- - I - X. . . THIS FArEJJ I y3 ,.Ms. Editor and Prop. . ' . . . r t f TV. .noma. 33 cents. .i..nt rca by camera, free Kill"1' FT i .it 'k , v tr1 r t be city, at the abo; ,;x. t. ' ..,i 1 1 he mi. , , . r :o V, "f,' "l.nm please report ay and Xf ,35io nti tlKlr paper regularly. t SPI SA. P I LA DELPHI A. Pri. OH E Dollar E f - ' ' .' ... - ... v . j- . - ' - VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. .C, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1888. NO 92. William B. Gates, of Chicago, 111., and George W." Gates of .Oshkosh, Wi5. brothers, who were married on the game day, at Frankfort, X. 3.r., twentv five years ago, Wednesday evening celebrated their -ilver wed ding at the Kline place, with their Ger barque Emiliel Schultz, clear- ; jxiteTary. ed to-day for Trinidad, with 25,000 ' The Overland Afonthly for April is shingles and 305,000 feet of lumber, afchand, with the following excel- vahied at "5,137, shipped by Mr. E. fent table of content: Pioneer Hlusr Kidder's Son. I trki inn tn foi;fA-n;o TiioMri- al VIVIUVIlllH AliUOtlUtUVlf The readers of the New York Stat A,fc he Hill's Base; Llewellyn's Spec- wives, the clergvmnii who married are agitated on the following query: . ne oweam inat uios them being again in attendance. ''If a hen and a half lay an egg and orever; San Francisco Commerce, a imlf i n nnrl 5i hnlf firtw inanv A i.;rreseni anu ruiure; riuumeu; Tlie peculiar purying'and luiild e Wni sixhenslav in seven days?" ing up iKiwersoi oqtl s sarsapanlia " i lie verv best metlieine to 1,,cir n" "ra"J "'"" v" A Dream; Dairying in Calfornia; " Very Gootl Reasons. The reasons why you can be ben efited by buying from the King Clothier, S. H. Fishblate: You are in a Reliable. House. A large assort- ment to choose from.; A saving of "20 percent. All goods steam spongecV Exclusive styles sold by him only. Allgoods guaranteed sewed w ith silk. His stores are well lighted by day make it tin take at this season. n o'ority of nu of tli human U.-ff"01 dl.a IJTer. Sim t , ! lr.-r r.fclator b.n teen the means c- r, t-.n: r-wre ropIe ta-Ltalth uud t: a- 1 U.eiu leallhj rr.;cncy on enrth. HL1KfU'i c:.1 THKCLM1XL T.Hnof i.'lmrlo Dickens and ,,.( Anthony Trollope are in thttrkraiMrK business in A ust ra il' ,, A Me Kmn county woman, 83yeai 1.1. ail to have been married to h-r fourt--iih hu-bund the other .lay. afier having iK'eii divoreed thir iffii time. f A nlinil mau Uetl recently in Chi r hitter workhouMf. Kngland, who Iia.I Ueu an inmate of that institu rioii for 7QrHi. ffe entered at the a-eof yari.I pa-setl his whole life th-rv. . A hmdoti Iealer in birds prepared fur the a.Jormuent of ladies bonnets makt- th tutement that lat year he 9.M' .u)nmH of them, ranging in varirt- from tlr. robin and the wood ji;roti to the plemlid tropical bird. An overseer in one of the mills at l5iJlfford, Me., who is eiosed to a :na electrical current, generated by th rapid motion of the belts nearby. ha had his iron-gray hair f'unnl to a beautiful bay color. Rv. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, hu now lives in Elizabeth N. J., athe tirt womau preacher in this ouutry. She was the minister of an Ohio i'ongregutional church 3. yar a.i. She is now a Unitarian. T3nKX to'Xew AISYERTISKMR.VTS. IlEINSBKRGEK -The LfttOSt Y C Miller Diamomt Dyes Wanted Four Vounij Mules Auction Notice S A ScqIoss Co ' 31 M Kari New Lot White (JooJs Taylor's Bazar Fashionable CiooOs Lons HMKAREs-wnramer t.'ndenvear i -a M 1 Tim swers in rsiinciavs issue oi tne tsrar. How many of our readers can solve it.correctly? - j " 4 " BIS Fralt Inarms. TheArtist'sTestament ; Pacifiu Coast night and you can see what you Journalism; K. C. C.