MISCELLANEOUS. A C-art-ala Cor tr thm Tint htf f ' Coarumptlon. Ita mala InrxedienU are raw beef and Doflri Port Malt Whi-ier, and it Simulate th encr giea &a4 buCds cp th tiuaei as nootLer bcuu discovery hu ever doae. MI an a rmbjterian clcrgyraan aud a Doo tor of Dirinity, but I am not afraid to recoin- rand "DnSf Malt WLiakeyaisd Dn-Xy'a tor xaula as the pnreat and most cfticicLt prepara tfeaa I know of and ay experience is a Lvrge cae." Err. U. Hills, . ! Prince too, Lowa. ? Dnffy Formula ia for aal by all drugiata Enddtalen. Pric. tl per bottle. Tlio Daily j newspaper, caoie company or wo- s 'ior court, of Nortu daroUna-isss luwresiea in u, judges. Josil T. James, Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington. N. C. I ldftn is iu anv way either directly or indirectly." 'We SATURDAY, MARCH 31,-1883. Entered at the Post office at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. w Tat penrr ilxix Wnisirr Co., HocLc-ilcr, N. T. HUMPHREYS' Cloth & Cold Binding in rcw,u total XBxrtM, MUUD ruL IUm. r. A. f. T. nrr cr rtzxar l woa. ctxxj 1 2 3 4 7 t rau. XTn tr. Worm Colic Co inc CJie, 'TaathiM I niarra. ol Childro or Adclta DrHilfrr, Grtpiorf. BNas Coue... Cfcoler .Morba. Wroitief COTfba. CoM. liroochiu rl1. Toothfcha. acaeb .... lleaJarbea. ftxk Hdach. eri iga rues. .35 .SA .23 .25 . .25 .24 .2 .25 OMEOPATHIC IV 12 13 14 16 !i 10 32 Ortpeacla. lui-owa MnjaB .25 npprrei or Painful Pertodi 25 W bile, too Proo Farioda 23 Croup. Coach. Ihficult Brtbinr 25 II llhenm. F.7ipl. Kropuon.. .25 Hbrimallin. KiiMmilio Pim .25 F-fer a4 Aiar, Cbiha. Malaria. SO Pile. Hun i or !! i or Catarrh. Inflow, Void intbllad .50 VVbotin CVwh,ViolBt Coach.. .SO General TekllUv.Fhaiel Wkna .50 -rvoat IW-bllliy... l.OO triaarr Veakeaa. Vtattine Bd... .50 IHaa- of lb Heart. Pah?iUt-on..l.OO SPECIFICS i txtl br lir-orr'. r aai-t postpaid on racaipt of w.-.utmrMaaia,aKOtiua u 13. inch 22 col vr ly nrm iifn. it.d f. i;u hirvrs i tbey aria rrrC. .-! v were l k . i ... r rr.. I . ; I'arxUitioz Coa!- of 1X1 y: tift-? TT wwl f-jr IVwetietil lOt:i tk y itoou. urc UfoJ rolartsl p!ti-t . urtiTlsst of MrtT U ltn-ll ICKiU; tVcrv Uona c4 U Inwi: boxt to c;iit. o; piaa fur roU:ry boot-i ; tniv.3iaum boot tzvcubAturv aa4 r.ci o to Lur isa Iran Ik-I kIocU r ( D-rr Klxiiax. boot for la Cesla. T m. 1 1- L.a 4 aw . a Mi I lilt If w ynq om1 tb nOOK OF CAC K H1ICI. 1VO rB l- lUao Iralkn. lioAattraT clorrl pinto. Tr inxn t no Uw li n ut mil tin J- Cox ami tbotr cum liow t bcild and ktocfc uinirr. All about IVnU PrknU "S ii kitwU b4ntv cnt. . ll:ted tur IJl rnU. Iboltar Uatii. .lUI't. ASSOCIATED FANCIEK5. 37SoUi UfctLb Strwt, lhlU4tJj.M, Vc. m Jt'...1".-' " i'rn w'' U I Annn Wp mall enough torilLL contlnce. men U 4w IL. H. I.Al'tKKB4CH & t'a. TTJ lirxKUl M. Newark. N. J. $65 A MONTH anrt IJOAHl) for 3 Ilrtrht Youneor Ijulkln each county. J V. Z1LGLKK CO., Pnlladelplila, Pa. Burnham's Improved Stan dard TUBB I3STE New nmstrated and Descriptive faulo-if sent Free. mch sa Addres YOHK, IA. "J PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleiw azv bmntlflea tb bain iTonoU? a loxorlant tnxrmxh. Nve Failt to Rtoro Gray Hair to its Ya1kful Color. Oarcvacalp dlacns and balr falling at Tn!t:ylta. HINDERCORNS. Tbo tafraC rfrrat and brat core for Corn. Bunion, i Itopa ail pais. lj rra comfort to tba forC Srer faL' tocsra. u eau at LwvnlaU. Uxsooz Jt Co, X! LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat, Invaloable for lypepsla, ii Indent Ti:ic fir inUs, Sauces and Made Also for flavorlnjr soups. indues. tienulnonly with liaron Uebergs lurv in uiiriuk iu.nra iuc uuru Sold by ail storekeepers, liroeerH and Dnitr jlsta. lucb 13 4 w Signa- MAKES 51 VI mi u Wholly anllke artificial ayateina. Any book leasrnel In one renln);. Classes of 10M7 at Baltimore. 1005 at De( tmit i.rwt at I'h!l.ii1lnhl larv rlAss o Columbia Law prudent-, at Yale. Wellesley, Oberlla, TnlrerMty ot Penn.. Mlchl?aji Vnl vcrslty. Cbautauqtu, C. &c Endorsed by Rlcbard rroctor, tbe Scientist : lions. W. "V Astor, Judan . Benlimln, Judge Gibson Dr. Brown. K. 1L Cook, ITlndpal N. V. State Nor mal college, c The system is perfectly la perfectly tausrnt by correspondence. lros rctua roT ra from PKOr. LUI3ETTE. ZT Fifth aTC, New York. ONWARD IS THE WORD I rjUlE TiJOGRESSIVK FARMEK ENTK S IU THIRD VOLUME at tuo following : 1 subscriber, 1 year fl-25 5 subscribers, 1 year 5.rtl ID subscribers. 1 year: '.laoc dub of ten. :' . ; ' ". Zlzht rares. n columns, wevtly. iend cas V (carrs prrpjUJ) to rc-b it iL. roi K. W don't know what we eat now adavM and it it well, perhaps, that we do not, our ood appetites might not be o plentiful as they are now In a recent investigation by the House Committee on Agriculture one of the witnesses stated that he had seen the unwashed entrails of hogs used in prime bteaui lard. ! In nn v wnv hare or niannpr lf r. ?trii nistrlct. II. O. fi.... t- j- if v.. ,?-,i, - f Ath nistrlct. W i a uuiu to a aa m w w- cv ' at is more likely that he does not be lieve it, but takes that plan to throw dust in the eves of the public. It is a cuttlefish trick,butit won't work." C. De Castro, president of the Com mercial Cable Company, said: "If, Mr. Gould referred to this company he was absolutely wrong. Thecoma nanv had nothing whatever to do : So far from having driven tele phone rivalry from the field, the re cent decision of the Supreme Court over which Mr. Hell and his friends rejoiced will result in creating only u stronger opponent tnan lie nas ever before encountered if thenluims of J. W. Honta, of Philadelphia, can be sustained. Jn April last Mr. I lion La secured patents for a tel Phone in which an intermittent or pulsatory current is employed in the traiiMJi!sion of speech, air. Heirs distinctive claim is that he employs a continuous current, 'having found it impossible to operate a telephone by a make-and-break system. Tile Supreme Court decided in his favor upon that distinctive claim. The logical result of such a decision, ac cording to Mr. Bonta, is that his telephony is the only possible rival to Bell's. He says that he is ready to enter the Jfield at once. Experi ments have shown that the tick of a watch 'can be heard through this telephone over a distance of live miles, ami conversation can be car ried oil in the most natural tones of voice ami heard with great distinct ness. Jay (iotild said recently in New York that his greatest enemies were a newspaper, a cable company and a woman. The two Hrst were easily located iu the Herald and the Com mercial Cable Company aud now the New York correspondent of the Baltimore Sun tells who the woman is. He says: Jay Gould's extraordinary asser tion that "a newspaper, ix cable company and a woman1' were the iutluences back of the attempt to have Russell Snge and himself in dicted is the sensation of the hour. Although Mr. Gould's actions and utterances have frequently absorb ed a large share of public interest, no part of that' interest has ever be fore been aroused by a "woman in the case." Jay Gould's domestic life has always been clean and above reproach, and whatever scandal there may be in the present Jn stance, it may reasonably be "as sumed that it concerns Mr. Gould only indirectly anil as a third party. It is this phase of the matter that gives a deeper significance to Mr. Gould's allusion to "a woman" than ordinary social scandals possess. Who is the woman? is the eager query that has been agitating news paper readers generally. In Wall street to-day this query actually supplanted "in interest the oft-repeated question, "What about Mis souri Pacific?"' In the absence of other information on the subject the exixJanatiou given in this morning's Suni. c, that the mysterious wo man was the divorced wife of A. L. Hopkins, second vice-president of the Missouri Pacific Railroad was received with a general feeling of credence. Most men about town knew how sturdily Mr. Gould es poused the. cause "of Mr. Hopkins when the latter's wife brought her first suit for divorce in this city, and it has long been a matter of club talk that Mr. Gould's influence