sundaya excepted, " ' ' - - - JO g-c ziersl interest, but , . ,' Ttenataooftno writer caiLi c - y3 lz rzr nlsiea to, die EUtor. ' . communications must be wntttn cij ci one side of the paper. . , ' - " Personalities must be aTOided. - - And It Is especially and particularly u i r stood tnairtne Editor does not always tn-cr ? POSTAGE PA"): oa.. month. 33 cents. . .,.1 hr carriers, frfe T " rt of the city, at the abOTe VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 30, 1888, NO 129 I Tle,es 01 correpoadents unless so c ate: ft ,;tu. ir piper rcnj- in the editorial columns. 1 - ' r i ,'i - - - . . JlJxi.lJlj.L ' Irr-J :!; 'r"un fur; ymn lit n-n tiiisiAKtrn ! el flU " .-Ktt""...'... nu- and wiU.-r- in : rt:f ulriM-y and . a- .... H Milk ,U' failed to do L'S , r-i. tf allowed i - - the souib to erouM ft lAH SB k& riYER, Sidneys, and Bowels. Dowel Com plain U. Nrk lleada. ltilfhana. , w , tW f T MlUIon of Bks. M RE EHST FAMILY MEDICINE , tAjnLAJal. aJ the A fed. ONLY GENUINE of Wrapper. It W Co., Philadelphia, Pa., ru.-v Trie. LOO. PUSOS'ASD OROANS. 'irrKTO VE YuM PKICEAANDTERMsl jr6,u.sial3minui. as I keep one rfiVUryaawunf . PIANOS AND ORGANS IH TUK M)UTIL loaU joa ij of tLP nrst -class manu- Pian FROM I1M CP WAKDS. Or TEOM 145 IPWAHIW. CCD FOB CATALOGUE. J .Hj. Stone, RALEIGH, N. C. ajJitf i'. L. DOUGLAS J3 8HOE. von GENTLKMr.N. t2-3 i,"l Sho In tbe 4 S . Uck or njkl- As Kt Jl- wa S11 to weAftne stocking ?ittiiVl .Qk tnem as comrorubie K. x" d sewed snoc. liny .ti , .fnuine unless stamped on KHOK. the orlslnal The senior admiral of the British uavj Sir Provo Wallis, is 100 years oM. Aubertin, the man who shot Jules Ferry, has been declaretl insane and put in an a-sylnm. The largest iron casting ever at tempted in America was recently made at Bethlehem, Pa, It was the base for the steel compressor to be used in the new cud steel works. and 124 tons of molten inetal were used. It will he route weeks before the tinge casting will be cool enough to examine. Fifteen of the seventy-eight mem bers of the graduating class. of the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale earned their own livingwhiletaking the course of instruction. Some worked on' farms during vacation. some sold books, some taught school anu some acted as waiters in sum mer hotels, while one man drew oeer at a summer resort, receiving a salary, of fS per week for his services. LOCAL news: INDBZ TO NBTT ADTKRTISKltt MT3. F C Miixxr Diamond Dyes M M Katz Special Bargains J O Bran Notice to Tax payers Loci8 n Mi abbs Bathing Suits. Hbinsbekgbr -Base Ball Supplies , ALDKBMAK, FlftANXEK & CO Oil StOVeS 1 Mks E B Wwarxs Closing Out at Cost Pass rosT -Excursion to Narassa Works WireCIoth for your windows aqd and doors can be had at Jacobi a THE STATE CONVENTION. A Steady and Determined FieTit Predict ed Stedman and Fowle Both Confident Alexander in Good '"Trim The Dark Horse Indistinctly Outlined. Sp. Com Dally Kevlew. . RAXKIGH N. C, May' 29th, '88 The delegates to the State Demo- . - - I r cratic Conventinn railed trv nmni- mittee, ana a v- ; Down Th Blver, v The Germania Cornet Band will givejan; excursion to points of in terest V down the, iverr on the steamei asport on Thursday of next order, to-day at 12 vveek, Juue 7h. Th'ere will be music latest From Raleicrh. r ' Special to the Dally Review. - GcTNJTKXTION H Alii, , , Ralkiqh, May 30, 1:33 p. m. The Democratic State Convention was called to for - dancing . and o'clock by Hon. R. H. Battle, Chair. f mi rk n, T n A Vfutu t v-OAni-. mm lv.v. I .J . mi . i temporary breranizal Meessrs. C. F. 'VonKnnmpn T refreshments - on of G. nate the Gabernatoral ticket. flr' tiort was effected , with J. Turner L Gieschen, P, ; W. Kuobloch, J. II. arriving by every incoming train, j forehead, ;qt Rockingham, as Chair-1 Kuch and E. Schulken. Hdw. Depot. in large numbers, and .the-Jndica tions.are that the Convention to- The cheapest place to buy your IllOrrnw will ho lorwo nnrl .YnA finer schoo books and school is at Heinsberger'a. . stationery I - w . . m a in respect 01 patronage tne posi Hon of postmaster general is now the most important in the Cabinet The 50,000 postmasters who are re sponsible for their appointment to the chief of the department are sup plemented by an irumens number of clerks who serye at Washington on the railroads and as examiners and inspectors all over the country and the postmaster general is to the people at large almost as influent la a man as the President himself. HOE, the original saors cobUng from $s ccJ welt M shoe, which St.O S1IOK U tint- rTK ua u txlTi:. H ok is worn toy all U "Ttr fc tool shoe in the world. in congress. IL VOGLAITN. Wllnungton, N. C - 0. Y0LLEK8, 1MV,,AN7 DEALER TBi10. "Ms, caps. Shoes 7 tn,tvCTaw.J iare and Crocs- IV... v".. . . tzzaKt . . 