PLEASE OTICC . We will be glad to receive lcn from our fricadi ca czy txr.l c!l t ut rts cf general Interest, but. Tlie name of (Le writer L.'ist ai..;t s 1 r -olslied to the Edittrr. . , , r Communieatlons must be written oul.r n one side of tj? paper. IVrsonalities must be'aNoldcd. ' , . - -' And It Is especially aDd pvrtlcuIarI- tmder-' stood that the Editor does -1 always en do is- the views of correspondents - nloss so "state " In i the editorial columns. - . - V. r T. JAMES. Editor and rrvp. A ..77T" ,TT. MM:;; 7" -7 - nAotitnr PAIDr rN:!1 ' ' i 7 w . nil Three tin inontli.3crnt.-v ... w a nrrn-d by carriers, free 1 -Vra-M- rnWP,-w? report any and VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C. THUIISD A JA W.tIA R Y 19 18S8 ; NO : 15 r 4 their paper regularly. PAPER I JLJ f , - If - . lit i t m a :1 I JS i 3i: k i: p HILAUELPH1A. Prix OH Dollar Th mjjoritj of Ih JIU of U hamn WTrifronJUael IJer. Mm- B itJr IsaUlor uas wen n-..- of r-"trtnx roor pople t' fttit, tJ;,:n tf cKIn them a IIIr VOV OCT THKOK-NUNr.. I not at w Kn 01 rn ai It will take i.OOO to brnk up the tlv fur $ Monnon have a conifortnhle ma- ritvin the UtAh LepUlature. On lint ballot there are thirty oe f.rninn tn five Cientlleji.. It liitC ot le awnmed, however, that all he Monnon are poly j;amitf. From hoice, fear of the law, or a a mnt ;er of (X)ltey, many Moruton have Wently declared against polypiiuy, ind have oHem!. if Utah .hould be Llmltteil a a Stafe, to prohibit olypimyri theConstitntion beyond he io er of amendiuent except by ronsent of Congress. SpAkiugof Mayor Hewitt's nies a to the w York city council. he Tribune says: "Every part of he document bears siprris of careful honght and diligent preparation. The mavor devotes himself to the elation of municipal problems with hredecesors ever equalled or ap- broac hetl. This message is far too weighty and lofty a document for o trivial and inconsiderable a body as thelioard of alderman; but while nominally addressed to the small politicians who assemble at the City Hall, it is really meant for the high est intelligence and the most en- iffhttneU publfc sentiment of the vmrnunity." Preliminary preparations are being uade for a grand military and civic el-brat ion in Austin, Texa,s on ths craMon of the dedication of the ev State-HooM. The State Capi- fl second in siie to the Natioual f apitol at Washington only, and t UfMXOO) acres of .land, repre- ntUig a monny value or nearl v $7,. -UMA An efTort will be made UrvuxU the Texas Congrvssional Jgatioii to secure the attendance f tii- Prtident and Mrs. Cleveland otatet President Diaz and his wife pd to commemorate the occasion I'ithagrand Ieace festival. Uen. rr-v- has .unofficially acquiesced in Qfh a programme. I The members of the Corean em- Vv.y brouirht with them uvrnl Von loads of trunks containing netr wearing annarel. Raeh nfthom ! - spears to have as elaborate n j r - - anlmt as the most fashionable of Uuifrican belles, and they change r"ir rostumes several times a day. Py have an infinite variety of i; ry tall, and all perforated at "emp. Thev weap the - lmtM to. K;. i .-. or enh ri i f ... . es on ' . v J nani them as the Chinese ----- r JPnese ued to do when the "Uie to Wn.Kmt,, Tl.n.. v'u-hat similar In. color and ap rarance to t!iff noihAK ave the tumt noonl!aiiv..tiiiiuui aK Thi Uck of the head is not nd in the leat, but goes tp from i siraigni as an arrow. tAK Preparation Mnv fr VI-Q "U'iriou ingrelients. ltisie- er r n curnii at in evervthfm- that n'from hlnrters the Northwest ive power. X.OOAX 3SJ Jz3 W 3, IXVKX TO Nvr ADVERTISEMXXTS. Hrs E KiRREK Notice . V t: Do w.n I n -Fur Sale. . j orsRA I!orK Jflle lchcu . - 1MCK Ji iHCARE- Mece t;oots O W Yates Yearij sulwcrtptlons llEis.HBEiujER -Books.'Statlonery. &c, AC l?est shoes for loys at French & Sons. t The receipt of cotton at this wrt to-dav foot up 287 bales. The receipts of unval stores to-day have been uuusually light. Xor. barque IVrowfca, Pettersen, hence, arrived-at Havre Jan. 16th. School shoes for children, best in the city,' at Geo. II. French & Sona.t . 