... TLEASK KOTICJL ' We will ToegladtorecelTe cosimualcatlon from ; our friends .on any and all subjects c r general Interest, bat , - The name of the writer must always be Iur nlshed to the Editor. V " Communications must be written only on 9. one side of the paper. . .i . '': ; . Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns." . f .-ting. Sunday excepted. 1 , ,.ME, Editor and rrop. - tfrl J 17 .rtn nnths fcioa Three ... ,r taontb. Si cents. Pde!iwrrd by carrier, nee rart orthecltr. at th above rites i j" VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C.'. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1888. NO 75. ..th..ir narer reguiany. .wim"" rV XT 117 Mm 1 HU PURELY VEGETABLE. riYER, kidneys, li and L50WEL9 11 EffECTtAL SPECIFIC FOR Itowrt Complaint, IU t. Sick liriwtacho. rrTiion Bllloa.ueiis.. iTsUl lXprrlon, tou. nteaioHSlMld be Withoat li. wu'a'krp! r.m.lv f.r!minliHteU" . JAJtor in iiwnn duclon.' bilh, TMERE IS BUT oris. . w t a w KP Jt ly ch sat YrtriUr afternoon's edition of RM 'h Ait airt uoscrver con. Uias a graphic nccoimt of the sua df a f lit of the Preilent and Cash-k-rof the fctate National Bank In that city. There was of course great nciteinent but the people of Raleigh thii.ited a wonderful amount of rommon enx. There are three other lanV there ami there was no run on either. Tin may have been ilue, to a large extent, to the fac tint iuiutaueoaly with the an nouncement of the fact that theofll- ct rs of the State flank had abscond ed c.uuf the fubli.hed assurance of t!ii uSieer of the others that they tm absolutely unhurt by the col Ufse. We avail ourselves of the nc tociit in the AVir and Observer, ihieb is a follows: The new5 of the crash was not cxie known till a late hour on last t:ht and consequently very few lul any intimation of the affair till nwnin Mr. C. E. Cross, the pres ent, and Mr. Sauiuel C. White, rx.hier of the bank, left this city on Jut anlay afternoon at 6 o'clock on the Wet-bound train. No special importance was attached to the fact at the time, anil when Monday morning came and the day passed hy without bringing back either of the absent officials, there was still co thought iu the minds of any of the other employes of the bank of any suspicion with regard to theab eaceofthe president and cashier. It so happened that on Saturday Mr. Jordan Woiuble, Jr., t.okkeeperof the State National tunk. weut to Durham on the same tain on which Messrs. Cross and tthue left the city. Mr. Womble Mr. Cros at the depot in this Ciy and casually inquired where he Pjr - The reply was that he aa; Mr White were going to Chapel " i on bu?ine?s connected with the baik. Waite. conductor on the ia, Mw Messrs. White and Cross they rotle in the second iSand l,id not I,ave tickets pad their fare to Greensboro. i:'"1 ,'rtensboro nothing what w has bet-u heanl from them. thin r4 uo suspicion of any- a HUestio"aue nature in Stloaith the absence of the jaNuctillate in the afternoon i -v 801116 circumstances of aiijiHc-loas character came to light h.r. n ln,Test 'Station several matters thalJ..'hich Plainly indicated wjt reality had been done. of the directors thought i'h?. . e absence of Messrs, thJh.adnrinRthe day, but X'rr.sntyofboth-waaso gener- - neltVetl to be iinnnt;nnhlp ,,lUanlthe idea of anv foul iaih. i u,V,UUllJ3 alluuttl later i 11 uun 1"'wllen unmistakable de-w r"-'rni.tirt . .1 IPIMi. .1. . . . ... ... I 1, lim H'tlHIIILlIk HSHONS LlVlili ttntrUMXuu - n nni ttt i mr von theG l J0'',1:; Vn,Ti ,,e devoutly prays: " avtf. I ,fa,sCovery of the trouble L. Jx pt SVi00, -were Iuade' w,,tn . ? Proper the s Ca:fftheUefalcatou came fast Hlxlng work." b-anietl then that the de eyenmir : ce.$20,000t th ii i nun w . - - "Ail vil w.og of which from fc!t , k the had previously ' in nirr amount ,0,itthrir ;yB- "Uror T.,me li. I"U.US. IJIhpnlovolnrv. litr if XUt discoVefy of tl e -J: ,nthow that thAV i - - v j i a 14 ir ir th'l'4,, I luoney Url?.nUl officially urruns urectins J'ent in which tl lwi.b " V. eenreceivelat ""Villi iintA .. . m. . it U " "V:r detmrture it. -' "ley intended i evfln,.i ,U theul nl t iA "ey Car'1 luh doable nplrJii111 C,lsh ,w bamounL R otlab, 11 to atnoantof 'defAlf! t u , i 3eiaicatIon is the tOflrrirlu ll,ltT amount wauu, auer oeing nauiv damaged most random speculation and utter uncertainty. It it almost a certain ty,, however, that the defaulters have made a clean sweep and left comparatively nothing. Our reporter wo given various ut niiiitan lv mum lirv rf tliu limiMl of ilirectors of the bunk, the least of which was 200.000 nnd some of which placed the amount beyond $500,000. Nothing at all accurate1 can be arrived at, however, until the affair of the bank have been legal! v examined. A bunk examiner w telegraphel for last night and ia,'raei.irii iu Jirrivt iu-inurruv morning ' , .