MISCKLLANEOUB , mmmik its: jui'M m i : v - . r for I4n S-t''1 ;V" ' ' -ri SlfEllfflSIiEGI SCROFULA or th .CURED ! VT.. jT.o..U:iy l-ln.: 5 " -TtxTjJT A. 1 luanrju : . . t r. r "4 ' Z-'t.-u .r.uitr . . :.r -J Ih. U V. . Jtir. . I At m. U J. w r. nuof hm ii- L . X,.4 - f; V kH.ll lie r44lUl It cucl UMttMMKrtC tj viator I wv trnil lo iry s. 3. A. a t jt I c-tjil to do o. ai .,-V. traBtof.elUrro-inrii Ti ita. IM tTr lr rum irt P :a aa 1 nl M crt.Ml. lb uj,f teaiJ, Mr ' Bnn n" w.A iml HiUr. tvmljr t.ne ui. 1 an a aal t'l ma" " " i I. i..t fwl im- t.urtrri! j.-r I . .t, It I frt 1 w lrolJ er. 1 migfc .U I3tMaia.ic Xolbin l t trfktnuHwi. cr ! rmhJ I .rt ir I r!?rrv4 fr naf yr. tnH -&r. tit iTtctlJ l Kn. Iwoi lb wH to koow ot tivpa.n iirrubM cure rffect'! on B Iv Jv. ItaU Bl thrti bO wtb lok U m n4 )-r It a rlaur a wrll r . &f tb'tr Him I retrrtovt. w. p. latrnwat. Very rrBUfJIjr roar. TmitiMea ifoJasdSkta DljiraM mall4 tr. la 3 t rr Sj-ici r ic Co, tfrawcr 3. AtUaU, Oft. It 5t li U ch sat WHOLESALE PRICES. NEW YORK BSEEVER. ESTABLISHED IN 1823. he Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Sii ttsnilar Kilitors: Special Cor- "poiulenu at Home and Abroad; fonw, Uevifwj, Condensed ewts fmrtinent! for Fanners', Mer Anta, llankerjL Professional Men. :ni!et.tjs lk and Girls. TRi y-ar the OBSKRVKR will pub h more than flFTYPKIZESTOKlES, 1 tin ablest and most ionular ritri will contribute to its col- inn. icHti and prose writers, au r5, itlitors, men of science and hunuii of peniiw will till tbe col- nmertlie OllSKIlVKR, and it will iv fifty-tivo nnexcelleil iapen in T 1 V ... 'min- vear. JJwe. U0 a year. 1 ' n:yinen. $2.00 a year. preaUnducements for 1888 l IVXEWYOllK OBSERVER will be sent ot jcat to any clcrsyrnaa not now a sub Ut. for ONE DOLLAR. - Any subncTlbcr scncllnshisownsulncnp kr a yrar la axlTarvcr and a new sutacrl t:h lioo, can harr a copy ot the -Ircn- L. tters." or "The life of Jerry McAuley.' We will send tbe OBSERVER for the re- iarof tnls year, and to January 1, Jj tw subscriber sendin us bis name and 1 "a and 1C0 In advance. To such subscri f f wiu also srive either tbe volume of iia Utters" or -Tb Life of Jerry Mc- K-'s wanted everywhere. Liberal terms. missions, bamplec free. York Observer, NEW YORK. INVENTION' has revolutionized tne world durtnz the last ti , 0ters of Inventive protress. Is a orHi . .r1 Jetn of work that can be per ttL0vtr lb country without sepura- ZiTtl Jffwato their wort; either sex. " S tT" Iu re started rree. Cut this -tl.Ij 1111 lo us and we will send you free, iriT rrrat value and importance to iir.'-V ,i0q ,a more taon7 risht awar.than sot? S?0- Acjusu, Maine. New Ynrlf. paiUDEUnu AND DALTUCOUE prices JOIIX trrt, Bt. v. to Barbershop: tu4lIt:.a,centIlAU' and 20 Wt u errrrf" own manulact ured 1 lair itirtir?" 39 eents and upwards. Street, between Water and sept ri THE WII-I. OF OOD. 4 - h . ' -, " ' i 'I worablpThee. gweet willofGotl, 'Ami All thy ways adore, -And every day. I lire, I seeiu " To love Thee more and more. 1 lovo to kiss each print where Thou Hat set Thine nnsien feetr I cannot fear Thee, blesswl will. Thine empire i m nweet. "When obstacle and trials -seem Like prison walls to me, I do the little I rati tlo, And leave the ret with Thee." There wus n man in our town and he was wondrous wise. He ju nned into a braiidde bush and scratched out both hlseyes. And when henaw his J eyes were out, with all his might and main. He lKrt;rbt a bottle of Salvation Oil, and rubbed them in npain. . - - - Tli lreWeiit Table. . , "Ilrrakfast Is served at th - White House at 9 o'clock m weekday and ii half hour later on Sundays. It : n bi mal witlf the President and a hearty foundation for the " day. Oenerally the menu covers, 4, 'half doZ'n di-Iies-three or- four varie ties tf iti:Jt -usually a frame course, j otato"s. etc., pretty much as anv ImmIv with a frooil "appetite Mould ordr in a llrst class hotel. The re-ideut drink coffee at these early feasts but the pretty mistress of the mansion likestea with toast, rlititiK, soft boiled etrg and other appetizing dishes. Very rarely Mrs. I !eiaim lanes anv oiner ueverage than tea and milk. The- PresF ilfiit likesa las or MiiiK also in tne morning, and bet