... r 1 r IVSTAGE PAID: J ' w . i I 1 t , B1n0tU5 cioa Three f month. 33 ccati. The Lfse cf tLa ttt. ; ; r i. ' nlshed to the Editor. .' commiuiieatlointist -bo one side cthe paper. ' , ; "- Personalities ciut to avcliecL ; "And it Is especially and" parti z ular! j x. : Btood that the Editor does not always t ;. te ylewsJof correspondents anlesa 3 i: in the editorial columns. J VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C.. SATURDAY. JUNE 30, 1888. NOJ45. ur- " w i.-rrcTARI C rivER, kidneys, lt nd Bowels. : uiptnlnt, llrudache, IUiitne C"f.JiV i it. JauuUicr. - . . '. - mmmm fettMSboiiid be Without It. 5320X3 LIVER RBGULATOP "VzElt'N 4. CO.. S!. Pr.pri.o -. Bfjviv?uiy chin. FILVOS AND ORGAN'S- -. . . . tin ti i vnTPBMS iT I7TETU Nt. tun run tut Knar in I rit rumrnt . as I fceep one flASOS AND ORGANS IN TIIK MHT1I. leaJ jou ahjt o( the nrst-clasa manu- 1EL FROM I1W UPWARDS. Org a, 33. s fHiIH m.i I PWAUDS. USD FUR CATALOGUE. T.Ij. Stone, RALEIGH, X. C. BRANCH HOUSE : wc krfrt. between Front and second, WILMINGTON, N. C. Atlantic View, WniGIITSVILLK. X. C. IBS Tli ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC lZs xzA ttfntlrnin anil their Families 3zzz i sound tor a day's recrration can ti rRIEu. of eqt larre PaTllion and at. wvitkcr they desire to tafce their -ow.;a or trtnj tnclr own "luncn Splendid Band of Music. f e fcrze Ttn tO cQminHKl n!Arf rlrkS4 br JfJstie Utah, and enjoy the ED. HLM)N MACn.VO. lraprletor. The Emperor of Germany is to pay a visit to the Czar of all the Russia. The visit will take place about the middle of the.inonth. -. - Twelve months or more ago the Daily Ukvikw claimel for the next election 2G out of the 3d States for Cleveland. Ah time progresses we are rather inclined to add to than to take from this list. , Naturally the Chinamen all favor old (leueral -Harrison's grandson. Tliere is a Chinese newspaper in New York and it champions him, All this wilt of course help to elect him to htay aCay from the White I lr u . ."-""" ....""' ''--..- ,; ... - .. . - - - -. New York ratified on Thursday night and it was as usual, hand somely done.. There were two mon ster mass meetings. The speakers were Speaker Carlisle, Gov. Hill aud others. The turnout was im mense and every mention of the names of Cleveland and Thurman was cheered to the echo. They wanted to turn George Jones out of the famous Uniou League Club but they did not do it. And why? Because this famous Repub lican club is honeycombed with Mugwumps, and if the thing is once begun there fs no knowing where it will stop.. It might rule Harrison out of the raoe before the campaign has fairly opened. The Richmond (Ind.) VolksZeituug sprinkles the Republican ticket with iee water. It says: 'The nomination of General Har rison is received coolly among our German Republicans. They took little interest in the ratiiicatiou meeting. The majority of the Ger mans are Democrats in this city, and the Republican Germans do not show any enthusiasm. Harrison cannot carry the German Republi can vote which Blaine would have received. Many Liberal Republi cans will vote for Cleveland." V- L. DOUGLAS M8HOE. One of the most iutensely interest, ing local option fights that has ever been waged In this country has just resulted in a victory for the drys. The fight took place out in Mis souri and is thus described in a tele graphic report from Kansas, City, dated on Thursday : After the most exciting local option fight ever known in Missouri, the Prohibitionistsof Independence, the county seat of this county and the oldest town in Missouri, won a great victory yesterday, carrying the election by more than 200 ma jority, and ending the sale of liquor for four years. Women were everywhere at the polls, at the lunch stands and on street corners, wearing silk badges and "dry" ballots in their bauds. Girls stood at the polls, and at every voting place was a banner on which was inscribed: 'Temperence beaux or no beaux at all." Free diuners were served at the iolliug pluces. Hundreds of children carried ban ners through the