9 Indies .will find a nice line of good reliable scissors at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. . Sehr. J. . Ilabtrrtt, Jietcalf, from IlockhiiuU Me., for thisport, arrived at Vinevard Haven Jan. 13th. There was am advance of en cents ier lwtrrel ill the price of tar last night after our report was closed. The Northwest cautionary signals which were hoisted last night, were ordered down at about 10 o'clock this forenoon. There are but five hoarders now in the county jail, all of whom, are colored, with the exception of one white female. x Mr. O. M. Filynw has opened a new family grocery store ,at the Northwest corner of Second and Market streets. The price of spirits tuipentinehas again advanced and 40 cents per gallon was asked to-day, 'while -39 cents was offered freely. The weather has been so cold to- dav that the mud which was frozen last night has not thawed in places where the sun did not shine. "Wood has advanced in price in consequence of the cold snap, and it is now held at $1.10 per load deliv ered, of what is presumed to be a quarter of a cord. There was a rush this morning at lleinsberger's at the opening of the sale of reserved seats for M'llelthea'g performance to-morrow night, and the box sheet was nearly all cut out in a short space of time. 50 dozen all wool. flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for mn and boys, from 75 cents, and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street. J. Llsbach, Prop. t Quite a number of vessels that have cleared from this port and have been wind and weather bound at Southport, took advantage of the fair weather this morning and went to sea. Mayor Foler found a colorec" man on the streets. this morning so overcome bv the cold that lie fel and was unable to rise. The good hearted Mayor called a dray and hail the sufferer conveved to his home. The street force this morning, un der the direction of Capt. W. H. Sholar, began to build across" Ma comber's Ditch -at Fifteenth and Dock streets. They found the weath er so cold, however, that they were not able to make very rapid progress with their work. Pender County Superior Court, Judge Shepherd presiding, which has been in session this eek, will probably adjourn this afternoon. The criminal docket was cleared yesterday and the civil cases were to . i.. ve oeen laKen up tins morning. Indication. For North Carolina, colder, fair weather, fresh to brisk Northerly v winds, becoming variable .and di- minishing in force . i n nnl Down. In accordance with instructions iiunn iieuoquariers iiie oriuwesi storm signal was d tenia ved here last night ami ' also "at ('harlotte and Mo re head (.'ity.