, ... i , -, , i .! Ill ! II ' II- - - I -. ! m 1 1 " -2 3f ? O T2io Dailsr Royicrcr. Tbst Tired" Feeling Afflicts nearly every one m "stein linvimr oeco. Josif. T. Jamks, Editor & Pron'r. accustomed to the bracing air of i Superior Court of North Carolina IS88 tu . ! JUDGES. . .. ' x t , i TOstrfct. James iuepuL-ru. nrirjLr- .rneevstem uavms uecumo .rrw virt ihitiin nf i?recomDe.-.. r - - . - - f ta el Wilmington, N.C. nd District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe. winter, is weakened by the warm 4th District, uairercwoi . - . v ! days of .the changin, Wson. and gg ggg. i" ; readilv vielus to attacks or disease. ub rnrttt, James C. MacRae, Cumberland. 8th District, J. .MUIllxULuerj. ui tawn i IririA ih1h1- It tones and huilus f. MISCELLANEOUS. --as 1 r Mod for POil BUYEIW I lDi. o. Enteied at the Postofflee at Wilmington, N.C., ; up e ver v part of the body, and al ntn District, Wm. M. Shlpp. of Mecklenburg. 3an 18 ?od ly d o as second-class matter. Tin Wnslifngton correspondent of the New York Herald, in anrtonnc inpr the departure of Congressmen ililUaiul Hreckinridtre from Wash ! expels all impurities from the blood. -'f-.r if ia k:cnn A Crtaia Cmrta fr tb Xlrt '..r. -7 - .' -Cnx3. motion. ... ... . tnimtrimrvi v iiniin tt 4 tx w to U--k.1'1 Sin Kn nil rill A. is liter T ll f Hied IfacialatoXTiinaarrawDeanuiucj vr.utauAX. cr-DKUAui . . . o v SiT ninr jpssa p. firaves. of Surry. ts.. ir., trvi. ..? i .Hmniii. tha .ncr-1 ! feme rieeuea. it iones anu nrtcL Ainhonso c. Avery, of Burke. (iea and tmildj tip th tiMOM m do other acico- tla dicoTry baa rr done. MI aa a rrtabyteriaa clergyman and a Doo- tar cf Dirinity, bnt I aia not afraid to recom- caai DnSft Halt Whiiieyand Duffy' For- zaala aa tha parttt and moat eQcicnt prcpara ttimM X know of aid ray experience ia a larga csa. Est. B. Muxs, " Prince ton, Iowa. . T&a&j rormnla fa for aale by all druggihta A&4daalTa. Price, II per bottle. Ta Dtm 31u.t Whkskt Co., ' " Kochtaier, N. 7. CArr ALWAYS REUAtU..lU LAUiLdX ISDISPENSABLE.S3LD BY AIL DRUSGJSTS.N D!AM0)JnrCr?, ORINCLOsr -T "1A! ' TOR PABT,; I I ASK FOR DIAMOND BRAWDAiwt"itn4tsJix FOR PADTiI". f I I CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. SOlEPROf-HAWSOM SqJHiA.PA.VsEE icmatuco ""iT r WS1 nnnwNsouciTEO wRrrrni trtimonials axo ovtRTRculASltSwltaI ,3 i FKBHUARI FUN. ' 1 Gold handled umbrellas are The handle u "aau . . . fnghion. mgtoti to make speeclies at itovi- arranged that it csan be dence. K. I., wiid: "Chairman Mills This is an impronement corn is so - - - j.Utiy Lbra. JtuxcCtx tcrTTlu:o Umg tifwCxatf i cm-1. q fecial eats. jUmlatsM Uo FTaUhlnc Vod of a T-n m4 Joe IVartlml PQCI Tlt if iiOi)li.. ILK J iraiTC" a for BOBltrv booar; iaiukSAtioa toesbAtor. u4 bero In buy Me tuuii. mu tar ln fren bel utork nt Sl luuuc emu ur I trsui t 4 aii.v the IJOOK OP CAGE 1TM 1U1LD. 1 MCN. 160 111 frmiiM BMatiueelerd platr. Tt imwit ana brdinx o ail kiaaa Cac tirda, tar jlnaia i and iaaaaoa aod that eura. llov to ooild and stock aa Awrr. Ail ftboot Parroca. irica c4 aJ klada akrcli, ctM, etc. alailed for lAUau. The Txw Booka. 40 CU. ... ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, S fteata ilau Street, PkUadtiplda, Pa, rTlT'n Wonder exist In thousands AJ Hi Hi K of forma, but are surpassed by the manreLsor lnrentlon.- Those who are tn need of profitable work that can be done whila Unnz at home should atjonce send their a-daresa to Iiailett Co.. Portland. Maine, and recelTO free, full Information how eithernex. ot all afes. can earn from " to tS per day and opTraroj wherever they live. You are started frea. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 la a single day at this work. All suc ceed, nor cmd ly w CATARRH Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflam mation, neals the Bores, Restores the Senses of Taste and FmcU. M i r IT IH TBI CCSLHA-FEVER A particle ts applied Into each nostril and is acTeeable. mce 50 cents at druslsts- by mall, retriiitered. CO cents. fcL,i mtuuir.ii Si3 Greenwich hu. w York, apl lyeoddiw : f ' ' .. ami his Democratic associates of the ways and means committee have been working until past midnight for the last two weeks on the new tariff bill, .which they will soon pre sent to the House. The bill, it may be stated, will be ready to submit to the full committee on Thursday of next week. It is barely possible that theabsenceof Messrs. Mills and l!reckinridge to-morrow may delay the matter until Friday next, but it will certaiulybe ready to - leave the hands of the Democratic party by that time." taken . off. on the old QF INTEREST T0 MEfi Van! Vlror. TVfakncM or Lcs of Memory per taorv Ur restored by the nae of an entirely wn jnvsly. Tbe Verba Santa from Spain, .pan h Trochee never fail. Ourillutratcd,42page bool id ttlmooUf, (pent ea?dv Kvery manaboal .adlU VOX CIIAKPTIIOCIIEECCX, Crn y Park riaxr, evr Yorlc rrt invention: 'Iias revolutionized world durlnir the 'hall century. Not I amon? the wonders of inventive pmsrrcssis method and wstem of work that c i i be per formed all over the country withou separa imr tha workirs from their homes, Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, younj or old; no special ability required. Cap ital oot needed; you are started free Cut t his oat and return tons and wewiu scnajouiiw. Bomethinff of treat valne and importance to you, tnai wui aiaix you m imwuvo.