streets and about the voting precincts. Some of these were inscribed: ".Sow whiskey bal lots and reap drunken boys," "Young men, keep your record clean J. B. Gough." "Ruin, revenue, rags," "Rum ruins the reason," "Vote an you prav," "ForGod, home and native land1 The legend, "We can't vote, but we can MilTer." was carried bv the women in a parade, and occupied a prominent p ace in each ward ; precinct. Many or the best iwople of the town were interested in the contest. and it was not an infrequent sight to see voting girls with horse and ilueton covered wit hi streamers wringing in voting gentlemen to vote for local option. In the irirst War), where there was a large colored population, it was expected there would be a large et majority, but bath sides worked hard here, and the drys" gained a great victory. It was here he fight centered,, ami there the JL 1 II 1 At 1 women sioou an uav, even (iiougu he weather was unpleasant. Tne Mormon Church, which has more than a hundred voters, voted iiuanimousl v in favor of prohibition. The temperance people had a grand celebration at night. roit l!VVTi m.r w ?3! J mlea Sho tn the L T""' lJM"k" or As st yl- C V. band uvail etw xr-n-m StalS'M1 l!m " comfortablS L iAJ5:la, boe. warranted." w aae oes ctxung- from W f y ear iok 13 unex- ISAromby all wuno. 3 IV &or,i hhoe In iha hr "- Brockton, Macs. DpXQLAirN. " llxBlnstcn, 2?. C Ixdkx to New Adtkxtiszxkkts. F C Milub Diamond Dyes E W Mannikq Atlantic View Skacoxst it R Sunday Trains Taylor's JJazaak Low Price3 -If ig ATT a Carolina Yacht Club Stlvan Obotx Carolina Beach Loc II Ms AKKa Flannel Shirts IlEiNSBiaaiR llanos and Organs Mrs E It Wiggins Just Received Howell & Ccmsung Mattress Factory Tuk Stoklbt Uorsi Salt Water Delicacies Tiger Cigarettes will give satisfac tion. " : : lw Days leugth 14 hoars and 35 min utes. ' .... ' r.' ' There were "five interments in Oakdale this week, three adults and one child. ' ' The moon enters on its last quar ter to night. J .v J tine, the first Summer month, leaves ns to-day. Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at JacobPs Hdw. Depot. t Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 20 minutes past 7 o'clock. Peaches are in good demand here but are still very high. Tiger Cigarettes a substitute for paper wrapped goods. lw Tiger Cigarette smoke can be in haled without danger. lw There were four interments in Pine Forest this week, three adults and one child. Thare were two interments in Bellevue this week, both of which were children. The country calls for three cheers and a million "Tigers" for the can didates. lw Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is at Heins berger's. t Burglars. You can- be safe from thembyusing the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. t The New Hanover Transit Co. are putting the finishing touches on a handsome cottage at Carolina Beach to be occupied during the Summer by Mr. W. A. French, of this city. The drive well at the Hummock has been sunk 50 feet and it is ex nected' that nure water will be reached late this afternoon. The work is being done by Messrs. It. II Grant & Co., of this city. The bridge across the Banks Channel at the Hummock to the Beach has been completed a nd will be thrown open to the public to morrow. The roof of the hotel has been completed and painted. To-night a very interesting meet ing is to be held at the Seaman's Bethel, near the foot of Dock street." It is hoped there will, be a full at tendance, especially of working men. The meeting will be perfectly informal. Several short talks will be made. - The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licenses this week, two for white and "two for colored couples. But very few "really nice canter' loupes have yet' been. brought to market and these are held at fancy prices.' .: - .' ' ' '' ' Surely better seasons for the crops werenever f had - than' those with whlcTTwe have, been blessed this And where are you going on the Fourth? has taken the place of the usual remarks in regard to the weather. fhe wind