-A Tale of Fort are buying, plenty of light; being Alcatra2; Spring Flowers of Califor nia ; The Rockies ; Th e Great Basi n ; A Western A mbassador at Constan tinople; Bonny-Fifteen; Recent Fie- the most essential thing for buyers of Clothing. If you are not satisfied with any article purchased from Fish blate's return the- same and he will cneeriuiiy ret unci you- your money. With the above plainly be fore you how can you refuse to trade with a house of that kind.,c ' tf PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glaa to recelTO communica.tici from our Wends " on any and all subject sot general interest, outi . , : The naine of the writer must always be t ur nlshedto the Editor. - . " - Communications must be written' Oily c a one side ot the paper. '- I : ; ; '. " ; - Personalities must be avoided. , . . ' And, it Is especially and" particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated In the editorial columns. . ' .-' . NEW - ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. pOUR LARGE YOUNG MULES, . For the City's use. . ap 17 It OSCAR PEARSALK ; ; CHrtn'Sts Com, , Sons iagt Sunday at the Lutlieran Church. Three times last Sunday St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church was The country round about Burgaw tfou Etc . gook Reviews The Over a m m a I - s win soon oe ramous lor ns Dig iruii and Monthly Co., San Francisco, $4 orcnanis. we nave spoKen previ a year. ousiy oi Air. j. l. ouins irun, iarm The American Magazine for April ftU" uiai. . ... has been some days at hand. It is Bannentian has a you ug orchard in thi 0,nRinf, jsa nf th sAVPnth vol- t- . a. l m l T- i c I ... .. . - ... I r - ix-si aoes lor uoys at r rer.cn a wlncli tliere are i,au one iruit trees- Tf i nrnfimlv illiitratpfl mi m a m J I x..c t... "" Rural iNew Kngland: Maximilian; filiAd with vervlar nontrrntinns ..ur vuio j ci i 'j'he Moravian Kaster ( bv our former I Unt nnlv wapp nil f.h. tav nnm i.. nu :u t;.-. I . - " . -jt . - 'i'- " " us iieur. ,., oi t.ie.u w.u uCa. townsman, E. A. Oldham, Esq. ),OH- stairs occupied, butalsothose in the season. The peach crop around -n0ioiotr,o. two. f Rn;arwaw n ' ... i - --w " I. 1 T - " - I gUHIV J 1 A AA fc TT W V- I 11V 0 J vUtJ England; Belles of Old Philadel- some stood in the vestibule phia; Boy Life on the Prafie; My Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, the pas- Converts; My Pansies; The First tor preached two sermons, the morn Owner of Boston; The Resurrection; ing sermon being on eternal punish Mistress April; The Old Stone Front ment, the night sermon ? on the na of .Nacogdoches; Two Uoronets;! en- ture of eternal punishment. nyson's Idyjs; Only a Birthday Par- The attendance upon the funeral ty; Editorials, Topics, Art, &c. Pub lished at 749 Broad wav, New York, at $3 a year. - The receipts of cotton at th import to-day foot up 18 bales. Finest shoes for ladieswear in the city at French Si Sons. See the "Artful,' the bestjrat trap known, at .Tacobi's Hdw. Depot. CJcliooi snoes ror cliililren, best in the citv, at Geo. R. French & Soim.t Burgaw promises unusually well. Ask those who have tried and they will tell you that the Boy Clipper Plow is the best made. Sold onlv at Jac obi's, who is the factory agent, t You ill find a very nice line of Gent's Heavy Jeans Dra pers, at 50 cents a pair at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. t Indication. For North Carolina, fair weather, followed by light rains, nearly sta tionary temperature, and light to fresh winds, generally