- The cold wave sig- iiaivii. it io oniereti up iit-re, urn. us there is but one Hag-staff it could not be raised, tho stopu sigmd hav ing the preference. At this morning the signals were withdrawn at this city, Moreheudand Charles ton. -' ' School Books and School Station you .can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. Almost Fire. At about ISo'clock last night some lightwood in the trhoemakers ahop of Mr. J. Ci. Vog.v on Second street, between Princess " and Chestnut, ignited by being placed top near the stove, and was in a light blazewhere it was .discovered by one of members of the Atlantic Hose Reel Company, who succeeded inVxtinguishing the flames without burning in a general alarm. The damage was verysHght, as the fife was discovered before it had a chance to spread or gain lunch headwav.'" : "- V ' t;" 'V' The VTemtlter. The weather grew rapidly colder yesterday afternoon as there began to be evidence that the storm .was over, and there was a decidedly fall ing temperature all through the night. This morning was very cold. with the ground frozen solid anc ice wherever there had been stand ing water. The atmosphere, tho very cold, was bracing and invigor ating, so that' -those- who were in health and had 'proper clothing bar no dread of freezing when compell to be out of doors. The sun "shone brightly,"which was a great relief after the long spell- of rainy and cloudv weather. l4-tlon of Officer. Tlie Christian Association of.(race M. K. Church held a regular meet ing last night for the election of offi cers, with the following result: President T. B. Kingsbury. r First Vice President A. G. Han kins. Second Vice President Win. M. Poisson. Secretary J. T. Medlin. Assistant Secretary Archie War ren. Treasurer Mrs. J. F. Garrell. Visiting Committee Mrs. J. W; Perdew, Mrs. W. W. Hodges, Miss Bella Bowden." A Iarjre Ship. Br. ship Etta, Arthur, Jarrlve.d here last evening and -anchored in the stream nearly opposite the foot of Church street, where she lies to day. The Etta is one of the largest, if not the very largest, sailing ves sels that ever came to this port, reg istering 1,154 tons. She is also the first full-rigged ship that has been here for a. good many years.- She will load cotten for some European port, probably for. Liverpool. Finest shoes for ladies wear in the city at French & Sons. , t City Court. After a loner and enforced absence. J I - - - - 7 Obadiah Jenkins was brought before the Mayor this -morning charged with disorderly conduct yesterday afternoon. The charge was clearly proven, and the defendant was re quired to pay a fine of $20, with the alternative of 30 days in the chain gang. Frank Maynard and Aleck Booth, two tramps hailing front Boston, ap plied for lodgings at the guard house last night. They claimed to be hotel waiters and said that they had been to Jacksonville, Fia., where they fiad been unsuccessful in obtain. ing work and were trying to get back to the city of cufture, baked beans and John L. Sullivan.' Forfearthat thev might mistake their wav officer Turlington was detailed to escort them to the city limits on the Boston road. - . As We Predicted.. Our readers will remember, that when we gave an account of the find ing of the schooner William dk Itich- ard abandoned, water logged and. dismasted," we stated that the con: dition of the vessel when found was such as to confirm us in the belief that the crew had been rescued ", by some passing vessel. That -we were correct in our opinion the following, which we clip from the New Xork Herald of the 18th inst., is proof: , Loxdon, Jan. 17. Steamer- Tunor (Br.), Hodgson, which . arrived at Liverpool yesterday front Savannah, rescuetl during a hurricane on.'-the 3tst ult., in lat. 83 N., long. .3. W. the crew amr the captain and his wife and two daughters of the Boston schoouer . Henry t Jitcharci, wlncli was dismasted ana waterlogged and ' had" doors. and boats smashed and cabins flooded. (The above vessel is probably schr. l attain or Jiirfiara. before report eu seen abandoned. ) .'-' , ; This news will a flonl consolation and relief to some anxious ptpple in this vicinity, ns one of .tbe 'crew was from Southport. - - ;: -' ; See the 'Artful the lest rat trap known, at Jacobi's lldw. Depot t Upplncott' DXasziae. yj-Xa tjie Jpebriiafy n amber of Lip pincotCt lirfi. A. L.yistertranslates a novel called "The Spell iof Home,", affer flie Genii an of K. Werner, and the novel is. thoronghly chaniiing. Amelia Hives shows hersejf in a new and fitost. Interesting lightj in a bril liant story of ancient ; Athens, iUThe Man - ' Golden Fi 1 et." an Mrs. enter- jBeiYaA.JjOckwood gives tairtingand valuable sketch of her "Bffbrts to Become a - Lawyers Agnes Repplierhas a pleasant little ei;cttiModerri AllyJ ajuuiiyiuoui ; -author! : discusses "Oar Old Maids0 hLife t aAVork- ing-Woman's Home,' is aisiugularly clever, anoaiuusing glimpse into . a eurions-phase of j life. Ther"poeins are bv Helen Gray Cone, .Sarah M. B. PiattrBdith II. Thomas and Ella Wheeler: Wilcox. The Monthlv Gossip discusses new and- ingeni ous method of producing j literature which is within reach of the, hum blest intelligence,7 and announces a scheme for a series of one hundred questions in lierature and ; matter o current interest for answers to which a'prize of one hundred dollars is ottered, Personal. Mr A. H. Paidison,, of Burgaw, was. in the city to-day. I'. Mr. Lottfs Petteway has removed f roin Maxton to this city, and has taken a position with Mr O. M. Fil- yaw in .his new. grocery, business, corner Market and Secof id streets. Chad bo urn I'lJucsi Air A. P. Yopp, who is chief enginoer on the W. C. & C. II. 11. , "and who las e sided in this town- for souiek time; moved to Conway last iveek, that being the lie-over point for the W. C. &. C. trains. We are sorry to part with Mr. Yopp and his excellent family. He is an honest christian gentleman and we congratulate onr Conway friends in having him lo cate among them. Onr loss is their gain. We wish Mr. Yopp and family 4irvery pleasure in their new .home." Mr. Price Yopp is the son of Mr. A. J. Yopp and brother of. Mr. -W; Harriss Yopp, of this city- M'lle Rhea. ' t ' s The event of the season will be the appearance next week of the charm ing French actress. M'lle .Rhea. Shie opens her. engagement :bn 'Friday morning appearing, in "Fairy Fin- gers iter latest success,. At tne matinee "Pygmalion and Galatea' will be presented and "Frou Frou1' on Saturday, evening. The ladies have a treat in store in the gorgeous display of Parisian dresses, "Fairy- Fingers" is a comedy-drama froin the French of Ernest . Legouve, en tttiea "uairy lingers, t it. was written originally for the famous Theatre Francaise, of which house it still remains astandard work. She first produced the play- at , Rouen and achieved a wonderful success in it "Fairy Fingers" is beautifully written, cleverly j- constructed, 1 arid abounds in delightful surprises. It upholds the clig'nity of j labor arid shows how. a young girl can, by her a. i ' . ' - J own exeruous, raise , nerseii aoove the need of aid from others. Besides being a remarkable strong " play, it gives scope for a most bewildering display of gorgeous, dresses. Among the dresses displayed by M'lle Rhea .wjll be 6ne originally worii by Made.' line-Brohan on the first presenta tion of "Fairy Tingers" in France. Fairy Fingers" Will present a num ber of. innovations that will be sure to please, we scene representing thie interior of a Parisian1 dressmak ing establishment will bej of . special interest to the ladies; it will be made extremely realistic by I the 'aid of salesladies, customers and. -a 'man milliner. ; ? Gevarto PrjggP GENERAL' MERCHANDISE BROKER, . - Corner Warer and Mulberry Streets,'(Wessell's building) up stairs. :- ! "ttTOULD NOTIFY niSJFRIlNDS AND the public generally, that he has opened a Genera Brokerage office at the above arddress and re" I spectfully solicits thein orders Will', give f prompt dispatch to "all buihes his care. - t f--i Jan 11 Lw jHE DEWING SOCIETY OF; ST. JOHN'S ,artah Bollclt orders for allttnds of plain and fancy feewln?, crocUetlDs: and embroidery. Ladies' auiicnii-rc n'a aprons a specialty. Orders left at tiie Rectory, or 21 North Third "rva will meet with prompt attention. Quarterly Meetings. . Ilrst. round . of Quarterly Meet ing for the Wilmington District of tneXethodist Jci. Churchy South: Brunswick circuit, at Zion, Janua ry 21 and 22. " ; ; whiteville circuity at Whiteville. January 28 and 29. . . ; Grace Church.. .Wilmington; Feb roarv 4 and G. . . v - : Magnolia circuit, at , Magnolia. February 11 and 12: . v " ; Clihton circuit, at Johnsonls chap el, enruary 18 ana - - Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, Feb ruary ana Brunswick mission, February . 2-H and SG. - ' v vnsiow circuit, at ijreen urancu, March3arrd4. . f KenaiisyillUt K.eiicnsville;March' 10 and II. : " : v.-.'. , !- . Carver's Creek, at Shiloh, March 18 and lOr : ; - . : Elizabeth circuit, at jBlizabetli, March 24 and 25. -Cokesburs', at Salem. April 3 & 4. Bladen circuit , at ' Bethlehem, Ap'l 10 ana 11. : ' t r-: " . T. W. Guthrik, P. B. ' " . : N BW A OVER B H H S" l. . H J Fo r Sa I Si;" AvVAUTAirLE fARMf CONTAINING 800 acres with Residence, Glnhouse, Barn," stock- nouse. Tenement nouses. &c, &c Wltnin one mile of A. A, P. It. lit. Churches and schools convenient. ' ' ' A good bargain on easy term's. For jwrtlcu- lai-s call or address, W. C. DOWNINCi, Janisim - Mackey's Ferry, N. C. ' OPERA' - HOUSE. - , - . . Fri iy and urJay, Jjnuiry: jOjt j i. TWO nights and SATURDAY -MATINEE. Appearance of the distinguished Actress, , IMILil-IE RHBA, , Supported by a competent company of play ers. Including MR. KDWARI) BELL,; -' PRESENTING FRIDAY EVENING, FAIRY FING15KS, M'lle Rhea's. Latest ; Success ' SATURDAY MATINEE. PYGMALION AN1VGALATKA RHEA as , Galatea. - e SATURDAY EVENING. PROU FltOU-r-The Original Parisian Version. v scale of Prices Reserved Seats $1. AdmiSr sion 75c and 50c. i . Seats on sale at Heinsberger's Thursday monnng at o'ciock. janistr TJotice. JJAVTNG QUALIFIED AS EXECUTRIX OF the will of Marcus BeaV I hereby notify all persons having claims against, the -said dece dent, to exhibit the same to me on or before lhe 15th day of December,-A. D. 1888. All per sons Indebted to the said decedent will make payment or tne same to me. . - - Dated this December 15th, 1887. CARRIE BEAR, dec 15 law6wth Executrix of Marcus Bear TT7 ANTED AN ACTIVE MAN (ONE OUT Vf . of employment) to begin on fair salary and work himself up, representing, in Jils own locality, an old established house. References exchanged, amebicxn MBgrgReade 100 To De Givcu Away w n ft. nnTCHTNS' maoto poltsii. I ' , :r--. Bring your bottles Tuesdays and Fridays to mv new house. No. 12 NorthSecond St.. Prac - my new house. No. 13 NorthSecond St.. Prac tical Painter and dealer 4n Lmported and Do mestic paints, Axust Material, uiass, urusn es, Oils, etc. Contracts taken. .. i s oct 'M saw anmw , .. ; : . . . 1 ; Merctlht& Exchange Dining Booms. TUfE ARE OPEN AND PROPOSE .TORE- ? f ceive guests for board by the dar. week or month at the iollowlnir low rates: Per day $1; week $4.50; month $18. Meals sent to any part or tne city ana served , at any hour, the best the market affords. A sumptuousFreehnst refPivl nrH vJiu V ri Lunch every day from 11 to 1. PhUadelphia f lUfet Te?1 v ea na J"1 1 le sold for Beer on draught. ; jan is ly I twenty live cents. Profits no object: , -... iri. .. ... , ... r ' ,t .i A, A. BroWfl & CO,:, f ENERAL : INSURANCE AGENTS FOR )r ' FIRE, LIFE, MARINE AND ACCIDENT. Over $35,000 paid out for death losses for vear I HRJ7, in Wilmington, v. i t - - , Office corner North Water and Mulberry st?. upstairs. 