r )' 8k 111 1 Sot 1 : Its CAI1 to asr paiu THIS PAPER ed every eA OSH. T. jambs. Editor ao4 Prop. LoiPTIOSS. POSTAGE PAID: : oo. six njonths $2.00. Three 025' month. 35 cents. contW.ti- ., delivered toy carriers, free ftnv part of the city, at the above ro-ps low and liberal. - jiwrswiu please report , any and Zto receive their paper regularly. ffflirea t5K PURELY VEGETABLE. YvVER' : Kione'ys, and SQVELS ; 4V trcAL specific ron T -V , ;, -'How el Coiii-'lainta, Corn"!1"""" . . ; V" gijupyVneliwiia. Jaundice, Hcntol leiiression. Coll.. Bteeliold Slionid be Wltbont II, . f four- kept ready for Immediate us aJcivcmany rtn linur of sunbrJnK mut ...n-ir iii tunc ana doctors djiis. Wi3 " THERE IS CuT OWt EHH0N3 LIVER REGULATOR . ttial eel the ati"L with red Z ' . M of Wrapper. Trprd oiy i U 7EILIN . CO.,SoleProprilo aoTJ6tclpd4wlv eft sat SISOS AND ORGANS Uok buyin? an Instrument, as I keep one ktne largest stocks of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUT1I. I can sell you any of theflrst-class manu- Linrw. . v - - - ffiOM 19Q UPWARDS... Orgartsv rnoai hs tjfwahds. jEMFOR CATALOGUE. 1 jLb- ayicojOLe RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE ; i ftx street, between Frqnt and Second, YILMINGTQN, N, C. r fi"1 The Stokley House, biSTIEs IS WANT OF ACCOMMODA- USE well suDulied with all that Isneces- 17. by the day. week o,r month at low Fbdi auriiifcr-i tfi r.rrlr-i ot-. nv Vimir 'dllir- 'Jlof tie delioaoios ot salt water,flsh,orat3, as. shrimps, 4c, furnished to guestg; ttn? Boats, Fishing lioata.Flshlng Tackle, rarolshed on short notice. . v. - okiey House fronts the vater and Is lOOyards or the TXpot, W. 11. STUKLJfii, - Proprietor. yutf VA' I 'ORt ; s ( .J 1 1 7 L DOUGLAS 3SHOE, FOR OENTLEMFN. . r 1: J 0 wBlHharfiH. vol xi r Y I LM J NGU'ON , N. C, THURSDAY AUGUST 23, J888. NO 170, - A citizen of ' Winnecoime, Wis., 1 learned ' she feared that she was "Thieves ana BorgUre-what has succeeded in tempering brass, ; doomed to live the life or -an oiar, i,:':vi.ii:j.i r. - ,i maid, beinjj 31 years of age. It was mm nets cauiiiiicu urtvss rv ii i v tr aim ; ,1 .1 i 4. " ,i. " . axed that Will cut seasoned hemlock knots without turning the edge.' ; An instrument, called the auto graphometer, - which records auto matically the topography -and dif fereiiee of ! level of all places over which it passes, is a new - French in vention, the utility of which cannot certainly be questioned if it realizes the results claimed for it. It is car ried about on a light ' vehicle, and those who wish to use it have noth ing to do -but" drag it, or have it dragged, over the ground of which they desire to obtain a plan. . The assessment roll of comities of California this year shows an in crease of $175,000,000 for the year, the greatest advance being made by Fresno county, which has increased by $21,500,000. San Fraucisco comes next with $10,000,000. Fresuo's in crease is due almost wholly to raisin making. Thousands of acres have been put into choice raisin grapes, and a great'increase in the product is the result. Southlfondon is to havo a new underground railroad. It is being built sixty feet under ground. Pas sengers are to reach it by hydraulic elevators to carry fifty persons at once. The tunnel is being driven by the use of steel shield slightly larger than the iron rings of which the tunnel is to be constructed. The steel shield has a knife edge, and is driven forward at the rate of fifteen feet a day by hydraulic rams worked bv hand. They Are I ' ; Ioing. f :" decided not to nostnonp the wed- Anarew tilnes, a young colored ding on account of the suicide. I fellow, who is charged with a burg- i lary conihiitted in Brunswick coun- Getrid of that tired feeling as quick as possible. Take Hood's Sar saparilla, Avhich, gives strength, a gool appetite and health. LOCAL 2STBWS. rSMth' 3. ales Stioe la the i?9 tSto costtn? $5-r 16a feet w 13 10 wear the stocking X hand-spwfwi chv' itm' -w e Genuine unles3 stamped on foorrt J81883 slloe' warranted.?