PLKA8K NOTICE. . We will Jt glad to receive commtmlcatlon from our friends on any and alleubjecta of general Interest, but -The name of the writer must always he fur- n iff-in 1 ilJi .3 IlL:..J.1 El., I- eirrj enl. Sunday, excepted, y J06IL T. JAMES. Editor and Prop. W jurnoN. rOSTAGE PAH Bti.l month, 33 cent. r will U- delivered by carrtenr. free TJll tainjMrtnf lb- Hty. at the above ifttc and UtraL PCii;-V()I4 XII io nlvr thlr rrrcrly. j WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY. APRIL 2, 1888. NO 79. Tlie decorations in tV churches ycntenl:xy were very handsome, not ; withstanding the f;iet that llowers were verv iscare. Clothing Store 1 lobbed. Beyond Onr Expectations. .- Some one broke into Mr. J. H. The increase in our sales the past Daniels' storeonFront street nearthe month was beyond our expectation, Market, tome time between Satur- and proves conclusively that our ef- day niht and Monday morning and forts to place first class Clothing at j NEW ADVEETI8EMEVT8. JtJ rcenllar efilcftcy Is 'daft math to the rr"-" nd cklll in compound lu;f as to Taki-lt ! time. Henec jtmL mtlio outset. or tf , .Tba4nced wiIl prove a potent euro, f i t ! iv tn Tlinrn lira ftxw men in North Cnrolimt to dav who stole therefrom 3 in money, which New York prices within the reach of srn.l as -ool !t c Ikop of" bein- belonged to Mr. Daniels' httre boy. buyers from Wilmington and yicin . r- -ww r . x. . i... j. :,. iA.i iMj. .. t dry &cM and put oua petrSXfit of received and placed on our counters clothes and left the old ones in place the tlnest and best selected stock Of of them. An ent ranee was e ff ected : Men's, Hoy's, Youth's and Children's No trace of the ras THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, 115 Market Street. Ooveruor of thi State after the t.ext election as lion, (.'hay. M. Sted iu in. ' TO THE LADIES. . t TTTtt ti. 1 VHtS3 SIM D8 YllM 1L- . " til rho lead urV llirt t TSStSi freventir of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT . Imll-MliiiiK. X II. It - t! 1! .1.11 ' j ror .onu Carolina, biiiitiy warmer and fair weather and light fresh Southwesterly winds, be coming viiriable, and followed in the Northern portion by falling temperature. in I ' llesH.che. niuoaneM, rfnre wlin Dimness hildn utt ismrt In- -Hii;iir". Sale. Commencing on Weduesday itiorn- S'n dnrrr from . hiir Alessr S Vim A iiirinco A- Ho cSSnSSl "eHlh- I will sejl at public auction the entire ftCncti,r?-aiin. A llttlo Market street. The sale, which is i . t r-. iiiuii a a . w.-v uVtBrl Vvaruatlonf tho bowels, ifcu in the mornlnu' aharpen. . .. ... a ,m f im m and ' I I'HVSICIAN-S oriNioy. I U Ue medicine for twtm tun I bare ncrr hcen U to rJus wsew -I tomfnMitmi lliat would. Lj cffOiy im th Lir to .cuon. . S i titc Me l.maiJ (insicad of weak a the ijtstaod imdau U. IUxto. M.D., w asauigton, Aik. Bat of GeualneaeMi tok for the red CTlMirk on front of U rrrrt ai,d tne rt4,oaUwude. Take no other. made by order of Mr. A. U. Kicaud, asijiiet will continue from day dav until nil is sold. to from the rear. cals yet. A Slight Flrel The kitchen attached to the resi dence of Mr. J. Baker, on Dock j street, bet ween Seventh and Eighth, caught on lire yesterday afternoon, about 2 o'clock. It caught somehow from a defective tluo and burned a hole iu the roof. The alarm was sent out from Box 35, and the fire department turned out but before they got there the neighbors had put out the fire. The Atlantic hose reel as tirst on the scene, followed close bv that of the Adrian. Your especial attention is called to my line of LOCAL NKWS. Isph to Ntw ADTaanaisrtjm. Urw II Xtiat5-Hii4 X Kin-New Goods llti mull -Ttte Latest r C Mtixt-inimon4 Dies ortM