but as there was'nt a cap r in fled bond of $25 to prosecute the ap- the entireJot we have had to wait peal. The proceedings were not until we get it. By the way, we suited to our columns. wonder if there is a newspaper in the South that has ever yet received New York at 1 o'clock this after noon: Yachts in sight, one mile South of Long Beach, where turning, stake boat is stationed. Volunteer is to windward and leading by one mile. She will turn the stake boat in ten minutes. She hasher mainsail, forej rw w - In nmnn ata oVimAn4- t-m urithj BlttVNWI. J1U OI1U wuijviu ivi.n.i. . . ... , , I ...4- 1...: V J : A, lliactCiKW iuc wmv v "i"" Tile jceguiator will leave nere ro-i""1- xi.nig uau iu wiiwr scxi jj morrow lor jew xorK ana me ui"" iur suns wmuu uuut w nc Full moon to-morrow night at 33 Benefactor will leave New York on 1 come at first w The NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Benefit of the Ladlca Benevolent Society. o Friday Eveitliir. Srtpt. tfO, 87 im ADS FAIUY OPEBETTA: Red Riding Hood's Rescue. Under the direction of Miss K. A Powd, : of Boston. : Personal. minutejs past-lOoock.., . the same day for. this port. The receipts of cotton at this port Stream will follow, o, WeUnes- - Mr Morris returlied to CHORUS OF SEVKNTY-F1VK CHILDREN, Assisted by the beat of home talent.- - Geneul A dealt elon 53 cts ; Children 25 cU. B. served scats In all cases 10c. extra. ths of 52,560, to-day foot up 1,836 bales. i-t 4. in 1 Xhf i":irf" lli:lT . . i li ha.-j? Wade Hampton President is one day and the liegulator on Saturday, n k from the Northern markets. i, i a. . ii. ; ... . 1 J U1US giving I0 Steamers ims way WmrttnlamthatMr. O. (t. Steamboatmen report that there next week. They will find full car- SrtIlfhirlMn1 js a., slVk Rnd (.on. are about 30 inches of water on the j oes here and we hope that the L. , shoals m the Cape Fear. I management of the line may feel ,r rp Af Fln(11.Cfktl Mlui wifp rft. Put us down as estimating the justified in putting on a loule tllrned to the city last night after an Important Announcement. -I Shriek will on the 1st of October remove (temporarily, until his store in I Matinee SaturUy at 3 p. iu. Box Sheet opens Parcel! buildms is finished) to the amount of cotton received here this store one door next to M do tire's, on Front street, with an entire new stock of custom made clothing, tor men. youths, boys and children, of the lat'st tyles. I Shrier guarantees to soli this Fail and Winter bis clothing fully trom to-day at ilclnsbergcr's. sept 29 2t For Rent. pUBCELL HOUSE. . FIFXY-XWO BOOUS. ft t T If :hat ....t.i rv iiiiitii i I Ill , I I n.. . . . . . . i -W T i riKiii;ii viiciiiiwuo i,vy i i iif I prk oT Kronr, rsr.rfr. ft arKHi i rehi marriage. She is a line, I colldemned a barrel of lish this morir niisjiui" animal. Une day sue aui them sent away and w Mr. Lamar aim xv jjunea. , -i ; il. 1 ... 1 ... . I weeKiy service uunng me '" extensive trip through the Western . -n. h.hnr. n., ft , . i Am bVF W w .. . ' v . . ' ' - ""ito. i hin rn iiniiRr s worm tii ('ioliiiuit uu TT,i T? T? 1 i 1 trii ;iiw fjiinllvl. ir i- . i i Fairy Operetta. 0-'" - j tore you convince yourseu 01 iae ihcl Apply to sept 1 If WM. K. SPB1NOEB ft CO. For Rent. tim ber aaiu rri... r Mllu,utp ,.itW wllltoPatthe rto11- Mr- P- that VOU Will get better goods for less I TWy COMFOUTABLE JIALL BOOMS, uRed Ridin- Hood's Rescue," will Bndgers S leased the HancocK money at the Old Reliabl's. now and hn business quarters, as bleeping apartments nouse. Aiiuii& tu ixx alwayg. Se bis t-chool suits at prices for 8luK,e gCDUcmcn. Apply at this oflice. The Zb Vance Stove, like its aauit r..,'..i,.rbilt holdings of United sake, is welcome in all North Carolina 1" ' . . I l. . Tl ij t rx kn !-, rA at IimUl's Itninl- the oroKcrs iy, uic 1 II .1 IA.... l 4 ner cents, anu now. uc.o late be a beautiful musical attraction at the Opera House to-night. The . f been spending the Summer with rel dren. with some of the best musical l . ,T , . , the correction Rev. Daniel Morrelle, who has eept '26 nac tf Hie late There have been nearly Vanderbilt s original vis.itors at Carolina BeAch the past . K and those who attend to-night s.x),uou,uw worm, '" Summer. Text year there will be 50,000. Stat' ....nnilt to U,UW,W. ' William H. par. Tl two ohlest trees in the. world There will be some mbving scenes 1 iu Ihfl onp 111 Cala-I rn tbo strppts to-niorrdw. It is a arc M't'r . ,1 rt.n,rountv. t;ai., tnat issuihiu?w oaa aay ior nouseKeepe tn i.h -2 vearsoltl, and the cypress the 1Uost inconvenient ,,f Minima, "in Lombardy, Italy, that hn the week. fel.911 years oiu, or pmuii , - Yesterdav's uncomfortable If has been maintained to-day Th,,;111 who fought, bled and thermometer in this office registered diVd for the tattooed statesman 86 degrees at 3 o'clock. from Maine in the late war has turn- jjftgt ni,,nt Was n hot one, and the 1 up at Nashville in the person of ,uosquitoes put in some of their au oW negro by the name of Jacob verv best work. The weather grew IW. He carries a bullet in his slightly cooler towards morning. talent in the city and directed by W hn in native rehearsal for several 011 onctay next atives in New York, is expected home to-night. His school will open DICK & ME ARES, Merchant Taibrinr k u'tntknifn's Furnishinsrs rs to move, lav, in fact, heat The Died Among Strangers. will be sure of a grand musical treat. Elkanah Murray, a young mam There will a crowd- aged 17 years, who recently came to ed house to chei?r the children in this, city from Magnolia, uupiin their efforts. The proceeds of the county, died at 3 o'clock this morn- entertainment will be for the bene- ing at the house of Dr. A. D. Mc- fit of the Ladies Benevolent Society. Donald, on Fourth street, between Mulberry and Walnut. The decas The Cape Fear & Yadkin aneyrik. ed came to this citv several weeks sept s No. Ii5 N. Front St. "Verhum sat $apienti" from $2 50, $3, $4 $5 and $6 worth fronr $2 to $3 more on a suit. Separ Lato knee Dants for boys from 4 to 14 years old at 50c, 75c and $1 t Hock fJrvstal Snectactes and Eyeglasses. Advice to old and young: In select ing spectacles you should be cautious not to take more magnifying power than has beea lost to the eye. as in the QOMMissiON MERCHANT. same proportion that pass that 1 Cor-. Princess and N. Water streets. point of increase, will causo you fur ther injury to the eye- Using glasses S. P. McSair, WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicits Consignments of Cotton and Nataf Stona PrnmDt uernnnal Mttentinn riven to of stronger power than is necessary is an shipments. sept. 121m Tlitirn liilic.ll oriTIOsitlOn IU tlllS I oavrk ..,,,1 lim(.nnl imi-k- :ii CtMlt. S. i V ' ' - X X I I U11U t ' V. i . .fc ' . " M-m. L " I . . . . . . . 1 it 1 1 nj. sir ir.;. 