r-EOUE ETAETLIIIQ FACTS.- fpif DUoartrj of.th Catue of Mart Vw timely Deaths that Come nja the Com man K j. . c2clU rttaratof taeCitr rfKfTort ii tat Bur!; tfcrce-fovrtlis of all dca'h are fruia eonTucytlja. IQiea we top to oami tv.ns ortr til feet. It I ttaXlj rfuL And ytt ciryc. wiliont exception Ltrtrd io uiIl begianieff. A cough la the morning; Ucklics la the t'a wt: tUck rhWxay dirbxrye ; chiihne ai nif bt : brvalfclc ; a tiVxes arrnne tie chert; tbM aad many more ejraptem Indicate theprr aoe cf that terriU9 diaeaae which. uiile checked. Beast eerUia deata with long and painful uffur- ' la rlev of rich eerlona and eTer-rreeent facts lie enfieeUoM and advice of the most enUcent Jhyaiciaas are of the grecteat value. Dr. John Gardner, one of the most emiaen pny tldaaj la London. aie : Science, common ene, ITely Scrlptaree and all experience teetify to the ben t led art ved from the nee cf pore whiskey." Dt. D. II. Erkir uji : "Ihave need and cxam teed Duy'i rnro Malt Wtikej. and tad Hthe beet I ever tried." Dr. &M. Euciw!ieT aj: "Daffy' Pore Halt Viiakey is. without doubt, the InTalid'e drink when UmnlacU are .indicated, and I find all chronic eaeee require lUmoUaU. and a Urge jercentof the erate onee a!eo. V The Republic of Chile is going largely into railroad building. Two lines n re building across the conti nent to connect Chile with the Ar gentine Republic. These are being constructed by private companies with the help of Government sub sidies. Hut the Government man ages the internal system itself, and to this it is now about to add .800 miles of new lines at an expenditure of $17,000,000. MostoftheChilianrail roads have been built by American contractor, and at the Chilian lega tion in Washington the plans of the Tieeetrathe.fronlhelirtoftbeleadingecientiflo proposed new roads, asdrawn up by zseacf the . aai eonanned bj the experience (( overntiient engineers, are now cf men and womea tU i haowa u open to the study of Americans who aheall aerre a a snide for all who fl the ap- J prcch of eonamptioa no matter by what rata it wish to make bids for them. The ai and or it of- Tlio Daily noviow. Josil T. Jamks, Editor & PropV. Wilmington, N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 3, 1888. Entered at the Fostofflce at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. It Is Carious Fact Superior Courts of North Carolina 1888 That the body is now more suscepti - Dlstrict, Jame3 K. shepherd, of Beaufort, ble to benefit from medicine than at District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe, any other season. " Hence the im- j 3rd District, n. g. Connor, of Wilson. Jx t7a- a Uth Tiistrict. Walter Clark.of Wake. ponance vi ' ' sth District John A. Gilmer, of Guilford. ilia now, wneu it. ' win uu yuu me , District, E T Boykln, of Sampson. vtirtef. frwl Tt is reall v wonderful ' rtn nistrictL James MacRae. Cumberland. rHfvin and enriching the. Sth District, yr J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. blood, creating an appetite, and giv ing a healthy tone to the, whole sys tem. Be sure to get Hood's Sarea parilla, which is peculiar to itself. APKIL ANTICS. xaay come, ire do cot fceiite to aeeerx van mj bu or women who will ne Whiekey aocordicfto dirccUone can defy coreuiap- ijS. Chilian (iovernment pays c can defy curump I evidently lneaus business, ! tlTM aad prolong with ell iU bleeeina. MISCELIVNEOUS. HUMPIIBEYS' For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment mf Animals and Chart Sent Free. A MeaTas tly fers to pay contractors for the new roads in monthly or bi-monthly pay ments, but exacts that if a road is not built in the time speclied, the contractor shall forfeit fifty cents per $1,000 of the amount of his con tract for every day's delay. oh nistriff. Jesse P. Graves, of Surry." 