I I ,nir Sundays excepted tl: r ff0 POSTAGE PAID: months $2.00. 'fbree one montn, 35 cents, be delivery carriers, free Sartor tnc city, at the above is I cental rates lipase report any JT Sive tueir paper regulariy. ftfrtfl ... " and Twe mrl LIVER i f... marked pecaliaritie. t Ul J V. - earincss and pains In the limb - taste iu Hie mouth;. 1 SJmtSu occasional attacks 4 H'lSne and yellowness of kin - .sof appetite. -i Heartbw jgtoinacliand bowels 7 i.uiiatlOBwl j, PiKitudcuud n disposition dMj-r. iv..rrtbius for to-morrow., . A Ll health. Wlien this it "results iu - . aowuw--" BlLIOulbriiiad, i tAOffcf 4a earlnnv Tblf- simmous Li vcr I tegnlator c xerts frlk tous infl uence over every kind rfJfrSfSs order, regulates tho Rccrc PI?ead ruts the digestive organs h S tiouihat they can do their incr taking this medicine no ri"ttS-'' - : Ibrt been subject io severe spell of Con- , :r ami have been in the Tiabit of i; to 20 grains cf calomel which gCD- v p r ,hree or foi,r days- 'y 1 iThee taking Simmons liver . Regulator. - ae relief without any interruption to j--J. Huoc. MiJdleport, Ohio. . OXIY GEJrUIJTE; : An frtl f Wnnvr UHHUil'' n.u v.. ... . iot a te lstp W wi j en sat, I VOL. XII. WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1888. NO 157. The lie wg of the result English Derby was iruJ" .u to Australia m one. hour and four minutes, 'which is be- ? t a - - iiHveu io oe tne fastest , time ieyer issue made between those points. Of the last PortnAn fiaa 'nn'",.i.' 1- ' il.: 1, -r - - . - vm luc, jb. tut; ub-i i . uci, ui iub f urjr. telegraphed Hcious beverage. Itr is rooi ViPftlrhv ! Horonpr AfiaiWW-.i,i and safe provided you don't drink 'this morning and held an inquest i a case at a sitting See ad.- in this over the ho1i? f rtai-i BaWt i;o . - - , ' J . kMllkl Vf UtM . - - j "Dutch Charley," of whose suicide an account was published English PIAJOS AND ORGANS-' KITE TO ME FOR PRICES AND TERMS as I keep one w Vf. burin? an Instrument. bfite largestjjtocks of WANOS AND ORGANS IS THE SOUTH . Inn sell you any of tnernrst-ciass mana- licrures. FROM $190 UPWARDS.' Org FROM (4ft tJPWAKDS !EiD FOR CATALOGUE. J.Io. Stoxie RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : -aDocit street, benveen Front andSecond, WILMINGTON, "N. C. JeaOtf v - The Stokley House, miES IS WANT OF A CCOMMODA- ansatWriffhtsvi lift will find the STOKLET j wlsk well supplied witn all that is neces 1 Beard bj tae day, week or montn at low PlZ Fish snBDers tn nrrtpr at. nr hour dnr. figthe evening. iu of the delicacies of salt water.flsJa.crabs, ouiuups, 4c, rurnisnea 10 guests. - SifllllirBoafS richlntr Unots Vtchlnff TllPlrlA f StOtlPT noncu frnnto tYio vca tar anti Is uuia twyaras of the Depot. u,6ff W.H.STOKLKY, Proprietor. V" DOUCLA s3SHOE. FOK GliNTLKMFN. S3 Samless Shoe in the t aalJTthoat tacks or ntl. As stvl- 2tSTS2 tho'ct or teTand N'nWi "uiu &ewea saoe. Buy r Vnuine unless stamped on shoes costing -which from $6 rtorhP'SO SHOE Is unex- -'j car. tho kqc. t is is worn oy aii e t school shoe In the world. tPfin in .k. tlZxT ttade in congress, Jar sale by DOIJGIS, BroKUiir Mas.. Tiie atmosphere on.,the t.iiaiiiiol . was recently rarefied to such a degree that objects between thirty "and forty miles from Dover and Fol ke.stone'ConId clearl' be dis tinguished with the uake'd eye. The attendance at the Michigan. Agricultural 'Cqilege is greater than ever before and it is jthoucrht that our, hundred students will be en rolled, next year. Fifty-one grad uates of the institution are presi dents or professors mother colleges. . .- . A year of high license in Pennsyl vania has done awav with more hau seven thousand drinking sa loons, which many .years of high protection had 'enabled the festive Pennsylvatiians to support with ease. Seven thousand odd saloons and the same otd protection still ilourish there - The Mail aud Express says there were 2,000 women at a recent Mon mouth Park, N.J.,-race. Some of theui travelled fifty miles in order to wager money on the horses. A few years ago it was a rare thing for a " " j. i woman to Dec on a norse race, out ivr- tohw r w,wi QnA mnrh f now the matter has gone so far that K)r Thos. F. Wood, of this city, and ' 1! 