1 ' i ! f i r if . 1 !! I f 1 i MISCELLANEOUS. A , . HUMPHREYS' For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 FACE BOOK en Trat- Beat f Aalmalsaaa' Chart beet Free. mt-Ffm, CenanrtKma. Innammilioa, 1 aieaiasui. .'iit n a ljna ' DIlffMMr. 1 J. f. ll-ot r ;rb Wwnn. A. A. Spinal & lUH-trlaa Fever. UbriMttlii K. ( iRtki, Heave, Psrataoala. y V Cliear (irtpe Hetlrarae. H, i. larrlae, Itemarrbagea. II. H. I rlaarr 4 KUoer IJiaeaaea, I. 1. r.raatlv Dtaeasea Jlaage. J. lK-lleaeaflieliB. taM- Case, with Frctflv. ataatttl. Witch lia10U and lieJcaior. 87.00 Price, Stsgta DocUe (over SO doaeal - .CO Kald by Drarglatai ar , Seat Preaald on Becelpt aT Price. Hairphrtyr Med. Co 103 Fulton St., It. Y. HUHPSEEYS' hoheopathic fjf SPECIFIC Ho.fi O Tha crsty annWfal rrmadr for I IlerYons Debility, Vital Weakness iiM lib, ft, t. L3 cm 20 rr Th.o'-Solly - Josn. T. James, " Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 13. 1883. Entered at the Postomce at Wilmington, N.C., as t-econa-ciass matter. I and Prtwtratloo. from or-vork or thr tao f l fxur uu crl aad Urr vial fowdr. lot nou pi uirooMTk. riu txmpKi oo receipt p. mcnseolS w ly tarn rr. rt cv " - - ci Wm v : , ' . : . ? v. .--'.i iw A-i- -j. i'.-e -- - li X-.. I-V I. I . ... l- .I'.iill. iCTittt-r fw tJ to:.. ' P . i . t 5.... THY vied rirf it j . t r-r lv-rttorti ror bout I pr from I.- t trr r: hU.JiM.u-TJ if y tb nooit j r ca ; E I iiiiip.'v i-.u (mac. ! iiia- tmtioB. ikm Jal irlorrd rl-tr. I TrMioest taabraeanif of all Linda Cc tenia, fur pitam eaj rrwi. l)nur I aai Uwir cur llow f boLd and to.k ' a AuuT. All aimul llmitv IrVnf J u ,ioii. caA ric iwa lur 131 euta. I'ia Tzi Ikxika, 40 L i. ASSOCIATED FANCIE. i P ATA DDU AMfLB Trkatmewt rnrr UM Mnnn w man enough to r nLL conrtnrr. il K Lacderbaoi & fu.. iach 19 ir 7T1 Uroad st, Newaric, N. J. (JCCA MONTII and BOA III) ror 3 Bright )UVoar.?or Iuilesln cnch county. I W. ZltlOLLK CO.. PnJUUelpnla, Pa. Burnham's Improved Stan dard TTJRB I3STE New illustrated ent Free. mcn , and Descriptive ratalojjia Address YORK, PA. pi PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CWim aod UanUSa Um hair. troaKC'a a laxtirunt jrroUi. Ntvvr Faili ta Betor Qray Hairioit Yoafbfut Color. Cxreea2pdiraaaAd hair falling HINDERCORNS. Tba af r, nmC an1 tmt car for Corw, Baotona. fti Roc Ji raia. utairea comfurt to lb frvC Nrrer oeuxa. A obSU at Lruslsta. LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of leat, . Invaluable for Dyspepsia. ii liSfie'jl ToaTc fir IiTiIiis, iBitaahcwns M Tf . Also for flavoring Soapf. Sauceband Made Dlsnes. lienulneonlr rith Uaron Urciv's signa ture In Blue Int afrttw the labeL Sold by all storeket-p'rs, i;meers and Drut fclsts. , . . mcb 19 4 w ZJZ ir JUL pr -MAKES- I Wholly anllke artificial nyAteinn. Any book learneil In one rtallii. Classes of 1087 at Halt lmore. 1003 at De trott. 1300 at rhlladelphia, larse classes of Colombia Law students, at Yale, Wellesley, Oberun. I niversity or lvnn.. .Micnujan t ni verslty. Chautauqua, fc, 4c. Endorsed by m .k . m . - . . . ... ri . ,a A&tor, Judau 1. Benjamin. Jwlt Gibson Dr. Brown. M IL coot. Principal N. Y. state Nor mal Collec, &c. The system Is perfectly la perfectly tausnt Dy correspondence, rrps- Jiectus post frkk from 'ItOr.LUl5ETTE.3J7 Fifth Mft, Newr Y'ork. RICHLY VEAK, UNDEVELOPED PART f ti !"xSr fn.'."sed ant irenctbfneU. anll partica nfMwtlfd frre. KRtK MKU.Cck. Ucrraxu. K. Y JJ FFERER S 8 KERYOU SHESS KdVor ufol a!t of Ttr-Woik. lodlsorcUon. etr.. addreu Nit Itetvardetl are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable employ ment that will not take thcra from their homes and families. Thepronts are laive and sure for every lndnstrtrus person, many have made and are now maXlnjr several hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for any on to make S3 and upward per day, who is willing to work" Either sex. younj? or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everytnln;? new. No special ability requirtl; you. readt-r. can do t as well as any one, Write to us at once for full par ticular?, which we mall free. Address t tin son t Co. l orUand, Maine. nor 22 dOnwiy rJov York, TjUILADELri3lAA2D BALTIMOUK prices in JOHN WEICfEifS Barbershop: 13 cents a share; aa cents ail air Cut and SO cents Shampoo, llis own manufactured II.ilr