MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS HCHZCPATEi: VZIS2I1TAS7 SHCETO For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 PACE BOOK o Treat- aeit'tf Aalnala and . Chart Beat Free. if aieaInitl3Jllk Frf,r. Nasal Discharge. tenia Superior Courts of North Carolina 1888 .rr: 'An Imperative Necessity. i Whnl: nnrn air Is to n.n tin tion.lt liv - JTrnriws locality, what spring: cleaning is to lst District, James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort.5 losn. T. Jamks, Editor Othf? neat housekeeper, so is Hood's 2nd District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe. & PropV. tioonariiia to evervbodv nr this 3rd District, H. G. Connor, of Wilson. - aarsaparuia u everyooay, 9 nis 4th District, Walter Clark,ol Wake. A lie uouy ueeus to oe luor- ma-FMti. CotetIoaJnnamnat!on. A.A.-Halaal aiealncltia. jnilk H1". It. It. f i-mla. Lameoni. Ubranatimn. Jl.p. Bataar t-.raaa. erai. F. F. Calleer irlpa, Bellyache. a reason. ! oaghly renovated, the blood puri fled and vitalized; the germs of dis- lease . destroyea. ecroiaia,' csaii Rheum, and ajl other blood disor- larti ni-n mired hv HoodV Sarsnnar- Entered at the Tost office at Wilmington, N.O, fhA tnftsf. normlar and sness as seoona-ciass mauer. . ,V7 r A v , j ful spring medicine. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, APRIi, 2, 188$T 5th District, John A. Gilmer, of Guilford. 6th District, k r uoyian, or aampsonu 7th District, James C. MacRae, Cumberland. 8th District, w J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. J. i.-lcarrlae. Ileaaarr II. U.-l riaary a4 KldaeyD J. I, V raatlve Ieae Ma . K.-Llaa-a fDlsestlea. ra. age. MAKCII MIRTH. Price. Scle Bottle (over 90 doMtX - .CO Held br DrartUtai r , Bent Prepaid aa Berelet af Price. Harophrays' Med. Co.. 105 Fulton SL. H. Y. ETJUPIJ BEYS' HOMEOPATHIC fjfj SPECIFIC llo.fi O 3) rr. The odtt roeeeexfol rmt4j for Tli Lost Louisiana mine at Hear City. Ark., has a romantic history i a a a. f 11.!. conuecreu wnn ir, oronen oi mis . - ioftr,rrltw ,iif mine, it is sjifd, reached the ears of , theiu named Kabediscoffokenon- Columlms and the early vovagers ; ischi, J8 getting out specimens of the . ! i I A V. . . 11.111 and htimnlated many a hardy spirit carooniierouser.uiiuym.ucouu- oth District. Jesse P. Graves, of Surry. 10th District. Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke, 11th District, Win. M. Shlpp, of Mecklenburg. 12th District, j. li. jiernmon, of jjuncomoe, ; SOLICITORS. 1st District, John H. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, ueo. u. wnite. (col) or iiauiax. yrd District, D. Worthington. of Martin. 4th District. T. M. A rffo. of Wake. i rth District. Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. of fith District, 0. 11. Allen, of Duplin. 7th District, iranKAiaseiii, oi Kicnmona. 8th District, n. r Lang, or ireaeii. th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rocking 10th District, W. II. Bower, of CaldwelL 11 r w j 1 I 1 " CHICHESTER S ENGLf SHA D I A r 1 n i I SAFEALWAYS REUABLC.TO LADIES IND1SPENSABLE.SCLD BY ALL DRU5G1STSA ASK FOR DIAMOND B RAnDjCHfCMtSTtfTS tJisUSH V jPOR A NO TAKE NO OTHER SEE Si6NATURE OH EVERY BOX . V h leti CHICHESTER CncMiCALwU. 5UU. tW.AIH50H SUJ'HEJl. PA . SEE SI6N T (O rt rt U NS UUCITED WRnTEN WAV U VCiilKES7BS CNGU janl3eodlydo TEN TESTIMONIALS AMD 0VR FWM LADIES WMu?! Boj mmmmmm to'renewed exertion. The mine was centuries by the about $1 a day. worKeaior many cniiun . . Matthew Arnold objects to Amer- aborigiueji, but it is doubtful wliprii jcan nomenclature, and ''Griggs er the Spaniards ever penetrated jville," "UriggsviIIe the cret paths that conducted to J nis ieein on ey., . i j. i in K ui. f r41T--r Crror Ten abutisand InaJ . Li -".VyyaaiPacitnfifra maiirxl to ja 4. of whom took a full treat nSSSfr SEMINAL PASTILLES llth Dlstricf, Frank Osborne, of 3Iecklenburg. tr.V .... St i irf rcj? r-Jsnrons Debilitr, vital Veakness, life and was buri ft r-M- or ti od ur ni povder. for f I ippi river, as the : Sou 1t Oarooi-r. or ni postt pnca r7 avi J mch n cod w ly nrm 11 U 1 :.. .. .4- nuu tu c live en Pleasant morn- is otten seen on Rotten Row.