mis pate: We Till Uli.lt3 r;CCiV3 r:r--;r" T JAKES. Editor and rrop. W " v- POSTAGE PATD: from ojlx friends ca any and all sutjecta of general Interest, hut ' l montns COO. Three The name of the writer must always Lc far- -jr. H-iw- Jl0CL one month, Scents. wtUturered by carriers, free T J7 p4rt of t be city, at the above .ICS. u ltfrtl0ML 4,,',.sia please report any and ..rrcetT tadr paperrejrularly. - ,h "Father of Picao" b- r.Vrt 1 no medium through J.horten attAr k the lyrtem , I nlshed to the Editor, i Communications must he written only c a one Bide of the paper. V Personalities must he avoided. And It is especially and particularly tinier- stood that the Editor does not always endorse VOL. XII WILMINGTON; N.' C, WEDNESDA Y. 9, 1888. HI I tne of correspondents unless so stated Ui UIO CU1MUUU t Jli tJ 111 j. - : " . , - - - - ' . 1 - - t - - - .- - -'- y : - - --- " - - -' ;----,.- r. : ' . T " ! 1 MAY J Wi iSSof decayed and crte to matter E",wBlh and bowel. It l canaed h,t?iJTer7note0oush bile betn ifrltT th Mood to produce iflUh ucli rwulU rcjs of Appetite, Sick Headache, . Bad Breath, etc ..iiitAf constipation doea not c- P.. notonlr act aa a purra- 15 TZXZl tonic a well, ana noirroauoa :" .. e ere" '.rrrrv r. r r..iFitofbody wimouw cuu .m. intern. let .Hffmaffjmth CeastijM. TT .L. ir ltCikCq to jiinwmi, , L"T WeJ io trr it. I firat took a I TjTTftrwardi rSvdthdotoa per d.ftctions.aft each ml. I In 3TOTa5VM TBeiomuch food that I rcel ny d.fficulry. .1 kep it ia act7 b without .JJut h. ""r t it ii kivioz cured xae. Geo; W. SrT&rkSop Court, KbbCo..Ca. TflJt oni A Genuine,- rukUMlh Wrapper the red ZZk Trd iaTSWlpHwly eh sat thmisfn u ti; have street cars Jct like any modern city. The 'irant monument fund of the Xc Tork Star now amounts to C,- Astiekoftimlterl-'il feet long and JiiQchwuare, believed to be the hrt piece ever turned out from any aw mill, has been sent from iHiset Sound to an exhibition in San Francisco. A t)xm convent has just been dis covered in Park and an artful al Ized Mother 8aperior two ex-nuns &nd (ortf six girl who participated ia the swindle by posing as nuns I tare bn locked up to await trial. The Introduction of American vitfhesinto England has reduced the camber of gold cases marked at the London assay office from 34,844 BbfttoSiUlGin 1SSG, and of silver exfrota 119,004 in 1S7G to 03,708 in lib interesting to learn ju&t at tkb time that President Cleveland 21 Senator Ingalls are related: ll.i Cleveland's grandmother was Xehitable Ingalls, who was a first in to Rufus Ingalls, the father f the Senator. Xto Hegner, the new piano prod 7Qer whom Loudon is going into stares, h said by careful critics to draining the hearty approval of Professional pianists. He looks than hi alleged 11 years isdiai pretty boy with curl v black and intelligent face. For six Tfirshehasbeen receiving careful auiS from Haus Uuber, of Basel. l.Ih,vSaprcu,e Court "ile V, , , of the stte does notap. W . f "fc! that il Joes not ap iJl ,,(1Q0 ia I.rocess of trans ition through the State for sale another St:i. , : 10 ,,(luo stored in the State ( exinrtedfor sale, and that it in violation of the Constftu- -ue United States. fcordinr t: n.a nu tr.n i It 0l0 of a villa to tli0 f- t!... i tr y DO 8fu,Ple matter. In Jty a recent visit to Flor ?4torw iujjie iu ner train foi providel for, including rian potentates, who had betn k,tchens as they were un- trt, "kM Europeans. rot 1 ul"Phones was required yroou,. In the process of IWpAf Mf0r the telephones. p ahockfl ... . - PU. wn wnicn rouia "j rvpairetl. "VrttK.v " pari I In . . "j Jiu2ittrml viu convlQce ilt you, with the N. Y. ti1"1 faint. U is th Pnt. v . win untl aii colon. am f a IKDII TO NW ADTKKTISIXSKT9. LOUIS II MKAJtES -Hat3 M M Katx Dress poods F C Millis Diamond Dyes LootA Lady's Diamond Breastpin Tatu)rs Bazaar