on Absolutely Pure. tm TviwfVr rsrvrr varVs. A marvel of P oraical tiuui ttieontlnr klnd--0nd -anmt be sou in competition with tne rauiuiuue ui tv i2amlw im earns. ROYAL JtAK CO.. intf Wall .v.. N. V. OCIM CUwlj irnrm 4tlipJ 3rdpw snnmppowiH-rH. kl.lt n" ir.n T2io IDcwily Boviow, WEDNESDAY. MAHC1I . IJf CON'GKKSS VKSTr.UWAV. SENATE. , WAsiiiNGTON.March27. Mr Blair called on the question of the second , reauinffoi tne uui liiirouucHi v him, sotne time iince. to ive pre fftrence to disabletl Confederate poldicrs ns between men who had Wpn riUloval. in appointments to civil ofHte. Without diMKKiiii: of tin question the Senate took tip the Horn hill to tirovide for the purchase of United StntPH Iwiuls bv the Secretary of the Treasury. thHjHf ml in-j question beinfT on the aiHenihueut offexeil vestenlav by 31 r. Stewart, authoriz ing n. denosit of troM or siher bul lion and the issuance of coin certi ficates therefor. Mr. Keajjan presence I an amend ment which he Ieirtl to have printed, ffto be offered hereafter), authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to cancel the interest bearing bonda with u hundred niil lions of gold now reserved in the Treasury for the redemption of Iega.l tender note?, and repealing that portion of the resumption act which requires the redemption of legal ten der notes in coin. Mr. Beck gave notice that he wnatfl aIao iTcr an amendment to the bill which ke had introduced, on the game subject. Mr. Palmer moved that the bond bill be reeommited to tUe Commit- twon Finance. Tlie motion was . nrt.t !!! 1w flutiatSfir UrllUll the bill Is taken up again next week. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. O'Ferrnll. of Virginia, called up, and the House adopted, the res ofution of the Committee on Elec tion. In the contestiMl election case of Worthiinrton vs. Post, from the 10th Illinois district. The resolution confirms the riirht of Post, the sit ting member. Mr. Plumb, of Illinois, from tin Committee on Railways and Canals. reported a bill for ascertaining tin propriety and feasibility or con structing the gulf and lakes water way. Committee of the Whole. Other bills were reported and placed on the calendar as follows: To define and punish the oITente of flrinsr woods, trrass and for- estsou government lauds: to author Ize the apiointment of clerks to Senators and Representatives not chairmen of committees; for the election of Senators by legal voters of the States. The House proceeded to the con . slderation of the Union Pacilic Rail road funding bill. At the expiration or tne morning hour the Military Academy appro priation bill was taken up and pass ed, after a brief explanation by Mr. Tillman, of South Carolina. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, called up the general public land bill. Mr. Smith, of Wisconsiu, offered an amendmeut providing that all the deposits of coal and iron on lands of the United States shall be reserved to the United States, and no further grants or patents from the United States shall be held to Include such deKsits. Mr. Smith said that the object of bis amend ment vra that the title to coal and iron deiosits should never go out of the hands of the people. No dispo- sltion was made of the amendment, . and it was left pending. Mr. Paysou, of Illinois, offered an amendment providing that no pat ent to mineral land shall issue ex cept to citizens of the United States. , He declared that no man should be allowed to acquire title to mineral deposits unless he assumed the bur dens as well as the privileges of American citizenship. Pending ac tion the House adjourned. STATE NEWS, MISCELLANEOUS, NOTICE TO THE LADIES. On account of the inclement weather our opening will be continued Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, of this week. EASTER OPENING OF SPRING STYLES AT THE LADIES' EMPORIUM. We will Display on those days New Spring Goods in Latest Styles in MILLINERY, NOTIONS, . FANCY GOODS, f DreosTrimminefs, BUTTON'S, , LACES, EMBROIDERIES!., Greensboro Workman: The re vival which has been going on om time in the West Market Street Methodi5tChnrch,and in the Baptist Church on Washington street, still continues. Nearly fifty professions were made in the Baptist Church last, week, ami seven last night. A number joined the church at each place yesterday. Goldsboro Argu: Sheriff Smith left yesterday for Raleigh to escort to the penitentiary four prisoners, all colonel. Joe Dortch. Seaberry Sasser.Ed McKiuzieand Jno. Jones, who go up from this county for terms ranging from four to ten years. Dortch anil Sasser are the highway robbers; they go up for ten yars. Favetteville fournat: Rev. fcfarj tin McOueen died at his resideuce, x T"I.l in Moore couniy, on iasi, r nutty; night. A reporter talked with aj number of farmers Saturday and i thev sav that the best part of the fruit has been killed by the freeze; during last week. . If no further dis aster happens, there will be a fair crop of apples, and few peaches. The plumbs are all killed. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. David Ilumsuiir, a prominent citizen of Lincoln county, died at his home, about two miles from Lincolnton. on last Sunday evening, in his 72nd year. His death was quite sudden, though no particulars have yet been received. Capt. J. H. Kirkland, one of the most popular passenger conductors on the Air Line road, took his train out for Atlanta last Sunday for the lat time until he has rounded up his honeymoon. From Atlanta he goes on to Lonone, Arkansas, w here he is to be married to-morrow to Miss Will Chapline, daughter of Hon. J. B. Chapline. Vuird r!irlil tli fit v vocttn In . I of the killiuz near Heaver Dam, in j EASTER CARDS, Unioti county, last Sunday, of Will Rorie, a son of Cain Rorie, colored, bv a voung white mau named Alvin Morgan. It i said that Alvin's brother Will was accessory to the ni" Zl 'StSJSfA Vift j Our Pattern Hats and Bon- eiisiieu. i.Mir m lt me. meiee. jviviix t r .1 t x 4. Moriran drew a nistoland fired unon UOlo afU Ui LUU LiabcaU Rorie, killing him. The Morgan bovs made their escape into South Carolina. The affair occurred at a place called Five Forks, six miles from Heaver Dam. Steps are being taken to secure the arrest of the Morgan boys. MISCELLANEOUS GRAND OPENING ! WILL TAKE PLACE AT Taylor's Bazar ON All ladles in 1 (hilJca'i ForuisIi D Goods, COUSET8, 3E5 ustles- HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. o- -ullLine of Easter Novelties EASTER EGGS, RABBITS. ffedn sdaj, Marct 2S, tkisdaj, Mat A 29, With an Immense Stock of EASTER H-A-TS, EASTER FLOWEKS, EASTER FEATHERS! and - ; And a New Lot of i r EASTER GLOVES The Largest Stock to Select from Ever Brought to Wilmington I -o- StylesI Fendrr County G. .. lbutmry for tlio EniToit Daily Rkvikw: As time rolls on we occasionally hear the ut- erance of some disgruntled aspi rant for office wondering or surmis- ns who will be the candidates to 111 the various offices of the count and though we have no such charac- ers in our county to remind us of these facts, when we remember how fast time Hi as, its reallv getting time for those who havethe interest of their county at heart to begin to make these pertinent enquiries and select, if possible, those men who are most suitable and will best pro mote the interesfs of the people. Of course the political caldron of Pen Ur is not much agitated yet, but her people, who are ever awake and on the alert on subjects of vital im portance to her interest, are begin ning to teel somewhat restless, And we hear good men, who are ik aspi rants for oftlce, making the same en quiry. The Democrats of Pender county are huckling'on their armor and afe determined upon ictory in the coming campaign, and in our opinion, it is nhohitely necessary, t conqMiss this end, that we put able and aggressive men upon our ticket to represent Pender county in the next General Assembl". . A great many Democrats whom I have heard express themselves with nie that II r. George A. Ramsey, of jsurgaw, is tne man who can bear our standard to victory. We all know that Mr. Ramsey is the happy possessor of personal magnetism in a large degree; that he is level-headed upon all of the political issues of the day, and that any man who meets him in debate will find 'a foe man worthy of his steel." iN'ow, Mr. Editor, with the peerless S ted man for Governor and Ramsey for the Legislature, vou can open the doors to receiver Pender back into the .Democratic fold. Many Dkmocratt. March 2Gth, '88. Being the work of a French Artist, and Parties having their orders filled at our Establishment may rely on having the LATEST STYLES 1 -o- M Sh hOUISK GUODWIN Will fill all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed to all our customers. GTCall early and leave your orders for Easter. A Special Invitation is given to all to call and look' tit our Styles and it will afford ns pleasure to show our Goods to all who favor us with a call. Very Respectfully, MRS.E.B WIGGINS. N. B. Our Store will be closed on Good Friday. mch 27 Cash House, I.M.Katz, 116 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. We cordially Invite one and all to call and see for themselves at Taylor'sBazar. N. B. Our General Spring Open ing takes nlace later, and we will notify all through the papers, mch 26 R JUSCELbANEOaS Life Insurance. -O -.; Safe, R-ii;Mo Sure LL THE POLICY-IlO.lJiSKS wiio w-'.MlT't Birectlmporta' . W. E. SPfiTVr. will do well to call on A. A. J?J0Kera "0, A BKoVN CO., corner of Nortli Water and Mulberry streets, and take j a , policy In , tne Safety Fund System in the Ilartford Life & Annuity Insurance Company.; This old, relia ble company has paid out in Wilmington for 18S7 over $35,000 in death losses. v . - Amount of Insurance in force. . . .$57,000,000 Death losses paid under Safety i'und System 3.500,000 Amount of Safety Fund ...... 1,000,000 . feb : Messenger copy It . - - - - Store for Rent.; IJlHAT VITRY DESIRABLE STOliE on North Front Street,' opposite First National Bank and just North of Capt Mclntire's Dry Goods Store, recently occupied by me. A tirst-elass store, large; roomy, cen trally located and well suited for any. kind of business. Possession given immediately. r ; Apply to T. SHKIER, ' JUST RECEIVED BY QEB. . LOTTE & ANNA a law," ' Btpck of ENGLISH CROfirS&eB fc.. . pnees guaranteed equal to ' Importer. 10 &ay jjt,. Fruits Nuts anTfo?: A S. WINSTE.n sttt t 'J "f ml w ollLL ; lead. The freshest of fruttm x CANDIES, always on hand. : Jast want to please the' children." . Postage stamps in small nuan on hand. . Respectf uliyr atie t? novl5' , NFrout&.f'nSa Lime. feb 3 tl 16 North Front Street, purcell Buildlrig. Sash- Sash. Doors. Doors. -o- JgEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. RIMS, SPOKES, WHEELS. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Btxig Factory Agentsve can save younoney. Jacobi'a Hdw. Depot. dec 29 13 So. Front Str niational Life AND- Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. -O- IIORATIOBROWNING, President. HON. GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Sec. & Manager Cost Guaranteed. & (Quarterly and Annual Premiums. See Here, Tou Man I -pvUNLAP, KNOX AND MILLER J All the Popular Shapes Just In by 'yester day's freight. Any of the above. Shapes from $1.75 to $4.5(1 HATS! HATS! HATS! , LOUIS. H MEARES, mch 12 ' 12 NO. FRONT STREE. FIFTH STREET,' BETWEEN MUL beny and Walnut, are now fully equipped. Horses and vehicles ror nire ana norses Doarc cd and tended by the day. week or month. T3?- Large stock yard. R. W. BEST, mh 13 ly Proprietor iTS3-,W:y Ume. r t w rm a . ijkMa, m exunange lor PEovis LIME w LIME .LIME LIME LIME 05s CASH PItKNOII sept POMONA HILL URStp:: "4 W E HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A HAND- some lot or p.lai.u ainu isritiriiu tijajn- NELS, suitable for children's Cloaks or Ladles Wruppei's. Also, 50 pieces of yard wide Sat eens, elegant styles and super Quality, at 12;$ cents per yard. A full line of India Linens, from 8 cents oer yard to the finest quality. 'A few handaome styles of Plaid Batiste and In dla Linen, fine fabric and low price. -N feb 3 J. J. IIEDRJCK. Yorli & Wii man 8feam -o- WILL OPEN ON C03IBIKKCIAI. NEWS. Raleich Sctrs and Observer: Xew. vros received here yestenlay of. the death, on Snnday,at the Baptist Or phanage at Thomasville, of Rev. Ja cob Utlev, a venerable nd estima ble Baptist minister. Nineteen andidates for confirmation ranged themselves in a seun-circle tefore the altar-rail of Christ Church Sun day uiorninf: and received that sa cred rite at the hands of Bishop Ly man. At night Bishon Lyman made a -visitation to the Church ,'of the Good Shepherd and adniiniered confirmation to ten candidates. Prof. Charles D. ifclver, of Pace Institute, has just been elected and has accepted the position of princi , pal of the 7ilson Normal School, which vill be in session in July. He.' has already been electetl and will WILMINGTON MARKET. March 28. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Tirm at ;I7 rents;. Small sales at these fic- ures. ROSIN Steady at 82i cents for strained and 874 cent for f?ood strained. TAR -Firm at $l.ft". CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $2.e0for yellow dip and viririn. COTTON Quiet. The following ace theoflicial uuotations: Ortlinarv, C?; cochX ordinary. 7 13-10: low mid- dlinjf, 8 ; middling 9 ; gocni middlinir Receipts to-tlay: Spirits, 23; rosin, 234; tar, 90; crude, ; cotton, 2. MONDAY. MARCH 26th, FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN AND MAKINK NEWS. ARRIVED. . Steamer DMurchison, Smith, Fav etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport. Master. CLEARED. Steamship Equator, Nelson, New York. II. G. SmallboniJs. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fav ettevilW, Williams & Murchisou. ' Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport. Master. DRESS GOODS, Fancy Goods, &c, &c, &c.J ASSETS 8310,390.92 ACCRUED LIABILITIES ...NONE. Total Paid to Members. ..200,085.34 Read the following: cards. They! speak for themselves: Washington, D. c, Feb. 27th, 1888. Hr. (Jeorgb D. Eldridge, Sect'y, I National Life and Maturity Association, 1 Washington, D. C. Dear Sin In acknowledging receipt of One Thousand Dollars this day paid me being- full amount of Policy In your Company on the life of my late husband, Col. Ellery C. Ford of this city, allow me to thank you and the Company for the promptness displayed in the settle ment. Col, Ford died on January Blst, 1888, and proofs of loss were furnished your compa ny on February SJd. Under date of February 24th, I received notice that check was awaiting my order, and I have this day received the amount, as stated above, being In full, with out discount, although the terms of the Policy gave you ninety days In which to make pay ment. Such promptness must commend itself to every one and can but add to the confidence felt by the public in your institution; Respectfully, JULIA Av FORD. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER r NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts; At 3 o'clock, P. M. (,. BENEFACTOR. Saturday,' March 31 : FROM WILMINGTON- -v Cheap Nursery Stoci L For Winter and Spring Sales is - ; : I have a large stock of APPLE TRJbES, Two and three years old, goodrv .eties, that, I will C ose Out Cheg; ALSO, Plum) Oherrv, Grape, If you want anything in the 5 sary line GHEAP,e8(ciai!v AppV send for my Illustrated iiestrr Catalogue-and Speeial Prirp l$ surplus stock for Winter and Sr sales of 1887-8 only. 4 " . Address, ' ' J. VAN. LIXDLET, feb 8 tf ?- - - v - Pomona, 5.C ri inE- SEWIIfG ' SOCIETY OP ST. JQET Parish solicit orders for all Ends of elm m fancy sewing1, crocheting and embroider?, j Ladles' and Children's apronjjsjmuf;. f Orders left at the Rector, or zi Sort Third street, 'will meet wlttpnEptarto&a, I nqV35 ---'',':-4 "-. , .;; I Som-tliius Atlrte EQUATOR (41 1 LF STREAM. BENEFACTOR. .Tuesday, March 27 ...Fitday, March 30 . Friday, April o- vrve nssu'K-ririt'-JuIentof tlu-Sparta :;cr:r.-.l S ;;- '. : ' -Ion of vhich ' EXPORTS. COASTWIS1C New York Steamship Eqoator 2-7) bales cotton, 143 bbls spirits, 243 bbls rosin, 415 obis tar, 2 cases tar, 123 empty hotheads. 15 pkjrs mdse. bri-s chaiT, T3,t'j7 ft lumber, 2 c ;r. THOUSANDS OP ARTICLES. Have not the time to specify, but can assure our patron many, very many, bargainsawait their pleasure. More particulars in a few days. 116 llarket Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Washington, D. C., Feb. 2d, 1888. Dear Sin The management of the National Life and Maturity Association of this city Is, to my personal knowledge, In the hands of as good business men as there are in any city In the country, men whose names, with those who know them, are the synonym of integrity, business capacity and Intelligence! and you can rest assured that they are not men who would allow their names to be thus used un less they had personal knowledge and super vision of the management ol the ibuslness. Anv company with which they connect their names is wortny or connaence - and- oatronaee. and this fact alone would convince me of the sound ness of the National Lire and Maturity even If I had not other facts to Justify my confidence In it. Veiy truly yours, t W. P. CANADAY, VERSAILLES. KY., AUgUSt. 