10th District. Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke. 11th District, Wm. M. Shlpp, of MecWenburg. 12th District,' J. H. Merrimon, of Buncombe. ' SOLICITORS. T . I 1st District, John n. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. II. White. (coL) of HaUfax. arri District. D. Worthlnston. of Martin. Old flames f r equentiy get together I isa Rf strkvhoS: of Durham. and make a parlor match. . 6th District, o. 11. Allen, of Duplin. " . . , , , . 7th District, Frank McNeUl, of Richmond. The parlor is probably the most gtn District) B. p. Long;, of iredelL freauented of all court rooms. 1 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rockingham. M . . . I inrh ri strict.- w. II. Bower, of CaldwetL . Don t judge by appearances. A I iltn oistricf, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. brand new coat may cover a wire ri2th District, james ai. Mooay, v duuwiuuc, dummy. i If you just itch for anything, you may be able to get it by scratching around lively. It reads a trifle paradoxical to see a cargo of salt cod noticed under) the head of fresh arrivals. . Two heads are better than one, esneciallv for a man who wants to go round the county with a circus. The sign ".Beware of Dogs" is not hung up "that he who runs may read," but "that he who reads may run. Perhaps some of the people ho are looking for nice, fat jobs could be accommodated if they would ap ply at a lard rendering establishment. Keere. Con tee! lone, inflammation. A.A.-5laaiMeaIaitla. 3111k hewrr JUIU Mralee. larneanje. Ilheamnt 11 - ' puteatpr r. ?eal D I ec bargee. I.pnosr Cirao. erms. - K--CBb l!e.mTe,J 'aeanionta y, V. Cllc er irlpee. Bellracbc J . CJ 1 1 ec a rr 1 a g e, lie in r r h a s e e . JI. II. I rlaary ana nianci i I, f, FrapltTO Jleaee. ! J! KDieeaeceaf UlgcetUn. DUftufi. angr. The- letter just receiveil in Lomlon from Kiuin Pasha gives a iinal as surance of the purpose not to be "re&cued," in the seie of being car ried away from the work of African civilization, to which helms devoted his life. In this respect Stanley's second minion of search will be sin- witch uaeeou and aUucator. 87.0O L'ularlv like his first. Dr. J.ivinir - . ' " - stoiiM having also declined to leave his labors as the penalty of being 'found." In a letter from Wadelai, written four months before his last, Rmin Pasha had also declared that he could not desist from his task, af ter having "won the confidence of Stable rtie, with Freciaca. alanul Price. Shudo Dottle (orcrlOdoeeeX - .CO . ' Bald by Draggletei ar Seat Xrealden Hecelpt of Price. HnnrphreTS' Med. Co., 103 fulton SL. H. T. nOiCEOPATHIC JsPFHIFin Hn.fi h w. - l.l 1. 4-X. I ..f .. liutUtMn. Tea only rooceeefol remedy fr I " i uinr nun uwn nit- .t-i-n i u Hsnrous Debility, Vita! Weakness aad rroetration. from eer-work or other raoee. f 1 per via), or ft viale ana large vial powder, for ti. BOLB BT Dacuonrre. or eeot potjviJ on receiplw. pcMVv-ilaaiyanra'JiaeklMCe., lutf raltaei.,S. I. mch 23 cod ttrlj ami; iS'rViC: i 3 .V- V iirrii 1 1 t a. ::' Sd k.v'r vi u . 41 i. t c --r- - '. V f Ui a I -J t rr: ' " ! 'VT, ' t.t ir:. ri J -fii-i:i per i-t l.r 2i t't.ri.vV-. icK-ut sua brM:in;ci ell Lii-JnCtre if ...I 11 m Wtuti In .,1 ' ;i kin.lt Llrt.. co i. etc. lUiVa Ux ti J a t eu.'fw Tux IWm. AO t . i.-v CE Foi.ti U.;lh Street, i'tiCtlpi: 1'. 0t M - a r - . Cium 1 "n p iTutvr r r f r LA I Aniiri We mall cnousU to convince. 1L . Lacderbach Co.. apiatw TTJ troad st, Newark", N. J. ARlCER'S OIKCCR TONIO ltrKit rtrUyi- I curtd mu;v( t.