MO Cables Wanted , Mrs B Wiggins Offer Extraordinary I btaicment or Mutual Life Insurance Com. pany of Kentucky Only 2 bales here to-day. of cotton received Services in St. John's Church to il orrw (Ascension Day) at 11 a. in. See ad. of a ladies1 diamond breast- . pin lost. A handsome rewartl will be paid for its recovery. ' The Remsen building on Second street has been repainted arid jiuade thereby very attractive. We regret exceedingly to hear of the extreme illneis of Mr. W. J. lopn. Indeed, his death s almost hourly expected. Mocking Ih'rd Caires- A lart'e - c r - - n , , oe iiauat very low prices ut .Jacobi s , . n.nnf ' A private telegram received here yesterday says that Gaston County Democratic .Convention instructed the delegates to the State Conven tion to vote for Mai. Stedman for Governor. A private letter to the Editor from a friend in Fayetteville, a promi nent lawyer in tnat town, says: This county, I think,- is largely for Stedman and the Convention on the 80th wi 11 prove my prediction." So may it be. The steamer Acme is the latest addition to the river fleet. She is 75 feet long, 13 feet beam and draws 3) feet when loaded. . She will ply be tween this city and Town Creek, un der command of Capt. J. W. Taylor, one of the owners. Pender County Superior Court adjourned yesterday at noon, mak ing the shortest term on record for that conntv. There were no cases of particular interest and no re cruits for tne l'eriitentiarv were turned out. The survivors of the Wilmington Rifle Guards, Co. I, 18th N. C. Regi ment, are notified to meet at Judge Meares office, on Market street near Third, tit 3:15 o'clock to-mor row afternoon, to take position inprayerBy Chaplain, Rev. the Memorial procession. Itock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: in so lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is tne daily cause or prema ture ola age to the sight. I on can get the best at Heinsberger s. Nothing Fairer. I. Shrier, at No. 16 N. Front street, guarantees, if any purchasers of Clothing, flatsand Furnishing Goods are not perfectly Satisfied, he will refund the money. He also guaran tees to save you irom 15 to per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. It will be of no expense to you to convince yourself of the fact and you will be money ahead by calling at I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 1C and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. tf Owing to the late fire we have re moved our Shirt Factory, tempora rily, to No. 13 Market street, where we win oe pleased to meet our friends and customers. No. 13 Mar- ket st. Respectfully, J. Elsbach, t Prop. Very Good Reasons. The reasons why you can be ben efited by. buying from the King Clothier. S. 11. Fishblate: You are in a Reliable House. A large assort ment to choose from. A 'saving of 20 percent. All goods steam sponged. Exclusive. styles sold by him only. All goods guaranteed sewed with silk His stores are well lighted by day and night and you can see what you are buying, plenty of light being the most essential thing for buyers of Clothing. If yon are not satisfied with am' articlo purchased from Fishblate's return the same and he will cheerfully refund you your luoney. With the" above plainly be fore you how can you refuse to trade with a house of that kind. tf PROGRAMME For Memorial Dayr Thursday, May lOth 1888. The procession will be formed at I 3:30 P. P. M. M. and move promptly at 4 fflRSIT TiTVTSTnV . i , . , r . , t K Bouitz. J. T. Mclverand J. R. Tur- rentine. Col.W. C. Jones and Staff, 2nd Reg't , N. C. S. G. Cornet Concert Clnb. r Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt. J. H. Daniel, Commanding. Carriage containing Chaplain and Orator. Ladies' Memorial Association" Children's Memorial Asssociation. City Schools, in Charge