THW PAPER pjUAirf every emilfi?. Sun dors excepted I, JCHU. T. JAM ES. Editor and Prop. si pscRirnoxs. postage taid-. ' yrir. foa Six months ftai "Three poctn. fl-oa on month. 55 cent. Prr dvilvrml bj carrier, f rVe fI .r. In any part ol thr clty.U the above . crMcrBUprrwwk. tnrnWaraii lowand UUraL -nr-r will nlf-- rrvon ny and zr - . to mrJte their paper rr?ulartj. ; . I,. W ' r i V 'l 13 .-Tr:.- ). - m ! AU-Ttl AMUJMfOieiC. BASILS, SA. P H1LADHLPH! A. Si! i ft: ma Pr:r?. OH E Delta Jjfrj TttA iurity of H I'.!- f tit linmaa H frnm A dlal I.itr. f?!.Ti k... I.icrr Iu!atr Ii?m ihinca:- wt turn any H"-r ;y cumIi irr.TUAT oi; ;et the CJ.u.Nr, to asic w?dwty chsat The Chinamen in New York are .aid to em! home over $150,000 a year. Tlie Jlonroe I'nquirrr coiiich out unequivocally in favor of Ex-(iov. JnrvUfor the Kulroatona. noiui imtioiu Uooe ConkUns is d to have remarked intimate friend that the effort to make him a Presiden tial Kibility is frhuply nonsense, and too ridlcnlous to be seriously repmled for one moment - - The Pennsylvania Democrats talk about CArrj inir that State for Cleve land. They are in earnest atiotit it and Mieve thattlroy can do it. At all eventsi they areRoinffto work the campaign for all it is worth. The National Democrats! Commit tee will meet in "Washington City on the 22d of February next to fix a time and place for holding the Na tional Democratic Convention. Del elation will be present to urge the claim of a lanre number of cities which deire to have the Conven tion, among them New York, Bos ton, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and San Francisco. The Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee of Con gress have been interviewed "a to their opinion of the prospects of the, vNige of a general tariff bill by the present Congress, The general opinion is a tariff bill will be passed ami that the internal revenue laws will not le abolished. Chairman MilH says that he will make an effort to have the free lint largely incrcas-"1- Mr. Wikon, of West "Virginia. that he will work for a reduc tion of the present surplus of $140,-! tnf) to $40,000,000. There is war in Virginia and it is letween Mahone ami Riddleber ffer. The latter arjived in Richmond too late for the meeting of Republi cans called to organize a State league of National Republican Clubs and Mahone hail it all his own wav. There Is therefore war. to the knife between them, and it promises to he a bitter fight. Mahone wants to control the Virginia delegation lor John Sherman and it Is said that in the event of the lmpo5ible election ' of the bloody-shirtei Mahone is to be third ou his staff, ridrticrf. Sec retary of War. The s pre ml election in the 11th CongresAlonal district of Michigan 'ouie off on February 14. A sharp fight h expected, for though the I lt rict I llslinlK Ilpnilblltan there I . , , i rt liianv diriionft in thm fWirtv. i - i Juugell.j. 13ro-n, who is widely ivuown in upper Aiicuigan, ana jay i. , ... . . . i iiabbell, of usessuient circular t fame, are the leading Republican 1 aspirant, and Hubbells defeat is- rredieted. Ikirtlev Preen, whose1 !Pport of labor measures in the last 1 ie?ilature has made hiui popular all luillie workincrmen. will nroba- y be nominated by the Labor at l,lnJ and- he Cinpeti- DemtXTaiiC i0 ndormtnt. t mi 2 J .'W??7N .Prop. r 1 -I Th ILiiL-Itrli rcrre?on(Ienr of theI VetfrUun: Jmlrx Apprat seems to . . . m f think that Maj. Steihnaii will be iioiiiitinted for O overnor. In Meak - j five f tli- Kiiiirnl ituitirii . at thn I present otithmk lie mw.: .. iiiere im. pern never ueeu a time when Milit rn loomed up o ies itre to olue extenr at sea' as to who will make tiiemot available repreentntive for the chief stand ard betirer. ami eMecinlv autotnr the Democraey rhe "Rielimonds" aire fast aeciimulating. It seems that every prominent mau in the party ha n f!iwing who loutllv blow on every favorable opportuni ty the horns of their favorite. Next ttLthe speculation a to who hhall Ih the gubernatorial standard bear er, comes the moiueiitoiis qnestion. who will sueree! Il;msom in the Senate? Amid the ronllicting news it is haril for the disinterested to draw a fair infereiiee other than from what a ould soin to le the natural tnndeiiev of things. Taking