- ... - . : r . .... . ' , Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, a marvel tf pu rity .strength and wholfsonienS!i. -More rvn oalcaU than the ordinary Madi. Mid cannot be sold la competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phopu itc powders. fioidontr imettMS. IlOYAL MAKING POWDER CO.. Kts Wall M.. N. V. a . Oct 28 (Lfcwiy tenrm 4.htd untpw T2ao 3Doily Boviow. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1SS3. IX COXCKKSS YKSTKKDAY. Uv Mr. Henderson, of North Car olina, to prescribe the tenil of office of nersons etnnlovecl in the civil 1U- Mr. Nichols of North Caro lina! for 4he repeal. of the. internal revenue laws... Hv Mr. McCIauimv. of North Car olina, for the erection of a public buihlinirat Favetteviile, N. C. Hv 3Ir. ('owiess orortuuaroiina- to nav salaries to marshals and demit v mnr.lml: and to collectors of internal revenue. 15v Mr. Simmons, of Nerth Caro lina", for the rrection of a public building at Newborn, N. C Hv Mr. Hartuer. of Pennsylvania, to increase tin pensions of. those who have lost eyvs or limbs, or who are deaf. Tins is the bill enaorsea bv thr. S. Maimed Soldiers' League and the i. A. II. Hv Mr . Tillman, of South Caroli na, to prohibit the use of stoves or oil lamps on passenger trains; also, to limit th premium above par at which tht Secretary of the-Treasury may purchase bonds for the sinking ftimL Hv Mr Wii.e. of Vinrinio, for the erection of a public buildingat Man chester, Va. Hv Mr. T. II. Browne, of Virginia, to grant pensions to widows and or phans of Mirfuien, who lost their lives in the line of dutv. Also, for the erection of a public building at Newport News. By Mr. Guenther, ofWisconsin, to create a commission for investiga tion of combinations having for their object the. enhancement of the prico of articles of Interstate commerce. I oil ui-roimt I . : t ... . : IIUII. IMII MIM'f i Newbern Imwiuit: Humphrey & Howard have assigned to J. M. Howard for the benefit of creditors. These gentlemen could have met their liabilities promptly had they been able to collect their claims for goods sold on time. Short crops prevented this, and the pressure from their creditors forceu them to take this step. Ilaleigh Acic and Obcrvcr: Capt. Charles M. Cooke, chairman of the executive committee of Wake Forest College, has been ollieially notified to call his committee together at once to take action in regard to the chair of chemistry made vacant by the death of Dr. Jas. IC Duggan. From the Winston papers it is learned that Mr. Jae Hicks will be given his old jMisition of engineer on the Kaleigh passenger train. Mr. licks was put down some time ago or ins (leiieifiir eiiuea- iias applied himself diligently and has learned to read ami write, and passed a satisfactory vxamiuation. Mr. Hicks is between .V) and CO vears old. 'and deserves much credit for the success he has met with in studying. Charlotte Chnmicte: The Lincoln Courier, of the Gth inst, contains an item of considerable interest here abouts,.!! follows: "In the case of the Carolina Central Railroad vs Rutherford County the commission em of that county on the 3d instrnt paulovertoT. If. Cobb. Esq., of Asheville. for the railroad company, 27,:i00. Mr. Cobb is an able lawyer and seldom fails to win.'V - A meeting of the congregations of the First and Second Presbyter ian churches in this city ill be held at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow night to consider a propo sition to establish a Presbyterian Home, Hospital and Crphange,- to be under the joint control of the two churches. The matterhas been uuder discussion for some time past, and we understand that there is every prospect of its sucess. COMMERCIAL NEWS. , - WILMINGTON MARKET. Jan. 11 2:30 P. M. SP I R1TS TURPENTINES Steady at38j cents. Sales of receipts at quo tations. ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for strained and 8Ci cents fork good strained. TAR Firm at $1.00. - CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.20 for hard, $2.10 for yellow dip andvirtcin. COTTON Dull. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary, 7; good ordinary, 8 7-16; low mid dling, 92; hiiddling 9j; good mid dling loj. No sales reported. Receipts to-dav: Spirits, 270; rosin, 540; tar, 12; crude, 17; cotton, 325. Provisions and Cot too. ; Chicago, January 11, 1 p. m. Wheat market opened at 8$$ and closed at 83J for May. Corn opened at 54 and closed at 53jjto53f6r May. Pork opened at 15.55 and closed 15.30 for May. ; Nkw York, Jan. 11, 2:21 p. in. Cotton opened at 10.22 to 10.35 ami closed at 10.27 for January Opened at 10.32 and closed at 10.39 for Feb ruarv. . Opened at 10.44 and closed at 10.51 for March. Opened at 10.53 and closed at 10.60 for April. MAKINK NEWS. ARRIVED.: yacht Louise, Galloway, Steam Southnort. Master. Ger barque Lucy and Paaf: An dries, St Vincent, C V, E Peschau & Westermann Schr Samuel B Vrooman, Smith, Navassa, George Harriss & Go, with phosphate rock to Navassti Guano Company. CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southnort. Master. Schr 'US Graham, Avis, I'lmadel- phia, George Harriss &-Co. Schr Kate V Aitken, JJrown, Phil adelphia, George Harriss & Co, cargo bv C B Mallette, A Y Wilson and Robinson & King. EXPORTS. COAST WISH. Philadelphia Schr R S Graham 2G5,000 ft lumber, 34;500 shingles, 7,- 310 juniper bolts. Schr Kate V Ait Ken 203,08'J It lumber, U,030 jnniper bolts, 50 bbls tar. . MISCELLANEOUS. I MISCELLANEOUS. John J C-3ecJ rick, ' January 6th,--1 888. -We want t to talk: to our friends about Towels. Tow- els are an interesting1 subject toall nice Housekeepers. We have a weakness that way, and consequently finl our selves overstocked. We do not design to exaggerate but Mew Year I Has corrimenced and with it we shall continue to offer weekly s.ome area, n WEKKLY STATEMENT. l Jnarterly Mcetlnjc. First round of Quarterly Meet ings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South: Southport, January 14 and 15. Brunswick circuit, at Zfon, Jauua ry 21 ami 22. Whiteville circuit, at Whiteville, January 28 and 20. Grace Church, Wilmington, Feb ruary 4 and 5. ' Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, February 11 and 12. Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chap el. February 18 and 11). Waecamiiw circuit, atShiloh, Feb ruary 25 and 26. Brunswick mission, February 25 and 21. Onslow circuit, at Green Branch, March 3 and 4 STOCKS OX HAND JAN. 7, 1888. Cotton ashore, 12,817; afloat, 4,927; total, 17.744. Spirits ashore, 2,041; afloat, 475; total, 2,516. Rosin ashore, 81,158; afloat, C,07!; total, 87,837. Tar ashore, 5,147. Crude ashore, 275. RKCEIPT3 FOR WKKK KNDED JAN. 7 Cotton. 1,443; spirits, 787;rosin, 6,312; tar,4l27; crude, 34. KYPORTS FOR WKKK KNDKD JAN. 7. . DOMKSTIC. Cotton. 1,593; spirits, 293; rosin, 169; tar, 711; crude, 430. FORKIGN. Cotton, 1.441; rosin, 3,138. STATE NEWS, SENATE. Washington, Jan. 10. The Pres ident's message, as to an Interna tional Convention for the greater 6cnrity of life and property at sea, in relation to ftxing a prime meridian and atmlverasal day, and as to the nrotection of sub-marine cables. were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Also, the President's message as to the redaction of the reservations of certain Indians which was refer red to the Committee oh Indian Af - fairs. Also, memorials of the New Or leans Maritime Association and of the Merchants Exchange and Board of Trade of Portland, Maine, favor !ng the proposed Exposition of the Three Americas, which were refer red to the select committee on that subject. Mr. Sawver, from the Post Oflicej Committee, reported with recom mendation of indeflnite postpone ment, Mr. Butler's resolution for the appointment of a select committee on the postal telegraph resolution. Indefinitely postponed. The bill to credit and iay to the several State and Territories and the District of Columbia, all moneys collected under the direct tax act of August, 1SC1, reported by Mr. Mor rill from the Committee on Finance on the 13th of December, was taken from the calender and considered. Mr. Gray favored the passage of the bill, but anrued that, as the States had dealt directly with the general government, so Hie general government should deal directly. wiui the otates in reiumum; me amount; and he moved to strike out the proviso in the jhinl section, that where atax wascollectedeither directly or by the sale of property, the sum so paid were to be held m trnst for the benefit of the heirs of those from whom they were collect ed. He considered the proviso as linmnerinr? the bill. rm , . Mr. X.OmunUS moveu loaiuenu we SrOVlSO propositi IU uv sumn y making it apply only to cases where the tax was coiiecteu oy uie United States. Agreed to. At 2 o'clock the bill was laid aside without further action. Mr. Chaudler offered a resolution instructing the Judiciary Committee to Inquire into the suppression of votes of colored citizens of Jackson, Miss., at the recent municipal elec tion in that city, and Into the al leged participation in such suppres sion by the United States District Attorney and by the Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenno and -r-... TTItiwl Ktnttta Mnrlinl Laid on the table. The Senate then proceeded to con sideration of the Blair Educational A bill was introduced by Mr. Butler authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to retire all outstand ing annv and nan- certificates to lands in South Carolina, by pay ments to holders of the amounts actually paid on the name with in terest at 6 per cent. The Senate then took up the reg tilnr tinniness. and Mr. Edmunds, from the Judiciary Committee, made; 10 and 11. an auverse repon. ou me uuiuuiu-i tlon of L. Q. C. Lamar to be Asso- j elate Justice of the Supreme Court, and Mr. Push. In behalf or the uiin-j orityof the same committee, sub-j mitteil a favorable report. "Calendar. ! Mr, Edmunds made a lavorable report from the pudiciary Commit- , ' . . , i ii r t f ICC on iue uu.u mi.u. v. . w d b tilllt,,- u,ft of .his mftf!, TMPORTEKS AND JOBBERS IN ilas to be Secretary or tne interior. ; cioH A Atifi Rieauc Bitters A nVit TOBACCO' Calendar. isavwl hilifH 1 r niNorti Front iu wiimincton, N. c. fir Rawer from the Post Office i I, ,1 V V i . Just reccired a lot ot best Imported Liquors lr. Hawj er, iroiu J ! Mr- J) Wdeorn. ol Horse Cave. ' ever broupht to this market. Cognac Brandy Committee, made a vorable re port K r(Jd lk ttIfUony -ja schandln WTiisiejsWpSrew oh the nomination of Don M. Dick- -v hft ' .VL' Geneva ula. . : dec Li lm kison to be Postmaster General. Idied b(i h -ol f E,Clric Blt j Calendar. - Wr9 . , Tirvrrar nr prT)RrJPVTTrVF.S ! tk 1 :n .! UVUUU i inn ivnii iciucuj will w(4 UU, St ' Mr. Burnet, of Missouri, from the ! well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and j uis. ; JAt oCVessels In the Port of Wilmington N. C, Jan. 11, 1888. No vossrl undrr ffl tons reported in tnis list.) BAliQIIES. oor Luey and Taul, :n7 tons,- Anners, K Peschau & Westermann Nor Emanuel, 2J." tons, Nulsen, Ilelde & Co Br Lizzie Wright, txu tons, Wells, Alex Sprunt t Son Nor Agatha, 373 tons, Rohr, c P Mebane (ier Rhea. 445 tons, Rapprlch, E Peschau & Westermann f Jcr Der Nordpole, a0 tons, Schutts, E G Barker & Co Nor ArjfO; 610 tons, Lrentsen, Ilelde & Co uer Parana, 408 tons, stavens, K Peschau & Westermann Ger Albert Newman Berlin, 515 tons, Elchman, E Peschau & Westermann Ger CDnstantlne Von Klenecke, 317 tons, Fret wurst, E lschau & Westermann Ital Serena. 