TII1S FA PEE " . rrtrr eTtnlng, Sundays excepted Ey JOSIL T. JAMES. Editor and Prop. ,t CSClUrTIOXS, rOSTAGE TAID: rir. ftai Mx months m Three ta nj port of the city, at the above urri.:n rue " trttcrs wU please report any and .''-it to revive their paper regularly. tinl - ir I- ''if .f 5:1 !! fell- A fTtWCTVT IOftU P H1LADELPH1 A. Pri. OH E DgHir ' Tl tuAJortly of C!4 111 of th linman fc4f rt from dlacl liter. Kim-a..,- Urer IlfjraLOor h& b-oa iu sueans : r.-fin: more people t health ::! U-4 by gtvloc them a lilthj U.rr :ir any other mrncy oa caxth. ItrKTUAT YOU GET IHKCKMiNr. Dotcl4tpUwlj chsat Judging by the telegraphic report v." .,,,- Vnnra'n wfWP'h III ttlP. Sen- . W I M w ".... . -.ur.liv imiiit lmv lePtl it v?.tenl.iv must a ma;:tilllcent effort. A bill lias been introduced into Th- nhio Iirislature. nrovitlinir for 'the opening of theatres in Cincin; tan on Duuyiu) rrwu, m honht that it will ecouie a law, That tiutliiij? revivalist, "Saur Jimeji, is playing a two weeks en- iptnnt in Kansas City. He fays that "inore sand H needed In the .nzjard' of the Kansas City hurrhs. A rejHrt has been verj widely cir- cu!atfdover the country that Mr. HamlAll would vote with the Ile- IpaMicans to rejeal or modify the -uariiutv. A personal ineuu oi Mr. IUndall is authorized by him to positively contradict this statement, Mr. Randall sayn there is not a word of truth in it. He regards the sugar Maty as almost pure revenue, and will oppose all propositions for its reieal or for its large reduction. Here is a pleasant little item about Nnator Ransom, clinned from a sHcial from Washington City: SenatorRansomuiade an eloquenC five minutes! talk yesterday in sui- port of his bill providing flOO.OOO for a hffht house atliatteras. When he finished Senator Joe Hrown went up to hitu and said: "Uansoui, you are a great man. ion have -talked alnjiit five minutes and you will get tor .ortli Carolina f 100.000 a mln- tU You alwavs get what you ask for. and vou will -win in this case as "Mi.d. I am told that the effort thott-h brief was a very brilliant , 'iit. Tlie estimates of the enrreut crop of cotton are just now the most Ip- trrsting figures and reading in a cotton broker's life. Forty members of the 2iew York Cotton Exchange were ask ed for their estimates.. The average estimate was CG2Q.O0O bales. or 3"JO,000 bales more than the (iov eminent bureau's estimate. An in crease or a deficit of 320,000 bales in the actual cron will bnntr joy or sorrow to many a cotton broker. cco riling to SuperintendentJack "on. there is a widely-varied concep tion of what is considered truth by tin generation of the immigrants ho arrive at Castle Garden, New York. Mr. Jackson speaks favora biy atd well of the Irish, English, f fetich, Scandinavian and 'German immigrants, but he Isn't particular- v eharmetl with the notions of ver acity entertained by the Greeks, Spaniards, Italians and Russians; and a for the Arabs, Mr. Jackson remarks that he wouldn't believe e of them, even If the .statement backed up by the most solemn th known to that people. The Kansas City Times states that lhe "combined transfers' of real tat-iu Kansas Citv in thV-tvear 17 amounted to il30,8C3.8ci a fig- m. - - - Tt hkh the Times richtlv terms ' tun40u This was an,inerease of lor Per cent over the year 1885, ' caumM by the Influx of outside rapi' 0 J-l-iM iheTniM1,ft.ii,a fni,t. thnf may uext. ies notes the fact that r I J VOL -XII Chicago, with a population of 750, - 000. had in 18S0 transfers to the amount only of 87,000,784, and as - sumes that what Kansas City did fin real estate last vear can't be paral - leleL It says there is not now M piece of property