-ttt VAFSB. Editor and Prop. - BirTioNs.pOSTAGEPAII): ' oft monUls Srear stOH one monl 11,35 cents. rUi aeuveml by carriers, free 144 Zj Pt of the city. M the above rates low and liberal.- twvrs Will please ic"-. facdve their paper regnlarly. : iW7 : 7 PURELY VEGETABLE; .1 .viorJi"' etncaey n in trttft- Sidneys, I and BOWELS; rrtfUAL SPcinq for .? Jiowl Complaints, HiHiit. sicR jjrrfdacne,: ,- T-Sl- illUIoutaeM. ' SJr A. '" Jau1MJJcc, ! lv, tension. - , - Colic. B'.a - i " jstetoMSicnldhlltlioiit Ir: . hrJ.-'i-kfP1- rc-ady for immediate us.-, jwpv an hoar n suffer! ti :iTt diffi i ti'o and doctors' bill. :her is but one - JSHONS LIVER RESULATOIi u tLat jom gt the genuine wiih red "ZV frwi of Wrsppsr. Prepared oitfy by I H ZEIL'N 4 CO.,SUPreprietc.-, ri.U. 1-IUCK.81.00. MTjltclstptiiwly cn sat : , PUXOS AND ORGANS- BITE TO ME FOR PRICES AND TERMS hrf.im bnvin? an Instrument, as I keep one tftte largest stocks of . : v , PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. ImhspII you any of the'flrst -class manu- rCOX $190 UPWARDS. Organ FRO 91 f UPWAKDS. EH FOR CATALOGUE. J. RALEIGH, N. C BRANCH HOUSE : os Dock Street, between Front and 'Second, WILMINGTON, N. C. jesutf The Stokley House, pARllES IN WANT OF ACCOMJVIODA- tKmsatWrtghtsyllle wiu'flnd the STOKLEY bouse well supplied with all that is neces- Board by the day, week or month at low rates. FllF VUh snniirv! In nrrtfr at an V lifirif fllir- lagtae eveniiitf. : ' All of the delicacies of salt wateflsheraDa, clams, sluimps, c, furnished to guests. sId? Boats, fishing Boats,Flshing Tackle, ,niniislifti on short notice. . , J8tokley House fronts the water and Is WMa 100 yards of the Derot. Jeistf W. Li. TCI&.JbX, Proprietor V- L. DOUCLAC 83 SHOE. FOlt GENTLliilFN. 14 Sdi1" 3 Searalew Shoe in the ?lfidrtlJTllhonttack or n&ils. As EtTl- no ttj1(??e costing $5 or $, and 5kthPi?ornalls to wear the stocking Pbe ui??aa a hand sewftd Riioe Buy ttoja IT. t 6wcugc, HOTilUllCU. ! oWy P.L"-LAs 4 shoe, the original Ssffnf6 welt shoe, which om-maoe shoes costing from Vt.ejiJJJ V.GLA8 S3 shoe Is worn by all Aa Use aooi oe In the world. w t?? not sold by your deal Ule b, ;QLAS Brocktin.BIasa. eodip f , 4. ' . "Win genuine unless stamped on H. VONGLAHN, Wilmington. N. C T- h in VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY. AUGUST 21, Index to Nxw Advertisements. 11 31 JK.A.TZ Special Bargains ' SIR3 E B Wiggins Bargains " P C Muxes Cigars, Cigarettes Heinsberger -Copying Presses -Louis H Meakes Flannel Shirts. v Qcken of St John's Moonlight Excursion Change of Sailing Days N .Y4 Wil s S Line ' ' - . ". ; Rice birds .Will - soon be iui . order now. Skipjack, are 'biting like doss" e ow at tfie Sound and the Hiun MrJ" Joliu Scarborough has been appointed teiuporarily a health offi cer of the city. : ; Eggs are scarce and high here now and tkFrarfJifiutrfet:-pn the mar ket.. .Send them in.. , It is evident that we have had the merest touch to-day o! the storm which has been raging dawn in the Gulf. - : . ,Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired? Hoed's Sarsapa1 rillais just the medicine to purify your blood and"giv$ you strength. .Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's lldw. Depot. It will pay you to use onel v - "- - - ' ,. - - t Dog collars. Largest and linest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at JaeobPs Hdw Depot., -' - Mr. Geo. Morton, with a happy crowd of ladies and gentlemen, left for a run of 20 miles up Black river to-day with the steam launch Boss. They will return to-night by moon light. r ' - Mrs. E." B. Wiggins announces in this issue a clearing out sale at the Ladies'1 Emporium. The goods will be sold very cheap, for cash, and the stock must be cleared out by the first' of October. The first bale of new cotton of North Carolina growth was recei ved here to-day by Messrs. Williams & Murchisoq, from Mr. J. D. BTqrne, of "Wadesboro. It graded stricthiid dling and was not sold at 3 o'clock. Bathing Suits. Gome down to Head' carters. 