4 ., . , . , decs-rf . XOVfiG : ? TN great. VAitiETYi coo Jv AND iiEAT .. ers. Can give you anythlnsr tou are Ilkelr t want. We dont make them, but we have ac cess io uit uest, Bources 01 supply.; uau anusee us. s r ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO., - Dealers in Hardware, llnware. jte, Jaalfl d&w . . Wllaotnifton. N. C1 Notice. AM DESIROUS OF SELLTNG OUT MY i'lhry and Fiincy Goods Business and will make reasonable terms for any one wishing to buy. ". ' I .offer the whole stock or part o? it. ' Am now selling my goods below first cost. ' " Itespectfully, ' v . MIS E.' KAKRER. . - - a 117 Second Slreer. Jaa is Ot Hernoved rpobUK NEW STOirE IX PUJfCELL BUILD-1 ing.-Na 14 Nortu Front St. Will-lie glad fo .welcome oiv cusiomera i nere. W. K. ypRIXGEK CO.- Importers and Jobbers. -Jan 16 Hardware, llnware and crockery r Dnouronce. yCCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE? RENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. ' - f - Ar-piyto ' - SMITH & BOAT WRIGHT. . - . - .NaL-N. Water street g decTtf .. . TelepUcneNo, 73 Extraordinary.' - Cask: Q'2?G3 I-. HU8T BE SOLD! ; TIf E ELEGANT STOCK MiT.r.TVRnr V. ' . FANCY GOODS, i NOTIONS. COKSETS, I - BPSTLKS, . s LACES, ! RUCHINGS DRESS TRIMMING : infahtV:.and ChildfeiCapsV: - Flowers, FeathersRibbons;; J - : .Ornaments Hosiery,-' i ikandkerehiefs .t . t ' j Collars andv.CulTs..'v; ; , Windsor Ties. Je'welrv. : Thl stock is well knowJi as being : ''yl H i i - - ( . vx 1 1 - .-', .... .. MISS GOODWIN will givjuM- aHistic mmiki chargo'ti. I eustoiiiers f or the Viextf tei'dayMis ai iu(iueeiiieut J to :; trade; diitl HAf s and Bonnets;, will be almost glveii awav. ' .;-.'., -:-"::. ' v; .' - Call and see foryourselvesnnd the prices will surprise you. Must be realized on stock hnmedi- ately, hence thiseitraordinary offers Ladies1 'EmpoHum?l:;. . " 115 rket St.rr --''-C" Country orders solicited and , satisfaction guaranteed, jan 17 2t or's LEaDS BUT NEVER, FOLLOWS. ' 'SSS - cia4 clearing saie tins enr , I . tirec week. f Profits no object now-it's safoS we 1 i, "-. y 39 Thirty Niho-Cehts 39 For our fine Felt Hats and Bon nets in every (Jolor and this se.ison'H .shapes. We . mean what- we sayJ Profits no object, its sales we seek. 25 Twenty-Fivc Oto 25 it s sales we seek. , . '?Pa6b VBILINGnew'aiid desira- " toTTm? r n i TA, ' Beautifying Veiling at 23c a yard. t f vA ill VUV Laces Never before was there such bar gains shown in Laces, black, cream, and Laces. It will nav voii to nnr- na? yourLacfe -now even if you don t need it right off; tlie price will astonisn you. .:f- ; ; . . : i -"4:r&Kid: Gloved . We have sold oVer sixt v-three doz en Kkl Gloves, because we are sell ing them for 75c. a pah worth $1.2-5. We received another small. lot. nf ithem in all sizes. .Call and iret a pair before they are all .gone again. FEATHERS and WINGB almost given away. s v - Profits no object no w, sale? is wliat we geek at j Piaco Good G IAN BE BOUGHT BY TOE sriT OR BE MADE TO ORDER. "AT Li IC K & M E A I IBS, Merchant Tailoring and Gcnt.s' Fuiiilshlr:r. Jaa 16 .. a . ' J:; N Fron i is r. Go I and 17 oo d. li ED AND WHITE ASH .-COAL. FULL f i WOOJ), BLU'K STOCK OAK -AND .ASH JACK AND LIGHT VOfD. jan is J. A. SPRING CR. Tayl Bazai HItVI 2.CJV1U . -.- V jan 17 '