-'-AjwA. In order to cure whooping cough ed in th Mississ- j,, Warwickshire village, England, rpsulr of too much '. thev cut a niece of hair from the ' m ,1". I'tl. I. t Ji! curioMty hi searching for the Lost nape or me cniui s w nvr j ' vupv ftnpimii HDmul t on a uiece roi i -j -t------- -- 1 lead them astrav. lie Soto lost his; IT Ivt If iml Mod for IXH4 I5L YEKS' J OriUK. contilninx eciard pUt. 1 OO earraviujri of dl2raaVt(Ml I BrteraOaarn worta.aaa wnrreie Laytbna. Diroctkma fcr TTalnlnjf V lcdCreediscFerret. Milad for IO Cents. Also Cat cf Ile Fnrnlahlaa uood of aa Tbn w-vi foe Praetlcal FOL"I- TKV llOOli. lOOpncm la ItfaJ eolored ritet eniuTlBn oi Mrtr &a ki7 cf fowls; deaenp U0o oi Lbo krc2i: bov to eaponlzet pUaa fue 000x7 taocjoaj tnJomkn ftboss taeabaaotx motX hero t bay icxa from tot afnefc at 1 ! Kf aittiajc. boat far la Cei LouWaua. The Indians covered up their works, and It was leit to a keen eyed miner from the Kocky Mountains to reveal the long-lost and almost forgotten mines. I he Cziirk Mountains are tunnelled to a wide extent and ruins of ancient works ore found in great numbers in the vicinity oi near ijiiy. ine . . a a m 1 ancienr memou 01 reducing ore is unknown. r If an, yoa need the JlftOK OP CA O B ltiuns. rrmliooa. 160 111 el Dl naauini eplorc late. bcras. far Wimnri tod wmi . about ParroUL Prtoaol us- and UMtr oara. aa Aiarr. All J klBLi btrrt, mrKa, e. Mailed for luteal The Ttxae Boc4a, 40 Cta. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, SSSoat j Uaia street, falladelpaU, Yt, PAX A DDU s 4 jcrLr Treatment lr I nnnn We mall enough to convince. ic. . Lacderbach Co.. mch 19 W 773 Broad st. Newark, N. J. FREE $65 A MONTH and BOARD for 3 Brlzht loumr or i-auicia earn counr'. P. W. ZIEGLLK CO.. 1'hlladelphla. Pa. Burnham's Improved Stan dard TUBBI3STE and IVscrlptlve Catalogue Address YORK. PA. New niost rated sent Free, tacaas PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean aad heanUfloa the hair. iTvaow? iDiurur.t frraw La. Never Fails 1o Restore Gray Hjirfoitt Yaolhful CaIap. Oarwacajp disrasfcwjjvl hair f aUlair HINDERCORNS. ocara. i caXa at Irussltta. TTiaflrf IlllUf lm1 tlll llnfulP fnnlna Jht iwvaauraua. uuam com r on to usa rret "Trr fl a. 1 LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat, Invaluable for Djspepila, Ai ESif:t Tii:c fir hTilis, IcilinUnoas Derf Te. Also for flavorlnff soups, sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with Itaroa Llebergs signa ture In Blue Ink fccross the labeL sold by all storekeepers. Grocers and Dng- piu. iucd 19 4 v -MAKES- tYliolly unlike artificial aratetut. Any book learned In one reading. CUdsvn of lo7 at Baltimore. 1 00 3 at Def trolt. 1500 at Pnlladelphla. larve cIhsx-s o Columala Law students, at Yale, Welleslcy, OberUa, Cnlverslty of Inn.. Michigan Unl- Trrslty. Chautauqua. c. &c. Kndorsxl by liichard iToct or, the sclent 1st; lions, w. w A&tor, JtKUh P. Benjamin, Judp tilhson Dr. xirnvnx. k. 11. uook, mnnpai n. y. state Nor mal colltTje, Arc. The system Is perfectly. is penecuy tausm oy corresponaence. itos- ptxrun roer run from l'liOr. LOIS KITE. 2JT llfth arc. New York. ELY'S ;CKXL13t HALM Cleanses tao Nasal Passages. Allays CUUVili urwi tut Sores, Itcst ores the Senses of Taste aad Catarrh 1ST Ifll CCBLHAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril aad Is cTiil. rrjtstcrcd, CO cents. ELY BROTHERS. 