I tip 1J ail 1 lu , V 1 h , -lT' ... TAK PAID: month, Three I -rU- " . ,rHM free -crv ..,...- report any nd I: I V 5l& PHILADELPHIA. Prr. OHE DsIUr l rrir iii m of tii bumM 7 reorle to tuallh f civlnc Ur: a l:rliiij f ' s n:. r ascsoy on rar! h. 'nvn and oilGA f j - - ynnu me nu prices and terms ItfilTiW SWki Of IiSOS AND ORGANS IN 1UE stfTH. .ui -u jv i laj ot iL first -class manu- Pian o s ii.im ft! rrwAnns. Org; ans rtOM 145 UI'WARDS. "Oltl CATALOG i:C .Lj. Stone, RALEIOII, N. C. A L; DOUGLAS t, KNTLKM FN. rjfiLjtf 3 S4IU! Sho In the 1r-nMr.I.n t-k or nail. As stjrl- Rioti!ir'?costiQS or . and tw V,113 lo wtno stocking r.:: .. . lDem " corarortnDle x. vsj- -aa sewed snoe. Buy "VL lnr, I'J?10 stamrwl on iwjtas n Mine, warm ntcd.!' a, E siu) the original v shoi-s costing from $4 L-lt)OIlf ' r'tihfi slKisworoby all " 2f. mad Q congress, .uu, 1ot y deal: M1? H.-VUXGLAUN. Wilmington, S. C kO.YOLLEHS, r.Tb.0 and crock. c bH'WU'f f , .a 8 -N ort h Water at. 1 3 cotTr! i? w ry prtxluce. Advance (Jf Bridal Presents ' J" TO Torso ",""atlJIorluplw. arr 'i Bo and Music.Store. VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY. JUNE 4, 1888. NO 123. Mr. iaiiHeu, a well knowu Norwe gi.an athlete, is about to make the attempt of crossing the vast snow fields of Greenland on snow shoes. A wealthy Danish merchant has supplied the money for the unique enterprise. Miss Minna Irving, the poetess of Tarrytown, N. Y , claims the proud distinction of possessing the small est foot in America. . She wears a clipper exactly one size less than No. 1, and keeps samples on exhibition at the different newspaper offices in New York. . Commodore Kittson, the owner of mm many horses ana a famous stocK farm near Philadelphia, by his will. gives each of his eleven children on e hundred thousand dullars. Thebal' anre of his estate, about three mil lion dollars, will not be divided un til 18'JC, when his youngest child be comes" of age. - - The most valuable manuscript in this country, judging from the price paid, is in the possession of John Jacob Astor. It is the SforzaMissal, for which $15,000 was paid. It is dated in the fifteenth century, and comprises 484 pages of vellum bound in red morocco. It is said that canaries and other birds may be freed from insects by placing a white cloth over the cage at dusk. During the night the in sects will leave the birds for the cloth, and in the morning they can be destroyed by plac ing the cloth in hot water. A repetition of the pro cess will soon clear away the pests. It has been calculated that the sun Is nearly 93,000,000 miles from the earth, and it is so large that if a number of worlds the size of ours were held together like beads on a string, it would require 340 of these to girdle it around in one line. It would take 1,2-50,000 of our worlds to occupy a space equal to the whole size of the sun. An interesting invention is that of Mr. Ives, who exhibited recently at a lecture a photograph of a land scape in which the various tints of green In the foliage of trees, the blue of the sky and the colors of house, barn, autumn leaves, etc, were perfectly reproduced. Many inventors- have thought they had methods of photographing in colors, but their processes have not worked in practice. distinguished men Of that period;ail Public Schools Meeting of the! School account book and a pocket book con taining several bank bills bearing date 1828. Stedman In Raleigh. (Greensboro Patriot.) At no time since the inception of the preliminary canvass, leading the way up to the action of the Democratic State Convention, has Lieut. Gov. Chas. M. Stedman knit j more closely his ties about the hearts of his adherents,, and extort ed more genuine admiration from the advocates of the claims of his competitors, than when, upon tha. withdrawal of his name, he address ed that splendid assemblage of the representatives of North Carolina Democracy; and, with all the charms of a courtly presence, the dignity of a fine physique, and the magnetism of ringing tones and impassioned voice, he pledged such