35. dozen Flannel Baling Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 21 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t . A Suggestion. We suggest to the authorities of the New Hanover Transit Co. that a boat be engaged to row just out side of the sand reef at Carolina Beach during bathing hours to look out for the safety of those in the water and to warn rash and fool hardy people against venturing out too far. ; The Keach To-NIght. The indications all point to a pleasant evening and a fine attend ance on the excursion to-night to Carolina Beach, given under - the auspices of the St. Andrews. Broth erhood of the St. James Home. The Genua aia Cornet Band have kindlv volunteered their assistance and they will accompany the excursion ists and render some of their most charmiug pieces. There will be re freshments on board and nearly three hours of moonlight On the Beach. . . . Corrected StHteiunt. Mr. N. R. Barnhill writes to give us a correct version of the uiifort in nate circumstance which resulted in the death' of Mr. J. T. Croom's little daughter, at Kelly's Cove, on the 11th inst. Little Minnie, thede-ceased,-her sister and Mf- Franklin Peterson's little son were playing on a pole lying in the fork of some sparkleberry bushes, about three feet above the ground, arid the limb on one of the bushes broke, precip itating Minnie on the sharp snag o a light wood stump, about 5 feet 1 ong. She struck' on the snag on her left side, Above the hip, but it -did not go through the body, as report ed to us. Her death occurred with in an hour of the accident. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you shoidd be cau tious not' to take more maffnifyin vowcr than has been qs to the eve as in J he same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause : you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger, power than is ne cessary is the dailv cause of prema- ture aid age to the sight. You can get I the best at Heinsberger's. ; , Hands Wanted. One hundred hands wanted On pants. Highest -price paid. Ncne but experienced hands need apply. - I. SHRIEB, Clothier and Hatter, . 16 N. Front street.- Down tli e Illver. A pleasant and cheap moonlight excursion is advertised to take place on the stearuei Queen of St. John'' 8 to:inorrow night." - She will leave at 8 o'clock and make a run some dis tance down the river andreturn. There will be, good music on board and a fine opportunity for dancing. The fare for the round trip is only 25 cents. 1. " .c The Body Secoversd. The body of the - unfortunate" col' ored woman, Delia BHsson, who was drowned yesterday at Carolina Beach, as reported in the last issue of the Rkvibw, was recovered about an hour afterwards, it having been washed up on the beach about a quarter of a mile above the scene of the accident. It was brought up to the' city yesterday afternoon and turned over to the relatives for in terment. An inquest . was held and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts as published by us.; The Crop. v The weekly weather crop bulletin of the North Carolina Weather Ser vice, dated August 18th, says: In the Eastern District there was about an average of rainfall, affect ing all crops favorably; more rain, hnwfiver. ia needed. In the Central District the rainfall fell below the average; crops, however, were, not injuriously affected. In