A MISCELLANEOUS nUMPnKEYS ss:?ATinc vETsanim engines For norscsi wkib, onccp, Dogs, .Hogs, Poultry. - 300 PAGE DOOKob Treat inrit ofAilmahcnd Chart teut Free. rnnimllont, Inflammation, frH-f"'VI Mrilnilli Milk Fever. ...-- ""r' " umrnri U lie n inn Hum - l-'i Zic V? irP.T Bellyache. K. .'7ilZmTTlt Heraerrua.Be. 1 JIV with Fneclilc. lUnBtl. U Batw- .- .CO " ild br nrnwlmj ar 'repaid elpt Price. ..ItVjFitd. Co., iW Fulton SU FUT. l .4 SPEC F C -nff. Li- : ." Thm anYr stxeescfnl rroo4y foi $was Debility, Vital Veaknsss,- t l?. r-fci fi UL.4i 1.1. e.C' . V, I ;.'ji v-s r.7i.-r - 1 -c-' Ulio Daily Roviow. WHO SH ALT. BE FAIREST! Consumption Surely Cured. ' v the Editor PJease, inform ; tVlIOLES ALE PRICES. JtAf ItKO AWS &c V . Who slmll be fairest?. 7 - Whofltall be rarest? Who Khali lf ilrt in the HonH that . bottles of my remedy prkk we IO THE H.DITUII i-iea,J?e, miouu, ... The fallmsino- ouonatlons renrefnt. whrn- your rentiers that I have a positive e trices cenerally. In making ud small or- I reiuely for tho'above named disease. ders higher piices nave to be charged.. v " I Bv its tinielv use thousands of hope-. . - - ; , ,. l : f less cases have ' been permanently BAOGINO . I cured. ..j Khaii be giad to .sendtwor &Srdv;v.v.v::::::::::- 12 ."y ! nf vinr rp,idrs who liave consuniD ' . Mm wlo i.m Kinuesr .Ition if thev will isend me their ex ; V hen V ortune is Dlintlest, j 1ress aml post office address. Bearinpr through winter the blooms . nectfullv. T. A. SLOCUM. M.C.,M81 rear! stM 2tev lorK. of the spring Charm of our gladness, v. Friend of our madness; Ansel of life, when its pleasures take win! ; She shull be fairest! She .-hall bf rarest, . -She shall be first in the songs" that ' - we sing! - . - ; Hams... Hhoultlorsi ...,.... es- ; WESTERN SMOKED . Ilazus. It 8 10 C9 TIME TACLB NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. At St. morning. - Who shall be nearest, -Noblest. nrrt!.iearest, NuiiiimI Vut witli hon'or and pride. Lou 3 S unda v his brother 0en, with hout he had quarrelled over a trival- matter. it...;. sides, f H.. - Jlioulders, tt. DRV SALTED sides, witi shoulders. Wtt.. T I . . . T . J ....1 L'il oH t tecona Hand, eacn..-.. ..... . New; New York, each. New, City, each... BEESWAX, lmiC'KS, Wilmington, m:... Northern.. ... .............. BUTTER, W 1 . : North C'arolinat. Tsorthern.. in ', eve mi on He. the undaunted. Whose banner is How often is the light of the house hold clouded by signs of .melancholy tr irritability on tlie part of the la dies. Yet thev are not to be blamed, for tliHV are the result of ailments CANDLES, $ n-i tw.iillll.kM tlliir 4J -W VUI1IIMI fliUl I vpv4U... 14 ..: 7" Adamantine, 4 n Iir- . '.en -a U rt l-OrX; ; - . . . . . . On filorv's high ramparts and tlemeuts lnar: . Fearless of lauger, To falsehood a straiiger. Looking not back while there sduty b,fre! . He sliall be nearest, lie j-hall be dearest. He shall be first in our hearts evermore! rir,to,i i removed and joy restored by the use 11 K.fJ of Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescript i CHEESE, lb' Northern Factory. Dairy, Cream....; state... .. 140 0-00 1 to 20 6 00 0 00 15 35 18 y (A 1 50 1 7a 1 70 C4 8 00 11 00 - - 1 1 15 j U Xl 11 1 0N AND AFTEIV FKIDAY DEC. UJ, 1887, i Trains will run as follows, dally except. Sun- i'day: " ,w' i - - J ' gS I - - Goixg Sorrn. ; No l iassenjrer and Freight. , 7i.iro TTamltit- "W r " ft 'XI A f Arrtye at Cheraw, S. C... ..... . . . .... 9.30 A. M. Going North. f . No. 2 Passenger and Freight; ' Leav Cheraw. S. C .4.35 P. M. Arrive at namlet, N.;c ....5.:5 P. M. dec 1G tr . - - 4WM. MONCUKE, Sup't. i 25 30 tion," which, as a tonic and nervine J coffee tt'&i' 11 " 13 . 9 for deljihtated women, is certain, safe and pleasant.- It is beyond all compare the great healer .of "women. In a general . melee - at 5 Athens,' Tenn., Saturday-, which grew out of a political contest, Deputy Sheriff Lassiter attempted to disperse a crowd ami was attacked, rA-here-upoii he drew hU revolverand lired, killing William Blackstone anl wounding two others. .t ' . 