of Teachers. SECOND DIVISION Will form on the North side of Mar ket street, betweenThirdandFourth, in charge of Assistant Marshals J. W. Perdew, Oscar Pearsall and E. SclftiriT. Germania Cornet Band. Association of Officers Third N. C. Infantry. Survivors 18th Reg't N..C. Infantry, Each in Charge of its Senior Officer. Confederate Officers, 8oldiers and Sailors, Senior Officersin Charge. Civic Associations and Corporations. Editorial Staffs and Employees City Newspapers. Citizens on Foot. THIRD DIVISION Will form on Market street, between Second and Third, in charge of As sistant Marshals H. JdcL. Green, W, II. Sholarand Mike Carroll. Disabled Confederate Soldiers anil Sailors, in Carriages. Citizens in Carriages. Citizens on Horseback. LOT AT THE CKMETERY, In charare of Assistant" Marshals Cant. W. M. Stevenson and Dr. J. H. Durham. a routk: Up Market to Fourth, up Fourth to Camnbell. out Campbell to Ceme tery. SKRVICKS AT CEMETERY. Dircre Bv Germania Cornet Band. Ode By Choir, "Rest, Comrades, 7 f Rest," Robt. Strange. Dirge Cornet Concert Club. Oration By Orator of the Day, Herbert McClammy, Esq. Ode Bv the Choir. "Cover Them Over with Beautiful Flowers. Benediction By Chaplain. Roll of Honor. Decoration of Graves. Hvmn "Soldiers of Christ.Arise.'' Doxologv. Chief Marshal, Preston Cumming. Chief of Staff, J. Hal Boatwright. Musical Director,E.P. Boatwright. Weed m Out. Tlie Pender County Democratic Executive Committee organized for the campaign on Monday last and chose Mr. J. T. Bland for chairman. This is well. Mr. Bland will make a first-rate chairman. Now, let the committee get actively at work and begin the campaign by weeding out all "independent Democracy" from the ranks of the party. This is a ... i it 1 taut 4 VU VI WJ w w - f - ! v v .7 f b '"1 ty. Weed it out, gentlemen, weed it out. With good, honest, hard work you are bound to thoroughly redeem your county this year and you don't want anything in the par ty that savors of discord and disin tegration. It is going to be ft big victory this year, as Cleveland and Stedman will sweep the State from one end to the other, and we don t want to find Pender in the rear when the roll is called on the 7th day of next November. Club Reception. A reception was given last night by the Cape Fear Club to the offi- cers.of the French frigate Bi88on and the lady friends of the members of the club. It was. largely attend ed and the affair was most enjoyable throughout. The rooms were hand somely decorated aud the Italian harpers furnished music, for the oc caslon. An elegant repast wasserv- ed late in the evening. The cheapest place to buy your schoo books and school U at Heinsberger., . stationery j On a Little Drank. The principal interest at the May or s Court this morning centered on the investigation of the case of C.J. j 9tckey, from Black River, who was charged with drunkenness and with resisting the police. In making the arrest yesterday officer Hail, who I o ' -r u& iuiuiucuv vu tula wci. a careiui invesiieration dv the Mayor brought out facts which justified the policeman in the use of forced Stuckey, it seems, was drunk yesterday tit ternoon in Mr.iCroom's store,' corner Princess anti 'Water streets. He.had beeh asleep in the back part of the store and Mr. Lee the clerk, aroused him and get him to leave. The man tr.'e.l to refused to leave and Mr. Lee sent for a po- liceman. "Officer Hall; appeared in answer to the summons and tried-to arrest Stuckey. He I resisted and struck the officer full in the, breast with his fist, who retaliated py strik ing the1 man on the arm with his club.. Mr. Lee then ejected Stackey fr,om the store and. Officer H?ili once more attempted his arrest. Jtuckey thereupon cursed the officer and ad vanced as if to strike him again, when Officer Hall struck hinon the head with his club