, I.. lJit - , r j ."V 5 A nrnN l Wfiii iiakini: ni;v,s. Absolutely Pure This powder never vrxrtes. A marvel of pu nt. -t . m.i whi.psumOLCss. 31 ore riXii- oniia that, 'the ordinary kinds, and cannot b sold in compi?;:iioa wv.n uiu iuoiui-jw- ui test sfcor wel ..a: al'i.n or phosphate powd. is. ieuXZ iiUYAL LAKlNO POWDKU CO.. 106 Will fcU. N. Y. oct a OXu tcnrm 4 thud 3rdpw Tiio Daily RovioTaT. MONDAY. MAY 21. 1883. STATE NEWS. Fayette villa Journal.' The Iron ribbons of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway now revch from 33ennettviIIe, 8. C, to Mount Airy depot, a distaace of 225 miles. Mount Airy was reached yesterday after noon. Dnrhain Recorder: Yesterday. the 18th, was the 17th anniversary of the Bale of leaf tobacco in Durham. "What change have taken place since the first sale seventeen years ago! Mr. II. A. Reams sold the first tobacco In an old two-story house -where the Blackwell'a factory now stands. Capt. E. J. rarnsh was the auctioneer. Goldsboro Aratu: The first beans shinned from this ulace to the North this season were sent forward by Mrs. John R. Morris. The man agement of the A. & N. C. It. IL are considering the propriety of running n Snndav train, on their regular weekly schedule time, during the Summer nionthsjortheconvenienee of the Morehead travel. Raleigh Xetcs and Observer.' Bish op I. S. Key has appointed Rev. P. L. Reid. of this city to succeed the lamented ltev. N. H. D. Wilson, P. " D., as Presiding Elder of the Ral eigh District, N. C. Conference, M. E. Church, South. Rev. A. D. Mayo, D. D., of Boston, Massachus etts, wno ror trie past eigm years has been engaged in educational work through all the Southern States, arrived in the city yesterday and Is the guest of Sunt. fc,. I. Mosei. Dr. Mavo will spend the coin In r three weeks in the State and deliver an address before the Teachers Assembly at Morehead Citvon June 14th. besides other ad dresses as onnortunitv occurs. He is now on his return from a fix months tour, including Florida, Georgia aud South Carolina, iiucklen's Arnlc Halve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. Itisguar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 2- cents per box. For sale by Wm. H. Green. Charlotte C7tronicle: A lady of this city has among a collection of Interesting papers, a copy of the in-1 vitation that was sent out ror the 20th of May celebration in 1825. The managers for that occasion were Thomas Polk. Thomas 1. Johnson, Green Kenurlck, Thomas B. Stnartt, J. JJ. uoycl ana l u. Caldwell. Ken- drick afterward moved to Connecti cut, became wealthy and was elected governor, and Johnson will be re membered as the hero of a matrimo nial escapade In Charlotte. Par ties who arrived In the city from luitnenoruton yestemay report tlie sadden death of Mr. Joseph Powell under peculiar circumstances. Mr. Powell went to-Rutherford ton two months ago, and as our informant says, took several drinks of a brand I of whiskey that was new to bim. He became sick and gradually grew worse, but appeared to recover some- wnat, during the past few days. Thursday he went out for a walk. when he fell to the ground and died witnm a rew bours. ARRIVED. SteamsldpBenefactortTrIbou,New Vnrk. H GSmallbones. - stPamer Cane Fear, Tomlinson. FayettevIIle, C S Love & Co. ? CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomllnson, Fayetteville, C S Love & Co. ; r Wekkly statement, stocks on hand may 10, 1888. Cotton ashore, 2,042: afloat, 42; total, 2,084. " , Spirits ashore,l,133; afloat, 10;total, 1 IIS Rosin ashore, 44,914; afloat, 7,051; total, 52,565. - - Ton Ahnn. 4.051: afloat. 185: tO- tAl.-iS.1Sfl. Crude ashore,4S0-afloat;total 480. RKCKIPT3 FROM MAY 12 TO MAY 10. Cotton. 105; spirits, 1.219;rosln, 4,052; tar, 851; crude, 270. KX PORTS FROM MAY 12 TO MAY 19. "DOMESTIC. Cotton. 