'rniiamiiiitlnn Cnrf" . 1 ii ii. . . A i. . i over llT.Meciar.e. '.uiuiu-i anuria ,w. ., M1.tfi 1 frt are u tlctiilcmluni in the eent of a llt. . . wf.rtl,13T AfHr,,l ... . i.i . r i .. 1 1-. . i. i ' j- v -- - - ...... . -- OUI. IHll H IMUIKMH irr. juu niuuu "Mrs ue for a Mrs. Dull answered Partiiigtni. what do. you very iau coii; asa'ti l!aiidkerehiefs, ma'am," "the aged dame, looking Svrup is a necessity because oriiy relieves, but "cures the eold or cough. She tint the l;ik. it not worst J t!.-v. -w-v, ii '..s-J ir. Montgomery other nitrht he found Mr rireat, s.dty er down her 1888. Harpers Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. lUitrER Yorxc Pronjs Interests all younjr aur by It carefully selected variety of ;oinos and their welWconslrteml treatment. tmtaiui the best serial and hhort stories, alaable articles on sclent inc subjects and lrA-i hutorlcal and mocrannicai sKetcnes, i tlvrson athletic sports and games, -stirring Wwi.t'tc. contributed by the brightest and i.tt famous writers. Its linitrattonM are nn fiierous and excellent, occasional supple r.ienrs of esml.il Interest to Parents and rrenchew Kill ! a feature of the forthcoming 11 me. which w ill compn.se fifty-three wek- rnuratierx Kvery line m tne paper wrui- ivtej to tee most ngiu eoiionai bcnmnyin mit r mat nothing harmful may enter Its col An epitoaw of everything that Is attractlTe hnd ifl ruble In Juvenile literature. Ronton A wfcly feast of good things to the boys ml girw In every family which it visits. It H wontlerful Iri Its wealth of pictures, ln- nuatlon and Interest. Christian Adrm-ate . r. Fenus-Postage Prepaid, $3 pryear. VoL tX begins Aunemfcrl, 18S7-, Copy ffiit on receipt of (wxrnt &lriiHrn Single Nunibtr, Five Cents each. . -Remittances should be made by Post-omce Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ST?lr iters are not to copy this adrrrsisemciU itfovit the crjfrrfs order of Harper & Brothers. Address ' IIAUPEU & BROTHERS. eov 15 New York NEW YORK OBSERVER. ESTAHLISHFJ) IX 1823. he Oldest and Best Family Nevpaper. Sii Ilegular Etlitors; Si)ecial Cor- spoiulenta at Home md Abroad; Mories, Reviews, Condensed News, peiartinents for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men, Students, Boys and Girls. I Tliis year the OBSKRVERvill pub lish more tuati FIFTY PRIZE ST0 11 IES, . t.l - .A. i ui me uiMi'sv ami most, noouiar vriters will contribute to its col- uunji. Poets and prose writers, au- nor, editors, men of science and ronien of genius will .till the col ? urns ef the Obskuvku, and It will ive fiftv-two unexcelled twiner in coining year. Price, $3.00 a year. 1 irgyiuen, 3.00 a year. reat Inducements, for 1888 SEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent r one year to anv clenrrman not now a sub for oxp Tint ? n? - Afijr STibscriber sending his ownsubscrlp 103 f0r year In advance and a new bubscrt "'a im ran have a codt of the -Iren- as Letters. or 'The life of Jerry cAuley. we win seta the OBSERVER for the re- of this year, and to January 1, lssa, SK SlfbiCTlhr unillnii nVil nitnif nnd uaandtiOulaadvaacc. To such subscrl e m also eltner the volume, of !,VtU,Uuer5,Qr "The Ufe of Jerry Mo T . . A?. . V- o wafliea everywhere. commissions. Sample c Liberal tcrms. free. W York Observer, 'EW YORK.- - 001 and School Station u! can buy cheapest at Heins- When hoii:e tlu Montgomery, -eepirig. tears cha.el ne auoth tair rheek. "What is the matter, tlearr" he asked as he placed a new clove in hi mouth and r.ivnaicd to kiss her. "Oh, everything is the matter,' she oh bed as "lie placed one arm about his neck and laid her head down on his shoulder. "I want to die.' "Oil no. you don't dear,' he re montnited. ""Tell me what is the matter .ow do." ' "Fergy.v she piestioned, "tlo vou love me as inuch as you lid when vou married me?" "Why, of course I do. What put such a question in your head?'" 