Absolutely Pure.- ThU nowdcr nercr rartca. A man el of pu- Htt nrrrnth and wholesome doss. More econ- . fimini mn the ordinary kinds, and cannot tic Loiii in romnrtJtlon Willi the multitude Of low j test, snort weight alum or pbonhato powder .SAiloW imcamM. KOYAL liAKING 1"UW1)H ca, 100 Walt N. V. oct 2a ltwu tenrm uhvd Srdpw this Convention that the white peo ple of Brunswick have suffered long enough from local Radical misrule, ami we believe that by proper or canintion, and with a strong -and mrKreive lder at the head of the State ticket that our county can be redeemed, and Its affairs entrusted to proper hands. L'eHttlvcd That we recognize In IA. Ciov. Charles M.Stedman,of iew Hanover county, the man for the hmirnml the occasion, and in the name of every white man, white woman, and white child, in the countv of Brunswick, we pledge to the State Convention that if he be nominated that the county of Bruns wick will lnnrelv increase her Dem ocratic vote. ttcflvcdy That ihe delegates to the State Convention, from .the countv of Brunswick, are hereby in ctrnntM! tn fnat the entire vote of tins ronnt v for Lt. Gov. Charles M. sritiinn "for the nomination for Goernor so long as there shall bo any prospect of securing his norai uaxion. Upon motion, it wan - ordered that the proceedings be sent to the Rk vikw. Star, and Meteengcr, for pub lication. On motion, the Convention ad journed sine die Sixox Ottoway. Ses'y. COirSTEKCXAX. NEWS. I MISCELLANEOUS WILMINGTON MARKET. April 2. 2.30 P. M. Spirits turpentine Quiet at 86 cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Steady at 82f cents for strained and 87$ cents for good strained. Sales of 500 bbls. TAR Firm at $1.05. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $2.00 for yellow dip and virgin.. COTTON Steady. Thefollowing are the official quotations: Ordinary, H; pood ordinary, 7 15-16; low mid d'line:. 8 13-16; middling 9J; good mid dlincrOj. v ; Receipts to-day: Spirits, 30; rosin, 306; tar, 416; crude, ; cotton, 15. BIAKTNE NEWS. GRAND OPENING ! WILL TAKE PLACE AT MISCELLANEOUS. Life Insurance. -o Taylor's Bazar ON W. G. Curtis, Ch'm. Th.0 ID oily Bovisw. MONDAY, APRIL 2. 1888. STATE NEWS, Newbeni Journal: The case of State vs. W. J. Perry, charged with the xnunler of Willis Venters, color ed, tried at Jones Superior Court this week, closed on Thursday, re sulting in the acquittal of Mr. Ferry. . Asbevillc Sun: Several trestles have been washed away on the Mur- phy Branch of the Western North Carolina Railroad, beyond Balsam. - The train which left here Wednes day morning is on the other side of these trestles and is not likely to return to the city for sometime, in fact, we hear that the damage is so great, that it will take at least three or four weeks to repair it. Asheville Citizen: Mr. N. R. Tweed, a deputy sheriff from Madison, ar rived in the city yesterday after noon, for the purpose of obtaining , from Judge McRae a bench warrant for the arrest of Ruff, the Haywood deputy sheriff whoa few day ago shot and killed Gaither Reese in Madison. Ruff is aid to be secret ed in Haywood, and every effort will be made to effect his capture. Raleigh Visitor: Our journalistic brother, M. E. C. Hackney, of the Durham Hccortlcr is having the hand of affliction deeply laid upon him. For a week past ne has been confined to his home with threaten ing symptoms of pneumonia. His -wife and little Sarah are at the Hot Sprirrgf. Ark, more than eleven hun dred miles away, whereMrs. Hack ney has gone for her health. Thurs day evening he received a telegram summoning him to the bed side of his little girl, who is very ill, and as the telegram states, "no better." Charlotte Chronicle: Hon. Alfred Rowland submitted a petition in the House on Friday containing the names of SO.' citizens of Charlotte in opposition to the bill proposing to tax or brand cotton seed