We ';wia be g:la to receive cc::r .t: ; 3 ucra cu.r rneno3 on any ani ::u o tf i03, - cnit MID: general interest, but -trnos?. H The name of the writer must alray3 to Iut lusaed'to the Editor, -.v; :" ' ' .' . Communications must bo' .'irrlttea cnij ca one side of the'papcr; : Personalities must bo avoided. Andltlsesperfalljraia paxtlciuariy under stood that the Editor does not always enden c the news of correspondents - anlcs3 sbtate d In the editorial columns. - aoft " 1 " month, 3S cents. . deUrrred by outers, free 1? .n,rtonDe city, at tire above iM3 ... rrnort hit and VOL. XII. WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY.. MAY; 21, 1888. NO 121. ' BE i.murli lo tbe process and Sin in TomipotiDdiu as to rile it n time. Itchecks mine outset, or if dTWJ will rn a rotcntcare. ta w m W1M11. 1L 'J llJki rod WHOSE BENEFIT Jt? u who g-jjert nfttirJ, lUUonfnsss. f-3- ? L iliUrf business C!V. For childr.ii It Is mostin-Ltf-n.-, No danger from "itoirel r.,m.llut-. erlh "jrwiriili ft.l.U. Invalid and JiSvViiiflml 11 U mildest i?r . i -ht inurv rtirohlnf sleep ai3 evacuation of thebowela. 3: n tho Morning sharpens it;l4ruur. cleanses the stomavh and jihe bream. 'I lJ Heltons V"""?; iwrtofek compound that would. fr.I Lir KegiUtor. promptly ISrffCtowiy mor the LiTtr to cuon. 5 irauaod ssslmllaUTS . Hjw. -o.. WasHnjton. Ark. wjAa f Coalnenss t Iok for the red tSSVon front of Wrapper, and the SilS'xaaturs of J. U.Zc llln & Cola Utiiie. Take no other. SrtnUry FairchiM has approved fce'J'uof the new twenty-dollar umt certificates, bearing an excel nl liiene?s of the late Secretary The Xew York Dry UootU Chroni faiKl other trustworthy trade or rai congratulate the country on the riffllrLt prospects of business iarioj the year on account of the aWuce of any disturbing element in the political situation. "? Tlie JoJeiotthe IJquor License Court of Philadelphia rendered their decision on load.y In the cases of tppiVaot In tbe 2--M, 23d, 24th, 25th u,l 27th rank. Out of 531 petitions Lr!iVeneouIy 183 were grante!. In fire wards there are at present let ii!ooD.. The Court vrlll coin fltit lis labors this week, and the 8lieeases will iro Into effect on JSB 1. IKDXZ TO NEW ADTKRT181IIXTS. - W L Dol glas elioes D J G i lb x kt Pure Candy C Bicua For the Season M M Katz special Uaivalns Tatlok's Uazaak Don't Miss E W Maxnimq Atlantic View Stltax Gbots Carolina Beach . -,lIziSBKJicKB -Base Hall Supplies Is this May, or is it November? Steamship Bentactor arrived "here yesterday from New York. WireCloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Udw. Depot. t Mr. Jno. II. Maxlibtirn, of Pender couuty, was iu the city to-day. The rainfall here up to 3 o'clock this afternoon amounts to 1.5G inches. School liooks and School Station cry you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's t The Produce Exchange is closed to-day and there are therefore no market report. Uurglars. You ran be safe from them by rising the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. I , The highest velocity of the wind here td-day was 23 miles an hour and at Southport it was 30. Indication. For North Carolina, rain followed by fair weather, warmer and light to fresh Southerly winds. Dog collars. t Largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's lidw. Depot. A note' from a friend in Charlotte tells us of the Mecklenburg County Convention held there on Saturdav Capt. Alexander . was endorsed for Governor. The cheapest place to buy your schoo books and school stationery is at Heinsberger's. The Congressional Convention will meet iu this city on June 27th. The State and District Conventions ill be held at Raleigh