I! mis tapes .veninsr. Sundays excepted Jr JAM, Editor ana Prop. W I0KS, POSTAGE PAID: cm cir ca r-; ci tllzzi::: o gt-sral Interest, tut . sr" nth J2.O0L Three TL3 anae cftLs wnur ciru " . SIX nished to the Editor. - one month, 35 cents. Communications must. 1 3 vrrlttra czl cz livered by carriers, free one side ot the paper. ; ! : " tut r ot the city, at the above lfl M 1 Personalities must be avciioi. And it-is especially and particularly ci. ;;r- -nri iitwraL stood that the Editor does not alTrays ri:r.:i .MStI513 ... rPDort any and .aa lfl W Oil" VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY. JULY 27, 1888. " . .twrs van ,, NO 157. the views of correspondents cmcc3 ed rtctc J S torecci their paperu In the editorial columnsC " jffllll life. 2 J f!L. V.MUT MEDICtfc lara punSlDELPHlAX JyaOH-E Dollar .'Atorlty of the UU of the hmnaa kitsvit from a uecA juwj T.Tir Eeenlator hai been the mean " a. J W Dim. af rutorlnj more people to nealtli ana t.-jrfT.Mf by Klvlng them a healthy tlTtr tua any other agency on earth- q jpI I0P GET THE qCEtE. norastclstpdiwiy chsat, PTAXOS AMI OltWAWS . . ...... ...r.r-tn i vn mmma hPf.irebiirtni an Instrument, as I keep one octue largest stocks of PIANOS A1N U UJiljAlN O IN THE SOUTH. - . ' lean sell you any of thenrst-class manu factures. YROM $190 UPWARDS. FROM $45 UPWARDS SEND FOR CATALOOyK. J.1TD. RALEIGH, N. C. BEANOH HOUSE : On dock Street, between Front and Second, WILMINGTON, N. C, jeffltt - The Stokley House, pARTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA tions at Wrightsvtlle will And the STOKLEY HOUSE well supplied with all that Is neces sary. - Board by the day. week or month at low rates. Pt? Tish suppers to order at any hour dur ing the evening. - All ot tne delicacies of salt water,tlsh,crabs, clams, shrimps, c, furnished to jpiests. Sailing Boat, Flshlngr Boats,Flshlng Tackle, tc. furnished on short notice. WStokley House fronts the water and is within luo yards of the Depot. W. IT. STOKLEY, JelStf Proprietor. w. L. DOUCE-AG o3 SHOE. gentSempn. 5d iL0116,0 3 Seamles Shoe in the k,-uuauraDle asthnsA nrtin ; nr tA and WharthlcraaHs to wear the stocking v tH$x' niakea them as comfortable bpw v"113 a band sewed shoe, -Buy bottom tt ?n genuine unless stamped on aa oniTIPUGLAS snOE, the original eqttmJ fcand sewed welt S4 shoe, which to fa. ,-U5ll0In-iuade shoes costing from $6 fchJawfa?350 SIIOE 13 uncX' ri an?Ti,VKG 2 snoK is worn by all jjj TQa Is Uie best school sboe In the world. ttoLS5? e g00ds 418 made fn congress, e'. irnt r and tt not sold by your deal rlrmt DOUGLA8 Bckton, Mass. W T . r-,--i,,r ; .y H. VONGLAHN, Wilmington, N.C LO CAL 1ST WS. Ixdex to New Advertisements. T Jk S l: II schedule II P rADD150N--'0tl e r" C 31 ills it Cigars," Cigar otte3 Sylvan Gkove Carolina Beach Louis H .Vkahes Flannel Shirts Mks 12 ij Wiggins visitors to the City- Fly Imps, best-ami cheapest, at Ja olji k Hd.;Depot. . ; ' t : ,The Ore.seent : 7 I Opera Company play in fioldsboro three nights this week. -; --. - . Headquarters for. BassBalls, Bats .Musk, Ciloves, Belts &e is at lie ins bearer's. ' WireC Moth for your windows and . . , . T ... .rs-ean be had at Jacobi's x and doo: Udw, Uepotv The decorations are coming down degrees and the city is fast as- suuiiug its wonteil placid aspect. :'Pimples..boils mid other humors liable to atpear when the blood gets heatfd. To cure them, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. " 1 . " " The amende. I schedule of the Sea- coast Railroad is published in this i Vue. Thuie are now 7 trains a dav. each way making 14 in all. Col. John W. Gotten, of the gal lant First, is at South port on a visit to his family who are spending the Summer there. . Decoration. Flag Bunting. Flag Bunting. By the yard or piece. For sale by 1. HtlKlKU,, IK iI l"tM-r ctraot A convention of the- Booksellers rtrwl Otnt!nnnu in n i a Sfata Uril! 1A held here early in August. - Quite a large number of visitors are ex pected. . rZSome sweet potatoes, of the old crop, sold to-day for 25 cents a peck. It t'nt often that old sweet potatoes are seen in market in the latter part of July. San Lee, the laundryman has a U. S. flag in front of his door witn some Chinese characters inscribed thereon. He says that these mean "holiday- flag and that there is no "Hallison" about it. Cant. R. P. Paddison has been & called to Florida on business aud during his absence, which will prob ablv