Dyeof errry shade at 3) cents and upwards. No. r Market fctrect, between Water and Front. sept IV. Sash. Doors. LOWEST PBICEH. T EST GOODS. ItlMS. SPOKES, WHEELS. COOKING AND ITKATINa STOVES. Etnts Factory AtrntajBre can save younoney. Jacolji's Hdw. Depot. .o) u so. m-t rtr . A company has been organized at Juekfonville. Fla., for developing the silk industry of that State on an extensive cale. The movement re sults from an exhibit made by one individual at the Sub-Tropical Exhi bition. Three hundred acres are to be planted in mulberry trees near Jacksonville, New York capitalists having ubscribed o0,000 to the en- rprise. The work of planting out the trees will begin in a fe- weeks The factory for the reeling, spinning and weaviug of the silk will be loca ted in Jacksonville, and allthnbusi lies ufier the production of the tiw; iik will be carried on in that city. A Great Itattle ' "Z: Is continually going on in thehu- jst District, James K. Shepherd, of Beaufort man system. The demon of impure 2nd District; Fred PPa. ot Edcombe. ; blooclWves to gain victory ovei the constitution, to J ruin health, to t District, John A. Gilmer, of Guilford.' drag victims to the grave. A good eth District, E T Boykta, of Sampson : ..tuovvi. ,nfl(i!,.;no utp TTnotTs Snre 1 Tth District, James c. MacKae, Cumberland, reliable medicine liKe ooa s Harsa- Jg trict; yj j. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. parilla is the weapon with which to District, Jesse F. Graves, of Surry, defend one's self, drive the desperate ioth District. Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke, enemy from the field .and restore gJSct S&itne?- n ww u w m m m mm mm v w -m. m m ITTO. V Z Ullia avvaa - - - - j years. Try this peculiar medicine. Carolina 188 8 Impecunious immigrants are now being stopped daily at Castle Gar den and returned home at the ex pense of the steamship companies who bring them. A new schedule of questions has recently been Jntro duced in tLe landing department, the arriving immigrants beingoblig- ed to htute on oath who has paid their passage, what rs their present financial condition, whether they have ever been convicted of crime, have ever been in a prison or alms house, or have ever been afllicted with disease or infirmity that hin dered them earning a living. It is learned that many poor people are brought out here by the false repre sentations of steamship runners on the other side, the. runners prom ising them plenty of work on their arrival in New York. The commis sioners want to stop this. - Mrs. Frank Leslie replies to the Rev. Dr. Dix's Lenten discourse charging great immorality on tne people of New York She says American women, and especially New York women, are the best in the world, and adds: "Social life In New York is exceptionally pure. There is n certain amount of dissi pation in every large city which comes inevitablv to the surface, but the daughters, wives and moth ers are gooil and true. 1 have been especially struck with the difference between this country and England in some social characteristics. Amer ican girls are not totally dependent on matrimony, and have a certain proud 1 independence' which wins them respect. In London there are comparatively few avenues of self support open to women, and there are not nearly men enough to go around. The result is a scramble for husbands whjch is unpleasant if not immoral. A man is petted till he is spoiled. Girls are flung at his head till he is disgusted." - -- - Reports of rich gold discoveries in Lower California have created much excitement in San Diego, and pros pecting parties have been fitted out aud gone to the scene. A number of experts have been in the Lower California gold fields, and have brought back to their employers quiyt reports of rich discoveries. An expert who has been in the San Ra fael Valley states that in travelling over the Sierra Madre Mountains he dkcovered a tract thirty miles in length and twenty miles wide, which formed one large body of mineral ground. There are huudruds of veins, he says, .averaging from three to thirty feet in width, principally composed of free gold in white quartz, which is easily worked and assays from $300 to $2,200 per ton. The placer grounds are reported to cover thou saudai of acres, and are said to be