ween chatting ver their second eupsof tea they manage to hil" away a half hour at the first meal of the day. Luncheon is served promptly at half past one. and if they be a guesf. at two o'clock. It is a mid day "dinner to all intents and pur poses, but little time-is wasted in its discussion. The menu one day late ly -a fair sample of the average a as u pair of pheasants, sweetbreads Saratoga chips, cold, ham. choco late cake and cream and milk and tea. "Dinner is usually served in about six courses, with all the accompani ments of tlOwers and lighted can dles, and the President, while by no means a heavy eater, does entire justice to every dish he happens to like, from the soup to the walnuts. Mrs. Cleveland has a good appetite, and has few likes or dislikes, enjoy ing a bit of nearlv everything which comes to the table. Thev both like the dinner served promptly, and are rarely over a half hour at table. The President drinks wine at din ner, but very sparingly. Mrs. Cleveland-does not touch a drop stronger than Apollinaris at table. Both or them are easy to please, ami neither never knows, beforehand what is to be served. The steward buys what he pleases, and all the President cares is to see the food put on the table in generous quanti ties. Frequently two-thirds of the dishes will leave "the table untouch ed, but he wants to have the usual number kept up right straight along. 'Mrs. Cleveland has some old fashioned notions about Sunday, and wants the servants, work for that day lessened as much as pos sible. She always has a cold lunch, and it is served up in the quickest, simplest way, so that the servants can have a long afternoon and event ing to themselves." Washington Critic, Having in our official capacity rts members of the Plymouth Hospital Committee been asked to test and prove the effectiveness of many dif- fereut articles to be used as disin fectants in sick rooms and as pre ventives of infectious fevers, report that Harby's Prophylactic Fluid has been thoroughly tested during the recent Typhoid epidemic in this place. It proved most efficacious in staying the spread of the fever. P. II. Armptoso, ' s. M. DavRsroKT, J. A. orr. O. M. Lanck. Twos. Kekr, James Lee, Jk. "CUf Thrill the Cold Steel.' When the gallant Confederate general Ariustead leapeil over tho little stone wall that served as a brratwork for ithe Philadelphia brigade, on the third dav at (Gettys burg, he called to his men to give the Union troops "cold steel." All m vain, however; within the next five minutes that splendid otllcer and forty-two of the hundred brave Hebs who followed him over the low -all ere lying dead in their tracks and all the resi of the noble little band were -crushed and wounded. The bayonet in modem warfare is almost a thing of the past, and the soldier finds but little use for it. Certainly there were a fe men kill ed by it at Gettsburg, but very few in comparison to the great number slain by the rille and artillery. Colonel Jeflers of the "Fourth Michigan was bayoneted to death in the wheat field." and some fifty four men fell at that point in the same manner, but it would seem that the soldier of our day prefers to his mail iu some other way. When the" lines crashed together in the cavalry tight on the third day, many men - ere cut down with the" sabre, nnn wenerai wane Hampton, now uniteu btates benator from South Carolina, had his face split open tth a sabre cut. When our infan try came to hand blows, they seem ed rather to prefer to club their muskets and dash each otlier's brains out, than to drive the cold! Perhaps no-local disease has puz-l- zled and baffled the medcalwPfv The fonowlns quotations represent whole sion more than nasal catorrh. While e prtces erallT. tomaan-up smaller not immediately fatal it -tainonj ders lilgber pri lmve to to cbarged. . , the most distressing, nauseous and . . Z disguising Ills the flesh is heir to, 1 bagging 4 and tho records show- very few or no cuses of radical cures of chronic catarrh by any of the multitude of modes of treatment until the intro duction oJEIy',H Cream Balm a fe years ago. The success of this pre paration has been most gratifying and surprising. Ostrich tips of ribbon .bows, ar ranged with aigettes, are still in vogue for the hair. : ATotal Eclipse of all other medicines bv Dr. R. V. FierceVGoIden Medical Discovery" is approaching. Unrivalled in bil lious disorders, impure blood, and consumption, which is scrofulous disease of the lungs. - Except in jet, beads are giving Tilnftt in (IrAim -teitnttiinrra r tnotn I lis. I State....... threads, which are used for appli-ic. javaT0"" r i - w . . Gunny..:.;....... : Standard BACON North Carolina, . Hams. ..................... 