-i. " will brizyr you In more money right awav.than anything else in the world. GmwX iMitjiifivf Addresslrara iTca, Augusta, Maine nor s cmd lrw ONWARD IS THE WORD I mnE PROOUESvSIVE PARMHK ENTKIW Us TIIlltD VOLVME at tho following rates: 1 subscriber, 1 year $1.25 S subscribers, 1 year JkHO 29 subscribers. 1 year 10.00 One copy, 1 year, tree to. tho one sending a dab of ten. BAt Daces. 40 columns, weekly. Send cash (charges prepaid) to teolT .. L. L. POLK, Kalelgh. N. C. BOY QLIPPEB PLOWS TTira TRACK CHAINS. BITS. HORSE -I ' CttOars, Curry Cambs, Back Bands, Rope and a complete line of Agricultural Implements at BOTTOM PRICES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JacoM's Qdw. Store, -. 15 9outh Front Street, . CXJStf aoh. Sash. Poors. Doors. -TEST GOODS. LOWEST4PBJCES. IlIMS, SPOKES, .WHEELS. COOKING AND IIEATINQ STOVES. Eclnj Factory Agehts we can save you money. JacolJPs Hdw. Depot. aa M. - - a cecS 1 So. Front Str Donslas & larboroush. fASIIIONABLB 1IA1R DRESSERS AND BARBERS, 1C3 llarketBt.. WUmlorton, N. C. She? faUj equipped with all the latent lm- T cJr.?oSiaaJ route barber, always ready - Ysr&o-rouKh. formerly wlihJoli VTcr::r, tVw1J 1.3 gui to tcrve h'.a c: 1 The New York Tribune says: "Tiiere is no holiday that is npw less observed here than St. Valen tine's Day. From a once popular epistolary festival it has shrunk so in observance that the mails are now 110 longer swollen to any appre ciable extent. In fact the day is only a ghost of itself in the palmy times four or live years ago. The observance here yesterday was even less than last year. At. the postoflice no extra help was needed or thought of and for this the car riers were thankful when they thought of the hard times they had before the day fell into disuse. The grotesque penny valentine, of c;urse,ilourished to some extent, but the dealers hardly cared to keep even a sunnlv or tliese cheap re- a a minders. It is estimated that not 21.000 valentines were delivered in this city vestenlay." Sir. Joseph J. O'Donohue, the Tammany Hall leader, while in Washington the other day said that Tammany would give a loyal"and cordial supptrrt to the nominee of the national convention, whoever he might be. When asked if he an ticipated a Democratic victory he said: It all depends upon the ac tion of the Democrats in the House on the tariff question. We must do something to reduce the surplus. I spent an hour with Mr. Randall this morning. We discussed this mat ter at some length. It would be in delicate in me to repeat even the substance of our conversation, but I may say this: Mr. Randall under stands the situation fully. He as sures me that a tariff bill will.be passed at this .session. I do not know whether he means the bill the ways and means committee are ma turing or whether he will have one of his own. 1 don't care, I am en tirely satisfied with his assurance that something will be done. That is sufficient for me,'' A number of friends last week went out to the handsome residence of Gen. W. S. Harney, in the sub urbs of New Orleans, to congratu late him ou the seventieth anniver sary of his appointment as a United States soldier. The old soldier was pleased with the attention paid to him and called his wife to exhibit to visitors the musty bundle . of parchments which he had received from time to time as he advanced in rank. The first was his commission as lieutenant of infantry, signed by President Monroe,February 13, 1818; that as captain by President John Qulncy Adams in 182-5; others sign ed by Presidents Jackson and Polk, and finally his appointment us brig adrier general, signed by James Buchanan. Gen. Harney's tall, sol dierly figure and snow-white hair are among the most familiar sights,' and as he rose from his chair on the sunny gallery overlooking the water to greet his friends, one did not need to be told that he was in his prime, as the Hon. Jeff Davis said of him, the grandest specimen of physical manhood I ever saw." in the last vear Gen. Harnev has become quite feeble in mind. Although his health is good, he is entirelv dependent on his brave, cheery little wife, who de votes her whole life to hit care. Who I a Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. WhyJ Because if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair, honorable chance and see if it is" not the best friend you have In the end. Don't smoke in the