nora-GUtaorfs Band A4ti-ja Notwe s A ScUos3 & Co s vxAUNtt iCo-AisinnecsSale M H Km-prta;a2i summer Goods vut U tt ir-.ociiv to the Ladles h.r other loc&h e fourth page. V pita this month Just one hour of lUyHirhf. ThU month has five Sundavs and tx ilonilavs. f-Umter Dh-. We were blessed yesterday with a bright, beautiful and balmy day,the first really pretty day we have had this season, and as a consequence there were crowds of worshippers at all of the churches. The Gatholic, Episcopal and Lutheran churches were all beautifully decorated with evergreens and (lowers and the ser vices were beautiful and impressive. In the afternoon there were church services for the children iu nearly all of the churches of these denomi nations and so great was the attend ance that in some instances many persons were compelled to stand. We would be glad to publish full reports of the services in all of the churches but the space at mand is not such as to justify the undertaking Tbe iYvipU of cotton at this ort uthv fot up 1.1 bales. Thernrulariuontly tneetingof the Parl of Managers of the Produce Kifhanse will be held to-morrow The peculiar purifying and build ncp lowers of Hood's Sarsaparilla yie it the very best medicine to at this season. Mra Wijjijins has a full column, trtrwtive ad. in this isue. The 4.1st will all read it. If it had been made to order we uU not have had a lovelier, pleas- itrrEater Day than was yester- Ut. The little ones are looking forward ith much iuterest to the Easter E Hunt at St. John's to-morrow Atrrn oou. Yoa m fin da very nice line of Gat Heavy Jeans Drapers, at 50 ttnU a !air at the Wilmington Shirt 'ofy, o 27 Market street, J. bach. Prop. . f CrjtUl Spectacle, and KjeKles tICe IO ft .l Hill vnim- I Wtin; young: ' ''ICtacles VOU shnulil ! rim. Qs not to take more magnifying V'?r tlian H-en lost to the eve MtttT1 pro!ortiou that you w3!'Injur' to the qye. Using t "7 wronger Iower than Isne hiZfj? " daily cause of rrcma- e t at HeinsbererV City Court. T.' Kr-Vant cimrgetl with disor T onduet, vras fined or SO days. -oari Bowdeu. disortlerly, dis- JJ'1 Jenkins for disorderly cou Ucxfi1 ? iH r 30 days. le?L thr(!"iy, judgment for Katter Kleetloii. Elections were hehl to-dav vestrymen as follows: St. James' Parish Dr. A. J. De Uosset, Dr. W. U. Thomas, Col. John Wilder Atkinson, (. W. L. DeRosset, Hon. A. M. Waddell, Joshua (i. Wright, Clayton Giles, J. Hal. Boatwright, Thos. D. Meares, O. B. Mallet t, Wm. Calder, H. A.Burr. St. John's Win. II. lireeu, (iab riel Holmes, H. G. Smallbones, T. Wright Meares, John E. Crow, AV. II. Yopp, K. E. Heide, W. Catlett, Thos. O. Bunting. St. Paul'sDull. Cutlar, Capt. W. G. McRae, It. C. Cantwell, R. H- Pickett, G. M. Crupon, L. S. Belden, W. P. Elliot, UJ. Poisson W. II. Bernard, E. G. Barker. Personal. Col. Jno. J. II ed rick has returned to the city from his visit to the Northern markets. Alderman Itice sailed yesterday on the Gulf Stream on a visit to New York. Miss E. Karrer has closed up all of her business in the city and has returned to Raleigh. Miss Karrer has made many friends in this city who were sorry to part with her. We are glad to be able to state that Mr. JohnS. James, who has been quite sick, is much better today. Meteorological. Mr. F. P. Chaffee, Signal Observer in charge at this station, furnishes us with the following meteorologi cal report for the month of March: A verasre barometer for the month, 30.12; highest barometer during the month, 30.50, on 23d; lowest barom eter during the month, 29.50, ,on the 21st. Monthly range of barometer, 0.94. Average temperature, 51.4; highest temperature, 70.5, on 29th; lowest temperature, 24.4, on 23d. Monthly range of temperature, 52.1; greatest daily range of temperature, 29.5, on 1st; least daily range or tern nerature, 8.2, on 27th. Average per cent, of humidity, 77.4. Prevailing direction of wind Southwest. To tal monthly movement of wind. G.5S5 miles; highest wind, 35 miles ner hour from Southwest, on the 21st. Total precipitation, 4.74 inch es; number of davs on which rain fell. 11: number of clear davs. 12: number of fair days, 10; ntrmber f cloudy days. 8. Dates of frosts light, 30th; Killing, 9th and 10th, Clothing for Spring and Summer wear ever, before .brought toT this market, which will be sold at prices that will surprise. . All we ask is & call, and you are sure to buy.; Re- FAST BLA0K HOSIERY meuiDer we win not oe uuuersoici. Our motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. I. SHRIER, The Old Reliable Clothier- and Hatter, No. 10 North Front street (Purcell House.) Sign of the Golden Arm. For Ladies and -Children. Stainless and Warranted to Wash and Retain Color, and Equal in Finish to a Silk Hose. At the Tabernacle. The interest in the Pears6n meet ings seems wonderfully on the in crease. As early as 5 o'clock yester- Also, to my Elegant Line of day afternoon many were seen on linen Pocket HandkefCfl I vS . From lOc. upward, Warranted Pure Linen I .... ':'.,. - - . - , 4 , Communications must be written only on one side of the paper. - ' t Personalities must be avoided. ' And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. i J NEW AP VEBTf HlSfJl KNTfi, Spring and Summer Goods f . V AT ' k ; 1 i - a.4 m -m 116 Market Bt -TE HAVE NOW OPENED A COMPLETE assortment of the latest Novelties and Combi nations in TheGrcatest Musical Event At O.k.lale. t Provtment is tiii ti, Uitnfi Wale. New walks " UiJ t and work is I j-o2on the A Vlftlt to Mr. Gibson JHine Farm. A gentlema!! who sometimes trav els considerably writes us, in a let ter which is dated at Newbern, rela tive to a visit he recently paid to the farm of Mr. Gibson James iu Holly Shelter township, Pender county. He says: In traveling through Eastern North Carolina it is gratifying to note the improvement here and there noticeable amid the general despondency of the Agricultural masses. At Mr. Gibson James' place, near Onslow, the traveler is struck with the apiearance of system, thrift and prosjerity at his home. Refreshed at his hospitable table, a walk to his dairy,throngh which Hows a stream of ateri nearly ice cold, from a subterranean stream, discharging over fortygallons per minutearouud his milk cans, an examination of a cunning device, operated by the same water power, by which his churning is done iu the dairy, a plunge into his luxurious bath tub connected with the same building and -one feels sure that in North Carolina homes can be made as cheerful and as happv as at any place on the face of the globe. But after leaving the "but tenullk and the bath'' a stroll through his flocks of throughbred Cots wolds and Jerseys, a walk thiough his immense "cattle barn, the largest in the countv on the nin- ruuu wnicn en-itC U wncii is piaceu ins nuge roumltt r..i i i ' farm bell wlm.s plnrnipnt tinL-lamn i man ui 11 crnva i .. i-um r"rousUtdow j ,e cre . tfMft mons his .farm liands for miles n fm the uur uI,S ht" ; around, and one feels better still. t!. Mrry a mile or so and r.oiir1iuI. tl lilt f1lfft U tw-vf in the history of Wilmington, Vil be the appearance here ''of thc( "wnrll rpiiowiied Gilinortr' and ' his band of seventv-flve artists. ; VVI It must be undeftkoodj thayihis organization does not owy- inciuae the famous 22d RegiuieaiV' Band; but it is augmented bv scinet6f the greatest soloists in the worldf eacli man being a master of hw commencing Wednesday, April 