c POSTAGE PAID: - 'months f2.oa Three s'l ucmoatn, 33 cents. in iiu e!ve their pj and I- .tfi3TflMS! mouth: tongue oatri Korco-', -rtf nts. (,,icn mistake: JKai5" and water- V ' ' memory, with -r: low -I"-.,.i ,.: a dry r N ...3 A j TP If T WW" VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. ., SATURDAY. JULY 14, 1888. NO 146. LQCAL.1M iiWS. .;ifirt o; 1 -n' ss: tuo urine is .... .-...i !' - . .rs.l ' . -. ...niir 'ii-tum t ; --. . . ft ;( in inn,' ...... j . .i-'l " dir..3rv..f.Ujcyonth i Kb anc BOWELS. i f CR . i .. i . . f JCa-T1,. sir J Uoadachc, l1!;?.ilDr.ion. . Colic .. .t ... .. r 'T "'I il'ionti of Bottles, zs !$T FAMILY K1EDICIHE fcXkai.v.i.S ' A-lul.s.astJ for the Aged. fejfZSucp ia :ii : f- " t f Wrapper. i u & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., PUSOS AND ORGANS- irKITETO ME FOR PKTCESAKD TERMS Duyln? an Instrument, as I keep one PIANOS AND ORGANS IS THE SOUTH. IfsaseU you any of the flrst-class manu- fjffores. i iano rnosi riM upwards. Or FROM H5 UPWARDS Index to 2stew Advertisements. E. II. Bowdoix Now open IlEINSBEKGEK -MUSlIn ITagS , M M Katz Special Bargains Taylor's "IUzaau Low Prices . F C Miller Cigars, Cigarettes , Sjsacoast it Ii Sunday Schedule Sylvan ti rove Carolina Beadr Louis n AIeares Flannel Sliirts Mrs E B WiGGiNs-Just Received Opera House crescent Operaj Company Change of Sailing Days N Y & Wil S S Line St Thoxas' Chcrcii CompUmentary Excur sion - ' . For other louals see fourth page. Day's length U hours and 23 min utes. " . . : . . . Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 16 minutes past 7 o'clock. Turner's Almanac promises wind and rain' on Monday Only one interment in Bellevue this week, that of a ehild. Seryices in St. John's Church to morrow at 7:30 and 11 a. m. and C p. in. WireCIoth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Idw. Depot. There were three interments in Oakdale this week, two children and one adult. There were eight interments ;n Pine Forest this week, four children and four adults. SE5D FOU CATALOGUE. J.Ij. Stono, RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : oi Docs street, between Front and?econd, WILMINGTON, N. C. JfStl The Stokley Ilouse, pARTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA aonsatWrLrhtsvllle will find the STOKLEY Hoi se rtu supplied with all that is neces- Board by tit- viav. wit-k or month at low Pis Fistt suppvns 10 order at any hour dur a? tne evening. ill Of the delli-arlfs nf :lf. vfttir flsli o rnbs &unnjs, sc. furnished to guests. Sailing Boats, Fishing Boats,Fishing Tackle furnished on short notice. WtOlClPT Hmmf fmnta tha n-iifor nn(11l iwjarusoi uie uepou to1,f W. II. STOKLEY, risn Proprietor. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOP FOK TW, 1W& GENTLKMFN. J?4 SSe U 83 sle Shoe In the ySitIl0t or nails. AS Styl- ir"1 costing to or 6, and J'tUKMhS0!?4.113 to wear the stocking rTeil-nui;cmaHes tnem as comiortaDle S, xff Vand seedshoe. Buy rQft' W i nen.ulne unless stamped xn -L W uslas boe, rarranted." luiid4 sifok, the Original om-iudac shoes costing from $6 kKVffcV'50 SHOK Is unex- L, r. Ml tVH i SIIK is worn by all t.3 Lace, irt ,7' ? in onsress, - wmj w , . uui aoia oy your aeai fot "w t G LAS, Krockton, Mags . J- 3m eod m H. YONGLAHN. Every member of Grace M. E. Church is requested to be pres?nt at to-morrow morning's service. Burglars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. A Economy and strength- are pecu lia to Hood's Sarsaparilla, the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true.- Dog collars. Largest and finest assortment ever ' before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Ildw" Depot. - We understand that the letter car riers in this city will give an excur sion to Carolina Beach, on the Syl van Grove, on Friday next. I The Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co. yesterday tested the 1,000 feet of new hose recently turned over to them and found it satisfactory. The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licenses this week, two for white and. two for colored couples. Fishing Tackle. A fall assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. t .Rev. J. A. Leslie, pastor. of the Baptist Church at