8 -ona w ater su myotf t i bridal Presents J -fjRP DE-sIR.BLt TO VOUNQ attmnjptecf alter ni nt only tCr oiapuy, are HtJnsberfirern Book and Music Store. . Little Wales has legun again to produce gold in paying quantities though a drawback to the gold-min ing industry is found in an old law that requires one-fortieth of the pro duct to go to the State'. A cable gram announces a new discovery o gold, which is described as ."rich. The gold tuines of Wales were work ed many centuries ago, but until re cently the industry has been sus- pended. The decision of Judge Wallace, in the United States Circuit Court at Svracuse. N. Y.. in the case of the Rev. E. Walpole Warren, of New York and England, is a waruiug to the clergy of Great Britain and Ire land who would like to better their condition in this land of the brave. Judge Wallace holds that alien cier gymen are not exempt from the sta tute against Imported contract labor. Blakely Hall cabled to the New York Sun from Paris that he had just seen Mr. Blaine at the Hotel Henda and "it Is impossible to im agine a more perfect picture of ma ture, dignified, genial and robust manhood than Mr. Blaiue present ed as he stood near one of the big windows amusedly watching a street incident on the sunlit Avenue de l'Opera below." Mr. Blaine will come back to tue Uniteu States about tlie middle of July. He re fused to talk about tie Presidency. A compauy is now being formed in London to bridge the English Channel from Dover to Calais. The bridge is to be 20 miles long, 1C0 feet aboye the level of the sea and the span bet ween piers is t o be 1, GOO feet. It will carry four Hues of railway track and the cost is estimated at 32,000,000. It is to be constructed entirely of iron in open work, com bining lightness and strength and offering the slightest surface to the sea. It will require 2,000,000 tons of Iron and can be built in six years. Itis announced that Mr. Edwin Booth has purchased ' the residence of Mrs. Clarkson N. Potter, in Gra- mercy Park, New York, for the use of the recentlv-organized Players' Club of that city, prossessioii to be giveD next fall. The club's theatri cal library will contain many inte resting and valuable works relating to the stage and rare old manu scripts, many of whioh have been donated by Mr. Booth from his pri vate collection.- It will be an object of the club to perpetuate the fame of .noted actors and playwrights of the present day by preserving re cords of their achievements.- The membership will be restricted to 230. Burglars. Toil can! be ' safe .from them by using the "Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. . Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobfs Hdw. De pot, t Another lot of .those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. . t The pilot boat Louise F. Harper arrived here yesterday afternoon from South port and will go on the ways to have her bottom coppered. Every arrangement has been made for the comfortable entertainment of delegates and Stronach's tobacco warehouse is the place of assembly. it is provided witn seats and is decorated in handsome style with bunting. The weather is intensely hot, but this does not seem to ex haust the prevailing enthusiasm manifested by each faction for its favorite candidate. j . Speculations as to the Guberna torial nominations are made oh all hands to-day, but it is impossible to predicate a reliable opinion as to the successful candidate. i The Fowle and Stedman clans are equally confident and base their calculations, they say, upon care- -r- --t man ana li. M. Jb'urman, of the Asheville Citizen, and three other newspaper men as secretaries. ; Committees ' on Credentials .were appointed and ; it was fo'und' that BathiQg Suits. ; Come . do., a to Headquarters. V 25 dozen JTlannel Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sola at . the. lowest . manuf c ruriKr: nriftpa nt. the WIlm?r.r,fv, out-. r- XokJor ;the blue awning. i t i ; The i irVrWX will issue tick ets on Saturday June 8th', good to return on the 10th, for $1.10 for the round trip, Wilmington to Burgaw, sented. There is an immense' assem- bly in the Hall, estimated any where from 1,500 to 8,000. 