IT 5 r.tor and Prop. - JT: . nC PAID: W w -.irrio4- , S1 moftbs COa THrre I- H ' The name or the writer must alrr; ' i alsned to tneTiSltor. ' . Communlcadns must t written t..:y c one side of the paper. ' Personalities must be avoided. And it 13 especially and particularly unde r stood that the Editor does not always cz'Zzrz J . r. j.,vr in 1 llteraL -m report any and VOL. XII. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. MAY 17, "1888; -"NJYY" 1 1 Q tao views of correspondents mess so tt iu.-tr pper regularly. ,.i ILiijt -V Jl i!j vv, RJRELY VEGETABLE. ilt(i. j:.qr te, c. th. riven, Sidneys, ,ko SOWEL3, U fFECTlAL. SftCFlC FCR Howel C .n;Ulnt, ltM, SJ ' Heartache, Jltuu w I- - - - . . IXDXX TO NW ADTrfBTISXXIXTS. F C Miujkb Diamond Dyes " 31 M Katx Special Bargains . Louis n Mxakes- Bathing Suits. Hkxxsbxbgxr -Base Ball Supplies Taylor's Bazaar Talk of the Town Mrs is Wiggins Closing Out at Cost The steamer Adrian is oat this af ternoon for practice. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 43 bales. Strawberries sold this .morning at H and 6 cents a quart. But one case before the "Mayor this morning and that was a trifling one. - Wllliston GrAdel School. Personal. Mr. C. P. VonKainpen has gone The pupils of the Williston Gra North on an extensive trip com- ded School request visits from their bining business and pleasure. parents and friends on Friday, May Rev. Dr. Pritchard has' "returned 18th between the hours of 10 and 12 ..j.vii stall fc8 Wit&ont II, r . iriinmHlJateusr. ViIrat.n,.n4.1ctoWUlI. VtU IS fLT ONE nffiOHS IIVER REGULATOR , H.ZEIUN 4 C?.. Wf J7J2 a i - Kr.rVper.s frit-mis are oooiumg la ia 5e York ami he may de- eoDsMerable btreugth else It 8ttus to be either Blafne thert. r D in the Kat. Sherman xk Ua lo02 ways below par. . Prof. Wi ;in, tne weather pro- ti at a mild earthquake IsHke- ItU) ciccur onthe Pacitlc coast, prob- tbJj in California, between now and Octor. The wisuiic disturbance mill wore arrosj from Akia, but he ar it mav nter reach this side of the PariSc after all AmeHeAo enterprise is felt at lntojunl Siretfen, which has just Wa proriJetf with the most north eWfric light, station' in the rJA. The lamps there are lighted n J 5) o'clock in the afternoon, and fit out at li.n o'clock at night. ExXiror Morgan II. Bulkeley,of Bxr.fonl, celebratetl his retirement ca cSf the other day by a very rwfu!aet. He presented to the &j portraits of all its mayors for &t past one liumlreil years, which EaJ eollectcil and framed uni fcrs-'j at no small expense. ICLicao insurance agent says 'it WTeral large dry goods houses city have each a special em rcjee who iloeauothiug but attend - their insurance. Ami it keeps 2:21 busy, too, for the average line insurance carried by une cotupa tjouanyone rbk is f5,000, while tAny of the.lry goods firms have an durance of $1,000,000 or over. ' Butt's pajforama goes hence to Florence, where it exhibits next Monday and Tuesday. At the last regular meetingof Ger-mania- Cornet Band several new members were admitted. to the city from Richmond. Ws Will Be There. Thanks to the Committee, Lieut. W.N. Harriss;Bergt.'Duval French, Sergt. Thos. Gause, Cornoral E. W. Moore and Private W. R. Morrison, for an invitation to attend the re ception to be given by the Wijming ton Light Infantry at their Armory on next Monday evening.. : A Weekly Half-Holiday. The butchers in Front street mar- in the forenoon. M An opportunity will thus be given of inspecting the methotls employed;by the teach erg. Pupils and teachers -will strive to make all have a pleasant time. Please encourge th'em by your pres ence..- - . - . !' ' " -: : new AaVJBKTisEMENTs. new zhvmKinnizz:::- B ATHING SUITS Louis h;meaees Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter, ' .my 17 - ?12 No. Itont Selling Off at Co FOROASEi of , Cobble Stones Give. Way. I - . North Front street is to be jpith Belgian blockig. This is a The old cobble stones are being moved and the street force is laid fact ; re- now School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. t Wire Cloth for. your windows and and door 'can be had at Jacobi's Udw. Depot. . . t - .