in the city or with- in two miles of it that cannot be sold , . i : .. . i i. at a nanusoiiif irum urriiumrKei .a.urujra, u. m Some of the onnouents of the Blair bill are dealint? in futures now and are trying to predict what will occur ten years from now, the Blair bill become a law. snouiu W notice that some of our good friends up about Raleiirh sneak of that OongrexMoual district as the "Metropolitan district." Whv is this thus? Probably, we presume, because Kaleigh is the metropolis of Wake county. The blood is the source of health Keep it pure by taking Hood's Sars- aparilla, which is peculiar in its cu rative power. LOCAL USTJB WS. Index to New advertisements. Dici & Mkares- Hece Goods O W Yates Yearly SulMcriptions Merchants' Exchauge Plnlnj; Rooms IIeinsbekcek -Itok. stationery, Ac., Ac. Change of Sailing Days N Y Wil s s Uce Tayix)b,s Bazar Monday Great sale Day Best shoes for bovs at French & Sons. t Day s length iu hours and min utes. The new moon ought to put in an appearance to-night. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 11 minutes past 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port- to-day foot up 202 bales. Eggs were retailing from the stores to-lay for 15 cnts per dozen. reliable scissors at J acobi's Hdw. De- pot. t There were two interments, both! adults, in Pine Forest Cemetery this wek. There was a sharp advance, in the! price of cotton futures iii New York market to-dav. mere were two interments in Bellevne Cemetery this week; one adult and one child. There was quite a fog on the river this afternoon, and at times it was impossible to see the Dram Tree. Services in St. John's Church to- ircn io-i morrow at 7:30 and 11 a. m. nnd7:P"'rr . ' u. tlio T?Mnr T0 n n i p michael. The Keirister of Deeds issued six marriaxro licences this week one for a white couple and he for color- ed couples. i It has not been a good day- for news gathering, and all reporters havehad a disagreeable task in get ting up items. There were two interments, both V . . . i . , . i iiarty in me case, it is as iouows: week, one of whom was brought!1 J t m i i I William B. Brown, colored, chari? free lunch will Im? spread at the Merchants' Exchange to-night, be- tween 8 and llo'clock, audit will be an appetizing one. The "rubber train," is colore 1 peorJe call thp u'l.nt tl, vestibuled train that ha rpcrpntlv lwpn nnt : upon the railroads. oule of the good resolutions that rere formed Son New War's day seem to have expired by some social statute of limitation. The weather has grown consider ably colder since morning, but the fine drizzling rain has made the side-1 walks muddy and disagreeable. Deputy Sheriff Daniel Howard left this morning for Raleigh with the prisoners sentenced to the Peni tentiary at the recent term of the Criminal Court. 50 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and boys, from .75 cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street, J. El sbach. I Prop. t Paul's The congregation of St Episcopal Church will worship "in th rooms of theWilmington Library during the building of their, new church. , Service at 11 a. m. and 750 P - m. Sunday school 3 p. m. on Sun- Bill! WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. JANUARY 1 There were quite a number of flats (loaded with wood in. the docks to- 1 day and there was a slight declinein the price of fuel in consequence. t Jj' William B. Brown, I d to h PKfortf(l nnt nf th f.itv. this mornirjf? bv thfl MftVOr. informs us that hft hM nhfainwl PTnnrnvmAnt ftt i : - ui, urii...! iti,i un-- Uhous. tn hMn wnrk nMt. Rfondav . - luornlng. lTh nprt antWAinmAnt "t rtirifr I Opera House will be on