174; spirits, 400; rosin, 476; tar, 702; crude, So. FORKIGN. Cotton : spirits, 1.CO0; rosin, 4,646; tar, ; crude, . Quarterly Meetings. Sftcond ronnd of Quarterly Meet in fnr the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Brunswick circuit, at . Concord, May 5 and 6. Southnort Station. May 6 and 7. Grace Church, at Wilmington.May 12 and 13. WhiteiMe circuit, at Fair Bluff, Mav 19 and 20. Canrer's Creek circuit. atWayman, May 26 and 27. . Clinton circuit, at Andrew's Chap el. June 2 and b Kenansville circuit, at Charity, June 16 and 17. Onslow circuit, at Jacksonville, June 23 and 24. Eilrabeth circuit, at Purdies, June 30 and July 1. Cokesbury circuit, at McNates, Julv 7 and 8. Bladen circuit, at Center, July 14 and 15. Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, July 21 and 22. Brunswick Mission, July 21 and 22. T. W. GUTHRIK. 1. K. MISCELLANEOUS. Hlatz, H AVIXa CLOS03 OUT ilY LIQUOR BUS- lnes3, 1 will enlarge my store so as to increase mr Commission ana grocery uusmess. m stead of Liquors I will put In a complete stock of Dry .Goods, Notions, c. Consign merits Koiidted. Highest Brtces paid for all kinds of Country Produce. All orders promptly-attended to. Advances made on all consign ments. U. O. VOLLEKS, my 1 tt . Xo. 8 North Water st. 1888 . l . ..- - - Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. n ittPSR'9 Bazar is a home Journal. It com- Mn rhniM literature and line artlllustra- Hnm with the latest Intelligence rccranllne the fihirnis. Each number has clever serial and short, atores. Dractlcal and 'timely essays. bright poems, humorous sketches, etc. Its pattern-sheet and fashion-plate supplements inn ntnna hpin ladies to save many times tne costof the subscription, and papers on social etintipr tr decorative arc. nouse-jceemne m au its branches. cooKery. eic, mae it xiseiui ui everr household, and a true promoter of econ- nmr. its editorials are marked by eood sense, And not a line is aamitiea to its columns mat could offend the most fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS - PER year:. HARPER'S BAZAR f ......4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 W HARPER'S WEEKLY... W HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Fostaae Free to all subscribers in the United SsaU-j, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of orrtpr. i years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent dy mall, nostacre raia . or Dy express, iree oi exrjense Provided the f relirht does not exceed orift aoiiar tier raume . ior t uu per vuiuuie. ciotn cases ior eacn voiume, suiiauie iur blndlngr, wiu be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of SI 00 eacn. liemittances snouia oe maae oy rvxtrjuu.-v Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xewsocmerg ai not to conv this advertisement lolthotu she express oraer of u arper s. uromers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, novl5 I New York 18SS. Harper's ILLUSTRATED. Magazine 116 Market St. Hakpkr's Maoazinb is an organ of progres sive thought and movement m every depart ment of lire. Besides other attractions, it wm contain, during the comlncr year, important articles, superbly illustrated, on the Great, West; articles on American and foreign indus try; beautifully illustrated papers on Scotland, Norway, Switzerland, Algiers, and the West Indies: new novels by Wm. Black and W. D. Uowells: novelettes, each complete In a single number, by Henry James, Lafeadlo llearn.and Amelia Rives; short stories by Miss Woolson and other popular writers: and Illustrated pa pers or special artistic and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are condueted by George William Curtis. William Dean Joweils and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS PERIODICALS WE WILL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK MANY SPECIAL BARGAINS. Ann Fancy Colored Jerseys to match Sum- mer Dress Goods, worth 81.25 for sac. fCC Ciotix Shades Jerseys, worth 83.25 for 81.25. ncnciolh Black Jerseys, worth 81.25 for 9H cent. Black SILKS, worth 81.25 for 85c Blaok SILKS, worth S1.4Q for 81.O0. Black and Colored BRADAMES, worth 81.35 1 for 98c SUMMER SILKS 35 and 50c Ladles Super Gause Vests, worth 50c. for 40c. Ladles' Extra quality Vests, worth 81.C0 for 50c. Children's Vests for 25c Men's Vests, from 25c up. Black and colored silk Mitts 19c Ladles Gloves, worth 25c for 15c Ladles' Gloves, worth 35c. for 20c Ladles' Gloves, worth 40c Ior 25c Wash Fabrics, from 5 cent up. PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE!.. .H 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY.. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. ..I. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In Que. United Ssatest Caiui(Ut, or Mexico. h The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time 19 specined. subscriptions will begin with the Number cumt at time of re ceipt of order. Bound oiumes or iiarpers Maeazine. for Lurtx: jeans uock, lit ucuv cium umuin'r, win ue sent by mall, post-paid: on receipt of si 00 per volume, ciotn cases for blndlnor. 60 c-ents eacn Dy man post, paia.; inaex w iiarpers .Mairazine. Alphabetical. Analytical ana uiassineu. ror volumes i totil Inclusive, from June, 1800, to June, 18S5, one vol.. svo. ciotn. 14 uu Remittances should be made by Post-Offlc Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of Newspapers are not to comi this advert iseinen. wunoia ine express order of Harpers Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, novla i New York Fortune Tellior. M RS. PURRIE, THE FAMOUS ASTROLO- j per of New York, now at 217 Market street, s hA mnsnited on all the affairs of life nrM initials of those you have or wlU marry. urines the separated together, causes speedy marriages, past, present and future reveaiecu 50 cents and fLUU wiu remain unui aiay isu Selling Off at Cost FOE CASH 1 Buildin g Materials Paints, Hardware, CLAY FLOE CHIMNEYS I - ! ' 1 - " Crocks Most complete stock of BUILDING SUPPLIES to be found in ine state, wmcni we offer at the lowest prices. Will close, oiit at Cost the Elesfant and Complete Stock of DressTrimmingsButtoris, Fancy Goods, Laces,, rancy Work Materials, Tea Trays, ! Tidies,China Silks, Fancy Bas kets, etc., to make more room for Millinery : Department, which large Increase of Trade demands. " - ' ' Attr f r I HAVE ON nANDAYEHYE ; Grocers' Snndri C3, Factory Aqents fqr Stoves, - WE HAVE ,..J:'': . .-! ; ; . A Laree Assortment of Stoves which ve ast you to examine, i The Z EB VANCE ! and OTnELLO still lead. - . y - 1 l- infants caps, . of all descriptions, - j BSFASiTSrHbsiEUYM" - Farmlne Implements,' Amalgum Bells, Estl-1 'mates for Building Materials, circr of Stoves ana Sash furnlshe upon application. Our low I - - prices will surprise and goods please you I Milling! y Depar nitiit, NEW GOODS. . i New Goods, in latest styles, arriving dally. ; full StocK of Miiunery liooas aiways on hand, at lowest in the city. . Special Sale this week of JacoM's Hdw. Store, CHILDREN'S SAILOK HA I S. ap 19 tf 12 South Front Street. 4 , 1888. r Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED yEEKLY. Hats in Lat st Styles, - " From 35 cents upward. 1.' Habpbr's Youno People interests all young readers bv Its carefully selected variety oi themes and their well-considered treatment. T- nnmfnlna fViA Krof OAlHal ftTtH: ChArt" CtnrlOQ valuable articles on scientific I su meets and travel, historical and biographical sketches. papers on athletic sports and games, I stirring poems, etc., contributed by thes brightest ana most famous writers. "Its illustrations are nu merous and excellent. Occasional i Supple ments of especial Interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty-three week ly numDers. u;very line in me paper is suu- lected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that nothlnsr harmful may enter its col umns. I i Flowers, Feathers and PATT"BRlSrKA.TS - at less than cost this week. r: attractive Boston An epitome of everything that is and desirable In juvenile literature Courier. i- f" A weekly feast of good things to the b03'S and girls in every family which It visits. Brooklyn Union. t - j It is wonderful In its wealth Of 1" Please call early and leave Millinery or- dersfor Sunday, so as to. -avoid the -jrush- the latter part of the week.