' ; PutUrl ,, jambs. Editor ana Prop. C 'niOSS. POSTAGE PAID: CT DC- ioa six montns $2.00. , Three J rear, -H-1 . ' ' TUCP! . haoitv at. t.h above . 10 cents per week. - rites,01 ...,,,-, nri liberal rortldiGo rale AdTMberswlU please report any and 1 SabsC";re their paper regularly. - jataUores I ! f ? "i.H.-.lui.l. !:, .-ii.itrryTucIit ! ;v "un.sliptlnf : 4 - - - "A ttltii 'I'' ntc:i---1 ". . rr I- li lOMEW. VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, JULY 31 1888. 4t NO 150; arc-" ' ,V .rr.tirr..-' - s ii'ii; .ners imve vit'lfr'y119? cause . ' i u .-. N t-tiuU-y certain, no SeSS':':" A tWeWteyl will - iTVT? Jt - correct The semi-annual report of thteSan position to theso-callecf 'pure" lard Francisco savings banks shows a -fWU a bill which, he says, provides totolposit of .t70,0OO,O00 in t&ft fX'tntls Danks. y - ; ; all) that may have died anaturalor W ;:dV i. - an artificial-death, tobe sold asptire l he bttite authorities of Florida hird and puts an internal revenue have ordered that the entire village tax on any -compound that may-con of Plant City; in I that "State, he lVi eveu H1fe a substance as clrnoi frt 'M , . c cotton seetl oil. -The Major is a far burned to the ground, includmff all mer and knows what he is talking buildings furniture, bedding, &c, m about; and if they get their bill orderrtd" MaiVip oqt the so-called tbrough, which seems to be in the vello w or inRlari il fo'vor thr ' lllteret of the large manufacturers venow or malarial fever there. . -s. pf the West, they will have to -find The railroad frntu Rpnn a pmc ib""e oi.uie oest memoers or ve i ne rauroau rrom tsuenob Av res a ,mi.nH,n.ni Pmnn.iff oa Qrn. ro the foot of the Andes has on it ! Maior McCIannnv ilnKn, Wn of- what U prolxiblytlie longest tangent ten during business hours, even if n the world. -It runs- 2tl miles on ' n a.?A V" rotiuerat eleven o'cloejc is soieiy respos?iuie ior. v JMV AfltM v of thfl Stomach, ; a.'bee line? 'without a. curve, and during the distauce -there is not a single bridge,no opening larger than Ex jjoI foul gases, 4 A1 !ay Irri utlon jT7fff;r- ; ji antl, rtt. tho same- irif.J otter troubles burtli feet. . "My wif v fhrr-; : -Ar-, : -:. ' ; . at, :;.:- : ' -bo- : " 'Sit it ::f!r."M i'-'sreptic.'' Some i . i" .' rtijtiimiis I4ver ' t i "' , .. 'r-!-kf;lt has . r- i-t this' r nl ari -' " - .1 ? ;; -r fi'acr , i i s; . i rtid I feci .. .: i.H -w ut will . - i' unities an ordinary culvert, and not a cut The Rkvikw is not responsible for nor a ml exceeding three and one-! such a charge. Major McClaiumy was not present at the Convention which nominated him for Congress and the Review stated that the news of the said nomination found him the field, in bis shirt sleeves, hard at work stripping fodder. Thereupon some of our exchanges have dubbed him "the Cincinnati of the 50th Congress." J. H. - ' ' Borate lstp d&wly cn sat The r proposed bridge over the Hudson River at New York City is certainly the ! most stupendous nn dertaking of its kind yet proposed in this country.- The cost is estima. ed at $42 000,000, or nearly twice as much as that of theBro'oklyn bridge The bridge proper is to absorb $1G, 000,)00 of this, the app roach es $ 1 2, - 000, 000,. and the. land necessary for the approaches $14,000,000. There is to be Jint ; one span over tlie stream, which is a good deal wider lat its narrowest available jpoint than the.East River at its broadest. PIANOS AND ORGANS RITE TO M E FOR PRICES AND TERMS before buying an Instrument, aa I keep one of the largest stocks or PIANOS AND 0EGANS IN THE SOUTH."-" '" J ; I can sell you any of tnerst-class mauu- ianurra. - ..... TVLOM 10O UPWARDS FROM $45 UPWAItDS. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. J. Xjb- Stone RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH. HOUSE : OnDocfc street, between Front ana Second WILMINGTON, N. C. Capk Fear. :. Our correspondent is , mistaken. The Stokley House, : pARTIES IN WANT OP ACCOMMODA- tlons et WrigntSYllle will find- the STOKLEY H0CSB weU suDDUed wltn all that is neces- Board by the day, week or . montn : at low. raws. .-. - . - , Pig Ftsli supp;r8 to order at any hour dur uigtae evening. - . . : - VUotthft (1pllrtrua rtt calf, watpr flsb ornlvS- ciarns. shriraDs. tc. t urnlsned to quests. - - sajiing Boats. Fisulnsr Boats,Flsnlng Tackle, sc. niniisned on short notice. , ... . Jst?Uey nouse fronts the water and is ttbin lOOyardsor the Depot. fa.ott W. H. STOKLEY, : TJ ; - . ... .- -. . Senator Vance has revived an old chestnut "and applied it to a new use. The Washington correspon dent of the New i York Herald says: They-were talking about the pos sibility of an early adjournment as they lingered over their cigars and appohnaris in the Senate cloak room yesterday. Hv "they" is meant a little gronp of Senators compris ing Messrs. Vance, Hearst, Beck, Gorman and Ransom. Mr. Vance being appealed to for his opinion re garding the matter replied: - 'I can't ; answer your question definitely, but I can tell you a story that is very apropos to the situation. Two friends" of mine in North Caro lina were spending the night on one occasion in an old country inn. The night was warm, and one of the gentlemen arose to open the win do w. -The glass doors of an old cup board, which he supposed to be the window, were the first object upon which his hands rested. Failing to raise tnem ne strucK tnem witn a bootjack, making quite a large hole. As he returned to bed his friend asked him how it looked outside. He stuck his head through the hole, and as he withdrew it he exclaimed: 'It's dark as h and it smells like old "'cheese.' So it is, gentlemen, with regard to adjournment. The outlook is as dark as "hades and it smells like October." L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE, JTheonivfi. . ; Our Washington Letter. -v.: - ; (Sp. Cor. Dally Review.) , Washington, D. C, July 29? '88. - The decision of the Republican caucus of the Senate to bring in a substitute tariff bill will probably prolong this se&sion of Congress till October and thus make it the most remarkable one on record. The longest one on record up to now was the first session of the 31st Congress, which ended September 30th, 1850, after lasting 302 days. Howell Cobb was Speaker, and it was during the Kansas Nebraska discussion. Other long sessions were', the 27th, 32nd, 33d, 44th and so on, none of which lasted later than August 31st, if we except the second session ... f the 40th, which by adjourning from date to date ended November 10th, with 237 days to its credit. Besides its probable length, the eight day-and-night deadlock, and the re markable and unequal tariff debate, the 50th Congress will be a memora ble one. - r . Not only will this be a remarkable session, but the people of your dis trict may ; well congratulate them selves , upon the perseverance and success of their faithful member, Col. Rowland, who has secured for them his first term the flattering sum of $502,750, which is shown by the appropriation bills in the fol lowing items: Cape Fear River, below Wil mington $245,000 Public Building at Wilming ton...................... Waccamaw River...... Lumber River Public Building at Charlotte Salaries Assayer and Melter at' Charlotte A Private Claim of......... 150,000 5,000 5,000 85,000 2,750 10,000 : fou - : -' GENTWiKlFN. JFSdi1" S3 Semles Shoe In the Sflno TtarkX cosmg $5 or $6, ana ? thp af? or nails to wear the stocking eu-fitti;' makes them as comfortable st. viril a nand sewed shoe. Buy ttonaw t genulne unless stamped on w r J? Slastt Shoe, warranted.". J?4 aiy hi$hxs 4 SHOE, the original custom , welt shoe, which to om-made shoes costing Irom $6 feSSS 2.5Q siiOK ts unex- 4A,VfVVsi3 SHOKlswornbvauiqMarlotte public building bHJ begot A tie &hn school shoe In the world. feuJ? made lQ Conffress, nte wlIS not 801(1 y yp1" e1- f L DOUGLAS. kto.. J Total $502,750 It is likelv the amount for the Charlotte building will be increased, and it is proper . to give Senator 1 Ransom credit for valuable aid in getting the muouut for the Cape Fear increased by $145,000 in the Senate. This is a creditable show- . a i ..