nK& even eTtai, Stntfwi excepted, L jcvil T. JAMS. Etftor aaA Prop, sl -CBHV025- po5TAOK PAID: r u.o six months coa Three win tdUTpml fer carriers, fire rlrWBWrweet . - " : ' . -nit ni.uv reoort &QT and ...nto iwin their PPr regularly. . i 1 "' -B Wtnml I r W., S i mi 1 1 t-- - v J purely vegetable: flVER, EinwPYS. AH EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR uUrl. Kowrl C inpUInt. UfM-Tn. Sl.u Headache. cJn:iMtion. lM!un. KiJnry A ffer . ' Jundlc, Irntal lireioo, Coliv 1 K3 Hocsctold Should be Without It, . i hy Mns ki il ready fur Imirwdiatens? 'Jvp many n hour f urteriOK and atiiy a d 'iUr m time and doctors' bill. THERE IS C'jT ONE S1HM0NS LIVER REGULATOR m ff of Wrtppr. Prtprtd y Ly j H.ZEILIN A. CO. ,SU Proprietor. rWtr4. P- riUCK. S1.00. aorsstc wptixwly casat Twenty two editions of the May number of the North American Re view have been issued. It was Mr. i i lactone's article on Col. Inger ,Kirs itleas that caused this unpre crltntnl Kile. Of th fV reserved canes called by Justice Traux iu the New York Superior Court, special term, dur iug last week, several had been on the raWndar over twenty-five yearn. Almut cases were disposed of. The prevailing colors of dresses womnt the yueenR recent drawing nmii w ere yellow and iIflk in a vft-nVh- of shades, but curiously enough itiu-fof the American ladies present anj reented wore" soberer colors. chieflv white or black. VOL. XII WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 1888. NO . PLEASE NOTICE We will te glad to recciro a-:--,--; from our trieada on any tza all zz general interest, tut The name of the writer must aJ7. : ; 3 i nlshed to the Editor. - Communications must he Trrittca c one side of the paper. : Personalities must he avoided. - And it is especially and particularly v stood that the Editor does not alaj-s c : CSS 3 i 117 1 1116 Tlew3J0f wntispondents nlc I In the editorial cninmw used In connection with 'the Edison j We are requested by one of the ; . " Audit and Finance. ' w ..t.iiiiiwui.e nie paiace pnysicians who was present ai me The Bord met yesterday after- Kruuiius. a tip vninese uo not take Medical Convention in Fayette ville, noon. : n v- - II Old Ol thP 1 1 1 1 tl rnvpinp ri f n c ramii H'W. .... il. i : ? n ..l.n mn. ! mi . . . oy umb me jjuysiciauB vnv wic : xne vnainiian stated mat ne naa in attendance were there for the r called the Board together for the purpose of discussing medicine and purpose of considering the agree hold of the improvement as readily as the jAps, but are beginning to see its advantages. ; -The Oorvans are ready to adopt all modern ideas. par ticularly if they come from the Cni ted States. The palace of the King of Corea has a plant of -three hun dred lights, and was first illuminated on the birthday of the King's mother-in-law on. the 20th of February with great ceremony. The prisoner's friend in New York is Mrs. Ernestine ShafTer, a woman of means, who goes everyday to the 401UDS, converses witti prisoners and learns their histories. If she concludes that a prisoner 'is inno cent she furnishes bail, secures a lawyer, and has never yet failed to win on the merits of the case. She attends every trial, sits through all the taking of testimony, the ha rangues and the quibbles, and with a sort of second sight predicts ac quittal when the law-befogged minds of judges and barristers can foresee nothing but speedy convic tion. She is daunted by no hard. ship, deterred by uo fear of loss, nor prompted by any hope of gain. Dur ing the three years that she has pur sued this course her assistance has never once been misplaced. ment between the city and the Wil mington, Onslow & jEast Carolina Railroad Cjorapany, and such other matters as imight be brought before them. - i:" s- f" ' j The agreement is the same as ap proved by the Board i of Aldermen, with modifications suggested by the s. nnnnies. mves. nn'rworms Boil tetter, and all other manifestation. of impure bipod are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. INDXZ TO NEW A D V KKTIS K M RNT3. F C Millzr -Diamond Dyes M M Katz Special Bargain Loris II Mbabes- Flannel Shirts ilBissBSROKR -liase Ball Supplies Taylor's Bazaar Talk of the Town Mrs E B Wiggins Closing Out at Cost Steamship Equator arrived here this forenoon from New York