morning. " Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If vour food ferments and does not digest right if you. are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coning, up of the food after eating, Billiousness, Indigestion, or any other trouble of the-stomach, vou had best use Green's August i'lower, as no person can use It with out relief. stvle. where the entire umbrella was taken off. Statesman. In Northern Alaskathe sun shines onlv four hours out of the twenty four in winter, and the Alaskans oui?ht to be dulv thankful. Base ball clubs can only play one game a day. JVorrJler. Visitor (at insane asylum) "Who is that poor fellow who jumps and veils so whenever your door bell rings?" Keeper 4dh he used to be iiifrht clerk in a drucr store. There are lots of those chaps in here." Drift. : : Several diamonds were found in a meteorite which fell in the to n of Krasnoslobodsk, Russia. They will be given to the. individuals who are able to pronounce-the naiue of the town.. Nowis the time to get up clubs. Pittxburg Post. OH, the snow, the blowy snow Filling the eyes and the nose below Stopping the street cars, Wetting your feet, 1 VsiiOKiug iiie ureutii ui The people you meet! Once I could blow like the blowy old snow. umana worca. Always Miserable. Jones. "You seem to be always miserable." Smith '"So I am. Life has no nleasures for me." "What is the matter?" "Anxiety about my future robs me of one half of my present iov. and remorse for my past life erets awav with the other half." Sifting. A commercial traveler was brag ging about the magnitude of the firm he represented. "I suppose vour house is a pretty big establish ment?" said the customer. "Big"? You can't have any idea of its di invasions. Last week we took an in fent orv or the employes ana roum out for the first time that three cashiers and four bookkeepers were missinsr. That. will give you some idea. of the magnitude of our busi ness." 15th. For cure of rheumatism, neuralgia in its various phases of sciatica, tic douloureux, semi-crania, &c, and gout, use Salvation Oil, the greatest pain cure on earth. It is a specific for the above disease. Price 25 cents a bottle. The most valuable man on dairy farm is the good mil ksr. . the "The Blood ia the Wfe.' Thoroutrhlv cleanse . the blood. which is the fountain of health, by using Dr. I'lerce's Golden Medina Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength. and soundness of constitution will be established. ifolden Medical uiscovery cures all humors, from the common nim pie", blotch, or eruption, tothe-worst Scrofula, or blood poison. Especial ly has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt Kheum or Tetter, Fever-sores Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged GIands,and tatmg Ulcers. tf olden Medical Discovery cures Consumption (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), bv its wonderful blood- purifving, invigorating and nutri tive properties. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of . Bloody Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. It .promptly cures the severest Coughs. For. Torpid Liver, BilUousness, or "Liver Complaint," Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it is an" uneqtmled rem edy, .ijold byIraggists. -'."; Orea Coughs, Colds. Ffoameness, Croup. Atfliirui, uoo, ana relieves conimiiire pewona in advanced utat of the Hr&9a Price 25 eta. f Ywt f Sun. . Tho Genuine Dr. hnlVa Cough Surup is sold only in rkiie icniprr. and btiars our repixtered Trade-Marks to wit s A VW Umd in a Circle, a I& Strip Caution-label, and the fue-slmilenic-n.it.iirwof John W. pull tt A. CI Meyer tt Co., Sole . rrop'a, Ualtimore, UL. U. & A.' Cfaew Lanre's Plug-a The erratTobaeeo An- tldote! rk 10 Cla Sold by all Drusxisu. octleoddfi wly Cevarte GENERAL MERCHANDISE BROKER, Corner Water and Mulberry Streets, (Wessell's - building) up "stairs. -: "Yy"OTJLD NOTIFY niS FRIENDS AND the public generally, that he hasopenedla Genera Brokerage office at the above address and re spect fully solicits their orders Wlll'fflve prompt dispatch to all business entrusted to his care. . . . Jan 11 Ha FIG TOBACCO, fJew Arrivals. Q0 BOXES HENJNc CO. 1 K ft BOXKS PLUG AND TWIST, ' lUy , , , ALL STYLES TOBACCOS, 3ft nrifl ASSORTED CIGARS. .3U,VJUU Above to be sold at greatly re duced prices to close conslrnnient. Ilespectruliv, , " SAii'L BEAR, Sr.i ---13 13::arkcti:trtct 12th District, J. II. Merrimpn, of Buncombe. SOUCITORS. 1st District, John II.- Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. IL White. (coL) of nalif oxj 3rd District, D. Worthlngton. of Martin. 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. 5th District, Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. 6th District, O. II. Allen, of DupUn. 