'Ase yon sure that you do?" "What do you inean. Ellen? You know that I "love you as much as I ever did, and more if anythiug." Don't be silly. Fergv. How am I to know it? The minister was here to-day and said that a loving hus band was continually, showing his devotion tor his wile. He always bought her everything that she wauted and did everything that she wanted him to do." "Yes. What are you driving at?' "It pained me when 1 heard that, and 1 have been crying all day." "I have been unkind to you?" "Xo-0-0, but then the .minister went from here over to that hate ful Mrs. Brown's,-a nd. I just know that he said the same thing to her." "Well, what of it?" - "Nothing; -only Mrs. Brown is going to have a new sealskin cloak, and she will go around and tell hat the minister said. " Then she will tell how much her husband loves her and hint that you and I are go ing to separate." Mr. Montgomery ordered the new cloak the next morning, and inci dentally put out a story about the minister having lost a great many f riends, and that he had better look for a different field. Minneapolis Journal. An'oflicial return shows that there are upward of 30,000 tenement houses in New York " City. There are probably 10,000 more in Brooklyn. , - - -. I have been n sufferer from catarrh for. the past eight years. aving tried a number of remedies adver tised as "sure cures" without ob taining auy .relief, I had resolved never to take any other patient med icines, when a friend' advised me to try Ely's Cream Balm. I'd id so with great reluctance, but ran now testi fy with pleasure that after using it for six weeks 1 believe myself cured. It i.-i a most, agreeable remedy an invaluable HahiL Joseph Stewart, (124 lirand Ave, Brooklyn. ... - - It is a singular fact that the recent cold snap in Cieorgia froze up the ice-factory at tiriflln ami deprived the town of ice. Don't 1 let that cold of vours run onT You think it is a light thing.- But it mav run into catarrh. Or into pneumo nia. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumo nia is dangerous." Consumption is death itself, v , The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruc t ions and offensive matter. Other wise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchical tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Bo schee German Syrup. If you don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people can telL you. The have been cured bv itlund "know how it is themselves!' Bottle onlv 7.j cents. Ask anv covery," the most efficacious medi cine yet discovered for arresting the earlv development of pulmonarv 'j disease. But "consumption-cure' j would not sufficiently indicate the . 1 scope, of its influence ami usefulness. 1 111 (III inn llltllll ui.-iri--ro i iiivii jjiji, I from ii derangement of the liver and blood the "Discovery is a safe and sure specific. 00 is 3 00 3 50 .4 00 4 50 4 00 4 50 Of all druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. The Nutiobal Life AND- Maturity Assooiatioii OF WASHINGTON, D. C Total cash Assets. Liabilities........! Paid to members.. ...$275,754.29 . . None. ..$168,070,92 HOHATIO BROWNING, President. -o- GEUKGE D. ELDKIDGE. Secretary, Manager and Actuary. 1 Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. . A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontcstlble Policy. Maturity Value In Casa at . xed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. , Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. EIDDELLE, M. D. .Medical Direct or: W,' II. GIBSON, Special Agent Home Office, 1,215 F Street. N. WV octSGtf RICHLY: Tlewarded are those who read this and then act: they will find honorable employ ment; mar, win not taKe tnem rrom tneirnomes and families. The profits are large and sure ror every inausinrus person, many nave made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for