POSTAGE PAID: months 12.0a Three THIS FAT. '.'n4':. T,xfES. Editor and Pxop. Six ,100- one month, 35 cents. Prt of the city, at the above .fiff"6 nip.ise report their paper regularly. r 1 Miiii VGI XII. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 9, 1888. NO 141. PLEAS3 KOTICS. ; We win te glad to receive ccnriiit:: 1 from our friends on any tLl til cuiject 0 general interest, tout - .. - . The name of the writer must always to fur nished to the Editor. Communications must; toe written csly en 1 one side of the paper. Personalities must toe avoided. And it Is especially and particularly cricr- l stood that the Editor does not always emcrc the view of correspondents txnlcss co stated in the editorial columns. - . Here is a prediction for you: In 30 (lavs from this date it will be im possible to find a man who will bet on Harrison" for less odds than three to one 1 I0THI"8 npcnliar efficacy la fltto "-ch to the rrocess and fm in 1 compounding asU f S n "redicnts themselves. VaVeit in time, "checks Ji Japs in the outset, or if n?edSlproveapotencure. be wiWtiL And again thkt little speck of war in Europe has swollen to a big, black cloud. - It is about time for another, excitement of this kind. We havn't had one now in seveml weeks. . - . The two big alligators which were caught in tire lake at Carolina Beach are dead, but others will be caught soon to take their places. . Irland Beach Hotel is said to be the name, teraperary, at all events of the new hotel at the Hummocks. We heard this several days ago but as the name had not then been fully decided upon, we forbcre to print it. 1 Democratic Bally To-Niht. -The following is the programme arranged by Chief Marshal J. C. Morrison for tlj& parade and speak ing to-night: : The marshals and assistants are hereby ordered to report to the NEW AO VEKTI8EM.ISNT8. I NET7 . ADVEBTIDir: 1-: Fo r S a I e. NICE, COMFORTABLE HOUSE, ; IN A street, open on the A good locality, onFront Bay, at Southport.- For particulars apply to RICHARD DOSHER, at Southport, or GEO. 31. CRAPON, on steamer Bessie. Jy 9 lw PceVs Palcal IcprcTti Cc&fd Er lizzi PERFECTLY RESTORE THE 1TEAI1II." Q whether deafness is caused toy colds, fevers cr injuries to the natural drums. Always in po sition, but Invisible toothers and ccniicrtaV. to wear. Music,-conversation, even whispers heard distinctly. We refer to those uUzt them. Write to. F. HISCQX 843 Broadway, cor. " jy 9 4w Chief Marshal at 8 o'clock p. in. at the City Court room. A prompt at- hiA'iirDfrfeVnTTif itirvh I MOM CV If 5,6oo Agents wanted - - 1 ww n j i - v ii ii ii 11 w m 1 1 i 1 j i each wear: a red assistants eacn a slot 1 7 the Place of a sjx na.Ti a im load livcsVill nnd Sffl w&ntive of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT ' Biliousness, ore lTinl ' Zn-e with business JSt"0 'C - h n nit is most in fehann 'cL No danger from udrre?vl!i n d it the mildest K8 fc Ton c ey can use. A litUe RwHlI iSsurcs ref reslxins sleep n.ruatIon of the bowels. 4 at?nl ?u S f morning sharpens AWff cleanses the stomach and W3file compound that would. f"?!SuTer Regulator, promptly : S&ymrvctheLivCrto acUon. ' tfIr.L time aid (instead Of weak- "rtive and assimiUUve PuHirroir M.O.. Washington. Arlc. gfflS TUtenootlier. . S te lstp di wly t nsat 1ST PUSOSASD 01lAN8- ,.t nuiTC 4 vn TERMS fTEITtTO Mi tuu 1 1. yL buying an Instrument, as I keep one of u? largest stocks ui PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. 1 rMi mr nf tho first -ClilSS m.tnU- 3TU JVU l4J 1a rKOM H90 UPWARDS. Or FROM H5 UPWARDS. I SEiD FOK CATALOGTE. T.Xj. Stone, KALETGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : Docfe Street, between lYont and second, WJLMINGTOX, X. V. ' The Stokley House, UmiES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- l ':ttWnghtsrillewili nnd the STOKLEY OLSEweU supplied with ail that is neces- John Wise, the younger, made a darhifc .balloon ascension recently. He went up 19,000 feet. A special from Lancaster to the . New York Star says: John Wise, the young" Philadel phia jeronaut, who made an ascen sion from Orbjsonia, Huntinfrdon county on