THIS TAPER eveir evening, sundays.excepteo, " h. T. JAKES. Wltor and Prop.;. V W dttTIONS, POSTAGE PAD): . i nn. six months $2.00. Tnree yeaft H . - - ., 0Dr' one month, 33 cents.. .' . rWm be delivered by carriers, free . T5a any part of the city, at the above fj c&rg - or 10 cents per week. - Crtisln? rates low and liberal. tscriwrswiu please report any and (f saKT vr their paper regularly, v - HnfPS IU - .'1 TSUI" " 1 . . . . D i-.iwi-i? v:!i. ; Wfisnd. The every out domiu"'-, ! ,.. ., i,i!;ousi-inMraiiient jnentaM-'V "sirk Headache; tboe, W ni1,J'jy ;.;,tic have Constipation. h'"Vf.r.-i..din;;i. Nome dyspeptics togloonij ,,v ,. ,r;r,-t fill ; others have hSvet -r-ri'i !iisia may take, tMiderlyhisr cause is W hi the WEIt, -; v ;. ,hin-' more is equally certain, no JjJJiirenwi" ;t dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of the Stomach. - - Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation Assist Digestion, and, at the samo time . ' Start the Lirer to working-,, when ftll other troubles t soon disappear. "My wife :' confirmed ilvsneptfcl. Some" thne i- t!"; vitc Steiner,of AucfJ he v.. -"''''' i irv Simmons Liver S?-'ii4h'r Ii' ''-" f -rti'- relief it has mJn li-r.aivl : . ail h , rrjd thi and -are.' Jfjji'.tHiii a:iv , vi..-ii-y v! cr.other-r-n.ii ' - ! ifr K'.cJ;ior and ' 1 eel : C0Lj;'t)rit I rI '.: - iil 1 e.-i-iix J it al! v.liowill beaJ-.i-:'-"- ':t. Ti. Kir.:, lrt Valley, Ga." Stethal jcfi-: g-t f tZt &rnuine,, t'7t ' f " ' f V." rapper, " . " f.E.7.1 H ; . i ., i .... i.ilphia, I'a, B0T38tclstp d&wly chsat PIAX0S AND ORGANS "y KITE TO ME FOR PRICES AND TERMS before buying an Instrument, as I keep one of the largest stoefcs or PIANOS AND ORGANS IN TIIE SOUTU. - I can sell you any of theflrst-dass manu- iaCTurea. FROM $190 UPWARDS. Orga xi FROM $45 UPWAIOJS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. J. Ha. Stone, RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : On Dock Street, between Front and Second, WILMINGTON N. C. e20tf . The Stokley House, D ARTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- 1 tionsat Wrlghtsvllle will find the STOKLEY HOUSE well supplied with all that is necea- uy . Board by the day, week or month at low rates. Kg Fish suppers to order at any hour dur ing the evening. All ot tne delicacies of salt water.nsh.crabs, clams, shrimps, &c, furnished to guests. . Sailing Boats, Fishing Boats,FIshlng Tackle, c, furnished on short notice.: - Wstokley House fronts, the water and Is within loo yards or the Depot. W. H. STOKLEY, JelStf Proprietor. L. DOUGLAS S3 SUnc ron r w nUlli GENTLE SIFN. "Sd mirti1118.' 93 Seamless" Shoe In the. lsh aid flithoBt or nails. As styi ' iSr no l! 118 tnose costing $5 or $6, and f Hurt ihi8 or nal13 10 wear the stocking 4wen fit,, l' makes them as comfortable , the best w 48 a nand sewed shoe. Buy tottomTd t genuine unless stamped on w T v L Iougias $3 Shoe, warranted." . oniv h9LAS SHOE, the original lais c,,d welt $4 shoe, which tota. tustom-made shoes costing from $6 ferKy wfar.,5 lOK ls 1mex' " yi. wiauViJi8 SHOE is worn by all Ail v. J the 1)681 school shoe in the world. "unon and i TJ? wvu " maae in vongresa, er. me u-, .i, not sold hy your deal . rcrW.IJ" D.uOLAS, Brockton, Mass, fj.r safety ;. ,yxti-! 41. ' 13 3m tort it, n. VQNGLAHN. -7 ? W eodjp Wilmington; ft, c " -i . ... ..-. ? nun wii eh ( . . i:ns.-t i i:'ir.Miea, r',:iX'. t v. .tit isMK!iiVltUirou-h- a"-' 1 . i. ;: i:s. Aiiumjj a n.en .... i a niM li:vo. l!i'wimelre- 5f ' ' 1 H VOL. XII. v The Puritany destined for the Fall River line, was launched at Chester, Pa., last week. She is the largest steamboat in the world, being 420 feet overall, 52 feet beam and 20 depth of hold. The engines are 7,500 horse power and she is expect ed to make 21 knots an hour. She has 220 staterooms and will cost $L- 500.000.