'Crf'r'Tk A permanent organization was ef fected with Gea. W. R. Cox, ' of Wake, as Chairman, and R. M. Fiir man, of Buncombe, as Secretary. . to the reunion of. Co. K., Sd N. C. The Convention was addreesed by I Infantry, which takes place on the Gov. Scales and Gen. Cox in rousing j 9th at Six Forks,-near Burgaw. speeches, which were applauded I Aa w wrif A v' . to the echo. Nominating speeches , t, xi , . . , : , j vMwjdg iiuvir , way io.iue ex lona i fully collected data, The Fowle men claftn to be able Aiiu.b was tx very piensmib nine Ann.,v n..;otA oni - I (11111 rillJU AA LU AAVJAAI 1 BmwLrJ LllLvil VUillUl rain we had this morning but there wasn't enough of it. I It was suffi cient to lay the dust for a few hours nly. Thanks to our friend, Gen. James H. Lane, for an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege of Alabama, at Auburn, during the second week in June. -. Col. James G. Burr, Tax-Lister, will be at the United States Court Room, over the Post Office, on Fri day to receive the tax lists for Wil mington township and he will be found there on every week day thereafter from 9 to! 1 and from 3 to C. Professor W. A. Alderman will de liver his lecture on "Manners and Customs in North Carolina One Hundred Years Ago" at the Opera House next Friday evening June 1st. It is for a good cause and it should be largely attended tronized. and well pa- Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old ana young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eye date on the second ballot Stedman claims on the first ballot 397 votes, with a probable addition of 60 votes more, ana concedes .towie iuv:otes, tne balance going to Alexander, his friends are to-day jubilant over the prospect for him, claiming nei will lead in the start, ami receiver the nomination on- the seeond or third ballot. He is the second choice of a number, of Alexander's counties, for Instance, Mecklenburg, Union,Chat ham and others, and it does Hook that when Alexander's name is with drawn, Stedman will go through. However, tne Alexander men are a determined set. and his name is not likely to be withdrawn until late in the fight, and the "dark horse" is freely predicted. - The Alexander sentiment is strong, as far as it goes, but it does not seem enough to nominate him. Fowle's strength is enthusiastic and formidable. The Stedman men evidently propose to stick to' the bitter end, and as this seems also Fowle's determination, the result is iu Alexander's s- hands, and upon his action will depend IStedman's or Fowle's success. One thing is assur ed; it isgenerally conceded here jthat Mai. Stedman will make the most aggressive fight of the three Jand this is telling in his favor, and -with t he able -management which charac- are how being made. The Gubernatorial contest Over shadows everything. " Stedman and Fowle delegates are both confident and -Alexander is backed by resolute and enthusiastic supporters. Alex ander holds the key to the situation. Reliable estimates put Stedman in t he lead. His friends are enthusias tic, united and determined and it is predicted that Stedman and Alexan der will be the ticket, t M. Cemetery, tat; the J Eastern lend of Market street, where" the usual ser- on Decoration Day will be car ried OUt. " -'-;";.; ' . Intense interest has been manifes. ted here to-day in the result of the nomination for Governor and every thing else has been subordinated to S tea merPrtnnn Cf)XvW1tlrtV HiTX 1-inP M: ---- - - - -ww w As I write nominations are being WSiSL5 made. Judge Fowle has just been nomi nated by W. A. Branch, of Beaufort, Capt. Alexander by Hon. .Walter L Steele, of Richmond, and Maj. Sted man by Mr. H. A. Gudger. of Bun combe.