2U Greenwich St., New York. 81.9 lyeod dtw ONWARD IS THE WORD I rpiLE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTE lu THIRD VOLT31Z at tho following : 1 subscriber, 1 year.. S subscribers, 1 year. .SL25 13 subsmbers, lyear........ 10XC One eery, 1 year, frw to the one sending lut? cf tea.- - - ' : ' -',' ras, weekln Fend cas Mr. Justice Lamar, of the United States Supreme Court, expresses himselfas greatly delighted with his new surroundings. He is looking better, feeling better and sleeping better since his elevation to the Hench than at any time since re signing his seat in the Senate. His friends say he was glad to leave the interior department. Its duties were never congenial the place, as he once explained, in ordgr to show hi capacity for bu:i ness. People, he said, belie ed him a dreamer. He wanted to how that there was a practical side to his na ture as well an an artistic one. He certainly demonstrated this to the satisfaction of all his associates. The Supreme Justiceship, ( hov.cver, came to him as a grateful relief from the vexations cares of department life. His habits are essentially those of a student; and the atmosphere of th Courtroom is very congenial to him. bread and give it to a dog. A Baltimore man recently died froiu the effect of eating several cakes of yeast. lie probably thought they would make him risein the world, and, being such a dough head, it' is strange that they did not. The English call an elevator a "lift," and the French call it a "help," while the Scotch put in their oar by referring to it as a "drop." It's all the same thing. However always out of order. Free Press. "I never heard you sav anything of Mr. A." said one lady to another; "yet it is well known that you dis like him." "Neither does he love me," repliedthe lady; yet hespeaks no evil of me. Our hatred is-recipro-cal, yet it is not. necessary that we should annoy each other. We in dulge in a pfatonio hatred." ' -- The Wonderful Ifealins Properties of Darby Prophylactic Fluid. Wherever a preventing, healing, He accepted cleansing and deodorizing injection rnlatnpd. in! or, wash is required .Use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Any uinameu surface, external orinternal, treated with the Fluid will le quickly re lieved. It has effected cu.es that had resisted the best medical skill. A census of the tenement house population 01 rew lork. just com pleted, shows that 1,016,33-5 Individ tials live in 31,034 tenements an average of thirtv-two persons to each house. Some of the tenements are large, well equipped, and, from a sanitary point pi view, are as healthful abodes as separate dwell ings for each family, but the greater number, and those that are most crowded, are old dwellings, ill-adap ted to the uses of a large number o families, and are crowded to excess The contrast betweerrNew York and Philadelphia is remarkable when it is considered that they are in a hundred miles of each other and in close communication. In Philadel phia, in 18S0, there was only a frac tional difference betfween the num ber of persons in a family and the number of persons to a dwelling, but in New York, with rather less than an average of five persons to a fam a a a ny, mere were over sixteen to a dwelling. These later returns show that nearly two-thirds of the popu lation live in tenement houses, an average of thirty-two individuals or six families to each dwelling. - :) to L. I- POLK, ! Was Hro. Ingalls himself an "al ly"? That is the question. Here is a M .a a . . a oil from tne jew lork stars Washington correspondence: A most interesting fact is that just brought to light by the North To peka (Kan.) Courier. It appears that in 1804 Senator (then plain Mr.) Ingalls was a candidate for Lieuten ant-Governor of Kansas on a plat form of which the following was a conspicuous plank: "that we hereby ratify the nomi nation of George B. McClellan. of New Jersey, for President, and George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, for Vice-President, and we nledfre them our hearty support. 