the nights nf tliM0Mi mirl 9if. insf. whpnM'll nhoa tiionoiohrafui i?ron a.fBo with an excellent company willhold the boards. There will also be a r tho oi jns " There was a dull market, with TirttMno- 'Ininrr frkfutiiritd tni-no.it ino ;;rT a kio; Tacen s per gallon, while buyers were not inclined to give thosefigures, incon sequence of which no sales were re ported up to the time of closing, our report. Our informant was mistaken when he said that the pupils of Union School were much frightened and ran into the street at the time of the earthquake on Thursday forenoon. weare renauiy miorineu tuat noi one oi me pupns oi man scnooi knew anything of the earthquake until some time after its occurrence. The Railroads of the State. The State Bureau has ascertained that there are 1,910 miles of railway iu the State, and 3,125 persons are ci ven employment bv railroads. The roads reporting are : Carolina Cen- tral. 270 miles. 738 emnlovees: Atlan- tic & North Carolina, 95 miles, 150 employees; Western North Carolina, 331 miles. 900 employees: Alma & Lit- L,A 19 tn?,oa 13 1T,wa. wii,,,Jnnn w-iiinn I WW A I w 9 V V v MiAAVM- wan & Soutliern, 55miiis, 75einrlo 1 ees; Norfolk Southern, 55 miles, 2791 employees; Danville, Mocksville & Southwestern, 8 miles, (no employ- ees in tne atatej: uape uear s Ynikin Vn.llpvr. 105 milps. 231 phi - ployees; Milton & Sutherlin Narrow Gauge, one-fourth mile. 10 employ ees; Northwestern North Carolina, 28 miles, 31 employees; Suffolk & Carolina, 16 miles, 100 employees;! Raleigh & Gaston & Raleigh & Au- gusta, 226 miles, 700 employees; Che raw & Salisbury, 14 miles, 13 employ- - ees; JNortn uarohna. 223 miles. C33 employees; Wilmington, Chadbourn & Conwavboro 14 miles, 37 employ- . . . o d-o ...ViJaL oe; oiaie university, luraiies iu em- ployees; Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago, 40 miles,number of employ- pps not Ktafpd. Thp wapph mid hv i O "J tliA railwavH am inm1. iu a i nrwi there nre no complaints noted. City Court. There were only two cases for the docket for the Mayor's considera- tion this morning, one of which is a matter of more than ordinary im- Prance to the community as well pi) witlmrKnn in KPt.tint fir to lii I wif i,nneA m.fiip Vnrhpsinmpr cf Red Cross and Sixth streets, and nso wj1 gtealin" a watch from the wl,flnartv. Hpo1pa1p1 not. nlltv ( , . . O J i to thp hrst eliarire luul in tli- niattpr I .... ..I of the watch, he said it was his nronertv and was civen to liiin bv his 'wife. The hearinir in the case was set ror 4 o'clock this arternoon. The defendant was arrested at an early hour this morning. He has wn wt rr a virvrL- thio affonnn I IrhonrthiH mornW. He has nt tu. ki.i.h i, i .hori wtth -,nnff and at one time an officer was sent to Weldon to identify a party whol1:, J Lord of this city and Rev. J had been arrested there with the idea that it was Brown, put he was not the Brown who was wanted. The police had information this morning that Brown arrived in the city last night, and at half past 4 o'clock this morning his arrest had been made and he was safely locked up in the guard house. William S. Burton, who said that he was a marine engineer ffoin Bal- timore, applied for lodgings at -the guard house last night. .It was Tor dered that he be escorted to the city limits with the warning that if caught here again, he would be ob liged to work 20 days in the chain gang..; : "'. - ..; SchoolBooks and School Station.- ery you can buy cheapest at Heins-j- berger's. . ' i 7!fi. yj., - ' - ; , Beiiioaa item, i ; . tirace M. B. Church and the First I Baptist Church wijf.hold .joint ser vices to-morrow at the usual! hours i at the place of worshinof the latter.J RevW. S. Creasy will ofBciate.