MISCELLANEOUS HUMPHREYS E0HE0PA7EIC VETZSINASY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 590 PAGE BOOK on Treat, inent of Animals and Chart Sent Free. cures Fevers. Conceal ion, Inflammation, A. A. Spinal Meninjritis, Ulilk Fever. II. B. Straicp, LainenPM, Itbeuuiatiam. C. C Distemper, Nasal Discharges. J). I). Hots or Jrub, Worms. K. K. Co usns Heaves, Pnenmonia. F. F. Colic or iinues, Bellyache. 4i. i. Miscarriage, Heinorrhajrefl. II. H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I. "Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with .Specifics. Manual, Witch Hazel OU and Wedicator. - 7.00 Price, Single Bottle (over LO doses - .CO Sold by Drasgists; or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St.. N. Y- HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. In itsa 30 vears. The onlv successful remedy foi Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, auu X rvoirtkHVlM, JiUJU uvci-WVA ui - a i.n.in. 91 per via), or 5 vials and lai-pe vial powder, for $5. SOLD BT Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of Price. Uttmplirtu' Uedicine Co., 1 1)9 Fulton bU, M. I. feb 2 eod a wiy nrm Josh. T. James, -Editor & Proper. M WILMINGTON, N. C. OCTOBER ODDS. MONDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1887. Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. 0' i-;lv:0'-it pa;. -i. JJook of ,,.-.r-I H !,; ? Is T:. M. WOOL-LEY, M. D. A question of interest in the Alaska controversy relates to the probable number of seals in and around Behrintf Sea. A computation last spring by Agent Noyes gave 6,557, 750 as the total number of - breeding seals on the two islands of St. Paul and St. George, the seats of the Alaska Commercial Company's mon opoly. Agent Tingle's report esti mates the number at fewer than ! 5,000,000. The Commercial Company ! employs, according to the Toronto Mail, a fleet of four steamers and fifteen sailing vessels in its opera tions, and has stations on the Aleu tian Isles as well as on the main land. It is charged hy some of the enemies of the Alaska Company that iiluliull fcstietit. Working CIuhs. N V.".WSW prepared to furnish c'asses with emp'oy nient at home the who?u of the t'me or for their spare moment Business new. liiht and prolitab c Persons of cith-r lex easily earn form 59 cents to $5,00 per evening and a pro portional sum by devoting all their time t the luine-8. Boys and girls earn nearly as men That aU who see this rn y send their address and t.st the buslncs we make this offer To such as are Eot well satisfied we will tend one dollar to pay tor the trouble of writJn. Full particulars and outfit frea Address GEORGE Stixsox Co . Portlaud, Maine, dec 1 Gmd lyw , it- l.r 1 1 1 ni'iir Ortrt Oftrt coule voir twice as manv as its lease allows; Wanted t8 cntry-, d bo.u 100 A WEEK. LADIES OU GENTLEMEN DESIRING pleasant profitable eraplovment write at once. We wynt yo to handle an article of domestic fe that recommends itself to every one at fclghi. ST.VfLE A.. FL'HJU Sells like hot cakes. Proflcs 300 per cent. Jam) lle wishing to practice economy should for their own hene&t write for particulars. Used every day the year roun ' In every household Price uitnln reach of ail lrctilars free Agents receive s-vMPLfc UEE Address DOMESTIC M'F'-J CO.. 25 eod d w Cm Marion, Ohio. YOUI can live at home, and roaku more- money at work f r U3, tnan at any lung (k- in the world Capital n-" nce:ed; you are starred free. Bo h sexfs; :i!l aarvs v ny one can do work. - L ri?c earnings sure tronj th; firet ftart. ost!y o-utfl: and terms tree. Better not delay. Cost - ycu no thine to t:nd us your address and find out; if jou are wise ou wl JosDat once U Hali.ett fe ( o Pr.laprt MaJno Mp. fiTi'i iw Cut h e out to us, and we von free, some reat value and mpM-taneo to vou. that will fcta: t you in business, which will bring yon in more money right away than anything else la this world, apv onc can do their work and live at home. Eith er sex; all ages Something n w, that iust coins tnovey fo aP workers. We will' srart you; capital not needed. Th's Is one of the genuine important chances of a lifetime. Those who are a-nbit ous and en'erprislng wld not f clay Grand otr.Iit free. Ad lre TltCK Ac ; , Augusta, Maine dec 1 fim'l lvw ELY'S CLEANSES TllER HEAD. ALbAY INFLAMMATION IIKALStheSoRKS HAYFEVtRM RESTORES THE REUSES of T A STEI: SMELI-, IiEAKING. A Quick rei. ef. I A Positive Cure "PE VER a part'ele Is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 5 cents at rugglsts; by mall, registered, 63 ce-1 a Circulars free. ELY BROS., Druggists, Owego. N-Y apl 9 ly cod tl&w PENNYiiOY L PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GKNU NE Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worth less Imitations. Indispensable to LDIES ALsk vour Druggist for "Chichester's n Giasn" and taka no ether, or Inclose 4c. (stamps) to us for particular in letter by re turn mail. NAME PPKR. (jHf CHESTER Coemical Co., Madison Square, Phlla , Pa. At Druggists. Trad- supnlled bv RoLr ler& Shoemaker, l-hiladelphla. Pa. dec 23 d&w ly .y 0 INTESE3T MB Jranly Vigor. TVoainc-s or Los of Jfcmory per 'aneiiUy restored by the use of an entirely wv, ;mcdy. The Verba Sa nta frotn Spain. Span h Trixrhi-es never t'uil Our i I'.usl rated, SJpige booli d testimonials, (.-ent to.-iitfl Everv manBhonM ad it. VOX (iRAKF TKOCIIEKCU, VJ Pai lc Place ftew lark. Tef . feb 21 d cod Aw ly 1887. 1887. H5UA YE Alt FOK a m m J w w a a The cheapest daily paper In the South. THE WEEKLY has been enlarge ad he price reduced to 7 . cents a year. The cheap est weekly paper published. The Sunday issue and Weekly edition both for one year, for tl.tO. Ihe two are cheaper and better than eemi-weeklv as ycu get one dally issue and a weekly for 50 cents less than any semi weekly paper . Dally sect free two weeks and Weekly one month f reo- Spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial Address THE WHIG, f Richmond. V. COME SEE US ! HEN EVER YOU ARE IN NEEU OF PKINTlNfi, RDLIHQ or BINDING - come and see us. ' We have the most complete establish meni in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at.' . ' ; .; .- 1 Give u your ordera. ' ' ' " , -v . JACKSON A BELL. I but its official resorts insist that only 104,828 were killed for the last year in procuring its 100,000 skins. The highest reasonable estimates of skins taken by the poachers during j the year is 30,000. In view of the vast numbers of the animals in and about the best known seal rookeries, there seems to be no special need of alarm as to their immediate exter initiation. It is stated in the Panama Canal Company's official bulletin, as quot ed by the Panama Star and Herald, that the excavation for thfc month of July "on the canal proper amounted to 570,000 cubic meters. 49,000 meters of whicji represent the work done in the Culebra sec tion. This section includes the highest elevation, and is the most formidable of all the divis ions. But at this rate the comple tion of the canal will require more than the nineteen years indicated as M. Leroy Beaulieu has shown by the official record of work done in the Culebra. The excavation of 49, 900 meters in a month is a very poor fulfilment of the glowing promise made by M. de Le'sseps at a meeting of shareholders in 1885. Having said that there were 20,000,000 meters to be removed in the Culebra sec tion he announced that the contrac. tors in charge proposed to take out G10,000 meters a month from Janu ary 1, 1S86, to July 1, 1887, and there after, when the cut should have be come deep, 300,000 meters a month. But the President of the canal coin, pany is sometimes guilty of exaggeration. The harder a base ball club works the more it plays. In its old age every comb loses its teeth and hair. . A lazy man is always equal to the exertion of eating. If a man blows his own trumpet, can his opinion be sound? The new dynamite gun is deter mined to make a noise in the world. It takes nine tailors to make a man, but one tailor can- make a dude. . ; The toy balloon maker's business being greatly inflated . has an up ward tendency. ; Women are said to give back talk, but do not men do the same when they criticise the modern bustle? A-man may be able to paint a town red from end to end,- and yet possess none of the cardinal virtues. "How it all comes back to meT' dramatically exclaims the poet, opening a thick parcel of rejected verses. A writer says the green apple was never known" to do