7. Shoulders y n..... .. .... sides, a.. WESTERN SMOKED Hams, v & ;'......... Sides, y B... Shoulders, y B DRY SALTED Sides, $ib.. ...I... . Shoulders, 9 n. BARREIJ9 Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each i New, New York, each. ..... New, city, each . BEESWAX, V tb ......... BRICKS. Wumlngtoa, M.... Northern BUTTE K, ; North: Carolina... - Northern... , ! CANDLES, y lb - sperm. ..t f Adamantine............' CHEESE, ya Northern. Factory.;.....-''.. Dairy, cream 7 8 8 8tf 14 8 10 10 & 11 15tf ques or other embroideries, along or mixed with cord. either Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve. .Thk Bkst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positiyely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price cents per box. For sale by W. H. (i reen & Co. The serpent ring is most worn as the ancient symbol of eternity. A je - el in the head does not harm the signiflc.Hiice and adds much to its ef- ! feet. An emeraid is effective. . UeHcato Diseases of either sex, however induced, promptly, thoroughly and perma nently curYnl.. Send 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise. World's Dispensary Medical Associ ation, (JG3 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Shot stockings are sho n to wear with evening gowns. Some "of these have openwork' stripes in-relief, which run from the foot to the ankle, then cross the leg horizontally. . What am i to Do? The symptoms of " Billiousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ m different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. . His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time: if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or (Jonstipa tion may be a syinptoni or the two may alternate. 1 There are -often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness . and of ten Headache and acidity, or natuience and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Grccri 8 August Flow cr, it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its efficacy. Laguyra K10-... CORN MEAL, v bush, in sacks. -. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, V bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting', 4-4, v yard Yarns, y bunch .. .. . . . EGGS, Igt dOZ..j ..." nsu. , Mackerel. No. 1, li bbl. 1 40 0 00 1 65 20 6 00 000 15 25 18 9 11 13 8 27 23 30 00 00 1 25 6 00 18 00 00 I 1 1 W 8 IX) 14 00 50 75 70" ft 30 25 10 12. -14 10 - 24 I . 22 67Jtf 67 1 30 6 80 20 Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbL 7 50 C312 50 (4 8 00 Wll 00 6 00 Ci 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 4 00 4 50 5 00 4 10 5 00 10 MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC VTEBINABY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 TAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. cures Paver. Confeatlona, In flam ma Hon. A.A.-Splnal Meningitis, Milk Ferer. It. II. Strains Lamenew, Rhenmatlsm. r. r. IHatemper, Nasal Discharges. D. P. Hots or Clrnbs Worms. K. K.-Conshs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F. Colic or Ciripes, Dellyache. . ii. li. IVllacarrlaffe, Ilemorrjhases. II. II. tlrinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I. F.raptiTe Diseases Manse. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics. Manual. Witch Hazel Oil and Uedicator. 