II tttts PAPER . ,y evening, Sundays excepted : 1 T jaMk. EHtor and rrop. ' !rSWSTAGlspAIDI- on a raontt3 TImje oapy?r' Jl0a OI1e month, 35 cents. ""u! i,. delivered by carriers, free v out of the city, at the above ralouudliberaL will please report any and JSQ . 'reive their paper regularly. IV ' iin TORPID LIVER bythe5uiarked pecuHarities, : ftl"S!in of weariness and pains In the A tath. had taste in the mouth, ndJitinu with occasional attacks ofdifX ja the front of the head : I Hgj dizziness, and yellowness of Hnm loss of appetite. 5. tiS'of the stomach and bowels Stn of spirits, and great melan- rrVitli lassitude and a disposition toS" everything for to-morrow. " . tnrI flow of IJilo from the Uver , iS to good health. When this SoteSicted it results in BILIOUSNESS, hb if nw'ttul, pooh leads to serious fBiueh wnditiou that they ca Mt work. Alter taking this re E-itlRiv"l am bilious." theycau do-theif medicine no oae will wy, 'iit been suhje-t to severe spells of Con--sMiiofthe Lier, and have been in the habit vt frnni 1 5 to 2 J grains of calomel which gen PLuilme up fr three or four days. Lately I . been U.ing Simmons L5ver Regulator, wtch 8iye me relief without any interruption to tjbiaej5 "-J- Hlgg, Middleport, Ohio. GEJTUIJrE red on front of Yrappr koiir 7m stamp iu J.H.Zeiliu & Co., Fltiladclphia, l'a. aoTStohtpdXwlj en sat PUXOS AND ORGANS' jrrRITKTO ME FOK PlilCES AND TERMS teforebujing an Instrument, as I keep one of me largest stocks of PIANOS AND OEGANS IN THE SOUT1I. I can sell you any of theflrst-class manu factures. FROM fl90 UPWARDS. FROM $45 UPWARDS. SKD FOR CATALOGUE. T.Uji- Stone RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : 3a Dock street, between Front and Second, WILMINGTON, N. C. jesotf The Stokley House, pARTIKS IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- tlons at Wright svillewill find the STOKLEY house well supplied with all that is neces sary. Board by the dar, week or month at low rates. Pi? Fish suppers ti order at any hour dur ing the evening. '- All of the delieades of salt water,flsh,crahs, earns, scrimps, ic, furnished to guests. SaiUii? Boats, Fishing Boats.FJshlng Tackle, refurnished on short notice. StOklev Hmivu front a th water and Is wain ioo yards or the Depot, te, , W. n. STOKLEY, Jwtt ProDrietor. 1 W- L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. .FOR GENTLKMrN. !? Safe?11 3 Mamies Sh K the 41pn w..1.1. niakfS thom ns mfnrtJirlP. SS, Xoni8?. 9M( shoe. Buy """W t tv. uniess SLampea on taw .-... W 8 if OK is unex- VfibJS ft S"K 13 woraby all sAa ih,,t bcuol shoe ln toe world. wiSJJ?6 wade in congress, ff.nte w. Li'Ji?.1"' not sold by your deal ?( sale by DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas.. Viagra ecxiip H. VONGLAHN. Wilmington, N, C - m,afelioitotts influence over every Kina Sf biliousness. It restores the J.iver to .r workius order, regulates tho Kcere ' iI.L.f hiif and ruts the dizentivo-orgaus f?frnr.r.tllose costing $5 or $6, and nun S ,0WJ- hand LcAs SUOE, the original a"n-aiade shoes costing from $6 H VOL XII. Mr. Blaine is expected to return I on the City of New York on Wednesl j day. - A big parade is to be given in his; honor. A week or no ago the; managers claimed that 200,000 men; Avould. be in line. They are more ! modest now, putting it on Saturday at 20,000. Hon. Roger O.' Mills addressed the Harlem Democratic Club at their ratification meeting on Saturdav night. There was i an exceedingly large -attendance, notwithstanding the fact that a fearful storm was raging at the time. Among the au dience were hundreds of ladies. It is said that the new Tariff bill now being hatched out in the Seiir ate Committee will be submitted to Boss Blaine for tiis August approval or disapproval, just as soon as lie lauds in this country. As Blaine is about the only big guutl.e Kads can brin? to bear in this tight it will be necessary to have his endorsement of the bill at the outset. And now we are told that it is con sidered iu political circles in Berlin that "the tension between France and Italy is of the most serious char acter." And it is all about "the pro tectorate established by Italy over Zulla." We should