4, 1S88 at 10 o'clocK A m, ana conunumg' irom aay io aay until the the entire StocK is sold, at store No. 11. Market Street, the entire Stock of Dry f Goods, Shoes, a large lot or Clothing, Shirts, Blankets, jjea-spreaos. -rrunKs. nawis. la dles' Sacques and Hoods, Dress Gooods. Two Hhow Cases, Glassware, Fancy Articles. In lact 'a full add complete assortment of all rilns of Merchandise usually found in a Dry (loods Store, a. . kicaud, ' Assignee of J. Sternberger. SALE POSITIVE. apl23t inuvf dual instrument, and every wind in- will age strument known in this have a worthy exponent. No matter how perfect an organi zation may be, orjiow well it may perform, a purely instrumental concert (as was the case with Thomas' Concert some years agoj) is tiresome. These concerts will be vocal and instrumental, and are not only in tended for the musicians, but for the masses as well. Gilmore has been before the public so long, that he knos exactly what is needed to please all.- There is no doubt that Wilming ton, which has so many lovers of music, will look forward to this great event with much pleasure, for to hear such a concert is a privilege which may never again be extended to our citizens. We have no doubt that the house will be packed on this great occas- sion. wav to tne Tabernacle. We have heard the number estimated as high as 0,000, which; of course in cludeu a great many wno were standing outside. Numbers left who were unable to get inside of the tfuilding. It was decidedly theflarg est congregation Mr.! Pearson has yet had and twice the number of I nave the Largest and Cheapest as- seats would probably have been fill ed could they have been had. Nine ty conversions are reported as the j result. Dont cro-w. too ' soon. Turner's Almanac promises cold weather and storms for next week. But we'll bet against Turner's this time. NEW ADVEltTlSKMKNTS. A. O McQirr, Auctioneer, . 1 j..- . BY S. A. SCHJLOSS & CO. . i h rpUESDAY, IN OUR SALES ROOMS, AT 10 1 o'clock, (Dawson's old stand) we will sell 4 bbls Fresh Cakes. 2 tubs Sausage, 2 Cooking stoves, sota, cnairs, 'rabies, vvasnstanas, carpet. Laaies' uats, Trimmings, sc. j apl 2 It . i : ASSIGNEE'S SALE. sortment of MILLINERY EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, And am prepared to ' Fill Orders for all Glasses of Trade. -o- By s. VanAnirinee & Co , AuctioneerD. E WILL 3 ELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION. My having engaged 3wCISS GOODWI3ST AS MY Trimmer for the Season Is a sufficient guarantee that All Orders will be Filled IN THE DRESS GOODS. : - , - ' t BLACK SILKS from t&e up. ' 'v SATINS, all colors, worth t&c for 4c - 1 SURRAHS, , do do 75e for 65c I 8URRAHS, do do Sl.oofor7ftc i MOIRE STRIPES.dO do 1.0 for 75c ! FAILLE FRANCIAS with Velvet StriDes. worth H2.RO for SI. 30. . . Silk Rhadames, Henriettas, Cashmeres, cos- - t.nmp rinSt.h Altntrrtca "Vm'a Vcllln- - New ShMes 4-4 English Cashmere, worth 40c for 25c - ' , " Fancy Suiting, worth 20c for 16c Double width suiting, -worth 25c for20)B so-inch Moire Cloth, worth 15c for lOc. - so-lnch Batiste, worth 12 l-2c for 8c , 304nch Basquet Cloth, worth 12 l-2e for 8c . Danish Cloth, worth 20c for 12 1- 2c. colored and Striped Crinkle Cloth 6c , BLACK GOODS. The very assortment, ' price them. Crepe. Crepe and Grenadine veilings, with a Deep Ornaments, Braids, Gilded and Tinsel Gimps, Buttons, &c., to match all of above In Colors PL0UNCING8 In Swiss, Nainsook, Cambric Chantilly , very low. v, o , , . , Opera house. . Wikn A Tacsdai. April 121k UU. A OKBAT BVBSClft j GILMORE IS 00MINOI LATEST STYLE And give entire An Elegant and Varied Line Of GLOYES, COLLARS, - and GUFFS, -o 4Crl! Uy th nnd road i iiih tres much iu Hie location nsin the man. These are the men 6f "proper girth and grain" to horn we are Bhrl .1. l o ,K.u -T!: '.kiF .l2j-rtop,t of our --i " - v mm mi v r ..... ... ' ".. ueail will . iiiafrt.i - ' c l its lovi lT iaa,M the tuon neh ;:oCUyT Wh't Geo. 