efforts in the cause of good government as would make him a leader still at least in devotion to his native State. With inimitable grace he introduced Hon Daniel G. Fowle to the people who had chosen him for a leader, and re tiredafter this, the moment of his real triumph amid a perfect ova tion. The citizens of this good old com monwealth owe Charles Stedman a debt of gratitude for his distinguish ed services, and they'll pay it yet. A 1 i- x , m l i - ,r i in c imny weui iy larnoro , Committee. this morning on the excursion from The joint meeting:pf tjie school j here to that place. committees for Wilmington k4et at Q , , : : 0 , , ox A. the office of James ChacfbouTn, ! Schl Bf 8 Sch1 Stationj Esq., with Mr. James H. Chapourn "fry ean buy cheapest at Hems in the chair and iWalker Meares, j oerger 1 - f j Esq., -acting as secretary. Every; The cheapest place to buy your member was present and the ! com. ' school books and school stationery j mittee consisted of Donald MacRae, i is at Heinsberger's. l'iHV1"-! BurRIarS. Toucan be safe frou, mBr, JU?l, theml)y usin the Burtrlar Proof Sampson and John G. Norwood. Mr. Noble read his report j from which we make the following ex tracts: ' . - ;, ; : I j Enrollment for the "year tnales 971, females 1,048-tptal 2,019. jThis is a most excellent showing and speaks well for the reputation of the The popular blood purifier, Hood's tlous sale this season. Nearly every body takes it. Trj it yourself. LOCAL ITBWS. James Eveleth, the disbursing clerk in the second division of the chief of engineers at Washington, has the reputation of having been in the' Government service longer than auv other nerson in the War Department, or any other depart ment, for that matter, lie entered the service as clerk in the military reservation of Fortress Monroe in 1829, fifty-nine years ago, when he was 21 years old. A remarkable freak of nature, a mare known asthe"OregonHeauty, ' was recently on exhibition in Louis ville. Her color is a sorrel, anil that of the name, tail ami forelock a creamy tun. rue mane is ten icei u length, the forelock four feet. while the tail sweeps the ground. Although the mare is eiirht years of age, the mane and tail are of only four years' growth, having grown an average of two feet a year during that tiihe. - - - - A curious calculation has been made giving the work of the heart in mileage. Presuming that the blood was thrown out - of the heart at each pulsation in the proportion of C9 strokes per minute, and at the assumed force of 9 feet, the mileage of the blooil through the body might be taken at 207 yards per minute, 7 miles per hour, 108 miles per day, 01,320 miles year, or 5,150,880 miles iu a lifetime of 84 years. The iiium ber of beats of the heart iu the same long life would reach the grand total of 3,8G9,77G,000. Henry Robinson, of Concord, N. H., has recently been presented with a small hair trunk, thickly studded with bra nails, which once belonged to Daniel Webster. The trunk was found in Webster's office after his death, locked, and o little was thought of it that it was left iu that condition until it came into the hands of Mr. Robinson. When opened it was found to contain a lot of valuable law papers and me mentoes in the shape ojf letters from INDBX TO New Adtertiskmknts. Sylvan Gkovk Schedule R W Bkst Livery Stables F C Miixer Diamond Dyes Taylor's Bar a ar At Last Opera House The Sorcerer II einsberger Field Croquet N Jacobi Building Material M M Katz Special Bargains IIeinsberqer Bridal Presents J L Stone Pianos and Organs M S WiLLARD A Burnt Child W E Springer & Co Specials Smith & Boatwright Insurance Locis II Me ares Bathing Suits. IIeinsberger -Base Ball Supplies Mrs E B Wiggins Just Kecelved ALDERMAN, FLANKER A.CO Oil Stoves Howell & Ccmming Mattress Factor)' Passport Excursion to Navassa Works O o Vollers Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. Change of sailing Days N Y & Wll S S Line Jon.v L Boatwbioht Something Attractive C B soctiierlan-b & Co carriage Repository Meeting of the Board of Audit and Finance at 7:30 this evening. The Hoard of Aldermen meet in regular monthly session at the City Hall to-night, at 8 o'clock. The iron on the street railway on Castle street will be laid to-day, and the road will soon be readv for use. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs lldw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. t t There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society at Miss Hart's school room to-morrow even ing at. 5:30 o'clock. Dog collars. Largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's lldw. Depot. Many improvements are notice able at Wrightsville- Sound since the advent of the steam horse to that popular resort. ; Let the citizens assist our health officers aud there will be uosickness here this Summer. It requires a concert of action between our citi zens and the authorities to keep the city clean, and we know all good citizens will agree with us that health is more desirable than sickness. IlcK-k Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglaaa e Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectaoles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vfjircr than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Nothing Fairer. I.hrier, at No. 10 N. Front street, guarantees, if any j purchasers of, Clothing, Hatsand Furnishing Goods are not perfectly satisfied, he wil refund the money. He also guaran tees to save you from 15 o 3-5 per cent, on the identical ; goods you may purchase elsewhere. It will be of no expense to you to convince yourself of the fact and you will be monev ahead by calling at j I. SHRIER'3, The Old Reliable Clothier, No.16 and 20 N. Front 8t. Sign, of Golden Arm. j tf t I Schools. ; mere Had been decided improve ment in the teaching of all the sub jects and especially in geography, reading and arithmetic. The arith metic of the public, schoolsis ojrie of their strongest features. A teach er's training class was organized with an enrollment of more than 30 This class will no doubt he organ ized next year. The teachers held meetings Jtwica a month for a discussion of the best methods of teaching. Thesel meet ings were conducted by Prof, bjoble. The conduct of the pupils has been very good during the past year and there have been fewer cases of bad conduct than eyer beforej. ? The Professor says that as a rule, the child who knows how to belilave at home will behave at school. 'Parents Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. ii Indications. For North Carolina, light to fresh northerly winds, beeomirig variable and cooler fair weather. ! i There will be an important meetl ing of the Trustees and Board of Stewards of Fifth Street M. E Church to-night, at the study, at 8 o'clock. The following notice was posted on the blackboard at the Exchange to-day: "Commencing June 4th ant! every Monday until Oct. 1, 1888, the Cotton Exchange will open at .li o'clock. ; ought to make a note of this The schools need, libraries doing their best to secure books. i .1 rid are best has the The Union School now a library of over 500 vols. The report closed with a wejl de served compliment'to Capt. W.' M. Parker who was for years a j most excellent member of the. committee in district No. 1. V y After the reading of the report it was accepted, and then the ejection I Fran-'John iooIs 1888. was held Prof. M. C; S. Noble was re!-etect ed for the coming year, and the fol lowing teachers were also reelected : Hemenway School Mrs. M. L. McLeod, Misses J. W. Myers, a. Mc- Dougall, M. Bernard, K. Jo i;nsou. PeaboUy School (colored) Jjas. B. Dudley, Misses M. J. Mallett, , M. Smith E. C. Brady, C. GreeAf Mrs 8. B, Dudley. ! 1 Union School Misses Nellie KJook Maggie Jones, A; S. MearesJ M. J. Hawes, May French, Eliza' flfeares, Mrs. C. Moffitt. Williston School (colored) If isses M. W. Howe, Emma Hooper. cesJarvis, M. L. Whitemau, A. Holt and W. H. Norwood. It was ordered that all the sc open on Monday, October lst ("Above was prepared for Satur day's issue, but was crowded put. Joint Meeting. j 1 Iu accordance with chapter 17, section 71G of the Code, the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of New Hanover county, met in; doint session at the Court; House this morning. 