- i-m cum atxl Ltl&C brvt rrnM; r ail aiTarUooe ef tfi t!troat n-l luncN and dimv rWi; from impcre biood and rxbaasttwn. The frcU) n1 Mk.ecrovvncafituajC ttMer, and elowlr dnftir e Ih cre. y cae rwwer ibeir Uenitn I, ke tinwiv Of i".rkr Ctnfr Totite, iU-Iat I dsn eron. T-o U ta Iiti x It i InvaiuaMe for all ria ad CiMrde:e of eweukca and Ucie. eoo. at t-'n-r; l-i. U;lU w mi splendid future civilization." He has now been about twelve years in Africa, and for a large part of the time has had charge of the equato rial regions, of which he is still Gov- emor. lie tins successiuiiy lotignc slavery, h;us established stations,has taught the natives agriculture and some of the mechanic arts, aild now is content to stay with them, only asking that a road for commerce by caravan shall be opened to the coast. It is, of course, obvious that no Information could be given of Stanley, since the letter was ritten in the middle of August. Still, it is in one way reassuring as to Stanley, since it shows that the absence of news from him for weeks or months longer would not imply failure to reach "Wadelai. 1 If the plans of the Niagara River Hydraulic Tunnel, Power ami Sew er Company are carried out as ar. ranged at the present ktime the mighty power of.the Falls of Niag ara will be utilized for the general benefit of mankiui ami for the financial enrichment of the stock holders in the enterprise. Its pur" po?e is to utilize the power of the Niagara Uiver by constructing a Mj4jterraneaii tunnel from the water level below the falls, about 200 feet under tlio high bank of the river,ex- tending through the rock to the Upper Niagara River a point about Their Bnsiutss Booming. Probably r.o one thing has caused 8ucU a geneial revival of Irado at XV II. Green & Co. Druij Store as their givinjr away n their customers of so many Iree trial bottle of I)r King's S w Di-cuve'V for Consuuiti n Tueir trade is siiui-ly enoroiou9 id this v-rv valuable ariiolo Iroru trie fact that i' al vas cores aud neer disappnints Couebs OMs. Asthtna, Itrtmchitis, Croup, and all threat and lune diseases ao'ekiy enrcd. - u cun tet it beton buying tiy getting a trial btlle free, lirjrp rz' $1 Kve-v hoHh wHrr:ntc-f. . 4 i - - o " t I one mile above the falls, where a head of 120 feet is obtained. The U Itunuel is then to extend, parallel with the shore of the river, one and one-half miles at an average depth of 100 feet below the surface of the rtnrtli ntwl of i ilicf n nna if nlnnt At0 t Any book learned in one rendtnR.f Ifeetfrom the navigable water of the ClassM of 1087 At luirimore. loos at De- river with whieh jt i- to be connpet tmit i vrxi ar rnizanemma. lanre classes oi i Columbia Law students, at Yale. Welieslcj, I ed by means of conduits or lateral oocritn. UniTersiry or ifnn.. Miruisran t ru-i. . . , . . . Ter?ur. c-nautauiua. c :c Endorsed by tunnels. The scheme is one of gi IUcnard iToctor. tne sciennsi; uona. v. w Astor, JniUb 1 licnjainln. Jtnlge titbson Dr. lirown. IC 1L cook. ITtnciphl N. V. State for mal Colle. Arc. The system Is rerfoctly la pertcctlj taucbt by correspondence, Pros rectus rosr fkf.k from HtOF. LOlSETTfi. SJ7 Flfta avc. New York. TlASOVrHAMLTN ORGANS, 322 TO S900. "Tke cabinet orsraa was Introducx-d in Us rrpseat fonn by Mason : Hamlin tn 1;L other xaaicere followed in the manracture of these instruments, but tbe Mason & Hamlin urjans have always maintained their supre macy as tbe best In the world. Mason Hamlin oner, as demonstration of the unequalled excellence of their organs, the fact than at all the great World's Exhibitions, since that of Tarts. 