319 tons, Jaccarlno. . Paterson. Downing & Co Nor Arndt, 447 tons, Gunderscn, - Ileide & Co Ger Marianne. 410 tons. Bradherlng, E G Barker & Co Nor Frlda. 382 tons, Kasmussen- Ilelde & Co Nor lljemmett, 381 tons, Ingemundsen, Ilelde & Co Ger Atlantic, 307 tons, Schlottsnam. E Ieschau & Westermann BHIOS, oer Clara. 3tw tons, Voss. E Ioscliau & Westermann Nor San Juan. Sim tons, Bache, In dfstress. Held & Co Ger Atlas, 2S3 tons, Dade, E Peschau & Westermann SC1IOONEBS. Samuel B Vrooman, 449 tons, Smith, Oeo Harriss & Co C B Patne, 196 tons, IUllyard, V. Ci "Rnrlrpr Ca confidently believe that we have more Towels than any two stores in the city, andf have always sold. them cheap er. JVVe intend to sell them ' i - - , cheaper yet. Listen, our 37 ' i cents Damask' Towels with ' j ' fancy border have been re duced to 25c. We sold a Scotch Huck towel very large size at $3 per; dozen, they are worth $4, these we let. you have at $2,75.; We give you a Huck towel that would be cheap at 20c for 15c. A pure linen Huck towel, a little smaller size, at 10c. Cotton towels as low as 5c, and de- r gant towels up to 1.50 each, which will be sold at areduc- 1 1 tion. 10 those who are well i posted, the superiority and cheapness of pur linen stock are as familiar as "household ' ' ' i ' - words," the prices named s above are for cash, but prompt paying customers will get them all the same; if you desire to derive the benefit of the above ofier, call early. So much for towels. Next week we will give you some mation in relation ourTopatrons. MTQriT?T T A v,- Dn. CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, TtfABrjjj. AND TORNADO INSURANCE. - dec-nt - ' - -TelephSs Can? STILL TAR-to .".-"'-uii8, N17J8 k CANDIES altrays on hand. Just -Lh wani iu pxeusu uie cniiuren. Mf postage stamps in small quautin , 1 1 hand, Respectfully, a, Ues NFrunts?neggaJ Fruits Nuts and A S. WINSTEAD on novl5 This week we will continue our Livery, Sale and Exchar, ' Stables. I HAVE ON HAND "SEVEN FINK irr for sale cheap for cash. Ciiir 1 yourself BoarJ for Horses hv J I t month. Good feed and comfortable staih'i Fifth St:, bet. Walnut- and mS' nania e ; daily adding some from departments. Also have just opened 5o Heavy Jackets . worth $6 for only 3. A fine lot of Jerseys, all worth double our price, vfor 5oc, $u 1.25, 1. 5o, up. Just arrived, 3,000 yards Sat eens, only ioc. Checked Nainsook India Linens, ' Egyptian Laces, All-Overs, x Embroideries 40 inch Drap Coup only 25c. Jobs in Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boy's Underwear. Low for cash at whs i wkm mbM f "1ALL AT NO. 113 SOUTH FRONT STiV oil : I L ciil '-where you will rind the larjLres7stock or. nana ciotiun? ever oneroa lu tliiscirr also handle new clothing. Hats, ' t'aus Shoes and Notions of -till kinds, evenT hand Soap. ' You will see the sim uoivi'jetho tiriowiilL- . ont ,xvv umv. M dec 13 tf SUu .ti J. H.' DANIELS &( li H'iHitd? A GENTLEMAN WITH CONSIDERS' ' - . - . - -'j bustness experience and best of rererenpf' to ability and Integrity desires a tsituaa salesman or agent with some mercantile 1 in Wilmington. . Satisfaction runm Would like to begin work 