The steamer Iowa, at Boston, on her lat transatlantic trip, was sur rounded by a school of whales, which indulged in all sorts of capers, until finally one of the bolder of the monsters unwisely attempted to cross the vessel's bow. pletely cut in two. School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. t Wire Cloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Udw. Depot. t Tliey are layiinr rails now on South Front street, and wonderfu progress is being made. Finance, the lich refers to 1. lti.; - At a. 5 uui pontics nnu mat any staiciucut to the effect that they had expressed any political bias must be received cum grano salis. Personal. Mr. L. Voile rs, of Point Caswell, was in the city to-day on a visit to his son, Mr. O. O. Vollers. Mr. J. J. E. Lucap, of Bladen coun ty, is here on a brief visit to his brother, Mr. A. F. Lucas. - Mr. J. H. Sharp, Secretary and Treasurer of the C. C. R. R., has re turned to the city from New York, where he went last week to attend the annual meeting of the stock holders. Nothing Fairer. I. Shrier, at No. 16 N. Front street surrendered to the city, and proper i - ! guarantees, if any purchasers of credits of the interest accrued on Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods Uuch bonds from the time of such are not perfectly satisfied, he will delivery to; the maturity of such refund the money. He also guaran- coupons shall be allowed and paid tees to save you from 15 to 25 per to the railroad company by the city cent, on the identical goods wou in cash. may purcnase eisewnere. it wiii oe i xne lioara approvea tne agree- of no expense to you to convince ment and the Chairmaji was instruc yourself of the fact and you will be ted to sign the same in triplicate, Board of Audit and most important of w coupons that may be Overdue at the time of deli very of anr bonds to the railroad company; ahd providing that not only shall coupons be cut off before delivery, bujt, so likewise at the same time shall j the coupons which shall next mature after such delivery beicut off andicancelled and money ahead by calling at I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 16 and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. - tf First Baptist Church. At the regular annual business meeting of the congregation of the First Baptist Church the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Clerk James W. Collins. Treasurer James H. Taylor. Finance Committee D. L. Gore, J. S. Allen, O. Fennell. Standing Committee J. D. Woody, Geo. Sloan, H. C Fvans, J. C. Stevenson, J. M. Chasten, W. 1. Gore, J. II. Freeman, Ushers W. C. Craft, J. 8. Hooper C. J. Terrell, W. F. Penny, F. H and also sign the bonds to be issued by the city jas a subscription to the capital stock of the railroad com" pany. j; i A communication Was received from the Board of Aldermen embra cing actionl taken by jthat board at the meeting May 7th, viz.: 1st. That iSOOcopies qfthe Mayors annual report be printed for circu lation. Concurred in, 2d. Contract for listing taxes awarded to Col. J. G. Burrat his bid the of $500, he being Concurred in. 3d. New gas lamps, corner of Fourth and Swann, Seventh and Eighth and Bladen streets, curred in 4th. Allowing the Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, Mr. New Muse, Chas. H. White, John A. Mar- mann, $75 for expenses incurred by of New York Our street railway proiuises to be the best laid street railway in the It was.com- South. The rails do not rest on the ground. collars. Largest and fines Dog The s-lauirhter of the birds to deck wouieus headgear may be judged assortment ever before brought to when one London dealer says that tn's c,l to 0e PttU at Jacob! s Htlw last year he sold 2,000,000 small birds 1'epot. of everv poMble kind and color. from the soft gray of the wood pi geon tothe Kent-like splendor of the tropical bird. Fishing Tackle. A full assortmcn of all kinds for both salt and fresl water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. t A new glass front is being put in Capt. II. VonGlahn's shoe store, on Col. Wiu. R. Aylett, of Virginia, nas written a kiudly letter of ac tnowletl-ement to the Philadelphia Market street, next door to Heins Bricade Avsociation for the f rater uai reception accorded him on his Tiit to that city on May 2, when lie '-v'iurne! for the brigade, and for "fences of friendship towards ihejroldfoesof Pickett's division. berger's. iient. ll will be a big improve- Those parts of the turnpike which are shaded by trees along the bor der are 'just lovely.' In two or three years more it will be a well- monument, scheme I shaded drive, thanks largely to the individual labors of the worthy su perintendent. Home again. You will find Tke Grant emes juto notJce again hy the au -"uucement of a fair at the Metro politan Opera House hi New York CitJ June 4. 