1887. Mr. W. II. Gibson represents as Spec! a Agent the National Life and Maturity Association of Washington, D. C. I am acquainted with the directory of this Association. They are gen tlemen of the highest commereial standing. Mr. Gibson and his company are entitled to the fullest, measure of confidence and consider ation. Very respectfully, JO. C. S. BLACKBURN, 23f Through Bills Lading and i Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. ' . For Freight or Passage apply to X II G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, . Wilmington, N. C TIIEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager, : New York. WM. p. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, mch 31 35 Broadway, New York. IkMl THBKB I We ean do your Printing in better style and give you as ooa work as some, and 100 per cent, better than others, i No inferior work turmed out and paper used is always tne ocst. i . ; '.'.- Our Ruling and Binding Department is noicung its own against all competitors. When In need of Blank Books, anv stee. style of binding or paper,' give us a trial, as we Know we can suit you and besides you Keep your money at home. All work is done in our office, and under our supervision JACKSON & BELL. . Cotingtox, Ky., June 20. 1887. Dear. Sin I know several of the Dlrectors'of the National Life and Maturity Association personally, and the others 1 know bv- reputa tion, and I take pleasure in saying that they are gentlemen of Integrity, business capacity, and good financial standing. - Very truly yours, J. G. CARLISLE. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ASD ' REPAIR SHOP. T ARTIES IN WANT OF ANY "KIND OF Vehicle or want any Repairing done to their old vehicles, will find it to their interest to C. B. SOUTHERLAND &CO.' comer Second and Princess Streets. sena your norses to be shod. We haveii uiuirviitx) uuuti. t men 5 ii ANP SEE WHAT SENATOR VANCE SAYS: U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C, March 2, 1888. Dear Sln-r-An intimate personal acquain tance with several members of the Board of Directors of the National Life and Maturity Association of Washington, D. c, together with a knowledge by reputation of the high business standing and character of the re maining members of the Board; enable me to say that any business enterprise managed by them, will be conducted with Integrity; intel ligence and business sagacity. In; my opinion no company could be better entitled to the con fidence and the patronage of the public than such a company. - . cry respectfully yours, RIew York, ; PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE prices In JOHN WERNER'S Barbershop: ' 10 cents a Shave; 30 cents a Hair Cut and 20 cent3 a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dye of every shade at 20 cents and upward?. No. 29 Market street, between Water and Front- - sept 21 BOY CLIPPER PLOWS. JTJAMES, TRACE CHAINS, BITS, HORSE Collars, currr Combi, Back Bands; Rope and a complete Uie of Agricultural Implements at BOTTOM PRICES. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. v Jacobin jidw. Store, "12 South Front street. C?C D tf , '. I nAVE ON HAND A VEKY FESlASSil ' MENT OP . Grocers', Sundries, which are cordially recommended to are fond of Fancy Goods. ' ' j 1 SARATOGA CHIPS in lib. and it OLIVES FARCIES. ' Imported GINGER PRESEBVES to H lb. andX lb. jars. Large FRENCH PRUNES,. . EVAPOILATED'CALIFOliNlA FBI HALIBUT STEAK. ' - SMOKED SALMON. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA CONDENSED TOMATOES in Can Imported and Domestlfi SAUCES mi; BRANDIED FIGS, PEAKS and finest quality. Also t he VERY FSSfSI BUTTER received weekly by Exprt Jnci. L. Boatwri mch 5 . ; ; 'l'MZ2t Caution Notice WE THEUNDERSIGNER' i NER BREWING CO., Of the CW , ' , ton, N. C hereby caution tne ju', al, and junk dealers in particular, ..... .' itm name (A t or sell Dotues on yhwlu - the following firms; B. rortnef Brew Wm.Genaust, J. H.TienttinAgent,or , t,M Haar,' is blown in the glass, g fa 1 never sold. If offered wt rfon and we will prosecute w i - - . Bi. in same 10 tlie highest extent oi 11. FC mch 22 lw ne us tne nignracViriG c I' ll. POUTNKK KBjffiuSfc ONWARD IS THE PROGRESSIVE fllHE Its THIRD VOLUME at the foIW 1 subscriber, 1 year.. 5 subscribers, 1 year. : io subscribers. 1 yc1"- One copy, 1 year, free to tne club of ten. Ftcrht naces. 40 columns, wf, (charges prepaid) to l WX. febl7t TOt'. TJew Arr? - rrfi Vy BOXES HENRY Co. rwV Ann ASSOOTEDgJ f uuccdrrices tocloseffu. r.i"!i 6 Ir.i B. VANC.C