Wednesday, arrived in Lancaster yesterday. On account of the delay in hearing fromhim,his father, who is here, feared he had been lost. The -young man ascend ed to the great height of 19,000 feet, and landed in a forest in Perry county known as "the wilderness." ' - - ' 9" ' Here is the latest war talk in Europe, and something about the new German Emperor's visit to Russia: Venna, July 7. Well-informed nersous here deny that an under standing has been arrived- at be tween Austria and Rnssia regarding the Eastern question. The Russians continue to erect military stores near the frontier, and are building steam mills and bakeries . for the army around Warsaw, which place has been transformed into a first class fortress. The Russian forces on the frontier are being .increased The Grand Duke Vladimir, speak ing at a banquet given on the oc casion of an inspection of troops at Warsaw, said that his stay in Kep line had convinced him that Ein neror William was Russia's friend, and was prepared to become anally. The liyer and kidneys must be kept in good, condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a great remedy for regulating these organs. LOCAL INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agents Wanted . Peck's Ear Drums Exhausted vitality Parker's Hair Balsain For Sale A, Residence A F Lucas nome-Made Heinsberger Fireworks F C Miller Diamond Dyes Heinsberger Muslin Flags Passport Regular Schedule M 31 Katz Special Bargains Taylor's Bazaar Low Prices Stl van grove Carolina Beach Howell & cumming Spring Beds Louis H 3Ieares Flannel Shirts Mrs E B WiGGiNS-Just Received Quezx or St John's Regular Schedule Steam Yacht Tarton Fishing Parties Attention Roward Relief SFECoNol They doay that the "excursion to be giyen to Carolina Beach onthe Sulvan Grove on Thursday next will be the most delightful of any i that the band has yet -given. The committee are working hard to make it a great success. If it is more pleasant than was". the last it will be really a long ways up towards per fection in the way of excursions. The Queen on Her Schedule. The steamer Queen of St. John's be gan her regular schedule here to day. She will leave hereafter every day (Sundays excepted) at 10 o'clock a. m." and leave Southport on there turn at 4 p. m. The fare for the round trip is reasonable enough, 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. She is regularly under the command of Capt. R. P. Paddi son, with Mr. W. H. Christopher as purser. Personal. Mr. O. O. for Nichols, trip. Mr. R. J. Lewis has been chosen as caterer for headquarters during the Encampment. Col. W. P. Canaday, Sergeant at Arms of the U. S. .Senate, arrived here Saturday night on a brief visit. Mr. John C. James, of Richmond, Freight Agent of the R. & P. R. R., came down on a brief visit Saturday night. He will return to-night. - Col. Thos. C. James, Joint Agent at Charlotte of the Piedmont ana Air Line systems of railway, is at Wrightsville with his family. Dr. C. O. Ashley, representing Acker's English preparations, was in the city on Saturday and paid us a pleasant visit. tendance is The marshals will rosette and the blue rosette. . The members of the Young Men's Democratic Club, in full uniform, will assemble at the same hour (8 p. m.), in front of the City Hall on Third street. A prompt attendance of members is also earnestly request ed -as the divisions formed Mon day night will remain permanent throughout the campaign, and as it will take some time to effect this formation every member should be on time. Democrats of the various wards in the city (not members of the Young Men's Democratic Club) are request ed to meet at the same place and at the same hour. Those of the First Ward will report to Marshal W. H. Strauss; Second Ward, to Marshal H. McL. Green; Third Ward, Mar shal E. G. Polley; Fourth Ward, Marshal W. S. Hewlett; Fifth Ward, Marshal J. M. McGowan. The band of the Cernet Coneert V: -w 4 - w - - V - w w : at once to supply Ten Million voters with the only omcial Lives cf Cleveland and; ThnrmaE s by Hon. AV. U.Hensxl, also Lire of Mrs. ciav - iana, exquisite ponraixw. ouis' ci 1- 1 nage jjox-, j? ree rruaa -oucy, c, complete. 