- ' : The steamship Etruria arrived at New York on Saturday, having made the second fastest passage on record. -She left Queenstown on Qunday, the 22d, at 2:15 p. m. and passed Sandy Hook Saturday. last at 12 30 o'clock, making the voyage in six days, three hours and fifteen minutes- This is just eisrhtv min utes behind the ..fastest passage on record,"-which was made by the same vessel in June last. The great est distance made in a single day was Saturday, 490 'knots, and the shortest, 468 knots, was made Fri day. There is said to be a fayorable outlook in Michigan and the Demo crats have hopes of 'carrying that State. The New York Star says: That Michigan is a doubtful State in the coining campaign has been often claimed by. the Democratic politicians, and apparently with good reasons. A new element has now appeared in the fight which will emphasize the uncertainty at present existing as to the result. Senator Palmer has to-day author ized tne publication of a card de clining a re-election and withdraw ing himself from the Senatorial race. Mr. Palnieris the straiehtest Re publican in the State with the Prohibition vote, and would have prevented, in a long degree, by re- XI J. ,1! iimimug tu tne race,ineiaiiingaway of the .Republican party by reason of their policy toward whisky. The Prohibitionists number considerably above 20,000, and since the Repub licans only carried the State in the last Presidential election by a plurality of between 3,000 and 4,000 over the Democratic fusion ticket, the importance of this temperance vote will be at once seen. ; A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when. they can relieve the 'child of its peculiar troubles by us ing Acker's Baby Soother. It con tains no Upiurn or Morphine Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. intents. Index to New advertisements. Attention Democrats IIeinsbsroeb -Muslin Flags F C Miller Cigars, Cigarettes Lons II Meares Flannel Shirts Mrs E. B Wiggins Visitors to the City Headquarters for Ba&sBalls, Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is at Heins berger's. . WireGloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. Mr. Benj. Bell is having built a fine -two-story frame dwelling on Fourth, between Ann and Nun streets. Log collars. largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. , Burcrlars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. x ' Do not be induce) to take some other' preparation when yon call for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be sure to get Hood's, which is peculiar. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot, t . Mr. Jere Hewlett found Saturday on Wrightsville Beach a turtle nest with 129 eggs in it. This makes three turtles he has found on that beach since the full -.moon in June, and out of them he has got 400 eggs. Truckers say that this is the best watermelon year we have had since 1884 and the farmers say that it is the best in four years for all kinds of farm products. The Presidential year is generally a good year for the crops. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglass es - Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying 'oower than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you ' pass that point of increase, will cause 4 you iuriner mjury ic mc cj umug glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the tjaily c&nsfl qf 'prema ture did loA to V?sMt' Tpu can get the best 4t SejnsbeVger'si i .WILMINGTON, N, 0., MONDAY, JULY 30, 1888. The moon entered on its last quar ter at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon. The Sylvan Qrove carried down to day a very large crowd of colored excursionists. . ; , Nor barque -Hektor Johannesen cleared to-day for Riga," Russia, with 3,742 barrels rosin, valued at$3,750; shipped by Messrs. DeRosset & Co. The Young Men's Democratic Club will meet at Linder's Hall, cor ner Front and Orange streets, at 8 o'clock, on Weduesday eVenitig. It s an important meeting .and a ful attendance is requested.