1 1 I . ' ' Mr. R. B. Wood, Jr., of Brunswick, Ga. She died this forenoon, at 11 a. mM in the 74th year of her age. The funeral services will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, from St. Paul's P. E. Church. one racing association has provided a special place where women may wager money without restriction. Get rid of that tired "feeling as ouick as possible. Take Hood's Sar- saparilla, which gives strength, a good appetite and health. Ixdxx.to Nkw Advertisements. M M Katz Special Bargains Heinsbebgkr -Copying Presses . Louis H Mkakes Flannel Shirts KuHBLaNK, Agt Portne'r's Beer John Sholak Builder and Contractor t Mrs E B WiaoiNS-rVisltors to the city : Fly Traps, best "and Jacobi'8 Hdw. Depot. cheapest, at t Burglars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobr s. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing. at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. - - -, t The Sylvan Grove carried down about 200 to Carolina Beach this forenoon and a good crowd this af ternoon. City Court. f " ovuunt was puDiisnea nere yes Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol- .f T.he iay was composed of lowing PftKs r.i ,nnmin.- owmg: uavia jacoos, uore- Sam Jones,- disorderly conduct, case continued. William Howe, stealing a ride on street car, !fc5 or 10 days. Asbury Park and Ocean, Grove Gazette: Ex-Mayor S. H. Fishblate of Wilmington, N. C, is stopping at the Oriental. He appears to behav ing a first-class, time and speaks highly of this hotel. He i a red hot Democrat ahA states that North Carolina will v give Cleveland and Thurman and the State ticket forty thousand majority. As will be seen by notice else where 'Mr. -John Sholar, the well known builder and contractor, has again located in this city and is now prepared to erect buildings of any kind that may be desired. He is prepared to do the work either un der contract or as superintendent, as may be agreed upon. Death of. Mrs. Wood. We regret very much to learn of the death of that most estimable Christian lady, Mrs. Wood, wife of ! man; O. O. Vollers, L. W. Davis, J. W. Yarborough, G. W. Penny i and W. JI. Bradley: The verdict f the jury was that "the deceased, Carl Dabit, alias Dutch Charley,' came to his death on August 7, .1888, byl cutting his 6wnthroatwTth a razors Don't, forget the excursion to morrow on the Sylvan Grove, to Car olina Beach, to be given by the ladies of Grace M. E. Church. The boat will leave her wharf promptly at 9:30 o'clock. Hands Wanted. Fifty experienced -hands wanted on pants at once. None but experi enced hands ueed apply. I. SHRIER, . Clothier and Hatter, 16 N. f'ront street. There was another fine day for the fishermen yesterday at the Hummocks. The channel is still full of 'skipjack aud all day long the anglers stood on the bridge, coaxing them out of the water. Quite a arge catch was the result. ; Bathing Suits- Coim? down to Headquarters. 25 dozen. Flannel Bathing Suits, iu all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing jrices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t The Campaign -Organ. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint and settled down to business, We may expect some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and one we can recommend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in showing instruments and giv ing prices. - . T Koek Crystal Speetacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se ecting spectacles you should be cau- ious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne eessary is the dally "cause of prema ture out age to thenghu- xou can get the best at He.nsoerger'si ' If you want; to feel comfortable and well all you heed is a good Ham mock. You win una tue largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber I gers, j ' ; t Hood's Political Points A handy little book for the Presi dential campaign; is just out. It contains finely engraved portraits and sketches of the' candidates for President and Vice-President (Rep., Deoi. and Pro.) electoral and popu lar vojes in previous elections and ether use f u I i nf ormation. Copies may be had free at the druggists, or by sending a 2-cent stamp to C. I. Hood & Co , Lowell, Mass. d &w It Don't Give Him Whiskey. Don't give a man whiskey when he is overcome by the heat. It is one of the last things to be adminis- tered.in a case of sunstroke. When the skin is dry and hot, as is fre quently the case, hold the head up and pour cold water on it. If the water is pouredj from a height o seyeral feet so much the better. Then get a physician on the spot as quick as you can. But don't give the patient whiskey, unless under instructions from a physician. Heath from the Heat. A colored man named Montgom ery .Wvatt. employed -as a crank- hand by Capt. G. B. Newcomb,road master of the W. & W. Railroad, was sunstruck yesterday afternoon, at the four-mile post on the road, while on the way to the city with the road-master's crank car, and died just after reaching the depot, about half-past 4 o'clock. Wyatt'i body was sent last night to his home at Richmond, Va.v for inter ment. The car left Wallace yester day morning for,the city and wa taken off the track at Wrightsboro to allow a freight train to pass. Jus as he stepped from the car Wyatt was overcome by the heat, and fell. The Adrentists. The Piedmont A. C. Conference will convene in this city to-morrow at 12 o'clock in the Second Advent Baptist Church. Elder J. A. Cargile, the Southern evangelist, and several other minis ters of the Advent faith are expect ed. The business of the Conference will be introduced -each day at 11 o'clock .with a sermon from the dif ferent ministers, discussing the doc trine of Adventism. , .There will also be preaching each night during the meeting at 8 o'clock. The public are most cordially invited and es pecially those who desire to know something of the peculiar views held and taught by Adventists. These people are of the opinion that this dispensation is about to close and it may be well for us to hear what they have to say upon the sub" ject. . . On next Tuesday, after the Confer ence adjourns, the church expects to take an excursion on the Sylvan Grove to Carolina Beach. There Trill be several mountaineers along wfco hare neyer seen the ocsan. - Tried to Steal a Horse. An attempt was made sometime during ttie-night to steal the horse, of Mr. Geo. Sj Willis, foreman of this office; : from the stable on his premises on Princess street, between Sixth and Seventh. Nothing was known of it. however, until this morning", when it was plainly seen that a great scuffle had taken place between the mare and her intending abductor, and it was evident that she had strenuously; refused to. al low herself to be taken from the stable, although he succeeded in getting the bridle on" her. There Is no clue to the parties. Young Men's Iemocratic Club. There will be a meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club " of New Hanover County, at the blub rooms in Linder's Hall, corner of Orange and Front streets, this even ing at half-past eight o'clock. As the committee on constitution and by-laws will report at this meeting, it is important that the full member ship of the club be on hand to hear w hat changes are made. The com mittee on constitution and by-laws consists of H. Freeman, T. J, Pickett and J. C. Morrison, Esqs. The delegates appointed to attend the State Association of Democratic Clubs which will meet at Morehead August 