any" one any good: The doctor could probably tellja different story. There are 78,000,000 acres of corn that number of corn achers on the feet of its inhabitants. The reported agreement between France and Great Britain"" for the withdrawal of the French troops from the New Hebrides will, if carried out, be. very greatly to the advantage of all concerned. It was quite impossible for the British Gov ern ment to consent to France ob taining any foothold in the islands adjacent to Australia for . the pur-J pose of making penal colonies of them. Not only would suchTa policy have' been strenuously resisted by the British colonies, but, had it been carried out, these colonies would inevitably have managed promptly to involve the Home Government in hostilities over the matter. The French penal colonies, through a curious confusion of mind in the French Government as to what can be done with them, have become" lit erally breeding places of vice and of vicious men and women. The evidence is incontestable that, with the mistaken purpose of helping to reform criminals by the introduc tion of family ties, the French have stocked portions of their pena establishment with men and women, who are allowed to reproduce their kind with the practical certainty that the offspring will be trained in vice. The English colonists could not be expected to tolerate any ex tension of such a system near their shores, and they have made it per fectly plain to the English Govern ment that they would not do so. In Brief Aud To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indegestion is a foe lo good nature. The human digestive app ratas is one of the most complicated and won derful tbinesin existence. .It is easily put out of order. Grea9y food, tough food.Tslopyy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hoars, irregular habits, and many other things which ought out to be. have made the Americrn people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's Augnst Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad boisness and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember: No happiness without health. Bat Green's August Flower brines health and happiness to the dys peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle Seventy-five cents. . There are 1 OS cotton mills in the South, of which thirty-six are in Georgia, twenty-seven in Tennessee and twenty in Alabama... " . - A newly elected Congressman said last week, speaking of an' old friend who had voted against him. "Now there's nothing mean about me, for when I saw that fellow suffering with a terrible cough, I forgave his going back .on me and told him to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." . . The Kansas druggists, who are re- auired bv law to get twenty-nve women to siern their Detitions for permits to sell liquor, find that it is a hard condition. When all so-called remedies fail, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. From $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 worth of trold is used annually mtnesnape of foil for gilding, lettering, edging of books, siern and ornamental painting and denistry, gilding tak ing the greater share. mw Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" cleanse and purify the blood and relieve the digestive organs. The oriental fabrics and embroid- ries which have been so popular in England the Dast season will be worn verv trenerallv here in a var- ietv of ways, particularly, however, as a trimming for elegant evening toilets. DarbyB Prophylactic Fluid. Use it in every sick-room. Will keep the atmosphere pure and wholesome; removing all bad odors from any source. Will destroy all Disease iierms, infection from all Fevers, and all Cantagious Diseases. The eminent physician, J. Marion Sims, M. !., New lork, says: "1 am convinced that toi. JJaroys Prophvlactic Fluid is a most val uable disinfectant." Perhaps some ladies would like to know that milliners use an ordinary polish for ladies' shoes to renovate old black straw hats. Brush out the dust first. For three weeks I was suffering from a severe cold in my head, ac companied by a pain in the temples. 