1C7. tn competition with best makers of all countries, they hare inva riably taken the Highest honors. Illustrated catalogues free. GRAND UPRIGUT. Mason Ila&Un do not hesitate to make tLe extraordinary claim tor their plants, that tuey are superior to all others. They recofr tue the bun excellence achieved by other leadlEsr makers tn the art of piano bulldlnjr, but 6UU claim superiority. This tbey attribute polely to tbe remarkable Improvement intro duced by tnem tn tbe rear lssJ, and now known as lhc -Ma-soa & Hamlin llano suinfrer," by tbe use of which is secured tbe trreatest pos sible purity and reSnement of tone. epether wita KTeatly increaHed capacity for standing la tune, and other important adrantases. A circular, containing testimonials from three hundred purcbasers, musicians and tuners. Beat. LozrOier wlLb doscrlpUve cata logue, to any applicant. nasos and Organs sold tor cash or easy pay rr.ntv also rented iASON UAMLHT ORGAN riANOCO., BcrroK, New Yobz. ' CBicaQOr 4W Were nQ wise enough to heed this advice in season, a world of suffering would be avoided. The best months in which to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, are March April May At no other season is the body so much Iri need of, or so susceptible to the benefit to be derfVed from Hood's Sarsaparilla, as now. The Impoverished condition of the blood, the weakening effects of the long, cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will be con vinced that it is the ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist, gl j six for f3. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar dec lOlyrd&wnrm fmws3dp A'ivicx to D-speptics. CONTENTS: The nature of Dyspepsia. Its onuses, its prevention. Its cure. sine ex perience of an actual sufferers. Liver com plaint a tw in disorder or dyspepsia, Habitual constipation a result of dyspepsia. Dyspepsia mistaken for consumption, tiood living as a means ror tlio, cure or dys)epsla. What food inav be taken. What, rood must, be avoided. Mailed free on receipt of stamp. JOHN H. McALTIN, LowelCMass. H years City Treasurer and Tax collector. ap 1G 4w , J. & J. COLEMAN, London, England. CONCENTRATED MUSTARD OIL A POSITIVE Q for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, colds and Mus cular I'alns; outward application.- Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. If you cannot obtain from your Drucrsrlst or (Jrocer send to JAM ES P. SMITH, 45 Tark I'lace. New York, ap 16 4w EXHAUSTED VITALIT1 THE SCIENCE Ol TJFIC the trrea Medical Work of U age on Manaood,Nert oas and, Physical De bility, Prematoie De liniV TMVCCI C cline. Errors of Yoata HIIUII I illOLL II and the untold miser ?s consequent thereon, 00 paces S va, 125 pre jtaiptions for all dircases. Cloth, full gilt, only 11.00 ry mail, ecaled. LUoetrative sample free to all younS md middto-aeed men. Send new. The Qoid ark fewelled Medal awarded to the author bv the Nation. Tl,un,l.,;fc ! 11 Medical A-fociation. Address P.O. Box lS95,Bo 1 lie COQdUltS Will, Mss.,or Dr. W.IL PAltKElt, (cradoate of Har- tan. antic proportions, and includes the establishment of innumerable mills at the point where the poer is ob tained, as well as distributing the power through electric wires to other centres, where it can be used in lieu of steam or local water-power. The power is to be obtained from the conduits leading to th maiu tun nel, and not from the tunnel itself or from the falls. it is contemplated, lead to wells sunk r Medical College, p years' practice in Boston, -k 1 in t 1..-! ll....nu tew i-t. t i uc luuuri icci utrivM i u u , I xUiiiuuu du jspeciajiy, uiseases oi six earth's surface. In these wells will be placed turbine wheels, which are turned by the weight of the water in the wells. It is aid that the horse-power thus obtained will be sufficient to accommodate 233 mills of GOO-horse power each, or 119,000 horse-power in all, which is the es timate of the engineers of the capac ity of the tunnel proposed to be built. This power would be greater than all the other water power of the country combined. The esti mated cost of construction is $3,000, 000, aol enough patronage has al ready been secured, it is said, to pay a dividend on the Investment. Cat this out. Yon may never me It ulr Notice. Office op. Secretary and Treasurer of the