1 3,000 Agents at work report ,imrnejise guccesa. For best work, best - terms, apply quick and make $200 to $500. . OuW 35c , i HUBBARD BHOa, Jy9 4w 1. ; U Philadelphia, Pa. "N. UAi Mf i ft i t HAIR iPALcnr Cleanses and bentlfle t& ts'r. Promote a luxuriant irrowtX Never Falls fo Rattam Crry Hairtoit Yaulaful Color. CoreaaoatpUaeaaeaaiuitAlrtUU23 50ctit Trr" --. HINDERCORtZG, . The safest aorest and beat core for Cora, Crntona, r tops ail pain. Knaurea comrort to tbm fet. hevtr t Removal. HAVE 310 VED INTO MY NEW STORE, corner Fifth and castle streets, where 1 am prepared to serve the public at all hours, day beura. U centa at Drussista. Jy9 4W 4ittooxOoUl r EXHAUSTED VITALITY or night. Jy7 2t JOHN SHEEHAN, i The Fifth Ward Druggist. Bache's Dining Par tors, lAROLOA BEACH. : 1 j" fJInb will assemble in front of the Vollers left last night Cit v nali at 8:30 p. m., and the pro- S. C, on a business L.acertr, wm nnvA nt. s-40 in the fol- JSJJ V w www v.v, - H- lowing order : ? Chief Marshal and Staff, mounted. Cornet Concert Band. Young Men's Democratic Club of New Hanover County. Democrats of various Wards under command'of Marshals. Speakers and . Committees, in . carnages. The line of march will be as fol lows: tip Third street to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Front, thence ta the Orton; (where the speakers will be received), down Front to Market, up Market to Third and thence to the stand on Third betweem Dock and Orange streets. How to Find Out. The thermometer got up to 98 in Charlotte on Saturday. The Chron- These Parlors are ollte and attentive Waiters. All patrons will be served promptly and to their satisfaction. Price of Meals re duced to sac.. Price of Bathinsr Suits 15v AU desiring a nice Fish Dinner would do well to pay us a visit. C A BACHE. je 7 Proprietor. Home-Wade. T WILL GUARANTEE TO THE PUBLIC that the Pummer Beverages made by me will ' - - rtrovft onii&llv as (rood as those imported. I X" - w - warrant my Ginger Ale to be better than any bottled article brought here from elsewhere. , I make also Soda Water A Gross Outrage. Another candidate for the gallows Ucit gays that "in Wilmington, where toardby the mouth at low 6anmp?, tc, turntshwl to guests. tM-f3' i1sllinif boats. Fishing Tackle, .-umuNion notice. rhVSv ?ouse rrots the water and Is ttwjarosoitn? Depot. V. II. STOKLEY, Proprietor. ntiia ' " V' For other locals see fourth page. There was a slight rain here yes terday, barely enough ' to lay the dust, but we think that our country cousins had a good supply of it. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. . t 'If you 'want to feel comfortable and well all you need is a good Ham mock. You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber gers. t South- A delightful residence at port, on Front street, open to the bay, a nice comfortable house, is of fered for 'sale on accommodating terms. See advertisement m this issue. ! Attention Young Men's Ueinocrntlc Club. All members are hereby notified that I. Shrier has the contract to furnish uniforms, where subscrip tions and names for enrollment will hereafter be received. -' : K. II. Frkkma . - -dir'm Finance Com. has developed in the shape of a scoundrel who this morning entered the residence of a widow lady in the Southern section of the city and perpetrated a gross outrage on her person. About 3 o'clock this morning the residence of Mrs. Emeline Roberts, who resides at G31 Soutn uiitn street, was entered by some un known man. He effected an entrance through the back window into the kitchen and through the , kitchen into Mrs. Roberts' bed room. He searched the house to ' see what he could find, and got about 25 cents in money. He then blew out the lamp, wliich was sittiBC in a chair in Mrs. Roberts' room, by the throat and accomplished his evil end. He choked her severely and also bit her finger. Mrs. Roberts says after the man seized her by the throat that she knew every thiug that happened but was helpless in his hands, being under the influence of chloroform, which the man had evidently