be" short. Cant. C. C. Morse will be master of the Queen of St. John's, Mr. W. H. Christopher remaining as purser. TheJWilmington Light Infantry, on their. route down Front street this morning, debouched into Prin cess and approaching the dock at the foot of the street fired three volleys, as a fare w el i salute. They were loudly cheered on their way to the armorv. The Veterans and the Rand. Col. Wm. L. DeRosset, who com manded the Confederate veterans on their recent visit to the encamp ment, voices the sentiment of all who took part in the parade in the following card of thanks to the Cor net Concert Club for their services on that occasion: Wilmington, N. C, July 27th. The Confederate veterans return their hearty thanks to the Cornet Concert Club for their valuable ser vices in furnish imr music on the oc casion of the visit of the veterans to the camp of the State Guard at Camp Pender on the 25fth inst. WM. Li. UKKOSSKT, Col. Com'd'g. City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: Henry McNeal, gambling, judg ment suspended. Charlie McDonald, disorderly con duct, $10 and costs. Jane Foy, disorderly conduct, dis charged. Carrie Hill, disorderly conduct, $20 or 30 days. Ed Smith, disorderly conduct, $5 or 10 days. - J. W. Pearsall, disorderly conduct, $5 or 10 days. . James DuBois,disorderly conduct, $10 or 20 days.- Rock Crystal Spectacles ami Eyeglass es . Advice to old and young: In se Jecting spectacles you should.be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion, that you nass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessarv is the daily cause of prema ture old aoe to the sight.- You can get the best at He.nsbergerei : , j What They All Say. I If the wishes of the soldiers are j consulted the Seaside Park will be ,come a permanent encampment ground. It seems to be their unani f mous desire. : The following has . been adopted and signed by a great many. of them: WiiBRAjS, the Encampment of the vAUunX h present year has been held at Wnghtsville Sound, near the the citv of Wihuintrton: and the loca- t tfon has-proved to be a wise and judicious selection on account of its accessibility, convenience and cheapness of transportation, cool salt breezes,and salubrity of climate, and of its affording to the members of the Guard an ample supply of ?.sh oysters etc.,. and fine tion in l)oating, saihng- ar water ,mthi "both in rtstiU and fine reciiwi- and salt water and-thesurf; xnd whereas, we, the undersgned, members of the State Guard, desire to express our wish as to the, selec tion of a place for the permanent camp, JZesolvcd, That we heartily endorse any movement looking to the selec tion of a place on or near Wrights ville Sound as a permanent place for the annual Encampment of the State Guard. American History. The opening article in the An imef Magazine of American History is an interesting and valuable study , of the career of "Roseoe Conkling." nil. :ii.-f ..rifh pictures of Mr. Conkling's beautiful home in Utica. The second article isa graphic and intensely readable sketch "About Philadelphia 1750," by the editor. This is followed with Grant." 'The Conquest of the Mayas" is the fourth and conclud ing paper in the charming histori cal sketches of Yucatan. "Inci dents of Border Life in Ohio" is a short but well-told story of early hardships. We have another chap ter from the "Englishman's Pocket Note Book in 1828," and a most stir ring account it is of his picturesque journey beyond Vera ' Cruz. The "Journal of Lieutenant Tjerck Beek- man, 1779," is a document of special value. Then comes a chapter of Washingtonia, with an unpublished portrait or Washington, irom a sketch made on the back of a king of clubs, and fac similes of two let ters addressed toliisnephew,George Augustine Washington. Minor Top ics tnis month contains an unusual number of short readable articles. Original Documents has a quaint old petition toLordBellomont when he was Governor of New York. Price $o a year. Published at 743 Broadway, New York. Fun In Camp. Some wicked pranks were played by the troops occasionally durin the encampment. While we do not endorse such as the following we nevertheless tell it for the benefit of our readersrQA madcap member of Co. , Regiment, on Thurs day night came across a party of bootblacks sound asleep around a fare on the outskirts of the camp when a brilliant idea suddenly oc curred to him. He hurried to his company quarters and