forced Mrs. Hopkins to abandon her criminal complaint and content her self with a California divorce on the ground of desertion. There is but one opinion regarding the "news paper and the cable company" al luded to. The Herald and the Com mercial Cable company are unques tionably the concerns meant. But Mr. Gould after whetting the public appetite for scandal, declines to gratify that appetite at present. He intimates that there may come a time when it will be necessary for him to speak more fully aud expose the persons who he declaresjwere en gaged in a conspiracy agaiust Mr. Sage and himself. Persons who are in Mr. Gould's confidence guardedly admit that Mrs. Hopkins is the woman" referred to. They will make no defiuite or anthoritive statements, but they deal freely in intimations and mysterious outgiv ings. It is asserted that Mr. Hop-j Kins desires to injure uoufd from motives of revenge, and that sh in duced one or two very prominent aud influential men to act as her in struments. Que of these "instru ments" is occasionally- mentioned by name (sub rosa) by. Mr. Gould's friends. He is one of the most in fluential politicians in the country, and at present holds a very high po sition in the federal government. It was this person, it is alleged, whom Mr. Gould's lawyers threatened to expose unless Mrs. Hopkins discon tinued her first suit for divorce, which was brought on the ground of infidelity on the part of her hus band. William H. Delancy, the attorney for the Kansas Pacific bondholders in the criminal nroceedimr against Gould and Sage, said that the story about a "newspaper, a cable com pany and a woman" was all news to him. "I never knew of any such forties being interested in the case, ie aid that the suit was brought by foreign bondholders, and no with the action Gould and Sage." against Messrs. Sound Advice We conscieniousl y recommend our readers to try Sal vation Oil in all cases of rheuma tism. Sold by all druggists for cents a bottle. 25 MAKCII MIRTH. A Taking Fellow The photo grapher. The irirl who loves William never asks Her father to foot her Bill. Can a blind man be held liable for a bill which he accepted payable at sight. Now is the time to put your lawn in orrler--and to form a lawn 'order league, as it were. Lincoln Journal. Clncagoans are thoroughly alarm ed by the painters' strike. They fear an art - famine. New Haven News. If March goes out like the modern stvle of lion, it will be in a spring wagon painted red. Milwaukee Journal. A girl stepped into a jeweler's and asked for a pair of "consistency bracelets." Somebody had told her that consistency was a je el. Does it nav to be crood?" some- bod v asks, and the impulse of every holv else is to answer: it noes, ii there is any danger of being caught. Raw onions are now eaten to cure v a a 0 t insomnia. Where it iaus to cure husband or wife it will at least keep the other awake for company, and that's some consolation. Don't Get Caught. This spring with your blood full of mpurities, vour digestion impaired, your appenie poor. Kidneys aim liver tornid. ami whole system liable to be prostrated by disease but get yourself into good condition, ami ready for the changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's Sarsa ... . i ii . i narilia. ir sramis unequalled ior purifying the blood, giving an appe tite, and for a general spring medicine. Be Sure to Get Hood's SarsaparUla, my child. See that they do not give you anything else. You remember it is the medicine which did mama so much good a year ago my favorite Spring Medicine Nearly everybody needs a good spring medi cine like Hood's SarsaparUla to expel Impuri ties which accumulate in the blood during the winter, keep up strength as warm weather comes on, create an appetite and promote healthy digestion. Try Ilood's SarsaparUla and you will be convinced of Its peculiar merits. It is the ideal spring medicine re liable, beneficial, pleasant to take, and gives fall value for the money. , Be sure to get Hood's SarsaparUla Sold by all druggists, f 1 ; six for $5.' Prepared only by C L nOOD & CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar dec 10 lyr (Urwnrra mwsSdp JUDGES. 