-Indication.' For North Carolina, slightly cool er, precedeil by warmer weather, fair with light to fresh northeasterly winds, becoming variable. JThe Carolina Oil & Creosote yforkshave been awarded the con tract for supplying the creosoted piles and timbers for the pier and wharf of the United States enstom house at Charleston. They had made up their minds to go blackflshing and blackflshing theyvent. The Pas&porl had a good crowd on board this morning, and we hope that they have had fine sport, although the wind has been from the East all da v. &veral enthusiastic llostnn ceii. -faett'haTe invented a new method win- the surplus in the United sates treasury. They propose to ItlQCih m tntv 1 1 . . 1 merest oy naviug ' 'eraaeut establish depositor lfMQocat all I0.103 fcotO without interest to ail Sire security. Charle, Denby, minister to Jvocatetl br );Denocritsas a candidate for C Prsidney, and his letter C1 to the use of his name is i ;;'jbeJ- Col. Denbv is a native !i-!r??illjH graduate of tht ti "iUkC 01 Aexmgton. 11 WWl!!lditiQCtonin the Unioi t -J is considered one of I ucmIndiana. FarnTeTs' Mortgage and Qe- AW Panyhas Unchartered rijl with authortied In'00'000- The corpora nerVeml "lyBoHton- TU f Panose of this com !S?uh CHplUl in Various SUirt South 'reasonable rWdan ltas a,nMlam much Uth, .et0llevPthresoorces e ion the cpiU'r Purifying V.. 'Vtlie rii . and. build SarsarviHll.i ry best .medicine to - - - The picture of Carolina Beach which is seen about in places is pretty enough in its way, but it doesn't do the subject justice. The Beach is a much prettier place than the picture would have us believe. uome again. iou wilt linu us back in our old quarters. No. 27 Market street, from where we had to move on account of the late fire We are now prepared to furnish al our'customers with the best of Shirts Gent's Drawers and Furnishing Goorts." Try. us. Wilmington Shirt Factory, J. Elsbach, Prop. t Cock Crystal Spectacles and Kyeglaases a.uvice 10 oiu. anu yountr. in se Iccting spectacles you should be can tlous not to take more magnifying . i m m votccr tiian lias been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of Increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of previa turc old age to (he sight. You can get the best at Heinsbergers. Annual Itennlon. The reunion of the Association of Officers of the Third North Carolina I u fan try, was held yesterday - at Capt. Nortl iron's place, on Green ville Sound. There were only ten present, seven of whom are surviv ing ofOolrsof that gallant command. These are Col. W. L. DeRosset,Capt. R. F. Laugdou, Col. Jno. L. Cant- well, Capt. W. II. Northrop, Capt. James I. Metts, Lieut. xVL. DeRos set and Lieut. Jos; Darden, the lat ter of Kins too. Hon. Geo. Davis, an honorary member, was also pres ent, as were also. Mr. W. M. Gum ming and Mr. W. B. Walker, eldest sons of deceased officers of the Third and therefore .themselves members of the Association. . . - ket have taken a good, square grip on the job of . putting, down the on the situation. They have agreed blocks. The RKViitw has been'per to close on every Friday afternoon sistent in urging that the rough and during the Summer for. the benefit unsightly cobble stones be taken np of their employes, thus giving one and that the Belgian blocks be ?aid half-holiday in each week. The all the way up the street to the de agreement croes into effect on the not and we are eladi to know that 25th. Good 1 the work is being done at last.; Hates to Charlotte for the 20th. The Carolina Central people can always be relied on to do the hand- The . . EvangeircaljAlllance. - first public jlmeeting of the some thing. All the ticket agents Evangelical Alliance of Wilmington along the line of. that -road have will be held at th e Fi rst Presby te been instructed to sell reduced rate rian Church at 8 p.' m. to-night. AH tickets to Charlotte for May 20. The communicahtsinevangelical church tickets are to be put on sale at all es are eligibla to membership. in the stations on the 18th, 19th and 20th? Alliance, and. it is hoped that a and will be good to return until arid large number willjj be present for including the 22d. participation in thle organization. Nothins Fairer. - After organization is eflfected, Rev. I. Shrier, at No. 16 N. Front street Messrs- Strange, Primrose and Hoge n..t0oU if an ,Mtl,Mw will present different aspects of the Clothing,HatsandFurnishiogGoods Sday question. are not perfectly satisfied, he will refund the money. He also guaran j tees to save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. . It will be of no expense to you to convince yourself of the fact and you will be ! money ahead by calling at I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 16 and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. " tf WANTEH AN INTELLIGENT EARNEST man to represent a large, responsible . Will close. out at Gost the house in his own locality and outside of large J rrf A,!,. j i ot 1 cities. A jemuneratlve salary to - right party. J -L-lcgan t atla Complete btOCU References exchanenprt - .. ' 'f r t . . pi juress j nmrnings, tJuttons?, Fancy Goods. Laces' Fancv HOWELL & 0TTMMING, Work Materials, Tea.Trays, I x iaies,mna iniks, t ancy lias- SPRIFJC BEDS. F ' 'lln room :wfv im Vu rf w 9 for Millinery Department, UPHOLSTERED. SPRINGS, fc ,irauc ' , and all kinds of MATTKBSSES FOR SALE. ALSO. - . riNE FIBRE PILLOWS, BOLST.EKS , . CUSHIONS. " ffST- MATTRESSES RENOVATED Jaj . - my is tf " vllsefal Bridal Presents, UCH MORE DESIRABLE TO YOUNG M married people than the many pieces of sllveH are given at weddings and fit only for display, for sale at - Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Store. ap 18 . - , INFANTS' CAPS, of 'all descriptions! - ... raFAflMvnbsiEifiM'' A Vacancy Filled. Mr. Walter Rutland has been ap pointed Local Freight Agent here of "the Wilmington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. W, J. Yopp. The Union Depot Agency, hereto fore distinct, has also been placed under Mr. Rutland's supervision, tha uniting the through and local agencies -in one. Mr. William M. Parsley will be Mr. Rutland's chief assistant. . ' . - . - Mr. Rutland has had charge of the business for kouia months Tvutt n T . I . f !i wT. c. A full fttKnrttrf during Mr. loprCs sickness, and has 7 ,ftd for i.k .... 1 tf... "v! bYu-arul fresh. ,v u Kriicrui bJuiMaruuu. , . utJacobrs Hdw. l)e-t Fly Trap, ett and cheapest, at Jacobi's lid w. Depot. " t V Supreme Lodge Ciood Samaritans. A. R. Middleton, j of Kenansville, Grand Chief of Grand Lodge No. 2, I. .O. G. S., is in the; city making ar- j rangements for the; meeting of the Supreme Grand Lodge of the United States, which convenes in this city on the 29th inst. Delegates are .ex pected here on thai; occasion from every State and Territory in the Union, two delegates being accred ited to each. ' It wilt be a big" occa- The Planets in May. sion and the members of the loderes 1 1 The sky is alive during the starlit here will see that their visitors are nights of May with the wanderings j handsomely entertained of our brother planets, as in various aspects they-sweep into their vast stedman stock. orbits n.ronnd fhe o-reat central or- A telegram received here yester- bit. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are day afternoon fronk Windsor j says evening stars, are all visible in the that the Bertie county Democratic Millinery Department, NEW GOODS. rew Goods, in latest styles, arriving daily. A Atiii otucK ui juiuinery uoos always on hand, at lowest In the city. . special Sale this week of . CHILURENfS SAILOR HATS. 116 Market St. Hats in Late st Styles, - . From J55tnts upward. Flowers, Feathers Aigrettes, WE WILL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK 31 ANY SPECIAL BARGAINS. 