oil and against any tax or brand on refined leaf lard.' The petition was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Win. Todd, of Charlotte, to day celebrates his 90th birthday, lie was born on April 1, 17'JS, and was a deputy sheriff in Charlotte at the time the old log cabin court house stood in Independence Square. Mr. Todd is yet active and spright ly. He never wore eye classes and was never sick. In appearance he is as young as a man of 50. Par ties who arrived in the citv yester day afternoon from the Western part of the county report that at noon yesterday there wa a rise of seventeen feet in the Catawba river, and the water was then rising. It was one of the biggest spring fresh ets In the Catawba in recent years. Some damage will be done the'fann ers along the river banks by the overflow, but the lands will be en riched by the sediment, and put in gooa conuuion ior a oig corn crop this summer. LOCAL NEWS. Dav's lemrth 12 hours and 35 min- V - utes. Mr. W?sley Mills lost a lot of caps and hats from his store on Front street, near the market, on Satur day night, by the depradations of sneak thieves. There has been but very little damage done to the peach trees in this city. Some of the earlier bloomers were cut dowu by the cold but as a general thing they are in full bloom no and are unhurt. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear Tomlinson Fayetteville. C SLovo & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, South port. Master. CLEARED. Steamship Gulf Stream, Penning ton. New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer Cains Fear, Tomlinson. Favetteville. C S Love &Co. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport. Master. EXPORTS. COAJ?TWISK. Ne w York Steamship GulfStream 186 bales cotton, 217 bbls spirits. 1.923 do rosin, 302 do tar,25 do pitch, 10 do crude, 266 do rice. 18 do bot tles, 6 do lightwood, 5 do beeswax, 23 bags chaff, 35 pkgs mdse, 1 row boat, 1,500 shiqgles, 5,000 bolts, 00, 166 feet lumber. , Messrs. S. A. Schloss & Co., Sir. A. G. McGirt auctioneer, will sell at their salesrooms, on Market street, to-morrow morning, a lot of desira ble articles. The attention of house keepers is invited 'o this sale. , - Steamer Louise brought up 25 passengers yesterday morning from Southport to hear Mr. Pearson last night. She carried them back last night after the services were concluded. A notice at the blackboard at Produce Exchange says that the I the WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 2D, 1888. Cotton ashore, 4,203; afloat, 12; total, 4,215. Spirits ashore, 412; afloat, 1; total, 413. Rosin ashore, 00,092; afloat, 100; total, 00,102. Tar ashore. 0,836; afloat, 15: to tal, 0,851. Crude ashore, 205; afloat, ; total, . 205. RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OF APRIL, 1888. Cotton. 1,572; spirits, 1,C93; rosin, 23,- 554; tar, 11.450; crude, 720. EXPORTS FOR MONTH OF. APRIL, 1888. DOMESTIC. . Cotton, 2,456: spirits, 2,569; rosin, 3,625; tar, 4,481; crude; 1,150. FOREIGN. Cotton 2,087; spirits 51; rosiu, 23,J 594; tar, 2,260; crude, . MISCELLANEOUS. Exchange will be closed on Tuesday, eW YOI& & WilmlllStOD t( niur?uuy aim iiiursuay ui nun week on meetings account of the Pearson Steamship Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sis. At 3 o'clock, P.M. EQUATOR . . Wednesday, April GULF STREAM Saturday. April FROM WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR. EQUATOR ....Friday, April .Tuesday, April 10 llrunnwlck Democrat. . The Democratic voters of Bruns wick county iet in Convention at O. M. McKeithan's Store on Satur day. March 31, 1888. - The meejing was called to order by George 11. Bellamy, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Comuut- . tee "of Brunswick countv. -On motion. Dr. W. G". Curtis was elected permanent Chairman, and .Nixon Ottoway was requested to