easterly. Mr. C. II. Robinson, of this city EatablUhcd Tacts. It is an established fact 'that I. Shrier sells fine Custom Made Cloth ing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Fnrnisbinj Goods, 25 per cent, lower than any other home in the city. His large in crease in sales shows that the public appreciate the same. A saving of 2o per cent, guaranteed. I. SHRIER, The Old Reliable Clothier and Hatter, No. 16 North Front street (Purcell House.) Sign of the Golden Arm. -t tr Notes About the Lutherans. The Church Council of St. Paul's services of the late Mr. A. Lessman was unusually large. . The singing of the choir in the various services was very appropriate and fine. The Lutherans have, no doubt, one of the best choirs in our citv. Some who cannot understand German The Military Encampment. Raleigh JTcws and Observer; Our hospitable old sister town of. Wil- James, Lutheran,' Church, Concord, "N". C... on Mav ifcl. R.v. T'V AV. K. mington is inaking arrangements to pescliau is President Gf the Synod. cmeruw" owtw ' B"" A German Lutheran church was style at Evangelical Lutheran Church met to-day at 4 p. m. to transact its reg- attended German services to ular quarterly business and to elect, hear Ithe sweet music rendered bv a delegate to the next convention oi j the choir. the in. u. bynod, wnicii- mees m et. This church was never in a better Warren Co., condition than now. We understand they will soon celebrate the 30th an niversary of the organization of the congregatiop. Mr. Peschan is great ly beloved by his congregation and Morehead City on Tuesday, Mayi 1st, 1, to lay the corner stone of the Teachers Assembly building. Bishop Ilyan is to have a graud r eption wh.Mi hureturus to Buffalo from Rniuo. Hr is expectel in May anivng other demonstrations of auction uud eteem there will be a pira.le with UXUCXJ men in line. -. They have managed to get it ru. Rl,)rttl r"und in Boston that Beast HIrr will Ih tendered by tlie Videut the jKjsition of Chief Jus of the I'nitcd States. This is terry utter for anything. tflani not yet a eandid'ate for latutic aItiiu. h Athinta man who is a preach -ff nU an editor, was sent to jail the other .lay fur contempt of court, lie p3 dled as a juror, but re rl either to take the oath or af Cna. maintaining that any sort of friii- Wa wrongand contrarto lh teachingH of the Bible. th approaching encamp- l lo,. . , n . w. , . Wft War m iiii ill ft v a ikm .mi in v w mrm & w riirui ii him i. m in. . - has calleil a special Communication that the unnarnxmiimt will he amair-1. ' , , f. admired by all with whom he comes of the Grand Lodge of Masons at nHnt success in every respect and all preparations necessary to make T . A sermon and he never preaches on an preparations necessarj to uiaKe through the German Immigration ! .., - , .. Jf- Unn.rnnfnnt. T ift various HI 1- r V . i7 "J uujcci wimuut utiviui- urst Koara oi ixew xotk jiivr , . , - , tarv companies of the State will xi " ' - tnorougniy mastereu an oi tne ieaa- tr nf fn fnr,, n,l wft slmll L A "e " w ing arguments in relation to it. " His expect the Governor's Guard to out- Lfu!??' IfA -iw enunciation and distinct shine all others on that occasion. --l and every syllable is plainly utter ... .. V ed. So perfect and unimpeachable l'ersonai. i oi ail oilier uuumuuuuus tuwarun fl Mr. W. T. Bannerman, of Burgaw, the work of the Church, as minis is in the citv to-div. en-route for ierB uiwuciu , Coln.nbia. S. C. where heiroes on a The Lutheran ladies of our city ' ' " I i .i i- r j.1 Klinrr.lmsinesstrin. are aireauy biwamug ui lue.crywu- ' i A slight