i . - bcvoi fjr,,l faroH ia eternal yers ICry rin? upon our enr. iione Ih-nal to the hKies; i h antral. read hSVe lif IihhI trie sorer newi. Ar ;? tones t he after yearn V,rtrrieii to heaven t3J ii 'rV 0 ft, tears: '"ihwSrowi. to. an,l i.i.. h nnter irate. imu" J run of Organization of the Democratic of absent delegates') as mav be pres- - -Democratic conveuuuu rrtT of North Carolina. Dkm. Central Kx.Com., KaU icK A'. C'., Vfc. 23. 1888. The following is the plan of organ atif i T , hn11 r nlirtttriwl yncf bf whole ! b- V W SvVT Vint' fw vote.to which their township .orj county may be entitled. , J 2. If no delegate oralternateshalU attend a State convention from any i ization heretofore adopted by. the ounty any person appointed hy tne State Democratic Committee for President of the conniv convention. the guidance of the party. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION'. 1. The unit of county organization jhall be the township. In each town.sliip there Khali bean executive committee, to consist of live Demo crats, who shall be elected by the Democratic voters of the several township in meeting called by the comity executive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect out of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all committee meetings. 2. The several township executive committees shall convene at the meetings of the several county Con or at anv time and place no Trn--. vprvwiiere i veniious. And"1'. jty k that a majority or them may elect, Ul l,,"f Tre hover there: ami shall elect u county executive vJ tbf " ' ji, ,f the com- committee, to consist of not less V,f t , . than 11 vn members, one of whom mT.i;ihi the faraway,, 'shall be designated as chairman, rtt:-' l lU uru Ihtrton. who shall preside at all of said com mittee meetings. ... rhrtiM uor re.iMin run I 3. In tuise there shall be a ianure 1 Tr iiinrli I vidnca cure I've ,, the part tf any township to elect I I'r77 wHak ankle, she Sam, itsexecutivecommitteetor the pcrioa IiIk" "FaiH'V a wo- of thirty davs, the county executive iru 01 oaiva committee snail appoint saui cjiu- ho ". 1 f..r mV ,411 " .r.fit ran llMTf lilt"" hcai 9lIJ Oil at tfii lit ...lv l. 11.111 1 ' " " 1 . .1.: 1. ,.,. I I7wl k.i-nti 1 Mr. lAi'i for a It's vour .. ti . live rents a bottle, niittee from the Democratic voters 1 - . of s.iid tov uship. itubiful omiiinirnt. I 4 The members of the township f . - t 11 l fat a progressive t commiiico suau eieci 10 any va cancy tntcurring in saui couimitiees. r. The county executive commit I know I look 'tee shall call all necessary county conventions by iriviijir at least teii days notice by public advertisement in throe public places in t ach town ship, at the court house door, and in any Democratic newspaper that may b published in said county, 1 requesting all Democrats of the (xmiitv- ti tnt'tr in i hi veiirimi in 1. vri rimie i,, ............ . . Whereupon their respective to iislups on a com- fit.?a t r ..III tii,1, il:t v tli.Tin vt. -it ) whirli a V IU III)' iuiii . ...... '." ...v..... hi'jii m- . ..... 1.,.,'t vr.11 !,., i...r lw. 1.. rliMii tlirM.I.ivs -V'l.ir lifHTifl u.iriuiL.. . . h.it th ItfurM tli iiiHetiiiir 01 the coillitv ! r : irii "' - v : . , . convention, lor the purpose 01 eiect- iwifull of intluenza. replies; ing their delegates to the county . . II I . , f .. ,f ,. n.r.fntinil 'Pllurtllll ttlt Tilt' rll- X. I .It. II T VII. I lUHiriiuwii. ..-.... .... ..w. i. I i',i . . . . l , 1 1. . , 1 ..1 . fc h kttkin ana one 01 my noses yenuou so nem suan cicci mt-ir - :shins in the county conventions Co.iomptK.n surely Currl. . from thevoters of the respective! Tn THE rlPITOR 1 lease iniuriii lutwisnnu, m.ti ,, w. ...v..., ' .iLih.f I linvea nositive of them as shall attend, shall vote! LmUlvfortheabovenameddisease.rthe full Democratic strength of Krittimflr use thousands of hope- their respentive townships on all - lOTionTix' iiiwi uiiitt i mil. mil ii iini" iiriui r i iirr ;.!.U- Int ok at me, ur. rj: i-h-r. . I... i.rlTH ilIir (!ie-r Oh not at an i ...... .iiii ifn i-"' - - . ,, d.iwii ti benKiasr i-ae. Whereupon , tin f.uir year old: ilarliiig. don t you iiutimua wliatthe have - - . 7 A. -,,.1 1 hll be c ail to senu iwo tntttles of txiv rriiietly FRKK to any otourrraJ'rsthoave consuiui tiou if thrv Trill wnJ me their ex-irt"- ftU'lWt oSce adilress. Ites ittully. T. A. SIX)CUM, M.C., 181 varl t., Nf w York. "Yoa caa take the witness, -saiil thef'rusecufinrattiruey in a trial Wure an Arkaosu court to the de fchdAUt'i lawyer. "Juile." f icaiiued a young man iu thf back art of the room, stand ing up on a eat and waving his' IjuhI iMly, "don't let him take hr! Tlmt Witness has been engag-I I to me fur mor'n three years!" : Ckhufi Daily Tribune. Ad? Ir to 31 other. said county conventions. In case noconvention shall be held in any township in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the township executive committee shall appoint such delegates. C. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county, convention one vote for every twenty-live Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of lifteen Democratic votes cast bv that township at the last preceding gubernatorial election: J'rovided, That every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many delegates as it may see fit. 7. In cases where townships con sist ot more than one ward or pre cinct, each of said wards or precincts shall be entitled to send delegates to county conventions, and shall cast its nronortionate part of its HfLK WlX"SLOWS SOOTHIN'O SvntTP should alwavu be used when children township s vote, based upon the last are eutting teeth. ItTelieves the lit-: preceding vote for Governor in said township. chairmen of townsmp causes. of this infant tlomfferer at once; it produces nat uraL quiet sleep by relieving the chiij from pain, and' the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It 1 Try pleasant to taste. It soothes th chilil, softens the gums, allays U ria, relieves wind, regulates tfie bowL, and is the best known reme jj for diarrhtpo, whether arisirfg inm teeming or other Tvfuty five cents a bottle. july6deodwly 1 An rtoherited Dlaeate. .A r!l known physician "J as caHi to attend an -urn IS i, or hydrocephalus. After iKe-doctor had completed his ex atuiMtion the father, who is a Pro ftibitiomst of the most ultra type, jqmml: "Well, doctor, what is matter with the baby?" Ah!" rSrMilieherraveI "the row child has inherited its disease xnJn'ir "Eh! eh! What do uLTan? W,mt it?" -The trV;B. teroill,,e lrain," was anster.-rroy Timet. i, your Bet Friend? lOOr vtr.....l. . .... v . ' " oi oruer you are s orable .... Z M. ... frf-i..rT ot tne Pest okein.K veiu e. end. Don't lath. . n 15 ? moraln?- Don't drink Mid dri II" If 7ou luust uok ffihiS, unti vour stomach kn,Sh ith breakfast. You cm tftSiS??41 Muoke u,orH inthv lf o twiUt on youlcs-s. h1 fe.nu"ts and does not ah M. !illf y are troubIeI ad.fWrburn Diwiness of the nt 1 of the food after aat ""ouMiess, Indigestion, or hLi i trou of the stomach, home?4! Wt e Green August oct relief U Ifrson caa use Jt with- livin ! thft.lut miserable creaturei ehllr!: U. ir. honorabh . mill R yaarterlyMwtlng. fc A00?!1., of Quarterlv forthVvcrn quarterly ileet th Methr J im,ueTton District of c5eSSrt 11 c"reh. South: Bife tt.t alem, April 3 & 4. 1?d 1?. U at thleheiiAp'l ash. Sash. Dors. Doors. !t,T coli lowest PEirri "SwiwlS? WHEELS. wsOASDUtvnSQ STOVES. I2fco.rros.tstr . 8. The committees shall preside at all town ship conventions. Iu their absence any other member of said committee may preside. 9. In cases where all the town ship executive committees are re quired to meet for the purpose of electing county executive -commit tees, said meetings shall be deemed to have a quorum when a majority of such townshipsshall be represet ed in said meetimr. COUNTY AND DISTRICT CON VKNTIONS. 1. The several county conven tions shall be entitled to elect to their Senatorial, Judicial and Con gressional Conventions, onedelegate and one alternate for every fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractions over twenty live Dem ocratic votes cast at the last pro ceeding gubernatorial election in their respective counties, and none but delegates or alternates so elect ed shall be entitled to seats in said convention: JVoridcd. That every county shall have at least one vote iu each of said conventions. 2. ' The chairman, or in his ab scence any member of . the county, senatorial judicial and congressional committee, hall call to order their respective conventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chairman. a. The executive committee of the senatorial, congressional and judicial 'districts, respectively, shall at the call of their respective chair men, meet at some time and place in their respective districts, design ated iu said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holdiug conventions in their respective districts; and thej chairman of said respective commit I tees shall immediately notify the chairmen of the different county executivecominitteesofsaid appoint ment, and the said county execu tive committees shall forthwith call conventions of thair respective counties in conformity to said no tice, to send delegates'to said respec ?ive district conventions. STATK CONVKNTIONS. 1. The State Convention shall be comiosed of delegates appointed by the several county conventions. Each county shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for everv on hundred nml fiftv Detun- cratic votes, and one delegate for OIIILADELPIIIA AND BALTIilOKK prices fractions Tover seventy-five Demo-; ,fiv wcrfhs Barber shod cratic votes cast therein at the lasts 10 teats a snave: 30 cents a Hair Cut and 20 precediug gubernatorial election: 1 uts a Shampoo. Ills own manufactured llalr ana none but delegates or alternates so elected' shall be entitled to seats or on his failure by its Secretary, may represent the count. 3. Iu all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is cast there shall be no change in said vote until the final result of the, ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said convention.: 4. All Democratic executive com mittees shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring in their re spective bodies. .1. That the chairmen of the dif ferent county conventions shall cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates to the different district and state conventions, and a certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to the Secretary of the btate Central Committee.. For the committee: R. II. Uattkk, Clnn'n. B. C. Dkckwith, Sect'v , The Committee, to the Party. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 2jth, '88. To the Democratic J'artj in North Carolina: ' At a Ineeting of the Democratic State Executive Committee held iu this rtty, on the 23tl of February, in staut, it was resolved that the Dem ocratic State Convention be held ill the city of Raleighon Thursday, theJ 00th day of May, 1888. The said Convention will be held for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Governor, Ijieutenant- (iovernor, Secretary of State, Audi tor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public-Instruction. AttorneyGeneral, three Justices of the Supreme Court one for the vacancy now filled by appointment of the "Governor, and two to take their seats In case the number of Justicesshall be increased by the vote of the people and of two Electors for the State at large, and for the election of Delegates and alternate Delegatesto the Democratic-National Convention to be held in the city of St. Louis on the 5th day of Juiie next. Also, for the adoption of a platform of principles and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. . It iil be observed that the State a t At? convention is to ne neui earner mis year than usual. This wasuecessary in order that the delegates ta the National Convention, to be held the week after, may be selected. The National Convention is called earlier than usual in qrder that the party may be better organized and a more thorough campaign made in behalf of its nominess and its great principles. The same advan tage attends the earlier meeting of our State Convention and nomation of its candidates. The State committee respectfally urge upon the county committees throughout the State to take early action for the call of their county conventions, in accordance with the plan of organization which is publish ed ith thisuldress, giving full no tice of meetings in the different townships, so that vrirnarics may be fairlv heldand fully attended. Thus the fairness of all nominations and other business done mus be univer sally conceded. It is obviously im portant that every county shall be represented in the State Convention by one or more of its own citizens, but if for any reason one cannot at tend, provision has been made for the representation of the county by any person appointed by the cnair man of the county convention, or in case his failure to appoint, by one appointed by its secretary. For purposes of efficient organization it is desirable that all vacancies in the different committees be filled at ojice bv active end zealous men. At tlie recent tueeting of the State committee it was made my duty to call special attention of the chair men of comity and Congressional executive