smile. These European political tensions are very elastic in their nature. They are constantly being "strainedbutthey neverbreak. Col. Brice, the chairman of the Democratic Campaign Committee, is not very much of a talker. That is to say, he doesn't talk when he hasn't got anything to say and he never gives an opinion unless he has excellent reasons for the faith that is in him. For the first time, on Saturday last, he expressed himself freely as to the issue. He told a New York Star reporter this: "Making all allowances for ithe natural enthusiasm of our corres- fondents for the Democratic cause, feel justified in saying that we will carry Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, each of which has hitherto been Republican in every Presidential election since 1856. V The Sultan of Turkey has a nice little household to keep up. He doesn't do his own marketing, though. According to the New York Herald he has over 6,000 persons about him, to whom three square meals must be given every day. It costs over $41,000,000 a year to keep ud his establishment. Here is the itemized estimate: The estimate is that it costs per year to supply the food for the Sul tan's household, horses and animals, aside from the value of the product of the vast farms, very nearly if not quite $ 5,000,000 Cost of rurniture, beaaing and car pets 3,000,000 Drugs, women's clothes, jewels, cosmetics 10,000,000 Caprices of all kinds 15,000,000 Sultan's clothes and bed ding.:... 2,000,000 Sundries,presents and ser vants' wages 4,000,000 Plate, gold and silver dishes 2,500,000 Carriages, 474 of them 474,000 Total.. $41,474,000 That is a snug little hum,, but it is an under rather than art' over esti mate, as every one who has lived Ions iu Turkey and had means of judging and seeing the reckless ex CT.U . . ill travagance or the rovai nousenoiu will concede. Kvery tittle while one of the Sultanas will tire of her fur niture and order her rooms refur nished, instantly, and this will cause the others to insist upon having theirs doue so, too, and all these changes are verv costly and come under the head of household ex penses. So that large as the sum Appears it is still not large enough. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa- rillaisjust the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength. The Campaign Organ. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint' and settled down to business, We may expect .some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and-oue we can recommend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in showing instruments and giv ing prices. t ltock Cry 8 til Spectacles autl KyeRlasses Advice to old and young: In se luntmir BTtonrtir1. vnn sunn u drchii- tious not to take more .iuaJiifying ; O Mr - " ! u,irrr than has been lost to the eve1 J.-lv. -FeacocK, Wilson. K Uranu vouer tn.aw ijiu uecii lv? ic cc aword Rearn as in the same proportion that vou .VL?ff Vf.i xm.if asm iupNm'c.H . . v; Eugene S, Martin, Wilmington pass that point of increase, will cause E. Grand Warder. you further injury tq the eye. Using; y, P. Suackenburg, Wilson E. classes of stronger uower than is ne-. Grand Sentinel. cessary i me uauy wubo r ture old age to the sight, loucan gei the best at He.nsberger'ei Mill WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY. AUGUST 6, LOCAL. ITBWS- IKDKX TO New Advebtisemknts. Exhausted Vitality barker's Ilain Balsam Johnston & son Guns M M Katz Special Bargains V C Miller Cigars, cigarettes . v & a R it change of Schedule IIkinsbebgeu -Copying Presses Island Beach Hotel Now Open Louis 11 Meabes Flannel Shirts Mks.E B Wiggins Visitors to jhft City Bank or New Hanotek DiyideTdjNotice Burglars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Bund Locks, sold at Jacobi's. Dog collars. Largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. The directors of the Bank of New Hanover have declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent., payable on and after the 9th iust. Hands Wanted. Fifty experienced hands wanted on pants at once. N. ne but experi enced hands need apply. I. SHRIER, Clothier and Hatter, 16 N. Front street. Bathing Suits. Come down to Headquarters. 