1 tried some of the many catarrh remedies without any" relief. Ely's Cream Balm was recommended to me. After only six applications or the Balm every trace of my cold was removed. Henry f U. Clark, 1st Division New York Appraisers' Of fice. -- I was troubled with catarrh in my head to an annovins: extent for three years. After using one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm I was entirelv cured. Wm J. Cline, Victor, N. Y. "Tho Greatest Oriro o j Earth for Pain." Willi reuevorore quickly than any other known renj- ctiy: Knoumansm, iteuraigta, Bwellinss, PtilT Neck, Bralaea, Burr-, Scolds, Cut. XiUmbav fro, i't-urtf7, rorcs, i'TOPt-Dises, IiaplcaolKvOnlasr, Sore Throat, Sciatica, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Hi trains, etc Price 2cts. a bottle, sold by -all ydrugirlsfs. Caution. The gen niDO iialvatioik ih'l hmm oar registered Trade-Mwrk, and our fac-siniito sifmarnre. IToprietora, Bull A. C Merer A Ca. Sule tfniore, lid., V. S. A." .1 s Dr. Bull's Cou?! Conch at once. Price on; oct id !i hyruii will cure -vour IS VU. a bottle. -O- WE HAVES BEHOVED OUB STOCK OF ENTIRE Liquors and Tobacco rj o . 1 3 rJarket St-, WHERE WE 8H0ULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUB FRIENDS AND CTjbTOHEttS CALL ON US, SOL. BEAR & CO. augtttf SUPERIOR COURTS. Vail Terras 1887. FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Currituck September 5, I week. Camden -Sept 12, 1 week. - Pasquotank Sept 19, I week. Perquimans .sept 26, 1 week. Chowan Oct 3. 1 week. Gates Oct 10. 1 week. Hertford Oct 17. 1 week. Washington Oct 24. 1 week. Tyrrell Oct 31, 1 week. Dare Nov 7. I week. Hyde Nov 14. I week. Pamlico N'v 2 1, week. Beaolort--Nov 28, 2 weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE AVERT. Warren Sept 19 2 wwbs Northampton Oct 3, 2 weeks. Edgecombe Oct 17. 2 weeks. Bertie Oct 31,2 weeks. Halifax Nov 14.2 weeks. Craven Nov 28. 2 wckp. . THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Franklin Aucr 15. 1 week. Martin Sept 5. 2 weeks. Pitt Sept'19, 2 weess. Greene Oct 3 2 weeks. Vance Oitl7. 2 w-eke. Wilson Oe 31. 2 weeks. Nash Nov 21. 2 weeks. MartinJ Dec 5, 2 weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE MERRIMON Wake July 11 2 weeks. Harnett Aug 8. I wefk. Johnston Aun 24. 2 weeks. A Wftkef Aug 29 2 wefks. Wayne Sept 12 2 weeks. Wake Aug 29. 2 weeKS. Wayne--Oct 17, 1 wwik Wakef Out 24 3 weeks Johnston Nov 14, 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28. 1 week. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange Aug. 8, 1 week. Caswell Aue 15. 1 week. I Person Aug 22, 1 week. Guilford Aug 29. 2 weeks. Granville Sept 12, 2 week Alamance Sopi 26. 1 week. Chatham Oct 3. 2 weeks. Durnam Oct l". 2 weeks. Orange Nov 7, I week. Caswell Ntv 14. 1 week. Person Nov 21 1 week Granville Nov 28. 2 weeks. Guilford Dec 12, 2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE THILLIPS Lenoir Aug 22, 2 weeks. Duplin Sept. 5. 1 week Pender Sept 12. 1 week. New Hanoveif rSept 26, 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10 2 weeks. Carteret Oct 24. 1 week. Jones Oct 31. I week. Onslow Nov 7. 1 week Lenir Nov 14. 2 weeks. Duplin Nov 28, 2 weeks. Sampson Dec 12.' 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 week Columbus Aug I 1 week. Moore Aug 15. 1 week. Robeeon Aug 22. 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5, 1 week. Brunswick Sept 12 1 week. Richmond Sept 19. 2 weeks. Robeson O-jt 3 2 weeks. Bladen-Oct 17, 1 week. Moore Oct 24. 2 weeks. Cumberland t Nv 14. 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28 I week. Richmond Dee 5. 1 week EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK, Iredttll Aug 8 2 eeks. Rowan Au 22. M weeks. Davidson Sept 5, 2 weeks. Randolph :ept 19, 2 weeks. Montgomery Oct 3 2 weeks. Stanly Out 17 I reok. Cabarrus O.v 31 I week. Rowan Nov 7, 2 weeks. Tredell Nov 21. 2 weeks. Davidson Dec 5,1 .week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGES GILMER. Rockingham July 25. 2 weeks. Stokes Aue 8, 2 weeks. Suiry Aug 22 2 weeks. Alleghany Sept 5. 1 week. Wilkes Sept 12. 2 weeks Yadkin Sept 26, 2, weeks. Davie Oct 10. 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oct 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham Nov 7, 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surry Nov 21. 