- - . ; "WE LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW' C - Respectfully, 7-r&:ii MRS. K B WiGG J N my i; . - v v-w-Vii-ii;; formation .V. V. pictures, ln- and Interest. CTerislian Advocate rn -rj... i :.i Wcky Vol. IX begins a pryear. November,!, 1887. ; ILLUSTRATED: Specimen stamp. Copy sent t on receipt of Diamond Dyes f N ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE A ! stock can be found at - 'F. C MILLER'S, German Drug Store. Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sts., P.. PrescriDtlons filled at all times, da v auanigni. i mchSotf HEADQUARTERS FOR BASE BALL SUPPLIES IN LARUE VARIETIES For sale at j HEINSBERGER'S ap 18 To arrive via Steamer one lot of 38-inch All-Wool Dress Goods, Cheap at SO centi, for 35 cent. TUE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Post ccc as eduows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fist g .00 P. M. .-scrciwrn uxtouiti ana way mails... lLU) A. M, c ana a. k. n. c luiiroads and rotrtcs supplied therefrom &0OA. M. na:c :?n x. aytnev e. coo P. M. and 8.00 .v. M. Noutiern way malls C-30 P. M. boutaern teroucti mails SH15P-M. I l IT O r sr rvn . . Westrrn malU (C c. Railway) 5.43 a. M. urc wt 1 u a ana pom w sup- rlled therefrom 5.4S P. M. lix.eu-n : iiaxat k. jc ana points sppUrd tharclrom s.00 P. M Sa'jamie fc 2.10 p. x. Wrthtaviile &30A.M. CUAton, rp-lal 3.U P. M TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C IL and Intermediate om- ces 6.00 A.M. u:uiuver. S.U, and intermediate cc:cs 2.00 P. M. Care Fear lurrr man L00 P. M. Ncrthera and way malls &30 P. M. Northern through mall, late 11.00 P. M. Koutiprh maUs &30A.M. NDutnernway malls..., sui) A. M. Carolina Central IL IL 9J a. M. M alls collected from street boxw in business rvjruon of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4i5 P. Ii. and from other points of the city at 6 P. M. J3 1 A. M. Cirseral dellwry open from 6J0 A. M. to 7.00 r. si., ana on bunaays rrora 9m 10 iaso a. ai. Carriers delivery open oa Sunday from 8-30 to 1 A. M. . - :lc-y Orxier ani register Departinent open 1:" m 8 A. M. to & p. IL. continuous. ' -P once open from 8.0O A. M. to S P. M. . r vn 1 -s oa sale at reneral deUvery 6-30 A.M. 1 3 1 ) A. JS L and 1 to T P. M. A New Lot ot SWISS AND NAISSOOKIIODXCUGS, VERY DESIRABLE ALL-OVERS, Swiss Embroidered Aprons. A New Pattern Oil Stove, S4.ILTOBE TfIE BEST YET INVENTED. Remirerators. Coolers ' Top (Warn Tmprs &e. Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. ror sale by ' ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO., Dealers In Hardware. Ttnwam Jtr my 7 dtw Wllminarton. n. CI Insurance. A. CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, RENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. Apply to SMITH & BO AT WRIGHT, NO. 124 N. Wflfor Rtrwt. mchMtf j Telephone No. 7 J POMONA HILL NURSERIES PdilONA.ijT. C, Two and a naif Miles West of Greensboro. N. C. two-cent which are cordially reconuaeaii are fond of Fancy Goods. SARATOGA CRIPS in 1 OLIVES FARCIES. 4 Imported GINGER Pifvv lb. and lb. jars. T 1 aESKEYEs ia , , Large FRENCH. KRUXE . EVAPORATED CATJFo . HALIBUT STEAK, ; ' ' SMOKED SALMON. " HOUSEHOLD AMM0XU ' ' CONPENSJJD TOMATOES iar mpoued and Domestic 8ArW BRANDIBD FIGS, P.US m finest quality." Also the very BUTTER received wecy by Th u c&iday Frf day. Maj ." " "AT - MRS;:E A LTJIVISDI;; Trimmed Bonnets and F t - InalltheUtebtSDics, Ladies invited to calL my 1 lw 119 North Fit- cr FIFTH S STREET, ttETWEE, - w v o j M.au , vTnh'121y berry , and Walnut, are now fr.iu Horses and vehicles forhirXB?8 r -rrrrri,. c "a wees ( fro;?. irne. Limp LBIE in exchange for PKOViSRr- LIME , LIME LIME , LIME LIME - sept - . : ; DBY GOOts " HARD2 Lt'MBEH. ' . " CASH. ' PKKNCH UKOs, Specials. Single Number, Five cents each. liemlttances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chancy of loss. Newspapers are not to copy thidadrersisemmt without the express order of liSLTpcr & Brothers. - ii- i I , Address HARPER & BROTHERS. nov 15 f: - . New York Homes in North Carolina. Harpek's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading, illustrated newspaper tnJ America. The fairness of Its "editorial com-l meats on current politics has earned fey it the respect and contldence of till "impartial' read ers, and the variety and excellence of lt; lite rary contents, w inch include serial itnd-short stories by the best and most popular vmtejs: fit-it for the perusal of people of the wi-Csi rane - of tastes and pursuits.' t Supilements are frequenijy provided, and no expense is spaied t o brin the highest order of artistic ability -to bear upon the must ration of-the changeful phases of home nnd foreign history, In all its features Harper's. Wceldy Is admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest lh every household. ' ." -. , " -c:--, Q.ARDEN nOSE, DOG COLLARS, L. Mowers, Fishing Tackle. Come in ud at them. We have the goods ana can n. the prices to"sult. ( - - : ' W. E. SPRrXGEE I CO., t my 14 tf H Front St., Wilmington, x c SOCIETY OF 8T. M Onlv 20 Ebiirs Ride from Now York j m Miles Soutn of Italbigb On the RalelKh and Amjusu Air-Line S R HARPER'S PERIODICALS ' PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 , HARPER'S MAGAZINE....... HARPER'S BAZAR. . . ..: . ... , HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. . .... ...... $4 00 4 00 4 00 00 1.500 Postage Free to all subscribers' in iTu UrtMA ! Mates, Canada, or Mexico. - - ., . -: - ACRC OF JaAND IN THE ong - - leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in lota to suit purchasers. Four acres for $25 larger tracts 90 per acre, in montnlv pay mentsof 910. This land adjolnsjthe t'Soutb- ern Pines". aTecently established health re tort (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted ior etui culture, as weu as aii tne cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots in the town of "Southern Pinesf and if is the desiro ox tne owners of this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics! and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in tne union onera greater inducements to set- tier tnan North Carolina. Nowhere ran better tanning country or as fine a climate be found.. This is the opinion Of Korthern,men wno nave settled in North Carolina. This le a wnajiae oner, and is limited j For further particulars write at onc0 to JOHN T. PATRICK,- " Coinmls'r of ImmiarratloB, Raleigh, N. C. or B. A RICHARDSON, -ian 21 tt . Chronicle Office. Auirusta. Q The Volumes of the Weefciv. heoin witii th firsts Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of recp.int. f qrder. -u.'-v-;- - Bound Volumes Of TTnmpr's Vr.V1v fnr three years back, in neat cloth wridinef -wn v sent by jnail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vol ClOth Cases for each . Vntnm snltnMo fnr binding, will be sent bv mail. rost-naifi nn receipt of $1 00 each. - -.J-,., Remittances should be mario hv PnsfrifRnA Money Order or Draf to avoid chance of loss be0$papers We not to COntJ this a.Arri.tsftmni without the express order of Harper & Brothers Auuress UARPJfiR & BROTHERS, i -nov 15 New yorJt The . .... - . - . -. - . - AMERIGAH 'HE, SEWING Parish solicit orders tor all kind! of ps , fancy sewing, crocheting and embroli. Ladles' and Children's aprons a specie - Orders left at the Hectory, or si Third street, will meet wltlx prompt wr. ; OV 25 tf '" ." CARRIAGE REPOSITC IfiEEAlR '.SHOP. pARTIES IN. WANT OF A3I?'--Vehicle or want ariy Repairing done t old . vehicles, will find it to thelrlcKr call on U r -r: southekCajtd it :''.