Carolina Central KailroadCo., Wilmington. N. C, April 5lh, 1888 Finest shoes for ladies wear in the city at French s Sons. TITE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Carolina Central Railroad Company will be held at the office of tbe Old Dominion Steamship Co., corner of Beach and West streets, in the eity of New York. N. Y., at 1 o'clock P. M.. on Thursday tbe 10th day of May proximo. JNO. H. 8HABP, Secretary and Treasurer. M. apstt School Jkx)ks and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at" ileins bergers." , : TIME OF HOLDING : COURTS FIRST JCJCIAI PISTRICT. - I ' - '' Spring Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge MacKae. Beaufort t Feb. t31n. May 38th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March otn, sept. 3d. ; . f'arnrlPnIflVe.b 12th. Sent. 10th. Pasauotank Alarch 19th. June llltb, Sept. 17tn. Lec. lviix. ; 1 , Perquimans March SGth, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. i Gates AprU 9th, Oct. 8th. f Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. Oct. 23d. , Tyrrell April 30tli. Oct 29th. i Dare May 7th. Nov. 5th. j Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st; Nov. 19th. SECOND JCDICiAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge'Graves. I; ' KAT.i-TiKisre Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, tMarch 5th, May 14th, JNov. 12th ? 'i 'Northampton Uan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st Bertie Feo. utn, Apmauui. wi. im. Craven t Feb. 13th. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren Idarch 19th, Sept. 17th. Edgecombe Aprtl ldth, Oct. 15th. THIRD "JUDICIAL DISTRICT, String Judge Avery. Fall Judire Graves. ! Pitt 'Jan. 9lh, March 19th, tJune 11th, Sept ntn. . 4. . v. v- .... Franklin Jan. 2!id.; April I6tn, .ov. itn. Wilson i Fell. 6th. June 4th. Oct. 19th. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug.!. 20th, Oct. 15th. ; i Martin MarclL5th Sept. 3d, iDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. f. , Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. C FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICf. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Avery. I Wake Van. 9th. tFeb. 27th, March 2th, tAprll 23d, 'July 9th,-tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, tOct. 22d. t - f Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. : t Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. LJUif Aug. 13th, Nov.22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, f " Spring Judge Merrlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. ! Durham Jan. 16thMarch 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. -t Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. 4 f Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct) 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. ? ' Aiamance March 5th, May 2lsf, Sept. 24th. Orange March 19thi Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT,! Spring Jiidge' Shepherd. . f Fall Judge Meiiimon. i Pender Jan. 19th. May 7th. Sept. 10th. New Hanover tJan 23d, tApril icth, tSept : 24th. ! i I Lenoir Feb. 6th, Augr20th, Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th, Sept. 3i'd, Nov. 36 h. Sampson tFeb. 27th. April 30th. Oct. 6th. Dec 10th. r p Carteret March 19th, Oct. 23d. r Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. t Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. ... SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT4 Spring Judge Phlllipy. Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Tan. loth. April 2d. July 3d. tNov. 26th. - r Anson Man. 9th. tApril 30th: ".Sent. 3d. tNov. 26th. k . i Cumberland -Jan. 23d. tMay 7thYJulv23d tNov. 12th. Itobeson-Jan. 30th. May 21st. Aie.20fh. Oct.. ISt. - ? . . .- X liichmond Feb. 13tM June 4th. sent 17th. Dec. 3rd. . j Bladen March 19th, Oct. 23d. Brunswick April fltlt; Sej)t. lOtli. -Moore April lo'rh. Aug: 13th, Oct. 33d. EIGHTH JTUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus tJaiL 0th April 30th. Oct. 30th. Iredell Feb. 6th. May 21st. Ausr. 6th. Nov. 5tJi. ' ? Kowan Feb. 20th. May 7th. Au?. 30th. Nov. 191 h. :'. ; Davidson March 5th. June 4th. Sent. 2d. Dec. 3d. s v Kandolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct, 1st. I Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ! Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th. SepL 24th. Wilkes March 5fh, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. 1 Davie April 2d, Oct. 8lh. Stokes April I6h. Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug; 20th. NOv. 19th. '. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Gilmer. - Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13tb4 July leth. V Burke March 6th; Aug. th. (JaldweU March 19th, sept. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th. Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th; sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24tli. McDowell May i4th. Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT SPRiNO-Judge Boykln. s Faix Judge Gilmer, Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30thJuly 30th.t . Union 'Feb. Llth. tFeb. 20th RAnt. irth tept,24th.- . . Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. i Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland-April 9th, Aug. eth, Oct, 23d. Rutherford April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, "Spring Judge MacRae. t Fall Judge Boykln. Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.l3th, ; Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th, Sept loth. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. ; Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. . Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. . Graham June 4th, Oct. 29th. Swain June 11th, Nov. 5th. For criminal cases.- t tFor civil cases alone, : tFor cfvii cases alone, except Jail cases. I I F S A F EALWAYSREUABLE. TO LADIES I INDISPcN5AdLc.ouli or all UKUtbidli. I I trrms niAunun R D fi N n CHICMFTTrtT S FHCtKU I 1 AND TAKE NO OTHER SEE SIGNATURE ON EVERY BOX .Vin LCTTrif JST1 C UlABshk I lSirurcrrB r H F Mir Al CO. SOLE PROP. MADISDM SIPHflJk PiVsrp t7v7T55..?t FCTUrS if: S I B ft nn""SOUCITED WRnTEN TESTIMONIALS AMD OVER.FMKLADIES wuit' B0X' -'j A I f janl8 50dlydo 8 A aSTTs OerTen Thataad Trial 'K ' rcWra tienta iairr3 proportion uZmfd SEMINAL Rm UiteV rreakncssnndPiiTsicBlI5cryinrfur!; Hid 4ff5Tfn. Tr-ri f IT 1'ieb.t Car Lhotscand cssei O107 clxnlntcl? testoy? berfect aad fall MsuiIt Strength nnd Vicorocr.J; ?Ith. ?ronKh.S about l7 lnoiscration.ixr-;."r-T,vr-iTii a -"'il'Ai l-.'f ?rV'! V.-'.T7- ' . . a-TURSD PSHSOKS an,havo.PJ2Ea Trial cScar A'f?' $4.50 f FOR J W A Mn npl.A cr mtiAh tnr f Tl A Tr o tl r tt 9 I am mam j - - ... . : ' ease after plateB are made it costs far less proportionately to ,c-rs- h Uh. toaaioo.000. Dunns its nearly fifty years' existence i the 1 m ..,50B coj fete fei; ; "-il A bas absorbed twenty-four .other afrrlcalturai neriodfcals. arid recognized authority on agricultural matters the world over With T?i?cs to ! rccognizea aumomy on agricuiiurai matters tne world orer With k " 10 th editors who have made it a power in both hemisphere, reinf orr-rt t7u 01(1 it will be more valuable during 1888 than ever. one nunarea orii and Household. valuable during 1888 than ever. Each number now .ftert rlginal illustrations and oriffinal articles on the Farm Wn . Jrom over fifty different writers. Price, flio ar- aifVMnJ, mm CALTTAR BEFORE PIL ATT! r old time chromos nor tor&lntlz itSIIl These magnificent works of art are neither old time chromos nor ord lngs, but exquisite pictures executed for us by