- - It is tntel that there is reason t believe that the defaulters have been maturing their plans for at I leaft i?ix months past. . The affair is the severest shock that our community has felt in many ; vears and we fear will result in seri-! oils nnanciai tiisaster to manv oi w i r-1 iu niaiiv ui.n our people. Both of the defaulting j among the most honest and reliable men of the couimunitv. Mr. White . luvs leen connected with the bank for thirty vears past, and is a broth-! er of Mrs. W. C. Williams who is the ; Iarget stockholder of the bank. t Mr. Cross was also a son-in-law of Mrs. -Williams. ! . j Observations on the part of a large ! number of scientists prove that earthtpiakes are more frequent at the time of full moon and change of j the moon than at other times, and also more frequent when the moon is nearest the earth, or when she is on the meridian. The cause to which this fact has been assigned is the action of those forces hich pro duce the tides of the ocean; their similar influence upon the solid land strata leads to their disturbance in the shape of earthquakes. The French Radicals aie begin ning to growl over the magnificence of the French Bishops. Investiga tion has shown that the Bishop of Coutances has thirtv-three cham- ers for his personal use in his pal ace, ninety-rour for ins assistants. and twenty-four kitchens, all mann ed with cliffs. The Bishop of An gara has eight kitchens in his palace and about sixty rooms for himself and assistants. The Bishop of Jourges has ten sumptuous salons esides his private apartments. The ladicals want their salaries stopped. Ex-Lieut. Oov. Win. Dorsheimer, mblisher of the New York Star, died rather suddenly at Savannah, on Tuesday night, of pneumonia. Ie had been sick but four days and was on his way to norma, ins death will prove a serious calamity o the Democrats of New York. He was, to a great extent, the head and front of the party in that city, and the recent successes there were due ! o a considerable extent to his own udividual efforts. He was 07 years of age. Elections are now being held in the counties of Missouri on tne pirituous. liquors. So far elections im.vm lien held hi SI comities ml 20 cities; 20 counties have voted!" ,rof" ,,r,,l M 1 .wit i-utirftl Of the 20 towns 13 haye votetl "dry" 1 and 7 "wet." Elections will be held n April in seven more counties. Austria has the largest number of public libraries of any European country. They number 577, and contain 5,475,000 volumes, exclusive of maps ami manuscripts. France has 500 public libraries, - ith 4,508, 000 volumes. Italy comes next with 493. Germany with 'SOS, and Great Britain with only 200 public libra, ries. Tho report set afloat by certain parties last week that thelatellenry Bergh was a disbeliever in theDeity is shown to be false by the codicil to his will, dated iu January, 1884, in hich, when referringtohisSociety, May God con- sixcred ami civ- Another illustration of the eflicacy of oil to subdue turbulent water is furnisheil by the New Haven schr. Sparta. She was caught in a gale. and blown 200 miles offshore, the; use of oil was resorted to. Compar atively calm water resulted, and the vessel rode quietly on her way. A distinguished negro belle of; Port-au-Prince, Hayti, was recently marrieil to the brother of William Black, the novelist. Two Peat enemies Hood's Sars aparilla and impure blood. The lat- ffr is utter,y defeated by the peca- liar medicine. - A citizen of Arcadia, WisM called another man a skunk through the columns of the local newspaper. The Jury awarded a verdict of 1,000 and costs. The case was appealed to the SuPre,n Court and the decis- ion affirmed. The managers of the Iowa State University modestly i ask the Jegis- lature to appropriate $30,000 for the , . .. . , purpose of purchasing a base ball ruuuu uir.wie bluuvuib. .t ' ,. LOCAL 3STBTS. Index to Nkw adtxrtisxnts. Locis II Mxari Hats M M Katz New Goods IIeinsbkrukr -The Latest Wanted Star Novelty Co Be$t shoes for boys at French & Sons. t Only 2 bales of cotton received here to-day. Koe shad