any one to make $5 and upward per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everytnlng new. No special ability required; ytu, reader, can do t as well asanj'one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which wemall free. Address Stinson x Co., Portland, Maine. nov 22 dcmwly- NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO MORE EYES druggist. An Apache Indian will not kill a white man during the night because of a clause in his religion which for bids it. Hacklen Arnica .Salve. Tiik Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.' Ulcers, Salt Rheum, 1 ever Sores. Tetter, : Chai- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,, and Positiyely cures Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. 1'rice 2.1 cents per box. For sale by W. Ii. (xreeu Co. iVJITCHELL'S , EYE SALVE. a Certain. Safe and KffccUvc llcmedy tor ORE. WEAK AND INFLAMED - , eyes. . V" Pto1ucLdr Liong-t5igbtcdncaE, an Ue1 storing tho Sight of tho Old. , . 'trea Tear Urup, GranulaUoa, Stye Tnmra, Red Eves, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick lie lief and Perma nent Cure. : , ..' - A-lBo, equally eiflcacloua when used In other jialadlcs, such aa Ulcere, Fever BoresTn mors. Salt ltheum. Burns, Plies, or wherever Inflammation exists. MITCHEIX'S SALVK may be used to advantage. Sold bval) Onurclstsat25A Inneltiw Java. T Laguyra. Kio. i.. ...... CORN MEAL, V bush, In sacks. " Virginia Meal.. ... "COTTON TIES, bundle.:.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard . . . - Yarns, yt bunch EGGS, doa risu -- -' -Mackerel; No. 4, bbl. t.. . .00 00 Mackerel, No. 1, lialf bbL 7 fiO Mackerel, No. 2, 1? bbl. ..; . . 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 M ackerel. No. 3, V bbl ...... 7 80 Mullets, t? bbl..... .J...6 00 N. C. lioe Herring, t? keg, Dry cod, 13 lb............. FLOUK, t? bbl Western, low grade Extra.:...-.,.:,. Family.... ...... City Mills super. " v Family.... GLUE. $ lb. GRAIN, bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, wlilte" ' . Com, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . " Oats, from store . oats. Rust Proof ........ cow Peas "....: HIDES, ? lb - Green Dry L1IAY, 100 tbs4 ' - : eastern Western Nort h lllver,. . . HOOP IKON, t?tt LAUD, r)Vt : ,r . Northern......... North Ca roll na. . : LIME, y barrel........ LtrMBER. City Sawed, w M-ft Ship Stuff, resawed .18 00 liough Edge I'lank 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. .. 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 molassks, 1$ gauon New Crop, in hhds. " in bbls..,. Porto IMco, in hhds D ...... . 27 G, 20 & 00 00 (& 1 25 . 3 10 12 14 ia 28 24 22 67 67 30 6X 80 20 $12 50 a, 8 00 S11 00 ,-6 tXI f4 9 00 7 00 4 00 . & . - UK 4 4 00 4 50 $ 5 00 4 10 5j 5 00 a ' ;10 BOY CLTPPEll PLC ".""' . y-- -' ". T - J .. - i. " - 1 . o . ... ... pjAMES, TRACE CHAINS, BITtf.: HOUSE Collars, Curry Comb3, Back Band?, Iiopo Acd : a complete line of Agricultural Implements at ; v UOTTOM PRICES. - . - , r ,: - - . 1 4. ... - v- , . . ... . . v - WnOLESALE AND RETAIL. i . ' . .... " . v - - . , , ( Jacobin Odw. StDro, ' , 12 South Front street. ' , - dec 29 tf " ' -", - -, 1887 & A.iurustK, ii. fi ) 1 1 r nn m Ft i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Njov 13th, 1887. jKo. 23. No. 27. 00 00 00 42(5 00 k 50 h 65 2 5T 45 52X 10 1 1 05 - H5. 90 . 1t 8 (9- 12 10 00 2 1Yi 10 1 40 0 00 ,20 00 16 00 18"00 22 00 15 00 25 28 28 30 00 16 22 in bbls.. Sugar House, in hhds. ' " " lnbols.. Syrun. in bbls. . a NAILS, f Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 oils, gallon. Kerosene ."Lard...: Linseed. !...... Rosin.......... ' Tar ... Deck and Spar. .... u . POULTRY.. . ....; Chickens, live, grown. . " Spring........ Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 22 1 POTATOES, bushel Sweet .Irish, y bbl..... . PORK, barrel City Mess Prime..