5. and a- tr. tka fi,i w aaw a u s v J-oL Fred Grant has taken. hold of tbematterand will offer mementoes other's foreign visit for sale. ne momentary boom has ' resulted 10 'Mng l,720 from business men. iuuen i expected from the fair. The i US-.. .1 buu, lIoor ls a restaurant: on an jner a barber shop. A public tele f'none and a telegraph office are in le basement m.tAi t nis Clothes at r, -. i us 1 V back in our old Quarters. Market street, from where we had to move on account of the late fire We are now prepared to furnish alj our customers with the best of Shirts, Gent's Drawers and Furnishing Good si Trv us. Wdininirton Shirt "Kin-story blocks of Chicago Factory, J. Elsbach, Prop. t Rfl VAntnro II rt tln I Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eye umur piiuii, nave . . , , boot blacked, have his picture as In the same proportion that you Plnteil and be nhntrfMri,o i pass that point of increase, will cause fas-ven select or,Vini i.ci ' D you further injury tothe eye. Using 5n, without leaving wf ii- glasses of stronger power than isne- fcj, .. . - n vn'i. t. wp J M in luxurv n ltf.f ko cessary is me daily cause or prema- t. Win. . " f, 'T r:r n Z W.? McWL . You can get o - uum me iour me Dest at xieinsnergers. In Jape Railroad Celebration. At a meeting of the citizens of th ton of Mt. Airy the 20th of June was finally appointed as the day to uminated in the same celebrate the completion of the Yadkin Valley Rail- All the citizen i., "ol i ue principal cit- onr, W MxhtHl by electricity, as hnn ar' And most o( the finest are ill eenVlvi Euison Plant has re- Cape Fear & Yadkl th.r , I,lacel ! the palace of road to that point. Mcorri. . curnuors atrican ;eral acres. A small I that night. Music by the Kessnlch him. Concurred in. Bill of Tovver & Lyon ! city, for $84.90, for police) equipments, was approved. NEW AOVEKTIBEIIir Selling Off at Co FOR GASH 1 Will close-out at; Cost Elegant arid Complete St Delegates to County Convention. The official report of the result of the Republican primaries, held yes terday and last night, is as follows: First DivisionFirst Ward E. Nichols, A. J. Walker, Ellis Patrick. Third Division, First Ward Ed ward Hill, Samuel Reese, James H. Howe.- - ' : - jll-.; '1, Second Ward E. XlPennypacker, Nash McNeaV S. VahAmringe. Third Ward-Daniel Howard, Da- Qf Dress Trimmings; B tl tic ":, Pnnrth' wfti-ri RniiviiJ fn97l Vood.s, Laces, Fan liaui Johnson, H. B. Walker. " First Division Fifth Ward CP. Lockey,T. C. Miller, Godfrey Willis, Jr. - ; . I .- ! : - Masonboro Township E. Hew lett, Wm. McLaurin, Halifax Leon ard. . - Harnett To wnship JordanNixon, J. W. Lowery, Edward McCabe. The County Convention meets at the Court House on Friday. Work Materials, . Tea Tra- Tidies,ChinarSilks, Fancy B; kets, etc., to make more roc for ; Millinery, Departm c i which large Increase ofTrac; demands. . - The Turnpike. There is more or less talk as! to the condition of the turnpike. I Shells are badly needed in yarious places, especially -between the first and second toll-houses. But little seems to be done in the way of repairs. There is a hole in one of the culvert bridges bigenough for a' horse to put his foot in. In the the tolls are collected with and scrupulous exactness. INFANTS' CAPS, of al I descriptions. INFANTS' HOSIERY I meantime careful only bidder. Bladen, Con tin, Chas. E. Gordon. Collectors S. G. Hall, Joa Mer ritt, D. McEachern, R. P. McDou gall. A. J. Marshall, F. L. Huggins. Supervisor of Sexton B. F. Mitch ell. Superintendent of Sunday School Jos. S. Mitchell: assistant, W. F. Williams! Secretary and Treasurer C. C. Brown; assistant, H. K. Holden. . w t ,r elected President. Mr. R. C. Hoff- ant, ir. Li. nuggins. ,. . . ' r T Superintendent of Chapel Sunday fn Ve PTlden ' " School Wm. A. French; assistant-, Carolina Central Stockholders Meeting, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Carolina ;Central Rail road was held in New York, at the Old Dominion Steamship Co.'s of fice,, on Thursday last, the 10th inst- Col. John; M. Robin&on was re" D. McEachern. Secretary and Treasurer James S. Barr. The receipts of the church from May 1st, 1887, to May 1st, , 1888, amount to $5,431,65. On to Atlanta. The Georgia, Carolina & Northern R. R. is fast becoming a stern real ity. It is to 'run, as perhaps some of our readers may not know, from Monroe to Atlanta. Already 25 miles, from Monroe to the Catawba river, Sharp Secretary and Treasurer. Messrs. D. W. Oates, of Charlotte, Isaac Bates, pf Wilmington, R. S. Tucker and J. C. Winder of Raleigh, John M. Robinson, R. 0. Hoffman. J. S. Whedbee and J. L. Minis, of Baltimore, W. W. Chamberlain, of --r r u - i in T T r ,1 IMOriuiiv, uuu il. xi. ivuuci la auu vy Goddard. of New YTork, were chosen as a board of directors for the en suing year. ! . iTbe plan of settlement of accounts, as required ly the Inteij-State Com merce bill, was adopted4nd the fiscal year was changed so as to make it are completed and the construction! on the 30th of Jane Jfeach.year, iruiu la 10 ruu iiiab iar tu-uay, xiir iron for the bridge is ready and it will be completed in about six weeks. The track between the river and Chester, about 25 miles, is all graded and ready for the cross-ties and iron and orders have been given to rush the iron forward lust as fast as it : 4. XL! L A nrill arrives aw una puru xue iva." rp1 rail- 7fl7 fW- fiWl r.har. be completed to Chester by the first Lj, net revenue, $5,906:71; in instead of on the 31st of; March, as heretofore. The annual meetings are to be held hereafter jin October, the next meeting to be p October, 1889. The Treasurer's report shows that the earnings of the oad dilring the year have been $527,199.33; ex penses and betterments, including creased gross earnings, $26,933.61. Fire Near the City. of August. The road is being built very carefully and will be first class id every respect. The rails are 60 nound steol raila. I . A disastrous nre occprrea eariy This road will be pushed forward this morning at the bnpKyard and as rapidly as possible to Atlanta, farm of Col. Roger Moore, about five The meansare at hand and they will I miles East of the city. Tnere are not be spared. Col. Robinson will very , few particulars, Other than be undeterred by any threats of that the entire brickmaKing plant a parallel road. He has deliberately was involved in me loss, determined unon the construction several of the .buildings of this road and it is being built as as gone there to-day and is not ex rnniaiv n it can h annmnlished. pected back until late v - r .-iT7;i..iinc-inoon. Tne nronertv was msurcu nun ja iuc tiiuD lur vjui w - t-i i - - i - 1 ... ... - A -W- J -A 1 A. T tnri merchanta to strike for this new witu Messrs. Smitn.a: r3oaiwrigiii,iu the HauiburBreiuea Fire Insur- of those Interested that this road ance Company, for f 1,500, but this. will do more for our city, if the it is thought now, win nardiy coter . City Court. There was only a slight docket, and a trival one, for the Mayor's consideration this morning. John Hawkins, charged with dis orderly conduct, was ordered dis charged. I Cass Howard, for keeping an un licensed dog, was fined $10 or 20 days. The Seacoast ; Railway is at no point more than half a mile distant frm the turnpike,' The farthest distance is near the two-mile! post. At the Mineral Spring it runs within about 50 yards of the pike. j The steamer Louise, after a com plete overhauling and repainting resumed her regular trips to2South port to-day. She looks as neat and clean as a pin and as proud clam at high water.; Millinery Department, NEW GOODS. New Goods, in latest styles, arriving dally, full Stock ot Millinery Goods always on Hand, at lowest in tne city, special Sale tnla week of CHILDREN'S SAILOR HA H Hats in Latest .Styles, From 25 cents upwartL Flowers, vFeatliera r.:: Aigrettes,. at less than cost tils weeh';, r New Hanover is -ahead. on Mr. John F. Garrell had on his to-day the fottr quarter of a ; raised and fattened in New Hanover county, that is ahead of tw Please call earlr and iflavn'xHninorw ders for Sunday, so as to avoid tne rusn t' latter part of tne week. -. as a I "WE LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW." Respectfully beef MRS.E.B. WIGGING . stalls y 15 beef, any vf hav-A KPPn vt, frnm Rflmnshn or I . : ' 1 T I UOnSQUe TllJS DAILY KEVIKW nnrl Tonllr'- ritti f ocr roT. ! rn rno sii-rtrf - was nearly two jnclies thick. fJotico. . ninS I HyTK-w- A. mcgowan wiu collect Butscri r i w I new subscrlloers. Heartily Approved and Endorsod. Nat Moore, N.C.,May 14, P88. Editor Review: I regret! the necessity of asking you to correct the report of the secretary (Durant) of the meeting-Of Cknetuck Djemo crats, held April 21st., but justice to those present at the' meeting forces me to see that a correct report of the proceedings - be j sent tip. Mr. Durant,. tne secretary, promised me to attend to it, and I can't under stand his motive. There is cdasid- fJotico. 7 9 JOHN WERNER, THE BARBER, ILV i opened a Barber Shop on tne East Eld j r Second street, next to the Grocery store cf A II. Holmes, at which place patrons and v public generally are Invited to call and r strictly first-class work. Shave 10c, Hair t : 30c, Shampoo 20c . my litr OAEOLINA BEACH. gCHEDULEOF STEAMER SYLVAN GROVE erable feeling in the township about I until further notice. Leaves it, which cannot do the party trood. Tlie resolution oliered by Mr. G. W. Corbett and seconded by Mr. Marshall, runs thus: I "That we heartily approve and en dorse Mai. McClammy's course in Congress and recommend his renom ination, and that we approve bf a majority vote in conventions." Car- S I 1 -KT - A. .11 2.! neu uuauuiiuusiy. iuia uisseuuiig voice. - : r -'. - - Of course the same resolution em braced Maj. Stedman's candidacy. but he sent that up all right. I - . D. J. CORBETT, Co. Ex. Committeeman, and Chairman of Meeting." any I 30 A.M. and 3P.M. Tram retunu' kav NEW AnVJBJKTXSEMBNTS. 4- Beach at l p. m. and 6 P. M. J a . ; J. W. HARPER, , mystf . General Manager. A New Pattern Oil Stovo, SAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTEI). Refrigerators, coolers, Ice Cream Freczf r . &e. Improved Pattern Door and Wintiov Screens and Frames.-. r ' For sale by " ' : ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO., ! Dealers In Hardware. Tin wn n x c my 7 Otw : . wilalagtca. i(. C O. 0. VOLLEHS, JTJAVING CLOSED OUT MT EIQUOIi LU . - lness. I will enlarge my store so as to In era my Commission and Grocery Business U- u;jui oi uquors i win put in a cotar: ' wxxis, isouons, sc. con. stock or Dry ! mentS SOHCltft. HlrhPSfTrtvi nitl t,T U I A lIlJli,I WI-I I ll i"111"" wu.iry produce. All orders prom 1? la A. ilil JCd Li O 11 JX ID 1 1 17 attended to. Advances made on all com:, ments. - , - o. O. VOLLEU3. ai i y . Na 8 North Vatcr iX. LOUIS H. ME ARES', - - - i - """" Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter my 16 , " 12 Na Front j InourancQ. CCIDENT, FIKE, LIFE, MARINE, RL:, AN D TORNA DO INS DRANCE. HOWELL & OTJMMING.I - OPPOSITE CITY nAL.L ; ! SPRITJG BEDS. UPHOLSTERED SPRINGS. and all kinds of mcb!2tf Apply r SMITif BOATWRIOIIT. Na 124 N. Water i r r - - Telephone :,o.7 MATTRESSES . - .'.-'.Gpeciali gARDEN HOSE, DOG COLLARS, LA ,, Mowers, Pishing: Tactle. Come In aj 1 at them. We have the goods an j can r the prices tofsult. w. E. spkingj::i & c.. my 14 tr 14 Front jc, wimnj. ton, c. proper efforts are made to secure the business, than aqy other place wtn which It uiav communicate. Ger brig A. M. Lottinga, Wilkips, the loss, - . K - There Is as pretty a little bit of rustic water scenery at jthe - bridge . crossing of Mr. McIlheiinyV mill- cleared to-day for Antwerp with 500 dam, just below the city, as can be i o-n iw.ia mtl n. I found l in ; North Carolina. LiOOK .tnA in tiifnnpH iv Messrs I South ' just before .'.crossing. me FOR SALE. ALSO - PINE FinKK PII.T.OWS, HOLSTER I . . - ' CUSHIONS. - . r t3f MATTRESSES RENOVATED. - my-33 tf - -,-'-- '-, - "-1 The cheapest ilace to bny your schoo - books and school stationery Field Ore ci: ITIHE BEST-LINE OF CROqCET I.OI; ::'., I , I lty and Price ever oSTereX Goo J cl Durable. ALso Lawn Tcs-ci ut HEIITSBEItG w Piant is also03andof Richmoad, Va. Paterson, Downing & Co. bridge. ' . is at IIeinberer's. rpl3