1 hat we hereby ratify and adont the Chicago platform aa understood and construed b- General Geonre B. .uciieuau in uis letter accepting the nomination oi ine uiucago Conven lion lor President of the United States." The Courier savs of the result "Mr. Ingalls, standing on thia nlat form, was defeated bv the people of Kansas, receiving e,4y votes,against iz,ui received by Ins Republican competitor, James McGrew." And to it seems that, according to his own definition, Mr. Ingalls was nimseir "an ally of the Confeder acy, it Is plain enough now, if there was any doubt about It be fore, why the Confederacy did not win. It collapsed within a year af ter Mr. Ingalls allied himself with it. Nothing is ever lost bv beim? pleasant and agreeable, which ac counts for the remarkable sale of he great national remedy. Dr. Ball's Coogh 8yrup,'asafe. pleasant. and successful cure for coughs and colds.' Price only 5 cents a bottle. - - .Hi . ' School thoes for children, best In the city, at Geo. II, French & 3ons.f COMPOUND EXTRACTL mnniiiij The Importance of purifying tho blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's rjfl...j(J SarsaparUla. It strengthens rcCUlldT builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give, to Hood's Sarsaparma pecul- Tf I fop If lar curative powers. No . LoCII othet medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up jour mind to buy Hood's SarsaparUla do not be Induced to take any other instead. Jt is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar dec 10 lyr dtwnrm m w s2dp 0. 0. V0LLEKS, C EN E HAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Country-Pro duce, Groclerie. Wines, Liquors.Tobacco, Ci gars, no, s North water street. 5 Wllmlnjrton. n. c. Consignments solicited: Highest prices paid ror an Kinas oi couutry produce. men l if " tEAK, UNDEVELOPED PART l the V-odr Dlarred &nf strenetbeced. Full partial Offerers rifiMKERyousKEssdVoriiS fu!t of over-Work, lndiaoretloa. tic, address rF AMERICAN MAGAZINE. BMolifillr IllaslraW. II cts., $3 a Fear. vZFS SCOPJi-TIIE AMERICAN MAGA ZINE gives preference to national topics and Bcenes. and Its literature and art are of the highest standard. Famous American writers flu its pages with a wide variety of lnterest-lng-sketchcs of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short, this Magazine is Distinctively lteprcsentatlve of , . Amerlcah Thought and Progress. Tt Is acknowledged by the press and public to Smcjffi rtalnlngof the ) v . fr: Till Fl lir ffihfcA.8peclmen dumber, with V5M . u 'Illustrated ITemlum List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Kaisers, wiu be sent on re ceipt of 15a, if this paper is mentioned. v. .v. q nmuuuua. w nte at once tor exclasiTe tenftory.f . Address. .. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., tcD g - - tl9 Broadway, New Yort. The cheapest place to buy your schoo books and school stationery is at Heinsber.Ter's. 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIMti OF HOLDING COURTS FIRST JUDICIAL district; jf SrRiNGJudge Montgomery. Fall Judge MacKae. Beaufort t Feb. t3ih. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March oth. Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th, Sept. 10th. I H'asquotank MarehOth. June tilth, Sept. 17th, Dec 10th. 5- Perquimans March 28th, Sept. 24th ' Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. : : GaUs Apill 9th, Oct. 8th. n .Uertford-r-April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. Oct. 22d. Tyrrell April ath. Oct. 29th. & Dare May 7tn. .wo v. otn. k Hvde Mav 15th. Nov. 12th. K Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. j; 8EC0ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, JMarch 5th, May 14th, iNov. 12th. Northampton-4Jan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. tith, April 20th, Oct. 29th. craven tFeb. 13th, May 28th, Nov. 20th. .warren March. 