7t h District, Frank McNeill, of Richmond. th nissfrirrf, Tt. v. Lonsr. of IredeU. -; Bth Dlstrict, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Roctlngham. mrh nistrfpf w IT. Boweri of CaldwelL nth nisf riff uvank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 13th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIVK. OF HOLDrSfl COUBTS FIRST JtmiCIAI. DisTEicri ; f SpRiNQ-tjudg Montgomery. Fali Judge Macltae. " : Beaufort tFeb. t31h. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March &th, Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th. Sept. 10th. . Pasquotank March 19th. June 11th, sept. 17th, Dec 10th. Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24tb . . Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford-rApril Lth, June 18th, Oct, Washington April 23d. Oct. 23d. Tyrrell April 30th. Oct. 29th. Dare-May 7th, Nov. 5tni Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 2lst, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICI A pISTKICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Montgomery. ... Halifax t Jan. 9th, tM arch 5th, May 14th, JNov.l2th. Northampton wan. Apruzu, iu Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 29th. Craven tFeb. 13th. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, Sept. 17th. Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Avery1. Fall Judge Graves, f Pitt 'Jan. 9th, March 19th, t June 11th, Sept 7tn. f , ' Franklin Jan. 23d. Aprit 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson tFeb. 6th, June 4th, Oct. 19th. Vance Feb. 20th, May 2lst, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. ' Martin March 5th. Sept.fSd, JDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st Nesh April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAlI DISTRICT, j SpRiNG--Judge Shlppl i Fall Judge Avery. I Wake Jan. 9th. tFeb. i27th, -March 26th, t April 23d, 'July 9th, tAug; 27th,Sept. 24th, tOct. 22d. Wayne Jan! 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. f Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug4 l3th, Nov. 23d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Mexrimoh. Fall .Judge Shlpp. . i Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. . Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. ! Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. : Alamance March 5th, May 2lsf, sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell .April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. sixth judicial district. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d,ft April 16th, fSept: 24th. i Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. DuDlln Feb. 13th. SeDt. 3rd. Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. Sth, Dec. 10th. .; Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th, -Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. i f SEVENTH JUDICIAlI DISTRICT. . Spring Judge Phillips.: I Fall Judge Shepherd. ! Columbus Jan. 16th, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. t Anson Man. 9th, t April 30th, Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. r Cumberland Jan. 23d, f May 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. I ' Robeson Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. , Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, sept 17th, Dec 3rd. i . Bladen Marrch 19th, Oct.:22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 23d. KIGUTH JUDICIAl DISTRICT, i Spring Judge Connor, i Fali Judge PhlllipsJ ; Cabarrus Man. 30th. April 30th.' Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aug. 6th. Nov. 5th. i . ! Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 19th. i Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec. lid. p Randolph March 19th, sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL ISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. ; r FARLJudgo Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb, 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March. 5th, April: 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th. Sept. 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. . Stokes April Uitfr. Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. tturry Aprtl 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. . TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark, nenderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Ausr. 6th. - Caldwell March 19th, sept. 3d. Asne Aiarcn am, jiay 2tn, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. loth. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct, 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boykln. -Fall Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th. Julsrieth. t Alexander J an. 30th, July 30th.i Union 'Feb. 13th. tFeb. SOth 'Sen tSeDt. 24th. . Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19thvOct.'Sth. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. -Cleveland Aprtl 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 23d. , Rutherford Aprtl 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th.- TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT." SpRiNG--nJudge MacRae. ' Fall Judge Boykln. . Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th. .Ttmp isth a no- i-m-h Dec. 3d. , . V H ' o.. Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th, Sept 10th. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. lst.i Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. f Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham June'4th, Oct. 29th. Swain June llth, Nov. 5th. mm Aim i W..-1 ... TK.tftsand 'XriaJ TV I ML J D..,kroaaa mm Ml Ml D4a W m 1 1 A aa.ai. :?S2&. SMiHAL PASTILLES. Ifoakncss ndPijsleal Pocay ia Young or ilid fred and broken dorm mozi to tha full enjoTrjentpt , infiueoee i tT . prfoct and fnJl ManlyStrencth and Vigorous liealta. " VZ fTj To those whoaoffpr from the many obacwdisaeea TZUiVZZTTr-tvVr rou3itcbot3t y indiscretion. St I - -'.- Uork, or too freo lndulpeno, we o.sk that yoa oend I rjrt o JrnjrVTrr- PERSOWS can havo trii'-Z Trial ct our ".ppiianoj many Uiwly. " . , : . 1888 Harper's Youup People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Da. Harper's Young People Interests all young readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and their well-considered treatment It contains the best serial and short stories, valuable articles on scientific subjects and travel, historical and biographical sketches. papers on athletic sports and games, stirring poems, etc., coninoutea uy ine uriguLesv uuu most famous writers. Its illustrations are nu merous and excellent, j occasional supple ments of especial interest to parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty-three week ly numbers. Every line In the paper is sub jected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order tnat nothing narmiui may enur us col umns.. ! ; ' - ' ' . : I v W i v : r i Iklfintfitriwj! speedily when thisrrmedT's. . loathing of food due toir An epitome of everything that ls'-attnuTO.f npio and dllrable n juvenile0 literature,- liSf5VlSSf5:- Tweekly feast of good things to the boys; ri?yPman.heiFXi(' $ and crtrls In everv famllv which it Visits. i imwJhMo It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures. In formation and interest. Christian Advocate 17th, Fnr orlmlnnl hiuo tFor civil cases alone.' 1 JFor civil cases alone, except Jail cases. Terms- Postage Prepaid, $2 pr year.. Vol. FX beg his November 1, 1887. - Specimen Copy sent on receipt of trco-ccnt stamp. Single Number, Five Cents each. , - , Remittances should be made 'by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy tJiis adversisemcnt without the express order oj ' Harper & Brotherst Address HARPER & BROTHERS. ! novis . . (r New York.. 1888 ; v Harper's Bazr. ' ILLUSTRATED. : ' r' :m;iBIilDmi; The great secret of the re of the Hartz Mountnin in Manna wil 1 restore the sorer prevent th eir ailments and f good condition.. It given te the season ofeheddingfeathr cases carry tlielittlo nm;if critical period without loiso" nail on receipt of 15cf in' ,'OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd St. F lease mention this paper. sept9 tuth fiat - , ' 1888." '-'"'j J " - ' ." ;' ' ' '- - ' - , '' ' '; ' Harper's lis; XXjJjUOJLAAU 1 Harper's Bazar is a home journaL - It com bines choice literature and fine art Illustra tions with the latest Intelligence regarding the fashions, Each number has clever serial and short atores, practical and timely essays, bright poems, humorous sketches, 1 etc Its pattern-sheet and fashion-plate supplements wm alone help ladles to save many times the Harper's Magazixk is an r. sive thought and movement n ment of life. Besides other: contain, during the comte v articles,- superbly illustrate West; articles on American l. try; beautifully illustrated p; Nonvay, Switzerland, Ma. Indies: new novels by Xi l . Hwvells; novelettes, eart"" numoer, oy uenryiamei Amelia Rives: short stort cost of the subscription,' and papers, on social : ?uXrZrJnV etiquette, decorative art. its branches, cookery, etc.,. make It useful in . every household, and a true promoter of econ omy. Its editorials are marked by good sense, and not a line is admitted to its columns that could offend the most fastidious taste. . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. per year: HARPER'S BAZAR '. 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER S WEEKLY. ; ; 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ...... . . , ' , U . 2 00 Postage Free to ail subscribers in Xhf, United Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. ; -x - The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. . v Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or ? by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $100 each. r . Remittances should be made by Post-Ofhce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 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