-r' ! The Sunday school of Grace M. E. Church will be held at the Temple i t t x - li Asraei at a it. in. to-inorrow. - Cotton. The. receipts of cotton at this, port Tthe;week 'ended January 14th, 1 1883, foot. np 2,344-bales, . asJ against 3,wu uaiesn io me corresponaing wees last year?, a decrease or ooo bales- The receipts v for the crop year. 10 aie 1001 UP oa,es as I ajrainst 119,731 bales for the corres- I ponding penodtlast year; an increase nf 32. fi2ij "bales I Itallroad Meeting. The authorities of the Cape Fear YaUKni valler Karoaci-ana tne Commissioners appointed by the city held a conference at the Mayor's office yesterday afternoon, but with out arriving at any definite conclu sion. The proposition submitted by the railroad authorities was the old agreement with a proviso in the third clause that the city pay two- thirds of the cost of the real estate. the raiir0ad to pay the other! third. nnii tha fltiA h hii in tmst nn - . r un tii.ntraot iu inmni0tMi Th ill iue couiraci is uumpieien. commissioners have not acted upon this proposition, for want of time, but Will prODaDly UO SO tO day, at which time they will probably sug gest amendents as to rate of interest on oonas, wnicn win prooapiy oe I acceprea. This in reality was all the business that was transacted and any;, other report is mere speculation I Last Night's Entertainment. There was a lartre, sympathetic and cultured music-lovimr audience at the Onera House last nieht to lis- I ' A . .. I ten to the delightful music of the Mendelssohn Quintette Clubi This tTts stT and although there were some new members with the Club lastjnight, lucriuniDUUC Ul tuc uigouwouuu I has been fully maintained. The so- Moists were excellent, if we .except the flute, which would probably have sounded much betser ;with a different selection. The violinist, 'cellist, and ciarionetist were su perb. 'Notwithstanding the! great! age of Mr. Ryan, who played upon I... -mm ' I the last named instrument, he seems luUttVO ,wiJvcu "vauumS years. Miss Carpenter, the ; vocal istt whiIe she Save evidence of eare- I fnl and thorough training, and in 1 stress, was not the really girted art Ust that should accompany such an i excellent organization, lie con- I . I I certed pieces of the Club, as well as the solos, were rendered with skill, precision and in a true artistic style. Taken altogether it was a rare musical treat which Was highly appreciated - by all present.! . The Club may always be sure of a cor dial greeting whenever they visit Wilmington. , ! Death of Dr. Sleares. I - Wt rowtit ovnooilin rrl ir -v li oo rf Meares, J l'- wlch occurred -yesterday at Sanl Francisco, Cal The sad ne.ws.was received here by-atelegraiu from his hrother-in:laW,-Judge Holmes, yes- . . . I J Tw XrniA4i oiiia liArn ir Wilmin. r,.r"w,."""r,u " ton in 1833 was the son of Mr WilliamB. Meares and the brother of v- " Meares," of this city, ft t the University of uon. kj. sr. nieares and air. waiKer He graduated 111 e university oi pi orcn Carolina in 1843. in the same class! with I the late ' Judge Person and Thos. D. Walker, and also with u wo. v.. xm. uaac, m .is., w oj-cncyio. lie studied medicine here under tnl i -rk x m ir t .ix. 1 u 1 late Dr. J as. h . McRae. the elder, and KrAiVprl hia Hinlnma n.r tefTpr-lnere for ten years. Leave orders ahead fori ana received ms diploma at JW8aZwrajly dellTerT. Also, au other kinds of son College, Philadelphia, in 1847. j He practised his profession here for some years but afterwards removed to Mississippi and from that State went to California, in 1869. For ten years prior to his