THIS "PAPER 4 ; : PLEASE KOTICE. K - . We . will bo glai to'recclvo coramuxlcfttio from our. trlenaa on any and ail subject genral iateiiest, but Tbe name of tie writer must always' be fur nished to tne Editor. . .' . Commnnlcatlona must be written only m one side of the paper. : ' 1 1 Personalities must be avoided, And it is specially and particularly under, stood that tne Editor does sot always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. , rMES, Editor and Prop. 0NS, POSTAGE PAID: slx months $2.00. Three i no. ou,. month, : cents. p0C delivered by carriers, free ty4" .r. of the city, at the above ,, ,rt Of I an) V il ' IB week- VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY. AUGUST 13, 1888. NO 161. j TIT il V- A TP IT KETI U Al L I y y NSTIPATIOK v . tf ,pr of Diseases ."be-? 1se!ed t'lP 0 medium through th:rKeo ortenattftck8 the system ,hifftdisf.'4 riSiou of poisonous gases in , cUeTrteMved and effete matter , &a'i 1 1-owels. It is caused j S5 Livcf not enough bile belngj tat old . i. iirrKl to nrodnce VIZ ni and ls generaUy l&wtoTucU results - . Bad Breath, etc. .,nt of Constipation does not 1 tMK iu i unloading the bowels. mas1 I? ni miit not only a ct as a purga Tiemedl.c'o tnnic as well, and not produce ! er its nse wltuou changing i&inizingtaostem j .jr.iWntien. after suffering with - Jto woorthrte years, was called to Simmons SitHtor, anl having tried almost every KSSeoncIuded to try it. I first took a ,nd afterwards reduced the dose to a rJK,-. d: rcctions. after each meal. 1 Sd onTmesomuch good that I it until I took two bottles. Since then I S5e5Sienced any difficulty. .1 keep it in KSe d would not be without it, but have 2efor having cured me -Gko.W. Sub, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ua. Take only the Genuine, Vfta fcas on the Wrapper the red wm Trade mark aad Signature of " J. H. ZEILIN & CO jorjgtclsrpdiwly cn sat PIANOS AND ORGANS- KITE TO -'It. run i'juv.iujau rn.iv.uo .... ....I. IlllTlll'll . TLTl fit L I f w,irp buvincr an Instrument, as I Keep one tw largest stocks of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. I can sell you any of the'nrst-class manu- hetures. FROM flOO UPWARDS. Org a 3a.s FROM $45 UPWARDS. SSO B'OR CATALOGUE. JiX-ji RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : to Dock street, between Front and "Second WILMINGTON, N. C. Je 3D tr The Stokley House, ARTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMOMA uonsatWriijhtsville will find the STOKLEY House wen supplied with all that ls neces sary. Board hy the tav. week or month at low mes. Pit Yish sinr i s t o nnler nt an v hour dur ing me evenini Ail of the deUcin .-- of salt wate.r.flsh.erabs. lams, shrtmns. av rurnishfirt to miests. silUny; Hoars, Fishing Boats.Flshing Tackle furnished on shnrr nntlrp. fStokley House fronts the water and 13 it!iiB 100 yards ot the Dopot. W. II. STOKI.EY, Proprietor. I. DOUGLAS s3SHOE. FOK GEXTLEMFN. SiA'i.1" 3 Seamless Shoe in the ?sM rt,TX,r.,u,nt tacks or nail. As Styl- no tapt uose ting $5 or $6, and Sthe wornails to wear the stocking t5?ltnrtinr; makes tQem as comfortable S1. Xnrl a nand sewed shoe. Buy toai'-v it Apen"ine unless stamped on tr. L n ' u ugias $3 Shoe, warranted." Si0Mj hanrt LAS 4 SHOE, the original S3 custom n"ed welt a1".- wnicn io om-made shoes costing from . W torlV01 As 8 J.50 SlIOK Is nnex- "C"J wear. ttauVffi i SUOK 13 worn by all k48 tbe iii st 8011001 oe n tne world. udL,a,re maJe in congress, V111 W.f Wf, I not sow by your deal ,0r Sale by lOUGLAS ltrocktin, Mass. SSaeodln H. VONGLAHN, ewip WUrriijagtoTc ; ym. izingin Broad Open J W 4. um v - 1 0 ID THE STEEN-ROUCLERE lvj' M ifWM-- i THE GREAT AiD LOCAL 3SnSWS- Index to New advertisements. Lot A Purse M M Katz Special Bargains F C Miller Cigars, Cigarettes Heiksbebger -Copying Presses Sylvan Grove Carolina Beach Louis II Meares Flannel Shirts MRS E B Wiggins Visitors to the City L Zh w ' S1,000 Reward I ftf V For Any Fraud, Deception or Trickery. IS ill'W f ho Only R3ediumsRflateriai-p Srssi 1 tl Admission 25, 35and'50 cts. 4 Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t 'I cannot praise Hood's Sar.apa rilla half enousb." a mother wiiose'scn, almost blind with scrof ula. was cured by this medicine. Fishiiifc Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at JacobTs -Hdw. Da? pot. ... . 1 E A H i :o:- :o:- -:o:- ORJLY City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: James Brown, stealing a ride on street cars, $5 or 10 days. William Myers, interfering with a police offcer while in discharge of his dnty, discharged. William New, assault and battery, judgment suspended. Charles Maloy, drunk and down, ;10 or 20 days. Walter Yates, carrying concealed weapon, $10 and costs. Ed Spencer, disorderly conduct, judgment suspended upon payment f costs. Dick Hanslev disorderly conduct, $20 or, 30 days. , ' - Eraanuei'Bell, disorderly, condact, 10or29aa. ; - ULlUU-ltCOiUOl . -- 3 0 MYSTERY COMPANY! MASTER MIND OF PALMISTRY. Secure Seats Ha(U Wanted. One hundred hands wanted on pants. Highest pric paid. N ne but experienced hands need apply. I. SHRIER, Clothier and Hatter, 16 N. Front street. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and yowng: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve ax in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury- to the eye. Using glasse.s of stronger power than is ne cessary is the dailv cause of prema ture old age to the sight. - You can get the best at He.osberger'si . " o The Matchless Manipulators ! O EQUALS OW EARTH ! so their S10,000 Troupe of Educated Dogs. A RAHE TREAT FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS ! SE1STOR ID'JL.03STA.3 at Heinsberger's Book . Store. GlAKU AGAINST THE STKIKK, And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the houe. You cannot tell hovv soon Cronp may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throatr and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Munds Bros., druggists. JThe Campaign CTira. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint and settled down to business, ,We may expect some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and one we can recommend is sold by J. I. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas- l lire in showing instruments and giv ing prices. . i , NEW ADVEBT18EIE.N1!B " LOGt;. r gITnEIf ON GETTING ON STHEET CARS at Tenth ana Market streets or getting off at " the corner of Princess and llith, a Purse, con taining a Lady's Gold Tnimble marked C. E. B. The finder will be suitably rewarded bjr leaving the same at the - - v ' aug 13 3t REYIEW OFFICE. Carolina Beacli. .0 j AM PREPARED TO FURNISH MEALS ON short notice and at any time olday, for "White or Colored, a call, aug U lw Fresh. Fish twice a day. : Give me I ARCHIE FREEMAN. - OAEOLINA BEACH JNTIL FURTHElt NOTICE THE SYLVAN GROVE will leave for Carprina Boacn every week day at 9:30 a. ta. and 3 p. m. f v j;V. HARPER, Gen'l Manager. angll Wow Open. T HAVE OPENED A FIRST CLASS RES TAURANT and LUNCH ROOM at the S. E. orner of Second and Princess streets, also cool and comfortable Rooms. Btard by the aay, week or mnth. : Meals delivered in fray part of the city. Special rates to regular, boarders. - aug 11 lw JOHN KOCH. ' Sb ar p ie Bob ert E.Lee, CAPT. G. W. SMITH, WILL TAKE PAR- lies from the Hummocks to any point oa the sound r out to sea. ... sne is nttea witn cvn f orteble seats " and will accommodate forty passengers. Parties taken Fishing. 'Trolling, Sailing or to tbe Blackflsh Grounds utside. Fer terms apply on board. aug in rJJen of B usi neoG I 7E BEG LEA YE TO CALL Y OUB ATTJBN n to tha revolution in Letter Copying - Presses produced by putttn tne Challenge Press . open the Market. The "Challenge'' takes the . place of other copying Presses with many at- vantages over all ot them. - . , V .. It is the easiest and quickest operated Copy ing Press on tbe market. T - One motion of the Lever does the work and ; insures an instantaneous copy. ; It requires no special stand, or. screws to fasten it in positioa. 1. ; V ; Price $10 for Press holding 10x13 books. For Sale at ... ; v .r, ; HEINSBERGER'S aug 5 ' ' ; Builder and Contractor, HATING DETERMINED DEFINITELT TO1 locate again in Wilmington, I respectfully offer my services to the citizens ot Wilming ton as a Builder, Contractor and Superinten dent. I will do my utmost t please and .think that I con give satisfaction ; in every. case. For tne present parties desiring my ser vices will please addtess me through city P.O. 1 - Kespeetfuiiy,. aug 8 lm nac JOHil SUOLAR. Quarantine Notice. BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANONER. ". TnoMAs F. Wood, M. D., Secretary. . Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 10, 1888. Whereas, It has come to the , knowledge of the county Board of Health of the County of New Hanover that yellowXlfeycr 'exists In Jacksenvllle.Fla., ' If ls hereby declared by the said Board that inland quarantine shall be established this day upon the railroads leading Into this city by authority of the general statutes, Code, Sec. 2883. - It is hereby ordered that two detectives shall be stationed at Meares' Bluff, who shaU thoroughly examine every "sleeper,", and other passenger coaches, forbidding any per sons coming from Jacksonville or tons south of that point entering Wilmington. - itrwjtvea, Tnat a committee of two be ap pointed to wait on the railroad authorities to -consult with them in order to perfect such plans as will thoroughly carry out a sufH- dent quarantine. . . V V- ordered, that the above resolutiens and or ders shall be made public. F. W. POTTER, M. 19., " JonN J. FOWLER, sapt f nealtn. Mayor, Ch'm.. aug lotf .. HOWELL & CUHEIIim w .vr WE: