? -I - . -.A -v t X t - r if- 'i t ) ; 1 5 ' 1 ! t. " I 1 ''r V"- i ... 1 . ; i K J ' '.' ? ' : i . .' 'V ; ; ., t . - I t Hi-:-' 1 ; ' ; . 4 .; , r J I r:-' v. ' ; ' t 11: it " :ril: .1 It M 1 ! ''I . t - '!'. . t . i i - . , 111 " " , " .. . .. , . -. - 1 :- : ; : : -. : , - , I iriSOEIiLANEOUS. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, i Dogs,' Hogs, Poultry. 500 PA GEBOOKsui Treat meat jpf Animal mud i Chart Seat rec. crtr-Frrerf. COTpt. rnarwratlon. AA. Hplnal Meningitis Milk Few. fi. B.r- trains IrjeaeM, UheoBmlUm. C.-lUtempr, hawlDlKhwet. . v. vtflie .r- Cirie Bellracbe . J.-3Iicrrlae J"1,,"!",??! fesw anil lkidnT D J! Kfiuf!a of Dinstloa. Price, Stag!- IkttlaTer JOdoaesl - .CO ' M. Said by-Drartti ar Sent Prepaid aa Receipt af Pri ee. Humphreys' ISed. Co., 109 rolton SL, B. T. m f mmmmmmmmanm HUIIPSEI3 YS ' HOMEOPATHIC f& f SPECIFIC IIoImO J-'rirons Debility, Vital Vea!cnssst and Prostration, from ever-work or other taniM. . Bl par rial or ft vials and lara vial powder, tor $5 5oU BT DBUOOI3TS. or mb( postpaid ob receipt of pncZllvmwiW' Ca., I S att SC. I. 1. mch 22 eod fiwly nrm Fl Josh. T. Jamks, Editor '& PropV, "Wilmington. HV (V MONDAX, JULY: 2, 1888. Entered at tne Postoffice at Wilmington, N.C., as secoDd-class matter. DEMOCKATIC TICKET. o FOB PRKSIDKNT: OROVER CLEVELAND, Of Xew,York. 0 tj tLejr rre icrtti,atl wfcrve la ; 1 tiom. IXrrrt?r.-t far Tm tnin : TSn m.1 for lrnrtWl POt:L-M THY JiOOii. !tOpascrs besu of tutor! Bit fci.. ; CI lov.ia: as9CTi3 tiaas of th fcrti; bnv to crrcnizo; I ptan tor wcitr7 ixneos: lafunnation bost inrsustcrs, end hero It bay LJtn from brt tbtorU rt S .rti tdttlua beat for Id Oav Ml SE3III4 If m. T03 isod the KOOK OF CAGK ItlltO.s.. l-JO PflfM. 150 Ulas trntlons.' BeacUfar clord plate. Troatiae&fc and treed mc of all kiadk Cage birvla, tor pieaanre Bijprf . Itiwtie ud tieir cars. How f iw'Jd aixl stock an Arinrr. Ail about Parrot. Prices of ImM lUJUfl TS,S, baw'ia , 1 a t'-encs. a be TUve Books. 40 i'to. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS. 237 South Ligfeth Street, Fkilidel j.Jila, 1'. as 'If L . it- flfJTEBEST wi : " IfanlT VJcor. 'Weakness or Lom of 'Memory pet Via uti u r rertnred by the usj of an entirely Ij-. smedy.XIie 1Teirla Santa from Spain. Span a Trochees neyer fall. Our illustrated, pige bonl :d testimonials. (?ut eejtouu .v-ry mauenonii ad it VOW OIlAKPTItOClIEK CO.. -m VJ Park PJ.c, Aw York. FOR VICK-PRESIDKJfT: ALLEN G. THVBMAN, Of Ohio. FOROOVBRKOR: s, DANIEL G. FOWLE, Of WakeCotinty. FOR LIEOTKNANT GOVERNOR: T. M. HOLT, v Of Alamance County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAML. SAUNDERS, pfaWak e County. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, OftfWake County. FOR FOR STATE AUDITOR: GEO.:W. SANDERLIN. Of Wayne County. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY;!. PING Ell, Of!Catftwba County. FOR ATTORNET GENERAL: THEODORE WJDAV1DSON, Of Hnncoinbe County. WANTED LIVE AGENT WrinteGeo. A. Santornt Secretary Buffalo Mutual Life, Accident and SickBenent Association, Buffalo, N.Y. jelHw taveyoa Oongti, Bronrhttis, Arthma, IndigrestloAt Us R'S CINQER TONIO without delay. 1 stanj ui um wantowea ana iscae Desirejueaj wumw of the throat and luntrs: and disease rblo? trora impere blood and exhaustion. Ihe f eeb Bd nek, BtniRviinsf againHt disease, and slowly drif tin Lthe ffrare, will in many eases recover their health lij i timely uaa of larker Gin per Tonic, but delay is dan eroos. Take It In time. 16 1 invaluable for all pain ltd Uaordera ot staraaca and bowels. LOo. at DrutrgMi ' T'-' ,wry EXHAUSTED VITA LIT i THE SCIENCE Ol UEJEf, the grea Medical Work of tb ' age on Manhood,Neni ooa and Physical De bility, Prematore De wTlhri ;TIIVOn C dine.Errorsof Yonta fUiUIJ ' I II I UbU land the untold miser rs consequent thereon, S00 pages 8 vo., 125 pre fcrfotkms for all diseases. Cloth, fall gilt, only $L0O ij mail,'' sealed. LilaBtratlye sample free to all youiu ' tod middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold ar! tewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation a Medical Association. Address I'.O. Box lS5,Boe tm. Maaa..or Dr. W. 1L PARKER, mdoate of liar- rard Medical College, 85 year' practice in Boston, . irho may, be conamtea connaenaaiiy. umce, . iBalflnchSt. ' Specialty, Diseases of Man. " Cat tala ant. Yaa an aersr ft aisv jell 4w fTWTT fCwarded are tiiose who W.lLirlljY read this and then act: they ssvawMssa m villi and honorable . employ ment tnat not tase tnem nrom ineirnomes , and families. The profits are large ana sure ( for every lndustrirus person, many bate made ' ' and are now maklnjr several , hundred dollars . ' ssl montn. It is easy for any one to make $5 e ana upwara per aay. who is wining io worx Either sex. roflns or old; capital not needed; - - vce start you. Everytnlntr new. No special . ahlllty reaulred: you. reader, can do t aa well .as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, wm en we mait tree.: Address Minson & Co Portland, Maine. nov 23 dGmwiy -T9 - --KLY'S , . , iCRKAJI BALM Cleanses tne Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and InCjam- maaon. Heals epyfVE Sores, Restores tne Senses of Taste and Smell. I I rfn?AiCiZ?cl?- i III I mm f FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES JOSEPH J. DAVIS, Of Franklin County. JAMESIE. SHEPHERD, Of Beaufort County. A.;0. AVERY, Of Burke County. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE: ALFRED M. WADDELL, FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK. Abram S. Hewitt totes a level head, but it is perhaps no more level to-day than it has always been? He can see about as far through a stone wall, as any living man. In his letter to the County Democracy in New York Mayor Hewitt f?ays: Discarding all side issues, it seems to me that there is really only one question to be decided by the people in the coming election. Both plat forms concede, that the national revenues are largely in excess of the expenditures required for the econo mical conduct of the government. The Democratic party re news its pledge to reduce the reve nues by reducing the taxes, but the Republican party, having resisted all eflfortjs looking to this end, have been forced by the inexorable logic of the situation to declare in favor of reducing the revenue by increas ing the taxes. The plain issue thus presented to the American people cannot be ob scured by any sophistry, or by any nleas for special interests or favored classes of the oeoDle. Does an v sane man .believe that a country can be enriched by raising the taxes? Is it not plain to the dullest understand ing that if consumers pay more for their supplies they must be indem nified, if indemnified at all, by a l 1 1 f Xl 1 v uiguer price ior rneir prouuersr 1ST IH1 CDSB-HAY-FfSVEB a rtArticie la atrolled into each nostril and Is ; airreeable. Price 50 cents at drugslstsr Toy mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BKOTIIEUS. ba Warren St., New York. - . apl 9 lyeod d&w - vINVENTIONHiS among the wonders of Inventive progress is $ met&od and system of work that cube per, formed all over tne country wlthou ; separa ting the workers from their' homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, youns or old; no -special anility required. Cap v Ital not needed; yoa are started free, cut this out and return to us and we will send yoa free, somethinc: of great value and Importance to , you, that will start you In business, which v wlUbrins yoa In more money right away.than . anytalns else in the world. Grand cutfjit free AddressTKUK & Co., Augusta, Maine. . HQT23Cmdlyff t , - ' . TX'nTIT Sea Womlers exist in thousands J J IS V r of forms, bat are surpassed by the - . a marvels of invention. Those who - are In need I profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their ' address to lallett & Co., Portland. Maine, and 1 receive free, full information how either sex. ' ot ail area, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started tree, capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single flay at this work. All suc ceed. noT236mdlyw - niAi t, ciriDmnzi-OPED parti f tts Body enlarrea an4 strnrtliened. all partlcn ni'MHdM tree. MLD. CO.. BcrrawN.I iilt cf over-Work, indiscretion, etu sUOxeu sNir The Democratic papers at th North are chock-full of interesting matter now and in the list we class the New York Ieratd, for it has been about as good a Democratic paper ror tne past four years as there is I in the2countr'. Here is choice bit from a recent issue of that paper. It is in the shape of a com munication and is from a "Disgusted Republican." iiome. air. riiOitor. snarnpn vmtr facile quill and then with flowing ii)K poiDt a moral and adorn a tale." -Prithee, kind sir, tell us of "Tip pecanoe.7' It mav be "anciVnt liistorv V I inf. 60,000,000 of us "free born America'n a e . ... citizens'" are last now living in th glorious Present, and it won't hurt us "even a little bit, to get rub bed up somewhat on the reminiscent lore of "the dead Past." So. dear Mr. Editor dn ' rl "shoulder your qu?lP for a brief hour or so and show us how this now famous field was lost and won. Come tell us about the .wiar And what they killed each other for. - And as you recite to us that awful talethat red and gory storyrjust put the finishing touches of your decorative skill on the tail end of the once great, grand and glorious old Republican party. ' For surely, sir, all that is now left of that once powerful organization is its taiL . . lt hoay is moribund,' but still it tail keeps wagging and its "bosses" still keep "bragging of the past. And old and rustv, too, it surely is, else why does it .so persistently insist on ignoring the living present for the-musty past? a patt some re tuembraces of which have a very curious and suspicious flavor, and me thinks a decidedly "ancient and fishlike smelL" ' It now conjures up for the delec tation olj its hood-winked and" baui- " rnrti tsT 'Nrtri flarnltna 1888 boozled followers npthmg but tne ... v - .judges. . misty phantoms of its so-called . tl)lstrlct james E. shepherd, of Beaufort "ffreatness" of bygone ages. Sd District, i'red Phillips, of Ed ?ecombe. Present opportunities' and future District, IL o. coor, of Wiin. . poUnnlitiesre to-dayto the a. O. fLVxt 1 merely as so much dross eompar- jg District, ET BoyMn; of Sampson. " . ed with the weird and fantastic re 7th District, James c. MacRae, cnmrjerland. ,, "Ji' r h tif - T 1 - Rth District,-W J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. collections of the past. : ? , ; gg pistrict Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. L,ik0 the purblind, mole, the - his- Jitrlct Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke, torio O. O. P. of other davsno goes lltn District, Wm. M. shipp, of Mecklenburg. trroning its way m the dark. Veriiy ian District, i. ix. t vuixw. it should now bo called the Gropm I t J 1 cr It seems to be totally oblivious to the fact that . .- r ; , . ? v We are living, we are mo Ting, . In grand and awful tunes. It teetotallv tabooes the issues the hour and tenaciously cl nigs to the ghosts of its departed useful ness.. - ' . '' - :-: M ... It affeets to believe that it can still batten and flourish in this perhaps romant ic but nevertheless sickening media) val atmosphere.- What lamentable . perverseuessl What dense ignorance of the tiue progressive spirit of the age! The shibboleth of the shilly-shally iiig Q. O. P. is simply Tlippecanoe and tantrtoo. And it also sings of grandfather's hopeful grandson. -But Tippecanoe and grandfather have long since passed "down the corridors of time," and bth are now far out of sight. . , But grandfathers ooperul still "lags superfluous on the stage," but around and about him old rippe cano and grandfather, are supposed to form a dazzling halo, -or sacred nimbus, wJiich the antediluvian Re publicans confidently predict will capture the patriotic voters. "Wflat s he torlecuba. or tiecuDa to him?" that this should be so? When next we vote we will most assuredly vote for a man Of our own times, not , for somebody's revered grandfather of past generatious. And so after nil the iuss and trouble and heart-burnings of the late Chicago Convention it hap pens that the mismanagers of the Renublican nartv have determined to fight the so-called battle of "Tip pecanoe" oyer again. Now. this "little uupieasanmess of Tippecanoe -occurred so many, many years ago, 'Mr. Editor, that thousands of vour readers would like you to tell them the story in other words, wjuld be pleased to receive a "tip" on "Tippecanoe." Meanwhile, Mr. Editor, permit me to sav that for all useful pur noses the "Groping Old Party" is to day as absolutely and completely of the past as are the wooden gous 01 Greece and Rome. ' The sooner its fossilized and super annuated leaders recognize this fact the better for their future. Future! Surely there can be no future for them or their party until they realize that they are part and parcel of the glorious present. A word to the wise is sufficient. SOLICITORS. 1st District, John H. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. H. White. (coL) of Halifax. 3rd District, D. Worthington, of Martin. .,s 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. f ;fh District. Isaac R. Strayhorn. 01 Durham. I eth Til strict. O. Allen, of DuDlin. ' 7th District, Frank McNeill, of Richmond, of sth District, B. F. Long, of IredelL 10th District, W. II. Bower, of CaldwelL j 11th District, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COtTRTS FIRST JUDICTAI. . DISTBICT. ' . Merit Wins. 1 We desire to pay to our citizens that for vears we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Ele.ctrio Bitters, and have never handled remedies ,that sell as. well, or that have gi vn such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to' guar antee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remetties have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Wm. H. 'Green, Drug gist. It is but reasonable to suppose that the machinery in a paper mill is run by a stationary, engine. Peculiar In the combination, proportion and reparation of its ingredients, Hood's arsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. 1 Peculiar in its good name nt home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenome nal sales it has attained, Hood's Sar saparilla is the most successful med icine for purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating ' an appetite. Be Sure If you have made tip your, mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other. Hood's' Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady whoinew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells aer experience below: To In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to Induce me buy their owninstead of Hood's; hetoldmetnelr's would last longer; that I might take it on ten days' trial; that If I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Mood's MBaSSJSBBBBSSMSSJSMSasaSBBSMBJBBBSMISBBBSBBBSSBBB When I began .taking. Hood'a. Sarsaparilla I. was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with .dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for some time, like a person in con sumption. . Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." UBs Br.T.a A. Go ft, 61 Terrace Street, Boston, r apaciiia Sold by aUdrDsgUu. fl; sir for $5. Prepared only Vy C I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowen, Mas- . ICO Docoo Ono Dollar - dec lOlyr dJtwnrin m ws9dp If you want to feel comfortable and well all you need isa goodHatu mock. , You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber ger's. t SeRiNo Judge Montgomery. Fau Judge MacRae. lieaufort tFeb. t3Ui.May 28th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March &th, Sept. 3d. Camden March12th, Sept, 10th. t -Pasquotank March 19th. June lltli, Jept 17th. Dec 10th. -Perquimans March 36th, Sept. 24tb Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates Aprfl 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. loth. Washington April 23d. Oct. 22cL s ... Tyrrell April 30th. Oct. 29th. Dare-May 7th, Xov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamhco lay Slst, Nov. 19th. SECOJUI JTOICIAL DISTBICT. Spring Judge Graves. . : Fall kludge Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, JMarch 5th, May Hth, Northampton--tJan. 23d, April 2dv Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. 6th, April20th, Oct. 29th. Craven tFeb. 13th. May 28th, Nov. 36th. Warren March 19th, Sept. 17th. . Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. - . . I THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, . . . Spring Judge Avery-' Fall Judge Graves. Pitt 'Jan. 9th, March 19th, tJune lith, Sept 14 Franklin--Jan. 23d. April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson tFeb. 6th, Juue 4th. Oct. 19th. Vance Feb. 20th. May 21st, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. . ;. '. - s Martin Marcn 5tn. sept, aa, vec- aa. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Avery. ' vvuVfi Man. 9th. tFeb. 1 27th. - March 26th, t April 23d, July 9th", tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, Wayne-Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. -Harnett Feb. 6th; Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13thT Aug. 13th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. ; Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. . Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. . -Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 2lsf, sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender-rJan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d, t April leth, tSept. 24th. . Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th.. DupUn Feb. 13th, Sept. 3rd, Nov. 26th. Sampson- tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct Sth, Dec. 10th. i Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. . Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16t h, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. - - Anson Jan. 9th, t April 30th, "Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. - Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. Itobeson Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. ltichmond Feb. LJth, June 4th, Sept 17th, Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April lfith. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. , s Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus Man. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th, May 2lst, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov 19th. Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec 3d. Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH! JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. : Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 2lst, Oct. 224. , Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes-Mareh 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. -Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. . TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer.. Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13thi July 16th. Burke March Sth, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. Ud , Ashe March 26th, JMay 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. MitcheU April 16th, Sept. lOtiu Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. MeDowell May 14th. Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boykin. Fall Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. . Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.l Union Teb. 13th, tFeb. 20th, Sept. :i7th, tSept. 24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. -Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th. Oct. 23d. Rutherford April 23d. Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. lsth. - TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. i Madison Feb. 27th. July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.l3th, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 8th, Sept 10th. i Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. " Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. Clay May Hth, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham--June 4th, Oct. 29th. Swain June nth, Nov. 5th. - For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. iFor civil cases alone, except jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS? NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benjamin 1L . Moore, Wilmington, solicitor. iolk stns Jan. 2d, March 19th, May Slst. July 16th, sept. 17th, Nov: 19th. ' " : 1 MECKLENBURG COUNTY. OUverPMeares Wilmington. Judge. Geo. E. Wilson. Charlotte. SoUdtor. court begins Feb. 13th. April 8th, June 4th, Aug. 13th. Oct. 8th, Dec lOtiu- ... ; . ' 1 1 Hisses Burr 5 James, ylLL REOPAN. THEIR SCHOOL FOR glris and little boys, on TUESDAY. Oct. 4. The course of instruction, as heretofore wm be thorough and systematic. - ' Tnu Special attenaon given to Reading Writino Music and Physical culture. - ntln2 a?Ln-CuslunwU1 liave cixarge of the Musical Depajtmenw - - r. Wl Hou?lJ Kiergarten pupils from gwr to n lfjrjaruculars ftincjfaSj Tic;raT:!rV , anl8eodlydo ; . . - . - nLlsJ8S j. S t rmim mam w r-K -ww W nil arVVHV',c ltn Cri J ANOTAKEN3 C .HER SEE S SNATURE 01 EVERY 1 CHJCHESTER ChJMiCALC0.S JtXPRQf.UADlSOM SIP! I BBSS amav mwa Am II SJ IflTPf HfrWf M mmnm.m ... , rr ' v " nw. 1 - : . . in.r 1 X2rsajiu xnu ILU a VVAi acKagea Buuia to pa. EALbifof whom took a fnll trwi rf.stind ciere resccrea toneaita tv sa of ggfs.SEMIHAL PASTILLES A lliiHicAlffcrefor NarroCsDcbiIjtv.tJr-ftTl i7akBMi fiAd riirai ra I DeeaT in Tnnnr? crJtlia B)b AtreAHnn. Tostod f rilifth6 Years la niirT Uunuaad cases th?y ebsjlately , reqo-o praiaatnrely ?sd and broken dm men totae f c 11 a3mert-f porfsct and foil Maslr Strength and Vlsorous live?, h. . JTothos9tflscGu3sr fromtbo raaay obscnraaittcaoi rmssht about bT ladiscrstioa. lixopnrj HerPmia lVork,prtofro iBdalgcar, woa-'-Jtliatroa send na Kwr nsae with etstosont of Tftnr tronblo. oatl cocur? l4 il vAr?fe I w i i r f Jii ob)k w v ----ont Of IK. We can giTO o mnch for the money ? ThonsaBds ta ii,t. i n essse after plates are made it costs far less proortionui-i. . ctr 'h'I shaa 100,0)0. Dartag Its nearly fifty years? cxffice ,0 -Wac H . - -.7 V. fl m Am has absorbed twenty-four other a recognizea aninorny pi ditors who bare made -four other aericaUural erlolical ''in . J en agrlcniural rnatter the Tldol tew le 11 a power In both hemispheres TPinf a. i' ,fe el f.7. bU dnrine 1&S3 than ,.r.P pIM''"'0' ith.?!1 Mi); mm i ON CALVMv RPPHTIP Tin A These magnificent works of art are neither old time chromoi " lngs.but exquisite pictures ezecutea for- us by Photoetchtop j Ptf-fT-nrocess.on heavy-plate paper. 22x38 inches. Priei J?4.kf e - W.H. HOIS !., Ished Dec 20, 18S7) forwarded la tubes, post-paid. American eur new OUR GREAT. OFFER, can Affrlcultnrist OTng.' or German)' with fctW kt 'il " volume, pubushed pec. 20, 1887, entitled , Bot Wcto t OUR HOMES; HOW TO BEATJTIF7 TET 150 handsome illustrations,'' bound In5 cloth and told, nrim tim ' receipt of 81.60, the extra ten cents -beine for packibf wf 8 aeuu iw us or ojpcuiixiea numoer, JKnglUh Cf r mau, full description of New Doofti presented ts o" aud nevsnbcrlbers, and full description of then turc and Portrait of ITIunkacsy, the painter of ti ' great -worksjj nbw attracting world-wide attentlcl CANVASSERS WANTED EVER. VWHERJi - SUBSCRIPTIONS : CAN . BEGIN ANY. TIME. Aitttx J1I11 ;o :tttllislier8 75l Broadway f Impurities in the blood produce diseases. - Bodily and mental health depend upoi . a healthy condition of the blood. The bio d, particularly in the spring and during the ipt - - summer montlis, becomes clogged, with im- purities, which poison it, and. generate dis ease. A "harmless blood 'purifier, without a particle of mineral poison in'lt.'such ag mer cury or potash. Is necessary to remove these impurities and to restore the healthy tone of - mind and body. The best pm-ifler and tonic known to the world is Swift's Specific (S.S.S0. In regard to its wonderful! purifying jand . tonic powers we give a f ew-;testimonlais as . follOWS : 7 ;v--:7 i77.;;-ffl-C: ..