on the 30th inst Master Houston Merritt showed us to-day the first cucumber we have seen thisseason.lt was plucked from the garden at his mother's residence on Fifth, between Orange and Ann streets. Feast of Roses. j ' ' Delegates to Conventions ; I ' Ofbrti's Electric Xlght and Hotel. - The Sunday School Social Society j N Mr. A. G. Ricaud, Chairman of the j L Oxford, May 17, 1888. of Grace Methodist! Church areuiak- late County Democratic Convention iA Editor 'Kevisw: Our stirring ine active preparaiioDS for twofc hai to coneeIti the ai.tl.ori- &lSt 1! S-oT'SuJ tivals on Thursday and Friday ty given him by; the ;Convention,: streets by the electric lights, which nignts or tne present week at tne named tlie following delegates to th gave our town a lively ana business City Hall, styled as above. The pro ceeds are for their new house of wor ship and they should meet a liberal patronage. ongressiona The alarm of fire 'vesterday morn-1 Gfeen, S o'clock, State, Judicial and Conventions: t ; V 1 STATK CONVEXtlOX. E. D. Hall, ' A. D. Brjawn,. Sol.TJ. Weill, H: G. McQueen, H.l McL II. Fishblate, T. .W. ing, at 3:30 was dA.. . caused bv-iorra"Se n. K. Moore, the partial destruction of a double ; ia!yi Jr., John J. Fow frame store build ins on Second i McKoy, ; F. H. ' Stedman street opposite Capt. T. J. Souther : like appearance and a thing devout ly wished for, as we have long been j in utter -darkness and. plodding ! through -the -mud. , But we are all j right now: Day -before yesterday was a grand day for Oxford, one long to be remembered. - uur people, - witn tneir usual go- land's btables, owned by Mrs. WhiTf111"1.- was added by by M. H. Bass harness repair ney and occupied on tne one side as a shop and on the other by C. C. Par ker, a painter, and J. S. Gibson un dertaker. No one fire caught. It knows how the originated . in the part occupied by -Mr. Bass and near the jwood partition which divided the two stores. The building was insured with Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor in the Phoenix of Hartforti for $155 which is hardly half of the "loss. M. H. Bass was insured with Messrs. A. A. Brown & Co., in the North Western, of Dakota, for $250; Mr. Parker was insured with Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor in the Phoenix, of Hartford, for $200 and J. S. Gibson had a policy In the 'Southern Insu rance Company, oif New Orleans, Mr. A. J. Hill agent j for $180. Children's Day at Grace Church. ' i By appointment of the authorities of.tfie'M. E. Church yesterday was observed as Children's Day. There was a large attendance present at Grace Church and ah array of beau tiful Mowers. The North kast win dow of the Lecture Rooin"was deco rated as a memorial to the deceased Superintendent, Capt. W. M. Parker. Evercrreen letters, 4iW. M. P.," the initials of his name, Were on the win dow and beneath it was suspended a crown of flowers surmounted with a star. - ) The principal exercises in the morning were impromptu speeches To this list the"' Chamuan, the Convention DISTRICT CONVENTION" AT RAJjEIGH. Josh T. James; J. 'J. Hedrick, T. S. Burbank, Jr I.) Macks, J. C. Stevenson." R..E. II eide;L. A. Pearce, John E. Pigford, J. T. Pleasants, D M. Williams, Pembrokje Jones, A I bert Gore, Sam Bear, Jr., J. W. Car michael, J. IMeares, Geo. L. Mor ton, Wm. Latimer, Geo W. Kidder, B. G. Em pie, II. A. Bag, R. II. M Koy, ' J. G: Oldebuttelj B. F. Hall' Dan Quinlivaii, JJIm. CronlyJ H. Ll Vollers, John W. Reillyj II. H. Gies. chen, ' John C. Davis, T. Donlan, S- M. Empie, Chas. Aaron, J. D. 11. Branch, E. G. Barker, the Chairman; A.. G. ohn D. Bel- i ahead and indomitable; spirit, de er Thos. H