87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over SO dosesX .60 Sold by Drnglstsi or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys Med. Co., 103 Eulton SL, If. Y. HTJUPHItEYS' H01TE0PATHIC SPECIFIC No. id 0 in thw an Tttara. Ths odIt raccesrfal Temed fot Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other caa. 91 per rial, or 6 vials and largs vial powder, for BOLD by UKuoaiSTB. or ea poavpaia an rscsipt oi pkrera' Madldaa Co. 10 IbHm 8b, a. I. (7 once.4I fob 'H rod it wiy rifm The Acme MANUFACTURING CO., M AN U FACTU I IE US OF Fertilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. -o- WILMINGTON; Ni'C. rjlIIE REPUTATION OFOURFERTlLIZEKS, the ACME and O EM, is now established, and the results of three years' use in the bands ot the best farmers of this and other States fully attest their value as a hljh grade manure. : -l The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, has already gained a popularity for comfort and durability equal to any wool carpet, and the demand for it Is dally increas ing. It has virtues not found In any other -abrlc - The FIBRE or WOOL Is extensively used for upholstertnjr purposes, and as a tilling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. steel into inetr opponents, anil many i goods can be seen at our office, or will be man men were Kiiiea in tneronner man-! qPn appucation. Daring the 'dreadful fiht over H.-nlne' ft Vofhornori tt s k'nn." on East Cemetervf L,,,aaS XarDOroUgllo man ner. Picnett Hill, many of the Louisiana Tigers ! brained by onr men. Lieut enant Charles Urocky crushel in a Confederate skull with a rock, and Lieutenant Worcester of the Sev- ceruncates from reliable parties using our ill bemai nor is tf Mackerel, No. 3, t? bbl 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, t? bbl. .... . 7 80 ' Mallets,? bbl 6 00 N. C. Koe Herring, keg... 3 00 Dry Cod, y n 5 FLOUR, V bbl Western, low grade 3 50 ! Extra 4 00 Family.... 4 50 City Mills Super...:-....... 4 00 Family.... ...... 4 50 GLUE, V - 8 OILA.IN. W bushel. " corn,.fm store, bags, white s 00 65 - ' Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 63 Corn, cargo; In bags, white. -66 1 67" Corn, mixed, from store... . 00 65 Oats, from store.. -..i 43 45 Oats, Rust Proof...:....,... 00 f?owPeas 80 00 HIDES, lb Green..... 5 5 Dry. 10 13 HAY, 100 lbs . Eastern......,:... 1 05 1 10 . Western...... J.:. 85 95 North-River 90 1 00 HOOP IRON, W lb.;....: 2K 3. LARD, ? lb Northern 7 8 North Carolina 8 10 LIME, V barrel.....: 140 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, Mft. snip stun, resawed vs oo so oo Rough Edge Plank..: 15 00 16 00 West India Gargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 23 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, in hhds. 25 26 44 44 in bbls 28 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 30 44 In bbls.. 30 35 Sugar House, In hhds 00 15 44 lnbols.. 16 18 Syrup, In bbls 22 35 . NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 3 40 2 50 . OILS, y gallon. Kerosene 9 14 Lard..... ,18 145 ' Linseed ...v 90 1 00 Rosin... 15' 16 :rar.. 00 30 leck and Spar. .... . . ... . . . 00 22 .FOULTKl Chickens, live, grown.. 44 Spring i.. . Turkeys PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 ft.. POTATOES, y bushel sweet. Irish, y bbl.... PORK, 9 barrel i . City Mess. .17 50 18 00 Prime...... ; .15 00 16 00 RumD....'. ; ; 00 15 00 RICE Carolina, y lb...;....... 4 hJ4 Rough, y bush, (upland)... 60 so 44 44 (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, v lb Country. . . ; 00 y& City..... i l-.'-;,W ROPE.Wlb... .L...... 14M 22 SALT, y sack. Alum... 70 75 Liverpool I . .-. 65 70 Lisbon .....! 00 W American..... X.. 00 70 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain,. 6 6X Standard A 63 6 WhlteEX C... 0 6 Extra C-Golden i. f c Yellow ; 0 a 5 SOAP, V lb Northern . . i 5 53tf SHINGLES, 7 in. M. 5 00 Common..... 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts j 0 00 STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel. . . 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW. W lb 5 TIMBER, y M feet Shipping. . 12 00 Fine Miu i ii 35 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 Common Mill J5 00 Inf erior to Ordinary.... ..... 2 50 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina. .fl 00 WOOL, y lb Washed... 28 Unwashep 15 Burry 10 MISCELLANEOUS. TiaO TABliR NO. 3 . Palmetto: Railroad. Co. 11 JiliiiSS QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, - DEC W, 1SS7, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: . ; v : Going so era. -No l Passenger and Freight. Leave namlet. N. C 80 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw. S. C . . . . .... 