-7- r' ' . .-. i f . -"7 Mr. Wm- A. Siebold, with Geo, P. Rowell & Co.", 10 Spruce Street, Newi'ork, writes March v 29th, Y8i : "I feel it my duty, for the benefit , of others who may bo afflicted as' I was, to write you this letter, which you can use as my testimony in.any way you choose. , I will answer any Inquiry from others hi relation to thd facts herewith stated. In February last I suffered great pain and Inconvenience . from boils, all over my neck; I could not turn , my head without acute pain and my blood was in poor condition. After trying all the - twual remedies in such cases, -and finding no . relief , by the persuasion of Mr J. W. Fears, . Manager of your New YorkOfflce, I used one . bottle s. S. S , and I improved rapidly and very f-oon I wa3 entirely , relieved of .my ' "Job's Comforters.' 'Now not a sign of my affliction can be seen. I feel strong and cheer ful. S. S. S. is a fine tonic as proved in my 7 case. I s'.eep soundly and my appetite is good. Dr. J. N. Cheney, a well-known physician, writes from Ellavill'e, Georgia ' " I use S. S. S. - j in coavrdescent fever coses with the best re-, ' suits. It wCl, In my Judgment, prevent sum- -mer dysentery if one will take a few bottles in tlie spring, thus preparing the bowels for the 6train3 of summer." t:P:i 't--rH-' Mrs. Scott Lis ton, 116 Zane atrectffslandj, Wheeling, West Virginia, writes t i' Having, used S. S. S. for the blood, I can safely say that it beats anything I have used to cleanse the blood and make a new. beln&put of a per "son." ' V - -- .- .. Mr. M. S. Hamlin, Winston, N. CL, writes : "I use it every spring- It always builds me' . up, giving me appetite and digestion and enabling me to stand the long, trying, ener-. rating hot suininer days. On using it -I soon' become strong of body and easy pf mind." - Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed r, tree. . .j . .'.'-"' The Swirr Sfecitic Co., Dra wer 3, Atlanta.Ga. nov201awlydo ' chsat It. "1 1 1 mm I Inr speedily when tWsreBieay ts taL no uiore eSectaal relief for th ' loathins of food due to LST J than tim article. Pattipinlace ties. Sample packages in povd:: The National Life AND " Maturity Association. OP WASHINGTON, D. C. Assets. . Liabilities..... i;..; Paid to members ... . -f314,U72.19 ............ None. :.f 120,0321 HORATIO BROWNIKG, - PresldenT. " - - GEORGE D.-ELDRIDGE, : -, 'Secretary. Manager and Actuary,' life Insurance at Absolute Cost. -. , :. A Guaranteed Pclicy. " - An IncontesUble PoUcy. r f ... . ... ... . .... . Maturity Value in Caan at rued' Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited.'. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years . ' P. 8. RIDDELLE, M. D.' ' . , Medical Director, Wi n. GIBSONSpeclal Agent. " ' rT-y"' ;i Bfim Offlce,.li5 P Street, N.W; -JOIIN BLAAR, Ja.t Local Agent, . S3 Wilml2igton,?N. C. by man to any aaaress on receipt in stamps. The reenlarliqiiid f' Rent bv mail. .MEXICAN" MEI 400 Nbrtli 8dSt., Philadelphia. I'j bird iiAin: - TlieijreatsecretofthecaaarT' of the llartz Mountains in U: Manna wi 1 1 restore the soneof c: prevent their ailments and res rood condition. If given to i the season ofsheddingieathen, cases carry thellttle Bittarimt critical period withoatlossolr vai 1 on receipt of 15 cts. it r 'OOD CO., 400N. 8rd St.1- - '.ease mention this paDcr. rep OP tu th sa: ." Cs' ' !!!:! i I mm I' the UnMul!-y tries, w P""!rr w American co M w' fwpatent,aw. mmmmmmwmM ri?ht, 7. tn obtain patents IB - . Germanr. and all Wi ence is unequalcd aid P Drafcngs and 'nfflS - reasonable. Xcj"eh,l"u. or drawings. Adne W ffi Patents ohtamMv-iU. . in the SCIENTIFIC Agfa , the largest circaWwn "4;,- J , ThTOotS mechanics. WWjt; , other departments I - ; lished in any y 361 Broadway. y?jrui34 59 Handbook awwt V"", ADVERTS Can leafatbsE-. of any pP-;; advertising i?;. Papers W -1'- New paPer' Al!! JQ Spruce St Send Jpctft2L-T Onlorn, ddre pT'