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOTKIN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8. 2 weeks. Asbe Aug 22, 1 week. Watauga Aug 29, 1 week. Caldwell Sept 5, 1 week. Mitchell Sept 12,2 weeks. Yancey Sept 26. 2 weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8.3 weeks. Mecklenburgt Aug 29. 3 weeks. Union Sept 19, I week. Un ion f Sept 26, 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3, 1 week. Gaston Oct 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland Oct 24. J week. Kutberford Oct 31. 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH . DISTRICT JUDGE MONT GOMERY. Madison Aug 1. 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. . Transylvania Sept 5. 1 wee Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jfcckson Sept 26, 1 week. Macon Oct 3. I week. Clay Oct 10, 1 week. Cherokee Oct 17. 2 weeks Graham Oct 31. 1 week Swain Nov 7. 2 weeks. MadisontNov 21, 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. Criminal causes only. tCivil causes only, Civil causes only, except jail cases. MISUELLANfBOUS MISCELL; LA . i tr am f.. , ml I i .ivu xuunu& him i tl "C5rfTrrnf. tieatsalatropror-crtioa. CCMSsa were rosstorea cofiwiui oy cso or w ..PROP.. CCMlUJtf Rfierl3l, HARRIS J&453 1 li3. m9lt2,U;0 n. itaaicait:? vveasne-js n 21 A -edM thousand ess J tod and broken down raen tottio f psrroct and roll Man! To thoso tcho BaiTer orpoght about by Indiscreiioa.Ii'ocnrrCvcr-i;ra."i ivork. or too frea In(lul?onci. wo c&.c tast soa ws.-irl r? ftmr name vrl th statement; of yoortrontjla, fe&ctro PC rosted for V 5 -St Yfmtk W-n?'4lLnV:V? fci '.' xw in f. . . - '.uiau j - - . 1 11. wtm - PI - Jl art::29 PSBSCU3 caa 2u?o bUZZ Tr;J a Sue .T-ior may 17 d&wrly V X Will purify the BLOOD regnlate the LIVER and KIDNEYS nd Restore the HEALTH andVIO- OK of YOUTH. Dyspepsia, VVanf or Appetite, lndtgestion,iacii or Btrengta and Tired a eenng an solately cured: Bones, mns- clee and nerves receive new force. ' Enlivens the mind and 6tiDDiie3 Brain Power. 1111 1 1 i 1 1 1 i' i i.riii v.iiiu in iiiii.u in.i.- I A MlE&aT liar to their sex will find in DR. faiMBJrgiTSuy IIARTER'S IB ON TONIC a safe, speedy enre. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. All attempts at counterfeiting only adds to itsropu liiriLv. Do not eiDeriment cet ORIQrNAI. AND BEST (Dr. HARTER'S LIVER f I LLS V' Cure Constipation. Liver Comolaint ana Sick B Headache. Sample Dose and Dream BookH mailed on receipt of twocenta la postage. 9" THE DR. HARTEB MEDiGINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, Ha arch 11 lyw .- "3S1 9 wtV'i Ann of the body enlarged, and strengthened. Full particu vlars (sealed) free. K11IK WED. CO., Buffalo, Ny f may 6 l&w cod ly , . Uf' EIW TTITTV H H XSiVJh NO MORE EYE-GLASSES; NO MORE WCiK , i KYE- ITCHELL'S . EYE SALVE. i ' A Certain. Safe ami EffecUvo Remedy ; fo . "i SORE. WEAK AND INFLAME!' EYES Proiluclng lng-tiprhtclneH8, anrt Rt- ; storiog the SlRhtof the M. , : j Curca Tear 'roju-.. Granulation, rtyc Tum-rh 11 Kveti, Matted Eye lashes, and Pro' iluclng Quick Relief and L'crma s . nent Cure ' Also, eqirally efficacious when used to other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fcvct Sores, Tn mors, Salt lihenn!, RnriiR, I'ilea, or vrherevcr InflamrnaMou exists, MITCH Ki.l SA I VK may be iiscmI io fj'lv;nit;t?'. - . ; ,t. Sold bv all ! nutiriHtP at if'. nm 1 :v Tit 7 V: - p" speedily when this rmrdv i3 taki loathinsr of foad than this artiolo3 lt U Vim&i --"u fi)pat - t . Thereat secret ofthocanArrM.j i - prevent theiraiUurtHs auU?csSf .v u j j -1 K'ut iiRt; i eat h m. ii cases carry, t fee little musician tlutm? a ntiitfv riai lon rece"nt of 15 ct soup. -ese luention tnis painjr. aept 9 tut'- sa? cts. i!v sumn. i'n-ft c mnuiau Waw Fail Goods i! i ' New North Car lin i Buck- whial ! Perfectly Pure, Ground in Western N. C. : - . .. , , .... -j. PINEAPPLE, PEACH, RASPBERRY, PLUM, f ': BLACKBERRY, CHERRY, , , , - PLUM: Sold by the Pound. ' v -.;' -.. These Preserves are made outof ChoiC; Fruit, and are of excellent quality. Trythem- -- : o A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ja-TFmr "n" ..Tr-T.gg TN FIVE POUND PAILS. - -O- . t- All just received, Jno. L. Bontwrlglit. - - - Ifdyer 9.000000 7orn "daring tto pasti years. 