death he held the honorable and lucrative office of Health Officer at San Francisco. T Dr. Meares was twice married liis last wife hhvingbeen sister to Judge Holmefe,and a native of this section. She died some years ago, . leaving a son and a daughter, who now mourn the f loss of . their last parent. .... , , ' t - V t . ... - . See the "Artful," the best rat trap known, at Jaeobi's Hdw. Depot, f NO 12 I . The North Carolina State- As sembly. Knights of Tabor, will - 1 meet in annual session in ; Green boro on the 34th instant. It is to be, composed of the representatives from the varidus districts and locali ties in the state and is - limited to one hundred in number. ' . Imlicatiou8. For North - Carolina, warmer weather, preceeded by rain on the coast, and light to fresh Northwest- erly winds, with a cold wave Finest sfioes for ladies; wear in thei city.at French & Sons. . . t NEW At)VBBTl8ti ENTS. Merchants' Exchange Dining Rooms, I - TO oh to-oht. p ween a ana uowx iwaigat&iiu parj,aKeoi the elegant hot lunch. janHlt Commencing JATJUARY 16, lmiw. ni.tr.n. ci luo vri cat ficaiiug oaic -OF- -AND- FACE VEILINGS, ALSO, A LOT OF I'M w TT ni.rr- ildtb dUU JlUVOB, At astonishingly low prices. It will pay you to. purchase your Laces now at this price. Call and see at ors 118 Mftrbet Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 14 ;r-. l . Wnr w H uuMumuu 8teamship Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. M. - - GULF STREAM. PIONEER.. BENEFACTOR.. .Saturday, Jan 21 Wednesday, Jan 25 ..f... Saturday, Jan 28 FROM WILMINGTON- .Wednesday, Jan 18 . ..Saturiday, Jan 21 ....Saturday, Jan 28 benefactor. ' ntTT t amno a if w Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Kates guaranteed to and from points in North and Soutn' Carolina. : n For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, ' Wilmington,. N. C THEO. E. EGER. Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents. Jan 14 35 Broadway. New York. , r -. frj . -1 1- I L- - II ' rw carloads of western n. c. beef. There is none better in the world, it is on my staus every day and is selling rapidly. I merely ask . you to call and see It; once seen It seUs Itself. no orettler beef than this has been in market Fresh Meats, sausages, sausage Meat,&a Jf. ;E. I G A R RE LL, Front St. Market, south side. .. " Jan 13 2t W. E. Worth & ' .U's old stand. Cevorte PriggOp GENERAL MERCHANDISE BROKER, Corner Water and Mulberry Streets, Wesseirs i . building up stairs. XITOUU) NOTIFY HIS FIUKND8 AND the iiesenny he has opened a General ' ma . . 1. ,l,M-- M spectfully solicits their orders Will give prompt dispatch to all ' business entrusted 10 L23care. ' , . - . 14. 1888 m Tayl Bazar TLEASS NOTICE, .We will oe glad to receive commuzilcaUoES from our friends on any and all subjects cr I general Interest, but . - Tne name of the writer must alvrays bo ix. I olshed to the Editor-"-' . ' Communications must bo written one side of tho paper.' . , - rersonalltlcs must bo avoided. - And It Is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does t always endorse the views of correspondents nless so stated In the editorial columns. . " . v . a NEW AOVJEimAIJLXNTa. Piece Good rm BE BOUGHT JJY tiie'suit or be made to order, at DICK & ME ARES; A Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishings, s ; dec 19 - 13 n Front st- C o I h d 17 6 c d . " w ED .