Photoetching and M process, on neavy pjaie paper, zzxzo mcnes. irice 1X.W eachT Both Tut?, rur tshed Dec. 20, 1887) forwarded in tubes, post-paid. ww Pictu (B f oilU GRiSAT OFFER. -Ameriean-Agriculturist :(EngJ "or German), with both tfotn... ' . our new volume, published Dec. 20, 1887, entitled WctB"t isl OUR HOMES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THHI 150 handsome illustrations, bound to cloth and gold, price iim.ii ' receipt of 8160, the extra ten cents being tor packing and postage. M 08 Send to us for Specimen' number English or Ger man, iuii aeacripiion oi new uooks presented to oU and new subscribers, and full description of the Ple tares, and Portrait of Munkacsyj tbe painter of thai ffl great works, now attracting world-wide attention, CANVASSERS WANTED EVERYWHERE, SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BEGIN AN Tr TIME. Addmi, O. JUPD ;Om I'nlilisliers; 751 UroaaWay, If, f The Only Remedy FOB Contagious Blood, Poison. Mr. D. B. Adams, Union. South Carolina, writes : " I was afflicted with a terrible case of blood poison for about thirteen months. I was treated by the best physicians, and used various kinds of remedies, but received no substantial relief. I finally tried the Swift Specific, and about four bottles cured me souna ana weu." mm I PiA-jt 4.51 TT?:.-il CP I Art n. L.. . inaction. Qri in iu bfnf' results. r tpratiro l k. ouiuiai-x fl iff Col. B. H. Kieser, editor and proprietor of tne upeiiKa, Ala., itmes, unaer aaie ot August 3. 1887. writes: "When I was a vounir man. throuirh indiscretion. I con-r tracted a disease which has , stuck to, me for years. Some five or six years since I was troubled with pains, so as ta make it difficult for me to walk. Having advertised the 8. S. S. in my paper for several! years, I concluded I would try it to see if there was any efficacy in the medicine. I commenced using it according to directions . and used half dozen bottles. I was once at a -way-station and, getting left, I walked the seven miles and have never felt any return - -of the old malady. After experiencing the : good effects I must say I am satisfied with , the result. I am sixty-eight years of age and - : I feel now like a young man and can go to the case when necessary and set up from six' to eight thousand ems without any incon- j venlence. I send you this without solicita- '. tlon. " ' Mr. P. "Woehl, 211 - North Avenue, Chicago, under date of June 12, 1887, writes : "I deem it my duty to thank you for the cure I re- ceived from your excellent medicine. I con-. tracted a very severe case of blood poison ing about two years ago. Hearing of your . medicine, I went to a drug store, the pro-, i1. prietor of which persuaded me to buy a 1 1, preparation of his own, which he said was .vi? a sure cure. I used six bottles of his stuff and grew worse all the time. At last I got ' disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met a . friend who told me that your medicine had - cured him. I went to the game druggist .4 again and demanded your, medicine. "He re- n luctantly sold me twelve bottles, and I am j now perfectly cured. I write this for the 1 benefit of sufferers, to prevent their being , deceived dv raise representations. 1 inan you again for the benefit derived from your medicine." Dr. J. N. Cheney, a prominent physician, residing in Ellaville, Schley County, Georgia, in a letter recounting the infallible success he has in curing contagious blood poison . cases In his extensive practice, writes : 'Those who know the almost Inevitable, permanently dangerous effect of mercury will welcome your discovery of S. S. 8. as a boon to humanity. The medical profession, : i rs&if fem Headache a. - S tiri I B3 P " rimples ad . - m H a 3 '. t - . . Boils iXemtu -peedily when this remedv is token.. Tmo V10 more eil'ectual relief lor tl rn u -oathins of food ekie to lNTEMI'ERA5 i :'ian tJn'i article. Putrpinlar-'eToctstU : le.s. ' Sample packages iuPOWDZEfiHTBSf- I.y mai 1 to anv address on receipt of It) cf' rt staioris. The regnilarl inuid form rim :U -nt by mail. MEXICAN MEDICJi'K lc UK) North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. MB 1 I! The great secret of the canary Wrdl)ref w tiio Hariz Mountains in Gencar.'