MISCELLANEOUS 9 .5 Jl r a S3. HUHKHISYS'SOOg - Cloth & Cold Binding - list or notaru. xos. -' cnu '? t i - m . . i - ' IK Ferers. Connection. Infl&nmsttons. ... ' Worms. Wormlwm Won Cohe-.-. .25 CrTlCo!lc.rTaiaii-nnlanta. .25 f iarrbea, of ChiWrm Ailmft; v -i s - -25 Urienieryi Gripio. B1km Colic.... .25 Cholera Morbus V"!.......! Coasha, CuW. iironcliitw....... 2 -'iirlnai)TootliKb. ktcMcne...; .Z5 Heaaarhes. Sick Headache. Vertigo. .25 Josh. T. James, Editor & Proper. Wilmington. N: C. T?.riTrirtT5r The supervising architect Of Chi-' Superia Courts of Hart Carolina-1888 cago nas cpiupieieu me revision oi JUDGES. iht titv hiiildin lars whlPlV wnsnr- let District, Jamesjs..out?pciu,ii.it;auiui. xne cic milium? iwbiicii was or- JViXriW Fred Phimns. of Edeecombe. : : - dered some time agoby. the council. jrd District, H. G. Connor, of Wilson. , : p ? - Among the more important provis- gfgggg: ' o GuhioW : ' - . : - ions which the xiew.'orqmance cov- 6tn uiscnct, x duj mu, yx oauiju.. i , T H IIRSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1888. t ' , Tv " - i : , , ?th District, James C MacRae, Cumberland. inUiwiAi, Auaup, AQoo. &fe tlmt aj stages je provided District, W J.Montgomery, of Cabarrus. : i ... ' j-U f05i u4- ah District-, Jesse P.-Graves, of Surry. "- Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington, N.c.,'f.wth an iron drop-enrtain, that Jg Dlstrict. Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke. school houses be const meted with iithu s n , vm. r8 If-I W i-.kUUi LA' LALik-Z it I J J as second-class matter. 1X1 EOPATHIQ 11 ts IS IS i; it il 24 7 30 32 "'pprasea or Paintil Prtoas-.. White. ,A TJ'i? AT fT"1"; " CrenprOmnchDifScnlt Biyathiiir. w.i IthMin. EnrsiDelaa. Eraptioi HhMinttiiia. Rheumatic Pftuw.,... Piennd Ante. CnUls, ilaUria..... PUes. Blind or Bleeding. ..... l Catarrh. InOoenz. Cold in tha Haad WhaopInT Coab. ioJeut Conjjhs.. Of waJlebi li t y .byBical Weiknw Hioaey lHfe v . ervons lit v- v Urinary Weilutetf, Wetting Bed.. htwZmir of h Heart. PftlpiUtion .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .SO .50 .SO .AO .SO l.oo .50 l.OO S PEC I FiCS. bold by lj(rBrttt. r vit postpaid on rcaipt of men 23 eod & w ly nrm 1 J'"ur!ij'iiinr iloixl f ail hinc-o. Thn rpp.4 jlribra.;.i:ccl rori .iMj Tit Y llOSiv. 4 lO J ii;:o bau-. 0 24 I of aet:u aa auj I plans for pociU7 to.ii.i-- : Ln.7 t- r: roa:?c: nCld f buy hoot irvcubitcr. Kud i nCi (i lo Lfiv ESr-. j EKSi Iran let tccU. vl tCrJn' par Kitt!iur ' 'Stilt for 15 CrnU.rtr:sf If eo.oanmdthanOOK. OF C.IGB I ItlllUs. ,lVO rmueeu loO lUaa- J Treatxsont ana breeaios of ail kinds Caps birds, lor pleasure and ;X Dibeanue and their enra Korv to bufld a Ddttotk an Ariary. Au about Pamta. Prices ul all kinds birds cage, etc. Mailed fcr loCiUai. Tbo Tie Books, iO C'Ut. ASSOCIATE tTrf'ANCIErlS. 2S7atA LigLth street, Pblladeipliia, 1 REFl!JEk Manly YlRor, Weaxncss orl-osor JU-mory pc-i .oancntlv rcetoreu.bT the use of m ciitirt-iy .-v nnedy. XIe lerba Santa from Spain, paa vh Trochees never fail. Onr iilustratedrajp',.ge .I '. d testimoniala, (pent fouled. liVery man Bhoik - aa it. v ua iiiiA.':i" 'iicot;iifc:u ruf, -sa Park I'lwu., . VrV. re REVOLVERS. Send stamp for aHMOBET ILji U IM O Drice list to Johnston & son. aug6iw . Pittsburgh, Penn fiVayoq Coogii.'Brbnc'hfaft.Arthma; Indigestion! Us ' ARKER'8 CJNQER TONIC without delar. I aa cured many o turn worgteat aiHIAe best rented,'' r aU affectioaa of the throat and luusrs, and diseas listnir from impure blood. ant exhtuptiir. 1 he feebt nd Kick, struggling against) llese, aitd slowly driflinj the grT, will la iuny ca.