mi We Tvm be glad t o receive ecu. iLlci: from our trtends cin zzj cr l r!l itj;;t3 of general Interest, but The name or tne writer must always be f ur nlsbed to tne Editor.' ; Communications must bo wnttca cr.ly ca one side ot tne paper. Personalities must be avoided. . And it is especially and particularly under stood that tne Editor does not al-srays endorse te views ot correspondents unless so stated In the editorial columns. T. jaMEJ. Editor and Prop. V v POSTAGE PAID: 1 . months cm. Three ir. IU ' Six mouths tina one month, 35 cents. ... L.nrKxl bv carriers, free ,n nr part of the city, at It above ritlMrandlibrraL VOL. XII WILMI NGTON, N. C. TUESDA Y, MAY 8, 1 888. NO 110. eTfry evenm. Bandars excepted, Mai lit Vi BW . - v i. - " ' ' - i J A L-rnU! please report any and 2wieituelr paper regularly. f"' - -NSTIPATION . r'lV there 1 uo mcomni idiw t'SiiSI woflen attack, the ajsfc Z. tf lfr5,' IVJ and effete niAtl through sritem La matter and WeU. II jl. caused im tho blood to produce fi cathartic, ndu earally 2plSl?wttliiuchieialUM- ross of Appetite, - r Sick Headache, . Bad Breath, etc. ..., roast! nation doe not f Tl onload In ttie bowel. f2 tonic m well, and notproduco tTM?tLrrtatrcoUTenesa. Tosecur tfra-tta. tufferioffwiUi Caeitfpa- b- .v.r. rr -... rnrd th io to a ,"Tr . after ii. arltr i 11 1 . ... vced r vacuity. I keep It la "xn i Cek Supervar Court, Bibb Co.. Ca. Tale only the Genuine, VVi I e Wrapper the red 'Vi Tr4. SJ. II. ZEILDi A CO m a if 1 P oi w jj ch sat ioc ax." isfWwT txnt TO NlW AOTERTtilMfXT. roiSiU-MilchlOWS ' Do II Mum-Hat FClf!Uii-rUnio;l Djes J W nim t iAHlna PMi h Ttu)iv Bii-CM) Babies Wanted m E B WKGiNi-OSer Kxtraordlnao' School Books ami School Station. ?ry you can buy cheapest at Heins lerjer. t A few fine milch cows are for sale cheap at Mr. Orrell's stables. See .id In thUiwie. The iron for the street railway hasnut yet arrived but it is daily ex isted. It is certainly on the way. inat timt leelinK ana loss or ap petite are entirely overcome bv HooilV Sarsaparilla, the peculiar -olifine. Try it and see. Jfoekms liird Cages. A large tockof assorted sizes which are to Nf hadat very low prices at Jacobi's a Jr. Depot. t We hope that the citv authorities 'ill tuake the neeesArrrr Arrange, j . Jeats to have the streets on the ante of the procession on Memorial y well Prinkletl. Forth present the schedule of V-Vraa drove will remain ns it fr begun this morning. She will l t . . - . pe inps va.cn uay, leaving at 9:30 h m. and 3 p. iu. Pciiiier County Superior QouYt, Shepherd presiding. 4s in rm at Bunrawtliis ioL- rii kel litfht one and Court- will batly adJourn th'8 afternoon. It U thought that the opening of SouikI railroad to Sc m not be before the 15th of It will hardly be later than tt and it r"- .. i . uca lew uays eari Indications. Tr North Carolina, slight change lnDfrature with M;n nAaA 4 I L m av ' Ut by fair weather, and faitofreh Southeasterly winds, pelMQS iu force im I vryUl Spectacle, ami yeXlae L4nce to old and young: In se spectacles you should be cau L to take more magnifying 'intl 56611 lost 10 11x6 eve iatV 6 ProPrtion that vou r:mx Pnt of increase, will cause j-.j jump eye. ubiug e of stronger power than is ne- i wronger nower 27 Uthe daily cause Vkt7f th tight. I at Hein.inrer's of vrema- You can get rger's. othlnr Fmtr h s"Her, at No. io N. Front street. rteeA !... ' 11 ny nurchasers of I k.i ICIIlUk II -...-wttuu t urnlshlmr Goods n.lv r Wly wlsnetl, he will he money. . He also guaran- t "eyou from 15 the identical r Pnrehw elsewhere, "Ifof h " tronvince, hv n 1 1 'Act anU yxl W,,I be ,,rau n' calling at Th h 8HRIERU QoUen Arm. u , j It has bevi! three weeks since the last substantial rain here. The moon changes on .Thursday night and we will hardly' have any raln before it occurs. The bt earner. vif! in undergoing a complete overhauling and repaint- iug for the Summer at the shipyard, j Mr. Preston Cumiuing, Chief Mar-' inai ior Memorial Jay would like I.. ...... f 1. 1 a. rrt .w .urn u,r iirMiuis at ins oiuce, wnirr 'UfMimi ami water srreets, j X. 'II. .1 lf z i i I uii nit? ew torn steamers wnarr.at i 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. Owing to, the late fire we have re moved "our Shirt Factory, tempora rily, to No. l.'J Market street, where we will.be pleased . to meet our friends and" customers,. No. 13 Mar ket st. -Respectfully, J.r Elsbach, Prop! f Twenty-FiT Per Cent Called For. Messrs. Ocar Pearsall, William A. Riach. William Latimer, William A. French and .Hansom M. Bow- den, Trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association BuildingFund, have issued a rail for 25 per cent, of the fund, payable to Mr. II. M. Bow- den, at the First National Bank. This is for payment ofthelotnur- chased as a site for the buildincr. Memorial Meeting. The ladies of the Memorial Asso ciation are requested to meet at the "Atlantic" engine hall, at 4 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, for the pur pose of making laurel wreaths and receiving tags for decorations. All persons having flowers for the same purpose will please send them to this hall between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock Thursday morning, May 10th. ' " Nrw.Loilge K. of II. at Clinton. Rev. W. P. Williams, State Lec turer, Knights of Honor, organized a lodge in Clinton last Friday with 19 charter members. The officers els-cted are as follows: P. D. Dr. Frank Boyette. D. A. F. Johnson. V. D. Dr. R. H. Holliday. A. D. W. G. Rackley. R.R. J. Williams. F. R. W. R. King. Treas. F. T. Atkins. C. -W. J. Hubbard. - Guide M. Hanstein. Guardian C. F. Butler. Sentinel T. L. Hubbard. M. E. Dr. J. A. Stevens. Trustees-Dr. R. H. Holliday, W. E. Stevens, A. J. Johnson. Very Good Reasons. The reasons why yoa can be ben eflted bv buying from the King Clothier, S. H. Fishblate: You are in a Reliable House. A largeassort- ment to choose from. A saving of 20 percent. All goods steam suongeu. Exclusive styles sold by him only. Allgoods guaranteed sewed with silk His stores are well lighted by day and night and you can see what you are buying, plenty of light being the most essential thing for buyer of Clothing. If you are not satisfied with anv article purchased from Fishblate's return the same and he will cheerfully refund you your .money. Witiitne auove piainiy oe- .a i a fore you how can you refuse to trade with a house of that kind. tf The Carolina Yacht Club. The annual meeting of the Una Yacht Club was held last Caro night in the Mayor's office Mr. William Latimer called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Norwood Giles to take thechair. Mr. T. W. Meares was requsted to act as secretary. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Commodore William Latimer. Fleet Captain W. L. Smith. Flag Captain E. R. Latimer. Purser Ancium Lord. Marshal H. McL. Green. Measurer G. D. Parsley. Governing Board H. M. Bowden, G. H. 8mith anenv. L. Parsley. The Club was neyer in so prosper ous " condition. Tlr membership was increased twenty one last night and the last cent of indebtedness was to2-'5 per liquidated. The coming season will goods you . be made more exciting by the in It will be '.traduction of two more vachts. The oii iw reiiivt io iioniH oyer i weii- ty feet long was repealed, and .any 1 1 I l4t A. - 1 4. - A. boat under twenty-five feet can now enter for prizes, provided it has a competitor of its class. This will It Is thought, bring one or more larger boats to the races . PROGRAMME ForBtemorlI Day, Thursday, May 10th 1888. The procession will be formed at 3:30 P. M. and move nromntly at 4 P. M. FIRST DIVISION Will form on Market street (South kI1hV hptwppn Third nnil Ponrth. in !ch.irge of Assistant Marshals J. A. I " Jjonitz. J. T. Mclverand J. R. Tnr rentine Col.W. C. Jones and Staff. 