28th, consists of Messrs. H. McClammy, chairman, F.L. Meares Jas. Barr and A. S. Holden. A CHILD KXI.UD. Another child killed by the use of opiatesgiven in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison: is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar ; troubles by us ing Acker's Baby Soother. It con tains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Munds Bros., druggists. ii IU BHSM iWSSSSUSllWBSSSSiLSBMBSl . DIED. ' WOOD In this .rttyvat.il o'clock Wednes day, the 8th inst., MARY ANN, wife oi Robert B. Wood, in the 74th year of her age. Funeral services from St. Paul's Church at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. N RWADVERTIS EMENT3. Builder and Contractor, HAVING DETERMINED DEFINITELYTO locate again In Wilmington, I respectfully offer my services to the citizens of Wilming ton as a Builder, Contractor and Superinten dent. I will . do ' my utmost to please . and think that I can give satisfaction In every case. For the present parties desiring m:r ser vices will please address me through city P.O. - Respectfully, aug8 lmnac JOHN SHOLAR. . we tna t?r':itr- :?o c trosL;c?t.st::...S c... llj zzl L2i grxcraii2Ltc:w-'t"-S .':' - .. ,;' - ... - , The name cf the writer mist 1-273 t: nlahed to tia Editor. r -1 v oommnalrations pust be' rnttca cu one side of tlie paper. ; : " - . ' Personalities nuit t avcio. , And it is especiallT sua particularly rr;; r stood thai the Editor does not alwaja eocrj .the news of corressontfents 6Xea."'so "stsxca in the editorial coltaaas. ' . ; new, Apycirgiairrrr;', ISLAND BEAOflnOTEL, N07 0PE17 ! Portner'o B eer IS THE BEST. -gVERYBODY SAYS SO. THERE IS NO Bottled Beer in this country to equal it. During this hot weather it is vthe BEST, CHEAPEST, SAFEST and Healthiest Beverage on the market. ' All orders receive prompt attention . : , E. KUHBLANK, Agent, - Depot N. Second st., near Princess. aug s 3t . : Sunday-School Excursion. Q.RACE M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL give an Excursion to Carolina Beach on the Sylvan Grove, Thursday, August 9th, 1888. It is earnestly desired by the management that all the friends of Grace Church will attend. The boat will leave the dock at 9 30 prompt ly. Whole tickets SO cents. Children's tickets 25 cents. The ladles will serve refreshments on Board. aug7 2t T The Meteoric Zone. " The August nights from this date to the 15th will be enlivened by the display of meteors, which are sure to decend throngh the atmosphere in greater or less numbers. The meteors, as is well known, come from the grea t meteor zone whose perihelion is on the earth ts orbit and whose aphelion extends beyond the bounds of Neptune, the most distant star in the solar system The earth, about the 10th, plunges throngh the zone, the meteors are set on fire by the concussion of the earth's atmospnere ana descena 1 n the form of shooting stars. For The Tournament. . One week from to-day the Fire men's Tounament t opens here. It will continue through the 15th, 16th and 17th, inst. The programme for the entertainment and amusement of the firemen is as follows: Wednesday .afternoon, August 15th. there will be a parade of all the fire companies aud apparatus. The companies win form in line in front of the City Hall, where the visiting firemen will be publicly welcomed. The new truck, ordered for the Wilmington Hook and Lad der Company. No. 1, will be christ ened and turned over to that com pany, after which the parade will be continued, and at tha conclusion of parade, the companies will dis. band to be entertained by the home firemau. At night there will be a grand display of fireworks at Island Beach Hotel. ThursdajMnorning, August 16th. the differencorapanies will contest for the prizes offeree!. In the after noon the Wilmington Fire Depart ment will give an excursion compli mentary to the visiting firemen on the elegant side-wheelsteamer Syl