committees to the necessi ty of immediate steps to provide for the election of delegates to the Na tional Convention from the different districts. If it shall seem impracti cable to call conventions to meet in some of the districts for this pur pose, it is suggested that the end may be effected bv authorizing del egates to the State Convention from such districts to meet iu Italeigh oh or about the 30th of May in district conventions ami elect delegates to represent the districts at 6t. Louis We have reasons to know that our adversaries will make desperate efforts this year to restore the State to Radical "rule with all its attend ant evils. Let true men and good democrats attend the conventions of our party, resolved to present for the suffrages of the wople men oi character, integrity and recognized titiuum for the offices to which they are nominated, and only snch, and the continued supremacy of the white race, which is synonymous in North Carolina with the supreauacy of the Democratic party, will be as sured for another term of years. For the committee. R. II. Battlk, Chm'u. R C. Bkckwitii, Sec'y. Wm mm V-vH ( 2t4 Greatest. Cure i rartli foe Pin. Will lunttiiiurB quiti..' j titan any otiier known ren- ctji lHHiLiatidrn. Neuralgia, Swellings, Still Keclr Bruieu, Curr.9. Scalds, Cut, LtiHiba fV PlenrUy. Sores, irost-bites, Bni-icsohe, vulnsy. Sore Throat, Sciatica. Wouudi, Headache, drw2rist Caution. The cen- - SvSsCKT wnn Salvation Oil bears our ' OCIa"' rp?Istfrr:l TrjvrfA-Marlc. anil ruir fa-BlmUe giffnatwe. A. C' Meyer & Co Sole lToprietors, lialtunorc, Md U. S. A. BAILBUAU. fee MISCELLANEOUS Wilmington, Columbia & InsrnKtft B R; CONDENSED SCHEDULE. T BAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Feb.6th; 1888. 'No. 23. Dr. Bnll'B Cotuh roagn at once. oct 1 eod d&w ly Hytuo will - cure Tour I'rlce only 23 CU. a bottle. WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. HAGGINO Gunny... i Standard , BACON North Carolina. Hams.. .', Shoulders lb. , oiuco. ALf. ...... .... WESTERN SMOKED Hams, t? tt Sides, n Shoulders, lb DRY SALTED sides, V lb i. Shoulders, lb BAKHE1.S Spirits TurpeAtlne. Second Hand, each New. New Yorlc, each...... New, City, each. .. ... . BEESWAX, BRICKS, Wilmington, y M. .. . Northern BUTTER; W lb- North Carolina - Northern.. ;. CANDLES, y lb Sperm 1... Adamantine CHEESE, lb Northern Factory .. Dairy, cream State COFFEE, y lb Java....:. Laguyra v. Rio CORN MEAL, y bush, In sacks. - Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle 1 DOMESTICS . . sheeting, 4-4, yard Yarns, bunch EGGS, y doz FISH Mackerel. No. 1, bbi 7 8 14 8 10 13 10 6(a 15 8 II 9 6K 1 40 1 50 0 00' 1 65 20 j 6 00 000 75-. 70 22; 8 00 14 00 15 25 25 . 30 18 M 25 9 ' 10 11 12 13 14 . 9 10 27 28 23 - 24. 20 . 22 00 67 00 . 67 25 1 30 00 80- 18 20 ...00 00 Mackerel,. No. l, y half bbL 7' 50 9 uu 4 75 7 80 6 00 3 00 5 (&12 50 8 00 11 00 6 00 9 00 7 00 4 00 S 10 42 00 ' 80 Mackerel. No. 2. W bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. . Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. . . . Mullets, bbL N. c. Roe Herring. keg. Dry Cod, v lb FLOUR, I D01 Western, low grade........ 3 50 4 00 Extra 4 00 4 50 Family 4 50 a 5 00 City Mills Super., 4 00 4 Famlly,...... 4 50 5 GLUE, lb.. 8 GRAIN, busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 Corn; cargo. In bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 66 Corn, mixed, from store. ... . 00 & oats, from store. Oats, Rust Proof.. ...... Cow Peas... HIDES. W lb Green 5 Dry ...... 10 . HAY, 100 lbs Eastern 1 05 1 Western 85 North River....- ;.- 90 HOOP IKON, V ft. . . 2Ji LARD, W lb . Northern...' 7 North Carolina 8 LIME, v barrel 1 40 000 LUMBER, City Sawed, y 31 ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank .15 00 16 00 West India Cargles, accord- ?- ing to quality ,13 00 . 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, f gallon f New Crop, In hhds. 25 26 " in bbls 28 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 30 " In bbls. 30 35 Sugar House, In hhds 00 15 44 lnbols. 16 18 Syrup, In bbls 22 35 NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin. . 2 40 2 50 OILS, gallon. Kerosene 9 Lard 16 Linseed 90 10 00 10 65 62 45 52 IS ! f 10 95 00 3.V 10 Leave Wilmington.. Leave M arion. Arrive Florence . Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter.... Arrive Columbia.. Nb. 27. '. M: ! 8 05! 11 Zi 12 15 2 40 6 15 A. M. P. M. 10 10 1 12 41 NO. 15. P. M. t 2 40 M. P. iNo. : I p. t No. 52. 