i eiea OIi ouiiaing a new hotel,; to cost oet ween thirty and forty thous and dollarsl" When this hotel- is G.J completed, ( which" will be by ; th resolution of first of November), we-will have one that will be. sought alter uy our North Carolina people from the Eastern part xf the State as a Sum mer resort. Oxford has a climate for health ansurpassed by any in the State, and the hotel is to b first class in'e very ..respect. ? The long continued spell of cold weather' has been greatly damaging to the tobacco crop and the other crops of this section,, and the fruit crop has also been much injured. : The Oxford & Durham R. R. is be ing pushed forward with very dis patch. Track-laying has begun at this end and also at the Durham end; and by the first of August we will be connected by rail with our sister town, Durham. - r As soon as this is accomplished, a through train will be ran from Ral eigh' to Richmond. T. Schulken, D. J. Klander, J J. W. j To this list Ricaiid, was the Coiiren- added by resolution of tion. - M CONG RESSIONAlj CONVENTION Chas. M. Stedman, A. I M. w'addell, Walker Meares A. H. j Greene, M. BelTamy Josh. T. James, J. A. Bonitz,. B. Kingsbury, W. H. Ber nard, Sol." O. : Weill, J T. Elliott, Alex. Ad rairiE. G; Parmelee, John Cowan, B. R. Moore, John D. Bella my, Jn, E. G. Polly, STHishblate, Wm. . Ul rich. Jas. W. Kin, - W. B. McKoy, J. L. Boat wright, G. Ht4 Smith, T. E. Wallace, Di G. Worth, L. W. McLajurin, I Raymond Branch, W. W. Harriss, J. F. Maunder, NKW AJDViSK i'lSEMENTH. Pure Candy. I HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE CANDY Stand on North side of Princess street, be tween Front and Second, and will hereafter supply my patrons with -PUKE CANDY, made dallv from the best eranulated sugar. sold ehean and in Quantities to-suit. A11IJ ask is a trial. ' " my 21 If D. J. GILBERT r suitable to theoccasi T. B. Kingsbury, J. Wm. M. Poisson, W. on from Messrs. F. Post, Jr., W. Hodges and M." Newman, John H. Daniels, T. B. ILippitt, G. W. Chesnutt H. H. Smith, R. H. Pickett, G. J. Boney. To the the above list the chairjiian, A. G. Ricaud, was added by resolution of the Convention. S.D.Wallace. Remarks were made by Flag Presented but no ISxenrsion. The Wilmington -Light Infantry Mr. D. J. Gilbert has taken charge speeches were made by Messrs. D. prevented the parade and the ex- Tbe General Sessions Court is the cJit Court In New York, and for tie first time in Its history a colored Cwrt cScer now holds a position tuhiaiuwalU The lucky man Isl e candy stand ou Princess Prfvleridc Aldridge, who, 1nce May, street, next East of Mr. S. G. Hall's 13, haj been a messenger in the I printing house, and Is prepared to rariet Attorney office. His fath- furnish all kinds of candy, fresh er, DaTitl AMridge, is a messenger I made each day, and of pure granu- neral factotum in the private I lated sugar. Give him a call. of I'ortr-flve Confirmations. Bishop Watson visited St. John's Church yesterday morning and ad ministered the rite of confirmation to a class of 15. Last night he was at SL James' and the rite was ad ministered by hjm to a class of 30. The candidates were presented in each instance by the Rector of the! Church. the Pastor and Superintendent and did. not carry out the full programme read an essay, which had been' laid'-. out! for to-day. It was their 35th anniversary and t muchjpleasure had been anticipated but the verv disagreeable weather Mr. 