act as Secretary. On motion of George II. Bellamy, the following resolution was adop ted: Jtctolccd, That the Chairman of this Convention be hereby author ized to appoint the proper number of delegates to the State and Dis trict Congressional Conventions. The following were appointed del egates: State Convention F. M. Moore,J. D. McRae, D. B. McNeill, G. II. Bel lamy, James Reilly, W. G. Curtis. District Convention G. M. Mc Keitban. K G. Goodman, W. J. Henry. F. M. Moore, C: C. Morse. Ifoah Williamson Congressional G. II. Bellamy, J J. J. Stanly, W E. AI- SleeplManess. Narcotics and sedatives murder sleep; the unnatural stupor.- is soon followed by ill effects. Simmons Liver Regulator removes the cause of restlessness and sleeplessness by regulating the bowels, by establish ing good digestion and by quieting me nerves. "I have been a trreat sufferer from dyspepsia and loss of sleep.. As soon as 1 feel the least nervous I take a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, and sleep all night." Mrs. R. Bryant, Griswoldville, Ga. The Latest. Second Regiment Waltz, FOR PIANO. Dedicated to the North Carolina state Guard By 1. II. oukknewald. For Sale at HEINSBERGER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, inch 28 DuBrutz Cutiar, Jr., ATTO UN EY-AT-LAW, 114 PRINCESS STREET, Wilmington, N. c. TTTTI Ohean Nursery Stock JN OR EAT variety, COOKR AND ITEAT For Winter and Spring Sales 1887 8 I have a large stock of APtLE TREES, - Two and. three years old, good var eties, that I will Close Out Cheap. ALSO, Plum, Cherrv, Grape, &c. If you want- anything in the Nur send for my Illustrated Descriptive uataiotrue ana Special Price TAt. nf surplus stock Tor Winter and Spring ui ioo4o oniy. Wednesday, March 28, Tim sihyf; ftaicli 29, v With an Immense Stock of EASTER rHT-AJTS, EASTER FLOWEKS, EASTER FEATHERS! AND tl And a New Lot of EASTER GLOVES ! The Largest Stock to Select. from Ever! Brought to ;,j ,1 Wilmington j Safe, IWiab?V Sure A LL THE POLICT-HODERS WHO, ItE- J - -.. nontivtrnt lptft will do well to call on A. A, RWiVwN & CO.. corner of North Water and Mulberry streets, and take a policy In the Kntfitv Fund Svstem in the Hartford Llfe& Anniiitv insurance comnanr.' This old. rella- we comDany has paid out In Wilmington for 1887 over $35,000 in death losses. Amount of Insurance in force. . . .$57,000,000 Death losses paid undex Safety . ' Fund System 2.500,000 Amount of Safety Fund...;....;, 1,000,000 feb 3 'Messenger copy It UlULiK.I.I ... tore for. Rent. IJIHAT VERY DESI11ABLE STOKJS on North Front street, opposite" First National Bank and just North of Capt Mclntire s Dry Goods store, recentlyoccupled by me. A lirst-class store, large, roomy, cen trally located and well suited for 'any kind of business. Possession given immediately. Apply to feb 3 tf I. SnKIER. r 16 North Front Street, ' " Purcell Building. D See Here You Man ! UNLAP, KNOX AND MILLER ! We cordially invite one and all to call and see for themselves at rf Taylor'sBazar. N. B. Our General Spring Open- ing takes place later, and! we notifv all through the will papers. nich 2G 1888. 1888. Pres'dential Year. i "t : r !: New York Weekly Herald, Contalninff an imDartlal epitome each week of the movements of all political parties, will be mailed to any address in the United States or Canada, from JUNK 6tli until after the Presidential Election, for 40 cents, f JAMES GORDON BENNETT, inch 29 New York City. National Life -AND Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. H0RATI0;bR0WNIN, Presidents All the Pomilar Shapes just in by . yester day's freight. Any of the above Shapes from $1.75 to $4.50. - HATS 1 HATS ! HATS! LOUIS H ME ARES, mch 12 12 NO. FRONT STREE. O The NyW Stahi s N FIFTH STREET, , BETWEEN MUL beiTy and Walnut, are now fully, equipped. Horses and vehicles for hire and horses Doara ed and tended by the day, week or monih. S2? Large stockyard. K. W. BEST.