90 A. M. Going North. , , ; No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C. .......... ..45 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C... ....... .5U P. M. dec 16 tf ' VM. MONCURE, Supt. Wllmtucrtoti . Clpiii (it i a Ourolina Central Railroad Cpmpauy.: 1" 11 I' - s .... T . CHANGE OP.SCHEDUI:. ; WESTBOUND TRAINS. : Now.1. i No. a. dally ex. dally e x. Sunday. Suij day. Jan. 1. 1SS8. Leave Wilmington At. Launnburg... Lv. Lanrinburg.:. Leave uamiet... Arrive charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. Leave Llncolnton. Leave Siielby.... Ar. Ru.therfoixltoii S40 13 23 12 SI 3K1 .7 00 pm am am ntp am No. 5 a: Tri-i ' Weekly: 8 45 am ii in am 113 M rm 7 00 am 5 05 pm No. 7. 5 oo am 7 00 am 3 00jm EASTBOUND TRAINS Jan.1. 1S8S. No. X , No, 4, dally ex dally ex. Sunday.; Sunday. CONDENSED SCHEDULE: : TRAINS GOING SOUTH.. . v Dated Jan 8th, 1388. no. 23. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion..... .. Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence. . Arrive tfumter,... Leav Sumter ... Arrive Columbia. P"M. 11.23 13 15 2 40 435 4 25 6 15 A. M. NO. 27. NO.: 15. P. M. P. 10 10! t 13 41f 1 25l A M. P. (No. P. t NO. 52. A. M. t 9 40 10 45 NO. P. M. 2 40 5 33 6 20 M. '59. M. 6 40 8 05 56. M. 8 37 9 55 No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. Ii. Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M., Manning 9:08 A. M Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M.. Lanes 10:38 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter 11:46 A. M arrives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. IC, Leaving Lanes 7;13 P. M., Man ning 7:53 P,M. Train on C. & p. it. Reconnects at Florence with No. 59. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia.. Arrive Sumter.... Leave Sumter. . . Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington.. iNo. 78. No. 57. No. 53 P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 35 6 501 . 5 33 11 52 8 13 6 46 No. 5a 11 52 t 8 23 1 20 9 40 ........ A. M. A. M. I NO. 66. NO. 14. A. M. P. M. 4 35 t 10 30 8 30 5 23 11 11 8 55 8 35 2 10 11 50 A. M. P. M. P. M. Lv. Rutherfordton4 Lea Shelhv Leave Llncolnton. Arrive .Charlotte. . Leave Chartotte Leave Hamlet..... Arri ve Laurinburg Ieave Laurinburg. Arrive Wilmlngtn 8 00 pm '1 25 am 2 17 am 3 27 am 8 35 am 8 40 am 10 52 am 13 45 r-ni 3 IK) pru Nos s X 6 Tlt- Wtxkiy. 7 ( " i.m 2 M I :a 4 U) J Ul NO.H. 5 45 am 4 25 pm Trains no. i ana z maKe ciose conneciion at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville and Mat tons on W. N. C. If. It and points West, Also, tor Spartanburg, Green ille, Athens, Atlanta and all nolnts Southwest. Also., for. Ashevlllo via Spartanburg. -- . . . . ; . Local Freight Net Sr and 6 trl-weekly bc- iween yv uuuugiuii ana L.nmuuurs. Laurinburg and Charlotte; , - -..?-. , . Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, take passeagejrs. -; L. -c. JONES, superintendent. F. W. CLARK, GenLPtissenger Agent. : .: an ' ' ' ' '- '' u , i 1888 .. Calendars 1 8 88. rpHE PATRONS OFrTn&jnippWlQJlED 'inH nil Athora H'tin nm I n vi t Ad t A twuwmo nnri would If t.hpv vnsnltfd thplr lntrpsf are requested to call anrt be supplied with a Calendar for he ensuing "year."- - ... " -; A full supply of. business Calendars for the . office and ornamental calendars for home ate on hand ready for distribution. . There is no better time for taking but tt life Insurance policy,- a Are Insurance polloy, an i accident insurance pollcy, or any other kind of ' a policy man at tne oeginning or tne year. z J .... 314 Nortb water St. Office Telephone NoJ 5. House Telephone No 61 dec 17 - -. -: - ;- 1888. . ' - it B airp er's gazl pel; illustrated; 5 ' : r. 25 20 93. 100 60 90 20 10 35 60 .-2 25 . 2 75 7 00 250 5 00 7 50 H 00 10 00 6 14 00 (S.13 00 8 50 000 000 4 00 2 00 (4 2 50 C4 30 25 a?f 15 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of janyf proposjd line of advertising in America Papers Q!by: : addressing f P.;Rowell : & Co:, Newfpapr Advertising Bizroau, : 1 0 Spruco St-.' New York. ' Send lOcts. for ; lOO-paa Pmphl'- li't V : Alter life-M-l ":t 1 pAbHIONABLB II AIR ORXSSEH3 " ' " '". " " ": " AND BARBERS. S Market 8L.' WtbnlBirton. N. C ' bop fully equipped wtth all the latest lm- enth IxuisIanH Timers; hod his heal Couneou and pollta barbers alwaja ready cashed to a jelly by a handspike Jon In the hands of one of our gunners, Wemer. would b Tdt?SrYe tuoldra? General Af. Clair A. JIuNuiland. 