- in jing lor A new memuer vuose in health even has not kept him from I his nmistaut nbst of duty. The for H. VQNGLAHN, Wilmington. N, C 13301 eodip through on Satunlay, after several formef unsuccessful efforts. v I have just seen au attack in. a Virginia paper upon your gtirrmg little assistant member from the old Third, on account of his active, op- A CIIIL1 KILT,K1. . Another child killed by the use of opiatesgiven in the form of Sooth ing syrup. . Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by us ing Acker's Baby Soother. It con tains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. LOCAL ISTSrS. Index to New Advertisements. Heinsbergeb -Pianos . W J Kirk ham Rose Farm P C Miller Cigars, Cigarettes Regatta Carolina Yacht Club Louis H Meares Flannel Shirts G G Aman & Co Fish and Oysters Mrs E B Wiggins Visitors to the City Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is at Heins berger's. ' - ' ' m It is hoped that there will , be five boats in the rowingrace on.the river here on Thursday. WireCloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. July leaves us to-day and the third and last of the Summer months dawns to-mprrow. Economy and strength are pecu lia to Hood's Sarsaparilla, the. only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. ' t Why is it that it takes until Tues day morning for Saturday's Fay etteville Journal and Sunday's Char lotte Chronicle to get. to Wilming ton? And echo answers "why?" The Seacoast Railroad Company will in a few days begin the erection of a handsome and commodious de pot building at Wrightsviile, to be located over the marsh and abutting on the main land. It will comprise ticket office, waiting room,platform baggage room, freight house &c Capt. J. S. Allen will do the work. Going to Florida. Capt. Leta Potter, "of the steam yacht JUrpon, leaves to-day for Southport. The Tarpon is to be sent to Florida, to get ready for the Fall business, and Capt. Potter will meet her at Southport and will take her to Jacksonville. Capt. Potter has a brother there, in command of the steamer Kate Speitcer, and he will stop with him a week aud will then go on to Titusville, where he will take a position with Capt. R. P. Paddispn, on the- steamer Hock IcdrjCy plying on the Indian river. Capt. Potter is a clever gentleman and a skilful officer and we wish him much success in his new home. . ' Y. M. C. A. 1 . . - Regular weekly meeting this Tuesday Evening at 8:15 o'clock, at Masonic Hall, on Market street, be low Second. Strangers cordially in vited. Members urgently requested to ,attend and show -their interest in the Association. Unless they, do so it can' hardly be t expected that non-members will contribute to the building fund for the new building, there beinsr no encouracrement for tHem to do so. Only four members J"1 to fXf' Ji - - , , - j LTitiBStfs ui stronger nower uiaui . , Mayor Fowler has issued orders prohibiting bathing by boys or men at the foot of Market and Princess streets, either in. the day time or at night.' At all the other wharves bathing is . prohibtfed during the day, but Will be permitted at night. ,-"'. The Third Regatta. . " . . Tiie third regatta f the season of the 'jOarolina rchtp Club wilf 1b sailed over the, course - at Wrights viile on Friday " next, August 3d, starting