got around to the East last night and towards daylight this morning it was almost cool enough for blankets. All those who are interested in the Rowing Club will meet at Messrs. Smith & Boat Wright's office Monday afternoon at 7 o'clock. Two trains will run to the Hum mocks to-morrow, leaving here at 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. and leaving on the return at 10 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. The Clarendons and the City Boys played a match game of base ball yesterday afternoon at the Seaside grounds. The Clarendons won by a score of 30 to 5. Services in St. Johns' church to morrow: Morning services 7:30 o'clock, Litany and Holy Com munion 11a. m., Evening Prayer 6:30 o'clock. Rev. W. S. Creasy ; is expected to fill the pulpit of his church to-morrow at the usual hours for service having returned from his visit to relatives in the Western part of the State. Impurities of the blood often cause great annoyance at this season; lood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and cures all such affections. Cltx Court. Mayor Fowler had a small attend ance and a slim docket at his court : this morning, there" being only three ' coses,, which were disposed of as follows; . . ! Lollle Oapps, case continued. ' Thos. Dihuao, disorderly con duct, 30 days in the county jail. Clara Srilieff, disonlerly conduct. 30 days in the county Jailv Tiger Cigarettes, bright Virginia! filled and Havanna seed wrapper lw . ' ' ' First Load of Melons. Mr. John Wright Carr brought to the city yesterday the first load of watermelons raised this season in this portion of the State, or proba bly anywhere iu the State. Mr. Carr's place is seven miles from the city. He sold the load in a lump at 11 cents each. It is said that Mr. Carr has had the first load here each year for the past three years. luck Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: ' in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more4 magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve us in the same proportion that you pass that point of inoreas, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is tlje dally cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Attention Young Men's Democrat! Club. All members are hereby notified that L Shrier lias the contract to furqish uniforms, where subscrip tions and. names for enrollment will hereafter be received. E. H. Frkeman, Chr'ru Finance Com. This (Saturday) evening at 8:15 o'clock, at the Seaman's Bethel, on Dock; between Water and Front streets, the business and working men's union prayer and experience meeting will be held. A large at tendance is desired as Mr. W. P. Fife will address the young men, and a matter of importance to this community will be presented to the laboring men.- ' Mr. Jno. D." Bellamy, Jr., 'Presi dent of the Street Railwayhas been looking all day for a telegram tell ing him that the cars for the' line had been shipped, but up to four o'clock this afternoon it had not ar rived. Mr. H. VWatters' new yacht, the Pcggotyyvr&& being tried intheSoum at WrigHtsvilie yesterday and we understand that everybody inter ested was very much pleased with her. She -will be heard from on the Fourth. The colored Odd Felloes in this city are erecting a very nandsome brick building, three stories high, on the corner of Nun and Seventh streets. The corner stone will be laid on the Fourth and a large at tendance is expected from this and other States. Cotton and Corn. Mr. D. J. Corbett, of Nat Moore, Biadeucounty,sends us the first cot ton bloom from that section. Mr.Cor- bett has a fine corn crop as well a a promising outlook in cotton. He ntiichPH wir.ii rnifci wapk: Tim miimn- IltAI7 v - ------ up of 75 acres of fine corn. Sermon to Children. In the English services at 11 a. m. to-morrow in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, the pastor, will preach a sermon to the children, of the con- A ! AXn.4K - . 11- ' . 