- Mr. Gudger's speech was brilliant and. magnificent and called forth the most intense enthusiasm. The Convention is now about to ballot. . - M. Convention Hall, 4 P. M.; The result of the first ballot is as follows: - Fowle...... :.'........'.......-.i:.:.....r.-87 Stedman........... .:. 349 Alexander............,.....'.,.............. 236 f" WILL BE over the Post i run up.xo rniwn ana hack, then up t Na- inaaa. worKs ana DacK, and then take a . run down the river a Diece and hank- n tiriM 2ES ead, young and old, gtvlng you a good new of the hajbor. . . - my ii it Notice to Tax VPaycro. : AT THE U. 8. COURT K0dil, Office, oa -Friday, June 1st, 1888, to receive the Tax lists for an rear and personal property and polls in Wltalnton township and on every day thereafter, Sun days excepted, until the 1st day of. July. Hours forlisttngfrora 9 A. M. tb'l r. if., anj from 3 P. M. to p. m. - -. : List at once and avoid trouble. ' O. BURR," , my 30 3t Tax Lister. that if either one of the leading can didates is nominated, it will be Sted man. His danger ljes in the "dark horse." Clark. Carr and Gilmer are as in the same proportion that you spoken of as the probable coinpro il A- ! r 111 nnnlirlo fan J : S pass mat pouu oi increase, win cause Totai.:.........t...... 961 vr&KA n iratiiJL Necessary to. a choice 481. V The terises his canvass here, it is evident Convention is now proceeding to a second ballot and the result will not WEDNESDAY NIGHT, MAY SO. be announced in time for your paper. vou further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight! You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Accounted For. A great many of ouq especially our businessmenare com plaining of the delay principal thoroughfares of the city since the laying or the street rail road track and the manner In which the work is being done. The complaint is a just one. but is easily accounted for, we think, by the fact that the law prohibits tear ng up the streets after June 1st and hence every exertion has been made to get through with the grading within the prescribed time, Agents for Mr. Jv L. Stone's music house in Raleigh wili canvass Wu mincton during the next few days. Mr. stone has just returned ironi New York, where he purchased the largest stock of pian6s and- organs ever shipped at one time to- this State, lie is prepared to furnish mise candidates. Interest is concentrated upon the Gubernatorial race ciueiiy, as it is conceded on all hands that Saun ders. Secretary of State, Bain,Tr eas urer, and Davidson, Attorney gen eral, will be renominated by accla mation. - Gen. Roberts, the present Auditor, will be opposed byMclver, of Moore county, and Sanderlih, of Dunlin, but probably without sue cess: Judge Shepherd and Judge in fixing the! Avery appear in the lead for the TUE SORCEKEB, 60 VOICES' 50 citizens and Iolanthe in Raleigh. V A Wilmingtoniaa Who was in Ral eigh last Friday night and witness ed the amateur performance of Iolanthe in that city, writes us as follows in regard to the presenta- Xi TT! . 1.11 , i J. ' nou. xxts letter ousni xo nave aD-iTnvoo ' m. m mvmmm w W AAm peared on Monday, but it was de: layed: 1 v ii' t luci w nwi - taob v en- 1 tat rmt r a V A -.-r - ing I enjoyed the same very mudh U daV? 1st and 2ndaTnnr VOICES For Benefit of the W, L. I. First production in Wilmington of the above named : v GIXAlEBT&SUI.iaVAN'S " COMIC OPERAS ; , V v - NEW COSTUMES AND SCENEUY. Admission 50 cents. Reserved seats 75 cents. uox eneet; open ac neinsDergers ttore on Family Excur8loii3. tirtnitiHtirii tn thn Snnreme bench , & i V , , , , j l aay, isi ana xna June. nOIllIUatlOIl IO lllO DUIJrenie. UCUUI, hv n.ftonrlinfy T-kIf,ifI,i nlo mA K, UtmrSVI ViVriDiivir it but the sentiment over these .n6mi- .-Li.-nrfi .ffhiaifv fXJuKi- leave for Carolina Beach at nations is not yet crystalized. The Fourtii Congressional district met here to-dav and nominated by i acclamation tSenj. H. Buna for Con gress. . This is said to be a wise jand popular nomination, i He is a man ! of eloquence and ability. M. Beach at 950 A. M. and 2 P. M. Train will leave Beach at usual time. jjiusic ior aancinsr uy itauan narpra. J. W. UAICjfJSlC, my29tf General Mane;: r. Cool.