'Willie Creasy These were all interspersed with music, and singing by the children i In." the afternoon impromptu H. Walsh a nd Horace A. Bagg.and Professor C. S. Noble which were also interspersed with singing, af ter which was the funeral services of Willie Davis, a member of the school. The services for the day fr-ee of Chauncey M. Depew, vuu wuce iniiaence the son it appoiuted by DUtrict Attorney lartme m H &Ty as mes- Kur wx I50 a year and as Court c-eer l $1,000. naia the next week or ten days " ix)tniana Legislature mill elect Uniteil States Senators. One tf&eu will succeed Randall I. Gib- W term expires next March. tr vill succeed James B. wao retires in 1801. These aa are candidates for re Jca, and there are several other jsaaiana vrho are not averse to oa Senatorial honors. Among a Samuel D. McEnery, whose cursion to uarouna iseach. ; 'me new flag, however, , was presented to the Company, at the Armory. There were not many present be sides the Company as lit was not .. . . . thought that the presentation would were closed by an earnest, impres take place to-day but there having sive and appropriate sermon at mrertU uccu ' cu1 i,u!'tjju';'",iuM htby the Pastor, Rev. W. S. it was decided best to cary out that part or the prograiume. liiere were only four ladies present. Thd Com pany was drawn up, in full uniform, and Rev. Dr. Cdrmichael,' in a very neat and pleasant little audress,pre seuted, on behalf of the ladies who It niir Rock Crratal Siectale and Kyetrlasses ivavice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying voiccr than has been lost to the eve ... ' . . ... as in tne same proportion that vou pass that point of increase, will cause M Governor expires to-day? you further injury to the eye. Using fcraaabltj for the places Is be- C8 of stronger power than is ne jf interesting. cessary is the daily cause of prema- tureoldanctothc8iaht. You can tret the best at Heinsberger s. colore grand jury last week r.T P&tment to the Criminal 7 which the loosener in the Titration of justice In thering- severely condemned. A Lecture on Forelcuers. Rev. F. W. E. Pescliau hits been requested by a number of ladies and trentlemen to deliver some time in ij . '"uia iur icouics ue nearnunreaieciureouroreii -'tLueauors inmul r th am o.wl . .,,,1 li.v v Uf J3fy 4' cent, or nearly He has the matter under considera iict Il furt,,er than the dls- tion. It is a subject replete with in "niv .m - 1 a . t . a , j 0 "liivcanu were inere 1 irei bum we kuow 01 no one in tne trtv...! v . .1 .. . "niy 35 per cent ol city who can handle it more thor- ti, T?r trietI ended In convic-1 oughly or more satisfactorily. t-.t ue Presentment that " taockorv .u , , , . CI It Court. t - :fcey Of the a flin!n?t rn. I ce acnUOt lint w nrotnJ "lu"""b Creasy, addressed to the parents. Nothing Fairer. - I. Shrier, at No. 10 N. Front street, guarantees, if any purchasers of Clothing, Hatsand Furnishing Goods are not perfectly satisfied, he will lm(1 !uade it, the beautiful fla refund the money. He also guaran tees to save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. It will be of no expense to you to convince yourself of the fact and you will be money ahead by calling at I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 16 and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. tf The Storm Signal Up. The- following telesrram was re ceived at the Signal Office this morn ing: Washington.D. C.Mav 21. 