the West ern Districts the rainfall was about the average, affecting all crops tavoraDJy. In all the districts there was an average amount of temperature and sunshine, all crops being favorably affected. v ... City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: Primus Moore, disorderly eonduct, $10 or 20 days. ; . James Gary, larceny, case contin- ued. ' Jjio. McMillan, larceny, bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of $100, justified bond. William Mitchell, disorderly con duct, $5 and costs or 10 days. Alex. Richardson, disorderly con duct, case dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. Jno. Verhofe, drunk and down, $10 or 20 days. - James Hawkins, W. H. Nash, Al" bert Nixon, Frank Gause, J, B. Roberson, J110, Forbes, Jno. Hawk ins, Joe Hawkins, Ed Crawford, Jno. Warehoof, charged with an assault and battery on S. Hill Terry, case continued. 1 Death of Sir. J. . Fox. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. J. B. Fox a Confederate vet eran, who died at his residence in this city, at 7 o'clock this morning, of consumption. He was a na.tivo of old New HanqYerv: that pait which is now Pender county and had resided here since the close of the war. He was 53 years of age. Mr. Fox was a good Confederate soldier and qn honorable, upright citizen. He was Orderly Sergeant in Co. G, 61st Regiment, Capt; S. VanAuirmge,and" served with- gal lantry. The funeral services will take place . this evening, at-eight ; o'clock, conducted by Rey.. W. S. Greasy,pastor of Grace M. E.Church, and the interment will be:near Ro.cky Point to-morrow morning. Audit and Finance, - - The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon in regular session. All the members were pres ent, Mr. R, J. Jones, the chairman, presiding. The Board concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen in appro priating $150 for repairs to Howard Relief engine house. , Bills for current expenses, amount ing to $203.70. were audited and ap proved. An informal discussion took place, between members of the- Bqard on the matter o.f placing a police oflier on duty on the. west side.of the river. No aciibn" was taken. The chair? man suggested that as expenditures amounting to. over two thousand dollars and not provided for ; in, the annual appropriationl ha already been made, hk' thought it was a I food tlni'e now to stop f Burglars. You can be safe from I them by using the Burglar Proof j Blind Locks; sold at'Jacobi's. Some very ' fine ones still come in occasionally but they are about the last of thecrop. - Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water .fishing at JacobPs Hdw. De ot. -::,.-..-:v:-:;..r,--: t The average rate of- the wind here to-day has been but 24 miles an hour; Several timestit reached 30 miles,' but this was merely : spas modic. No reports have been re ceived from South port. : ? " Excursion Party to Arrive. An excursion C party numbering oiie hundred, from Ansonville, and under direction of Dr. J. C. Brown, will arrive in our city on the C. C. R. R. this evening. To-morrow' they will excurt" to the Hummocks and Thursday will go do wn on theSi;ai Gkovc to Carolina Beach. Cut and Beaten. Mr. S. H. Terry,; Superintendent of the ' County Poor . House and House of Correction, was assaulted last evening near the Seaside Base Bali Grounds,, as he. attempted to capture an escaped prisoner. Mr. Terry was cut in the face and also beaten together with two of his men. To-day ' a number of arrests were made and the defendants will be up before the Mayor to-morrow morn ing for trial. - ' r : Express on the Seacoaet Kailroad. Commencing to-day,the Southern Express Company Will run messeng ers on the Seacoast Road. This isa move in the right direction, and will prove a great convenience to residents at the Sound and Hum mocks. The Express Company will call for -: freights addresssed to Wrightsvilla or the Hummocks, if notice is, left at their office on Front street.