Tarboro, will conduct the services at the First Baptist Church to-morrow at 11 o'clock. If you want to feel comfortable and well all yoi needisa good Ham mock. You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber ger s. t Ail excursion complimentary to His Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons, will be given on the Sylvan Grove to Carolina Beach on Monday .next. The boat will leave her wharf at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. and the fare will be as usual. At the Second Presbyterian Church to-morrow morning the ser mon will be on "The Bible War rant, Nature' and Ends of Churcl) Discipline." At night a very brief summary of Presbyterian faith will be given. t , City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol owing cases this morning: Philis Moore, disorderly conduct, $20 or 30 davs in a close cell. One case of disorderly conduct name suppressed by request, 20 or 30 days. Kock Crystal Spectacles ami Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: in se ecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to. the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eve. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is tne daily cause or prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Bathing Suits. Come down to Headquarters. 35 . dozen Flannel Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st , J. Elsbach", Prop. Look for the blue awning. - t Cardinal Gibbons. The reception tendered to His j umiuciiue,fttruiai uriDoons, spoKeu ; of by us in yesterday's issue, was j held last night at the residence of j Colonel F. W. Kerchner. Notwith standing the rain many called to pay their respects to the distinguish ed prelate. Mr. Thos. W. Strange, j on behalf of the citizens of Wilming ' ton in general, presented him with the following address: Your Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons: It is with a feeling of sincere pleas ure that I undertake the discharge of the agreeable office of extending to. you in the name of the citizens of Wilmington a cordial and heartfelt welcome to our city a citizen of which you once were, and your re turn to which we welcome with a feeliug of gratified pride. The heart of Wilmington warms to you, Eminent Sir, for we remem ber that you were once one of her citizens one with-us in feeling, in word and deed; and your ministra tion in our midst, youracts of Chris tian, priestly ministration, relieving the sick, strengthening the weak and sympathizing with the joy and sorrow of your people, endeared you to them daily more and more not only so, but your manly, holy bear ing added to the tribute of their affection; the respect and esteem of this entire community. Therefore it is, that we, the citizens of Wil mington, take pleasure in doing honor to you- to one so worthy of being honored. Citizenship, I think, is like the image of a monarch stamped upon his coin although the coin. passes from hand to hand and circulates from nation to nation, yet that image remains impressed thereon; so, a citizen of a State, though he may change his abode from State to State, yet ever bears stampea upon his nature the impress of that State which gave him birth or adoption. So, although your Eminence is no longer a resident of this city or of this Commonwealth of North Caro lina, yet in spirit you are still with us. and I know that the interests, the welfare and happiness of our people are near and dear to you. Therefore, we claim you as our own as one of our most able and dis tinguished citizens, and claim the privilege of joining with others in doing nonor to you to mm to wnom honor is due. . Since you have left -our midst we have watched your career, and with feelings of pride we have watched vour elevation through the various offices of your sacred ministry, un til vou have reached the high, ex alted and prominent office of Cardi nalthe first native-born Ameripan upon whom such an honor was ever conferred. Do vou think, esteemed sii, per mit me to say, that the citizens of Wilmington recognize in you one of the foremost men of the age one of the purest, noblest and most distin guished, men or our repuonc ana as such entitled to the respect and esteem of