1 A j . The ineetiugwas I called to i order at 10 o'clock, Justice W. W. Hprriss, Chairman of the Board of Jiustices, in the chair. The Chairman having submitted his report for the past year, 06 mo tion it was adopted. It was ordered that a sum, not ex ceeding $1,000, be appropriatell by the Board of County Commissioners for repairs to the County ; Poor House. - ! j The Board then proceeded to the nominations of. five" Commissioners for the ensuring year. i. . Justice G. W. Price put in nation Mr. Sol. Bear, who declined, but nominated the old Board. ) Justice R. E. Heide nominated rr it Mr. D. W. Trask. H The Board then proceeded to an election, Justices John Cowan5 and Wm. M. Poisson acting as tellers, with the following result: Roger Moore, B. G. Worth, E. L. Pearce, i i J. A. Montgomery, i 1 On motion of Justice II. E. Heide the election was made unanimous. The chair stated that thel jnext thing in order was the election jof a county superintendent of education. Mr. .Walker Meares and Cabt. iu. W.: Manning were 'put in noinjna- tion when the meeting proceeded to nomi- The first freight train was run over the Seacoast Railroail to-day), carrying 600 peach crates; for Capt. Manning and freight for several other parties living at Wrightsville Sound. Rev. Chas. L Farriss, ; President of the Students' Aid Fund of Wake Forest College, occupied the pulpit of the First Baptist Church yester day, both morning aud night, preach ing eloquent sermons to large con gregations. 1 Bathing Suits. Come down to Headquarters. 25 dozen Flannel Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. V-1 The work on the colored Odd Fel lows' building, corner of i Nun anc Seventh streets,is progressing rapid ly. When finished the building will be an ornament to that part of the city and a credit to the Order 1 by which it is built. The travel to Carolina Beach in: creases every dav. Saturday there were between 400 and 500 people visited the place. Yesterday afterjl noon, although it was cool, overone hundred went down on the Sylvan Grove at half -past 2 o'clock. There will be another 10 cents en cursion on the steamer Passport to morrow afternoon. Those who wish a nice ride on the river should take advantage of these afternoon excur sions. Boat leaves her wharf, foot of Market streets at half-past o'clock. 6 Foreign Kx ports. The following is a list of the for eigu exports ot tins port ior tne mouth of May, 1888, as taken froni the books at the Custom House: Rosin, 24,352 bbls, valued at $28,013; spirits turpentine, 2,219 casks, val ued at $37,875; pitch, 50 bbls, valued at $148; 245,000 feet lumber, val ued at $3,554, making a total valua tion of $G9,500. The W. JL,. I The Wilmington Light Infantry will have their annual target con test next Friday afternoon at Caro Una Beaeh. The compauy will as sembie at their Armory on that day at 1 o'clock in fatigue uniforms They will then march to the wharf of the Sylvan Grove, which will leave for the Beach at 2 o'clock sharp. Several prizes are to be shot for. Personal. Mr. Thomas W. Strange left for St. Louis, to attend the 'National Convention, on Saturday night's train. Mr. E. H. Keathley and wife has returned from a three weeks' trip through Wayne ajid ijmplin counties on a. visit to their relatives; Mr. Keatbley is very much improved in health. The Sorcerer. The Wilmington Amateurs have consented to repeat that entransing coiliie Oiera,l "The Isorcerer," and thej Opera House Ifor the benefit of Mufic Club. The costumes and scenery are nil new. 1 -in present it alt orrow. night wi to the Wilmington We advise all whjo ;contemxIate n election. Mr. Meares receiving witnessing this performance to sc 27 out of 31 votes cast was declared j cure their seat early as they may duly, elected. - - ;! Mg left." PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communication ' from our friends on any and all subjects o -general interest, tut ' -. . . .. ' ,: . , The name of the writer must always bo' fur nished to the Editor. - ' . Communications must be written only on one side of the paper. . Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents "unless so stated in the editorial columns. - ' y '; "City Court. ; - Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: James Whitfield, larceny, case continued until Tuesday morning. Thomas Capps, disorderly con duet, discharged. ( . . .. Henrietta Watson, larceny, cose, continued. t ' Charles Richardson, colored, a ; crazy tramp, claiming to hail from Wilson, N. C, was ordered out of ' the city. '-.'.' . .y-rS; ' ; , , Emerson Piano. , "' " " ", There are oyer 43,000 of these eel ebrated pianos now in use in the United States and other countries. That fact alone is sufficient to prove the superiority of these instruments. J. L; Stone, of Raleigh, N. C, is General Agent for this State. Get his prices before buying a piano, tf WireCloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hd w, De pot. : THEMAILS. The malls close and arrive at the city Post office as follows: " --CLOSE. Northern tnrougn malls, fast..... 8 .00P. M. Northern through and way malls.. .1L00 A. M. N. C and A. & N. c. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. Raleigh & l-ayettev e, aw P. M. and a00 A. M. fctout hern way malls cao P. M. Southern through mails. 9.15 P- M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. . . Western mails C.-C. Hallway). ..... 5.45 A. MI Cape Fear & Y V R l andwlnt8 sup plied therefrom.. 5.4.rp. M. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom 2.00 P. M.- Smlthviile 2.00 p. m. Wrightsville, s.'J0 A. M. Clinton, sjpecial 3.15 P. 11 TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C II. and Intermediate offl- T ces.... C00A.M. Little River, S. c, and intermediate offices ii.... .. 2.00 P. JL Cape Fear River mail LOO P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls 8.80 P. M. Northern through mall, late. 1L00 P. Jf. southerh malls. 6.30 A. M. Southernway malls. 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central R. R. 9.30 A. M. Malls collected Irom street boxes In business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A.M. . . General delivery open from 6.90 A. JL to 7-00 P. M.. and on Sundays from o.oo to laai A. m. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.1 to 10.30 A. M. Money OrdeTnd Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 51. JL, continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. m; to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and l to 7 P. M. v N K W AI VERTI8 Bfti CTO, Steamer Passport WILL LEAVE HER WHARF TO-MORROW Evening, Junes, at half-past 6 o'clock, run up to Hilton and back, then up to Na vassa Works and back, and then take a mn down the river a piece and back, all for 10 cents a head, young and old, giving you a good viewof the harbor. Je 4 it . .. l Carolina Beach Schedule. Steamer Sylvan Grove will leave Monday, Tuesd'y Wed'sd'y Th'sd'y A.M. 90 P.M. LOO P.M. 3.-00 P.M. 6:00 Friday Saturd'y A.JLPM 9.-30 2:00 M. P. M 12 6.-00 forCarollnaBeach Train leaves B'ch on Sunday Steamer leaves at 2 P. M. Train leaves at 6 '" J. W. HARPER, Je4tf General Manager. THE SORCERER - WILL BE REPEATED BY SPJ2CIA.L REQUEST Tuesday, June 5lh, 1888, For the Benefit of , Wilmington Music Club. Admission 35 cents. Reserved Seats 50 cents. box Sheet open Tuesday at 8 A. M. Je 8 2t 00 ff - g f 3 & . 5 pj 5 5 t i . 0 ; s P-i s S For the Season. . HAVE OPENEO MT HOUSE AT CAKO 11 na Beach for tht season, and will be pleased to attend to all who may - favor - me with their patronage. Fish. Oysters, crabs. &c. always on hand and servedf in any tyle desired. C BAciiE. my 14 law I2w m , at Carolina Beach: - A New Pattern Oil Stove, SAID TO BE TUB BEST YCT INVENTED. Jiefrigen&ors. Coolers, lee Cr.am Freezers. te. In j proved pattern Door and Window screens and Frames, , . . ... poraUdby - -. . AUiEKMAN. FLANNEC CO.. : Dealers In Hardware. Tinware, ta my7diw WUalagtoa, X. C.