- mh 12 ly ' . Pioprietor NEW 2 E HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A nANO- some lot or i'lald ajnu strifei dxajn. W NELS, suitable for Children's Cloaks or Ladles Wrappera. Also, 50 pieces of yard wide Sat eens, elegant styles and super quality .at 12 cents per yard. A full, line of India Linens, from 8 cents per yard to the finest quality.; A few handsome styles of Plaid Batiste and In dia Linen, fine fabric and lowprlce. r! ' feb 3 .A J. HEDRICK.: fl 188S. W ILLUSTRATED. HON. GEO. D. ELDRIDGE, Sec. & Cost Guaranteed. ! Manager Quarterly and Annual Premiums. ASSETS. -310,390.92 17" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Kates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to II a. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. THEO. E. EGER. Traffic Manager. - New York. wm. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, mch 31 35 Broadway. New York. POMONA HILL NURSERIES. era. can give you anything you are likely to want. We dont make them, but we have ae- cess to the best bourcea of supply. ALDERMAN. PLANNER & CO., Dealers In Hardware, Tinware. He. mch 12 dxw Wilmington, n. C, Diamond Dyeo JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at P. C. MILLER'S, German Drug store, , Corner s. Fourth and Nun Sta.. r. tTCscnptions filled at all times, day Mrs. S. T. Brice, DRESS MAKING. iiae MOVD MY DRESS MAKING Rooms to my residence. No. ii MnthPmr Will be happy to have the ladles of Wilming ton to call and leave their orders with me. Prloea for work are as follows: Ladles Dresses from 4 to f la hisses' ureases rrom S3 to fd. I Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, feb 8 tf Pomona, N. C. JJ. Mciiae S. J. Stanly, W Jx AI-1 Children's Dresses, from 3 to 8 rears n to Isnimrj, J. B. Mercer, S. W. MalU- tfhildren-s. Mists' and Ladles' Wraps at special rates for Bridal Trosseaux. snronos. rrom u w la, and made at the shortest nonce. CountKT orders solicited. Ladles paving two or more dresses made, will Had a redaction in the price of their wort. Wort PTWanteeo. mensSLiwlm f m Easter Cards. by, Thomaa C. Lewis, W. A. Ruarke, A. v. Oooduiaa, David Ward, Jabex Frink, John II. Mints, M. W. Hit- , bnrn, B. F. Gore, JU J. Ilawca, D. B. ZIcNelll, Ldmund Edwards. J; J. Pteott, Jessie Lancaster, J.N.Ben nett. " ' . On motion the Chairman and Sec retary were-added to the list-of delegates to both Conventions. The following resolutions, ofTerecl by lr. J Ames D. Jlacllae, were ccaniuiouilv adonted: "yTTILL OPEN TO-DAY beautiful assortment of A LARGE AND QNEFfNl rot Calo. horse, ONE FINE MULE. Plain, Fringed and rery fine ones in boxes t Wfase caU and make your selections. a SSVT trywmoepTOmpt Livo,.eoo7:r!n'! urMo Store. ACCRUED LIABILITIES Total Paid to Members 9206,685.34 -O- Read the following cards, themselves: ! They speak for Washington, D. C, Feb. 2Tth, 1883. Mr. George D. Eldrijxje, Sect'y, f! National Life and Maturity Association, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: In acknowledging receipt of One Thousand Dollars this day paid me. being full amount of Policy in your Company on the life of my late husband, Cdl. Ellery c Ford of this city, allow me to thank you and the Company for the promptness displayed in the settle ment. Col, Ford died on January 31st, 1888 and proofs or loss were rurnished your compa ny on February 23d. Under date of February 24th, I received notice that check was awaiting my order, ana.i nave tms aay received the amount, as stated above, being in full, with out discount, although the terms of the Policy gave you ninety days in which to make pay ment. Such promptness must commend itself to every one ana can dui aaa to tne connaence reit by the public in your institution.;' Kespectfully, a jJULM A. FOKD. JUST RECEIVED BT stock of ENGLISH CRivSF HI t Prices guatKEfif.; Importer. to ?