precedent as a basis for the zuher" natorial succession, it is ratheWair to presume that the successful can didate will route from the eastern Section of this State, and this being conceded, the inference can be till further carried out in the belief that the most active aspirant in that sec tion will be the successful indi vidual. That Lieutenant-Governor Stedman "nils the bill in this res pect is the current opinion, and wafers to this elTect could be freely gotten. The Lieutenant-Governor, too, is busy nt the helm in the way of "working the triggers.1 and to gether with his host of admirers, is earnestly striving to make "assur ance doubly sure," The bulk of the talk here marks him us the .favorite, thus far, at least. Among the Re publicans the predictions are scarce Iv less indulged in. but are not of so wide a scope i:. men Is mon contracted, but still there are more of them seeking the honor of the gubernatorial nomina tion than at anv time since 1870. Whether justified by any reasonable cause or not, it is nevertheless true that the lenders of that party are far more hopeful of carrying rTorth Carolina this year than they have been since theVlectioti of Governor Caldwell, and thousands- who had heretofore become disheartened are exhibiting great, confidence of suc cess. In short, the political cauldron is beginning to boil in earnest, - and gives promise of one of the most holy contested political battles ever fought in the state. . The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to consump tion. Hood's SarsapaVilla cures ca tarrh by purifying the blood. LOCAL 3STE-WS. Ixdix to New Advkrtisevbxts. Ship Notice Ship Etta Miss Kasrer Notice W C Downing For Sale. . OrERA HorsE M 'He Rhea Dick Mrares- Plerr Wools C W Yates Yearly Subscriptions Crosly Morris West Inrta Fruit IIeissberger -Iioolcs. stationery. c., c Opera HorsE Wllsoa & Kankln .Minstrels Best shoes for bovs at French & Sons. t The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up ."ill bales. rcuooi sitoes tor ciuitlreii. Itest ill the city, at Geo. R. French Sc SoiH.t There was u sharp advance in the price of cotton iu New York to-day. Ladies will find a nice line of good reliable scissors at. Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. . ' t Steamship Pioneer sailed for New York at alout 7 o'clock this morning with a full cargo. M'lle Rhea and her comttanv ar- ri ved tht forenoon and registered at ine wrron liouse. a. a. I The box sheet for M'lle Rhea's per rormaiice shows that she will be greeted by a crowded house to- night. The Wilmintrton Light Infantry ;T "V" Praue mstnigiu i,y tlie light of a yery cold moon. They were drilled on Market Mreet in the marcliiiig antl manual and at Market in urim Crude turnentine advanced in I i . - - - - - - l , Vfi . xii v i i i rviT 1 1 irv. :rv v iiiua y .1 a rv 1 aik.y v i inns nii k tirioe tfrt futiu twi liurl ,v.1.. f.lliko tn ontar frla trr rTictrilft- virtriii nnil vllnu Jin null flva I - - . w iiti ifcv-!' cuio I - per barrel for hard. i c, . ..,. a , . . " " Zi"L7 7 """ , , 1 " arrlve(I RM , . . , 01 ' - m. of 0 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in boys, from . cents and upward?, the Wilmington Shirt Factory, Alarket street-' .K I The oomrrecrutions of Bladen; Street M. E. Church are continually ; f . .i.t" ... j increasing and the building will ! hardly contain the audiences who ck there to worship. . . . a Oood'iVlnt. . n Kpiiin verv rhean iit" ..a? .arf JflUnS ver chPf it,stet of two dvB. as originally intended. , One of th! laflierrays that the insertion of ; the ad. for two days onlv brought in r more bnsinesH in that time than thev had had in a week previous. previous. This is a good hint for others. Appreciative At the last regular meeting of Hanover 'Council No. 25, United States' Denevoleut Fraternity, held in this city last Tuesday evening, Mr, William Goodman was made the recipient of an elegant gold-headed ebony cane in token of appreciation of his perviees asan officer of the Council ever since its organization, The handle of the cane bears the ii inscription: "Hanover Council No. 25, U. S. ;B. F., Win. Goodjnan. Jan'' nary, 1888.