500 Fancy Color?d JerseFs t0 match Sum mer Dress Goods, worth 81.25 for 85c. end at less than cost this week: early evening, and are in tine posi tion for observation. Jupiter, the "star of" imperial Jove," heads the list, superb in size and coloring fie is retrograding, or moving back wards, and almost brushes Beta Scorpii ' in his course. Mars, also retrograding, emulating his lordly rival, encounters slowly-moving Urauus in his course, and pale Sat urn, moving eastward or in a direct for Stedman i 500 1.35. convention, was solid for Governor. j; v The Dare county convention in structed for Stedman for Governor Pasquotank county delegates j are 98 cents. divided between ;Stedman and Fowle. Cloth Shades Jerseys, worth 3.25 for Please call earlv and loava m mfnnnr m. ders for Sundav. so as tn vmi tvia moh i. latter pan of We"welc.":.." ,Tr- : "WE LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW.", ' Respectfully, - . - . " MRS. E, B. VIGGINS . my is .."-., Wotice. 250 Cl0tl1 BlaCk Jerseys' wortn 1'585 ror I jyj11 Wm A McGWAN wlli collect suhscrlp- tlons due THE DAILY REVIEW; and 'solicit The Asheville Sun says the moun tain Democracy are nearly solid for Stedman. ; The Anson countyf delegation will be divided. between Alexander and course, advances towards Praesepe, the starry cluster, through which he Stedman. twill nrouotiflv nlnntro All tlionlnn. I . xr I suffered from a very severe cold ets except Venus are congregated . nv heatl - for montliis an(l used on the sun's eastern v side - from th everything recommehded bnt could LA ' . . . . . . n,. . . I . " C ITT ' J. I VA lfjtn totiieJUtn. rue love v month cret no reuer. was auviseu 10 use ofMftv xvIipii flnwPM hlo-n birds Ely's Cream Balm. It has worked or May, wiien llowers Dioom,, birds nk masic in its cure. I am free sing tneir sweetest songs ami tne fr0mmy cold afterjisingr-the Balm earth is with .verdure clad, holds lone week and I belieVe it is the best also in its trlf L as soon as the even- remeay Known, v eenng graieiui 1 11 t I for what it has done Tor me I send ing shades prevail, a charming pic- rpsf iin0nial.-iSa unel J Harris. . 1: I - : . y ture 01 our nearest ceiesuai neign- Wholesale Grocer, J19 Front St., bors, as, looking down with friendly I New York." Twebottles of Ely's Crealu Balm Black SILKS, worth 81.25 for 85c. Black SILKS, worth 81.40 for 81.00. Black- and Colored BRADAMES, worth 81.35 for 98c - v SUMMER SILKS 35 and 50c V V Ladles Super Gause Vests, worth 50c. for 40c. - . ' - . "A Ladies' Extra Quality Vests, worth 81.00 eyes upon our little planet, tney move, swayed by undeviating laws, over the vast concave that arches above us. The planets are more tangible than the other inhabitant of celestial space, for they are mem bers of the same family as the earth, lave tne same origin anu tne same irrevocable fate. Quarterly Meetings Second round of Quarterly Meet inirs for the Wilmintrton District of the Methodist E. Church, South: Brunswick circuit, at Concord, May 5 and 6. . .- South port Station, May 6 and 7. Grace Church, at Wilmington, May 12 and 13. - . Whiteille circuit, at Fair Bluff, May 19 and 20. Carver s Creek circuit. atWayman, May 2G and 27. Clinton circuit, at Andrew's Chap el, June 2 and 3. cured the wife of a well known ; U. ! S. A. General and also two army;of ! ficers in Arizona of catarrh. Children's Vests for 25c Men's Vests, from 25c; up. -Black and Colored Silk Mitts 19c Ladles' Gloves, worth 25c for 15c Ladies' Gloves, worth 35c. for 20c. Ladies' Gloves, worth 40c for 25c Wash-Fabrics, from S cents up. ' THE MAULS. The malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: f -, ' - " CLOSE.' Northern through malls, fast. . . . . . .8 .00 P. M. Northern through and way mails. . .1L00 A. M. N. c ana a. & n. c. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom......... 8.00 A. M. Kalelgh & Fayettev?e. 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. soutnern way mans 1. 6.30 Y. m. Southern through malls !...... ..' 9.15 P- M, Western mails (C C. Railway).... .. 5.45 A. M. Cape Fear & Y V R R and points sup plied therefrom 5.45P.M. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points suppuea inereutJm...... s.ou 1. jvi. 2.00 P. M. 8.30 A. M. 3.15 f.M ' To arrive via Steamer one lot of 38-inch All-Wool Dress Goods, ' Cheap at 50 cents, for 35 cents. Kenansville circuit. June 10 and 17. Onslow circuit, at Jacksonville, June 23 and 24. Elizabeth circuit, at Purtlies, June SO and July 1. Cokesbury circuit, . at McNates, July 7 and 8. liladen circuit, at Center, July 14 and 15. ' '' , Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, July 21 and 22. Brunswick Mission, July 21 and 22. T. W. GOTHRIRt P. E. SmlthvlUe Wrlghtsvllle... Clinton, special... TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces..... Jfc. 6.00 A. M. Little River, a C. and intermediate offices.... .-4.... 3.00 P.M. Cape Fear River mall. . L. .. L00 P. M. ' OPEN FOR DELIVERY Northern and way malls.. 8.30 P. M. nt fTharitv I Northern through mall, late.... .1LO0P. M. Southern way malls. . . , J. a30 A. 31. CaroTln,Central R. R......L 9.30 A. M. Mails coirectwl cvm street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M.-, 11 A-3L and 4.45- P. ALand from other points of the city at 5 P. 5L and 4 A.M. i 1 - -' v . General delivery open from 6.30 A. 31. to 7-OOt f. u, ana on sunaays rrom u.uu 10 iasu a. m. Carrier delivery open on Sunday from 9J to loan a. 3f. ! - -:! Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. 5 P. M., continuous. . Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. 3L and 1 to 7 P. M. . j ; ' ANeVLOtOf SWISS AND NAINSOOK FLQUNMGS VERY DESIRABLE ALL-OVERS, : Swiss Embroidered Aprons o- REM EMBER THURSDAY IS SPECIAL BAR GAIN DAY, jAT Burglars.1 You can be safe from them bv usincr the. Bur-'lar Proof Blind Locks; sold at Jacoli's. 116 Mark K atz, my 14 WILMINGTON, N. C. Street, i Trust CiEjiasv . Another lot of " those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi':; i .Udw. Depot. " It will pay you to use . one. t - t 'j H ff AHKET. BETWKKX I JfKrnIV AT) lYl Third Streets. H 1 , . t TlTf XT TTTT 9 nt?fi new subscribers. - Itf rJpticov ;v ' TOnN WERNER, THE BARBER, .HAS U .opened a Batber Shop on the East eU of Second street, next to the Grocery Store cf A. II. Holmes, at which place patrons and the public generally are Invited ; to call and pet strictly first-class work, . Shave 10a, Hair Cut 20c, Shampoo 20a - my 11 tf 0AE0LINA BEA0H. O CHEDULE OF STEAMER I SYLVAN GROVE J untfl further notice. Leaves' at 9:30 M. fend 3 P. 31. Train returniiig leaves BeacbTat 1P.M. and.6 P. 3f. - 1 0 - . J- W. HARPER, my 8 tf - General Manager.. A New Pattern Oil Stove, SAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTED. Refrigerators. Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, &e. Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. . j " For sale by V " - . . ' . -; ALDERMAN, FLANNER 4; CO., - I! - Dealers In Hardware. Tinware. &c my 7d&w .t -- , Wilmington. 2i. CJ 0. 0. VOLLEIIS, jgAVTNG CLOSED OUT MY UQUOR Bus iness. I will enlarge my store so as to lucre 73 my .commission and .Grocery Business. la stead of Liquors I -will put In a comrvrto stock of Dry ' Goods. Notfon3. AC Cons! :-n- ments solicited. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Couutry Produce.- All orders prorr pc ly attended to. Advances made on aileorr : 3 ments. - 0. o. voLLEi:y. my ltf - - No 8 North Water ti. InGurancc- ACCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, 3IARINE, KENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. -! L - ; . Apply to : . SMITH & BOATWRIGIIT. I . NaJ4 N. Water htrc-t ' men IS tf ju Telephone N0.7 r I ; Gpecialc Q.ARDEN HOSE, DOG COLLARS,- LAV.": Jlowers. Fishing Tackle. Come In and 1 : at them. . We have the goods and can 1...; tocrprices tojsuit. . - my 14 tf f 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. c. Field pro q c cl THE BEST LINE OF CROQUET Wll QUAL ity and Price ever offered. goo1, ci.e ;i JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, Pre3ldcmT, W. P.TOOMER. Cashier. - Lends money on Katisfactory security. - Pa js interest on deposits. ! " . - Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds, racasstf t Durable. Also Lawn Tennis, at HEINSB3I1 "T30 - : I ap 13

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