- .una sp "- mi uk, me original W snoes costing from $8 lfc 8'-50 SHOE isunex l6r ' . '- lst&5 'i SifQEls worn by all !loe toSiV6 made ,n t;onsress, iSSSyt K W bJ 3W deal! GLAs, Brockton. Mas. H VONGLABN . WUmlagtoa. N.c; The Rev. Dr. J. B. Simmons will probably not hear the last of these words for some time. They were spoken in an address before the Baptist Publication Society: VBeau tiful as woman yrs when Cfod cre ated her, we cannot deny that, inl morals and religion, she was a de plorable failure. From the day she turned her back upon God aud God's word, (both of which things she did without any influence from Adam,) she became a heathen. Heathenism originated in her heart." . Mr. Charles Sellers, of Memphis, will not circulate any more reports about yeIow fever cases in that city. The ptier day he indulged in some wild yellow fever talk, and was hauled up before the Police Q'ourt. The Judge said to him: "I will fine you fifty dollars, and as you are not a man of means, I will hold up forty dollars of it during your good be havior. The reputation of oir city for health is a.s dedicate as the repu tation of a woman, and must be protected- Now go and circulate your ; yellow fever stories." - The prisoner shook his heaij. "I won't do it any more," he said. He will save money by keeping his promise. The Republicans are at their old tricks again, but it will do them no good. They are now sending lots of boodle to the "Lone Star State"" in an effort to prevent Mr, Mills' return to Congress. The following dis patch from Washington City tells the tale: Mr. Mills has information that large sums of money are. being sent into his district by ' the protection ists" assist in the light against his return to Congress. He is kept fully advised of the situation at home, and his enemies, as tney know, will make few moves with which he does not promptly become fully aware. The same game which was employed in Illinois two years ago against jur. Morrison, ami in Keutucky against Mr. Uarlisie, is to be tried in Texas this year against Mr Mills. It is no longer a new game, however, and being r.horqqgh- ly understood, will, Mr. miiis pe heves, be beaten by the alert and incorruptible Democracy of his State. In his last run for Congress Mr. Mills received over 0,000 ma jority. -' This world is composed of Jqueer people, some of whom are leaving it, as the following disptatch from Cincinnati to the X,. . War will show: . While- preiiarations were being liiade'at the house of Michael Wil- Iatu At. No 696 Race street, tins morning for the .marriage INDEX TO New Advbbtisemknts. F C Milleb Cigars, Cigarettes IIeinsbekeb -Copying Presses Locis 11 Mbakes Flannel Shirts Sleeping was certainly a luxury last night. " Blankets and other t4kiverin,'were in demand this morning. Mr. Bruce Williams, of Long Creek, was in the city to-day, and paid us a visit. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. t Dog collars. Largest ands finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to,be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. The f outh regatta of the Recrea tion RowingCIub takes place this evening on the -river There will be three boats in the race and they will start at 6 o'clock from Market Iiock. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation request all those that have not paid their - twenty-five' per cent, to please do so by the first- of Sep tember, either to Mrv H. M. Bowden or Mr. W. W. Doyle. Now is the time to catch drum fish. Parties from the Hummocks report that they are biting like dogs and that numbers of them are caught there tlail. Skipjack, or blue fish, are also plentiful. Bathing Suita. Come down to Hea'viarters. 35 dozen Flannel Baling Suits, in all sizes .and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st.t J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. . II ami 8 4Yaflt?V. One hvndred hatids wanted on pants. Eligliest price paid. N ne but experienced hands need apply. I.SHRIER, Clothier and Hatter, 16 N. Front street. ty, near Orton. some months ago, was arrested last night m Nutt street by police officers Chadwick and Kunold and taken to police headquarters, where he was locked up. This morning he appeared be fore the Mayor, who ordered him held until the Sheriff of Brunswick county called for him. f3 vn flKRVt ik At Tslanrt TUnTi TTftt