'ton. ... febii Forty res experience- -in - tae THreparatiohof more -than Ooa Haadred Tbow?ifldaTPJlctlo for-pae in -ths United State and Fpreipn coat. . tries,' UiembiUher of the ocientitic American continue to act as solicitors te obtain natenta- in Canada, Kngltuad, France. Gernraoy, and all other fotrnmes Their rpen ene aneqaaled and their iaolitjea ar wuor- TnnwM Mil meclfiemtions trrepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms jrry reasonable. No chsnre for elimination of model or drawings. Advice by rajii iree 4ntbTsCliSTIFlCA5IEmCANwhfchh the largest cireuUtJon ana wTrf J .newspaper of its Jund paWied totoejirorld. t"he advantage of aoclt boUcd very patentee wfflirSiwi "eplendidTy fnowttated ewspaper admitted to be the be paper devoted Jo fience. imchaniev inrentioos, engneenn worts, ana ; etW department of Industrial proKreepnb livned in air eoantry. It contains the names i of . ill patentee Tsndtitle of erery XJ!5g3i Kh vet Try it tear months for on dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. . 'J. r If roi bare an inrentkm to patent write to Ituni Jk Co.Tmb!ishers of Scientiho Aaencao. 361 Broadway.New York. , ' " ' Uaa iiookaUutptcatJiaAiIdrre. Daily. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C. . via Central R. it., arriving Manning 70 P. M.. Lanes 8:03 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R, R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 933 A.M., Charleston 1L30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. andD. train, for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wll mlngton with W. & W. R. R. for all points Iso.n - JOHN-F. DIVINE, - General Superintendent. - J. R. KENLY. SudL TransDOrtation. T. M. EMBRSON, General Passenger Agent. Wilmington dt WeldonR. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDtJLE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 8, 1888. No. 23, dally. No. 27, Ft Mail dally. Leave Weldon At. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. 2 05 pml 5 43 pm 3 17 pm NO. 15. dally ex Sunday. Arrive Wilson.... Leave Wilson.. Arrive Selma... Arrive Fayettevi'ej Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw.... Leave Magnolia. . . Ar. Wilmington. . . 'i KO Tvm T 10 50am(......... 353pm 700pm 6 00 am 7 15 am ... 4 lOpmi. ... ... 5 19pmL. ... ... l'e 7 45pm . . . 7 48 am 4 45 pm I 7 ft) pm a aupuii 6 05 pm 8 40 pm 7 40 pm 9 55 pm 8 40 am 9 38 am 9 54 am 11 35 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, dally. No. 78. dally. No. 66, dally ex Sunday Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am 1 21 am 2 23 am 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am 11 50 am Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson. Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. '8 30am ......... 10 50am Ill 59 am 3 03 am!l3"43 pm I 1 lipm 3 45 nm 5 28 pm 5 50 pm OKJ pm Arrive Tarboro...:. Leave Tarboro I. 4 50 Dm 10 50 am 7 48 pm 8 24 pm Arrive Weldon 4 30 ami 2 40 pm 9 35 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland N eck at 950 A. M. dally except Sunday. iTain leaves Tarooro, n. c YiaAlbermarle & Raleigh li. R. dally except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., eunaay auu r. arrive wiiuamston, n. 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wil li amston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 90 A. M. Arrive Tarboro. N. C OKI TW 11 A If iTain on Midland is. u. urancn leaves Golds boro, N. c, dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M., arrive SmlthfleidN. C. laoo A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfleld, N. C, ia45 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. c, u.10 P. M. . Train on Nashviue Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. M., arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning; leaves Spring Hope ia40 A. M.. Nashville U.