1 No, A. M. P. t 9 40 6 2& M. 59. M. 6 40 8 05 56. M. 8 27 9 55 Carolina Central Railroad A : ; Conipanv. . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. " .. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Jan. 1, 1888. No. 53 runs through from Charleston via central R. ic Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M., Manning 9:08 A. M - sunduvs Na 54 leaves Charleston urn A. M.. Lanes lCh28 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter ii:4t a. M.i arrives coiumoia 1:10 if. M.l .No. n6runs through from Charleston via Central R. K., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M., Man ning 7:53 P.M. , r 1 rain on C. & D. K. IL connects at Florence wjtn no. 5a , , - TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia. . Arrive Sumter.... Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon.. .... Arrive Wilmington.. INO. 78.jNO. 57. NO, 53 , P. M. A. M. pTmT 10 25 6 50 5 33 11 52 8 12 "6 46 No. 58. - 1 52 t 8 22 ! 1 20 " 9 40 . A. M. A. M. i . ' NO. 66. NO. 14. A, M. P. M. 4 35 t 10 30 8 20 5 22 11 11 8 55 8 35 2 10 11 50 A. M P. M. P. M. Dally. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C.i via Central R. R.,-arriving Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes :02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R. R.. arrlvlnff Mannlne 8:48 A. M Lanes 9:33 A. M.,- Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington witn w. & w. R. R. for all points North . - : -. JOHN F. DIVINE,' General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Genei-al Passenger Agent feb 10 ' - , Tf lB TABLE Nt. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. Iytp CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ADD , REP A I R SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OF ANY JKIND OF Vehicle or want any Repairing done to their old vehicles, will And It to then interest to call on - ' a B. SOUTIIERLAND & CO. Comer Second and Princess Streets. Kend your horses to be shod. We haw a first-class Shoer. mch 5 tf New York, In KHUIeonviuion: Pmrided, Tlmt every county shall Imre at leatt one vote In aid convention. OKNKIiAI HULKS. x 1. Such delegates (or alternates Dye of every bhade at 20 cents and upwards. Xo. i Market street, between Water and Front. . ' sept 23 Rosin Tar.-. Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live rown.... " Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 lb.. . POTATOES, bushel Sweet Irish, w bbl.... PORK, v barrel City Mess.. Prime.. ; Rump RICE Carolina, lb Rough. bush, (Upland).. . . (Lowland). RAGS, 3? lb Country . .......... City ROPE, lb. SALT, V sack. Alum ... ....... Liverpool Lisbon American SOAP. V lb Northern SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. Standard A. . White Ex C : Extra C, Golden C Yellow SUINGLES, 7 In. M t. . Common f .. Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, M W. O. Barrel.. . R. O. Hogshead TALLOW, lb 15 ... 00 ... 00 ... 20 ... 10 ... 95 ... 60 . . . 35 . . . 2 25 ...17 50 . . .15 00 ... 00 C4 & 14 145 1, 00 16 30 22 4 60 80 00 1 70 65 00 00 5J(4 6?,' 6 0 (A j 0 ( 25 0 100 90 CO 275 18 00 16 00 15 00 !5)sr t4 - 80 1 00 IK 5 00 2 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 5 75 70 00 .70 v 6 6 5 00. TIMBER, tf M feet-Shlpplng..l2 00 SneMlil ..............11 25 111 Prime... .7 50 Mill Fair. .. 5 00 Common MiU 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY, tf gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina. . 1 00 WOOL; tf lb Washed '28 Unwashep 15 Burry . 10 (4 7 3 id, 5 00 7 50 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 Vi 00 8 50 00 C4 0 00 (4 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 C4 25 15 O Valuable Lands for Sale'. Q K TRACT OF IN D. LYING ONJt mile from Mncolnton, N. C . consisting of SS acres, 53 acres cleared: Is best for cotton, but gives good crops for all grains. Has a branch running through it atd a floe eprlnp ; a few acres of bottom Uml on tbe branrb and SO acres in wood. ok and hickory, welt Um bsred. . - . ,.l ' ... .'"." --$-.'" Another tract lying 2 V miles from Llnohr ton, mtte from C (VB. K., J -o acres. cleared, fine spring of df Melons water; about Afik those whohave tried and they six acres of bottom land near Itonthe tra-ch.' ., , , , , j.x .t il t ils No.l for toh ceo, but grows ether crops "Will tell, you that tne Boy ttlipjier weU. 73 acres in yellow plan and oak. 