. viiv.ma vii 1 restore the sougof fagebiuy.--Tt-pcnt th eir ailuients and rcsloie tk a aio-;1 condition. If given to a L;rd dir.! the season ofshed,.ingfcathcrR,itsiUwi;' saiearfy-the little musician t'Jon?it a i i t -cal period without less of sor.g, ?ai1 on rece.'nt. of 15 cts. in str.miA W ;1' - Of )D CO., 400 N.' 3rd St. rhiladelpata, U 01: se mention thispapcr. , k st-pt lu t: sa always wary of rronrietary medicines, is coming siowiy, ana in some cases secretly, . to the use of. S. S. S. in cases of blood dis order, or course a medicine tnac cures poisoning in its worst rorm muse puruy tne -i blood of every disorder." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed - -free, Thb Swift Specific Co.. Drawer 9, Atlanta, Ga. , nov m law lyao ? . ch sat The National Life . -AND- Maturity Association, OF VASHINGTON, D. C. Assets.. Liabilities Paid to members -o- ..I3U.072.19 .None. .120,032.31 CRIMINAL CIRCUIT.ICOURTS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. OUver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judee. lienJamln 1L Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court bens-Jan. 2d, March 19th, May 21st, July 16th, sept. 17th, Nov. 19th. . . MECKLENBURG COUNTY. OUver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Geo. E. W llson, Charlotte, Solicitor Court begins Feb. 13th, April 9th, June 4th Aug. KtH, Oct 8tn, Dec lOtbl - ' Uisses Burr ;& James; TILL REOPjiN TOEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on TUESDAY. Oct. 4. The course of Instruction, as Heretofore will be thorough and systematic -Special attention given to Reading, Writing Music and Physical culture. 6 Mrs. M. S. dishing will have cliarge of the Musical Department. . ; Hours for Kindergarten pupils from 9 v to 11 For further particulars see Prlnclpals7i -.eeptia - - - HORATIO BROWNING, President. GEORGE D. ELD RIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary.- r " - - : . . Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. j A Guaranteed Policy. " An Incontestable Policy. :' . Maturity Value In Casn at Fixed Agej - Annual cost Absolutely Limited. " Only Four Payments per Year. ' " - Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDEtLE, M. D. ..Medical Director W, H. GIBSON Speclai Agent - - Jlome Office, 1,213 F street, U. W.N t JOHN HAAE, Jb., Local Agent, : ' ' ' ' 'oct23tf : Wilmington, nvc, - ADVERTISERS San learn the exact d of any 'prpposjcl' lfc3" advertising inAmerican Papers ', by sddressitj Geo. P. .Rowell " Newspaper Advertising Buj3' JO Spruce St., New Yo . 1 . -k e.. - i rt-r.miei Pc3vr; . ! J ill Wfk a 'T2r-- - . , . fnr v .-- the United ilt"0ri of tries; the Pub'to., African continao tJ ence is 111 1 rigiii.-rv,;;a. ,0 to obtain patenjf nh conBtriffr o r.irm.inr. and all otnw cou .p w . 1 J Ai.T IICU - in the Patent Office fexanDa j reasonable. Xo fTgei ?&t nr rfrawintrs. Advice tT PmnonipS,. . Patentsj pMainedt nroucAJ In the SCIENTIFIC ihs the largest liVSa newspaper of t '"'IJV vqU The advantages of wch understands. tJi;flri11o2fi-i.,e' . 1 all patentees ":;-VflIir moa :n wees, j- 1 j. ' 361 Broadway, e UUDdbookaDout Douglas & Y in jpASHIONABLB HAIR D- V irs Market St.. "fiu tfe fnDvequiPPea'-- Shop tally equi rt anfrf. ' v . . Ka raVand polite Pax, 1 perve cuetomers. - fijrniervfcue.i Werner, would De :

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