ad ministered to her while asleep. She says she doesn't know whether the man was white or black, but says they always brag of a sea breeze, it was 94 degrees." This is a mistake. At 3 o'clock, at this office, it was 93 decrees. Our thermometer runs very close to that at the Signal of fice. There is generally but a frac tion of difference. There are riot many days "when it climbs above 92 here. Our friends in the interior can generally approximate the tem perature in Wilmington by sub stracting five or six degrees in the Summer and adding ten or twelve in the Winter. Ladies' Benevolent Society Called Meet ing. All members are earnestly re- b , . j i-.i..!nnsted to meet at Miss Hart's i ana seizea iue muy 1-- , , . ... , RCnOOl IlOUSe ill o J wuua ujli x uco- of various flavors. SARSAPARILLA and SELTZER and Milkshakes, in Patent Jars, ready for instant use. My 1 mannfaotures are absolutely cure. Orders from the eountry as well as from the city re spectfully solicited ana prompted actenaea to. j Cash House, The scnzici: 01 LITE, the gres Medical Work of tf age on ManhootLNeri oos and Physical D bility, Premature Da YFiniT TllVCri C cttne, Errors of Youta (VII UW I II I OLLl land the untold miser es consequent thereon, S00 pages 8 to., 12S pra criptionH for a& diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only ILCO iy mail, sealed. Illustrative sample free to ail youns ind middle-aged men.' Send now. The Gold anc Jewelled Medal awarded to the anther by the Nation il Medical Associatkm. Address P.O. Box lSQ3,Pc ym, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, gradoate of Hi? rara Medical College, 25 years' practice in Beaton, nrho may be consulted confidentially. Oiled, llo, jBulflncnSt. Specialty, Diseases of Man. VUt IMS on X on hmlt bvtw aw t as- . Jy9 4w j:':-x---'.', - ;- - 'I ;V. ' . Fishing Partido IJIAKEN TO THE BLACKFISH GROUNDS from the Hammocks by the steam Yacht TARPON. Also parties taken by special agreement tor Ocean or Sound sailing. Fish ing parties furnished with tackle and bait. Trofiing Parties accommodated. For terms a.rtnlv onboard. T . jyTSw- LETA POTTER, Master, N6. 3. :y:::i:-& Wilmington Seacoast R. R. SCHEDULE IN -EFFECT JUNE 20, 13G3. From Wilmington, ITrom HumniocJa. Leave .. . .... 630 a, m Leave. . . .... 7.45 a. m. Leave 9-.30 a. m Leave.. . , . . ,l(h30 a. m. Leave 2:30p. m Leave... 3)0 p.m. Leave &00 p. m Leave. . . . . . 6:13 p. m. Leave. ; . . . ... 7:20 p. m Leave. . . .10KX) p ml 116 Market St. J. H. CHADBOURN, Jtt., June 19 tf ; General Manaser. Grand Family Excursion j fjpHE GERMAN1A CORNET BAND WILL give an Excursion to Carolina Beach, Thors- day, July 12, on the Sylvan Grove. Eefresa ments served at the Beach by the Ladles. JIu- , Bic by the Bana ana tne uarpers. . jy 7 zi ; Excurclpn, ;mr Queen of St- JoJuVj TUESDAY, 10TII OF JULY, 1883. WILL OPEN lv afternoon. 10th inst., for the purpose of deciding a question or J J1(J JJ A I t J U JU X JL L. ' I urgent nu pur , ; "C. Cr. Kknnkdi, President. 9. his head felt like a boy's that had that he A L. hAiiM no Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old. and young: in se lectiug spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass thatpoiit of increase, "will cause yqu further injury.tothe eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily "cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. von GENTLE &JFN. L 1 a a. rt to wear me stocking 1 tuJ-Jts them as comfortable .LDft4?iul1 unless stamped on kaM V shoe, the original ble for their.full, free tQne V costing irom $0 i'yiJ'-50 SHOE lsunex JlU&bJSj'i s"OElsworuby aU : tv- &x shoe in the world. .K!.!!ffe "a C-ongresk. fcjT GLAS, Brockton, Mas. ip Wllnilngton, N.C From Freund's SInsic and Drama New I ' York. The Emerson Pianos are remarka- , which is both beautiful in quality and very powerful; its evenness and sympa thetic touch commend it to all mu sicians. The new scule, which has been put in the news styles, has greatly added to and increased the musical qualities of te "instru ments, : ' '. . Fly Trjips, btst arid cheapest, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. T - " t - been shinirled close and didn't have any beard. Mrs. Roberts says after the man left it was some little time before she could speak or even make a noise so as to get assistance, but as soon as she did Mr. A. J. Dicksey responded, and Mr. Garrett, another neighbor, also came in" and the two gentlemen made a search but the man had gotie. , Mr. Roberts is 43 years old. bh,e has four children, two married daughters and two sons, one of whom resides in Morehead and the other on the Sound. Dr. J. Potter called to see Mrs. Roberts about 1Q 'clock tia. morn ing and tb4 her to be very quiet and be careful; if she did'ntihat she would die. She is an. eminently res rjcted lady and the entire South ern section of the city has been stirred by the news of e outrage. We do kuqw hat as. yet there is any cli o the anther pf this das tardly outragebut if the scoundrel is caught he will probably be -called upon to Interview Judge Xynch, " ilBW ADVEBTlSEfllENTS. Howard Belief Fire Engine Co. fa. 1. ATTENTION MEMBERS: YOU are hereby ordered to appear at the Engine House on hat, for engine inai. ... . J. G. L, GIESCHEN, y9lt Secretary. Steamer, PaSsport TTTT.T. T.EAVK" TIER WHARF." FOOT OF W Market street, every morning, except j Sunday, at 9 o'clock for Southport and the Forts, and every afternoon, except Sunday, at ft o'clock for the Beach, leaving the Beach on the return at 9:30 o'clock. .- jy 9 J.T.HARPER. CAROLINA BEACH QTiAMER SYLVAN GROVE WILL leave tnr caroUna Beach on Tuesday: Wednesday A NEW LOT OF 45-INCH NAINSOOK fpHIS LARGE AITD COMMODIOU3 STEAM er will leave her wharf on Water, between Orange and Doek streets, at 9 o'clock a. to. for points down the .river on the date above. i Fare for atults 50 cents, children under 12 years of age and servants 25 cents. Rerresn- ments wm oe soiaon ooaru uy ino ljv s ui Grace M. E. church. A large crowd expected. Jy7 2t - - .t -;t - : . :. -,- - rJotico AND Swiss Flouncings, From 50 cents no. and Thursday at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m: on afternoon trips. jy : Music J. W. HARPER, General Maaager India JLiiicns. 8c, 10c., 12 l-2c.t lSe. and Oc. Milange Dress Goods. Worth Oc. for 15? 1-S. -O- TO SOUTHPORT THE MAGNIFICENT STEAMER, Queen of St. John's -m ILL MAKE LEGULAR TRIPS TO South- ! port and return, (-undays excepiea; Muip j tciiminffton. foot f Dock street, at 10 o'epek &. m., and returning leave southport at 4 p- nv . o.m fnrmnnil trfn Rrt npnts for' SQultS aiid j centsfcrohiidreov" 1 ' J R. p. PADDISON, Master. W.H.CnSISTOPHZR, Purser.. if 9 SILK MITTS 25 Cents, any many more articles. An inspection wU induce you' to buy of 2.VaU.( -2-V-LU JLCOUJm 11G Ilarkct Street, wiLMiyeTOX, it. e; JgY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OE THE SU- ! perlor Court of New Hanover County, I will sell at the Court House door, in tho City of wumington,ontnoi6inaaroi Jiuy, isas, at 12 o'clock M, .to the tnighost bidder for cash, the following real estate: one tot oi iana situated in reaerai ixihl Township, beglnningat a stake on th3 Cape rear Kiver at jonn juewieti s. corner, tcria i with his line East to . the seashore, - thence along the seashore to Joseph Newton'a land. ! thence with his line West to the tCape Fear I river, thenoe with the various courses cf Fold river to the first station, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or leas, savin? and ex cepting a tract of One Hundred Acres hereto fore conveyed by J osephcralg and wife toJ chn Taylor. - Also, a tract of land in the said townsmp. beginning at a cedar on the main roaormirJr t an East course to a cedar stake in the of a canebrake, thence, following the caeaa- aers or tne caneoraxe t jars, uasicra nn thence following Mrs. Gusltrs line to tht main road, thence with the road to tho begin ning, containing three acres, more or le? je I8 25jy 29 " Commissioner. TJIUSLITJ FLAGGr, AU SIZES, Fapor Cap Piotoln, Japanese and Chin::3 , Lanterns FOK SALE CHEAP AT : HE1N SBERGEIl'G . Headquarters for X3a3DaII?, , Masks, Gloves; Delta uc Is ctllclr berg-ers. ,

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