rich in gold dust and nug gets. The mountains contain sev eral natural reservoirs and several streams of water which have a fall of from 1,500 to 2,500 feet, making the locality available for hydraulic mining. Other discoveries have been made besides the one alluded to,and in every case the supply of water is reported to be good, and all the" conditions favorable for extensive! mining operations. A WoniauV Uincavery. Anolher wonderful discoverv has been made and that too bv lad v in this county. Disease fasted Hi dutch es upon her and for seven veni3 sh withstood ita severest tesl. but her vital organs were uodertoimd and death seemed imminent. For three months she coached incessantly and could cot sleep. She boucbt of os bottle of Dr. King's New DUcwerv for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she sled all night and with one bottle has been mir aculously' cared. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write V7. C. Ham- rick fcCo. of Shelby, N C. Get a free tiial bottle al W. U. Green & C.'a Draz Store - . t A pit 1 1. ANTICS. Stranger (to boy) ''Boy, can you direct me to the nearest bank?" Hov--"l kin fer twenty-fr Stranger "Twenty-five cents! Isn't that high pay?" 5oy "Xes. sir, but it's bank directors what gits high pay." AT. Y. .S'7i. A Kansas City woman saw Booth and Barrett plav 'Othello" m that citv and was asKeo wnicn actor pleased her most.' "Well, I hardly knor," she said, after due delibera tiou: "I like one oout as well as the other. They were both Justus ciinnin1 as thev could be. -Graphic. Waiter (to customer) ''Ain't, de soup an rignt. sain customer (dubiously) "Ye-es, it tastes all right; but I am a barber, and I wish vou would ask the chef if ho doesn't want a bottle of my Egyptian Ton sorial Elixir; it prevents the hair from falling out," Phila Call. The careless use of the editorial "wo" frequently gets newspapers into trouble, andthe use of the word "we" to .lepresent the people of the whole country is something as fatal at least this is probably the opin ion of the editor of the Springfield Union, who recently said: . "We ate 3,100,000 bags of peanuts last year." Rochester Pont Express. Returned Missionary 4A1I natives of rank" have coins suspended from their noses and ears." But with the crude instrument you say they have I don t see how they can puncii holes thrbuirh the coins." "The holes are already punched. . You see, most of the coins come from America.! where thev are collected in church contribution boxes." Nebraska State Journal. "Beirsrar "Oh, ves, the charitable association gave me a present. Charitable young lady "Hut you don't appear to be very grateful for it." "To tell the truth. Miss, I ain't verv grateful. When I think of the fact that uiv legs are both cut off at the knees, and then ; think of the resent 1 got, I can't rake up much gratitude." "What was your pres ent?" "A pair of roller skates." XvUras'iu Journal. Melancholy of I)cho ndency, Commonly called the "nines, gen erally proceeds from a sluggish Liv er. It either causes JJvspepsia. or follows it being both cause and ef fect. To cure it take .Simmons Liv er Regulator. j "I was so sick and low spirited l would have given away anything to get well; and if anvone had ensured me the good health! produced by using Simmons Liver Regulator, and charged me a thousand dollars. 1 would willingly have paid it in fact. $10,000 would be less to me than what if has done for me. Gko. P. Barrett, Macon, Ga." i ,rr. s r "Were all wise enough to heed this advice In season, a world of suffering would be avoided. The best months in which to take Hood's Sarsa parilla, the great blood purifier, are March April May At no other season is the body so much in need of, or po susceptible to the benefit to be derived from flood's Sarsaparilla, as now. The Impoverished condition of tho blood.the weakening effects of the long, cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will be con vinced that it is the ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. JU ; six for 5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries jfowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar dec lOlyr d&wnrm mws2dp Ask those who have tried and they will tell you that, the Boy Clipper j 1'iow is t net Dest made. Sold only at I Jacobi's, who la the factory agent, f AMERICAN MAGAZINE. f llbtnW. fS (K a rear. SOLICITORS. 