- . Mr. Jno. F. Garrell did a big beef business during the Encampment. He slaughtered and sold 150 beeves and300 sheep during its continu ance. Messrs. Cronly & Morris sold at auction to-day the iron hull of the burned steamer Regulator of the New York line, as it now lies in dock at the foot of Brunswick street. Capt. W. J. Pennington was the purchaser, for $920 cash. Rev. T. P. Lide, of Wilson, filled the pulpit of the Brooklyn Baptist Church yesterday, preaching both morning and night able and instrucB tive sermons. . The consrreeration have lately refitted and remodeled their house of worship inside and have furnished it with new carpet and new seats and it is now a very fine looking audience room. At Sc. Tames Home. Rey. Robert Strange, the Rector, has befen holding very interesting and very profitable services at St. James' Home three Sunday nights in the month. There was a large at tendance last night on this occasion Mr. Strange announced that these services would be suspended during the balance of the Summer, to be resumed in October. He has work ed hard and needs rest and recrea tion and he has accepted a vacation tendered him by the vestry of his church. . Death of Mrs. Watson. Mrs. Frances rloffman, wife of Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., the Bishop of the Diocease of East Caro lina, died at the Bishop's residence in this city at 8:30 o'clock this morn ing, and will be enterred at 6 o'clock to-morrow afternoon from St. James' church. She had been sick for months past and her death has been expected almost daily, for several weeks. She ivas a most estimable lady, a fiitting help-meet for one of God's holy ministers, and her death is but for her a transition to scenes of heavenly bliss. Battered and Bloody. Mr. Herman Tietjen,a German well known to many here, who lives on one of the sounds, came into the city on Saturday and got tangled up with bug juice. He was arrested late in the afternoon at Front street market and was . taken to the guard house. On the way, and while on Front street, he made some demon strations of resistance and the po liceman who had him in charge therewith struck him on the head with his club, cutting a gash there on, stuck his thumbs into his throat and choked him and then put the nippers on him and dragged him off through the streets. The officer, we understand, says that his prisoner resisted and tried to choke' him but there are others who say that he did not make any offensive'demonstra tion towards the policeman. The case will be heard before the Mayor to-morrow and we are satisfied that it will be adjudicated on its merits. It will be a good opportunity, we think, for the Mayor to state just how far and under just what cir- j cumstauces a policeman is justified in using his club ' on a refractory prisoner. As we unerstand it a sim. pie resistance to arrest does not jus tify a resort to such violent ex tremes. The officer must himself be assaulted and in danger of injury to his person before he can with pro priety strike one under "arrest. If he uses .violence without sufficient cause he himself becomes a violator of the peace and must answer for the offense. Policemen are but men, we know, and have much to endure sometimes from refractory prisoners indeed, they frequently risk their r lives in the performance of their aip- ; iuous auji.e.s anq oj- reason pone but cool, temperate, resolute (rieri BhatV3 ft o4"the farce, ElflEW, Big Cains Yesterday. It does seem as though "it never rains but it pours" in Wilmington. Yesterday, while everybody was at church" there was a heavy down pour which lasted for an hour or more and for some time after the services had closed it was impossi ble to venture out in the storm. The4 rain seems to have been pretty.gen eral in this section, extending over a large part of this State and South Carolina. Here the rainfall wasl.46, at Lumbertou it was 2.90 and at Charleston it was 1.28. To-day our streets are almost dry, so rapidly and freely does the soil here absorb the moisture.' First Race by the Rowing CI"l. The first regatta of the Recreation Rowing Club will take place in the river opposite the city on Thursday