every American citizen? As such, irrespective of creed, faith or religious belief, we extend to you an earnest, sincere and heartfelt welcome to our midst. We beg you to accept the freedom of our city, to remain with us as long as you will, and, departing, leave with tha mind to return to us soon again. Cardinal Gibbons, in the name of Wilmington and of North Carolina, I welcome you. . The Cardinal's response was a very felicitious one, recalling names and scenes and incidents of the by gone time when he. was a resident of our city. Yesterday the Cardinal, Bishop Haid and Father Du Combe visited Wrightsville and were entertained by Mr. Pembroke Jones. They also yisited the Beach and enjoyed a Lsurf-bath, and paid a visit to the new hotel at the Hummocks. The Cardinal will be present at St. Thomas' Church and will install Bishop Haid. His Eminence will be the celebrant at Holy Mass at 7 a. m. and Bishop Northrop at 7:30 a. m. 'mere win oe solemn Jr'onti- lical High Mass at 10:30 a. m., cele brated by the new Bishop, Rev. Dr. Leo Haid, O. S. B., and at this ser vice the Cardinal will deliver the sermon, ' ' Bathing at the Beach. The Sylvan Grove carried- down a large crowd to Carolina Beach yes terday afternoon, many of whom made a break for a surf-bath soon after arrival. There were a large number of bathers but the Easterly wind and low tide, and the force with which the tide was moved by the wind, gave it some ua- rdeasant features. The party al got bacK on board and were snugly ensconsed on the boat before the rain came, but it met them at the wharf here in Wilmington. : : - Adjutant-General Jones favored us with a visit to-day but we regret that we did not see him as we we?e . - - ; -;- not m when he4 caUetL Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at Jacobi's Hdw.tDepot. ' t Pender Coanty Fruit. Thanks to our good friend, -Mr. R. H. Murphy, of Point Caswell, for a bag of apples, raised by him on his plantation and embracing numerous varieties. They are very fine and we challenge any section or State to beat them. Pender county will soon, according to the present ratio of progress, become one of the most noted fruit counties in the State. . " At the Southern End. - Capt. E. H. Bowdoin has had erected at the Southern end of the Hummocks various means of amuse ments for the old and the young. These consist of a merry-go-round Tand aH set of swings for the young and a bowling alley and shooting gallery for older people. He has also several boats which will be hired out to fishing and sailing par ties and supplied with bait and tackle at short potice. See ad. in this issue. Every Night Next Week. The Crescent Opera Company will hold the boards at the Opera House next week. They have never pre viously appeared here but they come to us well heralded. There is no doubt as to the merits of their entertainments. It is a good troupe, if our exchanges are to be believed, and we. feel sure that they will make their mark! here. They open on Monday night with "The Chimes of Normandy," and the "Mascptte" and the "Bohemian Giri" will also be presented during the week. Next Week's Schedule. All troop trains arriving here for the Encampment will be run through solid to Wrightsville, without any break, and the same may be done with some of the passenger trains with excursionists on board. The management of the road will be put to it to accommodate the crowds, but it will be done, and that safely and expeditiously. A schedule for the week is being made up now and it may possibly be ready in time for publication in this issue. Fish Blown on Shore. Shortly after the majority of the bathers had retired from the waves yesterday at Carolina Beach a large number of fisli, "live and kickin,' were thrown up on the beach, some of which were captured. This re minds us of the fact that by an Eas terly gale in September, 1861, while Co. I, 18 N. C. Regt., was at'Camp Starvation," near Fort . Fisher, a large number of fine fish were thown up on the beach about a half mile to the rear of the Camp. Buckets baskets and even barrels were filled and there was fine feasting in that camp for the next two days. Young Men's Christian Association. The regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion was held last nignt at the Library rooms. ' ' - - A committee, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Tennent, W. W. Hodges and G. C. Worth, was appointed to con fer with the owners of Seaside Park at Wrightsville and the . officers of the State Guard for the purpose of securing the privilege of erecting a tent on the grounds, to be used during, the encampment as the headquarters pf the Y. M. C. A. where religious services will be held at night and on Sunday. A resolution was adopted asking the city press to urge that subscri bers to the building fund of the as sociation, who have not already done so, pay to Mr. W. W. Doyle, collector, the assessment of twenty five per cent, required to pay for the lot purchased as the site for the bunding. The recording secretary reported that he was in correspondence with a gentleman whom it was proposed to engage as a general secretary for the association, and who will prob ably visit Wilmington some time next month. In this connection we clip the fol lowing from the Chftrjotte Chroni cle: ' Th P.-rAAntlv' fimiiuiittee ; of the Young Men's Christian 'Association in North and South Carolina nave called as their joint state secretary, Mr. A. M. Wilson, now general sec retary of the R. -R. Association in Kansas City. Mo. Mr. Wilson is a native of Kentucky, and has had, Big Turtles at CaroUna Beach. Carolina Beach seems to be a good place to hunt for turtle eggs. On Thursday night a Aest containing 121 was found a short distance above the hotel and on the previous night a very large she turtle crawled up on the -beach, about a half-mile South of the hotel. One of the na tives saw her and hurried home and told his boys, two lads, of ; the cir cumstances. The boys found her on the beach and mounted on her back and had a fine ride around on the sands. They then let her go, instead of capturing her, simply by turning her oyer on her back. From the Chicago Musical Indicator. J. L. Stone, of Raleigh, N. C is the subject of a laudatory notice in the Raleigh News and Observer of Saturday, June 23d. The energy, enterprise - and honorable methods of this well-known dealer are meet ing with an abundant reward. The saljs of his agents in North Caro lina are rapid and large, and the shipping department presents a brisk appearnce. A few more such men as Mr. Stone would make Ral eigh famous. He is State Agent for the celebrated Emerson Piano, t Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats' Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is atHeinsJ berger's. t NEW A.O VEBTI8JS 111 KNTh OAROf JNA BEACH. gTEAMER SYLVAN GROVE WILL leave for Carolina Beach on Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. J. W. HARPER, Jy 12 General Manager. W"mington Seacoast R R. Sunday, Julv 15, '88. J IDE TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: Leaving Wilmington at&15 a. m. and 3 p. m. Leaving Hammocks at 10 a. m. and 6:15 p. m. Jy 14 It nueen years very buccjiui ence in Association, work. "He" was vrv I?chlv rAAniuinendetl bv se.v- Now Open. J WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to my friends and the public generally that I am now fully prepared to serve them. I have opened a First Class Ten Pin Alley and Shoot ing Gallery, at the Lower End of the Ham mocks, where Ladles and Gentlemen can. par ticipate in these interesting amusements. I also have Swings for the Children and Boats. Bait and Tackle for those who may desire to go nsning. is. ii. bowdoin, Jy 14 tf Lower End of Hammocks. .... , -- rLZ-i-:;::oT:c"-We trill t2l-at3r:::iT3 c- frora c frler. ca tzj lL ,o general interest, but' The name of the writer must alirays to fur nished to the Editor.' : ,: ' . , communications . must be written cily ca one side of the paper. ;V ' ' Personalities must be aToldea. Ana it is especially and particularly jozZzt stood that the Editor does not always enacrca the views of correspondents unless aoetatea in the editorial aflumns. . . NEW AJVEIOTIilIIrnrT3. OPERA HjQU Monday Night July 1G; : The CrescentOpera Comp'y, UNDER THE MUSICAL DIRECTION OP liR. JR. FAIRLAMB. - 1 1 ''The Chimes of Normandyi" POPULAR prices Admission m cents. Reserved Seats 75 cents. - neet opened Monday morning at iTclr. i perger's. jyuu New YorH & TCilniin;;: ; Steamship Co. - . 