Queen or St John's Moonlight Excui-sioTpThe police'arrested a colored girl night r The moonlight excursion on the Quccn'of St. John's to-night promises to be an enjoyable affair. It is, we believe, the only amusement on the boards for this evening and there is sure to be a good crowd on hand. An excellent band of music wll ac company the excursion and all will have a good time. The fare is only. 35 cents. ' Having a Good Time. Capt. Charles Suippen aud his companions are having a good time on the beach, at Wrightsville Sou.nd They are catching fih by the whole sale, and the only drawback to their pleasures was in their cook leaving them to stir their own mush He got frightened at the wind and waves on Tuesday night and "put o.qt for hum." Magistrate's Court. James Hawkins, Joe Hawkins, John Hawkins, W, H. Nash, Frank Gause and Ed. Crawford, all color ed and all charged with rescuing a prisoner from and assaulting Mr. S. H. Terry, Superintendent of the County Poor House and House of Correction, were tried before Jus tice W. W. Harriss in the CtyyC.cmrt room this morning and W. H. Nash Wi,s bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $100. All the others were discharged. named Eliza Jones, about twenty ysareof age, charged with, stealing from her employer, Mrs, Hintdn, and on searching the houser.where the girl lived, on Swann, between Fifth and Sixth streets, last night, found some of the stolen . articles towels handkerchiefs, pillow-slips, a piece of dress goods, and a lot of under wear which were taken to police headquarters. Before the' Mayor this morning her case was continued until to-morrow. Mary Eliza Corbett, eoIored,iu the employ of Mr. B. H. Scott, living on the corner of Front and Castle streets, was also arrested last night charged with stealing a bucket of lard. She was bound, over at., the city court this morning, in the sum of $100, justifiodr o the next term of the Criminal Court. Some time during last early this morning some rascal vis ited the kitchen of Mr. John M. Williams, who lives at No. 310 Mc Rae street, and took all the provis ions he could- find. Very recently the kitchen of Capt. H. B. Willis, who lives next door, was robbed of all the provisions it contained and since then Mrs. Williams has been careful to keep her groceries in the house, but yesterday. she left nearly a' -.whole ham, a piece of side meat land a package of meal in the kitch- env all of which . the thief took and along -with them one of the reins of the baggy harness, which was hang, ing on the back piazza. We can't imagine what he wanted with the buggy ;eift. but hope that he in' teiuU tp hang himself with H after he has eaten, aji of his stolen supply. This inorniftg about 3 o'clock some unknown thief entered the residence of Mr. H. Merritt, who resides on Market, between Ninth and Tenth streets and took $10 from Mr. Her ritt's pants pocket whjoh was lying on a chair aqd. then went into the kitcUeu and took everything that he eouldget his hands on in the eatable line. Mr. Merritt had just got in a supply yesterday and thinks that the thief seen him while purchasing tliem, Mr. Merritt thinks he knows who the thief is and will have the matter investigated to-day. There Seems to be a gang of thieves operating in the Eastern portion of the city and we would suggest that four or five members of the police force be stationed in that section aud that they wear citizen's clothes. As it is the thieves know the police men and watch them, and when they are in soiue distant part of their beat, for it extends from East of Fourth street to the woods and South of the W. & W. R. R. and North of Market street, they enter any premises they desire, and unless the occupants are aroused there is nobody to interfere with them and they-; help themselves to whatever tliey can flnd, frpm'a horse to a stale biscuit. On the other hand the po lice do not kno w them and have not time to "watch theij actions even if th.ev should suspect anything wrong, for the territory they have to trav erse is too great to alio ft them time. At the Hu.imD.ocks Last Night. There was a pleasant gathering of jadies and gentlemen at the Island Beach Hotel