19th, sept. ntn. Edgecombe April KJth, Oct. 15th. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Avery. ' Fall rTudge Graves, Pitt 'Jan. 9th, March 19th, tJune llth, Sept 17tn. Franklin .Ian. 23d. April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson i Feb. 6th. June 4th. Oct.: 19th. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. Martin March 5th. Sept. 3d, tDec- 3d. (iree no April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash Apill 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Avery. Wake Jan. yth. TFeb. 27th, "March 26th, tAprll 23d, -July yth, tAug. 27th, "Sept. 24th, tOct. 22d. Wayne Jan.fc3d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. r ; Harnett J'eb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov." 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Menlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. Durham Jan. 16th,. March 26th- June 4th, Oct. 15th. Granvllle-Jan. 30th, April 23d, Bept. 10th, Nov. 26th. s Chatham Feb. 13th May 7th, Oct. 1st, Guilford Feb. 20th.. May 28th. Auer, 27th. Dec 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, Sept. 24tb. Orange March 19th; Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. - Spring Judge Shepherd. ! Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender--,lan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tAprll loth, tSept. 24th. Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. Duplin J'eb. 13th, Sept. 3rd, Nov. 2th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. Dec 10th. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. ; Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. u Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5tu SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. i Fall Judge ShepheitL t. Columbus Jan. 6th. April 2d. July 3d. tNov. 26th. H r Anson 'Jan. 9th. tAnrll :J0th. 'Sent. 3d. tNov. 26th. . Cumberland Jan. 23d. tMav 7th. J dlv 23d tNov. 12th. ; , Kobeson Jan. 30th. May 21st. Ausr..20th. Oct. lst. Richmond Feb. 13th. June 4th.. Senr. 17th. Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th , Oct. 22d. Brunswick Airil 9th, Sept. 10th.-' Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus tJan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th. May 2ist. Ausr. 6th. Nov. 5th. . ; Kowan Feb. 20th. May 7th. Ausr. 20th. Nov. 19th. Dajndson March 5th. June 4th; SeDt. 2d. .-. . M ' liandolph March 19th, sept 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d.. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. ; TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ' 8rRiNG--Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. j Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, sept. 3d. , Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. 1 McDoweU May 14th, Oct. 8th. 5 . ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boykln. s Fall Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th. Juiv ifith. f Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.T uivu xuu. low. Tf cD. utn. Keni.. uujjiiu uuacs bAr auji a "osji ' yiviaaww. . . . - Mil- y 1 eremite J.Tcd cndbrolfa Aozm. men to tSo fnli enioyr?ntr. torfert and fall Llanly Strength and Yisoroaa i Jlealt.'i. .To those vrho suffer rroni tha innay ohaoar dissasro roulitabotit by Indiscretion, J:-"Obx;, uver-3raia ("forz, cr too fre InduFgencw, we ati that yoa ssnd nJ wmrnanewithBteteinontoiLroartr5Tib',,ana eocare ptsryfics PERSOKScan navo i-eeq.tj many d&w ly '' becomescJl-W. - r t,,y. $4.50 FOR ffJf'ffSCPiSi.' r?5le" f.iar leM-proporUonately to priut rJf h u uwi iw,uw. iuuiig uo ucwij