'It gregatiou. xt o:io p. m. mere win be German services. Accidentally Discharged.4 Something of a sensation was causel this morning by the report of a pistol from Douglass & Yar borough's barber shop, near the corner of Front and Market streets. A crowd quickly gathered when it was found that one of- the workmen was cleaning his pistol when it was accidentally exploded, the ball piercing the partition in the rear, but injuring no one. " " Election of Officers. " At the regular weekly meeting of Unity. Tent No. 60, I. O. of R held last . night, the following ofilcers were elected for the ensuing term: Shepherd C. L. Cowles. " - ; C. R. C. D. Jacobs. ; . . I D. IL C. H. Keene. R. S. F. T. Skipper. F. S.A. C. Prempert. - Treas. Ira Skipper. - s Levite Thos. C. Piatt. . I. G! G. H. Bender. . t O. G. Jas. JN. Newton. P. C. R. J. T. Shoiar. - Chap. T. J. Wilson. ,.The above officers will be publicly installed next'Friday night by D. H.' C. R., W. F. Hewett, at which time the members, vyith their families and invited guests, will assemble and partake f an ice-cream supper,, and have a good time generally. " This is now one of the strongest seciet societies in the city, having on its roil of membership over one hundred names in good standing. It is the only, white temperance organ- -ization in the city-and its members are mostly young men, which fact speaks volumes. There are severa applications for admission at every meeting. ' " Hammock vs. Hammock. Maj. Graham Daves writes to the Messenger, a grave dissertation on the : uses and abuses of "hammock." He gives" Worcester as authority for the use of the word "hammock.1' We have before us the 1887 edition of - Worcester's Dic tionary and the word "hammock," as coexpressive with the word"hum- mock," does not appear therein at all. But Worcester does give the word ' 'hommock" as similar ' ' meaning to "hummock"- But it is "hummock" vs. "hammock" - on which the question hangs and"hom mock" may therefore be looked upon as an outside issue. Maj. Daves says ; that "the word hammock is in " general use along the Southern coast, from Norfolk to the Gulf of Mexico." Ia our iiriend sure of his position here? We have heard it ealled "hummock" by the natives on our own coast, at Myrtle Grove, and also in Florida. We do not recollect to have ever heard the word "hammock" used Jn reference to any other piece of land than that which was - formerly known as "Sneeden'8 Hammock," at Wrights ville. -' Literary. , TOM THE KBADT: UR, UP FROM the Lowest." By Randolph Hill. No. 8, of the Boy's Home - Libra ry." i'aper, 13 mo", Jfrice, jJo cts. Published by A. L. Burt, 56 Beek- manst., jNew xorir. Tiie "Boy's Home Library" fills a long felt want." The idea of publishing stories for boys by the best authors; good wholesome stor ies, that any parent will be glad to put into a child's hands, was an ex cellent one, andjias' been religious ly carried out by-ttie publisher.' No. 8 just published is"Tom the Ready," by Randolph Hill, a popular writer, and keeps up the high standard of the previous numbers, which are by such authors as James Otis, Horatio Alger, Jr., Harry Castlemon, Ed ward S. Ellis, etc. It is for sale at the book stores. - T The First ltegatta. The first regular regatta of the season of the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed oyer the course 'at Wrightsville on Wednesday next the Fourth. The boats- will report at 3:30, at t fie Club's wharf. The fdl lo wing yachts will probably enter: The Peggoty, Idler Mascotte, llip- ple, Phantom and Bonnie Lassie of lie first class and the JRosa, Little Alice Lillian, Loulie, Mamie B. Bubble, Sprite, and Mabel, of the second class. :' . The Regatta Committee earnest y hope that all members who own yachts will, enter them for this race.-"" - - ':- ' . - Batrjing SuitsT Come down t o Headquarters. 