4 .. 1 .' FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sta. At 3 o'clock, P.M.' - nvrnii nmnn V uiyj;i . t A VAl weunesaay. July fc. r a 1 1 -a , Saturday, Julygs FROM WILjllNGTON-V , BENEFACTOR. . . 1. ; .... 1 i.Frtdayv. Jlly 20 fanita Tuesday. July 24 GULP 8TREAM. ..... t. ....... ..FriSy July 2? BENEFACTOR Tuesdayf July S. St. Thomas, Church. rpHE CONGREGATION WILL GIVE HIS I. EMINENCE, CARDINAL GIBBONS, AComplimentary Excursion on the SYLVAN GROVE to j Carolina Beach, ON MONDAY, JULY 16TH, 1888. Tickets 50 cents. Boat leaves at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Jy 141t Cigars, Cigarettes, TCE COLD SODA WATER AND MILK SHAKES. Also a full line of Druss. Patent Medicines, soaps, perfumeries, Hair Brushes, au, can ue louna at , r. C. MILLER'S, Drugstore, Corner S. Fourth and Nun sts.. P. S. Prescriptions filled at all hours, day or nignt. jyi4ti No. 3. Wilmington Seacoast R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 14, 1888.1 From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave ....... 630 a. m Leave.. 7.45a.m. Leave ... 930 a. m Leave... 1030a.m. Leave 230 p. m Leave 330p.m. Leave. 5:00 p. m Leave ... 6:15 p. m. Leave. 8KK) p. m Leave. 10KX) p. m June 19 tf J. H. CHADBOURN, Je., General Manager. "MACINAW" ONLY GENUINE "MACINAW" HATS SOLD IN WILMINGTON. " LOUIS H. ME ARES, 18 NORTH FRONT, ' Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter Je 21 - '-: ' ' T?OR sftLE Building Lots In desirable and r lioaith-w iw!iiitiPi nn Front. Third. Fourth. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh. Wilson, Eighth. Ninth Tentn, Jiievenm, 'nveuiu. i uniecum, u. inson. Woods, .Charlotte. Gwynn, Rankin, Castle, Church, Ann, Nun, Orange, Dock, Princess, Chestnut, Mulberry, Walnut and iiameit btroeii. uuu-uuiuia iui ouuuii ths installment plan. Money loahed to those, wishing to build. ' Apply to T . IITIQ 1TTTT OAV Jy 122w " Office of D. O'Connor. Steam Yacht Tarpon. TARTIES TAKEN EVERY TRIAN TO BATH House. Charter parties up the Sound and to i . Efshlncr anrl Trrtllincr nflrtlea DT t&fl hour. For further particulars apply to the$ jy xi ti: ntprrifttional secre taries,4 and by tliose who had been knino)fi wrirli him. We trust he Will accept and arrive in Charlotte by September 1, .L Steamer Passport . WILL. LEAVE- HER WHARF, FOOT OF Market street, everr njornlns. except Sundaj.at 9 o'clock for Southport and the Forts, and every afternoon, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock for the Beacbu leavjng the Beach ua the return at 9J& o'clock. Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. Z .' V " V: For Freight or Passage apply to - H G. SMALLBONES, SUTCrfntendent, Wilmington, N. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. TCptjt yQrlr . Jy 14 -r 35 Broadway New Yoric HArjaoocic, JUNCn BASKET - ; ; , k Paper Baskets, Base Balls and Bats. . - . - , iron and Tin Tjoy Safes, Dolls, Rattles and . Rubber Bal for CnUdren, Cliromos, Steel Engraylngs, - , 5The.Best kina of Beading in Papers ana Books for eTerybody. ' - Piano c Cu ffgcir: , FOR SALE AT .HEINSBERGER'S y io v For Calp A NICE, COMFORTABLE HOUSE,'.. IN A good locality, on Front street, epea ,ca tuo Bay, at Southport. For particulars apply to RICHARD DOSHER, at SbutHpoit, or GEO. M. CHAPON, on steamer Bessie. V;' jy 9 Iw w - w v UW'irXW K - i w w ... fJotico. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA tor of the late Geo. F. Colin. I hereby no tify all persons bavins claims against tts tPJd deceased to exhibit the same to me on cr Le- rore June 29th. 1888. and aU oersons indebted to said deceased are requested to raaie - pay ment to me. June 29th, 1888 Dr. 8. P. WRIGHT. Je29 6wf Administrator. TO S.OUTHPCIA' THE MAGNIFICENT STEAMER . . " - -f Queen of St. JoI:n93 TyiU. MAKE LEGULAR TRIPS TOf:ct:ta. port and return," undays excepted) Larl: z Wilmington, foot of Dock street, at 13 c'eoc m., ai returning leave Southport at 4 p. Li. Fare for round t rip ftO cents for aUalts cr.i 25 cents tor children, . : r p. FADpi-r: .:cr. " w.l cHRisioriiXR, rr. jy &

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