ill tjyf e Hi o VXIBkenCO IIIO 'twv 1 J "- mm baa absorbed twenty-four other aarricnHnrar Periodicals, and hn,t.l recoenized authority on atrrlcultural matters the world nv wll"".18 o he n. editors who hare made it a power in both hemispheres. reinforce .i;?el km"; . .t 100a a.i - ry ' hilii nAapu. ' uiiunsi ii uc muic tiiuauiu uuriug idoo luau ever, cacn DUniDcr now i.ntTi 1 ' n!Mn one hundred original Illustrations and original artleles on the Farm r..S PDW and Household, from over fifty different writera. Price, io a year simn n'vHeiri Mmm m OW CALVABY First and only ReroductJonTT BEFORE PILAfe ! - These magnificent works of art are neither old time chromoa nnA.ju .but exouisite Tlcturea eieeuten for ns bv Phi-tnp-Mni T. "T . .' . , f Buu PT :ess. on neavy niate naner. zzxza incnes. Tice si.00 each. Ings nroc lahed Dec. 20, 1887) ttpst. Both - - w American Agriculturist CEng. or German), with both nlnf.... v " r . w forwarded in tubes, post-paid. j OUR OR AT .OITEIt, our new volume, published Dec. 20, 1887, entitled- OUR HOMES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THE 150 handsome illustrations.' bound 'In cloth 'and ieold, price 1 - -receipt of $1. 60, the extra ten cents being for packing and poste11 8 Send to us for Specimen number, Engliih. or Cer.- nian, iuu aeseripiion or new uooks presented to 0! ' and new subscribers, and full description of the ric lures, and Portrait of Munkacsy, the painter of iw XI sreat works, now attracting world-wide attention, L CANVASSERS WANTED EvEUYWnia SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BEGIN ANY TIME. Addrea, .HieVfl CO;; giiMisliers, ygj Broadway, 3 t SAVED HIS LEG I SCROFULA 8th, OF THB 17th, tSept. 24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th. tAug. 27th. . Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. lst. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 22d. Kutherf ord-Aprll 23d. Oct. 29tk Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. SPRLNO-njudge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Madison-Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.isth, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th. Spnt.intb : ; Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. 1 Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. - . ' Cherokee May 21st. Oct. 15th. I Graham June 4th, Oct. 29th. I Swain June nth, Nov. 5th. f For criminal cases. I tFor civil cases alonft. .. c For civil cases alone, except Jail cases. Ijtiionia, Ga., August 11, ISS7. TnK Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa.: - Gentlemen I have been afflicted with ulceration of the legs ever since I w as a fhir the dipfiRf tmdoubtedlv beinz here ditary, as my mother suffered from scrotul- , ous symptoms. As I advanced to manhood t mv affliction increased untu tne niaiapy became harrassing and painful beyond the powefc of words to describe. My right , leg iiMrt.imil.irlv became fearfully invoive I. the left leg being less painfully affected. FJj?ally, i about rourteen yeara ago, ine vicers o: my right leg had eaten through the flesh hito thebone. ; la order to .ave my .life -"ihe doc tors determined to amputate my . les b?lnv the knee. The operation was Euei-ew-fiilly performed bv D: H. V. M. Killer, tf Atiita, and Dr. W. P. Bond, of Lithonia. Hut the losaof my leg gave me only tenijoiaiy re-, lief. The poison was still in my yKcn pud soon began to siiow Itself again. - In a l-hoi t time after large ulce rs appeared, on my left leg, covering it from the ktjeeto the instep.' Frequently wliile at work 1 could b? tracked, br the blood which oozed fiom tLe huce ulcers, and the sores and Wining-holes were so off ensivo . that my fel w-worknH-n could not stand the stench acv? would move away from me. ! - v Last winter I was persuaceq to try i. b. As a last eitort about seven speedily when this rmefo is uka. . xo jaoro effectual relief for th r loathing of food due to iSTEJ!!', than this article. PutEpinlarjie; ties. Sample packages in powdeh ' by mai 1 to an v address on receipt o: in stamps. The regilarl iquid fo" sent by mail.. MEXICAN MEL". 