1st District, John H. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. 11. White, (col.) of Halifax. 3rd District, D. Worthington, of Martin. f 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake, j - t;th District. Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. ' 6th District, 0. 11. Allen, of Duplin. ; j . L II JJlyH IV, l m lilUAAVAH.ll, VS. AUV1UUVUU, cents." ; fh riKtrirt R. V. Lonsr. of Iredell. 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rockingham. 10th District, W. II. Bower, of CaldwelL 11th District, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 13th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIME OF UOLDIKG COURTS FIRST JftDICIAl. DISTRICT. srKiNQ ludge Montgomery.; .r vxi.i. .Tudvre Macliae. i "" .Beaufort t Feb. t.lih. May 28th, Nov. 36th. Currituck March nth. Sept. 3d. i; r??irndeu March 12th. fieut. lOrh. ! I tPasnuotank March 19th. June 11th, Sept. 17th, Dee. 10th. Perquimans March 26th. Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. , t;ates -April 9th, Oct. 8th. 1 Hertford April loth, .June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. Oct. 220. Tyrrcll-r-April 30th. Oct.. 29th. t Dan- May Tth. 2iov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. ; SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. " .' SrKiNo Judge Graves. Fall Judee Mont eromerr. r, Halifax t Jan. 9th, jMarch 5th, May 14th iXnv. Tf h Northampton iJan. 23d. April 2d,' Oct, 1st BerUe Feb. 6th. April 20th. Oct. yytn. Craven t Feb. 13th, May 28th,'Nov. 2tjth, Warren March 10th, Sept, nth. ; . Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. h THIRD "JUDICIAL DISTRICT, SrKiNG Judge Avery. I Fall Judiro Graves. f Pitt Man. 9th, March 19th, tJune Uth, Sept ran. Franklin Jan. 23d. April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson Feb. 6th. J une 4th, Oct. 19th. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. 20th, Oct, 15th. i Martin March 5h, Sept. 3d, Dec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. f FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. I SrRixo Judge bhlpp. Fall Judee Avery. i Wake 'Jan. th. tFeb. 27th, 'March 26th, tAprll 2JJd, Muly 9th, iAug. 27th, Sept. 2h, tOct. 22d. WayneJan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. P Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov, 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judere Shibn. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, Jime 4th, Oct, 15th. - t; Granviile Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept, 10th, Nov. 26th. Chatham Feb. 13th. May 7th. Oct, 1st, Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec ioth. r Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, sept. 24th Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th. Nov, 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, 'Nov.! 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov.19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ! Spring Judge Shepherd. ? Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender--Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. ioth. New Hanover tJan. 23d, tAprll 16th, tSept. 24th. Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. Duolln Feb. 13th. SeDt. 3rd. Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30fh, Oct. 8th, oec. lut.jL Carteret March 19th, Oct, 22d. Jones March 26th, ( )ct: 29th. Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Judge Shepherd.' Columbus-Tan. 16th, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 'MTU. Anson Man. 9th, tAprll 30th, Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. f Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. t Robeson-lan. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. K Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, sept 17th, Dee. 3i-d. . ! . Bladen March 19th, Oct, 22d. t Brunswick April 9th. Sept. 10th. T Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring .Judge Connor. ; FALL-ludge Phillips. Cabarrus Man. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aur. 6th. Nov. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th. Aucr. 20th, Nov. 19th. r Davidson March 5th. June 4th. Sent. 2d. Dec, 3d. .i Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. i Montgomery April 2d, Oct, 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. ju NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, f Spring Judge Clark. f Fali -Judge Connor. f Rockingham Jan. 2JJd, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st;' Oct. 224. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept, 24th. f Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. I Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. I Stokes April Ifith. Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th. sent. 3d. Ashe March 26th. May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th 3iiu;ueii April it;cn, sept, ltitn. Yancey April 30th, Sept, 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boy kin. Fall fudge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.! Union Felx 13th. tFeb. 20th. spm . irth Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th. tAug. 27th; Gaston March 19th, Oct, 8th. p Lincoln April 2d. Oct. 1st. E - Cleveland April 9th. Aug. 6th, Oct. 22d. liiuuenora Apni23a, Oct. 29th. Poik May 7th. Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge MacRae, jALi-.iuage BoyKin. ' jiaaison teo. 27th. Juiv avth. txnv. ioth Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.isth, Transylvania April 2d. Sept. 3d. Haywood April yth. Sept 10th. Jackson Apill 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon Maj- Tth, Oct. 1st. Clay May 14th, Oct. sth. Cherokee May 21st. Oct. L5th. Graham June 4th. Oct, 29th. Swain June llth, Nov. 5th. I J J c a SAFEALWAYS REUABLE.TO LADIESV - - yn I A II n m n ""TEiTS ttsi I N 0 1 S PENS ABLE.S OLD BYALL DRUSS!STS v ifocT. " " " f BlMN DTAtew. ( w rn ninumin aanun nnruetTe ru--tirV -Jr"" "w T I STAMPS " f I AND TAKE NO OTHER SEE SIGNATURE OH EVERY BOX. VWn LETTERBY Bi?u-if Rs I Al f CHICHESTER CHEM1CALC0. SOLE PROP.IJADISOH SQJK1U. PAVsee cms nature 0 It EVrav "aa 1 UJ I 1 Slinnl,l"mUH WK,J ,trl ItinwONiALS A'3OVt3.rR0MLADIESWHOHiUPi7c .,,-.'..' ...... wwvwaa Jan 18 eod lydo iiant e ad were restored to he&itn 07 use cz nSSS& SEMINAL PASTILLES K Radical Cur for Nerroaa Debility, Orctnio lVeaknos3nndP.hysicalDec8Yin Yonascr Mi Ble Aged ilen. Tested for Eight Years in js Jged and broksn down rooa tntho fnll cnjoyinen; of. perfect Rtid full Manly Strenrth and Vicrons Health. .To thow who BnHer from t hb n.m7 e-bscriro d iss&sea roni?hfc about by I n 1 i scrot i on, Jl z Ovcr-Iimi a IVork, ortoo free Icdulscnce. wo ai that yoa send us rmr siacse xrith eitoroent of yoor trtrcbte, end Eecscro umajj i'A'JAU 13 a ti&is, w.'aj ucsri iHiapIUCtTW te3L s li-SJmg) ' ED I In n D Avoid the 0r tat Lwu ,' w Wtc-.1M becomes checiiul and mal rBpidlyewSaT,; R-ranEO PEBSOMS can hare FEEB Trial oJoar Appliance. Ack ifer,Jc tl7y d&w ly - Z r:-C --r" " ?: ." '--:.:- -'.'.- . .- crTTni . -fak ait j ioeocci felt - . m - u j 1 Lin: nnman - J a rta . $4.50 W FOR We can pive bo much for the money? Thousands say tills In tlicir Jrttrrs. it ,'. 'caase after plates are inaaeit costs far legs proportionately to priut 1.,000 "niM its ucany mij jears' existence tne .. than 100,000. During a MmHiiiPifiirisf b&s absorbed twenty-four other agricultural -reriodlcals, and continues to bp ih. recognized authority on agricultural matters the world oyer. With the old staff nt editors who hare made ft a power In both hemispheres, reinforced with new writer, it will be more valuable during 188S than ever. Each Dumber now contains neariJ one nunarea onemai illustrations ana original articles on the Farm. Gardpn n...f and 15c. mm calttary: v ; first and only Reproduction, and IJ BEFORE PILATE These magnificent works of art are neither old time cbromos nor ordinary enerar lngs. but exquisite pictures executed for us by Photoetching and Mezzograreura process, on heavy pfate paper. 