-v SWINSTEAD. : lead. The freshest of V CANDIES always 0aiaa(l want to please the children. ' Postasre stamps i ohandV Kesctruu nov l.'x L,me- Urn exchange f LIME In LIME . LIME LIME'" .LIME " LIME rKNU u,(l. sept s . ; fit rjiIIE SEWING SOCIETY OF Sl Pariah solicit ordere for all kin: ' fancy .sewing, crocheUnzanir 2.P f Orders ; left at. the Thhfl sf i-if will ', UUV w) . ....... , or Sum thiiu)AttraCii i:nAVE ON HAND A vfmv . MENT OF . Grocers' Sundries which, are cdrdially recommended J axe fond of Fancy Goods. SARATOGA CHIPS lnilkand&s OLIVES FARCIES. v V,'. Imported GINGER PREstPVTc Large FRENCH PRUNES, evaporated;califoema feuiti halibut steak. t, smoked salmon. -. : HOUSElfoLD AMMONIA. CONDENSED TOMATOES to Cani Imported and Domestic sauces una re SUPS. i "i ,BRANDIED FIGS,PAlfS aiimrai finest quality; Alsotho VESTFINESTZ 1 BUTTER recelsea weeHy by Express. Jno. L. Boat?rlgtt mch 5 15fcHSo.rrE IlARrEn's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading illustrated-newspaper in" America, xne iairness or, its ecutonai com ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and commence or an impartial read- :jr3, and tne variety ana excellence or its. lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. In all its features Harper's Weekly Is admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest in every I ton. N. C. hereby caution the publlelEf iiuusciium. ' - , - 1 . - f HARPER'S PERIODICALS. ' PKR'YEAIti' HARPER'S WEEKLY "...f4ir0 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 0 HARPER'S BAZAR. I 4 Oil HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE...... ....... CO Postage Free to all subscribers in tM United suites, Canada or Mexico. r - Caution Notice. yE, THE UNDERSIGNED BORfc NER EREW1NG CO., Of theaty iftsL Washington, D. C, Feb. 2nd, 1888. Dear Sin The management of the National Life and Maturity Association of this city is, io my personal Knowieacre. in tne nanus or as good business men as there are in any city in me country, men wnose names, witn those who know them, are the synonym of integrity. business capacity and lnteUlfrence. and vou can rest assured that they are not men who wouia allow tneir names to bo thus used un less they had personal knowledge and super vision or t ne management oi the business. Any company with which they connect their names is worthy of confidence and patronage, and this fact alone would convince me of the sound ness of the National Life and Maturity even if i naa not oiuer iacts to justify mv confidence miu . cry ixuiy yours, a W. P. CANADA Y, Versailles. Ky., August! a887. Mr. w. H. Gibson renresents as Snecia Aewit, the National Life and Maturity Association of wasnxasrn. it. u. i am acaualntpd with the cureciury oi tms Association: uney are gen tlemen of the highest commercial standing. 3ir. uioson ana Ills comnanv are entitled tn tne nuicst measure of confidence and consider ation. Very respectfully. ! JO. C. S. BLACKBURN. Covington, KrM June 30, 1887. Dear Sin I know several of the Directors of the National Life and Maturity Association personally, and the others I know by reputa tion, and I take pleasure in saying that they are gentlemen of integrity, business capacity, and good financial standing.- i very truiy yours, , I J O. CARLISLE. AND SEX WHAT SENATOR VANCE SAYS: U. S. SENATE, I Washington, D. C, March 2; 1888. . Dear Sin An Intimate Dersonai tance with several members of the Board of Directors of the National Life and Maturity Association of Washington, D. c. together with a knowledge by reputation of the hl-h Dusiness SLanaing and .character nr th . malnlng members of the Board, enable me to say that any business enterprise managed br them will be conducted with tntem-inr llgence and business sagacity. In: my opinion no comps y could be better entitled to the con tldence and the patronage