- : .. ; . ' i' 1 . -; .-- ' Just think of it, if you purchase an article from any of the stores you have only to notify the Express orapany and all trouble is . ended; the package is sent for and deliver ed.board the train and -at destina tion. ' ' . By the way, these late trains that the Seacoast Road has just put on ought to prove a great convenience to those who wish to take a surf bath in the afternoon, as you will see by their schedule that you can come back early or you can stay later, and enjoy the beautiful moon light nights, ; This World is Given to tying. "We hear it quietly whispered," writes a friend from Charlotte, ''that the yellow fever is in Wilmington." And a report .- of a similar nature comes to us from another 'town in the interior, where it is said that certain parties have received letters from friends in Wilmigton stating that it is reported that there are several cases of yellow here. "Hqw this world is-given to ly ing,1' for it is all lies, foolish, nonsensical, ridiculous lies. There has not been, and there is riot now, a case of yellow fever, or the suspicion of a case of fever, anywhere in this city; nor, for that matter, have there been any reports of yellow fever here. Nor do we anticipate any trouble here. Our city was never so clean as it is now; our sanitary condition, n fact, is as near perfect as it can he and even should a case or two of fever be discovered here we do not believe that it could become epi demic. Our people are perfectly oalm and serene and; are quietly at work, not anticipating any danger whatever from the fever this year- Headquarters for BassBalls,Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c, is at He iris berjrer's.. , , . . N EW AOVEKTIHEJIlliNTo Moonlight Excursion Wednesday, Aug. 22d. : rpHE S.TEAJ4 BR QUEEN OF ST. JOHN'S wJll leave her wharf for a delightful Moonlight : ... , I ........ , Excursion down the river at 8 o?clock Wed nesday evening.- Pare twenty-five cents. fir-Excellent Music will accompany the Ex- curslon. v i . C.. "MORSE, Captain. U. CHRISTOPHER Manager. aug 21 2t WireCloth" foi your window? and and doors can be had as Jacpbi's IMw. Jepot- -; 1888. NO 16a j NEW AVKliT18BMKVT?. WINDOW'SHn IN ALL SIZES CARPETS AND ' rj ATTD r, A Good Assortment at alllSeasori will be giyencharing the remainder of this month on BRUSSELS and INGRAIINS to close out before getting in New Stock. Can Save You Some Money. Note Tliia ! aug 20 ly Moonlight Exc arsion " " : - to , j";' c CAROLINA BEACH I Tuesday. August 3 tf 1888, TJNDEK TIIE AUSPICES OP St. ANDREW'S BROTHERHOOD OP ST. AMES' HOME. . SYLVAN GROVE will leave wharf at 6 o'clock p. m. Returning', leave Beach at 10 o'clock p. m. ' Music, Sandwiches and Ice Cream on board. .Three Hours by Moonlight on Beach. Surf Bathers and courting couples taka notice. ' ' Tickets 50c. for round trip. , Children under 12 years 25c - aug 18 2t s t Bargains! Bargains! Ladies Take Notice. Closing Out Sale AT ' ' " THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, 115 Market Streets COMMENCING TO-DAY, I will sell at a sacrltice my stocke of Millinery, Fancy Goods, ErJBROID'RIES, Feathers, FLOWERSi" YOKINGS , i . , , ' . . ... .. ' ' . . .1 Tuctcings, C0ESETS, EHOHINGS, , . N - ' ;r : . Bustles, Etc. This stock must be cleared out by October 1st, and goods will v , be sold for ' at-h great SACRIFICE. All goods in the Store are of Latest Style and Finest Quality. MRS. E, B.WIGGINS. 