22x23 inches. Price fl.00 each. Both pictures fn lahed Dec. 20, 1S87) forwarded In tubea; post-paid. . : . . OUR GREAT OFFER. ; :l ' American Agricultnrist fEng. or German), with both 111 our new volume, published Dec. 20 1887, entitled pictvrem tni OUR HOMES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THEU, 150 handsome Illustrations, bound in cloth and - gold, price $1X0 an sent on receipt of SI. 60, the extra ten cents being for. packing and postage. " Send! to 11s for Specimen number, EnsUih or Ger man, full description of 'New Books presented to old and new subscribers, and full description of the Pie tnres, and Portrait of Munkacsy, the painter of these great kvorks. now attracting:, world-wide attention. U CANVASSERS WANTED EVERYWHEREi T SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BEGIN ANY TIME. Addreii, Oi JlJPiP- QM 1 ui Dlisltex,g y S 3LT Pro ad, way, If. THE irJCURAI CURED ! LE HOPKiNsviLLE, Kv Feb. 24, 1887. Gentlemen Seven! years ago a sore devel oped on my nose from a finger nail scratch. I tried a few simple remedies, but the sore would not yield. I Igrew worse every year for seven years. Many thought I had a can cer. Over a year ago I commenced taking S. S. S., and two dozen bottles entirely cured me. When I began with Swift's Specific I was in very poor health, and could hardly drat? about. After I had finished the course of s. S. S. I was strong and buoyant, and had a good appetite. II regard it as a most valuable medicine for ladies in weak, deli- ' fr X'-;- w cate health. with me. i ITS SOOPK. THE .VMEKICAN MAGA ZINE gives preference to national topics and scenes, and. ita literature and-art an of tha htjrhest standard. Famous American writers nil its pass with a w ide variety or Interest ing sketches of travel affd adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive; accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short, this Magazine la j Distinctively Itepresentatlve of . American Thought and Progress, It Is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertalnlnj? of the high-class monthlies. I TniTinrtftTlt A Specimen Number, with AlUllUriaUtmustrated Premium Lists and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable Premiums to club Kaisers, will be sent on re ceipt of i.jc., if this paper is mentioned. , ' - Responsible and enenretlc bersons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, TIIE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb2 719 Broadway, New York. For criminal cases. J7 tFor civil cases alone. I jFor civil cases alone, except Jail cases. CRIMINAL CmcUIT.JCOURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, f Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benjamin IL Moore. Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins-Jan. 3d, March 19th, May 21st. July 16th, sept. 17th. Nov. 19th. j 3 MECKLENBURG COUNTY.! Oliver P. Meares,' Wilmington, Judgk Gea E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor! court begins Feb. 13th, April 9th, June 4th. 4ug. 13th, Oct, 8th. Dec. 10th t c Misses Burr & James, ILL REOPEN THEIR ECnfJOT. Pnw . - w girls and little boys, on TUESDAY. Oct. 4. r The course of instruction, as heretofore win be thorough and systematic. Special attention given to Reading, Writln Music and Physical culture. : " " Mrs. M. S. cushlng will have charge of the Musical Depajtment s or .lQ0 . Hours for Kindergarten pupils from to 11 For further particulars see Prtncioaii- eept Id ' ' It is a household medicine Yours respectfully, ; MRS. Ii. W. VVILSOS. . SPARTANBWBa, S. C. April 1887. Oenllemen For twenty years I have had - a sore on my left cheek. It had gradually been growing worse. I The many physicians whom I had cbnsulted were unable to do me any good. Last fall a year ago I began using S. S. S. At firs! t it inflamed the sore, and it became imor virulent than ever ; sc much so, indeed, that my family Insisted that I should leave off the medicine. I per sisted in using the S. IS. S. At the end of two months the sore was entirely healed. Think ing that the evil was but of my constitution, I left off the medicine ; but Jn November, ten months after, a very slight breaking out appeared. I at once .began again on S. S. S., ; and now that is also disappearing. . I have -, every faith in S. S. S. It has done me more good than all the doctors and other medi cines I ever took. Yours truly, ' ft I A. It. ShIkds. WINSTON, N. C, April 12J 1S87. GentlemenTwo o three years ago a can cer came on my face. It soon grew to be f q uite large. It wore ion me, and my general health was very poor. Last September I began, a course of S. S. S., which I have con-' tinued to the present time with the happiest result. The cancer has entirely disappeared, there being no evidence or symptom of a ' cancerous