van Grove, to Carolina Beach, where they will engage in surf bathing and other pleasures. In the evening upon the return of the steamer a banquet will be given at the City Hall," where the prizes will be award ed to the victorious companies. Friday, August 17th, another ex cursion complimentary te the visit ing firemen will be given on the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad to Wrightsville Sound and the Hum mocks, where surf bathing, sailing. etc, Will be the order rof ; the day. No. 7. . :r Wilmington Seacoast R. R IN EFFECT AUGUST 6, 1868, AT 6:80 A. M if -rx IIS From Wilmington, Leave....... 6:30 a. m Leave........ 9-.30a.rn Leave.. 3:00 p. m Leave.. 5:00 p.m. Leave 7:55 p. m From Hummoeks. Leave...:... 7.45a.m. Leave. . . . . . .Ift25 a. m. Leave 4 00 p.m. Leave.. 6:30 p. m. Leave 10KW p. m Dancing, 'V- ; ; Fish Supper; : Sailing,?; : ;:Bqhting, ;Cic. - Lukca IO and 1C ct8! , W. a; BRYAN, augetf . ; . : proprietor CLEAEING SAXE I AT KMMM llGJEIarlrot St. K WILL CONTINUE TO OFFER THIS week, many more Bargains to mate room for : fall' stock, Bargains id WHITE GOOD ; DRESS GOODS,' " ' Bargains in aug 6 tf J. H. CHADBOUEN, JR., General Manager. Barcrainsin Excursions to the Rocks; Remnants Ernbroiderica I Cf TEAMER "LITTE WINNIE" WILL LEAVE O wharf, foot of Nun street, at 8 a, m. Tues- days and Thursdays and 5 p. m. Saturdays, lie turning will leave tiie Rocks at 3:30 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and 4 a, m. on Men- days. Fare for round trip 35 cents. Ready ior cnaner at au tunes. , v. a. bkkkx. augilw - . Master. (lien of Buoineoo ! ysj E BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUB ATTEN- tlon to the revolution in Letter Copying Presses produced by putting the Challenge Press open the Market;' The Challenge', takes tne place of other Copying Presses with many ad vantages over aU of tfcenv; v ' It is the easiest and Quickest operated Copy ing Press on the market. , One motion of the Lever does the work and insures an instantaneous copy. it requires no special stand or screws to iasten it in position. price $10 ror Press Holding loxis books. For Sale at , . - HEINSBERGER'S aug 3 . .. ... Will Open Monday, Aug. 6, 10-lnch Second Mourning Raye Lama worth 75c for 60c. 48-inch Black nenritta ; worth 81 cor coc. - . Drap Avenue da Sole, worth 01 lor 7Cc and many more new Goods. r . . ' JSJEEBLBaMBSIt Extra Bargain Bay; Thnrzilzy, AT THE CASH HOUSE OF M;.ia.E (7 S r-7 . i - "MACINAW" ONLY GENUINE "MACINAW" HATS "BOU) IN WILMINGTON. " LOUIS H. MEARES. . 12 NORTH. FRONT, Gentlemen's Furnisher and'Hatter J716 116 Harltet Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. howell & cunnniB Sharpie Bobert E. Lee, ZfAPT. G. W. SMITH, WILL TAKE PARi ties from the Hummocks to any point on the souna or out to sea. sne is nttea witn com fortable seats and will accommodate forty passengers- Parties taken Fishing, Trolling, j sailing or to the Blackflsh Grounds outside. I For terms apply on board. -. .. aug 1 tf Fish and Oysters. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY our friends and the nubile trenerallr that we have opened a Fish. Oyster. E?srand Gen eral i-roauce uepoii at sso. liock screCb. De- tween Front ana water, where we will all pleased to see them and nil. promptly uera euinmeu iu our care. Respectfully, . Jy312m ? - v Q. G. AM AN & CO. V; C gars, Cigarettes, S be or- JCE COLD SODA " WATER AND MILK SHAKES. Also a foil line of Dru-s. Patent T. - : . ; AT . " .V, Medlrtnes, Soaps, Perfumeries, Hair Brushes, The leading feature of this day will a, can be found at ; rjoyppon. j would respe ctftjxl y a-ov:;cz m my ineaas and the pnblic rr- - - now nuiy prepared to serve t 1 ened a Firt Tor, xzll , .. . ing Gallecr- at tho r.r. 7. . re.csand Geil.. jy H H ;, Lower 123 c: u - Ih3Vf I;;.vi- : 1 J t rrs. Headquarters fcr X' - T

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