afternoon, commencing at 6:45 o'clock. The course will be from opposite Market street up to a buoy opposite the wharf of the Ne,w York and Wilmington Steamship Com pany, round the buoy, thence down the river to a buoy opposite Churcti street, which will be rounded, and thence back to opposite Market dock, a distance of something more Than a mile. It is expected that five boats will enter and a stirring race may be expected. City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing oases this morning: W. Vagras and Mittie Author, disorderly conduct, case continued. Elsie Evans, unlicensed dog, dis charged. Florence Kennedy, disord&Uy conduct, $20 or 30 days. Martha Barrett, unlicensed dog, judgment suspended. Harmon Tietgen, disorderly con duct, case continued. Gus Smith, disorderly conduct, $5 or 10 days. Monkey Shaw, throwing stones, case continued. Tom Hines, disorderly conduct $5 or 10 days. J. T. Cumber, disorderly conduct, $10 or 20 days. Robt. Bridges, disorderly conduct, judgment suspended. Personal. Capt. A. C Ward, of Pender county, was in the city to-day. Mr. S. J. Kendrick, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. is in the citv on a vis4t to friends. . - Capt. N. H. Sprunt, of Kenans- ville, is in the city to-day. Hon. Jas. E. Shepherd, Judge of the Superior Court for the First District, spent yesterday t . the Hummocks. . He presides this.-week at Columbus Court. Mr. F. W. Clark, General Passen e:er and Freight Agent of the Sea board Air Line system, is in the city to-day.. Pleasant Reading. We find in the Goldsboro Argus of last Saturday's date its regular cor respondence from the encampment, from which we clip the following in disputable testimony as to the healthfulness and salubrity of the site selected for the camp: The success of the Wilmington parade, on Tuesday, as a military movement; the pleasure it gave to thousands of spectators, assembled for fhe purpose of witnessm? it; and the gratification which it afforded to the officers, line and staff, and the rank and file of the Guard, was well rounded off and completed by the fact that not a single casualty was reported, nor one name added to the sick list, as resulting from it. Considering the great heat dunns part of the period of encampment, the health of the troops has been remarkably good. At no one time have there been more than six men in the hospital, and two or three of those were cases of accident, producing merely tem porary disability. This most excel lent sanitary - condition may be attributed to several causes, such as the cool sea breeze, which hardly ever fails, at some time of the day, to temper the neat; tne copiousness 01 the supply, and tne excellence 01 the nualitv of fresh water on the camp ground; the ample facilities for sea bathing, and generally me healthfulness of this most delightful place. But there is vet another cause, m the absence of which all these favor able conditions could not nave de fended the troops from illness tnat is the sobriety, self-control and per sonal good conduct of the men: No evidence couia oe mort- iuuica,- tive of the temperance and cleanli ness of the camp than this remarka ble, healthfulness. ; x j. - " -" - Fly Trans, best and cheapest, at jacobi's Hdir.gDepot. t NO 159. . Carolina Beach. Yesterday's Raleigh " News anU Observer pays the following" hand some compliment to that delightful Summer resort at the head of the Sound:-. .