and then held him down until he could be secured and Dlaced on a drav and taken to the City Hall. It was found that Stuckev had a slisrht erash ion his head and Dr. Potter was sent for to attend him. It was in evidence that the prisoner cursed and abused the r good doctor in. jinmeasured;' terms while he was attending to his wound. This is the substance of the evidence as Drougnr out . ac tne iriai tnis morning. The Mayor f6und that I the officer wasx justified in using force and Stuckey was fined $10 for his fun. The only pleasing feature about the affair is this: After the tHal to day Mr. Stuckey sought anl inter view with Mayor Fowler and xo him expressed his sincere regrets ajt what had occurred, and stated that his intention was to seek out Dr.Jpotter and also apologize for the language he had used towards him. ife also stated that he was convincejd that he was himself entirely in the wrong? that he thought Officer Hall did no more than his duty and thathls pun ishment was mild as compared with the offense. The Mayor thereupon remitted the fine against him and told him to go and sin no more. Must Clean Their Premises!. Editor Review: In yesterday's Mayor's Court a case of refusal to clean a water closet was tried, and the party fined $20, whereupon he took an appeal to the Criminal Court.- T Parties should assist the health officers in the discharge of their duty to keep the city clean, and then if the officers do not do their duty re port them, for the law is imperative that when a person is notified tqey must clean their premises. . - We overlooked the item yester day in making up our report) or we should surely have published it. It. was acase brought over fromia pre vious day and did not stand 1 under yesterday's date, hence the! over sight. Ed. Review. j Onslow Democrats in Session. . r ( f The Democratic Convention of Onslow met lastr Monday at ( Jack son vi lie and appointed the follow- llJ&T UcViilcrvt Kcuiiciucii ao ucictii;o Huggins, T. B. Henderson, Jackson- xr,.r l'v v. ville: Dr. W. J. Miumford and!T. E. Gilmer, WhiteOak; D. J. Saunders and A. L. Farnell, Swansboro; J. , iV - W. Spicer and H. E. King," Stump Sound; E. Murrill, O. B. Cox and S. D.-Bryan, Richlands. Dr; IE. W. Ward and Dr. Nicholson were also appointed, as delegates at large. It is reported that very nearly all the above are for Mai. Stedman for Governor. '" - Ixivlng Sympathy. Mr. John L. Dudley receivejl this morning the following telegram from the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. now in session at Greensboro:) . JLe80lved. That tne officers anu members of the Grand Lodge, speak ing for themselves ; and tne f order thofoughout the State, desire to ex press their" loving sympatny ror Past Grand Master Wm. J. Yopp, now dangerously ill at his home in Wilmington, and add their pratyerrul j hopes that he may be spared sto his fn unn ,, 5 - Signed B. H. WOODELL, , Grand Secretary., -Fof comfort andJecohomy usone of Jacobi's Oil Stoves. ' . ' -1 The New Flag. , The new flag made by a number of ladies in this city for the" Wil mington Light Infantry, will be f or- j mally presented to the company morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in iront oi tne i;ity nan. , Tne pre sentation address will be made by Rey. Dr. Carmichael, in behalf of the ladles, and will be responded to by CoL Jno. L. Cantwell, for the company. '" j - Festival lAst Night. . The entertainment given at Con cordia Hall last night by the Ladies' Concordia Society of the Temple of Israel' was a very ' pleasant and a yery successful affair. There was a large attendance and the result wag gratifying. There was - some yery nice music, renderedDyj Professor Greenewald, and there were plenty of delicious delicacies on the tables. City Court. John Williams, charged I with dis orderly