'TBCftW'n Tvhri the fneterr r.Tent. t n:hlStl At:;:'ii n t:Ji:;:;:jl;K; :r:ri!3. rN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sunday: going South. No l Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C... .......... 9.30 A. M, Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, & C. . . . . ; .4.25 P. M Arrive at Hamlet, N. C. . 515 P. M, dec 16 tf ; WM. MONCURE, Sup't. Leave Wilmington Ar. Laurinburg.s., Lv. Laurinburgf .. Leave Hamlet. i.;. Arrtre Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. v. Leave Lincoln ton. Leavf) Shelby. . . . . . Ar. Rutherfordton No.1. dally ex. Sunday. 6 40 pm 12 3 am ""' am 2 03 am 7 00 am Na 3. dally ex. Sunday. N67T&T Triweekly, 8 45 am 11 09;am 13 54 pm 3 00 pm 7 00 am 5 05 pm Na 7. 5 W5am 7 00 am 3 00 pm EA,STBOTJND TRAINS Jan. if 1888: J Na a. . j dally ex 'j Sunday. Lv. Rutherfordtonf Leave Shelby M Leave Llncolnton . Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. 1. Iave Hamlet. . . . . ArriwQL?uilnburgl (Leavc Laurinburg. Irrlva Wllmlnrrtm 8 00 pm 1 25 am 2 17 am 2 27 ami 8 25 am No. 4, dally ex. 8 40 am 10 53 am 12 45 pm 3 00 pm Nos 8&6 Triweekly. :7 05 am sr 30 pm 4 oopm - No.. 5 45 am 4 25 pm Trains Na 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Care between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. - Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle and stations on W. N. c R. R. and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens,' Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Ashevllle via Spartanburg. . . - Local freight Ncs.- 5 and 6 trl-weekly be tween Wilmington and Lauriiiburg. Local---Freight Nos. 7 and 8 dally between Laurinburg and Charlotte. f f; . Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. tnkft passengers. , 1 L. c JONES, superintendent. F. WjCLARK, Genl Passenger Agent. -Z' Jan . ; ' ,' .4 ..-.'v'4 . .? The Acme' MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTURERS OF " . v ' FercilizersV Pne Fibrafnd .Pine.Fibl-e Matting. ' WILMINGTONJNiC. Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND BKANCHE8. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 8, 1888. No. 23, dally. No. 27, F'tMall daily. No. 15, dally ex Sunday Leave Weldon . Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro.. Leave JTarboro Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson... Arrive Selma. Arrive Fayettevi'e Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia. . . Ar. Wilmington . . . 2 05 pm 317 pm 4 50 pm 10 50 am 3 53 pm I 4 10 pmi . 5 19 pmf. 7 45 pmj. 5 43 pm 6 00 am 7 15 am 7 00 pm 7 48 am 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 4Q pm 7 40 pm 'sio'pin 9 55 pm 8 40 am y 38 am 9 54 am 11 35 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, dally. No. 78. daily. No. 66. daily ex Sunday. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw. . . Arrive Goldsboro. Leave Fayette vllle Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson..... Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive TarboroTTI Leave Tarboro 12 05 am 1 21am 2 23 am 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am 11 50 ami 3 45 pm 5 28 pm 5 50 pm 6 52 pm "8 30 am 10 50 am 11 59 am 3 02 amil2 42 pmi 7 48 pm 1 18 pmi 8 24 pm 4 50 pm 10 50 am Arrive Weldon.. i. I 4 30 ami 2 40 pm 9 35 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch' Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3-00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck aty.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarooro, n. c via Aibermane & Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive Wllllamston. N. C. 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll llamston. N. c, oaiiy except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday y.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. U 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally, except Sunday, 84J0 A. M., arrive Smithileld, N. C, 1U00 A. M. Returning leaves SmlthHeld, N. C, 10.45 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 12.10 P. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. M., arrlveii at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 1L15 A. M., Rocky Mount 1L55A. M., dally except Sunday. 