2nd Reir1 N. C. 8. ii. Cornet Concert Club. Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt. J. H. Daniel, Commanding r t i j t t.. j arrmge conmmiug v.impiaiu vrator. - . . Ladies Memorial Association. ChildrenVMemorial Asssociation. City Schools, in Charge of Teachers. skco:o division 3VI1I form on the North side of Mar ket street, betweenThirdandFourth, in charge of Assistant Marshals J. W. Perdew, Oscar Pearsall and E. ScharfT. . Germania Cornet Band. Association of Officers Third N. C. Infantry. Survivors 18th Reg't N. C. Infantry, Each in Charge of its Senior Officer. Confederate Officers. Soldiers and Sailors, Senior Offlcersin Charge. Civic Associations and Corporations. Editorial Staffs and Employees City Newspapers. Citizens on Foot. third division Will form on Market street, between Second and Third, in charge of 'As sistant Marshals H. McL. Green, H. W. Sholar and Mike Carroll. Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sailors, in Carriages. Citizens in Carriages. Citizens on Horseback. . LOT AT THE CEMETERY, In charge of Assistant -Marshals Capt. W. M. Stevenson and Dr. J. H. Durham. ROUTE: Up Market to Fourth, up Fourth to Campbell, out Campbell to Ceme- tery. SERVICES AT CEMETERY. Dirge By Germania Cornet Band. Ode By Choir, "Rest, Comrades, Rest," Praver Bv Chaplain, Rev. Robt. Strange. Oration By Orator of the Day, Herbert McClammy, Esq. Ode-By the Choir, "Cover Them Over with Beautiful Flowers." Benediction By Chaplain. Roll of " Honor. Decoration 6f Graves. Doxology. Chief Marshal, Preston Cumming. Chief of Staff, J. Hal Boatwnght. TvrnsiV.alDlrecfcor.E-P. Boatwriffht. W. II. A L. Co. No. 1 Annual Meeting:. I i ne annual meeting ot v uming- ton Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, forthe election of officers, was held last night at the company's hall, and resulted as follows: Foreman H J. Gerkin. First Assistant H. L. Fennell. Second Assistant J. D. Kelly. "Axemen D. W.. Moore, Gilbert H. Green. J. D. Williams, C. B. South- erland. .' -t Truck Master Robert L. Lewis. President -T. G. Pickett. Vice President D. M. Williams. Secretary and Treasurer W. H. Northrop. The medal for proficiency during the pastjvear was awarded to Mr. W P. Monroe, present truck-master of the company. A committee of five was appointed to confer with the Fire Committee j of the Board of Aldermen relative! to the selection of a new truck or-1. dered to be purchased for the com- panyby the city authorities. Thel committee consists of Messrs. D. M. Williams, C. B. Southerland, H. L. Fennell, H.J. Gerken.T-E. Wallace, j A committee of three, consisting! of Messrs. H. J. Gerken, J. D.. Kelly and E. H. Freeman, was appointed I to revise the constitution and by- laws? - I The resignation of Capt. Jno.. H. I Daniel, who has been an active member for the past eleven years J and foreman for three or four years, J was accented with manv expressions I of regret. The cheapest place Ito buy your schoo books and school stationery la at Heinsberger'a.- Board of Aldermen. Kegular meeting of the Board last j The Board met yesterday. : night.,: i The County Trensurercsubmitted Mayor Fowler submitted his an- j his monthly report, .showing bal nual report. j jance on hand to tlie credit, of the On motion of Alderman Rieaud, it ; general fund amounting: to $17,735.; was ordered that 500 copies of the 85, and balance to credit oftl.e edn- report be printed for circulation. Alderman Fishblate, of the spec ial committee appointed for the pur pose, "suumittecl ;tne format agree j inent between the city and the Wil mington, Onslow & East Carolina R. R. Company, and the trustees ap pointed by the city hnder the pro visions of the act of the General As sembly (the terms of. which have heretofore been published) touching the snbscrfiition of 100.000 to the r ' ' capital stock of the company. Aonroved and the Mavor was di- Pected to have the same executed aml delivered in;: triplicate.- and to L0 ali things necessary to complete I execution of the said agreement. Application of Jas. G. 1 Burr, for j appointment as tax lister; was. re ceived, and on motion the contract was awarded to Col. Burr at $500. Petition of Grace M. E. Church for use of the City Hall was referred to the Mayor. Bill of steam tug Marie for towing barque Magnus IlusSi amounting to $8, was referred to Committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition of property owners on the West side of the river for a police man was referred to Committee on Police., v . Petition of citizens for improve- ment of Queen street, was referred to the Streets and Wharves Commit tee. ' -l Petition of citizens for a hydran on Fifth and Queen streets, was re ferred to the Committee on Water i Works. : Petition for a sewer-pipe to be laid through the first alley South of Mar ket street, from Front street to the river, was referred to the Sanitary Committee.. A resolution ordering gaslights on corners oi a ourtn ana owann, m n 1 r , Eighth and Bladen and Seventh and Bladen streets was adopted. A motion to have a fire alarm box piaCed on the corner of Seventh and Ann streets was adopted. Alderman Rice called tne atten- tion of the Streets and vvnarves Committee to the piling of rocks by the Street Railway Company on the streets. A motion te appropriate the sum of $75 for the use of the Assistant j Chief of the Fire Department was adopted, subject to the approval of; the Board of Audit and Finance Alderman Rieaud offered a peti tioh of the Wilmington Light In fantry for .a lease for ninetyrnine years of the lot corner of Fourth and Dock streets for an armory. The uhm w o x . w " COnsibUUg uuuucimcu iviwuu, :au- I blate and Rice. . , . t: r i fAiueruieu xviuauu uiicicu. a ucn t of cltlzen askin2 that Market treet frm Pront to Second, be .d wlth Beielan blocks: Refer . -- .. red to a special Committee :Aider. men Pearsall, King and Price A resolution for the removal of the city pound was referred to Alder-fSca, meu xv.cuw, iouuiaic uu . ttllvcl I lOr CUUWUCiaiiwi. committee, consisting onus mnyur ii 11 . 1 r 1 I and Aldermen Pearsall and Rice, tvad appointed to draft suitable res- olutions extendingithe freedom of the city to tne omcers; ana crew oi tne French frigate Biason. Alderman Pearsall, chairman o the Street and Wharves Committee renorted that he had insured the city mules-against fire. Audit and Finance. The Board met last night. Mr. Tones beincr absent from the city I .Mr. Calder was elected chairman. Bills were audited and approved as follows: For current expenses, $6,139.34: coupons, $1,572. Seventy- . . one coupons, redeemed and '.can- celled, were burned in the presence of the Board. Mr. Calder, to whom was referred the matter of the i W.. .O. . & East Carolina railroad subscription, re- ported progress. A motion of Mr: Hewitt, to change the hour of meeting from 7 p. m. to 3 p. m. was voted dowar and a mo- tion made bv- Mr. ' Maunder to change the hour to 8 p. m. was adopted. For couiXort and economy use one of Jaeofcf 0 Oil Stoves. t County Coiumlssloaera. cational fund $13878.08; total $31,- The Register of Deeds "reported $9.88 received during the month for marriage licenses.. .7. i George 1 1., Brown was granted li cense to sell spirituous ; liquors at Carolina Beach and A. B. Peterson license to jsell spirituous'' liquors in the Mayo House at the ."Rocks." Ordered by the Board that a pen- I altv of ten dollars be iinnosed nnnn I ... ,7 x all persons tying flats or rafts to the iron bridsre across Smith's Creek In the matter of Hilton Ferry, the same was referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. I : : xne roi lowing is a list or jurors drawn for the Criminal Court, which meets Monday, the 21st inst: 1 Jos. M. Hewlett, G. R. Parker, Dan'l Kline, Jno. Shumier, Thomas Bray, Jno. S. Pi ver, Jno. W. Gar rett, Thos. Ennett, I. Shrier, T. J. Tart, S. Allen, J. S. Westbrook, Jno W. Mints, S. W. Noble, C. E. Carls Jtrom, M. O'Brien, Jno. Dew, ;F. M. I James, Wrii. M. Hays, B. F.: White, Jno. Haar, Jr. , M. M. Katz, H. M. Woodcock, J. H. Burruss, W. F Kerr, B. Kingr Geo. Ziegler, J. M. Brennan, W. F. Alexander. H. A; Kuhl. J. H. Strauss, C. M. Harriss, G. M. Altaffer, Robert McDoiigald, G. W. Milhs, Geo. Harriss. Personal. Mrs. Josie M. Brandt, of Charles ton, is in the city on a yisit to her father, Mr. W. S. Hewlett. We are sorry to hear that Capt. C L. Cowles was taken quite suddenly aim- severely sick.to-day. Messrs. N. Jacobi, R. J. Jones and H. O. Craier haVe gone to Greens boro to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge I. O. 0. F. j Rev. J- Wilmer -Turner, late of Woodville, Miss., (not Rev. Mr. Wil SOUy as we had it yesterday) was in the citv on Sunday and assisted in the services at St. James' Church during the forenoon. In addition to Rev. Dr.1 Pritchard. Rev G M. Tolson and Messrs. J. S. Allen. W. C. Peterson and Frank Huggins will attend the Southern Baptist Convention at Richmond. These gentlemen will leave here to morrow night! . He is a Republican. Our good friend at Burgaw writes us again in regard to the matter of Mr. Johnston's alleged j surrender to the Republicans. Really, it seems to us that the subject has had con sideration enough - already. Still, we will give our. friend the benefit of a few lines more. He says: I I was rocked in the cradle of Demo- eracy'nd never in my; life knew anythingke and far be it from me to want to deferitLany one whom I could conceive to be hi the wrDg The only issue I take in r :-e rn.at.ter is this: .Johnston has up to tiij time voted with the Democratic Mcplftlblll and even for axl ex-sheriff," A. C. Ward-so he says anl1 , Una nn i!rvVif Tr1rtnHt Vtia w can only say. to our friend that WA know nvthine. narticnlar Lhont Mr Johnston's politics prior t thi vea- exceDt that he was at tl - st election elected as Sheriff in opposition to the regular Demo cratic nominee. That fact alone stamps Mr. Johnston as no Demo-; crat; and this year, when he accept ed a nomination at the hands of the Republican convention, he thereby declared himself, in plain terms, to be a Republican.-- I " City Court. A defendant who answers to the name of 'Frenchy" was arrainged this morning on the charge ,of dis orderly conduct. -He was excused by the Mayor and discharged. t -. James Suggs, throwing rocks in the streets, $5 or 5 days. ! Charles Burnett was charged with carrying a concealed weapon but the testimony did not: prove the charge and the case was dismissed.' Mary E. Potter, drunk, and dis orderly, $20 or 30 days. ; t - - An item to i the effect that Mrs. Cleveland will attend the St. Louis National Convention is flying about Fluting - machines fori less- than factory, prices at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f Major Fowlor'a Message. .Mayor Fowler submitted his first annual report to the , Board last night. ' It was a lengthy but com prehensive and interesting docu ment. Wewould be glad to publish it in full but it: is too "lengthy for our columns. It shows a city debt, bonded, of $508,900. with an offset in the siukiug fund of $80,972.21. The receipts froni all sources for the fiscal year were $317,217.10,. the largest collection ever made in any year, and the expenditures were 312,000. 