error in yesterday's issue needs correction. We understand that Capt. Weeks is to have nothing to do with the running of the new mail boat between this city and Southport. Mr. Richard Dosher has the contract for the mail and he will put on the boat. has been is his accent that few would imagine him to be a German born and bred. Indeed, it is difficult to convinc some of this fact. Mr. Preston dimming ! ii 1 1 r r r . n i Ai Rev. Mr. Pearson returned from nS OI lue UBBU' wu,cu lueJ designated by the Ladies Memorial Orton this morning on the steamer u&lly&ltn3f year' F161, a . . r I -... ii i... I.S.. i. iucmwuwi ssociaiiou as iiiici luiirsuui iur i juouisc greaiiy reiresueu ins cstay Memorial Day and he has accepted there. He has proved himself an the appointment. The names of his expert fisherman. He caught yester- j aids will be announced in a few day eight beautiful trout. Southport and Cincinnati. Our friends in Brunswick county will read with much interest the fol- davs. Superior Court. The Superior Court has been en gagednearly all day in trying the civil suit of E. S. Jaff ray & Co vs. Sol. Beal etjal. There is a brilliant array of le gal talent engaged. It is likely that the case will take up all of to morrow as well as to-day. "" 1 . . Quarterly Meetings. Summer TTnder wear TN ALL VARIE11ES, FANCY; AND PlAlN, Lisle and BalbriffEraiu Famous KNOX ,IIAT. v ; . .Louis n. U2ares, ' Gentlemen's Furnishingilouse and Hatter, ap 17 tf : , r r : 13 No. Front. p - Tei:of the Poets, JNDEK TtlE AUSPICES OP ST.' AGNES Guild, at City Hall, Wedni?sday, Thursday and Friday evenings. Refreshments" and Taney Articles of a superior order will be ou sale." 'Admission 10 cents. - : -! "apiS' St Annual fyjaotviijg; rjpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE 'STOCK- holders of tlie Wilmington Compress and Warehouse company wiil be' Jield on .Wednes day," the 18th Inst., at 11 o'clock A. MM at the Bank of New Hanover. ' - -;; . "--;' . ' - geo. sloan; ap 13 2t 13 17 Secretary arid Treasurer. . P XT yfS Capt. J as. JN. M acorn Der, oi ar-N0WiI1r which we clip, from the nett township, is in the city to-day charlotte Chronicle: it appearing in and he says that the people of his that paper in the shape of acorres- Suu.u..D".buuu .,nouu pouueucu irumod..SuCrv, uuua Udiu Second round of Quarterly Meet ful of goou crops tnis year.- of the 14th mst: ino-s for the Wilmington District of We were pieaseu to receive a visit I Our citizens were pleased yester-1 the Metnodist JS. Unurch, ooutn: this morning from Our esteemed I day morning to near that the south Topsail circuit, at itocKy jromt, r i...ti Drt.;,,cAn fiio At anno 455 ixorrn western rauroaa apru ai ana zz. Black river section 01 oampson TJilhimer had not forsaken the build- Bladen Street, at Wilmington, April county, who is in tne city ou a oneijincr of the roau. it was reportea ana as. v:s:t . I that he was in Albermarle and was Magnolia circuit, at Trinity, April r 11 r; n.o.Aiii inspecting ine route, ana ne couia jaj-anay. There is on exhibition at Heius burger's to-day several large photo graphs taken bvMr.Cronenberg,cne of them, a view of Market street near Front, being particularly clear and distinct. Kock Cryatttl !Soctiiclc ntl Kyeslass cm Advice to ohl and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to -take more magnifying xjtvir thjm has been l(t to the eve as in the same proportion that you hearll that the corps of surveyers Hsh gentlemen, who was represent- Southport Station, May" 6 and 7. is in the city to-day. . From him we this piaCe, accompanied by an Eng- May 5 and 6 A monthly iriotlical devoted to in!K1,b'ioUs interests of Chinamen country, has been started in - fw iork as an adjunct to the Chh ? lUth school work. It is tMbyiiuv Maine, an educated J;r?llK,Uidlmlf of the paper is ln KtfUh am, haJf ,j chi A WomaurDUcavery. lWc?0tanl.lhtlfu fay - lady in tiui Tr!, t4iTeres, but her tih ?"',were ondermiocd and ftB uwUy ard ":rhi J that be 8!ept nil fiS- IUr ,?aarni7n if ,fW Ui Tv "".name Is Mr rick a Thua writ W. c. II..,.. I'boi C. C.. . pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eve. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the night. ou can get the best at Henisberger s for the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. are no w J ing London capital. On their ar-J Grace Church, at Wilmington, May Mia rival m iowu uur vitueiisf rnaue ar- i auu io. raugtjLuciita iu uioeb tiieui ut nit; 1 vv iiilc vine circuit, aii i tin xiuu, Boyden House and enquire their May 19 and 20, wants.- Upon enquiry it was found! . Carver's Creek circuit. atWayman, that these gentlemen were. going by I May 26 and 27. a Long Tramp for a Small Boy. I private conveyance over the f entire I Giinton circuit, at Andrew's Chap . .. . . I route from - Southport to Bristol, el: June 2 and 3, A nttie leuow ten years 01 age r: ilculaUn the cost of building the r Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, June near Point Ca9well and that line when it crosses Moore's Creek will be laid straight for this city. -S3 m .'a " 3 o . '"- I ' - M ' W .. cj V ,'.0 ' : "PI'- e ; - k H; O ' 3- : ft r '5d . - '-3.'' O- .' ' , t-. . , :. . . a . ..--Or. '.- t J IT3 a D "i G Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance iiiAftlnst nirrht nt th Citv Hall. Irived here recently all alone from road, enauiriner as to what the road 9 and 10. Those present uere Mr. R. J. Jones Jacksonville, Fla., he having walk- might expect as to freights, both re- Brunswick Mission, at Shiloh4 June (Chairman), and MeSsr, W, Cal- ed hjrl, -.11 of the way. " SKEKHSSffi " & circuit, at Jacksonville, der, W. I. Gore and John W. Hew- s wiiue urerxen ana ne is ine wuuu ftd Mr. Austin, of London Eng., June 16 and 17. itt Mr. W. H. Gerken, formerly a wel I was introduced bv Col. Bilhimer, Kenansville circuit, at Charity, The minutes of the last meeting known citizen of this place but now curing our people that he was per- June 23 and 24 were read and annr.ved. a resident of Jacksonville.. Little '"X- "5"" The bond of J. W. Perdew, stand- Willie was very anxious to see bisjfeel gure that the road will be built- ard keeper with W. M. Poisson and relatives here and on several occa-Jasall his company. wanted was an as- H. Vollers an sureties, was approved. on. .nrormea nis parents tnat . -coveSe , had I Elizabeth circuit, June 30 and seen and heard along the route, and j July 1st. UoKesDury circuit, juiy v ana . T. W. Guthrik, P. E. The bill or liurr & Bailey, amount- uuuuu l" ,Utt,vc l" iri" " he felt satisfied and would ing to $57o, for repairs to the Opera tnis enu in view he savea up ns pen- mend repai House, was approved. Bills covering current expenses amounting to $312.0.5 were audited on a long tramp to Wilmington and approved. Sinking fund $15.11. Before adjournment the Board met in consultation with the Chair man of the Aldermanic Committees, to arrange the tax assessments for the coming-fiscal year. The assess. iiiriim in tut? urimitt IJUSIIieSS WHS agreed upon, but no final action wan taken, as the matter comes first before the Board of Aldermen. With Interest on the cash invested, and saiisueu auu wouu iwum the investment. They left