'lTain on Clinton Brancn leaves w arsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. M.. connect ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 66, southbound Train on Wilson & Favettevffle Branch is Na 51. Northbound Is No. 5a .'Dam- except Gunday. "" iTain a zi south win stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia, Train no. t makes close connection at wel don for all polnto North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday. la Bay Line. - - - Trains make close connection for all points junn via tucmnona ana vvasnington. ah 1 rains run soua oetween wiimini Washington, and have Pullman Palac& era attac-nea. - - r ril HER EP UT ATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS J the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the results ot three years- use In the hands of -.-.-' .. . - 1 ... ' the best farmers of this and other States fully - ' 3 ' ' " " 1 ' - V-:'':'-.--' V ;. attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the Jeaves ot our native pine. Is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet lor comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. ' It has vlr : tues riot found In any other fabric ! i, ThB FIBRE or wool is extensively' used for -upholstering purposes, and as a fHUng for Mattresses Is almost equal to hair, being light ' elastic and proof against insects. . certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. . . a" ; ian4 tf "A BURNT CHILD yMlAM THK MV, TTT UNDREDS OF MEN IN WILMINGTON think they have their lives Insured. Some of them will die while under this Impression and their families will discover too late that it was an Illusion. - . This has happened In Wilmlncton diirtnc the past month by the failure of the first as sessment company that commenced business here. Others will follow soon., Before it Is too late, make sure provisions for your famllv In a-llfe Insurance company that has stood the test during generations. . . v ; : The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York is the oldest, largest ana ftmcompany In the world. Its policies are lncontestltle, are paid Immediately on the receipt of proof of death, and are liberal In their conditions. Assets now over f 11,8,000,000.00. . : , . feb27 M. S. WILLARD, Agent, 211 North Water St. TfTTT V Rewarded are 5 thoso who rLlLjXllj X ViisA thl8 aud then act; they W"B"" " will -rind honorable rmnlov- ment that will mot take them from their homes and families. The profits are . large and sure for every lndustrtrus person, many have mado und are now making several hundred dollars a month, it is easy for any one to maketa and upward per day. who Is wllllmr to work. Either sex, j oung or .old; capital not needed; we start youT Evervtnlnir new.' No special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to u at once for. full-par ticulars, which wc mall free. Address Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine, ;:. nov 22 dranwiy INVENTION-" i f winall century. Not . among the wonders ot inventive progress Is ' method and system of work that cube per formed all over the country withou ; scpara tlncr the workers from thnir tinmra rav lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed: you are started free, cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something ot great value and Importance to you, that will start you In business, which win bring you In more money right away.than Address True & CaAugusta, Maine. uuy si oma iyw - ;-. WO Sea Wonders exist In thousands UJhlhjr ot forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are In need of profitable work that can be done while llvlne at home should at once send their address to Ilallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and mwtTAfiwo fiill Infnrmaflnn hrrur cHhcrfcov ot all ages, can earn from $5 to 125 per day and upwaros wnerever tney uve. ion are started free. Capital not reaulred. Some have made over 150 In a slnglo day at this work, a 11 suc ceed. , noY22Cmdlyw and feleep- JOHN F. J)INE. GenlfguDU J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportatf"- ! i. juuiiwui, uen 1 i'assengt' r. Agent. A. A. Bn wjj INSURANCE lENTS 5 FOR !IRE. LIFE. MARINE AND ACinDKNT. over $5.0U paid out for death fnwa for year SS7, In Wilmington, N. C. .... j omce corner orh water ifuiberry sts,. InsurancOa: -j- CCIDENT, PIRE, LIFE, MARINE, KENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. : T7vi.- - ' Apply to " --r-"- t -1" y-1 SMITH & BOAT WRIG HT.ri: - N0424 N. Water Stre. t mcblStf '- Telephone No. "J.; II I - f I ' JTaElr Vigor, T7eakT!5 orLosof atneEUj restored fry U e ue i &a , miedj. Tlio YerL a l ant a from b Trochees cevcr fall. Ouri;..:.:- ' 1, d t6t!"in-:iX ( 't f"'- 1 ' - n 1 t,,.i - 1 euirt. 1 , y - V ,,4 . ) ..