1st Januaiy u Address, . X,Y,X Care Editor Dallf evict oct 31 tf Wilmington, s.i to infor-other oods. M. M. K atz' 116 Market St. Knoxville Furniture Co T E ARE HERE YET, WITH THE ' f; and cheapest Furniture and other house goods to be found In the city. , 'i We are receiving new goods daily froi ' Factory. Also a full line of Baby Carrfo? jan 9 - . E. H. SNEED, Naiii- Mgo of th Urve. rTE HAVE THE LARGEST, CnEAf ft and most complete stock of Harness and dierveoods. Trunks and Bara in thss- and guaranteed to please both In quality I price or money cheerfully relunded. Gee army Saddles to arrive this week. L. FENNELL , dec 17 . The Horse Milliners. 10 so.Froi. jan 9 NO MORE EYE-GLASSES NO MORE WEAK JBYK3 Respectfully, ; j- j- H. TICS. Kenaiisvilhvat Kenansville.March ? MUford. X-T tons. Look. e G Darker & vo The IW U F F 10 ami II Carver's Creek, at IS ami 19. Elizabeth circuit. March 21 and 2-". Cokejiburv, at Salem, lslaileii c Cathrl C Berry. 303 tons, Smith. Geo Harriss & Co Albm L Butler. 2."7 tons, Foster, E f i Barker t Co Kli7abeth FonnIe Tracy, 232 tons. Tllton. Liiwiwin, ; narrlss & Co . n ' Rr JuUa EUzabetn, 80 tons, Cronly & Morris iipru o . -A-uiue a uxacKmann, ions, Biackman, yiiiloh. ifarch at -AND ircnir. at Bethleliem. Atvl . Geo Harriss & Co - Aaaie Jaruen, tons, narriman. T. W. GUTHItIK, P. E. A. Sound Legal Opin'on. E li Marker &Co Hattie Turner. 2SU tons, Gllmore, ' EG Barker & Co mih S Dlrby, X8 tons, Naylor. Geo Harriss & Co E. UaiDbride Monday, Esq , Coaoty a5. y . on FyazJfjj' Ir Auy.. C-ay county, Tex., aTs: -Have ; Franconla, siatons. FaJker, EG Eariler & Co used E'eciric Hitters with m t haDDV! ' result My hmthcr also wa very id w I i liilH Cimnn c n with Malarial Fver and Jaurulic. but """nlllia, M HI Oil & t,0. , Committee oa Appropriations, re- i't an rwianej. lverana S'oraacn iequaIed."tvPrtc Green & Co.'a rvirtHl tha Unrent Deficiency bill, i orders stand unequalcd.V Price 50c. and it was rt erretl to the Commit-; and $1. at W. II. Bills were introduced and referred j Don't Kxperinriit. loo cannot afford to waste time in i Piece Goods .' ... . . . . AN BE BOUGHT BY THE SUITOK BE ADE TO OUDEK, AT DICK & ME ARES, Merchant Tailoring' and Gents' Furnlshlnes. " 1 dec 19 13 N Front St S KID - GiO HAVE ARRIVED AT Taylor's Baar EYE SALVE. ' A Certain. Safe and Effective Remedy tor SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, and Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, uea &ye.8, juaiiea aye .uisnes, ana .Pro ducing Quick Belief and Perma nent Cure. ; Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers, -Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burn6, Files, or wherever inflammation exists. MiTCJXEIil.S SAJDVK may be used to advantage. Sold bv all Druggists at 25c. iune 13 4w 1888 .1888. Presidential Year. To Keep Posted On Politics Subscribe for the New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. ByMr.Woodbnrn,ofNevada,direct ' exrimeniir.e when your lanes are in' v.. A V - Am. I m . tap tne purcliase oi noi less luau.aaoer. uonsutupuon always seems, I Valuable Lands for Sale. B TRACT OF 1, 1ND, LYING ONE four million dollarslworth of silver j at Grit, only a cold. Do not permit any j C of the slme into standard dollars. cheap imitation of Dr KiD. New Dis. i mal u' SSetSLS WJ J a "o ' . f I " ' c -w-'w ' - - ' r w . -m m aaija, iiaa ahlre, for the protection 01 tne pur lic service, This bill requires the ,!?emfyil of all TH?nons in thepublic serrice v,ho are not citizens of tne 'good, or jast the tame. Don't be da United States either by nativity or wived, bat wtin upon cettmit Dr. naturalization. K'wg s Sew Discovery, tvhich i- eaar- Byllr. White, of New York, to anteed to cive reliei io all Throat, nnhorize the refunding of the na- Ludc and Chejt affections. Trial bot- tlonal debt into uniform consoli- ties free at Y. n. Green S;Co.'