'IMS marvelous success js uc- ,.1 1st. To the superiority of CoraliDflOtr all other' rnaterials, as a stlffener for Corsets, j 2nd. To the jBuperior qualir, ii?', and workrnanfhip of our Corsets, cpatol with. their low prices. w ( .nS.i Avoid cheap Imitationsjnadeof tsJx kinds of, cord. . . t Nono are genuiw nla " DR. WARNER'S' CORAUSS is printed on inside of steel cover, ; : ; FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING tf ERCRASa j WARNER BROTHER 359 Broadway, NewYorti oct 1 (LEw 2mos 1887. Harper's Weekly. : I LLUSTBATKD. as tte leading niutitaiea i wwjr- - de lea; and lta hold np' n public Mtw-H-. fidence was never aironger than u ir ent time. Besides the Pciiu 2$, Weekly always contal i?8Ulnie' t occasionally ot two. of the bett T day. finely Illustrated, with ihort poems, Bketches.! and papers 'fgx ciirrent topics wrtjffijj xne care inai Das uwa -- w . ho.ld will not be relaxed In the future, i Oct 23 15 & 17 So; Front st Homes in North Carolina. o- Onlv 20 Hours Eide from " . ; t , :.( .. -4- - ', - 'V V-t ' if -: . ' ' New York I Job Priiitlna rjpnimEWJOB i-mntinq f office is prepared to do ail kinds ol'job-Printlno' as neauy, as cheaply and as expeditiously as it cari elsewhere. Send la your work ana it shall be done promptly- oct 6 Change of Base. jyjY FKIKNDS AN0 THE PUBLIC ARK respectfully notified that I have removed my shops to Chentnut street, between Front and Water. All ordera for work In my; line, tln nhrepahrtng, Ac., will be done promptly t ' R. F. R18IKG Chestnut, between Fro at and Wate su. fasSltf . ShiDgles ! Shingles ! FIFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND FIVE Inch Cypress Shingles. Must be sold at once. Those In need would do well to call and set a bargain.- :-f- ... . . CHAS. r. BEOWNE. ? ' Commission Merchant, No. 11-Nj Water at.;""-' Xich25 - - . v71lB2tontN.C- m Mil en Sou til of Kale 11) - On the Ralelffh and Angus ta Air-Line fifi 1 500 ACKKa OF sd 7vi'sii,& st leaf pine region., For sale on easy terms Lr. lota to suit purchasers, jrour acres for $25. Larger tracts $5 per acre, in monthly pay meats of 910. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines" . a recently established health- re sort (or sanitarium), and la specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all the cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pines," and it la the desire of the owners cf tela land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No-State tn the Union offers greater Inducements to eel tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a better tanning country or as line a climate be found.' Tola la the opinion of Northern men who nave settled in North Carolina.. This L 9 bonajlde offer, and Is limited - -. f or further particulars write at once to j--as T. e ATikiuiv. Commla'rof Immigration, lUlelgh, N. l-i ' orii. A jU'UJlA UDSOM.-.. " i an 21 tf Cttmnlcle OCiro. Auamat. 'The cheapest place to" buy -your school books and school stationery is at Heinsbergrer's. ' -- Harper s Periodicals. Fer lean wkiskly...-. v HARPEirS alAGAZINK- HARPER'S BAZAR.. HAliPEB'S YOIJNU Wei;Ut , UAKPKR'a FHA5KLIK SQOAkB LI, one rear iiuia "-, a . Postage FTee to aUsabscrlberi1- States or tanad3 . ; hrftJ line volumes oi we n rj"..f hrst Number for January o:ewr no time Is mentioned. ubscrlpJB t with the Number currtnt at timt w order 73 fa&-r Bound . Volumes oi Barp r three years back, la eat :Db7 be sent by mail, postage paW. "y , free of expense (proyuled tnej f not exceed one dollar per volaiWJ. lothaes for each binding; will be sent by ma". Pl, ceiptof tl oocach. , fcL Remittances erould be nJlLjx Money Order or Draft, to avo atrl Newspapers are not to VlJ1 ment without the express orr BaoxHEBS. . Aidres. BB(yrHi BOVS VoiimhlA lands for 'tR ACT-OF: i KR TRACT OF A.f" mile from j.incoinw. ' ...... acres. 53 acres cleared; r jy v hutfriv.s robd crops tor ttlt branch manlug taruogh u bnr few acre ot b tu-n Uf t ?0 acres In wood. ok bered. - . ... m!lc tr0Zt.' Another trarv -7 -r, A iiw -:. Bared, une Br?iK : - jtoaip"r1r x acrqi rf botm Iar.F"l,; oth c ell; 75 acres in VffSy . or price and U rachlStf AucfrsKeal8w IJ.