conduct, was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or be " imprisoned for20 days. r,- : Theodore Alexander, disorderly, one day below. - Larry Davis, disorderly, below, - one day Attention is invited to the state ment ofthatjexcellent Company, the Mutual Life Insurance, of Kentucky, as it appears in this issue. Mr. Samual Northrop of this city is gen- j eral agent for this company. Quarterly Meetings, Speond round of Quarterly Meet ings for the Wilmington- District of the Metnodist Hi. unurcn. jsoutn: Brunswick circuit, at ' Concord, May 5 and 6. - " Southport Station, May 6 and 7. Grace Church, at Wilmington, May 12 and 13. White dlle circuit, at Fair Bluff, Mav 19 and 20. Carver's LJreeK circuit, at w ayman, May 2(5 and 27. Clinton circuit, at Andrew s unap el, June 2 and 3. Kenansville circuit, at; unarity, June 16 and 17. Onslow circuit, at Jacksonville, June 23 and 24. Elizabeth circuit, at Purdies, June 30 and July 1. i Cokesbury circuit, at McJNates, Julv 7 and 8. . ' Bladen circuit, at Uenter, July and 15. ' Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, : July 21 and 22. Brunswick Mission, July 21 and 22. T. W. Guthrie, r. ifi. THE MAILS. ' j; The malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: i close. Northern through malls, fast. L .8 .00 P. M. Northern through and way malls, i .1L0Q A. M. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom ; . 8.00 a. m. Kalele-h & Fayettevre. 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls : L . 6.30 P. M. Southern through malls. ....... 9.15 P- M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C. Railway).... i . '5.45 A. M. cDe Fear & Y V It R and points sup- puea tnereirom. . . . . 0.40 r. Raleigh & Hamlet R. It. and points supplied therefrom.... 1. 3.ou r. m. SmlthvUle U 2.00 P. M. Wrightsvlllc. 8.30 A. m. Clinton, special i. 3.15 P. M TUJSSUAX AJMJ KLUA X . ..... Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces...:... ...... i. 6.U0A. M. Tattle River. S. C. and Intermediate Offices ... 2.00P.M. Cape Fearlilyer mall. i . LOO P. M. OpEIvsEpR DELIVERY. Northern and way fflSti-- 1. 8.30P.M. Northern through mall, lalfe i .ll-OO P. M. southerh mails...... ...... 2. 6.30 A. M. Southernway malls. ....... . . ..90 A. M. Carolina central R. It. .1 . A. M. Malls collected from street boxes; in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M, land 4.45 k M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. and 4 A. M. . i -. General delivery open from 60A. M. to 7-00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 j to 10.30 A. m. - ' Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. , continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6J30 A-M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. 3 NEW ADVBRTIHEMKNTH. , Loot. T AST NIGHT. SOMEWHERE ON CHEST- lj nut street, between Fourth and Front,or on Front, between Chestnut and Concordia Hall, a Lady's Diamond Breastpin, In shape like a crescent. The finder will be handsome- iv rewarded if he will leave it either at this office or at the N. W. corner of Chestnut and Fourth streets. - i my 9 It FLANNEL SHIRTS, PBKCALE 8HIUT8. LOUIS FJ. ME AiRES, Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter . - my 9 12 No. Front j 0AE0LINA BEACH. CCHEDULE OF STEAMER W SYLVAN -GROVE ' until further notice. Tavpai at 930 A.M. and 3 P. M. Train returniiig leaves 1 Beach at 1 P. M. and 7 p. M. : i . , J. W. HARPER, my 8 tf " General Manager. rJotice. JR. W. A- McGO WAN will collect subscript onsdue THE; DAILY REVIEW and (solicit new subscribers, - . ,; . ... pt : Statement : ten showing THE condition op the mu TUAL LTFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTUCKY. December 3lst, 1CCT. ASSETS. Value of real estate and ground rents owned by the company - - . : (less the. amount or encumDran- " ces thereon . . . . : S B.SOi CO Loanon bond and mortgage (duly . . recoraea ana oemg nrst uens on - . the fee simple) I 883.037 53 Account of stock3 and Donds of the United states, and of this and : other States, also all other. - stocicsand bonds absolutely own ed by the Comnany.. 176.t"i0.00 Stocfcs, bonds and all other securl- - ties (except mortgage) nypotne- catea to tne company as couat- -erai security for cash actually loaned by the Company ; . . . . . 2.874 81 Diterest due and accrued on stocks and other securities. . . . t . . . ....... 60.129 CO Cash in company's principal office ana Deionging to tne company, -deposited In Bank. 12.737 03 Cash in hands of Agents and In - transitu . . .... .; 13,40914 Premiums or assessments unpaid - S1.4U3 31 Premiums or assessment loans . and notes . . .... 100.728 13 All other assets, detailed in state- ment .... ........ &,87jj Total Assets. ,..:.$1,395,880 03 LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, including those re- ; sistea..... s sa.TOiu Reserved, as rexiulred by Law.;: . ..-1,195.005 00 AUotherClalms : ,4520 Total LlablUtles . .v. ......... , .$1,W7,61020 Capital Stock paid up.. .$100,000 00 Total Income..... 384,827 97. ; Total Expenditures 331,143 19 NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN-1887. Risks written. ' 59.500 00 Premiums received. . . .. . 1,648 77 Losses paid on risks..... : Losses incurred 1 President, CHARLES D. JACOB. Vice President, JNO. K. GOODLOE, ' Secretary, L. T. THUSTEN.' V - General Agent, SAMUEL NORTHROP, Wil mington, n. c . ;' ; '; i -. . . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, , -,.( .;;V"V.; :r ". ; Office of secretary of State, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ; Raleigh, N. C, March 1st, 1888. .1 In compliance with Section 3fY. of ' The Code of North Carolina." I certify that the above is a true extract from the sworn Statement of the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTUCKY, on December 315t, 1887, now on file in this department. : -;4:" ' w. l. saunders, '-'. my 9 It " v Secretary of State. Grain Cradles, GRAIN, GRASS AND BUSH SCYTHES, Snaths, Feed Cutters, Cutting Knives, Grass and Rice Sickles, Fan Mills, &v We will guarantee to crive you 1 the best trr ado of goods and at the lowest cash prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. I my 6 tf I 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. C : ; t , A New Pattern'Oil Stove. ' SAID TORE THE BEST YET INVENTED. Refrigerators. Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, e. improved Pattern Door, and Window. Screens and Frames. For sale bi 3?3IAN. PLANNER & CO.. Dealers In Hardware. Tinware. &o. my 7 d&w . - Wllmlnxrton. N. C 0. 0. VOLLEKB, JJAVING CLOSED OUT MY LIQUOR BUS- meas. 1 wiu enlarge my score so as to increase my Commission and Grocery Business. In stead of Liquors I will put in a complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, &c consign ments solicited. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Couutry Produce. All orders prompt ly attended to. Advances made on all consign ments. ! o. o. VOLLEUS, my l tf Na 8 North Water st. Inouranco. CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, RENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. ' Apply to SMITus BOATWRIGHT, No. 124 N. Water street . . , Telephone No. 7 mcbl2tf Field CroqcoCo qpHE BEST LINE OF CROQUET FOR QUAL ity and Price ever offered. . Goodi , Cheap ar i i Durable.. . Also Lawn Tennis, at s . , HEINSBERGER'S ap is ' : . -' Diamond: E)c N ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at I F. C. MILLER'S, German Drug fctore. - Corner s. Fourth an d N uxi' K : 3. , , P. S. Prescriptions filled at all tlznri, diy and night. . - . men 1 j tt Something new.in the shape of a Stepladder: at . Jacobi's Ilnrdv.aro Depot. 1 ' r