1st District, James K. snepnenr, of Beauioru I'miups. oi .tqgecoinue. Connor, of Wilson. alter Clarfc,of Wake. 5th District, John A. calmer, of Guilford. rh District. E T Boy an. of Sampson. -Th District. James C. ilacllae, Cumberland. 8th District, W J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. th Dlstncr, jesse t uraves, or surry. inrh District. Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke. nth District, Wm. M. Shipp, of Mecklenburg. 12th District, J. U. Merrimon, of Buncombe. SOLICITORS. si 1st District, John n. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. n. w nite. (col) oi uaaiax. 1 3rd District, D. worthington, of Martin. At h Dlsfriet. T. M. Arvo. of Wake. 5th District, Isaac K. Strayhorn. o Durham. th District, o. n. Allen, of Duplin, j 7th District, Frank McNeill, of Kichmond. Mh District. B. F. Lonsr. of Iredell. 4 9th District, Thos. Settle. Jr., of Rockingham. inth District. W. II. Bower, of CaldwelL 11th Districf, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. lth District, james ju. jiooay, oi isuncoma-, TIMB OF HOLDING COtTRTS FIRST JCDICIAI DISTRICT. ' Spring Judge Montgomery.; Fall Judge MacRae. Beaufort t Feb. t3ih- May 28th, Non 2Gth. ourrituck March oth, Sept. 3d. 'nrnripn March 12th. Sept. 10th. ' ....... 1- binnt. inth Tuna lltli Conl 1 1 krasuuuwujk jiaitu iviu. iuu, . 17th, Dec 10th. Ferquimans Aiarcu sum, ssepu znu -Chowan April 2cL Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 230. Oct. 22d. V Tyrrell April 30th. Oct. 29th. : Dare May 7tb. Nov. 5th. B Uyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. ;; Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT.. Spring Judge Graves. p . Fall Judge Montgomery. i Halifax tJan. 9th, $March 5th, May 14th, Nov. 12th. i' ' Northampton tlan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oc. 29th. Craven tFeJ). 13th, May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, sept. 17th. v Udgecombe April lfith, Oct. 15th. r . THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, : Spring Judge Avery. H Fa ll J udge ( i raves. Pitt 'Jan. 9th, March 19th, tJune 11th, Sept I7tn. Franklin Jan. 23d. April 16th, Nov.? 12th. Wilson Xi eo. 6th, juneun, oct. i9tn. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. 20th, Oct. loth. Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d, JDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. v-. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. a FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ), Spking Judge Shlpp. j Fall Judge Avery. Wake Man. 9th. tFeb. 27th, 'March 20th, tApril 23d, 'July 9th, tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, tOct.22d. Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April lGth, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 2Gth. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Novt 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judge Shlpp. c Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. . Granvllle-Jan. 30th, April 23u, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th. Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, Sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. j Caswell April th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. j SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. s Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tApril I6th, tsept. 24th. 1 Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th, sept. 3rd, Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. 8th, Dee. 10th. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26fh, Oct, 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16t h, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. ' Anson Man. 9th, tApril 30th, Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. , i Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. Robeson .Ian. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept 17th. Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. . : Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 0th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. j Spring Judge Connor." 4 Fall Judge Phillips. ?! Cabarrus Man. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 19th. i Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec. 3d. Randolph March 19th, Sept, 17th. :'. Montgomery-April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ;': ' ELY'S CREAM HALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflam mation, Heals the Sores, Restores the Senses of Taste and smeU. Catarrh TRY TIIK CURfHAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by mall, registered. 60 cents. ELY- BROTHERS. 235 Greenwich su. New York. apl 9 lyeod dw O. 0. VOLLKJiS, ENEltAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In country Pro duce, Groclertes. Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Ci gars, Ac No, 8 North Water street, . Wilmington, N. C. Consignments solicited. Highest prices paid for all kinds ot Country Produce. mchltf Sash- Sash. Doors. Doors. JgEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. ' RIMS, SPOKES, WHEELS. COOKING AND II EATING STOVES. U,.ug Factory Agentsve can save youmoney. JncobPft Udw. Depor. dec ?9 12 So. Front Str lEAIC, UNDEVELOPED PAnTl I Uia Iiody tUjATiti and iinrthend. Full particu r M-Dt sald rre. KRIR MKD. CO.. UcrrAio, K. K iTFEEEns":ai:r;itUs::EssteviBa ault ef Tcr-Work. ladcritlsa, etc, address w Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct.'Sd. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept, 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 1,0th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. ;jd. Davitt April 2d, Oct. 8th. U stokes April 16th. Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surrj April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL" DISTRICT, jf Spring .Tudge Gjlmer. Fall Judge Clark. 1 Ienderson Feb. 13th, July leth. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. 3d. vi Ashe March 26th. May 28th. Ausr. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th3, Sept. loth. h Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. !; ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boykin. Fall Judge Gilmer. S Catawba Jan. 16th. July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.l & Union 'Feb. 13th, tFeb. 20th, Sept. 17th, tSept. 24tlL ' Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. f . Xincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th, OctJ-22cL l Rutherford April 23d, Oct. 29th. : Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge MacRae, S Fall Judge Boykin. i Madison Feb. 27th. July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.l3th, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. i Haywood April 9th, Sept 10th. 9 Z Jackson April 23d. Sept. 24th. 8 Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. 1 Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. S Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. 1 ; GrahamTune 4th, Oct. 29th. l; Swain-June llth, Nov. 5th. For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. s JFor civil -cases alone, except Jail cases. I iw - a. w C 1 f 1 f 1 fKnu I Arxt. wuumw cc i wrvs. vn ttfl f dua. p LETTCK BY HFTii oal 14 11 ruirLircTt o ruiurc i.n mhp r maimm 'm vtt m a t w t rr r ir u . . . r await RfinnUNSSUC!TED WRITTEM TCSTIWORJALS AX0 SAFEALWAYSI INDISPENSABLE.S0LD BY AIL DRUGCiSTS. ASK FOR DIAMOND O RAMD JHfCHESTElTS EMSUSli i I AND TAKE NO OTHER SEC SIGNATURE OH EVERY BOX . I . . AKI .... ...... . , CHICHESTER CHtMitALWU.soLi.rtaT.BufiL'N ij.nirA.rA. fo n parti c(i!TA rC JY lCTll2 . ruirurcrta ruruirsi r.n ra fprhp MAnisnu en bun a ba vc cir-u ni, nan i WW V V UUUIUlUk Wis4-iUlWKai CIVUl ri-XaH M KUTAt PILLS WITH SurrrVr 1 1 - s tsWJwU Avoid i torts.? r . . " i" iLHAj L nt c ham took ii f ail ties l Li?:-tsnd vrej-erestoradtohsoith by use of .t?