imparted the scheme to several of his comrades and induced them to join him. The party secured their pieces and man aged to get outside or tne camp without detection. They then sur rounded the sleeping squad of boot blacks and awaking them told them that they, had been robbed and accused them of the, theft. They would take no denial but told them that military lav was very- strict in this particular. When a thief was caught m camp lie was generally hung but in this instance, as they were all boys, they would give them a chance for life. Each man then rammed a blank cartridge into his gun and told the boys that they must run for their lives. As they ran they would be shot at and the innocent would all escape but the guilty party was sure to be hit". The word was then given and the boys went like the wind and yelling like unto Comanche Indians. The party fired and it is needless to sav that the boys all escaped. Dog collars. Larsrest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw. DnnotL r i Burglars. You can be safe from! xi iu. i Tj-ri Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. Fishing Tackle. A fall assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdff. ve pot. t . Echoes from the Camp.. j , r An Excellent Idea. ; The Encampment Grounds are i The suggestion comes from a lady deserted now by all saw the Quar-1 friend, one of that noble band of termaster General and the Surgeon ! women, the Ladies1 Memorial Asso General, with some of their helpers. ' ciation, that the long-talked of The former is engaged in getting Soldiers' Home for disabled Confed the public property in order for re- erate veterans be established at moval and the latter, well, the latter ' Seaside Park, provided the State is chewing the cud of sweet and bit. purchases the property for a perma ter fancies and meditating on a j nent encampment ground. more effective means of protesting j This is an excellent suggestion against a public parade at the nex t aml vve vvould be glad enough to see The last of the troops moved oat of camp to day. - One who walks over the grotmds this afternoon can realize somewhat of the foree of vTom Moore's lines: ! feel like one' who treads alone Some banquet hall deserted, ' Whose lights are fled,whose garlands dead. And all but he departed." The Wilmington Light Infanty were the last to break camp. They came up to the city this forenoon, and were marcheddown Front street to Market, up Market to Third and on Third to the Armory, where they were disbanded. . The Scotland Neck Mounted Rifle men ami the companies from Ashe ville, Charlotte, Fayettevilie and Waynesville left the camp this morn ing. - Next to the W. L. I. they were the las to leave." A-crowd of soldier boys were on a lark last night and tore down the round house on the camp grounds. It was a shameful thing to do and was heartily condemned by all of the troops left in camp tins morn ing. The Q. M. G. will, we presume, have it replaced. Several members of the Durham Company are so favorably impressed with their yisit here that they pro pose to remain several days longer. The health of the troops has been a matter of real congratulation. rney coma not nave remained in better condition at home. The Elizabeth City Band visited Summer Rest yesterday morning and serenaded Mr. M. Cronly, at his resi-t dence there. - One of the Surgeon General's staff jaughingly remarked that the only two things in his department which have been requisitioned were whis key arid witch hazel the latter to cure sun-burn. . The tents will all be removed to morrow morning and then indeed will the dullness of desolation be realized. Camp Pender .is now a thing of the past. Let it be Camp Whiting next year. As suggested else where in this is sue no better place can be found anywnere in tne estate i or tne pro posed Confederate Soldiers' Home than this same Seaside Park. The Seacoast Road has reduced its schedule to seven trains a day. They have run as many as 32 a day during the Encampment. There was a big rush to the Hum. mocks to-day, and to see the last of the Encampment. Wrights ville looked somewhat like its old self this morning, the excite ment of the Encampment havingall subsided. Several parties of soldiers went outside on fishings frolics yesterday and generally they had good luck. Mr. Marion Cobb, of the Edge combe Guards, of whose injury we spoke yesterday, was so much bet-, ter this forenoon that