$ The presentation speech was made by Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn in aueat,felicitiousand appreciative manner, air., woodman was taKen entirely by surprire, but he respond- j ed gracefully and gratefully to thus mark of the respect and esteem of I the Council. rretty West India Fruit. m TheBritish schoonerS'araJS,.2oa- la8 Capt. Cameron, from Nassau, is in port with an assortment of West India fruit. She brought, be sides other fruit, 140,000 oranges and they are the brightest and prettiest West India oranges we have seen here In years. Uf these oo.OOO were artl Yiafai no rflao in nhopllocfnn OVIV4 ill J a,w lUi bivp vyaa vwwb and another lot of 50,000 to parties in Baltiiitore, hj peu uencwu uh m - a lie uu.aaice u. voe ... soiu iiere uv m k uruui) w iuums. Flnpct Khofl for lnfps ivear in the citv at French Jfc Sons. t . Daughten of Rebecca. At Oriana Lodge N6. 3, D. of R. of I. O. O. F District "Deputy Grand Master W. J. Penny, assisted by Past Grands C. D. Morrill, Grand Marsnai, A. j. Yopp, Grand warden, E. J. Moore, Grand Secretary, Wm. ! M. Hays Grand Treasurer, last night installed the following "officers: N. G. Sister E. A. Keen. V. G.-Sister C. A. Morrill. Treasurer Sister I. J. Yopp. Secretary Brother Wm. Keen. Warden Sister M." J. Keen. Conductress Sister V. G. Craig. R. S. to N. G. Brother E. J. Moore. , ' L. S. toN. G. Brother F. Meyer. R. S. to V. G Brother A. X 1IP- ! L. S. to V. G. Brother C. D. Mor- rill. i Guardian.-BrotherWm. M.Hays. The tireat MeetinK. It has now been decided that the meetings which are to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Pearson in March next will be belli in th two front com- partments of the Southern building of the Champion Compress, on utt street. It was a Question whether the occupancy of the building - for such a purpose would not affect the insurance on the Dronertv. but ata - meeting of the insurance underwri- tersofthe cit v. held yesterday, it was decided that the property would not be jeopardized providing eras or electricity were used in ulu minating the premises. This obsta cIe beins t,lll8 happily removed, the lueetimrs will be held there, as we ,iave tated. Plans for the seats lxmv seen at the ofllce of Messr8. Xorthrop,HcK3ge8 & Taylor, onNutt street, and' contractors who' would tinn nf tho twnrKo tarun VrH dfk. " - - v fv.' music stand. &c. are invited to call and examine them. They are ar . . ranged for a seating capacity for 2.500 arsons, with five' feet aisles and proper means of egress in case anv accident. The rilans which have been determined upon are datlon nossihl to the worshiriners.; ' They were drawn by Mr. "W. W. TTrMrr - nf Vi firm rf Ifectra "Vflrh: t Irop, Hofges & Taylor. Prnal. .1 Dr. E. W. AVard, of Onflow eoun .i 1 A." - A - . j. .! .. ..." ,'X ty was in the city to-day. I Hnn! ranLntxtiv. 5 from th Fourth Congressional Dis jtrict, arrived in the cityj thM fore noon " tne Kuest of Ir- Jacob Vll , ? I ' Pure of a call to-day. h ret to learn, as edofrom S.??ft;pfPf 'ng has for some weeks past been confined tojhis bed with - rheii- ,Uiira,u- e expects w aoie co visit the Warm Springs of Arkansas in a short 'time, and hppes that j those celebrated; waters ill effect a cure. j . City, Court. I: The first case for the Mayor con sideration this morning wus that of a young man, charged withfastdriv ing. Tlie evidence showed that the horse, for a moment, got pie better (of the driver and started fo run, but was soon, controlled and- inade tb v j . m- travel at a proper speed. L Ther case I was dismissed and' the I defendan discharged. ; ' v j ' j A colored man on South Water street, charged with offering liquor for sale on Sunday, was bound over to the next term - of the Crimma Court "in the sum of $ip0v I Herman Strauss, a drummer from Baltimore, was charged with a mis demeanor, in that he insulted ladies in a millinery store on Market street yesterday morning. Mr. Thbs. W Strange appeared for the prosecu tion and Mr. J. I. Macks appeared for the defendant. The I judgment of the Court was that the defendant was guilty and he was required to pay a fine of $50 for the offense. De fendant appealed wheh & justified Donu oi siou was xor nis i . . ; i . j m - TP V ! C Smith -colored noiay In the'-Court-' Room whereby procee'din&s were disturbed, and he was fined- $5 for contempt o: ftnnrt. with the alternative of Work- g ien uays m me cnam-gang. I . j j xt i : I T 1 3 1 3 1 ' iujib Aiezaimer,cuiureq, Keep ing an unlicensed dog, was hnd 1, I which would be remj ttedi when she (procured the necessary badge. Maggte Chance, 'colored for keep- Ing twtf unlicensed dogs, rwas fined I $2, with a good chance of having the iflne reinittea wnen sue procured tne I necessary badge M'lle llhea. . To-night, the charming French actress M'lle Rhea appears at the Opera House beginning a t;wo nights engagement. Mlle Rhea presents the three genis. of lier, repertoire, Pyg malion and Galatea at the Saturday matinee, Frou Frou at night and Fairy Fingers, a iiew play jfrom the French, this evening. , 'Fairy Fingers is a revelation . of Parisian life that onlv an actress nossessinar the French vivacity and Parisian manners can truthfully !de- nirt TVrllf I?lipn .1 linth irr hpr nri. d her liatfvitv.! fills the role to perfection. The j play is cleverly written, full of clash and spirit, abounding in delightful couiedyand )eautiful sentiment. : More than ouce dramatic authors will cast their nets into the ocean of literature before. bringing to light so exquisite a pearl. It upholds the dignity : of labor and pictures in striking colors the apathy of wealth whenbrought m a. 1 a. ' ,t ace toiace wun nonesi epueavor. The story of the play centres in the fortunes or Hortense, liucne we ue Lesneyen, a dependent, on her rela- tives, wbo impose many distasteiui burdens upon her. She resolves to leave their home and tight ier bat- tie with the world alone; ionly in this case she does not Sght in rags. On tlie contrary, she wins her vic tory in magnitieent dresses. She goes to Paris, opens a dressmaking establishment, and "soon becomes the modiste of fashionable j circles. The dresses made under her direc tion are so marvellous that ! people say they must oe tne woric oi iairy nngers, irom wnicn juumeui play derives its name. , the -. Indlcalionn. . -- For North' Carolina, warmer, fol- loweI bv colder, fair weather, and . - . i " ThVft was a rood snnnlv of wood in market to-day and the price ask 1 trnc nnf tri ln'Mi nu if "V5 VPitpr. ' T Y i l; v v j iSarnt Cork. - j . In The Wilson & Kankin Minstrel I n .... . m nt the I Onera Ilouje next Mondav eveninir. - & one of the best companies of; its - 'kind now on the road.: There are 5 pwtornierH ami all are artists in thrif'nHi, lin.'nf l.nrnt .nrK- red uaye supero dances and their or ehestral music is very fine. Of course there wjll be a full house to give them cordiaf greeting; . : 7 v. ; r . Ebyal Arcunum. j At the last L regular, jneeting of Clarendon Council, No. 231," of. this city. Deputy Supreme Regent, Na thaniel Jacob!,; installed the 'follow-r ing officers: ; . - " Regent C P. Mebane, . . r Vice-Regent Eugene S. Martin."" Past Regent J. C. Chase. Orator Col. John L. CantweU- 1 Secretary Captain John Cowan. Collector J. Weil. . ' Treasurer I. 1. Greenevald. Chaplain Thomas O. Bunting. 1 Guide James W. Monroe, Warden J. C. Stewart. . i Seritry E. Scharf. I Trustees Nathaniel Jacobi, R Jones, D uBrutz Cutler. . v J. I Committee Meeting:. '-The committee on music, who were appointed to make the neces sary preparations for, a choir of 50 singers to take part in the religious exercises which are to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Pearson, held a meeting this noon, Mr. C. H. Robinson -was called to the chair and Mr. W, H. Alderman was Secretary, y After , a full discussion of the matter, .the Secretary was requested to send in vitations to the choirs of - all the churches who will take part in the meetings, to meet at the lecture room of the -First- Presbyterian Tuesday night, . for the purpose' of organizing a choir. The meeting then adjohrned. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglans e Advice to old and young: .In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to1 the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause vou further iniurv to the ve. TTsini? r. . " -' r - X . CT gise oi Biroiiger. puwer x-nan is ne cessary is the dailyi cause of prema tare old-age to the sight Tou can get the best at Heinsbergers. t : NEW ADVBB riSJttBTH. Ghip fJotice. ALL PERSONS ABE HEREBY warned against trustlnsr or harboring: any of the crew of the British shin ETTA, as no de.bts contracted by them will be patf1 C- , by the ship, her owners or consien- ees. JAMES AKTHURS: Master. . ALEX. 8PKU3JT & CO., Agents. . JanSOlt . - OPERA HOUGE. Slonday, January 23d, GEO. WILSON, j . LEADING - Wilson & Rankin IVinstrels. geokge wilson, "The Minstrel Kinff." , 35 Thirly-Piv Others 35 MASTER OLIVER, The Musical Prodigy. , : TIIE GRAND OPERA. . - "Admission, 33c, 50c. 75c and l. '. Box Sheet at Ilelnsbenrer's 9 o'clock Satur day .morning.-' " jan 20 3t ' OPERA HOUGE. ri'aj ad Sa!nrdijr mm asd 21. TWO NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE- Appearance of the distinguished Actress, M'l4LERHBA3 y . - Supported by a competent company of play ers, ineiuaing- jaic kuwaku bell, ' . PRESENTING FRIDAY EVENING, FAIKr FlNGKltS, Mile Rhea's Latest ,1 . ' Success. SATURDAY MATINEE. PYGIrAI.IO- AND GAI.ATJELV RIIEA as Galatea. SATURDAY EVENING. PKOU FKOU The Original Parisian Version. Scale of Prices Reserved seats f l. Artmls- sion 73c and 50c . . . - '., - Seats, on sale at . Hetnsbergers Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. r jan 18 it, rjoot" I n d ior p r u i t . A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WEST IUDIA FP.TTIT, Just arrived In splendid condition ajid , oh Schr. SARAH E. DOUGLAS. COW lylog nt ; wharf near foot of Dock itreet. and for Kale by CRONLY & MORRIS,',.7: Consignee, Comer Princess and Water Sts " iLELsr. noiic::. We will teglal to receive c.' :.-' from our fneis cn. ziy rrl a!l ;.; -t.i :. general interest; but : Tlic nans cr tte writer nu?r. 1 i olohwl to the Editor. ; ' ' . Commuid cations must tw writ:- ;. c.,:y . one tide Cf tho paper. . ' ' . IVrsonalities must be a vol-' X . And it is esper4ally and p' rr! oulaly unl-r stood that the Ettitoroes t always endors the views of correspondents n!rs.i m state In the editorial columns. Extraorclinarif G MUST BE lii -o- r THE ELEUANT TOCK OF MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS,; . ' C0RSETS,r ; y - . BUSTLES, ' LACE3, ,- . ?RUCHINGS.. DRESS .TRIMMINGS, . AND BUTTONS. -Infants'- and Children's Caps, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons. - Ornaments, Hosiery. .'Handkerchiefs, " " Collars ami, CulTs, " Windsor Ties, Jew el r v. This stock is well known as beinir the finest ever brought to.this cH y. -MISS GQODWIN" will give her J artistic trimming free of charge lo customers for the next "ten days. ;is an inducement to trade, and Hats and .Bbnnets will be. almost given away. . ; . -'' - : Call and see for yourselves and the prices will surprise you. -1 Must be realized on stock immedi- ' ately, hence this extraordinary offer. Ladies' Emporium; ' 115 Market St Country orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. : jan 17 2t A valuable faioi containing ; ;o I . ... ' ' lucres, liLnnouso, iijrn, tstoo::- - 1 nouse. Tenement Houses, &C, Ac. -Within cr mile of A. & , P. It. . Churches and Schools convenient. - -" A good bargain oa easy terms. For part lev lars callorjiadress, , W. c. ;OWNLN V Jan 181m ; : . 3fackey?s Ferry, N. a WE' ARE. OPEN AND PKOPOSE TO re ceive Kruests for board by tho day. w tv,: I or month at the following low rates: Per ti. r tfl;week $4.50: month tin. Mcul3 sent toer.'y Eartonnecity ana erved at any hour, t L est the market, affords, a sumptuous Fri-- L.uncn every day . from ll to L Philam!rKi.i lieer.on maugnt. . ; - jan is ly. Reiriovocl rfOOru NEW STORE IN PUJtCELL BUILI'- lng.NaU North Front et". Will bo gl.jd to 1 velcome our customers there.' W. E. SPRINGEIt &. CO., Importers and Jobbers, . . jail 16 x Uardwaro, Tinware and Crockery oh L3Q v7 I Ooor Door Urn gEST GOODS. LOWEST PBICE. . RIMS, SPOKES. ' WHEELS. , COOKING AND nEATINO STOVES Being Factory Agentswe can save 3 0U nir. JacobPs lldw Bopnt. dec 29 tf 13io. Front str-.r. CARRIAGE REPOSITOnY -AXD- REPA1JI SHOP. pARTTES IN WANT OF ANY HIND I Vehicle or want any Repairing dor.o or I old vehicles, will find it to tLcIrl.-' . r ; ! call on . C. IS. SOUTHERL.1NI) '-, j , . . Corner Secon l ; 1 Princr v, 1. Send your horses .to t' iiOi. '., c . first-class snoer. . - j :.m : ! Pieco Oo'ciiC c IAN'-BE BOUGHT BY TilTJ L'JT j MADE TQ ORDER, AT DICK Cw Xt-i J. Merchajrt.T JaultJ loii:;;j and C?ZiW zt: