this papzb Vi'e win bo glad to rceclvo cz-xjnMzizv.i: . from our frleix&r cn .ary 'trd aliEutjcta c general Interest, but ; The name bt the writer : always to f ur nished to the Editor. - - ' 7 communications must be written cz.lj cn one side of the paper.. ; Personalities must be avoided. And lt is especially 'and particularly, uz: stood that the Editor, does not-always en:r: tle views of correspondents cmless so tt ct : . ' in the editorial columns. r 'T JJLX. Editor rnP. Three V' , t. moat. cent 'lurrvd by carrier., frw TV Mft of the tiir. at the .oUfpke rrport ny H VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 1888. NO 144. J CONSTIPATION PcsV! often iuck the system "TVe, It J. cad r,s3 of Appetite, Sick Headache, "Bad Breath, etc. t of CoQtlrUu does not tV.tTlr la unlearn the bowel. "JS o"t not only ct a a rnrr. I tZTui- nd notproduca Kitof body without chxnxlcx after .uffcHns wih Constlp- KL! T..V & cu!ry. I jAM tUck SapK Court, BbCo.,C. TaJfcr otty the Genuine, rabiw Wrrpf tKe red Tr2e- Scutar e J. U. ZIUC A CO H1X0S AND 0 ROANS- trttT VE FK TRICES AND TKItMS u 'iiiz: a l&.strutueDt. I kwp one : UTii t At of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOIT1I. Imwu ay of tb nrst-clAM manu- ian Or) ROM 43 CPWAUOR. rOfult CATAUKJlH HALZKJU, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : Uta-t Mnrt, between Front and Second, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. Atlantic View, f 1&; To ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC 'm Lk!V) isA (HDHemen and their Families .:xr ii MJi N U for a day's recreation can Ut rRtEuie of my large Prnvtllon and wrrcts. whrtber tliy desire to take their ub ac or tnns their own "lunch Splendid Band of Music. ! 4.t?.: yoa to coou orUbie place, close by HUU-jtoa stacoast Kallroad Depot, vfB,Ir9llie 0ccaa and enjoy- the ED. WILSON MANNING. IToprk-tor. ratr V L. DOUGLAS 83 8 Hop 1 Ci , GENTLKUFN. t4 Sf aj SxUm Rho !n the V "e.-.."-- comfortable J:-.r-. .buJ" t . oe.warran ted." lVir'iiHLi. . -r. fc7l.tlQr-rf ' t u! li? soe, tb onnnl a fetir,.riLl i itauos: ituo to i " t- t)n r r-. . t- Dor f iff- kt, maorhoeinthe world. wlU" ad ia coorreas. W.Utr 'ootioid by loardral- M fey nrwkto,liu. J H. VONOLAHN, ImTrfton, 5.C 1 If the Republicans areas well &ut-' Isfied witb the result of the Chicago convention as are me democrats, . ' One of the latest uud most iuipor ThU is perhaps the most serious blow that the iuonopolits have yet had. ,r : I.', , . . i aiuyor ouin iow, who ; be-u uccouutetl the leader of the 1 Youug Itepublicitiis of Brooklyn, N. . Y., cuif t fttutid the Chicago ticket. llh defection will prove a serious blow'to the Uepublicans of King's ! count v I Ueorire William Curtis.of Harper . , AVi-rl-hi lui x tipf i ltitrv!x vvfxd liv Mimrfpr fftrthe w York S!frtr. He ... . i a. rui x x .l vuiiuciuus lue vyuitiiijw nuixri, ( praises Cleveland. lie will support Cleveland and so will llarpcrn Weekly, and so also, added Mr. Cur men all over tis. will the business the country. - A poor old woman, CO years old, tried to drown herself in Central Park on Wednesday. She said that she made the attempt because "no body wanted her." She has several giown children, married and set tled. Shejiad been living with a married daughter in Ne ark, who had told het thafshe wished to God that she would go away and never come back." Horrible! If all that is said may be relied uion theu Gen. Harrison's chances ou the Pacific slope are bad at the start ami will probably grow beau tifully less as the campaign ad vances. His record on th? Chinese question is what's the matter there with this Hannah. The Republi cans are alreadv alarmed and talk of getting Blaine to go to California and make a few speeches. The Democrats threaten in this event to seud Mr. Thunnan there with his little red bauilana which is big enough, however, to wipe out the whole Republican ticket. . - - Economy and strength are pecu lia to Hood's Sarsaparilla, the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true. LOCAL NEWS. IXDIX TO NW ADVEKT1SIMKXT3. T D Lot A Card J L Wijcnkk Notice Stxb BrssiB Notice Db8 P WmooT Notice Y C JliLUta Diamond Dyes E W Maxxinu Atlantic View . Tatujb'S IUzaak Low Prices Stltan GaoTK Carolina Iteach Loris II Mkakbs nannel Shirts IltN3BXB4xiR llanos and Organs Mbs E 11 Wiggins Just Uecelvcd IIowbll & Ccmminu Mattress Factory Thb Stoelbt IIocse Salt Water Delicacies 10,000 Tiger Cigarettes have been sold here to one organisation, for private use. . 1 w WireCIoth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Udw. Depot. The country calls for thcee cheers and a million "Tigers" for the can - d .dates. lw There is a cool wave here now and to-day has been decidedly the most comfortable we have had this week ltock Crystal Spectacles out! Kyeztasse Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve as in the samo proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger iower than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Ueinsberger's. Attention Young Men Democratic Club. All members are hereby notified that I. Shrier has the contract to furnish uniforms, where subscrip tions and names for enrollment will hereafter be received. E. II. Frkkman, Chr'm Finance Com. Bathlnc Suits. Come down to iwiiihik on Headaunrters, 25 dozen Flannel TUlhtniv Snlr l In nil felrp4 intl rnlnm . t t d I x - XV....... , " old at the lowest manufacturing .t ,h Wllmlntrton Slilrt Par, 1" w " ' tory, 27 Market su. J. fc.lstacli, I'rop. A At . t am mr X wr m 4 whjk lor ine oiueawinuf it you warn. 10 ieci uuiu.i and woll all vou need isa eool Ham- . 1 o.f "Yon will And the largest as- ihocx jsortnient and cheapest at neinsuer - . w ) t Tiger Cigarette smoke can be in-1 haled without danger. lw ; Burelan, You can be safe from : them by using the Burglar Proof TiHnfi Tw t Wnhi'ti ! pHaticI lmsnlaced I 1 maim imsi"... pair of horses at irii i-n.i frr,i tha i va viiiiu avkwi& !.ivj w- hotel to the wreck of the blockade , mnnpr on on hand RiidtoGatlini Battery on the other. ,.. Messrs. Eugle & Zoello, two ac- : complUhed artistM, have leased from r r r Hf! XI ..t. ..x ..I. -Mr. J. Lt. Winner the photou'rap i ; gallery at Carolina lieach ami win ut once tfet ready Tor orders there. Tne '"ior partner, Mr. Eugle, has J for some time past been connected with the nress in this" State. He is I. l)AoVi tswlav vvhoro lia ia x: i.. i.:.. :npr.n...antu an1 nat IIUllllJlT 111 1119 11131'iu lucuua ""v tsv . . tmg ready lor customers. City Court. There was a large crowd assembled at tne citv court this "morning and a .docket that showed up eight cases which were disposed of as follows: Elsie Macks, keeping unlicensed dog, judgment suspended. Jane Hines, keeping unlicensed dog, discharged. James Williams, keeping, un licensed dog, discharged. John Davis, disorderly conduct, case transfered to Justice G. W. Price. Jacob Thompson, cruelty to ani mals, called and failed to answer. Wui. Panelson, drunk and dis orderly conduct, 20 or 30 days. Sarah Graham, drunk and dis orderly. $20 or 30 days. Wm. Swindle, disorderly corn! net judgment suspended. Personal. We are glad to hear that Mr. D. H. Walsh is reported easier to-day. Messrs. Gibson James and Jno. H. Marshburn, of the Holly Shelter section of Pender county, were in the city to-day. Miss Cannie Chasten has resigned the positiou of organist of St. Paul's E. I Church. She will go to Bos ton in August to complete her stud ies. Mr. R. D. Jewett has graduated at the Richmond Medical College and has returned to the city with his de gree as a full-fledged medico. We wish him much success in his pro fessional life. Maj. T. D. Love, surviving part ner of the late firm of C. S. Love & Co., has located in the city for the conduct of the business. His family will remain in Bladen county until the Fall. Mr. George Haar, of this city, who has been at the Conservatory of Music in Boston for some time past, has graduated at that institution. He returned to the city last night, with the diploma of the Conserva tory in the Tuning Department. A lliff Blow at Ixaurlnburg. A big storm is reported from Laurinburg yesterday afternoon. It struck the town about a quarter past 3 o'clock and continued for about 30 minutes. The rainfall was also heavy. This morning's Star furnishes us with the following re port : From a correspondent of the Star at Laurinburg and from persons ar riving on the Carolina Central train last evening the following particulars were gathered : The McCallum Hotel, near the railroad depot, was badly damaged; one of the brick chimnevs was blown down, demolishing part of the roof and crushing through the building to the first floor. The furniture and carpets in the rooms of the build ing were considerably damaged; but fortunately uo person was injured. Mr. Parker's gin house, lying di- rr.tlv In tli trn-nk of h storiU. Was entirelv destrovfid. And also two churches belonging to colored peo ple. Uol. J.T Koper's staDies were blown down, and two mutes m w liniliiinr killed TIia stores of Messrs. McCaskill and McLean, M. G. McKoy and R. E. Lee and the Merchant's Hotel wprn unroofed. and also the residences of Mr. Berry Bryant and Mr. J. T. Frazier. A number of out-houses were demol ished, and trees and fences were blown down in all directions own down in all directions. At Mr. W.A. McLaurin's residence x 9 a .. z .1 . iii, TriH 1 IWO 01 mo wiuuuwb, .wim hllnd. were torn from their fasten ings and blown Into the house. ixi-v mo iiuuot. e storm was fortu- It extended beyontl The track sf the nateiy narrow. 11 cueimcu k ! the town of Laurinburg in a north- xt Ti a ho nt hnJr a mile. levelling everything I t pain. far an known no loss of life occurred either in the towq or country- Ticer Cixraretteswill eive satisfac tionf lw Tiger Cigarettes a substitute for' paper wrapped goods. lw Hqo.... f- UooctialU- Rats' AiLuuuai ici o 1 1 xacoxJaiio, x -i Masks, Gloves, Belts &c., is at Heins benrer'g. t -t i : . ! .Another lot of those celebrated 0,1 Stoves just received at Jacobi's lltw' Depot. Itwill pay you to use one- -"' f Dr. S. P. Wriirht has qualified as administrator of 2he estate of the, ,ate Geo. PrColin and an official an- nounceiuent is published m this is sue. tfhere was a heavy wind and 'tmu at Carolina Beach yesterday. Those a the surf got a shower bath and a surf bath at one and the same ti me. The storm came from the West and had soon blown over and out to sea. At a meeting of the suviyors of the Wilmington Rifle Guards, Com pany I, 18 N. C. It., it was formally decided to have a reunion at old Camp Wyatt, near Carolina Beach, on the Fourth. The steamer Bessie is laid up here to-day or to-morrow for the pur pose of doing some pointing. She will commence her regular mail schedule to Southport on Monday, leayinghere at 3:30 p. m. and South port at 7:30 a. in. The excursion this morning of the Sunday School of the First Baptist Church to Carolina Beach was very largely attended. The Grove car ried in the forenoon about as many as could comfortably be accommo dated and many others went down in the afternoon. They have had an exceedingly pleasant day for it. Exports Foreign. Schr. M. C. Moseley, Torrey, clear ed to-day for Port au Prince, with 207,150 feet lumber, valued at $2,780. 