0:25 a.m. Hoist cautionary northeast sitrnals Wilmington and Wilmington section for cvclone inGeortriamovinirnorth- least. Also ordered at Morehead Citv. Greely. Signals were ordered at Charleston was received on behalf of the Com- i . r 1 Z 1 i: T i ' I - w ys a ' pany oy voipnei jonn l. ijani- well, in a few felicitous re marks, and then -it was turned over to the keeping of Color-bearer Perde w. The flag . is of jsilk, blue and white, of the same sif e as the old one, with gold fringe, jand gold tassels and cord iind surmjouuted by a irold spear, jeweled. It ! bears oh one side the name of the Ccmpany and the date. of organization-and on the other the seal of the State of ' 1 North Carolina, beauttfully . jand skilfully painted by a lady of- this city. The lettering :was done here aud the flagstaff was 'made; "by Messrs. Fore & Foster, and by them presented to the ladies to be used as such. The object was to have everything made here that it iwas last night. The storm developed on possioie to makeat home land with the Gulf several days ago and had caused severe rains on the coast of Texas Friday night and Saturday But owing to its location on the Gulf the real cause of the rains could not be surmised until yester- the exception of the material, the fringe, tassel and cord add spear head, it was all made here; - ! - The presentation ! over j with the company were dismissed, i , - There was no excursion and tar- For the Season, HAVE OPENED MY HOUSE AT CARO llna Beach for tht. season, and will be pleased to attend to all who may favor me 4lg, Always en han2 and served in any' style my U law 12w m ajt Carolina Beach. 0 AE0 LIN A BEACH,... gCHEDULE OF STEAMER SILVAN GROVE until further notice. "Leaves at 9:30 A.M. and 3 P. M. Train returning leaves ueacn at i jr. m. ana 6 r. ,m. J. W. HAItPEK, my 8 tf , General Manager. Atlantic View, A T THE WRIGHTSVILLE TERMINUS OF the Sea Coast Railway, Is the place to get the celebrated PIG FISH. : Board by the jreek or month. ED. WILSON MANNING. my 19 lw Proprietor. f i iaii NET? AOVmtTISElJENTa. Executor's Notice HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR or the last will and testament of James Dawson, deceased. I hereby notify all persons having claims against the said testator to 'ex hibit the same to my attorney,' Junius Da" is. Esq., at his office in Wilmington, N. c, cn or before the nth day orApril, A. D: lssa, ,.: WILLIAM UiLDRETII F1KLD. : ap U law 6w s - Executor. Administrator's Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA tor of tho estate of tho late James M. D.iw. son, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to exhibit the saino to toy attorney, Junius Davis, Esq., at his of flee in the city of Wilmington. N. C, on or bc- lure me in aay or April, A. D. 18ri. -WILLIAM UlLDUKTii vir.T.n . apHlawws Aamtolstrator. THE MAYO HOUSE. r I .would respectfully announce to my friends and the public generally that the , . Mayo House, at the Rockc, is now open for the season under the same management as formerly.. Numerous altera tionsand improvements have been made and every facility is offered this season for salllmr. Fishing and Bathing. ,The advantages for all ot these are unsurpassed anywhere on the coast. ; , , . - - , -. . - ., - - Special personal attention given to the com fort of guests, i Two boats daily. The PASSPORT and LOUISE stop each way on each trip. - ; - Still water or deep water Ashing at any time and boats ready when the steamers ar rive. Fishing tackle and bait kept ready for instantusej Kates by the day, week or month and very reasonable. - ; - - . Parties from the country desiring to make arrangements address: MAYO HOUSE, The Rosfcs, Wilmington, N. C. . v : - Respectfully,- - MRS. ,W.E. MAYO, my 18 tf .-- Manager. BATHINGS FITS AT s -r- A feo ,S - Vk S x3U o a - o i " (3 s s si v WO o - 5 LOUIS H. ME ARES' , . Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter my 17 is No. Front . V . - ' Useful Bridal Presents, jjUCH MORE DESIRABLE TO YOUNG marrie"d people than the many pieces of silver given at weddings and fit only for display, are tor-sale at Live-Book and Music S tor e r apis , .. y . Wilmfngtea Savings k Trast Company, - MARKET, BETWEEN ? SECOND . AND Third Streets . .. ; .JOHN WILDER ATKlNSON,.president, : . W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. . ' Lends money on satisfactory securitv."- , Fays interest on deposits. - - is empowered to execute Trusts oi an idnda, mch26tf - -. r-"s Notice. ; TR. W. A; McGO WAN wUl collect subscrip tions due THE DAILY REVIE W and 'solicit I new subscribers. Itf rjotico. JOHN WERNER, THE BARBER, HAS opened a Barber ShOD on the East Kido nf Second street, next to the Grocery store, of A. H. Holmes, at which place patrons-, and tho public generally are Invited to call and ret ! strictly flrst-class work. Shave 10c., Hair cut i 20c, shampoo 20c. . my U tf The Great Sale at TAYLOR'S BA ZAAR on MONDAY & TUESDAY. The Greatest Bargains ever offered in Hats, , ' : Laces, - . n Flowers,: Feathers, ...... " RibbDhs, ; Gloves', . MitU and Fans. noon and this part of . jthe pro. gramme was necessarily postponed. f7tot public welfare and calls AmsBAts0n WaS charKed with roh- llay vhen the disturbance revealed get"'firing at the Beacr, this after- 'titnxtion. 3 " t . Ivu1"- You will find us Market .tUr U1 quarters, Ko. 27 t... !'from whre we had me laieure W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. bery. He was bound over to the itself on the coast in Northwestern Criminal Court in the sum of $50. J Florida and passed in a Northeaster I .mcouyi.uu9cu, nmrKi-u wuii en-uyuirecuou imoueorgia. iwe understand that a company seamen to desert, was fined Thedenression near the'eentre or i ,Qf f, . . K f,oM A.nivht when .-v rAn Trt I " i f . ' tlcing V or SO tlays. Sarah Cotton,- drunk and disor. derly, $20 or Sfrdays. One case was continued until to- ers nnil Dn.i.t. t I i r - w uruisiimei morrow, ana in one case, an anrav. rivtcr t WihalDgton Shirt between two colored, nersons. we so&ch,prop. f liuppress the names bv rea uest - . Hr. PrWred to furnish all I a " rs tf. n siorm amounts 10 nueeu w , twenty hundreths below the norma ttUOlHt!rtt V1 f"1 r,W?tbthebestofShIrt8. Eressure. The area of the cenrre is ut limited but the wind encircling it is quite violent giving- It the ap pearance of a well-defined but not very severe cyclone. L r : . The highest wind reported along Its passage was 23 miles an hour. upon for the excursion." FLshine: Tackle. - A full assortment of all kinds for, both salt and fresh water, fishing at Jacobi's- lidw. De pot. ; ' - --: 'j :-1 - FOIir GEMLEMFX. The only fine calf 3 Seamless Shoe In the world maae witnwut tacks or nails. As stvl. ish and durable as those costing $5 or f 6, and having no tacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt tne reet, makes them as comfortable and well-fitting as a hand sewed shoe. Bhv me Desi. rone genuine mi mess stamped on Qouom "w . ij. ixugias$j onoe, warrantea.77 W.I. DOUGLAS t4 SHOE, the original and only hand sewed welt $4 shoe, which equals custom-made shoes costing from $6 w. L DOUGLAS S2.SO SHOE is unex celled for heavy wear. W. L.. Douglas 2 SHOE is worn by aU jsoys, ana is ine oest school shoe in the world. Button and Lace, and tf not sold bv tout deal er, write w.x. UOUGLAS, iSrocktoo, 3Iasj - . u ur saie i-y -: L ' " - H. VONGLAHN, 1 my isnr eodip : - wuslssxoa, N. c Fans in every Style & Size. A lot more of those Black Silk HlK Umbrr ll o s t good for rain or shine, IL19 wort u IL75;. f L43 worth 12.00, ; Come early to secure one of them be f ore th-r - are au gone again. : Remember, Fashionable Goods and Lo v Prlce3 are TWO INDUCEMENTS offered To all purchasers at 113 LlnvlipZ C ' ' , " WILMINGTON, N. C. ray 13