& SEMINAL PASTILLES, l?irr!.f?Ti(I',hT5lal Ttomrln Yonrtr? c? Mill' a la Ajed iica. Tostod for Ligit X ecr3 m cany ,-MZ thonsaad cases ther cb!ctrlT . restoro r-)TCtarel7 7- t-yyd and broken down man tn ibo fnll enjonnentof bcrfoct and full Manly Strength nad Yijrorotsa.KoaJt. .to t nose vao Koirer tppta tiesaaT coscuro a uajtra roi5plitaVnt by 1m! isc notion. ilirrir Ovar-lSi.a iV'ori, or too i wo Indulgence, vro asfe that yoa eend n3 roar n.imsrlf h t.Ati4ment of vocr troablo. tnu Eeccra . pryREcs persons can iiaro sfkes Trial o? ou? Aopuance. 'll'- mal7y ntw ly g AtmMmt.l A 1 't4Hlf .iSa $4.50 f FOR ii we can Rive eo ranch for the money? Thousands say this In their V't cause after plates are made It costs far less proportiontely to ndiii than 100,000. During its nearly fifty years existence tbo a , .,- , immmi has absorbed twenty-fonr other agricultural twlodlcals, and cnctlnn.. ' recognized authority on agricultural matters the world over. With t wij " " editors who have made it a power in both hemispheres, reinforced with n.i U8 ol it will be more valuable during 1888 than ever. Each number now contn?L'ri'X one hundred original Illustrations and original articles on the Farm GrJ- ,,nerll and Household, from over fifty different writers. Price, $1.50 a year - sinif J,evi B ON CALVARY Firstand only ReproductionTInT before mm These magnificent works of art are neither old time chromos norordlnrB lngs, but exquisite pictures executed for us by Photoetching and Meizom?8" tea- process, on heavy plate paper, zaxas inches. Price fl.00 each. Both niotn.'r' fahed Dec. 20. 18fff forwarded in tahea. nnst-naid. vwu picture! U American our new in tubes, post-paid. OU1V GREAT OFFER. can Atrricultnrist fEng. or German), with both i)iet . volume, published Dec. 20, 1887, entitled .. " wcwe. 0UK HOMES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THE! 150 handsome illustrations, boond in cloth and gold, price $ljD0-n in receipt of $1.60 the extra ten cents being for packing and postage. acnu 10 us ior specimea nomoer, liinsilih or Ge ggj man, iuii description or new uookb presented to old ana iiewsuDscriDcrs, ana mu aescnption of the Pie 1 tures, and Portrait of Munkacsy, tbe painter of these great works, now attracting world-wide attention. CANVASSERS WANTED ; EVERYWHERE, MUBSCR-IPTIONS CAN BEGIN ANY ITIME. Addrea, . J1JIP P., Iullislicrs, TCI Broadway, If, f SATED II SCROFULA: OF THE 14 A tr Jitihxia. Ga.. August ll. ISST ; Tm: Sv. ift Si k iKic Co., A1umm, l a.: Ceiiilemen I have bea nfliieteU- -; wlra , ;.;c-'rafkn of the lears ev?r- siyre I w.1 a- hild, the disease undouhtt-diy 1:pJ:s;.; 1i vo Utary, usinv mother suffereil from sroiul uus s . lnptoms. As I atlvuiu'Od t itst..hn. . n. v rtftiiction i:;-icase;i umil ihv -m.fvrt'y ; l.tjjim? liarrassius aud painful l.ej oun povvcr of words t flri--ci'll'. 25y iliu ; ii -jr. it;nticul;irly become. fearfuU.V o: e loft leg being 1ks paintiiily slfectfd. I'' l- IIj. aHut fourteen yea-s. the uk- is :; :. y rirht le ha-l eaten thiC-uh tl ik inio . the tione. In order lo ave n y lilt- tors defermhie.1 to i:i:;p:tHte it v. le'l-ek-.v tite knee. The ot.erotio' "wch t-xic -y :!.!; iitM forrivlhv li. IL V. IT. JMik ri -vVtri Hul Dr. 7. P. B-n i, of l.itiu tetf i'-w. the lotwof mv'.etf save me oAy teie .?? re-: lief. The pofcsoa was -stil: in u .-j.-t-.m vi 'mmii bean to a'.iow itself i-f.w. U:t?lu.t '' , j . . terahre hi : f timuhat : -CSiS" )) i PJm?: s g&jgfrStfff vantohppcz 1 111 Boili di'v speedily when thi3 remedy is tata. T: qo more eneetual relief for tne nsm loathing of food due to IN7EMPELl than this article. '- Put tipinlarsre75L- ties. campie pacKasres inpowuis ic by raai 1 to any address on receipt of W in stamps. -The resmlarl inuid 1011111' sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICU. 400 North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. The creat secret of the canary b;r. of TheHartz Mountains in Gere Manna wi 1 1 restore the sonerof cap: prevent their ailments and re j?ood condition. If given to a k the season of sheddingfeathcrsitf-'-cases carry the little musician fe" critical period vithoutiossofsont ,'iai 1 on receipt of 15 ct. in W case mention iuia payer. r sept.9 tu th aat ' time after larp;? ulc-.i rs sin jji: it-it- lej.r. covering ic from the ki.ee to fi'e irff.tp.