at 3:30 p. ; m. Yachtsfor this, race must enter not later; than 12 o'clock to-morrow, in accordance witii the rules bf the club. A spirit ed ia.ee lb expected:' s ' x The Passport Has Gone." Ai We are sorry tox hear that the steamer Passport has left' us. She sailed this afternoon for New York, where she will run as a jjassenger boat between- that city ivnd' Fort Hamilton, for which jjUrpbse she has been chartered. She will re turn here about the first of Novem ber and will resume her towing busi ness at this port. Capt. W. A. Snell will remain in command of her. The Passport has ever been and ever will be a great favorite with our people. She has been on the Cape Fear for nearly eleven years. City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: Monkey Shaw,disorderiy conduct, $10 or 20 days in a close cell. Walter Williams, larceny, . case continued. ; - Obadiah Jenkins, nuisance, bo and over to the next term of . the Crimi nal Court in the sum of $50. k Laura Davis, disorderly conduct, $10 or 20 days. Susie Capehart, goats running at large, $5 or 10 days. There were two other cases of disorderly eonduct, which we np press by request. - '. -. O . . . ". . Personal. . . ' " I Mr. Bel lisario and family of J ack. onvllle, Fla., are in the city, on a visit to relatives here. ' Our good friend, Mr. Washington Biggs, of St. Stephen's, S. C, spent Sunday with his friends here. - Hon. A. M. Waddell will deliver an address at the reunion of the Cleveland County Veterans' Asso tion, to be held on Thursday at Shelby. Mr. J. H. Sharp, Secretary and Treasurer of the C. C. R. R., has gone to his old home at Williams borot in Vance county, on a short visit. g Mr. W. Cf. Pulliam, trace and claim agent in Capt. Emerson's of fice, has gone North on a business trip which will , extend as far as Niagara. He will be absent about a week. v The Firemen's Tournament. v A meeting of the Firemen's Tour nament Committee was held last night at the hall of the Hook and Ladder Company to hear reports from various sub-committees. Chief Oldenbuttel was in the chair and Mr. J. D. Kelly secretary.. The committee on railroad rates and hotel accommodations reported that satisfactory arrangements could be made. : -.". -The committee appointed to so licit subscriptions to pay the neces- sary expenses of the tournament, (including $300 to be invested in prizes) reported that they had suc ceeded in securing subscriptions to the amount of $420. " It was decided by the full commit tee that, in view of the fact that $1,000 will be required to pay the ex penses 6f the tournament, the coin mittee on subscription" be directed to make another effort to . raise' the full amount and report at a meeting to be held Thursday night. It was the sense of the meeting that unless the necessary amount can be secured by the time men tioned, the tournament should be postponed indefinitely. " . ltoek Crystal Spectacles antl Eyeglasses - Advice to old ; and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause using; lsne- We arev requested to give notice of a meeting of the Ladies' Christian Union Association, , at the First Baptist churchy on Wednesday, August 1st, at. O p.. m. V.' yt-: . ... . ,,r ...... . r;-:-.yjy- I Mr WfKirkham; at Rose Farm,; in the Eastern section of. the. city,' has a line pasture for, cows, a", li ni ited number of which he -will take, driving them; out in thej and imc k in t he afternoou. morning The ; h ighest , the thermometer could climb to-day was 88 and as a consequence ".the.. atmosphere" has been very pleasant. ; The .wind has Southeast nearly.all day,- til:- v.'e v,iii t-2 tor:. - ;r frca cur fr.c-u Ca r-y t'l fdi "general Interest, but ; ". ' ' , The name of th writer 'err; r :r. ; ntshed to the Editor, ' Communications must be v. one side of the paper. ; . Personalities