-and 4 ' wniTE 'asiicoal Ftit4 6ak and ash wood black jack axd de29 ' J. A. SPRING E1Z.. Knoxville Furniture .CoV E ARE( HERE YET, YITU -TUE finest ! and cheapest Furniture and- biher goods to be founa In the city. : : , . u . we are receiving new-goods daily from the , I Factory. Also a tull line of Baby carriaires. . J119 i . , E. II. SNEED.,ManaCTr , if the Hr8e. . B iiAV ,THE XARGEST, ClTEAPrsT and most complete stock of Uarness ann F 1 1 dlery goods. Trunks and Bags In the s t a t c aftd guaranteed to please both In qtiality ;u i price or money cheerfully relundedl Genul army Saddles to.arrive this week. . " ;- ' "r '- IL L. FEJINELL, . dec 17 The Horse Milliners, iu saFrot t z Inoura nee. , CCIDETFIRK.TJFE, : MARINE, liENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. ' t - ;,; SMITH & BOATWRIGIIT. No. 124 N. Water 8tn . t decT tf . ' - . Telephone No. :j; Fruits Nats and Candy. A : S.. WIN STEAD STILL TAKES .THi: lead. The freshest .of FRUITS. NUTS an d 1 CANDIES always on hand. Just what you 1 want to please, the children. ., ? I Postage stamps in small aUan titles alwav on hand. Respectfully. . . - . -A.S. WINSTEAD, nov 15 , -'K Front St., noar Post Offloe Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables. 1 ' . , -... I HAVE ON HAND SEVEN FINE MULES tor sale cheap for cash. Call ,and see for yourself Board for Horses by the week of ' month. Good feed and comfortable' stalls. R. W: BEST. . i - Fifth St, betr Walnut and Mulberry. Jan21y: . . ..... .;- -", CHEAP I CHEAPER! CHEAPEST! QALL AT, NO. 113 SOUTn FRONT STREET, where you win tod the largest stock of second, hand clothing ever offered In this city. . We also handle new clothing, Hats, Caps,- Boots, Shoes and Notions of all kinds, even second hand Soap. You. will see the slam swincinir across the sidewalk. , - - decl3tf i J. nt DANIELS & CQ. ; Situation Wanted J GENTLEMAN WITH CONSIDERABLE a busj business experience and best of references as to ability and Integrity desires a situation as salesman or agent with some mercantile house In Wilmington. Satisfaction guaranteed. Would like to begin work 1st -January, 1888. Address, . . . X, Yv Z. ' v Care Editor Dally Review, "j octltf . Wilmington, N. C. Yearly Subscriptions JJECEIVED FOR ALL THE PRINCIP Papers and Periodicals in the United States publisher's prices Hand In your subscrin- tlons at once. It will save you the trouble of ...- writing' and forwarding money without any additional cost. , - , - CST SpeclaLrates for Clubs of Jen cr L.crc. - ' ' '''''M.,f,.'vA,;,,.-i'' i. .,... " Jan 2-lm C. W. YATES. J N GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND HEAT era. Can giiie you anything you are likely t want. We dont make them, but we have ac- . cess to the best sources of supply. vail anu see us. . -. r t - 7 ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO., Dealers In Hardware. Tinware. Ac! nov 28 d&w v ; Wumington, N.' Samuel Bear, Sr.; HOLESALE DEALER IN 7 4 f TOBACCO, CIGARS AND 8NTJFF, Shipper of Hides, Furs, Wool, Beeswax, tc. ;dec31tf , ,';XL 10 Market St. Heinoborge Live Book and Music Store, HERE YOU CAN BUY VER Y CHEAP. . SCHOOL ROOKS, - - ' i . -f i'VV'v' r.- BLANK BOOKS, , PAPEI5 AND ENVELOPES, . ''if . I r In and out of boics. All kinds' of. good reading books, .. , ; Dictionary's, large and smaD, " Lottos, Dominoes, Cards and all kind of ; .. Card Games. t - ,';:: Vlsitlasr Cards and Card Cases.; " ' ! 1 ' Pocket and larger Mem. Books, -' , Frames, LooklDg Glasses, , - Brackets, Whisk andJDuster He: ;ni ,Chromo3,011Paliitiiigsand K'cel rtrar- lagH,--. ;::t. ,-V.;.. - '. -.' , Paper andtFancy Baskets, - , . . ; - Drums, Violins, Banjos, : Guitars, Harmonicas, Accorcleon?, andoth-' er Musical Instruments. Best Italian Strings Gold and Steel Pens, Inks U all kinds. . Spectacles and Eye GLca. ' ' . Sheet Music and M'jsIc lio-I;?, cr ir.-ir.j' otter articles. Jaal3 ... N

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