18. - " . . . The receipts from the City .Court amounted to $2,496.30, The iron bridge- on Fourth, street cost $1C,- 113.18, and to meet this, in part, a new. loan of $10,000 vas negotiated. The Mayor recommends that Fifth street be beautified and- macada mized.; The city is in 'an excellent sanitary, condition, but the" Mayor recommends a sewage system to cost not more than $80,000. He also recommends that the Legislature be petitioned to erect the necessary wharves and buildings! for quaran tine purposes at the mouth of the river. The Fire Department ishigh- ly complimented for its efficiency, &c, &c. . .'''-. A 11 o'clock last night a raid was made on the premises of Mr. 7 H. Sholar, on South, fourth street, by some party or partieV unknown, in a search for chickens. The lock of the fowl house resisted theirendeay ors and it 'was while fumbling at this that they were heard and Mr. Sholar was called. Unfortunately, the rascals got off clear. Y CAROLINA. BE10E. gCHEDULE OF STEAMER f . rj . SYLVAN GROVE t until further notice, ieavea iZLl. . at 9:30 A.M. and 3P.M. Train returning leaves Beach at 1 P. M. and 7 P. M. - , . J. W. HARPER, niygtf . General Manager. . For Sale. FEW MILCH COWS FOR SALE Cneap. The finest ever brougnt to shr, this market. Now at B. C. Orreli's fitahiM. Corner Third and Princess sts. . my 8 it FJotice. TyjR. W. A. MCQO WAN Will collect BttDSCTlp- tlonsdueTIIE DAILY REVIEW and solicit new subscribers. tf Grain OrocIloG5 GRAIN, GRASS AND BUSH SCYTIIES, Snaths. Feed Cutters. Cuttlnar Kniv-pa. Grass and Rice Sickles, Fan Mills, Arc. We will guarantee to trlve you the best crade of goods and at the lowest cash prices. - W. E. SPRINGER & CO.t my tf 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. C. A New Pattern Oil Strive, S JAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTEI7 ice cream Freezer Door and Wtndc &e. Improved Pattern screens and Frames. . . : For sale by ;f ALDERMAN, PLANNER & CO., Dealers in Uardware. Tinware. &c Kmy7d&w Wllmlntrton. N. Cj Something New. i f NEW DEVICE BY WmCTIM A2T CAN can be carried In the pocket; just the size of a silver half dollar: Self inking and very neat and a true picture taken. W. II. WROTEN, A "t. Office at . W.E. Davis', where orders will bo received. (Messenger copy) my 5 St " For lent" 'pnE ROOMS OVER BA1TK OF NEW n AN oyer, recently occupied by the Cape Fear Club. Apply to ' my,12t; . '' 7 -;H;C.B.MALLSTT. 0.0.V0LLER8, JJAVING CLOSED OUT MY LIQUOR Bus iness, I will enlarge my store so as to increase my Commission and Grocery Business. In stead of Liquors I will put In a complete stock of Dry Goods, -Notions, Ax. coniirn ments solicited. Highest prices paid for all Jdnds of Couutry Produce. All orders prompt ly attended to. Advances made on all consign ments. O. O. VOLLEliS. myltf No. 8 North Water st. Garden Hogo. yy e have a large stock of garden Hose at prices varying from scents to 25 cent per foot. Hose Reels and sprinklers. my 53t ; BURR & BAILHY. Field GroquoZ nrHE BEST LINE OF CROQUET FOR QUAL- ltr&nd Price ever offered. Good, CLxp fLl Durable. 'Also Lawn Tennis, at HELNSBEfiGir.t'S , &p 18 J .: ' ; ' . -Something new in the shape of a Stepladder atj Jacobi's IIardrre Depot. Refrigerators, coolers, Ice Cream Freezer 1

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