it was deemed safe to move him. He was carefully taken up this morning and convey ed to the train and is now, we hope, comfortably at rest in his home. The surgeon who attended him says that his friends need not feel alarm ed aa to his condition. A grand german was given at Island Beach Hotel last night com plimentary to the visiting military. It was a delightful occasion and was greatly enjoyed by all who par ticipated. " - The game of baseball yesterday between a picked nine from the First anei-Second Regiments and one from the Third and Fourth resulted in a score of 6 for the latter and 4 for the former. We Didn't See Any Tears. The Messenger has a yery pathetic picture of rivers of tears rolling down the war-worn cheeks of the oid Vets at Ayrightsville. Too much paint there. We didn't see any anybody cry but we heard lots of J- f . .. , ., hearty lauerhs. the natural ntail- ment of scores of good jokes. Many , -rrJ -'.A of these same old Yets cried like babies when Lee eurrendered, but tne rnst nflnse i now simnlv a ten- der regret, rather than a consuming j grief. t it adopted. The grounds are large and the- buildings already there will prove ample for the purpose for some yiears to come. We hope that the suggestion may be acted n pon. His Rlushing Honors. Our gallant friend, Mr. W. R. Mor rison, of the Wilmington Light In -fantr,y, who won the honors in the competiti ve drill at the camp grounds on AVednesday, has been the recip" ient ever since of the -most cordial congratulations. . The young ladies, in especial, have giyen many demon strations of their delight ' and their appreciation has taken the shape of offerings in the , form of beautiful flowers and'; luscious fruit "None but the brdve deserve the fair" and Willie fairly deserves all of the con gratulations he has received. - Weather Conditions for August. i ne weatner cnart ror August, as issued by the Signal Office here, and compiled from data for the past seventeen years, shows that during that month we usually have, be tween the 18th and 2215d, a sudden and decided cool change,accompani ed by winds shifting to northerly, alter winch it becomes warmer until about the 27th another cool change occurs. Tho warmest day recorded during the month was 99 deg. on the 2d, 1878; the coolest 5G deg. on the 28th, in 1874, ana on tne 3Utn and 3ist, in 1887. Clear days occur, orie in four. Rain occurs one day in 'every three, averaging .25 of an inch daily. The great daily rainfall recorded was 5.42 inches on 7th in 1872. The average nouriy velocity or wind is 5 inches from S. W., which is 21 per cent, of all wind directions for the month. The highest wind was 68 miles per hour from the west on the 18th, in 1879.-- : - -;.---:.; THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post omce as loiiows: . CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast..... . .8 .00 P. M. Northern through and way malls. . .1LO0 A. M. jn. u. ana a. & a. c. Railroads and - routes supplied therefrom.... aoo A. M. Kalelgh & Fayettev'e, 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. soutnern way mails 6.30 P. M. Southern through mails 8.15 P- M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. c Railway). ... . . 5.45 A. m uapt? i? car & x v u u ana points sup plied therefrom. 5.45 P.M. Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom 2.00 P. M SmlthvlUe.... ..r... 2.00 P. M. Wrlghtsvllle 8.30 A.M. Clinton, special...... ai5P.M TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces.. ............... 6.0i A. M. Little River, S. C, and Intermediate omees. .. . . 2.0(1 p. m. Cape Fear River mail. ....... .... LOO P. M. 0lkN FUK JJJfiLilYJSKi. - Northern and way malls. ........... 80 P. M. Northern through mall, late... 11.00 P. M. southerh mails ........... .. ..... 6.30 A. M. Sbuthernway malls 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central 11. li. 9.30 A.M. Mails collected from street boxes, in business rtion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. ana irom otner points or the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A.M. General deuvery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from flJM toW.30A.M. - Money Order and Register Department onen from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.. continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at creneral deUverv r.