last night to partici pate in the hop given ty M,r, Bryan, tlm cleyer. proprietor. The occasion was a very enjoyable one and all who had the good fortune to be present spent the time most merrily. j There was refreshments in abun,- of his : Uince wnicn were iretj v uu which all vounirest daughter a tragedy oc- j the hospitable manner in cured in another part of the build-, -yer-e served was highly appreciated. On Friday night a grand german rIl ICS irof Hflnorhter. Catherine. I -,. " . , .. i gave we mmiwruk .?p.," 7;i will be given at the Hojtel with a dis four tables laden with delicacies . , . that constituted the wedding feast, play of fireworks, on the beach. Soon after she went Up into the gar- Boats will be kept in readiness so. retr nnil cut ker tliroat. tlVing in- The Caiupaism O reran. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint and settled down to business, We may expect some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Qrgan'and one we can recommend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in showing instruments and giv ing prices. t SEW ADVEKTISEMEVTS, .0, PLEASE N0TIC2. ' . . . .... ; - Wewd bogiaittorccc!T3 c;2-nnilc"t!3 Croni our frtenC3 on' imy &aa allsr.tject ' general interest, tut . .-. : I The named the writer must airn:3 to tzr nlshed to the Edited v : ..- ,' ConmiklcaUcJittst;to ciuy ca one side ot the paper. - p c- , "v" ; " Vr 'PereonaMUes must be? atDlded. . And it is especially and particularly ";::r stood, that the Edltordpes ot always ex.acrr 1 the views ot conespondents onlesa so t,. ;ci in the editorial columns. 1 f .- ' - - i . . . J - . ?: ' - . .- - . SKADES FbB "WT1STDOWS IN ALL SIZES AND GRADES '7 " v AMD T-lATTirJO I A Good Assortment at all-Seasons. - o- will be giyen duringthe rpmainder of this month, on, BRUSSELS and" I JN GRAINS to.close out before getting in -New Stock. . . Can Save You Some Money, i t aug20 1y NORTH FRONT JSTREET. Kock Crj&tal Spectacles and Kyefflasse s Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to thev eve as in the same proportion that you pass that poinjTof increase! will cause you furiher injury to the eye. Using glasses of strjoger power than is ne- Three new cars for the Street Rail way arrived to-day on the steam ship Fanita from New York. ' - WireCioth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - A Masonic Excursion. The Masonic fraternity of this city has been called upon by Dr. B, F. Dixon, Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, to assist in enlarging the building for boys, and at the last regular communication of Wilmington Lodge, No. 319, held last Tuesday evening, that lodge contributed liberally of its fundsin response to the request and furtliei decided to give an excursion to South port on Tuesday, Sept. 4, the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist church there by Grand Master C. H. Rob inson. The excursion will be given on the steamer Queen of St. John's and the proceeds will be ..devoted to the bonefit of the Asylum. City Canrt. , There were about 200 spectators gathered at jthe .City Court this morning and a docket that showed up several oases, which were dis posed of as follows: Eliza Jones, larceny, continued.. Albert Nixon, J. B. Roberson, Jno. Forbes, T. J. McClammy, Son Tillenholf, Dan Tucker, .Gus Nixon, Mingo Cockran, Jere Baker. Willie Freeman, Eliza Freeman, assault antl battery on 6. Hill Terry, each were bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of $100,except Dan Tucker, whose bond is $200. Andrew Foy, disorderly conduct, case continued. Chas. Onslow, disorderly conduct, $20 and costs or 30 days in-chain gang. , - James Jones, tramp, held for further investigation. Mary E. Corbett, larceny, bound over to the next term of the Crimi nal Court in the sum of $100kjusti fied bond. Andrew Hines, burglar, held till sheriff of Brunswick county calls for him. . NBWADVERT18BMENT8 M!OJiliIit Excursion TO-3STIC3-ECa? r-piIE STEAM Eli QUEEJf OF ST. JOHN'S wlU leave her wharf for a delightful Moonlight Excursion down the river at 8 o'clock Thurs day evening. Fare twenty-five cents. taExcellent Music will accompany the Ex cursion. C. cv MORSE, captain. W. II. CU1USTOPHJER. Manager. aug231t A Grand German Friday Night, AT THE ISLAND BEACH HOTEL. No. 8. (SUNDAYS r.CTl5FTED.V: : . i .J IN -EFFECT AUGUST 21, 1888,AT 6-3QA. Jl From Wilmington, From nummocks. Leave 6-30 a. m Leave. 