of the public than The Volumes of the Weekly begin" with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. ' " -i Hound Volumes of Harper's 'Weekly;" for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be senr oy mail, postage paia. or oy express, free : of expense (provided the freisrht does not ex-1 ceed one dollar per volume), f or; $7 00 per- voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-phd, on receipt ui i uu eacn. i , Remittances should be made by POst-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoidchance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this adverliseineru witTtout the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 New York BOY CLIPPER PLOWS. al, and Junk dealers In particular, not tc or sell bottles on which toe name of et- the following firms; R. Portner Brefflaj Wm.Genaust, J. H.TienkcAgcnt.orri: Haar, is blown in t he glass, as suet cor never sold. If offered for sale thej ire -r and we will prosecute any person tea;. In same to the highest extent of tteU It. POUTNEUBREWISOCfl, mch231w per E. KUHBU5L o 1 ... pj-AMES, TRACE CHAINS, BITS, HORSE collars, Curry Combs, Back Bands, Hope and a complete line of Agricultural Implements at' BOTTOM PRICES. ' , h WHOLESALE AND RETAIL., ' ; ' Jiicobi's Udw. Store,, 12 South Front Street. dec29tf ...... , - Homes inNorth Caroliris Onlv 20 Hours Side from New York! . W) Mi)e8outH of Raleigh We can do your Printing in Wf and glyfi you as good work as vsm, per cent, better than others. M work turned out and paper used s t the best. ' . ' : X Oar Ruling and Binding.! holding its own against all compeer . When in need of Blank Boots, ? s style of binding or paper, we know we can suit you ana keep your money at home. J done in our office and under our W; ' 4 - JACKSON On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line IS R, 1 500 ACUtS OF I'AND INTHX leaf pine resrion. For saIa iui8 m (uui purcnasers. JTour acres for $25. ong 1888, Harper's Young Fef -AN ILLUSTRATED WLl Hakpeb's Vouxa Tislai readers by its carefully seW v, themes and their well-consiacr . It contains the best serial ana -valuable articles on sctenuoc papers on athletic sports ana gw.., poems, etc, contributed X)J ' most famous writers. Its Wg, ? ; merous and1 excellent. JTy ' mpnts of esneclal. interest w Teachers will be a feature 01 u volume, which will cwnprjsegWpj? iy numbers. Ever hne W tgy if; jected to the most Jldf,Tma5Vf: order that nothing harmful m An epitome of everything jfjt-i h rtciHnWo in invftnlle iiw;1" A weekly feast 01 g, "Ecn 9o per acre, m month) : snH fHris in ovorv family era fines . arccentlv entahMahpri hoaitn re. T f cm nrswt t?TiJ sanitarium), and is specially, adapted formation and interest.- for Fruit Culture, as well as all the cereals, i x 1 A number of New England people have bought r v - .A 3 pr.T U the desire of theownew of thlSnd'to In- j vyr,' duce small farmers, mechanics and others ! wj-" f from the New En ir land and MlddlA Ft to i .. ..t ,m rafi . well as elscwhereT to locate here! No Sfate iSS"f the Union offers greater Inducements to eet- i Kavv tiers than North Carolina- - Nnwhow 9n ! - ". rontsep- better farmina- conntrv or fl -ii-.t; ! . ine.f tilJmade W '-s bonafidt offer, and Is limited .. ... or znrther particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATKIOK. Comniia'r of lnunhrratlon; fialelgh, N.J m or B. A RICHARDSON; n 21 tf. ChronlcJe Offlrjer AnKust. O . VM,vitvrx are nottocolV", - without tine express order QJ - Address nov 15 f'r new Arr;' CM18. F. BBOWNE. - , O.' B. 1S0LLIXGSWOBTH. ; CHA8' RRHTV rSrlP! JCr. t ' .... v. - s . , . r -MBBBB a III in.' e d rrsto cloFe'-.-:: - -n-mxTiV CO. fr f BOXJB lix- Oil . 4KDTJ- sich Jlerchants. r ;iio N. Water Strep V Thr.tit is the s-r.so cf Very re r;-::tf-!TT ten. ::. C. ;

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