400 North 3d St., Philadelphijv, ft BffiD nA!o: ffort I coneitted to ' do fo, and months aso I bt er.n tnk'as tho SpeCifle. I soon began to feel the good effects ' of the medicine, the offensive mnnlr.g bepun to grow less andjess and Crally .ceased; the ulcer3 healel, my flesh became firm and solid, and to day, after using twenty one bottles, I am as hale aud stout a man of my age as there is In Go orgia. 1 am seTtnty-oiie years old. but feel now younger multtrnrger than I did when I was twenty -five. 1 weigh , about 170 pounds. Nothing is to be teen of--, the terrible disease, or to .remind me cf the . torture I suffered for so many years, except the scars of the perfectly healed ulcere; I want the world to know of the almost miraculous cure effected on nie by S. s., and I call upon those who wish to kj;ow tt.o ' particulars directly from me to write, ami I will consider it a pleasure as well as a dttty ; to answer tneir letters. I refer to Dr. w. f. Bond, of Lit ho ni a, as to the truth of my r statement. Very gratefully yours, 7 ; ; ; B. BEASE. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. j nov 26 law lydo . - ch sat The National Life , AND ' ; Maturity Associatioil. OF WASHINGTON, D. C. The creat secret of the canarr1 of the llartz Mountaiiia in to. Mann a wi 1 1 restore t h e sons or c:r prevent their ailments and icf.v good condition. If given to I tlie season of.slietViingfeatbfrS,it cases, carrv the little musician & jeri tical period without loss of so:.: nan on receipt oi 10 ct. im . 'OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd St. Pliit ' ease4 mention this paper. sept 9 ta tb flat .t .- . ADVERTISE! Can learn the exact: of any proposi advertising in Ac- Papers ty aaar:- Geo. ' Pi Rowell 1 Newif paper Advertising Send 1 0 cts. for 100-Pae -o- Assets.. Liabilities........ Paid to members, ..$314,072,191 . None. - .$120,032.31 rnmkfM rlrafT UORATIO BROWNING, President. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT fCOURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTT. MECKLENBURG CGUNTY misses Burr & James. yiLL REOl-N THEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on TUESDAY Oct a ' The course of Instruction, as heretoforV be thorough and systemaxic. K,I0re will i?s?3?v to u ' ' ' " ' . x GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. o 5 - - .- Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. " . A Guaranteed Policy. , - , " ' An Incontestible Policy. , Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed Age; Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. '. Only Four Payments per Year. - " : ' Non Forfeitable After Three Years. t P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D. f , Medical .Director1 W,H. GIBSON, Special Agent. " ' ' Home Office,, 1,215 F Street, N. ' JOHN HAAR,' Je., Local Agent, " Wilmington," N. C. vroar in t lie tries, the pab' -fto American coaW" J-j-for patents, csw r riffhts, et&.i5f W I " n nhf.in Mt.AIlt 111 Jalc4L J' &ma India otharr enco is unequ&led nd Vu . . . , . J d m enor mil in tnerainsyuw"-;- eIvn reasonable. KoepMXpJ?Z w ordrawings. medtnroaphi cAJ.' The advantages of oca ... understands. - illov ' This large an'ffifl U aa in ; lieu w w nexolrZrr mechanics, inventions 5to!Jp( other department of 1 1 tntees and titw oi a 1st Week. Tiy iMrr -J all eac U inn 4 Co.; Pusher, o, - Ml Broadway. ?"rtv Dousla, & arbsf;: HAI -. '' ' .vf t'. 13 Market a. , OCt 28 tf Finest shoes for I prove nerttrf. 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