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. I f you want to feel com fortable and all you need isa go'od Ham mock. You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest atHeinsber ger's. t 5Jf5W AOVERTlSEaiKST;. rJotice." TTJAYING BEEN UNEXPECTEDLY CALL- ed back to Florida on important business, for a short time, Capt. C. C. Morse will take com mand of the Steamer Queen of St. John's, and Mr. w. 1L Christopher, Purser, will act as General Manager during my absence. Jy271t R. P. PADDISON. No. 6. T: Wilmington Seacpast R. R. 4 . li ui am m i m w mi mL. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 27,'88, AT 6A.M From Wilmington, From Hummocks.1 f Tave : . : . . fi'fil n m Leave....!.. 7.45 a. to. j Leave........ ft30a.m Leave.. 11:50 a. m Leave 3-nin. m Leave. . ... . a. m. Leave. . . .... 1 w p. m. Leave....... 4 03p.m. ! J- ; p-m Leave! ""II"io5oSrm Leave. ...... &30 p. m. Leave. ; .. . . 8p. m; Leave. .... . .ii:4U p. m. H. CHADBOUEN, Jb., 1 - General Manageri July 17 tt - netv Aivi3iETiDiinr:';T; CAEOLINA BEAO H. "IJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TJtE SYLVAN GKOVB will leave for Carolina l&acla c ; ry week day at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. jy 27 tf Genlilan ; r. rjotico. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINI T ', 1A tOr Of thft latA f2n V PnUn I Vmi - rn tlfy all persons having claims against tL j : ill deceased to exhibit the same tone ca rr te- iuru a uue syui, ibs, ana an persons mc.irea to said deceased are requested to make .pay ment to me. - , . - June 29tH, 1888 ' Dk. S. P. WRIGHT. e 89 wf .-; 5 Administrator. , To Oontractorc. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Rrcnivr.D at the office of S. P. MaNalr unt il ai t 1st, for the construction of a new enure t or the Second Presbyterian Congregation, t l o ' Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and Specification c: nLe seen on application; a P. McN A 1 1 ; , jy si 2730 Chairman contract ten. WANTED A MAN OF TEMPERATE cr d steady habits, seeklnsr emplovmen.t. t o represent an old established house In his own state, salary 870 tq SlOO per month. Hcrcr ences exacted., v Scpt. Mf'q Huse. Jy 12 4w th : 33 Reade St., 1L Y Cigars, Cigarettn, TCE COLD SODA WATER- AND III Jt SHAKES. Also a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Perfumeries, nalr Crushes, &c, can be found at . - F. a MILLER S, " - .. f ; ;' ,- Drugstore, Corner S. Fourth andNunSts., P. S. Prescriptions filled at all hours, cut or night. Jylltt MACINAV." ONLY GENUINE "MACINAW" nATS SOLD - ' IN WILMINGTON. LOUIS H. MEA11E3. 1 NORTH FRONT, Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter . Sharpie Eatio M. Daniol 1 G APT. I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAR- tles Sailing, Trolling or Fishing. Partie3 . ta ken to the. Fishing Grounds utsid3 cr vn and down the ChanneL, . Charter partlc j f ra modated. For terms apply on. Hoard cr : tne iioteL ... .,,: - .37 it I Steamer Pacsp or L5: SCHEDULE FOR, THIS I WEEK. VLIIY dayk, except Sunday, leaves foot Market street daily, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clook a. rr. for Southport, the Forts and to Sea, Returning, leaves Southport at 3 p. m. c - A Ten Cent Excursion every evening at 6 o'clock, except Tuesday. On Tuesday leaves at tux; p. m.j r Jy231t J". H. HARPER; $25.00 Howard: . OST A DIAMOND FROM A RING welch I ing 2)4 Carats. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the same. Lost between the Postofflce and Market and Sixth Bt recta. , S. H. FISUULATi:, Jy 20 tf - North Front Street. . r.luclin Flag RECEIVED BY EXPRESS I.OOOMuslin Flags on Stic! ALSO, BT STEAMER 1 ,Q00 Chineseand Japancno Lanterns. . lease send in your orders, one and all, and supply yourselves in i imo irom REINSBE RGER'S. , . Visitors a,nd,Stranscr3 ARE RESPECTFULLY" INVITED TO CALL -.' ' ;AT :: . HEINSBERGER'S i Live Book and Music Store. Jy20 - - -,. " . . uowell & cumin: Universityof North Carolin:,, Chapel Hill, II. C. rpHENEXT SESSION BEJIN2P AUGUI 1 Tuition reduced to JH0 a hal f rear. Prr dents may give notes. Faculty or i i: Taachers. ; 'lliree full courses of htua v i to degrees. Three short courses tor t ; t lng e-business men, teachera. pnyt:;!a:. i : law scnooi luiry equipped. Wfrtte for Catalogue to - ' HON. KEMP P. EATTLr- Jy7U. .-: rn;..: ' snotico. .. M R. W, A. JlcGO WAN win collect eul Uonsdue THE DAILY IlTYIXTrr.i.l f new BxiUscritcrs. . . 1

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