nies and sure enough, one day, he this mornins for Mocksville and slipped oflf from home and started Wilkesboro, and yill go on -to Bris- e.:ii xi. xi. x "i. . : win open me miesi cuuuirj miwim Crockery at Auctioo. had but $2.50 in money and this he Carolina, and shorten the distance managed to eke out with on his to the sea coast by many miles, and I .III XL X - ..4-r He cot a. lift here and win soon oe tne oest paying nuic xi e got a nil nere u-ui c,,, r,.,. nnnt fllnno- there but walked most of tho-way. th .;. ranidlvf renew He paid for some of his food but their snbscrintions and aid all they treneral y it was given him. The I t- can to push the road to completion, call and get Bargains. Auction sales trunu.iij in.asbncuuii. , r n Jnif Jr.ii.hnw ts to the sea days and I-Hdays and Saturday Klghts. fA rA1lir ofontnalttr ninuriin ftl CSO II CJallSDUrV getS lO ine . - . ... . u SPHinSS Jf t'.l i.v. v. ....... j u.v. -4 v i x , x. Wac hafrtrfl f 'harlotte Where can you buy the best and finest boots and shoes for the mon ey in the city? Why, at Geo. It. French & Sons. iey keep the larg est' stock. ' - . v -. NEW ADVGRTWKMBTfH 5 The Latest. Second Eegiment Waltz, 5 ' ; . FOR PIANO. " . , . Dedicated to the Nortn Carolina State Guara i. h :gbeenewald. " " - . -'--Tor Sale at . . HEINSBERER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. men 26 Easter Cards LARGE AND TILL OPEN TO-DAY A beautiful assortment of. Plain, Fringed and very fine ones ln boxes. -f "Please call and mate your selections. - , I Cash borders frttai the country Ul he prorart iy attended to at - - ; : . Heinsbofgor' c Live Book arid Music Store. ! men 15 - WE ARE RECEIVINO LARGE CONSIGN !HENRYCLEWS&Co.. menusofcroclcery. Glassware. Tinware. . . - ... " 7 : ic., m our salesrooms, si ana 4 Marxtihiiwu . I Call and get Bargains. Auction Sales Tues-j ; .... , . 1 auu tue ucsu irciui c vix. w v. . nn 17 it "ft"""" "i4vi "w ""- "--i' 'japes to weiaon, aon t oe jeaious oi j rents ha appeared t UANKEltS, 13 & IS nKOAD STN. V. JUE3IBEK3 OF THE j-VTfW VAOl. UTnril' S. A. SCHLOSS & CO., . ; ' " x-wm, Auctioneers, i ; .ji.w jvu riwntuis JiXCIIANGil creased in order to meet the in creased taxation incurred by reason years old. But Willie was a naughty vl II... . . t . . . . Ii x 1 ! " " il.I... . ni v uir ruuscripuouK voted to the I ooy to jeave jus nome in iuw railroads. - ... rner and 'hadnTt orter have done It' . r - : L NEW YORK COTTON EYrn vr-r as his parents had written that he us. As it is no mistake onr people - QmiflAnH ; T VeS ' 1 -"NUti Vobe coffee exchange. had disappeared antV his relatives have turnetl their back on the past. - , - - ; cuicaoo board of trade. ana are taKing rapui srricies to t Ty ALL COLORS, a FCLL AND COMPLETE - i ransactions made at any of tLeabov uAujic-s auu varueu on margin for cu t when desired. v. - ? ' - , - 1 Interest ailoTTfl nnrtr-rw-ivi r.-.....' apt ym - hem were on the lookt.for. him. Thegeneral assessments . will be It was a long tramp for anyone, and our intentions to the imblic, but etokcan befoundat increased in order to n.eof th esneeiallv foi-a little bov only ten when we are ready we put op the . ' ' '.r - easnanuinewneeisi-oii. 3utix i.iJc- . - uerman nrug store. the -ar- crv will be at our denot on rival of the present system,V"Change cars for Cincinnati and Southport." Ladies will find a nice line of o- 1 - ; Comer S. Fourtlx andNun sts., , reliable "fi-or! it TionW tt.Tt,. P. 8. Prescriptions filled at all times, day .f V -w-or at Jacobi slidv. IJ . RT,lti2lit. - nctx3tX pot. -

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