-; : i'Ye'i'aentiy vviule tit v.orli I t-oruj be in cin , by me bioo'l which' coze I r..!vi tte his e ; uleers, and the sovei :in! i" v.inz 1 I v wcr oil'ea-uve that mv 1- .' 'Wjkn:..;- coul I n.t fitiind the jteueh i.A -t,jii a. -o aay from irta . - : Lar winter I was persm'.t'ef? to try S. 5, As a last effort I consented to- do hvi; about seven months ago I ix a n tai."C; S.C. ' Sp"cSfi. I soon began to f el tl:e ; oot'.c.ut-. .s -of the ino .'icine, tho offensive mm in? Ih-j e?v. to prow lesj ani less end i-i a'l; ce; rto. il-.- ulcer heale l, ray flesh be Bit- Cim'anO solid, and today, after tuiK twenty tTie bottles, I am as halo ami stefct r ni.ii; of my " age as there is In Georgia. -I nVev-i1y ot; veurs olil. but feel now your?: r fci -rre;.!er t'l in I did when I was tuertv five. 1 w. iph-" about l'i(). pounds. Nothing is to be s?f;i ; the terrible disease, or to rtzhlml. Ve ? torture I suffered for so manr years'. ept: tlie scars of the perfectly bt aud elet is1. . I want the world to know of the h)ij't miraculous cure effected on mo by K.i; "and I call upou those who wish to S;i v. tie particulars directly from metowiii;.Ml will consider it a pleasure a vell :s a ui v to answer their lei ters. I refer to-Dr. W.. IV Bond, of Lithonia, as to the tnuh of my statement. Very pratef ul!y yoi:rs, , v 15. Dhase. Treatise on Blood and Skin D;.ea.- e iKrJlca free. The Swift Sffc k:c Co., - Drawer 5, Atlanta-'? ' : nov 3(1 law lyao ch sat The National Life and ' " -1 ; : f - Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. ADVERTISEF Can learn the exact c: of any propos-'d advertising in Amerr Papers by a4flr Geo. P. Rovrell i c Newspaper Advertising Bur8 IO Spnxce St., New Send 1 Ofcts. for ICOpafl9 p"BlP Uabilities Paid to members... ..1314,073.19! None. . .fl20,0334Jl UORVTIO BROWNING, President. -o- CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. NEW HANOVEK COUNTY. H OUver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. ni?- l001 WilmingtonTsolIcltor. Court beglns-,Ian. 2d, March 19th! May 21st July 16th, iept. 17th, Nov. 19th. f ' MECKLENBURG COUNTYj OUver P. Meares, Wilmington, Jud. fA LIlson' Charlotte! SolicttorT tumuucgins-reorjui. Anrilorh Jna jt. Aug. 13th, Oct, 8th, Misses Burr & James, ILL REOl jiN THEIR SCHOOL FOR glria and uttle boys, on TUESDAY OciL 4. - uuiua, as neretofore inn be thorough and systematic, re T11 MualMrp.Snnt GEGRGE D. ELD RIDGE," Secretary. Manager and Actuary.!- i : 5; ; .- ' Life Insurance at Absolute Cpst. ' ;: " A Guaranteed Policy. Y''ii.--An Incontestable Policy. - " Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed Age; Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. fx V Only Four Payments per Year. , Non Forfeitable After Three Years v ;; P. S- RIDDELLE, M. D. - ' - . ' Medlca! Director W, H. gibson, Special Agent, " T i ; Home Office, 1,213 F Street N VV JOHN HA AR, JIX)calAgent." ' 25 tf WUmlngton n! C. ! Thonsand aOTli0 U - ii it.:iui sin . hA nnbhsbert oi , American contitm for patents, ri-rhts.et&,forthf M lJ?i to obtain patents m e T; n all ther C0aB"'T;Ui Jfi ' is uiuaTed "and their vT P Drrmpi and g&$S&-. In the Patentpffice on short reasonable. No charge f or ex In the SCIENTIFIC MZZao?:, the largest circolation i ana i - bed tfT newspaper oi iw .""VitcW The advantages of saeh understand -a . . Ax.mSf: This tariraana .t iivi fa tmblished VEKttJf ' Slig admitted to mechanics. Y. . ,fy. is w-.---,oo nsneq in uj ; tat every"2. k ?"Ea , -ttV it four on - , Sold br all newidelers. : ' pf It n have an IP"""-. tL-iB"- 3tl Broadway, new UandbooB auv v- -tments of ttint.l f ..r "i""c" "-r iauies-wear in tne J.ASHIONABLB HAl- v shAr,fnnveQUii'llfl , . prove-nents.an . . ' Con coos and po , ! - aerve enttme . - ; h j jck III wuy arencuc; (Sons.

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