25 dozen Flannel Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t A Fine Game. That was a very fine game played on" Saturday afternoon, between the Acme and the Clarendon Base Ball Clubs. It is said to have been some of the best playing ever seen on the Seaside Grounds. The issue was hotly contested and resulted in fa vor of the Clarendons, 6 to 4. Personal. Mr. Jno. R. Marshburn, of Pender county, was in the city to-day and paid us a pleasant visit. Col. Jesse Hargrave, of j Laurel Hill, who has been spending a few days at Capt. Manning's hotel, at Wrightsville, left this morning on his return home. The Next Horticnltural Fair. The North Carolina State Horti cultural Society will hold its sixth annual Fruit Fair with the Wake County Horticultural Society, at Raleigh, N. C, Wednesday and Thursday, August 15th and lGth, 1888, in Metropolitan Hall. Over $500 cash premiums offered, open to the State. Every county in the State requested to compete. Hon. D. (t. Fowle will deliver the address of welcome on Wednesday, the 15th, at 11 :30 a. m. Rev. O. W. Sanderlin will deliver the Annual Address on .Wednesday at 12 in. The Island Beach Holel. There is fine sport now at the Hummocks. The Island Beach Ho tel is now completed and fully pre pared for the reception of guests. There are many there now, some from the city and some from the up country and those who have stop ped there say that the rooms are all delightfully situated, cqol, airv and with a fine view, and that the house is in every respect well kept. Fish ing, bathing and sailing parties are organized every day from among the guests and the facilities for en joyment are really unlimited. The Knights Templar, The next copclave of the Kuightos Templar will be held in this city immediately after t he meeting of the Grand Chaptor next year. The. fol lowing officers were elected at Wiustou, last week as we learn from the Twin-City Daily: J. A. Porter, Asheville R. E. Grand Commander. E. M. Nadal, Wilson V. E. Dep. Grand Commander. F. N. Glover, Charlotte E. Grand Generalissimo. A. H. Stubbs, Greensboro E. Grand Chapter Genl. Thos. N. Pritchard. Wilmington E. Grand Prelate. 1 Francis H. ' Moye, Wilson E. Grand S. W. Sauil. H. Smith, Winston E. Grand J. W. Wm. Simpson, Raleigh E. G.ranq' Treas. - Horace H. MrmSiuit Wilmington E. Grapd S&cty. t.. i ' i is M"' M'y'M't vakw v -Jjas. u. Glenn, Greepsboro n. Griind Standard Bearer. xw t.,, ua uaonaB t Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at j Jacobl,8.Hdw..Depot. t j The Old Showman. Old John' Robinson, the veteran showman, died in Cincinnati on Sat urday. He was 82 years of age. --He was one of our earliest recollections, of the time when he used to visit Wilmington with his circus and pitch the tent on the ,lO!d Academy Hill,!1 and on the site of the present City Hall vard. Jimmy Robinson, hisspn waa.then-a mere lad and!aiul stationary temperature. used to do some wonderful bare back riding, even in those early days. Lots of Skipjack. There lias been some very line fishing at the Hummocks for two or three days past. One day, not more than a week ago, the channel was found to be full of skipjack. There was an immense quantity of them and they were found to be ravenous ly hungry; so hungry, in fact, that in some instances they bit at the bare hook. It didn't take long to find out all this and soon the bridge was lined, on either side, with fish ermen. The catch was a very fine one. It is said, with the wind from the West, as it'has been to-day, it is likely that there will be more good sport there to-day, and we have gone down to. try it. Will report progress to-morrow. Fishing on Sunday. Morally, it is wrong to angle for fish on on Sunday; legally, it is not. The law reads: It shall be unlawful for any person to fish on Sunday with a seine, drag net or other kind of net, except such as are fastened to stakes; and any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than twelve months. This is a law and a strange one it is to us. It could be bettered and it ought to be bettered. It is good enough as far aslt goes but it ought to go further or be repealed. As it stands