1 uu uau kci luo wwov ' J IIo;nBKQriTir'fl the daily causo of premature old age to lleinsbergcr s. T shoiiMer which rightfully belongs to the Plumed Knight, and which he an ho doubt get if he will call on J.vol. and pay up $890 of the 900 which Jacob says was the amount promised, and of which he received ten dollars "in hand." There were two well-dehned and beautiful rainbows to be seen in the East at an early hour this morning Of course it foreshadowed rain, and tl far and the rPsuit has been a the latter was soon forthcoming. j (iPim,nstratioii warmlv in favor of 111 I X f I I " I . to St citv last Fall and Winter to the pro- w Nobles nosed subscription on the part of the Lvks aiiro. where he contracted ,-. - . . n 7 . . citv to the Cane Fear & Yadkin Val- tvnhoid fever. Obtainimr no relief The cheapest place to buy your scbooi lev' R. R., but we believe that there from his disorder, he came to this bioks and school stationery is at Heins- is but very little of this opposition clty aoollt a week ago and stopped berger'a left here now. At all events it does with Dr. McDonald, whose wife was not show up among the business a relative of the deceased. He was .1 portion of the community- The ef-j a clever young man, who was most forts made by the Rkvikw to have respectably connected. His remains the matter opened ivp again for con-1 were taken to Magnolia for inter- sideration have been very successful ment NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hew YorH & Wilmington Steamship Co. I Rev. Ohas. L. Arnold, . 1 .. . . I tiiftkv. has accented the call Twelve sanitary inspectors, wnu , , .,, 1 l.ovon-A.lflPfl to Paul's Episcopal Church and will are phvMcians, have been acuiea to i i-i f ,o Naw York enter upou the discharge ot his du the medical corns of the jNew iorK . j ties tne nisi ouuuii 111 cmuci. buVau of contagious diseases. This raist-s its number to 37, and a vigor ous We would advise all our readers in Dirt Digging:. prominent physician in this wi 4. -ii ..Axi i,xx rmiet city calls attention, through us, to Wilmington will be made the outlet J . " . H m, , xx .,1.. the fact that it is dangerous to dig C 4. 1 . . . , -r . , - -v -k ' I ' n O H 11 fUI I M V I I IM I Ul lilt V Pterin. Ji -- j v v . v. -. 1 ait 1 j.1 1 I Observer has some very interesting "iJ , . , . . . , ! v ffr.., season. Uirt is oemguirowuiavi&u comments on the subject trom which -, atv, t bo 1 iv on oeuumi socci, nunu t,ll I I . wequuic.wiui.unD. PnnffiftA fnr cutters. The atten- . 1 a, vci. ' - C3 The Oiwerfcj- believes iiow Uion f the citv authorities is invited N. 11. JOHNSON, QOMMISSIJN MhUCIIAKT, W1LHIMUTUN, N. U. Solicits consignments of Naval Stores. Cot ton and all kinds of Coun ry Produce ytiuicK Sales, Highest Prices. Prompt Returns. cpt 14 tfdftw Knoxville Furniture Cq. yrK AUK UEUE YET, WITH TUB linest and cheapest Furniture and other house hold goods to be found in the city. Wc are receiving new goods dally from ths Factory. Abo, a full line of Baby Carriages. We have a small Iron Safe which we will sell cheap. sept 2 K. II. SNKKD. Manager Misses Burr & James W ILL UK-OPEN TlIEllt SCHOOL 1TOB tofore onlv smallpox and typhus whitc 8hirt3 in the land at 75 cents, ol the O F. & Y. V. and if the Wews nan frver have been systematically dealt j. Elsiiaoh, Prop , 27 Market street. 0it Located between Chambers and Booscvelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. 11. REGULATOR Saturday, Oct BENEFACTOR Saturday, Oct FROM WILMINGTON . : onni'nL-f oil l'nfiit?nilS I r nl;.li otnno al Iho Wilmiflt)'- I . . ,1? 1 1.1 4. 4-V..V . . ,f u.iuiiiui;n iiztxuxw " uccu wi buiu, itias aiwavs Deiieveu mttt mc iw i- vi 1 . . . 