85, shipped by Mr. E. Kidder's Son. Schr. Orlando. Knaebel, cleared for the same port, with 110,900 feet lumber and 3,803 pieces lumber, val ued at $l,451.03r shipped by Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop. 1 Two Dots in One. Messrs. Howell & Gumming are busj now on a contract to -furnish six dozen pine fibre mattresses for the! new hotel at the Hummock. These gentlemen have the agency herf for a new species of mosquito net frame, one which folds easily into a small space, is simple in its workings and has no sharp corners "to cut the nets. It is the invention of an old gentleman at Augusta, Ga., and is a good thing. A Bloody Battle. f A fight took place this morning on Second and Hanover streets be tween two colored boys which re sulted in the cutting of one and the locking-up of the other. Levi L. Perkins was t he boy who gained the battle but lost his liberty and the name of the other boy We could not fiud out. Perkins cut him ou the head and the result was a wanton waste of native claret. Justice Price investigated the case and sent the injured boy home to have his head sewed up and the other to jail to await an interview with Judge Meares. Alligators from the L.ake. To pfove that there are alligators hi the lake at Carolina Beach it is only necessary for visitors to that popular resort to take a squint at two how on exhibitioi there. They were caught yesterday in the lake and are now to be seen in a pen which has been specially prepared for them. This big pond, or lake, is a really wonderful place. ... The wa ter in it is perfectly fresh and at high tide it is not more than one hundred yards from the Atlantic Ocean. There is a great variety of fish there, some salt water fish as nsn inpre. Kniiie sail waici uau ,, , T x v. o nri nil well as fresh water-fish, and tney an seem to thrive well. xiKer vyigureiccB, "'B'" filled and Havanna seed wrapper lw - New Maste Honse. J. L. Stone, the popular music dealer of Raleigh, has established a a Drancn house at Wilmington, on . . x.' .1 r fro i Front, where may be found a number of inenieieoraieu rxiuer&oxx " other makes from $190. upwards. Organs from $45. upwards. Every wrgans irom fo. upwn,rto. j one ja invjtet to call and examine the. instruments. Dog collars- Largest anl finest assortment ever before brought to thU city, to be bad at Jacobi's Hdw. Pepot. - Quarterly Meeting. Second round of Quarterly Meet ? incrc for trie AVilmiTicrtrin THstrint of I fha MotVi Alicf IV PlinMt. HrtVi j kiv xxx.ixx.wxxcrv a-.. xyxxxxx vxx. uuu .xx . I Elizabeth circuit, at Purdies, June i W ana J my l Cokesbury circuit, ' at McNates, june 14 and 15. Bladen circuit, at Center, June 7 and 8. Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, July 21 and 23. Brunswick Mission, July 21 and 22 T. W. Guthrik. P. E. . .the mails. ; The malls close and arrive at the "City Post office as follows: . - - Korthern through malls, J ast. . . . . . .8 .00 P. M. i.V.JJUUU JXm wkO routes supplied therefrom......... cnrmllPrt t.hprpfmm 8 00 A. M. RfllftlB-h & Kavette.v'e. fi.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls . 6.30 P. M. Southern through malls. ............ 9.15 P- M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C. Railway) '5.45 A. M," Cape Fear & Y V R R and points sup- puuu uierciruux o.n x . xn.. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. ancL points supplied therefrom... 2.00 P. M; Smlthvilxe. 2.00 P. M. wrightsiiie 8.UU a. m. Clinton, special 3.15 P. M-. TUJSSDAI AjNUJfKlUAIS. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offl- -cesJ... ...... 6.08A.M. little River, S. C, and intermediate offices ..... .. 3.00P.M. Cape Fear River mall LOO P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ; Northern and way mails. 8.30 P. M. Northern throxigh mall, late. 11.00 P. M. boutherh mails. . . -. 6.30 A. M. Southernway malls. . . , 9.30 A. M. CaroUna Central R.R.... 9.30A.M. Malls collected from street boxes In business n. w x lr f, ft A I nnx J ic l ML and from other points of the city at -5 P. M. ana 4 a. m. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 I XT anA on Siriioi-a frnm Q V1 fn in 9fi A TVf X . XL, U11X Ull WXUVUt, 1 VI 1. ' - f AVflf . . Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 w mau a. iii. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for. both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi Hdw. De pot. . . t N BW AD VEISTI8ISMKNT8 Hlofice. , . - - - ryHE STEAMER BESSIE WILE LAY OVER In Wllmlntrtfiii tn-rlflv nnrl Rat.lirrlflV Tillt will commence her regular mall schedule Monday mnrnlTifr .TulvVl: lpnvlno- Smithnnrt, flt. TrSO a. m. and Wilmington at 3:30 p. m. 50c. round trip. Je291t fJotice. XXAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA JjL tor of the late Geo. F. Colin, I hereby no tify all persons having claims against tne saia deceased to exnioic tne same 10 me on or 00- fore June 39th, 1888, and all persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make pay ment to me. June 29th, 1888 Dk. S. P. WRIGHT. Je29 6wf ; Administrator. A Card. rjHE UNDERSIGNED WILL C.ONTINUE tvio nnmrnissdnn "Rnsinpss n5 KiifPfssnr to fJ. S. Love & Co., and hopes to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage extended to the old nrm. . . je39 3t T. D. LOVE. Notice. TTAVING OTHER IMPORTANT BUSINESS engagements lt will be lmpossible to give at tention to my Photograph Gallery, therefore T Imiro smnnrvr. thp RPnri"flS nf Mpssrs. 15WGLE & ZOELLO, First Class Artists, who are so fa- voraoiy Known ana are iiuiy equippcu wtiu au modern Improved instruments for. making Cheap and First-Class Pictures from Smallest tn nfo si7P nlsn Oronnfts and View Sceneries. all at reasonable prices. I confldently recom mend tnese gentlemen tu my pauuua oxiu xi who may visit this beautiful seaside watering place at Carolina Beach. . Wall Paper and Shades Hang! Carpets and Matting Laid I (Nice work guaranteed) by J 33- DEMPSEY, WITH HOWELL & GUMMING, Opposite the City HalL MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, SPRINGS, MOSQUITO BARS 1 ' p. s. These MOSQUITO BARS are some thing new. . - Je28tt The Stokley House, TARTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMJVIODA- bns at WrightsvUle will find the STOKLEY HOUSE well suppUed with all that is neces sary. . : Board by the day, week or month at low rate 3- ' Pig Fish suppers to order at any hour dur ing tne evening. lt tha haiimMps nt water. flsh.crabs. 1 vix um. - , - I clams, shrimps, &c, lurnisneu 10 guests. SadUnf! Boats, Fishing Boats,Flshlng Ti sainntr Boats. Fishlne Boats.Flshlng Tackle, &c, furnished on short notice. K-Stokley House fronts the water and is 11 rv ctuxiJ xxvi-v " v" oHfhin innvartlsof the Deoot. W. H STOKLEY." jelStf Proprietor. "MACINAW" ONLY GENUINE "MACINA WT. HATS SOLD IN WILMINGTON. r LOUIS H. MEARES. 1 KOBT1I FBONT, Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter je SI - ' ' ' - - Specials. f- ARDEN HOSE, DOU . COLLARS, LAVN vjr . Tackle; come in and. look ; at tneni. we have the goods and can make .the prices iCit K SPRINGER t CO., myl 1 Front su.wiimiastoii,N. NETV ADVEirriBEIxIjGVTO. v CAEOLINA BEACH. S TEAMER SYLVAN GROVE WILL leave for Carolina Beach pn Friday and Saturs.iy at 0:30 a. m. and 2J30 p. m. Music, for dancia g. -. .- : -J. W: HARPER, General Manager. Je28 Dissolution Notice. . : -, . . '.. - , ..- ' v- ' - : - : . . , .- '. - " - . . HE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORC existing between c. s. Love and T. D.'. Love, under the firm name of c' S. Love & Co., was dissolved on the 24th of June by the death cr C. S. Love. The undersigned is alone author ized to sign In liquidation. Vi :'"':- T. D..LOVE, je27 3t Surviving Partner. Reading Glapoo Q.OLD PENS AND PENCILS. r Lunch Baskets, Frames of all Kinds. : ':, "I Bass'and Kettle Drums, Flutes, Fifes, violins, ': " '. - - Guitars, Banjos, Harmonicas, Best kind of steel and Gut strings,. Looking Glasses, &c, c Blank Books, Paper and JEnvelopes for sale cheap at . ' ::"-. " HEINSBERGER'S No. 3. - ; ; Wilmington Seacoast R. R, SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1883. - From Wilmington, " From Hummocks. TZ Leave ....... 630 a.m Leave....... 7.45a.m. Leave... 9.30a.m Leave.. ..... 10:30 a. m. Leave........ 20 p. m Leave....... 3:30 p. in. Leave. ....... 5:00 p. xa Leave. ;. 6:15 p. m Leave 7:20 p. m Leave. .... . .10:00 p. m. J. H. CHADBOURN, JR., June 19 tf General Manager. J. T. HOWE . W. H. K0RW00D At .the Hummoclc. E HAVE OPENED A RESTAURANT AT the end of the PavUlion set aside for the Col-, ored People at the Hummock, where we are prepared to furnish meals at all hours. Three times a day. ' Oyst ers, Olams and Grabs many style aesired. S"-We are also prepared to accommodate White as well as Colored Customers, and we guarantee satisfaction to all HOWE & NORWOOD. t"lCK COLD BEER always on hand. Je231m -TR. w. A. McGOWAN will collect subscrip tions due THE! DAILY REVIEW and 'solicit new subscribers. . ' 1 " ' tf . Commissioner's Sale. gY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE or. A decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, the undersigned commissioner, wiu sell at public auction, at the Court nouse door, on Monday ,9th of july,1888, at 11 o'clocJa. m,, the following described real estate, situate in the City of Wxlmington: . a. lof TM htxrlririincr at. ft. TVilTlt In fhfl faS.tPTTl line of second street 132 feet from the 8. . cor ner of Second and Queen streets, thence Last 165 feet, thence South 66 feet, thence West It! reet, tnence in on. 11 00 ieeu. w vuo ucjjxxxxxxii, being western half of lot 3, block 60. Anil T hxMtinlnrr at tha V W Mrnr Af HAl xxiu. xwu uvxxxxxxxxg mv jv x.. 11 -2 ond and Castle streets, thence North 63 feet. running West that width sz ieet, Deing JuasT. part of lot 6, block 87. . Trf. Twcrf tint nc in tiorthftrn line of Castle street, 82V teet Eaiit' ot Front street, thence traat. mi tpt. rnnninc Tfnrth that width il. feet, being middle part of lot 6, block 87. J f Vt Tnl- tuxrfnnlnir at fhoW If PAmprflf K(P. ond and Castle streets, thence 'North 66 feet, runnlntr East that width 165 feet, belnz West half of lot 6, block 88. v 5th. Lot berfnnlne at the N. W. corner of Princess and Twelfth streets. North 330 feet. runnlne West that width 66 feet, being Last parts of lots.l, 2, 3, 4 and 5. block 1?3. ftth Tst twxrtnTilnop nr. thflrW W rttrflPr Of Plin- cess and Twelfth streets, thee? North ss feet, running East that width feet, beicg west part of lots 1, 2. 3, 4 ana a. diock is j. irth Txr rvurlnnfncr or. W. S , MftxTOmbPr'S Cor ner on Newbern Road, thence North 413 f et , running isast tnat wiatn eo uxi uemsj xuiu ,xat- ntnta t q a nnfi r block 1KSJ. and let 5. uoxv vm. ivis x , ' r--i. . block 215, excepting therefrom a lot beginnir r at a pomt idB iw x vi o. x- i-uim Twelfth and chestnut streets, thence Last CJ AVTl.i.-annth that nrlrtfh 1ff1. tr" JjQfZv. 1 Uxxlilxi ivixvxx xxuv " vy part of lots l and 2, block 189. v. nurlnnln(r In t rio KniltTlPrTl line Of JCfl Ti OUXX. JLTKXXXXXXX. " . - - ' lficoiavia int. with siTrtJi street, thence . Soutu 33 feet, running East that width 75 feet. part of West half of lot 2, block 308. 9tlL Beginning at the intersection of V..? eastern line ot Front street and tne nortr.u-n . D.iniuiniii oiiov An1 nmninT t v. ; r' IxXlC UX XCl.l;xxixx t, a . - 7 -o eastwardly with said alley 33 feet 9 knouts, thence - northwardly.- paraUel with i re - l street-. &s icet v mtucij, iutuw nvotnui) AAr.frtx.Ffi iinotf thA turn ktnrv r1 building to Front street, thence Southward- ... . Xa flirt hAMnrtnv V' - r iy tnifl rToni ireci iu vaot - o the western part ot lot 2, block 152. TRrma cash, or one-third cash, one-third cn a credit of six months and One-third at twe 1 v e months, at the optlon-of the purchaser. June8rlS83 je 8 13 SixTjjy 6 D. O'C0:N0R, I

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