'stock kP the larg t It. ' Some of the Good Work. The following additions to the membership of various churches in J this city was made yesterday: urace M. E. 40; First Presbyterian 24; First Baptist 22; Second Presbyte- 10. T?: rtV. fy V m- Hln- !J!;r;sal,STlr,,,s! ?"" m the poor, who are feeding the wid-,tiht7. Total 131. f 1 W X Ut.ll tl,.. .,...1 1 l.S t v-- ' - . only one grew before. - ; know that there is a decliae in cof; ;. Mr. Junie is conteuiplatiug en- I fee of about five cents per pound, largement which will not. nnlr in. m i-u.... i. .,i.,n For a Mighty Musical JubUee with his WONDERFUL RAND, And the following distinguished array of soloists and grand ensemble: MADAME ANNIE LOUISE TANNER Prima Donna Assoluta. SIGNORINA CARLOTTA MACONDA, Prima Donna Soprano. M'LLE IIELKNE MELLINI, Contralto, y ' CIIAS. TURNER, Primo Tenore. S1GNOR TAGLIAPIETRA, Basso Cantante: and S FRAULEIN MINA BUI1LMEYER, Pianist. ! :' TOGETHER WITH I 13 BIATCHLBSH -OBOISTS CONTAINED IN THE Greatest Band on Earth, Including theFamous Cornetlst, J! A. IjIBEKATI, I White GOODS. Nainsook Mulls, f ; EMBROIDERIES, DreGGTrimmingo, BUI 'I ON PASSEMENTERIES, Etc. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. ' ZEPHYRS, WORSTEDS' and YARNS. frr tt tm trs s-v a irx t Vi 111 Ci IjrUUJJO, Every style and variety. Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Collars, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Jer seys, Shawls. Scarfs, Housekeeping Goods. Towels, Napkins, Fancy Goods. Notions. Not space to name prices to all, but assure our patrons prices will be made as low if not www luttii tue utiest vauuugues. - . Samples sent to jthe country with pleasure. Call for some of the many Bargains at the cash House of , . - - ' 116 Market Street, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. " Easter Egg Hunt. rjHERE WILL BE AN EASTER EGG HUNT in St. John's Churchyard, on Tuesday, after . noon, at 4 o'clock, freshments free. Re- Admission 10 cents. mch 31-2C jq-KW MlIUNBYIi:STABLISUSXNT ' . Corner Second and Dock Sts. Just received by Express, a;' large lot o the . Latest Styles m Millinery, Fancy Goods, No tions etc. which will be sold at very reasona. ble rates, A call is respectfully solicited. No trouble to show Goods. - mch 31-3t MISS HATTIE J. rOX3 A RARE CHANCE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Desirable Real Estato, A LIVERY BUSINESS IN GOOD SHAPE. ' Twenty Horses and all necessary vehicles, &c, to carry on the business. Thirty regular Boarding Horses. nw and centrally loqatcd. Apply to It . V. OltliCLL. mch 31 lw -! , Good run of trade' Stable New York & V7ilmin-ton Steamship Line. From new Y6 vl: it PKIirEUtKO -o fc- i gTEAMSHIP EQUATOR, CAPT.. NELSON, - will sail from New York on Wednesday next, April 4th."r Snippers wil 1 please t ake not ice. ! ." ' : ; IU G. SMALLBONES,' ' " 1 - . supertntendent AND THE GILMORE .. .1 . . : 1 1 l,nner but which, if adopts!. willKreatly enlarge hi- sphere of In-: on for the past two months, but (uxpak'allelld mc- ioal ai.reoation th'e- ret nil btl vers have ." vet er-i rrls-r -rv-!, cyi. .. '; : - i -:.- mch 81 A cordial invitatxm to, on and all . to call and exemine my stock, , , and it will be shownto you . . ' with pleasure. . ? tarket, , between JOHN WILpr;: ..ti;in0N. I'ri 1". -; r. r. 1 - ; - ' ... Very Respectfully, 7. f ARKET, , BETWEEN SECOND AXI

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