-.wV. ' .. " . Carolina Beach is destined to come the Long Branch of the State. It is reached by an hour's trip by boat from Wilmington and run of five minutes across the peninsula be tween the Cape Fear river and the. Atlantic Oceanand has only to be known to be appreciated. It has "a comfortable hotel, all the modern conveniences forbathing -ink still water and in-the ."surf, and is particu-. larly appreciated by those who do not like to be knocked about by old ocean in shallow water. Knights of the Golden Eagle. ' A castle of this flourishing order is being organized in this city. Su preme Chief J. D. Barnes,720 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PaLis in correspondence with Messrs. S. J. Ellis andGeo. Ziegler with this object in view. " The. order is, now in successful operation in twenty-three States. The present membership is over .41, 000,ivided among 415 castles, as follows: Pennsylvania, 274 castles; Maryland, 15; Massachusetts, 11; New Jersey, 36; Delaware, 16; New York, 9; Ohio, 14; Georgia, 4; West Virginia, 4; District of Columbia, .5; Missouri, 4; Michigan, 3; Nebraska, 2; California, 5; Colorado, 3; New Hampshire, 3; Iwa, Connecticut, flndiana, Illinois, Virginia, Alabama, and Louisiana, one each. The fea tures of the Knights of the Golden Eagle are beneficial, benevolent, so. cial, and semi-military. The order was founded in Baltimore, Md., Feb ruary. 6th, 1873. The Supreme Castle wasorganized January 22d, 1878. Decoration. Flag Bunting. Flag Buntim By the yard or piece. For sale by I. SHRIER, 16 N. Front street. v THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Post omce as rouows: ' CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast. ..... :tL00 F. M. Northern through and way malls. . . 8.00 A. M, N. C. ana A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M, Balelgh & Fayettev;e, 6.00 P. M. and aoo A. M. Southern way mails 2.00 P. M Southern through mails ft 15 P. M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western mails (C. C. Railway) 6.30 A. M oape Fear srvKK ana points sup plied therefrom 6.30 A. M. Kaieign & namiet k. k. ana points supplied therefrom 6.30 A. M Smlthvllle.. 2.00 P. M. Wrightsville 8.30 A.M. Clinton, special 3.15 P. M MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and intermedlaite offi ces..... 6.00 A.M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. LittlerRlver. s. C and intermediate efflces........ 6.00 A.M. Cape Fear River mail.... .... L00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls. ......... . . 8.3d P. M. Northern through mall, late 11.00 P. M. southern malls 6.30 A. M. Southernway mails. . . , , ft30 A. M. Carolina Central R. R. 9.00 P.M. Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M.. 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. ana 4 A.M. General delivery open from 6.30 a. M. to 7.00 r. m.. ana on sunaays rrom 9.00 to 10.20 a. m. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open irom o a. jn. 10 5 1 . jm., continuous. stamp omce open rrom 8.00 a. m. to 5 p. m. Stamps on sale at ereneral delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10-A. m. ana 1 to 7 p. m. DIED. WATSON In this city, at 8:30 orclock A. M.. July 30th, 1888, FRANCES HOFFMAN, Wife Of me iit. xtev, a. a, watson, it. 1). Funeral from St. James' Church to-morrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. The Vestry of St. James' Church, Wilming ton, in. j wouia piace upon recora our sense of the loss sustained by our Parish and this community, in the death of Mrs. FRANCES HOFFMAN watson, wire of the Kt.Rev. Alfred A. Watson, D. D Bishop of East Caro lina. After filling the measure of a long and use ful lire ana oeanng witn; great patience its many pains ana trials. Mrs. watson has this aay iaiien peaceiuny asieep. sustainea ova iirm faith in her saviour, to whose service she was devoted in baptism. ene nas.we are assurea.nowpassea rrom tne unurcn Miiitant to tne cnurcn Triumpnant. Precious In the sight of the Lord ls the death of Ills saints. ' In her death we are called upon to lament one of the gentlest and purest of women. She lived a.auiet life, fulfilling every known duty conscientiously and niustraung in the domes tic sphere every- Christian grace, in passing from pain to Paradise she has added to our treasures of memory by leaving with us the recollection and inspiration of a gentle life and the beauty of holiness. Jiesoleea. That we tender to our beloved Bishop and former Rector our earnest sympa thy with him in his bereavement. - Jiemivea, That a copy of this minute be sent to the Bishop by the secretary of the Vestry. j. u. v right, secretary. - Attention Democrats. , rjHEItE WILL BIJ A MEETING OF THE YOUNG. MEN'S DEMOCRATIC CLUB Wednes day Ewningi' Aug. 1st. at 850 o'clock, at Lih- ders Half, corner Front and Orange streets. uy oraer 01 tne jresiaent. 3y303t , J.C MORRISON Secretary. : If you want to feel comforXabie nd well all you need is a good Ham mock. 'You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber ger's. . , - t PLEASE KOTICH , w.e Jrta eUd to receive ccnnilcr.t:r from our friend cn try trj rcu c, general interest, bcs. v The name 01 the writer mz anrrrs to f nished to the Editor. : : ; -commucauona must bo written cr.iv r- I one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoidca. - And it la especially and particularly cni r -stood that the,Editor does not idways enj;: the views of correspondents unless so t.:t In the editorial columns." . " ' OAEOLDJA BEAOII. " TJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVa2I grove will leave" for Carolina Beach every week day at 90 a, m. and 3 p. m. J..W. iiatipei:. . -. Gen'l Manager. Jy27 tlanticiVjoiVi WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. rpins DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT I i tuated at the Wrightsville Terminus of V -WUmington-Scacoast Railroad, -and thcro i to thHoteL - i seiior paga -j Band f Music Ennwl for It : We arfi snrrv thA RniitAi "urm hA home so ar the girls. . . : anose desiring Board can find comfortatlo rooms and good fare at reasonable tos. . . JtUJ. WXUSUJM MANNING, i Jy28tf .: . ;.:.--.. JTocrletor. Jno. F. LeGranfl. - " . A, Wi' - Ullu JJp-Water street. WiU give prompt attenti.a Represents some of the best houses tin tLT country. - Invites Correspondence. - 1J U.4KYT. no'.'6, Wilmington Seacoast 0. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 2VB3, AT 6 A.II i From Wilmington, , : From Hummocks. Leave....... 7.45 a. n. Leave....... 10:05 a. ia. Leave.;..... 100 p. in. Leave. .... 4 00 p. in. Leave. 6;t0p. in. Leave. . . . . . . 8:50tp. . , Leave..:. ...11:40 p.ra. Leave 6:30 a. m Leave :.. 9:30 a. m Leave....... Leave , Leave Leave Leave....... .11:50 a.m . 3:00 p. m . 5:00 p. m . 7'5p.m 10:00 p. m J.H. CHADBOURN, Jn., July "l tt . General Manager. Cigars, Cigarottco, JCE COLD SODA-WATER AND MILII SHAKES. -Also a full line of" Drugs, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Perfumeries, Hair Brushes, &c., can be found at -- - - F. C. MILLER'S, " y - - Drugstore. corner 8. Fourth and Nun Sts., P. S. Prescriptions filled at all hours ti r ornight.;. . : : : Jyl4tt i " ' "MACINAW." j ONLY GENUINE 4MACINAW', HATS SOLD! ; IN WILMINGTON. . . ! LOUIS H. MEAREG, 13 NORTH FRONT j Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter I Sharpie Katie ;MDaniolc, j pAPT. I. W JOHNSON WILL TAKE TAIV- tiesSaiUngjTrOUlngor Fishing. Parties ta-i ken to theTTishing Grounds - outslflo or p ana modated. For terms apply on Board or at t : : Steamer Passport's OCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK. EVEilX day, except Sunday r leaves foot Market strc - dally, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. rxu tz : Southport, the Forts And to sea, Eeturnlr leaves southport at 3 p. m. - ' . A Ten cent Excursion every evening at o'clock, except Tuesday. " On Tuesday leave at 6:30 p. m. . , . . jy SS It - x, J. H. HARPER; $25.00 Beward. OST A DIAMOND, FROM A RING Vtelzh- 1 lng 2)4 Carats. The above reward will be paL ior tne recovery ot tne same." Lot etwci the Postofflce and Market and Sixf strcnt3. 1 S. H. FISUBJLATE, Jy 20 tf . North Front Street, rJuslin FlncsGi JJECEIVED BY EXPRESS 3 : ; - 1,000 Muslin Flags on Sticlrr ALSOffiY STEAMER, . . 1,000,ChineseandJapanc:: Lanterns j lease send in your orders, one and "all, "an suppiy yourselves in iime rrom HEINSBERGECTS.. Visitors and Strangorc ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CAL I BEINSBERGER'G Live Book and Music Store. jys howell & cunnn: ' AV tP t3 a

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