must be aTClic a. And It Is especially and partlcul: stood that the Editor Goes not alvra theTlewsof-correEpondents cnlctj In the editorial columns. ts cr. r Carolina r Yacht Glub. TnETrjIRD REGATTA. OP r '"s"WILL IV snlledover the Club Co :. cn 1'r v August oJ." ' v-- " Yachts will report at S oloC: p. r... No 'Yacht will bo allrnvr .! tn r- r i i3w-i 3eanesday, Aug. 1st. .y Gjbo. i, pa r Lr:v. Jy 8iit ifjrwy i - -. : Attention Den: o c r ' ijlHERE VILL BE A. ilEETl N QY YOUNG JNDEMOCRATIC CLUIJ , day EvenlDg-v Aug. 1st, at8:C0 o ciocic. as. der s Hall, corner Front and Orar f tree : By order of the President. -- Jy 30 St : J. C: MORRISON. f oCrc t v Messrs. G. G. Aman & Co. have, opened a fish,oyster,egg and general produce depot on Dock street, be tween Front and Water, where they will be pleased to receive and fill promptly all orders entrusted to them. See ad. in this issue. X now furnished with poUte and an v aiu'rs. aii nar.rons wi rvx crv.- i t-- and to their sa.fJsfap.tJon. .- irim c t - dUCedtOSSc. l'rirn nf RaJhlrxr Snlr'i- desiring a nice Fish Dinner. would do v V ua u visiu - r u A BALI. . To the Boys. . . . Fifty dozen- Cleveland and Thur liianCaps, just received." Pride 25 cents each. " - : I. SH Ell Bit, Clothier and Hatter, - ' 16 N. Front street. A Stranger Here. Mr. W. A. Bryan, while fishing from the bridge at the Hummocks yesterday, caught a fish that is a perfect stranger to these waters. It was a small fish, only 7 or 8 inches long, almost round, flat, of a flesh' color, with Irregular black streaks on its sides. There was a dorsai flri, 3 or 4 inches long, sticking straight up from the back and as hard as a piece oi bone. It had a ' very small mouth, too small to have taken the hook. Mr.'Bryan hooked it' on the outside. We looked hasily through: C uyier this morning,and also another work on natural history, in the fish department, but could not find it in ither. "' .. . : - . .? . The FayettevUle Con tlngent. The FayettevUle Independent lagnt intantry got DacK iiome on Friday and the Journal . of that city- has this to say in consequence thereof: . . " , Tne a. l. Xj. l. returned home in full force by yesterday's train. They are all agreed that the newspaper accounts of camp life are not exagr gerated. Some, however, with whom we have talked, could hardly find words for any other than the last day that they spent there. On this day, the stringency of military rule was considerably modified, and the boys were permitted to go about and do as they pleased. As natjnralty tnen as a quck iaKes to water, tney sought out the fair sex,' and we would judge from conversation that this companionship eclipsed that found in the camp. Such occasions as these are in a high degree ac countable for many heartbreaks, aches, and sighs, and the Encamp ment of '88 has a more "- than ordi nary number to account for. Some of ' the fair Wilmington damsels have taken a deep hold upon the hearts of a number of our boys, and we fear that the result will be that some "best girl" will suffer, thereby (temporary, however, no doubt. ) We think our boys would vote most a unit to have the annual camp pitched at -Wrightsviile. Baclie's Dining cntlve 3 1 -. -All i II to :6r. 0AB0LINA BEACH. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVAN GROVE will leave for Carolina Beach ever y week day at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. W , Jy27M J. W. HARPER, - Gen'l ilanasrer. Atlantic fi617 WllIGIITSVIL.LEj N. C, 5 f JtHIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER BESOET IS situated at the .WrRjhtsville Terminus of the vvumingxon eacoasc itaiiroaa, and there i s no charge for transportation ot self orbasw-s? to the HoteL . ' " 1 ; Bad : of Music -Engaged for. Its Sccj; ' We are sorry the : Soldier Boys have gone home so are the girls. - '; Those-deslring Board can find comfortable rooms and good fare at reasonable rates. ED. WILSON MANNING, Jy28tf v- . - - Proprietor. , . "" ' - Jno. "P, LeGrand, ,- SUCCEEDING; PARTNER -OF TIIE LATH Arm of A.