-.' -' Corner Second and PnncS- Canrt vmir linrCAa tli OB fJlOH. "c kTAXU J UUi UVIWV. " first-class Shoec. ' t Lifo Ih9uranc -o- MAGAZIK antifall? fflmtnted 25 cts.,:, $3 a Yean REMEMBER THURSDAY IS SPECIAL BAR GAIN DAY, AT . M. M. Katz, 11G Market Street, WiLiMIIiuTON, N. C. - my li Field Croquet rpH E BEST LINE OP CROQUET FOR QUAL lty and Price ever offered, qood. Cheap Durable. Also Lawn Tennis, at . - HEINSBERGER'S apis . '. rjhe main line of the R. &, D. il. r. passes through the grounds and within loo feet of the office. ' Salem trains mak-PsTn Vt. twje dally each way. Those lhterestedln J1 l ?J?E cordially intlted wiuxvium, mo iueni, nursery in the State, and one of the largest In the south. Stock consists of Apples, Peach Pear Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons' Ap cots, Nectartnea, Mulberries. Quince draws rigs, liaspDernes, uoose berries. Currants Pie Plant, English Walnut, Pecans, csK&ur Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, shade TTrees Ac. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new catalogue for 1888 will show. ' i 8 10M Give your orders to my authorized aeent or order direct from the Nursery. genc or Correspondence solicited. DestripUve Cata logue free to applicants. "puve caia- Address , - . .. .. i J. VAN LINBLEY, . POMONA, Guilford Ca, k. C. cr- ReUable Salesman1 wanted in everr j wmiiuiaawn Will be given.- - ; . ap 30 April 21st, 1888. I AM OFFERING FOR THE SPRING TRADE i - .. 1 i ID.. the best and mnst. nnmnioto tvrb- n I B w..v-.v uwva yj, UlC OOaaUU Handsome Sprin? Dress Goods, all I of the can Satteens. Printed Chains. Perraipa runo- ham and Prints. Jn my great spedaltyi'wiilte Goods, my stock surpasses that of any former Kcaauu. luik iimurowered uresses. with TPjp TV Wald, Checked and Plain India T.lnAn Haticto kimJ..,. !rrir and in great demand. A lanre stckTfirnn: inffira ux penoa, and,tn short, Distinctively Representative of It is acknowledged tttZ bA- CTJiT . i'v""" uuLeixairnii"' of ITS SCOPE. THR A f TTT? Tr aw" " , i Z1NE gives preference to national Atopics and scenes, and its literature and art are of tha highest standard. Famous America writer! mi Its pasres with a wide va itt3 lng sketches of travel and advpntirrrT; svif0 Rftiiiihle. S;r il XL THE ;pOLICY-nopEE5 ' c:got"lettW-do' well joB A BROW CO., coraerof I MuiDerry streets, auu - ri , Safety Fund System in tie BagM Annuity Insurance Company, -m ble company has paid oxaa 1887 over $35,000 in death losses. Amount of Insurance to mr'' t Death losses paid under saieu Fund system. ... ?;;'"' tu 'Amount of Safety Fund.....-- Vleb ' ; Messengercclj.. Now orfc & Wilol ;;':.;ri'-;i':T.'' '.vi Steamship Co seeping uuoos, xaoie Cloths, Napklns.Towels, et',f t Prtce? lower than ever. Handkerchiefs jinn iivKMcjr iur iauies and Gentlemen. I Some very good styles in Cloths and Casslmeres for ZVd l a ruu general stock . ap 23 - V NO. J. HEJDRICK.- the i we can ao your Printing in betW ta and give you as pood work as some, ahd 100 per cent, better than others. . No inferior worn, lumea out ana paper used! Is always the best. f . ' . 4 - . i Oar Ruling Importiint ftrith and Special Inducement i cash -ot uTble Premiums to ennh wnicr? ri4?P j ceipt of loc., if .this paper Is mentioned. H" ReSDOnKlM nnrt AAIJCRICAN MAGAZINE CO.. xruauway. jew xork, FROM PIER 29, JSAa Located Jbetween Chambers and At 3 o'clock, t - r : .. ' ' satnrd ; EQUATOR. - yx&la&H' BENEFACTOR-... gatnr! HANITA. "tfedne' ' equator;:....- r" i ,r , ;FRbMWIL5lGT0!!' , EQUATOR. . ....rrt'.V feh on - T? It T-v . . . . I f . f holding its own against all wmwUto7 vll UlI U, r UlinUlS Vnen in need of Blank RnnV t I style of binding or paper, give us a trial, as we know we can suit you and besides von keep your money- at home. All work ; Is uwuc " VUI wuiceana unaer our supervision .v J JACKSON &'BEIX. and, Potatoes rilRY CARRON ATPT nv t tiv - M " -w - MB fVj ,;. HE tttt . " . WITH Aaurea KA1NI1 DRENCH BROS., fiocky Point, II. O 'nn Fflu't EQUATOR Tue' BENEFACTOR ' v -a rr.5 Through Bills I'T , K,ates guaranteed to and fro ahd South Carolina. ; For Freight or Passage H G. SMALLBONES, Sni;- VIVLP. CLYDE- my 5 : . 3"

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