were selling to day at 60 cents a pair and bucks at 35 cents. School shoes for children, best in jtne city, at ueo. u. i?rencn a aons.T Ladies will find a nice line of good reliable scissors at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. The weather has been very sultry today and indicates that we may have more rain. Called meeting of the Board of Aldermen this afternoon. Report too late for this issue. The cheapest place to buy your schoo books and school stationery is at Heinsberger's. i Ask those who have tried and they will tell you that the Boy Clipper Plow is the best made. Sold only at Jacobi's, who is the factory agent, t The children of St. James7 Sunday School will meet in the Sunday School room at 4 o'clock this after noon. By request of the Rector. Ladies who are in want of light work, which can be done at home, will find something to interest them in the ad. of Novelty Star Co. in this issue. ... r0 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and boys, from 75 cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. Tqe rainfall was not so heavy as we thought it would be. For the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock this morninir it was out one-nan oi an inch. The entire rainfall for the ! month to date is 4.51 inches. The l'earaon Meetings. There is no abatement of public interest iu the Pearson meetings. it increases daily, wet, uncomfortable night enough, I nml vuf tlia attendance was very J " . large, ine 1 inmil.if vnrtiii wnu full c J ' ' ! a. 1 Z . A.:....- 4--1 4lrk4- 1.000 were nresent theTe. Thus far about 150 conversions are reported ltock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se i lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that' you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using m a .A 1 glasses oi stronger power man is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight, xouan get the best at Ileinsberger s. .. Spring Clothing. " " ' 1. Shrier, at No. 10 North Front street, is now receiving daily the handsomest line of Spring and Sum mer Clothing ever brought to this city, and the prices of them will be from 25 to33percent.lowerthanany other house in the State, and under no circumstances will we be underj sold. I. Shrier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 16 North Front street,Pur cell House; sign of the Golden Arm. Trastees Appointed. The Board of Audit and Finance have appointed Messrs. George Chad bourn, Win. A. French and Isaac Bates trustees to receive and make the transfer of bonds and stocks between the Wilmington, - . -a Onslow & East Carolina Railroad Company and the city of Wilming ton, in accordance with the law di recting the manner in ' which the subscription of $100,000 voted by the city shall be niade, and the condi tions upon which the said subscrip tion was a?ked by the company. Annnal Ball.' . . - " ' 1.' ' The Annual Ball of the Hibernian Benevolent Society will be givten at Hibernian Hall, on Third street, op posite the City Hall, on Easter Mon day evening," April 2d. The music will be furnished by the Italian Band and a handsome supper; will be provided. The Committee of Arrangements consists of Major D. O'Connor and Messrs. J. W. Reilley, M. J. Corbett, T, Donlan, Thomas ! orpey-ana - ym. , rreaey. we , ac- knowledere the courtesy.of an invi tation t(i be present on that oqca- 810D. The Fruit Prospects. Some say that the fruit crop is badly injured and others that it is not. We mean hereabouts; we fear that the peaches in the interior are all "gone up." A letter from Chat ham, a great fruit county, received a few days since, says that the peach trees there were in blo6m when the last big cold wave came and - that they look now as though a fire had s ept through them. Inj conversa tion here yesterday with two vet1 eran fruit growers in this county, we were glad to learn that -the; crop hereabouts does hot-appear tojiave been seriously injured. . . ' ' Democratic Executive Committee.' The committeemen elected at the recent ward and township 'meet ings met yesterday and elected the following gentlemen to serve as the County Executive Committee for the ensuing two 'years: I First Ward-H. B. Willis, W. H. Strauss. :; Second Ward P. Heinsberger, Jos. D. Smith. v I S Third Ward John D. Belhuny, Jr., W. C. Craft. f . Fourth Ward M Cronly, Jr., F.4 L. Meares. . Fifth Ward -J. ,W. Millis, George W. Gaflford. ; ; i, Cape Fear Township S.H.Terry. At