character left. My general health ' ' is good now, and myi appetite oetter than it , has been in years. I am 82 years old, and to-day I am working in the field planting corn. Yours truly, j ; Jonas Lihsbacb. Gentlemen I had a sore on my upper lip for eight years. ! Seven different doctors at tempted in vain to heal it. One gave me a small vial for five dollars, which was a " cer tain cure." It is needless to say that it did v. me no good. About two years ago I became quite uneasy, as people thought I had a can cer, and I took a course of eighteen bottles of 5. S. S. The result has been a complete : cure. The ulcer or cancer healed beautiful ly, leaving scarcely a perceptible scar. From that day I have been in excellent health, the -Specific having purified my blood thorough ly, increased my appetite and perfected my ri f rroer lrTi - Tn a wavH T aa1 If Ita. a maw .1 woman, and, best of ali, the eight year ulcer i itouc euvirexy. 1 ours sincerely, .-':; Mrs. W. P. Cakhoit, . Trenton, Todd Co., Ky., Feb. 25, 1887. - Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases m.tiled free. The Swot: Specific Co., - " Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. nov 26 law lyao ; ch sat The National Life -AND- Maturity Association; OF WASHINGTON. D. C. itsaction. (j ift in affonliiij; lief, immeiiun in its benpfiijj results. L'dm. celled as a liiwd purifier. 3Ur. velous as an al terative in itj stimulant cf.'m onatorpidlivft Asovereipirnr for 1 PYSPEPSU ladigestion, tip- pression aud wantof appetite, . Headaciio an J . Nf'Yousneaf vanish as if bv . ina:3 after ta- 1. kiusafewdosfe. Pimples and Bofl9 disamK'ar speedily when this remedy is taken. Thorflij no more ertectuai reher lor the nausea owl loathing of food due to INTEMPERAM i than this article. Putupiniarge75centW ties, csampie pacKages in powdeb iorm if w mta tS$ f f B 11 by mail to any address on receipt of 10 fan in stamris. The reCTilarlinuidiorm cannot b smt by mail, MEXICAN MEDICIXE CO, 3(a) worth 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tli e crrea t secret of t h e canary bird brefl -of the Hartz Mountains in German. B' Manna wil 1 restore the sone of caeebin vl prevent their ailments and restore tbeu in irood condition. If given to a bird daw; the season of shefldinfrfeathers.it villinQ"! cases carry the little musician throush H; en tical period without loss of soue. hem ' ia 1 1 on receipt oi 10 cis. in stamps. OOD CO., 400 N. 3fd St. Philadelphia, ft. ease mention this paper. sept 9 tu th Rat ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact ccst of any propoEjd linsp adveftislns,!in America Papers Geo.: P. 1 address well 1 : m Newspaper Advertising vvji IO Spruce'St., New . Send JO cts. for 100-pa Fan. -o- Assets . . ; 5311,072.19 Liabilities None. raid to members. . .4 .$120,0324$! o HORATIO BROWNING, President, l A f.TTli I I lllllll II I 1 111 hII VO .3 Thousand application American inne to obtain patents in Canada, t Vxe&l "'ir;'rTA nd their fw . . - -o ; - GEORGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. : Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. - A Guaranteed Policy. - An Lucontestible Policy. Maturity Value jn Casn at Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited, " - Only Four Payments per Yea Non Forfeitable After Three Years. . " P. S. EIDDELLE, M. D. Medical Director W, n. GIBSON,1 special Agent. "" : , Home Ofdce' 1,215 f Street, N; V. JOHN HAARJ&; Local Agent, ' ' 001 23 ti vyiimington; n. c. P'n!n and RnecinCStionS PTPri vT- xo? rfl;;- on short nouc. ...vinra. . Adnce by maiiwfT ' or drawings. -Adjice W WiiC" Patents obtained through Wjl?cAj,. , newspaper of its j"ndVlb'Sef' The advantages of, such new?.' - ? anderstands. . j-jtinstiJlr t' This lanre and nHid2yio-,,ytftl. is Pablishid WSKKi admitted to be the best VJf jTf other departments of lUhnl in tnr country. A cZl .iMknt20 Pa . . ui. Aiormiu'-: m.m v all patentee and itle oIeTeiT ' igt each week. Try it four monw Bold by all newsdealers.-. pt If son hare an inventio; ? W Mimn A Oo. Dublisnera w-j 361 Broadway. New orfc -jff-a Handbook about v H nouglas & CtASHIONABLE EAI Irt Market St. .yjBfS Sbo? fully equipped ww r prove-nenb-. bJirbers : VAMAtt 'J-' " L'lT W 7 P0 tra, ttl lues., 'ajj TlltCt 1 "Bull ta ae taaj, 2 r'rth Ular tODS. . ; . -