- Kev. Mr. Creasy in Greensboro, The Raleigh News and Observer umi , i L says : x ne aunuai cominenceinent sermon before the graduating class of the Governor's Guard.- The sing ing most of jit was.verjr good and the young ladies were just "too sweet for anything." They looked iiKe reai laines. iir. jas. i. Ander son, rormerly of Wilmington, play ed the "Lord Chancellor,"- and too much cannot be said in -praise of his acting, for he sang exceedingly well and acted even better. : Miss auuio csmiin, as "loiantne," was I oJ ii.i. - nt ai pretty and her singing and acting OOQa YVatert UingCr AlO, ma -mm - m r . - . IF YOU WANT. SOMETHING NICE, DIUNX - , . . A. F. LUCAS' . the citizens of this city and section highest commendation of the effort. fli?r?r5lan Mr- casy a talented arid figures, and on terms to suit the pur- . . . . , i. chaser. Mr. Stone has the exclu- gifted young divine of the Nprth si ve agency for the celebrated Em- Carolina Conference, and is rapidly already boiu i becomiag knowa as one of ithe I i i . i ' i LL strongest preacners in nis cnurcw. His preaching has the true inspira tion of genuine eloquence. were very good. It is hardly neces- 6f Greensboro Female College -was Jsary to mention the other names, as thev are straneers. to vour. readers. t nikJjjct I but I would speak of Miss Upchurch, aiemOQISC I imu-ii!,. if rp nrin HO X lljiiio. - J. W lUUUl bOUUUI KITS said of her excellent portrayal of the character.) She was very s weet look ing -and her singing and acting brought forth repeated encores, as did also those of $Ir. Anderson. preached on Sunday morning at West Market Street church in that city byjthe Rev. W. S. Creasy, of Wilmington. Those who were present speak in terms of I tr . Best in the city. Guaranteed pure and made cf tt? ; - ' Materials. - At I. LTJ C- Dock, pew Front and t:cc;u ; BP" All orders from filled.- -.- the Country promptly mygytt erson pianos and has several of them here. Two great enemies Hood's Sars'- aparilla and impure blood The lat ter is utterly defeated by the pecu- Nothing Fairer. I. Shrier, at No. 16 N.lFront street, guarantees, if any purchasers of, Clothing, Hatsand Furnishing Goods are not perfectly satisfied, he wil refund the money. He also guaran tees to save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. . It will be of no expense to you J to convince yourself of the fact and ypn will be money ahead by calling at- I. SHRIER'S, . The Old ReliabJejClothier, No. 16 and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. -j ' tf Doer collars. Lanrest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Badly Hurt. j , Mr. Thomas Lupo, of this city, while at work yesterday morning on Personal. T?t Pav A A , WatcAn T Fl rati turned to-the city last - night from Fayetteville. : " J S : : Mr. Jno. S. James-returned to the city this morning from Charlotte where he has been on a visit to his son, Mr. x nos. u. j ames. : Rev. P. H. Hoge returned to the city last night from attendance on Candies and Fruit:. HAVE ON HAND A PINE ASS0HT2IENT of Home-Made Candles, guaranteed to be f-re, also a fine lot or Apples. Oranges, Bananas and Nuts. Will receive by tomorrow.- ex press a fine lot of Peaches from Sam r, r h. . ! , ANTONY PANTO l'L LA, my 28 lm ' ua south rrc-t t c Capt. Manning's new payilionf, at the General Assembly of theP.esby- Wrightsville Sound, jsteppe! oi a board, which-broke With him and he fell across a base board, .severely injuring himielf. He was so badly hurt that it was found necessary to bring him to the city. It is feared that he has received some internal injuries. , . ;"; . - Another excursion about the har bor on the. Pasxport to-morrow evening." It is a good opportunity to cool off and cret a breath of fresh term n Church . which has been-in i session at Baltimore,. . - Master John Gurkins, a lad 14 years of age, and brother-in-law of Mr. G. W. Boruemann, of this city, is expected here to-day on the steam er Benefactor, from New York, and I will take up his residence here. Hei has just arrived in New York "from Gennany.v;': - J:' -' " "T -: ' School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at HeinsJ CO - p V A . r.U & O S . ?' ; ' X r ' - "S3. 2 O -r- uO rr -"i t - ph" ti" " r' lar xaediclne, - , ; Depot. t : ...... air after the labors of a hot day. i berger's. f