7.45 a. m. Jxjave.. 9:30a. m Leave. 10:25 a, m. Deave.". 3:00 p. m Leave 4 00 p. m. Leave... 5:00 p. m Leave....-., 6:00 p.-m. Leave. ..... . . 7:00 p. m Leave j 8.-00 p. m: Leave......".. 9:00 p. m Leave 11:00p.m. J. H. CHADBOURN, JR., . aug 20 tf General Manager.7 WANTED LADY, ACTIVE AND INTEL llgentv to represent, In her own locality, an old firm. References reaulred. Perma nent position and good salary. Address . k. BAINBRIDGE. Manaeor. . augl6 4wth ' 33Reade St., N. Y. - CAROLINA, BEA0H. 0NTIL FURTHER NOTICETIIE SYLVAN grove win leare for Carolina Beach every week day at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. angl8 HARPER.. Genl Manager. -- Moonlight Sails on the Ohannel ! Boats in Readiness ai all Hours. A GRAND DISPLAY OF I ptantiy. She appeared vto worry over herrsisr'B-approaching mar riage, and! from ail ' hat can ' pQ Fishing Tackle. A full assortment that parties deiirjng toka, mpon-. cessary is the daily cause of prema- of all kinds for, both salt and: fresh ture ola age to the sigh. Xoucan get tUe best hisbergers.. - . . light sail cja h;e chanej can - be ac commodatea at any hoar. aug23 2U water fishing at Jacobi's Hclwv De pot . " t ' ' Sharpie Robert E. Lee, CAPT. G. W. ' SMITH, WILL TAKE PAR- ties from tho nummocks to any point on the Sound or out to sea. Sho Is fitted with com fortable seats and will accommodate forty ' passengers. Parties taken Fishing, Trolling, Sailing or to the Blackfish Grounds outside. For terms apply on hoard. . augltf ,. Men of Buoineoo t W E BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTEN tion to the revolution In Letter Coprlng Presses produced by putting the ? l:nr ' - A" '"' - Challenge Press open the Market. The "Challenge" takes the . place of other Copying Presses with many ad-- vantages over all of them.' " - ' It is the easiest and quickest operated Copy ing Press on the market. One motion of the Le ver does the work and nsures an instantaneous copy. , . . It requires no special stand or screws to fasten it in position. . --"V.:.r Price $10 for Press holding10lS i)ocs. ? For sale at - - . HEINSBERGER-S aug 3 - . - .. Wow Open. WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to my mends .and the public generally that I am now fully prepared to serve them. . I have -opened a First class Ten Pin Alley and Shoot ing Gallery, at the Lower End of the Ham mocks, where Ladles and Gentlemen can par- tlcipateln these interesting amusements , I also nave Swings for the Children and Boats, Bait and Tackle for those who may desire to go fishing. R. H. BOWDOIN, ' Jy 14 tf Lower End of Hammocks. Wow Ready. - I AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with the Purest Drugs that can be found In the' city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet soap. Brushes and Combs. I nave a fine assortment ' of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at my store Night and Day. . ' JOHN SHEEHAN. the Druggist, ' aug 14 6m N.W. cor. Fifth and castle sts. "MACINAW.':' ONLY GENUINE "MACINA W" HATS SOLD IN WILMINGTON. - : LOUIS H. ME ARES. 13 NOKTlf FKOST, ' . . ' Gentlemen's Furnisher, and Hatter - , . Bnilder and Oontraor, HAVING DETERMINED DEFINITELY TO locate again In Wilmington. I respectfully offer my services to the citizens of Winning- . ton as a Builder. Contractor and Superinten- . dent. I .will do my utmost to, please and , think that l.can give satisfaction. In every case. , For the preset parties desiring my Ker vices will please address me through city P.O. aug8 lmnac IkCTrrvt TVI 1 1 TT ' MVWViuuj, JOHN SHOLAR. : ? C.gars, Cigaretteo, ' ;jCE" COLD SODA WATER AND MILK SHAKES. Also alull line of Drugs, Patent Medicines soaps. I'erfuaierles, Hair Brushes, &&, can be found at , - - - ; ' FC. MILLER'S, .-" - , Dru? store. . - , '.- Corner S. Fourth- and Una Sts., P. s. PresciljsUona filled at all tours, day or mgnt. - y - jyliU 5 tf- f

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