-. Rtunt ..... . lllCE Carolina, lb. . Rough, Dusn, ( u plana). . . " (Lowland). RAGS, V rb Country City............ ROPE. W lb....... ..... ......... SALT, sack. Alum... ....... Liverpool....... Lisbon...... American ... V. SUGAR, P lb Standard grain. . standard a... White Ex C... ...... Extra C. Golden. C Yellow SOAP, lb Northern". ........ 1 SHINGLES, 7 in. M. . . . . Common..:. v Cypress Saps .... ....... Cypress liearrs STAVES, M W. O. Barrel.. . K. o. nogsneaa. ; . . TALLOW, V lb - 2 28 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 9 .' 16 90 . 15 . 00 . 00 . 20 . ' 10 . 95 . 60 . - 35 . 2 25 .17 50 .15 00 . 00 . 4 60 80 00 1 O 14 1 45 1 00 W 16 - 20 22. 25 ; 20 1 00 90 60 2 75 , 18 00 16 00 15 00 80 1 00 1M 14 -22 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping.. 12 00 uine Jiuu.. 31111 Prime Mill Fair. Common Mill w ...... . Inferior to Ordinary. ...... wniSKEY, V gal Northern. North Carolina... WOOL, lb Washed.. - i nwasnen . ... . ';'jjuiTr.....v...... ............ .10 (a 15 75 70 00 70; 6 6 5 5 7 00 2 50 5 00 50 14 00 10"00r 6 014 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 3 0 00 4 00 (52 00 II 00, 2 50 . 28 30 ; 70 " 65 00 6 6M 0 5 0 5 5 110 W 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 fi ll 25 7 50 5 00 :s 00 2 50 1 00. m m m m m i r years in the Sitution VVanted. GENTLEMAN WITH CONSIDERABLE business experience arid best of references as to-ability and Integrity desires a situation as sulesman or agent with some mercantile house in Wilmington. SaUsf action guaranteed. Would like to begin work 1st January, 1888. Address, X. Y, Z. & Care Editor "Dally heview, oct 31 tf Wilmington, N. C. : coie'see Wi -: ! IIKNEVEK 5 rr 1.1 ! YOU A KB OF LN NEED " . . T come and uee ns. : WebavethenitteoinpIeie establibment iu the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of pn.per to selectj.fronji do yntir work prfiaiptly and -satisfactorily, and at prices thai we can live at. ' . . . Give dp your orders. - r Y . - M""r,!'; " ' After lexoenenco prcpar&uon 01 mow thaxi On Hundred Thousand spplicstlons for patents in hs United fcUtes and Foreiffn conn ixics, th publishers 01 the bcientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caTeats, trade-marks, copy ;ta ty fortha United States, and Ahtjiin rvLtf.ai in Canada. England, France, 'Germany, and all other countries. Tneir experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur PDratriffsnnd specifications prepared ami filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms very ' reasonable. No charge for examination of model or drawings. Advice by. mail free . Patents obtained througrhMnnn C.arnotioe.l In the SCIENTIFIC ABIElUCANwhich has the largest circulation and is the most influential netrepaper of iU kind published ia the world. The advantages, of such notice every patentee U Th'isUrBesnd splendidly illustrated newspaper ispublkhld VEIOYat $3.00ayear.andis admitted to be the Ixwt paper devoted to science, mechanics. Inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lisaed in liny tuntry. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months, for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. - ' ' . . If you hare an invention to patent write to Mnnn & Co.. publishers of Edentifio American, 1 Broadway, A'ew York. . . - :. Uandbook about ptnt mailed free. ;. Leave Wilmington.. Leave Marion. . .. . . . . Arrive Florence.. , Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter.. Leave Sumter. ; Arrive Columbia.., .1 P . M. 8 05 11 20 H 10 2 40 4 25 6 15 M. NO. 15. P. M, 10 10! 12 39 1 20 A. M. NO. ,52. A: M. t 9 40 10 45 P: M. t 2 40 5 im 6 20 P. M. INO. 59. j P. M. t 6 40 s m NO. 56. P. M. . ' 8 27 9 55 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R.-. ; . . Iieaving Lanes 8:34 A. M., Manning 9:08 A. M Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M.. Lanes 10:28 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter 11:46 A. M arrives Columbia l:10.P. M. , - . No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. r., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M., Man ning 7:53 P, M.