1 rv-i; I comnlaintsistobeginatonce. Here- ton Shirt Factory and get tbi best Wilmington wasthe natural terminus w ecxiou i uC,ut . I pier , baot uivjctt. ii . . t . r , r x 1 .1 An At 1 'irir 'i-nu nail j if r w nances ui iuc v-n;jr. lichuhj for each and every offense. Now, 1 111 4-1. It. Ar'; . -MTlll .... , , ,., , x. . i,,-- I ..xi." - ' I WHO Will levy vmo uuci miv ,l.V"r"..r.:f Thoseof our subscribers who may tn..-" L.. , th n. p. Ac Y. V collect it? who will pay itV As ev.rv sort are to be similarly treat- change their places of residence to- to Wihuingtoii will not, as far as we there has been a good deal of this , 1 ' innrrnw will nle.asenotifvusDrompt- Unii see. be of anv material benefit Mio-a-inc? carried on during the last I - .. . ,i . i T-l. 4- ....1 1 1 . U'Qxrxxf i-tivillo Will I - j t t I vT,.. v a imriD fiatiinlav Or.t 1 : ly of the fact. Don t neglect tins 10 io.r thirty days, tne amount wonia Pb i;;;;;-3 55 g Tin-letters mid memories of Mme and then eet mad with the olhce or Y"r -I orJw id ure for ably run up into tne tnousanas. iex regulator sataraay,- uci; a I Tlixl" Hl(3 I tJUUVKU",! pj. . , I "X, " 1 X -I If I Saint Hubert v. which were recently the carrier because you don t get I -Worth Carolina and 1 for North Caro- the city sit in judgment on itseii 1 xhrouarh Bills Lading and Lowest dioovered in the shop of a Pans your paper. Una pojts in prelerence to eiuier pay jts own lines out of its own ex- Mitiifuary. are soon to be published. Mme Saint-Huberty was one of the mot famous Paris actresses andj Wauties of the last century. Na-; polr-an I addressed to her as artil- Ifrv lieutiMuint. tlift onlv verses he "r made in his life. Her end was vm-sad. She married the Count u Entraigues, who soon became m-1 ne. and she was murdered with bim by one of her servants. "Vorfnlk or Charleston. The article I wl lv4-. Uli irn fiaQUI11V , , , x e I , j . ICIlBUUcl ultu UIIU 110 U" moraui j. x, i:.. . .....i T?.,n.Lf h r, F. 5k Y. V. at Sanford with But, seriously, if the authorities do Tnrouxh Rates guaranteed to and trom PolnU In North and South Carolina. for Freight or Passage apply to U. G. SMALliBONES. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C TUEO. G. EGKR, Traffic Manager New York. VfU. P- CI-YD A CO.. Gaur- Amu, S5 Broadway. New York. sept 30 Chirf Justice McAdam, of the New York City Court, says that the Saturday lialf holiday law "is of no Wnelit whatever to the workingman ' a legal sense. It does not give him a holiday and does not confer uPon him unv new rights. If a v,,rkman employed for a week or feet on tne vjarouna vemiux l;-ortii Carolina road. r.ot obev thev own ordinances who i J. 0 1. ,rauir I inc " v . . I roau neit ouuuaj. x H l.ioi, won d be a serious blow to Yn..tpd to do so' . . Mil 4- I " , 1 1 1 out mtiiemorning wnneae iwcmj- Fayetteville. We puousneu us 1101 fiva ininiitpx parlipr. and the train because it coincided with our vie as nrriv in., in the evenimr will be ten but as aj matter for others to con- Yesterday's Newbern Journal says ' , x sider. Uut tne roau must seew a ... .x u ...xj.,- rtf r!f t.o ! minutes later, man tne present and the syndicate under whose " T V xl T V schedule. . management it is will decide the and Gram Exchange of that city, question, and that question will oe held on Wednesday evening, a reso- We understand that the Carolina determined principally by the mate- huti0n was adopted "to appoint a lwiiH Vv (Tovernor Moreneau ana ins 1 ciuieua t x., 1 tinL ... . haunjwj. sauulw, ii"ujxaui, OUIll UJ uuiciiiui ul 1 . t , t..:i I I m nmnrnwi til do kl kinds Of WOrk. al attention Is given to repairing. Jflne 'eninr Tne coiliuany is cum- tiinKvnuicaie, nave wnnuri.vun; iix 1 rri!x.j ur .lacKsonville. on tne nrst hnd made Harness maae w oraer. " n - 1 . .. 