now a man can fish on Sun day with a line, but not with a net, more of a distinction, it seems to us, than a difference. We don't think it right to fish on Sunday, either with a net or with a hook and line. Capt. Ben Robinson Dead. We are sorry to hear that an old friend, Capt. Benjamin Robinson, is dead. He died at Pensacola Thursday afternoon. The Fayetts ville Journal says: A telegram from Pensacola, Fla., this morning, to Capt. Jno. A. Rob inson, brought the sad intelligence of the death at that place of his brother, Capt. Benj. W. Robinson. He had been sick for some time, and was confined to his bed about six weeks prior to his death which oc curred yesterday afternoon. During his confinement he was a great suf ferer, and death was a relief. He was a son of the late Dr. Benj. W. Robinson, of blessed memory, and was possessed of one of the brightest intellects which this State has pro duced. He was a graceful, facile writer, and as an orator, few there were who could eclipse him. He was the publisher of the first paper published here after the war the Daily- News. This was afterward changed to a weekly. Since that time he was prominent in journalis tic circles. As a . soldier and a fatriot fighting for the Confederacy, le knew no fear. He left Fayette ville, his native place, about ten years ago, and settled in Florida, whither his family went about three years ago. At the time or his death he was surrounded by his loved ones. His wife is the sister of our townsman, Mr. G. G. Myrover, and of Mr. J. II. Myrover, associate editor of the Greensboro Daily Patriot. The family left to mourn his death consists of his wife, three sons and three daughters. He was about 50 years of age. Capt. Robinson was well known here, where he resided not long af ter the war, engaged in newspaper work, and where he retained the es ;teem of many friends. He was a good Confederate soldier and a fine, clear, forcible writer. He went into literature somewhat and published several novels. He was at one time, we think, in newspaper life atjWash ington City. Peace ta his ashes ! A CHILD KILLKI1. . . Another child killed by the use of oDiateseriven in the form of Soothe ing syrup, why mothers give tneir i iVuli-V' i t.j j: j' ji i,. UU DUOU UCWJ1Y IJUIOUll 10 O'" prising when they can relieve the ehlld or its peculiar troubles by us- . w Aclror'u Rhr 5rthAr It ran- ij11? Acker8;iiaby Soother. It con- j tains no Opium or .Morphine. Sold , by Munds Bros., druggists. ! , I 1 Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is at H eins herder's. - t MftRkK ttln Klfi Jth j is at Heina 1888. NO 155. NEW OVBRCtSEMLaV BIG f f 5.00O CLEVELAND ANUTHURMAN ! ry iiuji. yv. l.. nisssjtL, ni iiiu ui r. uieveiana, exquisite steel portraits. Vorprq' crt ridge Box, Free Trade PoUey, complete. , Agents at work report . imjnense aug6 4w . Indications. Fjor North Carol ina, , local rains At 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock - and 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer at this office registered 94 degrees. . City Court. Thos. Jefferson, Jno. Mosely, Gus Walker, Joe Johnson, Walter Scott, alias Hog Beer, Walter Holmes, William Mason and Larry Davis, larceny. Mason, Davi&and Holmes were discharged; the others were held to the next term of. Criminal Court. -. G. A. Carter, drunk and down, $10 or 20 days. , The Young Rascals ! . Capt. John L. Boatwright was victimized last Saturday night by a lot of graceless boys, all colored, and all quite young. They poked a tarred stick throuerh an iron win dow grating and thus managed to abstract $10 from the money desk. They were caught, after having parted with nearly all of the money, and were before the Mayor this morning, who sent them on to the Criminal Court. This morning Mr. Joe Hanby,who keeps a grocery store at the corner of Eighth and Dock streets, stepped into Capt. Boatwright's store and showed him a$10 bill,, with some tar adhering to it, which he said had been brought to him Friday by a young colored boy, with the statement that his mother had sent for a can of lobster and wanted the change for '' the $2 bill. .Mr, Hanby thought there , was some thing wrong and