. Large led DCUC15. , ' "!'kM"' - . Oome before they are all - gone again ! j jan 9 of each tl U -Id. but be suro too ret the fienaina. I tmrjcn running tnrooga it ad a fine Bprlnr; may lell vou he has aomelhin just as bered. . . V v -77 A notour tract lying miles irom Llnvh ton. mlie from ; c K., 100 acres. 25 cleared, fine eprlog of drhclorrs water; about six acres of, bottom Isxd near it on tiie branch; Is No. I for tob-cco. but grows other crops well; 74 acres In yellow pine and oak. For price and terms apply to CEO Nli i a MORRIS, -nch 16 tf - Auctrs & Eeal Estate Broxers CARRIAGE REPOSITORY : t- r - r - - - i . . AND- ; . REPAIR SHOE. pABTIES IN WANT J OP ANY KIND OF Vehicle or want any Repairing done to their old vehicles, wiu find It to their interest to caAon -',v i "Vv'-r" v. C-.B. SOUTHERLAND &CO. - Corner Second and Princess streets. - Send your horses to be shod. We have a first-class Shoer. dec is tf Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal In the United States. An Impartial Epitome every wee! State's political movements The Foreign Department is L neaqualled. 1 Latest and most accurate Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Current - Events. . . Special Features Practical Farmlnfr. The Advance of Science. Woman's Work. Notable Sermons. - The World of Literature and Art. Short Stories. Information on all Subjects. Address, :JAMES GORDON BENNETT, ' , New York Herald.. - . dec 9 a. , .; ....,.. New York City ENNYKOYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLfeH! T81 OUilalNAL AN IX il.Y GtiNll NE Safe and alway Eeliable. Beware of worth less Imitations- - Icdi tpecsible to , L DIES A sk your Druggist for CBIcdesteb's - n clish" and tak no ether, or Inclofe 4c. it vamps; 10 us ior particular in letter by re-A u, uu. . aham ci x- - x- r. n.. CHICHESTER CaEMiCAt. CO., 2313 Madlsoa Square. Phila Pa- At Druggists. - Trad supplied by Koi txu & Shoemaker, Philadelphia. Pa, deo23d&w lr . Lime. Lime, LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS V LIME " ' ' 'oKOCERia LIME . 4 . DRY GOODS LIME " " ; " HARDWARE LIME ,l " , LUMBEIL LIME ' ' " CASE -x FItENCII BROS , sept : . ' Rocky Pe!: Yearly Subscriptions JJECEIVED : FOR ALL- THE PRJLXd Papers and Periodicals in the United Star publishers prices, nand in your sute ' " ' A A -. ' 1 tions at once. It will save you the trout writingr and forwarding money without additional cost. ' ,.v 1 . ZS" Special rates for Clubs ot ten or mr jan2-lm ' o. W. YATI H oux 'UliJLPPBR PLOVi. TXAMES, TRACE CIIAINS. BITS. HCl Collars, Curry Combs, Back Band3, Bope a complete line of Agricultural ImplemeE BOTTOM PRICES. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jacofei?8 Ildw. Store .12. South, Front Street, v dec29tf ash Sa oors. Door JgEST GOODS. LOWEST PEICES. RIMS, SPOKES, WHEE1' s COOKING AND HEATING STOV Being Factory Agents we can save yon&f Jacobi's Hdw DP" dec 29 tt 13 So. Front Stf COME SEE IfS! rT 7 HENEVER- YOU ARE C? I'd come and see as. We have the most complete estate6 , - tit in the city, carry a large tttock or u , qualities of paper to- select from. " s work promptly and satisfactorily. "j prices that we can live at. TGive o your orders. , . - Dougas & Yarboro FASHIONABLE HAIR DEE3SEES - . ANW "ft IC3 Market S t. Wilmirgton. Shop f uUy equipped with all toe provecaentd. , i courteous and polite uaruera --- ervc custome xe. ,J'wif ' O-J. W. yarDoroaxhiformeriy,. Werner, would be glad to serve rocs. ..r":