- Train on C. & D.-R. R. connects , at Floi-ence with No. 59. . TRAINS GOING NORTH. .1 . iNo.' 78-lNo. 57. LeaQ Columbia. . Arrive Sumter... . Ieave Sumter.. Arrive Florence Leave Florence ..t. Leave Marion.. .... Arrive Wilmington. . P. M. 10 25 . 11 52 11 52 1 20 A. M. " 4 ' - 5 20 8 lib A. M. A. M. 6-50 8 12 No. 53 P. M. 5 tB .6 46 ! . - 'r-,-No. 58. t 8 22 ........ 9 40,. A. M. No. 66. No. 14. A. M. P. M. ! t 10 30 8 20 1111 8 55 I 10 11 50 I P. M. P. M. XMAS.: a8C7; J AM PREPARED THIS WX&K TO ?UR nlsh my customers with all the delicacies of the season. : FINEST DEHES A RAISIN Leaidu hyr iaj - heedless Kaisr:s, CITRON, MIXED NUTS, Ac, &c,' -' and every otiier Article suitable for their - -' FRUIT CAKES and PUDDINGS. ' ' ; '- - -.'"- r .- ..,, .. - .-. ' " , Mi'neo Meat in any: 0 u ant i ty -: - ' ALL KINDS OF GREEN FRUITS. ' v .; . 'T'A fresh consignment of " ' S vr ef I Florida i) tan ges . A beautiful assortment FANCY CAKES. ' ' All kinds PRESEltVES iind !jEI-LIES. CEL ERY and CRANBERRIES. " ; . -V . - " Call early and make your selections, '"' , .. , V.' . ; .-, ' -... . , -. ' . - 15 &17Jo.Front st : dec 19 Dally. tDally except Sunday. " w NO. 53 runs throusrh to Charleston. S. C. via central k. r., arriving Manning 7:20 P. M., Lanes 8.-02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. . No. 57 runs throusrh'to Charleston via Cen. trai K, R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes w a. iu., vuariesion nam a. m. , Jo.66 connects at . Florence with C. and D. train tor Cheraw and Wadesboro. . JNos. 78 and 14 make close connection .it Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points i.uiui - :x--j-. ..;.. JOHN F. DIVINE, - General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. nov 13 - .. ." ?. . Wilmington 4 Weldon R. R AND . IIKANCHKS CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER,; NEW YORK.' Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts, : : v ' At 3 o'clock,-P. M. ; ' : 1 :: ' GULF STREAM...: . BENEFACTOR... GULF STREAM.:.... BENEFACTOR....... Saturday, Dec 31 ...Thursday, Jan 5 Wednesday, Jan 11 ..Saturday, Jan 14 I- FROM WILMINGTOK- GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR. . GULF STREAM. ...;Thursday,Jan' ft .'Tuesday, Jan 10 ..... Tuesday t Jan 37 zsr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro'' "'; ' ' ' ' - ." , ; -: ( - ' -' - Rates guaranteed, to and from points In North - ' '-' 1 . r '.'.'...'-.-. . and South Carolina. ; " For Freight or Passage apply to ' ' n G. SMALLBONES,' Superintendent. ' : rr.rr ' Wilmington, N. O THEO. K EG12R, Traffic Manager, , - .ew oriv m vaj m. av aj. aa m il a r k.' r 1 1 1 n . ji Ddec20ZZI' : 35 Broadway, New Yortf Dated Nov. 13,1887. No. 23, dally. No. 27, Ft Mall dally. No. 15. dally ex Sunday ucaic vvciuuii.. ... i UJ Ar. Rocky Mount. 3 17 pm 5 4 pmfc... 43 pm 6 00 7 15 am am Arrive Tarboro.... 14 50pm... Leave Tarboro. . 10 50 ami... t353pm 7 Arrive Wilson. . ...... 1 T m - 00 pmi 7 48 am Leave Wilson..... Arrive Selina Arrive Fayettevl'e 10 5.19 7 45 pm pm ! t Leave Goldsboro; . Leave Warsaw.... LeaveSlagnolia. . ; Ar. Wilmington... 4 45 5 50 6 05 7 40 pm pm pm pm 7.40 pm 40 55 pm pm 8 38 9 38 9 54 11 30 am am am am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14, dally. No. 78. daily. No. 66. daily ex Sunday. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia.. . Arrive Warsaw. . . Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am 1 21am 2 J am 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am 11-50 ami 3.45 pm 5 33 pm 5 50 pm 6 53 pm Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma.l.. .. Arrive Wilson. . . . . Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro...!. Leave Tarboro:;...!. .........18 30 am 10 50 am ..i.....jll 59 am 3 OamjlS 42pmt 7 48 pm ........I 1 18 pm 8 19 pm 4 50 pm; 10 50 am Arrive Weldon.... f 4 30 ami 3 0pn 9 30 pm Can leari'tlie ekactcost of any proponjd line of advertising in American Papers by ' addressing Geo, -P. Ro'rell Co., tTew paper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New Vorlw Daily except Sunday. Train onScotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 p. M Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 930 A. M. dally except sunaay. -- - - - ' . .. - Train leaves Tarboro, Ni C, via Aloermarle & Raleigh 1L R. daily except Sunday, 6.00P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. 3i., arrive WiUlamston, N. C.; 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves WU- llamston. I. c, daily except Sunday, 40 A. 3L, Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro. X. C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M, - Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, .C, daily except Sunday, &30 A. M., arrive Smithfleld. N. C. 10,00 A. it Returning leaves Smirhiield. N.f C: ia45 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, JN-C, 13.10 P. M. Train on Na.shvllle Branch 1 leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. M., arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M.. Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 1X15 A. M., Rocky Mount 1L55 A, M., dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves 'Warsaw, for Clinton, daily, except. Sunday, at 6-00 1 M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. 31., connect Ing at Warsaw with Nos L and 66. T - southbound Train on Wlifton & Favettevllle Branch la No. 51. Northbound Is Na 50. Daily except Sunday. . . Train No. 27 South will stop onlv at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . . - Train Na?8 makcslose connection at Wel don for ail points North daily. AH rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - ...r: Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington, i 'All trains run solid between Wiuiington and Washington, and have Pullman palace Sleep ers attached, 1 ; - r - JOHN F. DIVINE, Geul Supt. J. R KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. - T. M. EMERSON, Geh l las.schger Agent. 1 . nOV 13 - :3 - , ' - .. -'-.-, - :. .-. Siiiiuiel Bear, Sr.. rllOLESALK DEALER IN ? TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFF. Shipper of Hides, Furs, Wool, Beeswax, "&e. c.-cSitf .Ni 10 Market t. Manly Vlcfor. Weakness orTBOrtf Vfmflrv uenayreetored by the nowf an aitirely i..v; jmedv. Xlie Yprhn Snntn h i Trochees never fail. Our illntra!f0. vo Uxi d teatimoniala, (sent peak-d). Kwtv jrmufchoui ad it. VONGhARF THOCIIKIJ COV, tl W ParU JPlacr, Aevv VorU. fTe fel 21 d eod. w iy. , f ' . SHIPPER vANTJ DEALER IN f9 -AND- 106 South Front street Wilmington, N, C. LockBox415. ' ' - . ey.New liiver Oysters A specialty. ' oct 282m- - . . .; . , ; t , 1888. Calendars. 1888. THE PATRONS OF THE UNDERSIGNED and all others (who are Invited to become such and would If they consulted their Interests) ' are requested to call and be supplied with a Calendar,for the ensuing year. , A full supply of business Calendars for tho ofHce and ornamental caiendan for hnmA on hand ready for distribution. - f u nere is no better time tor taking out a lire insurance policy ' -a tire lnsuranm nniifv n accldenfc insurance policy, or any other kind of a policy than at the beginning of the year. M. 8". WILLAHD, Agent, ! Office Telephone No. 5. House Telephone No 81 Sash Gac In oor Dboro. JgEST COODS, LOWEST PBICES. - RIMS. SPOKES, WHEELS. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Being Factory Agents we can save you money. . - ' ''": - . . y . , Jacofti's Ildw Dpot; dec 29 tf 13 So. 'Front Street. A.: A Br?vn tz (Jo , - - '", -: ' . ' :' - " EN ERA L -INSURANCE AGENTS FOR fire, li fe, Marine and accident. Over $35,000 paid out for death iosse-s for year 18S7, in WlLrulngton, N. C .i . Office corner Ncrth Water cn'l'rr.l': - rr? t..