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 1L55 A. M., dally except Sunday. ; , 'iTain on Clinton urancn leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. M.. connect ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 66. &K)uinDouna iTain on wiison & Fayettevllle Branch Is Na 5L Northbound is No. 50. Daiir Train Na 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. ; t -i xraui 20. 78 maices close connection at Wel don for all points Nortb -daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally; except Sunday, Via Bay Line.' i --,--- i ( - , ; Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. -- -AH trains run solid between. Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman palace sleep- era auacueu. - - 1 - - . - JOHN F. DIVINE. Genl Supt. J. R- KENLY, Sup'U Transportation. - -T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. Jan 8 - - -- - 7 . - t --y IIZAK, UNDEVELOPED PART i l the Dody enlorsed and strrasrthened. Fall particn rs sent sealed free. Kit IK If ED. CO.. Bvwwasjo, K.l !iFFEnEC3sar:rjcus:EssjaSS2a jult of oTcr-Work. ladlscretlon, tic miirtu st aay; i d a w eod ly - " Harpkr's Magazine Is an organ of progres sive thought and movement in every depart- mnnt rf 1 fa . Raclrtoa ri hor off ranff Ana It nrlll u.t.ULi vsa, Ajvutuva uvuvi tvwi eav vavxas79 a w aaa contain, tlurlng the coming year. Important arucies, superuiy liiustraicu, on me itreab West; articles on American and foreign Indus-' try; beautifully illustrated papers on Scotland, Norway, Switzerland, Algiers, and the West Indies: new novels by Wm. Black and W. D. iioweus;. novelettes, eacn complete in a single number, by Henry James, Lafcadio Hearn.and Amelia Rives; short stories , by MLsaWooisoA . and other popular writers; and illustrated pa pers of special artistic and. literary, interest. The Editorial Departments are condueted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howeils and Cbarles Dudley Warner. . ."-.. , v HAtlPERS' PERIODICALS. I . . '. V? PKR YKAItr ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE... $4 00 HARPER'S. WEEKLY. t ; . . 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR . V.V.V.V.uV.t.VV 00 " HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. w.i 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the tfnUed OdUXCa, VCW&ULKC y VI mJUlWm ; , 7 The volumes of the Magazine beeln with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time la Rneclflnd Kuhscrlntlons will begin with the Number curnt at time of re ceipt of order. a ; ! , : ; : . Bound Volumes-oir riaroer's M a'cazlne. for three years back, in neat cloth blndlncr. will be sent bv mall. Dost-nald. on recelnt of n 00 ter volume. Cloth cases for blndlnsr.'fiO cents each by mall post paid. v, : Index to Haroer's Mac Analytical and ciasslfie inclusive, irom June, vol, 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. ic AlDHabetlcal. for Volumes 1 to 70. ),to June, 1885, one Remittances should bi martA -hr Vnxtntnci Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of" loss." Xewsimpers are not to com this aAoertlsmxemt without tne express order of Harper & Brothers. Address nov 15 ' HARPER & BROTirERS. ' New York The National Life J-':t :r;::'r-AND---'t Maturity As sociation , OF . WASnlNGTQf, D. C. Total Cash Assets,. .. , ...1375,754.29 Xiabilltles.i. ......... None. Paid to members...; ,.,... .$ic8,070,e3 HORATIO BROWNING, ; -, President. . GEGRGE D. ELD RIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. ." . . o -" "." ' '. . :. - , 1 ,.. Lite Insurance at Absolute Cost- -: t A Guaranteed Policy.; :.'-, An Incontestlble PoUcyJ 't . ;; , i Maturity ValuelnCasn at ;ixed Age. ; : -y Annual Cost Absolutely limited. ; ' ; - - Only Four Payments per Year.; . ' Non Forfeitable After Three Years.' 5 J ; V:; lV& RlDDELLE. 1L D. . ":--"-'V -. ' - Medical Director wjn. oiBsoNt iikSnu ' 4 Hbmebffice; ljH5 F Street, N. W. mO OUR NEW STORE IN FURCELL BUILD- lng. Na 14 North Front St. Will bogldto welcome our customers tfc ere. . - . -' W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Importers and JcLbers, ... . Jan a liaraware, 'mTrareasavrvviTrj

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