a subsequent 'meeting of the above committee, Mr. John J. Bel lamy was elected permanent chair man. I No representatives were present from either Masonboro, Harnett or Federal Point townships. , Presumptive Weather Chart. We are indebted to Mr. Chaffee, Signal Officer at this port, for a chart showing the character of the weath er conditions here for April. ! It is a presumptive chart, of course, but it has been carefully compiled from the records of the month ever since the year 1871. A comparison shows that nearly the same weather oc curs on or about the same day each year. The highest temperature ever recorded here in April was 90 de grees in 1880, and the lowest for the month was 28 degrees, in 1875. jThere was one clear day; in every! three and one cloudy day in twp. Rain occurs one day in three, and the daily average has. been .11 of an inch. The average wind blows at the rate of nine miles an hour and the prevailing direction is from the Southwest. Easter Eggs. j; . . The Easter rabbit will soon be abroad in the land. Suggestion re garding the various methods of col oring Easter eggs will be seasonable and for those interested we would say: " ' : ' To dye eggs black put logwood chips' into the water in which they are to be boiled. These chips may be bought" at a druggist's for a trifle. It is easy to tell when the water is black enough by taking up a little in a spoon. Eggs can be dyed with these chips from a lovely port wine color to jet black. To obtain brown eggs put strong coffee grounds or settlings into the water while cold and boil the eggs among them. Cochineal, a perfectly harmless dye, will make the eggs of any shade from a deep crimson, to a lovely rose pink4 according to the quantity used. A pretty effect is sometimes given to theeggs by -daubing them here and there with grease before putting them in I boiling water. yherever the grease is the dye will not take, therefore ? the eggs come out spotted. Sometimes the name of the person who is to receive the egg is writtep on with the grease in the same manner. fV; 1 ; In d veinir ess ereat care should be taken to use only one spoon and an ok! one. The otot Haacepan .n the house, too, will ans er the pur-- pose. All dyes are diftcult to re- move from thesa thic-s. t Steamship Equator sailed hence for New York at 5 ociock this morn ing. ;- . J V ' Gilmore's Baad and Concert Coin pany will appear here on Thursday night, April -12th. Th town was billed for them to-day. A Bad Fall. , Little Julian, the three year ok son of Capt. T. J. Southerland, fel from a window of his father's resi dence yesterday" afternoon, Tto the grouna oeiow, a tiistance or six or seven feet and was dangerously hurt The extent of his injuries is not yet ascertained and the physicians say may not be known for several days, We trust that they may not prove as serious as is feared. - City Court. Foster Daniel, colored, was before the Mayor this morning. charged with disorderly conduct. Case con tinued until Monday Thos. Smith was arraigned on the charge of bigamy, but a hearing of the case was postponed atotil Satur day. William Baker and Neal Dunham, two white tramps, were ordered es corted to the city limits. St. Paul's Evangelic al Lutheran Church This week being Passion .Week, English services will be held in the Church, as usual, at 4 p. m., on Mon- day,Tuesday, Wednesday andThurs day. ' . .. : - On Good Friday the Holy Com; munion will be administered at ll'a. m. and at 8 p. m., in the English ser vice, confirmation will take place. Easter Sunday morning the Holy Communion will be administered in English. The Brunswick Democrats.. i The Brunswick County Demo cratic Convention met last Monday and adjourned after a:shorf but har monious session. Resolutions were adopted endors ing Lt. Gov. S ted man for nomina tion for Governor and pledging to him the support of the Democrats of Brunswick county. - j Capt. Win. Weeks and Dr. W. G. Curtis were elected delegates to the State Convention and the same ex ecutive committee were continued in office. Criminal Court. This Court adjourned for the term this morning. The following is a list of the convictions, with the judgments rendered: House of Correction A.1 Rickard- son, larceny, 12 months; Paul Lxid ley, larceny, 12 months;- Rena PJear- sall, assault and battery, 60 days; Jas. T. Davis, larceny, 12 months; Willis Singletary, assault and bat tery, 30 days; James Capot, larceny, 12 