- A. Brown & Co., Connlsslon Merchant, office in s thei Kerchner iu:iair r, No. Water street. Will give prompt attention to aU business, r"-- v ; Represents some of the best houses In tLe country. ? invites Correspondence. Jel31y d&w.. . i NJBW ADVERT IS JEM JSli Tb; Rose Farm TASTURE FOR CITY MILCH CO wX XT have six acres of nne Pasture. Will Pas ture a limited number of Milch Cows. Drive them out and in at fifty cents per week. Good well water to drink. Will guarantee an in crease In Milk. Pasture in city limits, jy 31 21 W. J. KIRKHAM. Fish and Oysters. TXTE WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY f V our friends and the public generally that we have opened a Fish. Oyster, Egg and Gen eral Produce DeDOt at No. 15 Dock street, be tween Front and Water, where we- will be pleased to-see them and nil promptly all or ders entrusted to our care. Respectfully, j'312m G. G.AM AN & CO. I: TJew York JpAPERS AND MAGAZINES, aiso cicy rapers Are for sale at HEINSBERGJSR'S " Live Book and Music Store. -Jy31 - " - . Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins, BANJOS, ZITHERS, . ' Mandolines Acc6rdeons fiichter Harmonicas, out of 180 were present at the regu- j cessary is the daily "cause otprema- . -also- . lar meeting last Tuesday eveni ng. ! tare old age to the sight. You can get rnE best violin and guitar strings , . , ' - For Sale at - , . : - . HEINSBERGER'S i jya ' , Meiuhcrs " will think of this and the best at He.nsberger76i govern themselves " "accordingly. "Burglars. You can be safe from Capt. Pennington, from New York, - them by using the Burglar Proof will address the meeting to-night. Blind Locks, soldat Jacobi's. ' No6, ; : Wilmington Seacoast R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 27, 'SS, AT 6 A.21 ; From WUmlngton, Leave .... Leave..,.. Leave..... Leave....: Leave..... Leave... r. Leave ... 6:30 a. m ... 9:30 a, sa ...11:50 a. m 3.-00 p. xu ... 5:00 p. m ... 7:55 p. m ...10:00 p. m : From Hummocks. Leave..;... . 7.45 a. m. Leave...... .10.-05 a. m. Leave. . ; .'. . 1 Ki p. ra. Lcav.. 4 0) p. ii. Leave...';.;. f') p. ra. Leave...,.. &ia tp. ii Leave. . . . .11:4 J p. Hi. - July 57 XL J. H. CHADBOURN, 3k., General Manager. p fgars, CigarettcD, CE COLD SODA" WATER AND MILK iliui o fnll tlna"nf Om-w : Potent- Medicines, Soaps, Perfumeries, Hair Brushes, &, can be fund at . - - . F. C MILLER'S, ' Drugstore. Corner 8. Fourth and Nun Sts, P. S. Prescrtptlons filled at all hours, cay or night. , , Jy li tt "MACINAW.''? ONLY GENUINE "MACINAW" HATS SOLD IN WILMINGTON. ; , LOUIS H. MEARES. ; 12 NORTirntONT, . :-,V Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter Sbarpie Xatie Paniolc, QAPT. I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAII- ties Sailing, Trolling Or Fishing. Parties ta ken to the Fishing Grounds Cmtslde or up and down the ChanneL Charter parties accom modated. For terms apply on Board or at t o HoteL . : ; . ' lySJtr Steamer Passp or t9a OCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK. EVEIiY day, except Sunday, leaves foot Market strc : dally, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m. for southport, the Forts and to Sea, Returning, leaves Southport at 3 p. m. A Ten cent Excursion every evening at 6 o'clock, except Tuesday, on Tuesday leave ? at quai p. m. ' . - - --. .- -. jylt . J. 1L UARPER; I 25.00 Reward. OST A DIAMOND FROM A RING Weln- lng 2)4 Carats. The above reward win be pal J for the recovery of tbe same. Lost between the Postoffice and Market and Sixth strctrj. t S. H. FISUBLATi:, Jy 20 tf North Front street. howell & cunnn: v.. - . V v .