115 Market Street auggQ Sharpie Robert E, Lee,., QAPT. a W. SMITH, WILL TAKE PAR- ties from the Hummocks to any point on the Sound or out tone. She Is fitted with com fortable seats and will accommodate forty passengers. Parties taken Pishing, Trolling, Sailing or to the lilac tush Grounds outside. For teraaApply on board. : aug I it Builder and Contractor, h H AVISO DKTEKMIXED DEFINITELY TO locate again In Wilmington, I respectfully offer mrservicea to the citizens of Wilming ton as a BuUder, Contractor and Superintend dent. I will do my utmost te please and tMafc that I can give satisfaction in every case. For the present parties desiring my ser vices will please address me through city P.O. :i;ectfi:llv. 7e rui to claa to rcccita c: trcra our trlpr.13 ca try ri t!i rut't general Interest, but - - -" The name ct the imterxac:: r ' -3 t3 fr nlshea to the ISltbr. ( ; Commnnlcatlons must ta r: a cly c , one side of the paper. . 1 rersonalltlc3 Dust be' avclioa, Andltl3epeciallja2ia partlcnlai un:.;r stood that the Editor docnot "altrc rs crscrj ? the news of correspozi!5cit3 oni?C3 so stair j In the editorial extfumns.: ' r " NEW ADVEKTIGCfin:! TO; AND GRADES. 4 r - -o- NORTH FRONT BT " 1 1 UT. CAROLINA BEiiCH ! rHE SYLVAN GROVE. WILL RL ll A SPE eial Schedule to Carolina" BeacH on TUESDAY leaving at 9:i a. m. and 3:00 and 6 p . in. The train will leave the Beach at 1:00, D.ca and 10:00 prm. . ' ' J - : ' ' ' . 4 J. W. HAItPER. aug202t. Genl Ifnnajer. No. 8. ; SCDEDUIE ffUHISGIOr SECUSI I. E. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) ZJ- IN EUPECT AUGUST Slv 1883LT C CD A. M Prom Wilmington, Proni nummocks. Leave 60 a. m Leave 930 a, m Leave........ 30 p.m Leave.. jf..... 5:00 p. m Leave........ 7KX)p.m Leave..... v.i 9:00 p.m Leave 7.45 a. m. Leave.lO-.L) a. m. Leave....... 4 oo p: m. Leave.. ..... 6:00 p. ra. Leave;. 8:00 p.m. Leave. . . . . .11KX) p. m. ; ; J. H. CHADBOUHN, JR., aug 30 tf ; J, . r ; Gegcral Manager. Heworft'ellistca Steamflhip (Jc. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER,'. UEV1 YORK Located between Chambers ana Roosevelt Eta. ' :- ; : At3 oi6ck; p.h. Wednesday, Aug. BENEFACTOR,.. . JTAJUTA..... PIONEER.... ....eacuroay, au'." ..Wednesday, Aug. tj .oavuruay, tept. i . . FROM WILMINGTON: , JANITA.. . j.lpriaay. Ag. 4 PIONEER .. ... Tuesday, Aui ?s BENEFACTOR ....... ' ."..Prtday,' Avl Bl PANITA.. ..Tuesday, Sept. 4 Through Bins Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to ana from, points in North and South Carolina. i ' For Freight or Passage apply to ' yu G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, 1' .e , , Wilmington, N. ' THEO. EGER, Traffic Manager, -' ' - ' NcwYcrk. WIL P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Ajrents. aug 21,- . , 25 Broadway, New York, Cigars, Cigarotten, JCE COLD SODA WATER AND MILE SHAKES. Also a fall line of Dru?3. Patent Medicines, Soaps. Perfumeries, Hair Brushes, &c, can be found at - , . . - , . " P. C. MILLER'S, r'- Drugstore. . : . Corner S. Fourth and Nun St3.. F. S. Prescriptions filled at all Hours, n r or night. Jyliti Lien of ; Bucinccc i BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATT:; tlon to the revolution In Letter Ccpj1r.j PresseVproduced by putting the , Challenge Pre cs open the Market ' The "Challenge' tales tto place of other Copyln,T Presses with ci any- u i -vantages over all of them. . It is the easiest and quickest operated rc Ing Press on the markeC ; One motion of the Lever does the wcr:: ; - : nsures an instantaneous copy. It requires no special stand or ectcts id fasten it in position. Price flO for Press holding lCr : : l -For Sale at "7 9 n 4 ' a -is 1- L. 2.