1 1 1 1 x 4 - 1 ir o a u a ... - . 1 I x .4- if. un faro u Till w n HV- I . . . . I BX. ii. xno , posed entirely ot proiessionais ami iii m xi, vi xr,,, : ; Monday in October, to consult No. uy North second St., (11. H. Bass9 (Sign of the Little Ilortc.) ANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN to consult IW who have heard them say that f"" AJ"e T&,n bout the nrooriet v of consolidating sept lwkd ltw Opp Soutneriand-s statacs inem uy 1x1c pcuiyic v;x , xw,w . - i t they make excellent music. might be the cause of their seeking the schemes to build a railroad, or . n 11 y another outlet. It is sauL.tnat tr eome to some understanding where- wJCu Jb Ii. -U- - 2rt ?tor,Wilming,fon m cost from by ert of action can be haU in Tlie aUUig Furnituro Uealor $150, 0U0 to OU,OUU, aim, uniea wox,. 1- - TTAJ KOW IN STORE A SUPERB Stock iimmint i iiKsnrpd. there 1s not a to the two entemrises. In another I H f.rtme to stmne nnderstM.iidili!? where- To-morrow, according to a time month refuses to work through Sat- honored custom, will be moving day I I 41 I I II II I I 1 I K7 . tit T - V. I . .--- ol FURNITURE, bought In person. ami as a penalty he forfeits all 10 uie weeK s wages. 11 ue i& anticipated, in iaci, mu f-l rh Wrd of rniniuissioiiers of Ons- .o- eumlnx-.l I... .1.,.. Wl,olf , .xll l,xx resent le l. r . Oi, x. . . byiiuii.i-v I . w x uilxxc v.j, -vx. uet.u in ijiugirrc - i that thev uave oue of tne m0st au- iow county, arrived yesterday even- a ay s pay is recoverable if he stops Week, so that when to-morrow shall portalit "and desirable roads to the . He actf0n on ordering the n nr. .... X ..X 1 1 V . 1 , , . . . M ... . 1 . 1 . X ... . n . . h . . . xx XM I ... vui i7jiiiiriiv t iv. ri 1 o vnvfl iv iir iioriuiii in uiii uiu - i nri H.1111 iiiul wiicii iajixx ixv, x v. x. 1 ,. , x? x n. 117:1 1 cx , v , f-, - , 1 r . . x 1 ;iu i,x 1 eiecrion Tor siiiiscriDiiou 10 me vn 1 ... .,1 1 1 . 1 m t .in.,- anil r.riiTirTf 1 Willi va i t ing population win nae ut-.umc - -k, worth mington and Onslow railroad was hlcb he At tlu 1. : j. xi - ofgummg oi uiv prewu- . ., , . f W,V ..piv nnartprs. srsvii v,. .1. t -w 1 x 1 uuuiiviiv' 1 ,u" "i uie ueorgia jegisiaiuxe uator Jot Virrkwr. nraciiloTit nfthp Suwrior Court company that had leased the West-1 fi, followini? Avere the proceed- x,,,;,,,, i..s.iTi to be determined, sohdate their scheme and Atlantic Railroad from- the in,rs before this tribunal fo-day, up Wilmington has appeared to its to first we have heard of the proposed ate. informal thf tbat. the x f i.inon. onr renort: be the most natural and direct ter- consolidation Ws ::;ir::rr l, ? t, vi t,,i minus, and would benefit Fayette- x-rr vine as niucii its ciinci jx , , 1 1 Jii- CARPETS. CARPETS. He has also added a Carpet Department and solicits a share of the trade. Call and see me at the o'd statd. Polite at- Mt. Airv and connected Norfolk & Western it will be the seeking. 1 postponed in order to give to New-1 tentlon and prompt .delivery of goods guaran Whether Wilmington, bern and Wilmington time to con- w vMs0uIh Front st v: nr Uakh xrvnrmiArr win i- iiivy i . i X1C XIC111C Vx uu.r.v L.n;lafa 0a,V x:,.V.xx.xxw " TllKS 1 the lrls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of Instruction, as heretofore, will be thorough and systematic. Special attention given to Reading. Writing. Music and Physical Culture. Mrs. M. S. Cushlnir will have charge of the Musical Department. Hours for E indcrgartcn pupils from to 12. For further particulars see Principals, sept 10 Cotton Insurance (MARINE OR FIRE.) ANY FORM OF POLICY ISSUED IN either of the following Companies at low est rates: NOR1IIERN A8SURANCK CO., (Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO NEVADA A8SURANCE CORPO'N. . (Pays all losses without discount ) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co. operating under the N. Y. Safety jrund Law.) SUN FIRE OFFICE. (Oldest Co. in the world. In successful oper ation 177 years, stock ecus lor over f J,wo a share.) FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. (Assets $1,428,600.00.) Marine. Life and Accident Insurance Com panies also rcpreren ed. oi.. wiixixA.uu, Ageni. sept 12 214 North Water St. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. i S THE SCHOOLS BEGIN TO OPEN next week we would inform our friends that we have just received the largest lot of SCHOOL BOOKS broegbt here, which will ; be sold cheaper than ever before. Please call and buy your School Rooks at HEINSBERGER'S. Home Again. f R. A. ORR. JR , HAS JUST RETURN- 1TX spent large sums ol t a; Snrmsrer vs. J. JJ. iveel, non- ... ' , -ii,, tii oth- Rut ftr faiiiiiiV nn now left oiili th. Kth ha hu sen ln- n . I " M - I V111C VLB UlllCll "X x . I -x--- xv. 1..I.1...V.U - I HA xwu Mw - x . xUUHPV In it... x , ll! X 1-1 - . . r fi i . . i.X. fw I - - l.l 1- I . -I and r,. i l ing ine roiling McK BUit. Mcrtae strange ior puuuim, ers, which, so far as we are - bounds, nearly all having returned j fQrmltg hlmeclf ,Q the ut Btyle8 andlm iiJv-I H 111 I sn rrcrtiT f 1 I 1 TT kI aI MntiilllV Inr llflPIIIIHIII. I Js-. Willi Ml 1 1 ri llllll. . i -x.. I , , , ""OO"'-" 1 XX. iUUUiauiiuj wx Qe should be naid for those better- a . Ttfoami. administrator, vs. XX. . 1 nts. a ii tViia ! .4x -.r sufftret.. r. i ... J41VJ t. . x tt xrirTl.u V"roimi l CI Hdw. Deoot It U anequftlled as a iuuiuuuaiux, .r - v wvu, illlfl MS 1MMI IHHI WM.? T:AA..1 tMOlllTUT FV fl 1UC1YUV I vwmi T rl Dr! QT1I1 T 1 1 1 1 1 IV LUC " i - " ' - ' r-t irH i hi i in uiuiu . m. " - ilia i iii: i a ica m iii. a szt. i i frieiHla and QF ALL KINDS. every description. STEELL PENS OF been always, and will ! j rovements of ou, and as &3.000.000 was th0a for nlaintiff Orvr. : 1 .... . xuuuu Z: uerea a fair valuation of the for defendant -iierments, the Legislature refused" RnP Carter vs. W. to act lan I l ; . . . T. x ... . . n fni l kii l niiiu- ill; l . i i 1 1 n vuu'o i continued. Russell & VTttrY"""r' oee ub uuiew. - DUArnnriD 4 DI V IC F. & Y. V. oilers the opiwrtumiy. - sani is now prepares to give o Vjoi mRivm jjipected to go single-handed; they Can cijangMi ;n a swood by the tnah MeKae .Smustandoughttoliaveaid and en- . - for Winter, ose. t Senator Brown has publish- malin how on th ,riie.r mwuicn.ue opens QxMTlf fnr niointiff.I. Bellamy for -ftl,H,nint for thev have done a leir lw agam Wlth great vlo"i defendant. ltworkforNorthCaroiina. coaf mera the bcaeflt of that krowle s-e. c all and see him at aept2S YATES' PHOTO. GALxJCRY PAPkR AND ENVELOPES t suit the most fastidious, all of which we can sell you cheap at HEINSJBERGER'S. sept 13 . . Caah Cook a&4 lltulo Store

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