months; Alex. Sutton, assault and b'attery, 60 days. Penitentiary Daniel Mack, lar ceny, 2 years; Samuel Stanford, lar ceny,12 months; Abraham Watson, Ephraim Hurst, and William Gil yard, larceny,4 years; Robert Stokes, lerceny, 2 years; Nelson Jackson, larceny, 2 years; George Williams, larceny, 5 years. Personal. Mr. J. T. Bland, of Burgaw, was in the citv to-dav and paid us a visit. : Mr. H. G. Latimer and Mr. Wil liam Latimer, with their family par tv. returned yesterday from a two weeks1 visit to Florida. Mr. Thos. R. Southerland returned to the city last night from Philadel phia, where he has been in attend ance on the school of Pharmacy in that city. , i Mr. William Munroe, of the furni ture-firm of Behrends & Munroe, re turned to the city this; morning from an extended business trip to the North and Northwest. Mr. J. H. Vollers, of Nichols,S. C, is in the city to-day on a visit to his brother, Mr. O. O. Vollers. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Genaust is quite sick. ; - We regret yery much to hear that ?Capt.'T. J. Harper is quite sick in Philadelphia, where he went a week for luedieal treatment; This information was, received here in a letter to his daughter. t i. Quarterly Meeting. First round of Quarterly Meet ings for the Wilmington District of Aprif& 4. Biarten circuit, at BethlehenLAp'! 10 and 11. , T. W. GuraraE, P, E. Wanted J ADIES MAKING LE, THAN $10 fZR week and wishing light work to do at hcrie. Call On the ' A- . , - STAR NOVELTY CO., ' .: f' -" - ' ": . . "- mch 38 if s South Front St. (cor Market.) ; : For Tabernaclo. ; ' TAGONETTE WILL LEAVE EVERY. Evening at 6:45, corner Fourth and Nua, down Nun to Front, up Front to Tabernacle. V One will leave Ninth and Market at same time, down Market to Front, up Front to Tab ernacle. " ;. Fare for round trip 25 cents. fc mch 27 St T. J. SOUTnERLAND.' Wilmington &Wefdon Rail Road Co. i - OFFICE OF SECY AND TREAS. ,f - i. - - YiHREE AND A HAlV PER CENT. INTER- e3t on the certificates of Indebtness of the Wilmington & . Weldqn Railroad Company has been declared by the Directors, payable on and after April 2nd, 1888, to all owners of Cer tificates of record on the Books of the Com pany of this date. -; The Transfer Books will stand closed from March 26th to April 2ad, J888. Inclusive. - JAS. V. POST, JR., Secretary and Treasurer, mch 28 3t W. & W. lt. K. CO. The Lat-pot. Second Regiment Walts, . FOR PIANO. Dedicated to the North Carolina State Guard l H GKKENEWALD For Sale at : ' HEINSBERGER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. mch2 For Sale. QNE FINE HORSE, ONE FINE MULE. mch 28 tf J. A. SPRINGER. DuBrntz Cutlnr, Jr., TTORNEYtAT-LAW, IU PRINCESS STREET, s -WILMINGTON, N. C mch 26 lw Wilmington Savings k Tnisl CiBpaar, MARKET, BETWEEN SECOND , AND Third Streets. - JOHN wilder ATKINSON, President, W. P. TOOMER, cashier. . . . . . Lends money on satisfactory security. ' Pays Interest on deposits. - Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. mch2tf - . CHAS. F. BROWNE. . O. K. COlXTNOSWOaTH . CHA8. F. BUOX7U U&VO., WT HOLES ALE GROCERS AND COMMIS. slon Merchants. 110 N. Water Street, ' . Wilmington, N. . - Consignments solicited. . mh 21 1W dJfcw. 4 0. 0. VOLLERS, QENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Country Pro duce, Groclerles, Wines, Liquors,;Tobaaco, Ci gars, &c No, 8 North Water Street, . Wilmington, N. C. Consignments solicited. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Produce. . mch 1 tf ., ' ' - Stoves v JN GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND HEAT era. Can give you anything you are likely to want. We dont make them, but we have ac-' oess to the best sources o supply, i" Call and see us. ALDERMAN, FLANNER & i,0.; Dealers in Hardware, Tinware, tc mchKd&w Wltmlngtoo. N. C i Diamond Dyco JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at t F. a MILLER'S, German Drug Store, r . Corner. Foarth and Nun Sts., P. S. Prescrlptlona filled at all times, day and night- mchsatf . r Eastern Card c. VITIIX OPEN TO-DAY A LARGE AND beautiful assortment Of EASTERCARDS, Plata, Fringed and very fine ones in boxes Please call and make your selections. Cash orders from the country will be prompt .y attended .to at " Heincborgdr'c Li v Book and Music Store. taenia ----- .. , . - - - . t School Books and School Static ery you can buy cheapest at IleL bsr'jer's. 1 ' - ti '"lni i i LT "

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