gave the boy the lobster and $1.85 in change. As soon as he heard of. Capt. Boat wright's loss he carried the bill down and showed it to him and gave him $8 of the money. NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. Dividend Notice. IHE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF NEW Hanovers have declared a semi-annual divi dend of i per cent., payable to Stockholders of record of this date, on and after the 9th Inst. S. JL. WALLACE, aug 6 It Cashier. No. 7, Wilmington Seacoast (?. R IN EFFECT AUGUST 6, 1888, AT 6:30 A. M From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave 7.45 a. m. Leave. 10:25 a. n. Leave 4 00 p. m. Leave. . ...... 6UJ0 p. m: Leave 10:00 p. m Leave 6:30 a. m Leave lh30 a. m Leave 3:00 P. m Leave 5:00 p. m Leave... 7:55 p. m J. H. CHADBOURN, Jr., aug 6 tf General Manager. ISLAND BEA0H HOTEL; o- NOW OPEN DANCING, FISHING. FISH SUPPER, SAILING, BOATINGL, C W. A. BRYAN, aug 6 tf Proprietor Fish and Oysters. E WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY our friends and the Dublic eeneraliv that we have opened a Fish, Oyster, Egg and Gen eral Produce Depot at No. 15 Dock street, be tween Front and Water, where we will he pleased to see them and All promptly all or ders entrusted to our care. . Respectfully, ' 1 jy313m G. G. AMAN & CO. Jno. F. Lt Grand, V .Jr. . ZZr?:1 A11" iv v firm of A. A. Brown Jc Co.. Commission Vnrfhllt nfflpo In fha VamYxnar llnlliiinrr Na Water street. WillglTe prompt attention to auDuaness. t. t Kepresents some of the hest houses to the country . Invites Corres pondence. . jei3lydw. - . j iJOtlCe. I TEE DlILY kettew Land solicit Vfiw subscribers, - ; . f . . PLEASE KOTICE. - Ye : win: fce glad to receive cosuausicatlo from our mends on any. ana ill reject general Interest, hut : . The name ot the writer mist always be fori mshea to the Editor. .4 ' Cfcinmmu'caUons must he written only a one side of the jpaper. ' -: ; I i - Personalities must he avoided. - And it is especially and particularly undcrw stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondciits anless so states in the editorial colutfms-"- H n AGKXTS WANTED at once t0 supply Ten miBBAHU BROS.", Philadelphia, Pa. GLEAEING SXLE 1 AT 110 Market St. yE WILL CONTINUE. TO "OFFER TDLs" week many more Bargains to mate room for FALL STOCK, Bargains in - . . . . -a WHITE COOdJg - .Bargains . , -' - - i - " DRESS GOODS, . Bargains lii " Bargains in - - Bemnants Embroideries I Will 0p8n Monda;y, Aug, 6, 404nchSecxnd Mourning: Rajre Lama worth 73c for 60ct ' - ; f-:X -' " 43-inch Black Henrittajworth si for 80e. Drap Avenue de Sole, worth 81 fer 75c. ana ' ' ' " ' many more new Ctoofls. ' ,7 rf V ' . ;"Uu:-iv;: : REMEMBER .77;' - : - Ex t ra Bargain.Oay, Thursday, AT THE CASH HOUSE OF . W,M.M M 116' Market Street, WILMINGTON, N C. jyio 1 1 M O BEVOLVEBS. Send stamp for Ut U IX O price list to Johnston Ss'&ov, aug 6 4w t f Pittsburgh, renn. HAIR OALuAU dea&Ms and hetcatiflea tb hair. Promote a laxoriant growth. . Never Fail to Restore Gray Hair fo its Yeeihful Color. Puree 5calpdlaeeajylhlrf King 60c.atPiiii'" ' 0 HIIMDEnCORrJC. The safest Boreet and beet cnreforCcrrwuBwnton, fi (tops ail vedu Ensures comfort to the feet, hercr uM boura ' lieetita at Druggists. IUsgqx A Oo 24. J ang ft W ..; :,7-7;T ; v 7?,. ',tV' :-. . - EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIdCU 01 . UFEf tlM gre Medical Work of tin ageoaKtchoodTen " cms and Phji-I De billty. Premature Do cline, Errort of YooD t W10W THYSELF and the untold miser consequent thereon, 300 pare 8 vol, 125pre xaipuons iorau aiee&sea. uoto, iou ruu or. j rj mail, sealed. Ulofltmive sample free to aJ yooof md miadle-aged men. Send now. The Gold azy! fewled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation ll Medical Association. Address P.O. Box 1S35,15o jon, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, irradaateof Uai rard Medical CoUege, 25 year' practice in lioeton, jrho may be consulted confldentiallr. once, ItO. tBoIflnchSt. Specialty, Diseases of MZJ ' 1 Cut this smt. Yon may never e it ml3r : aug 6 iw : .-:-rs-?.. HOWELL & CUHUEIG- ii

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