25 dozen Fla n n ! Bathing Suits, in all sizes and color , sold at the lowest manufacture ; prices at the Wilmington Shfrt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. ' f If you want to feel comfortable and well all you need is a good Ilam moclc ?You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at.llclnsber ger's. - ' . . - ' N13W AJVElt'rirJlJ.'tlli'JL.. rjiHE FIRST KEGCLAR REGATTA JF CAR OLINA YACIIT CLUB, season of 1883, will bo sailed OTfcT the wrisrhtsviiift nmipsn n nesday: July 4th. Boats will report at .rni nr ulUD? Wharf. - G. D. PARSLEY. jeduit v Measurer. CAROLINA BEACH. gTEAMER SYLVAN GROVE .WILL leave for Carolina Beach onSunday at half past two o'clock. . . , . xv . . J. WY HARPER, - ' - ' Je3Q - " General Manager. Wilmington. Seacoast R R. Sunday, July 1, '88. 'JUtAINS WILL LEAVE UNION 'DEPOT for Wrightsville and the Hummocks at 9 a. m and 3 p. in. Leaving the' Hummocks at in a' m. and 6:15 d. m. . mmit rjRE STEAMER BESSIE WILE LAY OVER in Wilmington to-day and Saturday but win commence her regular mall schedule Monday mornlng, July 2d. leavlne SouthDort at r m. and Wilmington at 3uJ0 p. m. 50c. round trip, v, .... . - . je292t New Music Honse. ' I . The Tnb Kace. J. L. Stone, the popular music OnA of the fnnr tubs fnr thft liffft S ,eish' wjfSon6 nn Wrightsville on the Fourth is a branch house at Wilmington, on f , k Dock street one door fro Front, now at the Seaside Restaurant. : It where maybe found a. number of j is 30 inches in diameterand 16 inches the celebrated Emerson pianos, also other makes from $100. upwards. . . . . , . . Organs from 43. upwards Eyery isrs. .vrcnie aiannes. wu- one is invited to call and examine j nam fepooner, John Bell and Dan the instruments.,- Cameron "will be the contestants. 10,000 Tiger Cigarettes have been TI,e arrangements for the race, are sold here to one organization, for i oe,uS Ir"8 V 4ur. iu.ar1n.eg. : : private use,' . lw I 1 WireCloth for your window anl ' assortment ever, beforHbro.ught ta and -doors can be had at Jacobi's , this city, to be hftd; a.t. Jacobi's Hdw. MACINAW." ONLY GENUINE "MAGINAW" HATS SOLD V ; IN WILMINGTON. . . ' .' . LOUIS H. MEARES. - 12 NORTH FRONT, : Gentlemen's rurnisher and Hatter -'-Je; 21 -.. - vy-:;.;- yr.-y. . r: ypaja m f : rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE the Oommlsslon Business as sucftfissnr tn n. r. Love Co., and hopes to merit a Continuance of the liberal patronage exteadtxi to the old nrm. . - Je29 3t T; ft LOVE. notice. JTJAVING OTHER IMPORTANT BUSINESS engagements It will he Impossible to iglve at tention to my Photograph Gallery, therefore I have secured the services of Messrs. ENGLU & ZOELLO. First Class Artists, who are so ra- vorably known and are fully equipped with all modern - improved Instruments fnr m n 1- f r - t;heap and Flrst-Class Pictures from Smai 1, to Life Size, also Groupes and view Sceneries, all at reasonable prices. I confidently recom mend these gentlemen to my patrons and all who may visit this beautiful seaside watm n - place at Carolina Beach. - . . - je 'ffi XX - . . .. JOSEPH L. WINNER. Wall Paper and Shades Hung! Carpets and Mattine Laid I ice woric guaranteed) , by Ji B. DEMPSE". . " . WITH : v ' HOWELL & OUHUEJG, Opposite the City HaiL MATTRESSES,; PILLOWS, BOLSTERS, : SPRINGS, MOSQUITO BARS . . BARS P. S. These MOSQUITO thing new. are somc je ss tf No. 3. . - Wilmington Seacoast R. R. 5H' SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 20, 13 3. - From Wilmington, - t : From Huimnocis. Leave . . . . ... QM a. m Ieave 7.4 a. ra. Leave..;. .... 90 a. m Leave ..1')::;) a. 1:1. Leave. ..... .. 25 p. m Leave. ...... p. ta . Leave. . 50 p. m Leave. . . .... 6: 15 p. ra. Leave. ..... .. 7:20 p. m Leave: ..... .10:00 p. m J. H. CHADBOURN, Jr., June 19 -tf General Manager. JTJqtico. pyjIL W. A. McGOWAN wip collect subscrip tions due THE DAILY KEVIEW and soli:- new subscribers. ' tf -.1 To the Pnblib. rpHETUBIJO Hiiton Ferry" ww be discontinued FERKY AS Till. frota .1:. i after July Mth; 1S83, by order of the Hoar J . : CocgnsiOBersCNew Hanover county, c. jeaiagaaojy JL A. IIAGCi. . . Cliairtnan. Gpecpal DOG COLLAHS.' LAV. f AX DEN HOSE, Mowers. Flshlnsr Tackle. Come la and 1 at them. We have the good3 and caa ra: tho prices tojsuit. . ray U tf 14 Frost St., , r.r..:r.jtcr1 c

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