-tes reeover tht-ir healta bj te timely u ot forker tineer Tonic, but delay ia dan erons. Take It In tuna. It is Invaluable for m11 pain nd disorders of stomach and bowels. eOe. at iruesistt aug 6 4W v .' EXHAUSTED VITALIT1 THE SCIENCE OJ LIFE, . die grea Medical Work of th age ocftl&nbooder ou and Phy&icdl De bflity, Premature De Vfint'l TMVOri P cline. Errors of Youth Ml U 11 1 111 I O bLr iand the untold miser es consequent thereon, 300 pages 8 va, 125 pre icriptioiis for all diseases. Cloth, foil gilt, only f LOO rj mAiL-sealed, nisutrative sample free to ail youns ind middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold anc fswelledMedal awarded to the author by the Nation li Medical Association. Address P.O. Box 1893, Boa Jon, Mass., or Dr. W. IL PARKEB, graduate of Ear rard Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, irno may be consulted confidentially. Office, No. iBohlnchSt. Specialty, Diseases of Man.---Cat this Mt, Yam may never see It asalat TWtO S Wonders exist la .thousands II Hi Pjjr of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of Invention -Those who are In need of profitable work that can be done while living- at home should at aoca send their address to Ilailett & Co., PorUantL- Maine, and receive free, full Information how either sex, ot all ages, can earn from &tot25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single day at this work. All suc ceed, . novsacmtllyw RICHLY Rewarded are those who read this and then act: they m will' find hnnnmhlA pmnlnv. xnent that will cot La.e them from their homes and families.' The profits are- large and sure for every lndustrirus person, many have made and are now mating several "hundred .dollars a month. It is easy for: any one' to make $5 and upward per day, who Is willing; to work Either sex, young or oldj capital, not needed: we start you. EVerytninjr new. No special anility required; you, reader, can do t na well as any one. ' Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which wo mall free. Address Stlnson Co., Portland, Maine. . nov 23 d&mwiy INVENTION' F nas revolutionized world durtnsr the 1 hall century rNot .' - among the wonders Of inventive progress is method and system of worfc that c i 1 be per, formed all over the -country withou separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed; you are started tree. Cut this out and return to us and we will Bend you free, something of great valuer and importance to you, that "will start, you In business, which will bring you In more money right aw ay .than aiiythinselse In the world. Grand .outfit, free Address tbux & co., Augusta, Maine, nov 52 fimd 1 vw J It. I After Forty rear I . I .VAA. . . Wasperiebee. in the 'preparation of more II M Thonsani kpplications for patents in 1 J I tha United States and Foreign conn. rneBvaavjHiDii&aero vi uw ocieuiuio Americas cantinue to set as solicitors for oaten ts. caTeata. trade-marks, copy- iassaaaml rights, etef or tha unnea btates, zuiQ. t-o obtain patents in Canada, England i ranee, Germ any, and all other eonntries. xheir experi ence is nn equaled , and their facilities are amor pswedi - .." ' 1 - ' - " Dnwine and tpeelflcatlons prepared and filed In the Patent Office oa short notice- r Terms .very reasonable. Ua charge for examination of. saodela r drawinrs. Adrioe by niail free. , Patents obtained thronffa innn 4Ctarenotice4 lathe SCmNTlFIO AMliRJCAN. which hai the largestcircalatiaaaad is the most inUenti! rtewspaper of its kind published In the world. The adrantagea oi such a notice every patentee understands. . - -1 ' - This large and splendidly Clnetrstad newspaper is published VEEItIVa f3JUa rear, and is admitted to be the bwt paper devoted to- eeieaoe. mechaniea, inTeationa, engineering worka, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country it contains the names of all patentees and title of arary invention patented each week. Try. it four months for one dollar, bold by all newsdealers. - If yon have an inrentlon to patent write to Btonn A Co.. publrahers t ScienUiia American, Bel Broadway Sevr York. - lianabookaboat patents piallad frta. " DEM0CKAT1C TICKET. FOR PRKSIDKSTt G ROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. FOR VICE-PRKSIDKNT: ALLEN G. THURMAN, Of Ohio. FOR govkrnor: DANIEL G. FOWLE, Of Wake County. A FOR LIKUTKNANT GOVKRNOR: T. M. HOLT, Of Alamance County. FOR SECRETARY OFjSTATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, Of Wake County. IP'OR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, Of Wake County. FOR STATE AUDITOR: GEO. W. SANDERLIN. Of j Wayne County FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : SIDNEY M.JFINGER, Of Catawba County. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE .W. DAVIDSON, Of Buncombe County. . FOR'SUPREMEXCOURT JUDGES JOSEPH J. DAVIS, , Of Franklin Connty. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, Of Beaufort CQunty. A. 0. AVERY, Of Burke County. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE: ALFRED M. W ADD ELL, of New Hanover Countv. FREDER1 CK:N. STRUDWICK. of Orange Country. ForCongress 6th District: ALFRED ROWLAND, Of Robeson. For Elector 6th District: S. J. PEMBERTON, Of Stanley. , One of the finest collections of an. a tographs in this country was made by the late Dr. Leffingwell, of New Haven. It is valued at $71,000. Among the famous names whose possessors wrote them are Adelaide, Queen of William IV; Queen Anne, Caroline, Queen of George II; Char lotte, Queen of George III; Char lotte,daughter of George IV;Charles I, Charles II, Edward IV, Jueen Elizabeth, Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of Edward IV: Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I; Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Henry VII, Henry VIII, James I, James II Richard II, Hichard III, Lord Fran cis Bacon, Oliver Cromwell, Lady Jane Grey, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Walter Raleigh, Robert Burns, Lord Byron, William Cowper, John Dry den,, Oliver Goldsmith, William Shakespeare, George Washington James Madison, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren and Roger Williams. The London Society of Arts has thoroughly discussed the subject of protection from lightning. The most thorough investigation is summed up by Prof. Lodge, in the statement that for isolated chimneys and steeples, as well as powder maga zines, there is no better protection than a number of lengths of tele graph wires. A number of thin wires is better by far than a single thick one, and their capacity is in creased "by connecting up metallic masses, such as lead roofs; "but do not connect with balconies and other accessible places." As to a roof, he would run a.barbed wire all around the eaves and ridges, but he would run no rods up above the highest points of buildings, because thereby flashes are precipitated that would otherwise never occur. So it seems that our ordinary lightning rods are a source of danger rather than of protection. Pecalijkr In the combination, proportion -and preparata on of its ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. Peculiar in its good xuutie at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the puen.on nal sales it has attained, hood'sab saparilla is themost successful med icine for purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating an appetitf ee Loud shoes Those badly. tfcat squeak - v:ii)Ji. Biniist . oiiuicuii oiaii 1 SOLICITOUS space to admit of easy exit; that no District John n. Blount, of Peratdmans. tflnainpnt house shall exceed kit ; 2nd District, Geo. U. White. (coL) of Halifax.: tenement nouse biiau exceeu mx ., j pneD.. worthlngton, of Martin. stories in height except it be abso- 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. - . . , n x ' 5th District, Isaac H. Strayhorn. of Durham. Infill ir fiT-n-fvnnf n.nrl t.nrt.r, nil ran t . , ' r., . ..m ju.ij iw. ----- w.. , lilSLrlLt, u. 11. Alien, ui xuymi. , 12th District, J. U. Merrunon, of Buncombe. merit houses shall be .equipped with fire proof stairways and partitions,, and proper fire escapes and exits. In addition to the precautions against fire, the ordinance also cov ers all questions of sanitation. The Empress Victoria seems to j have been handsomely provided for. j Frederick's private fortuue was 730,000, invested in English fund. In' addition to this she has a main tenance and five p'alaces, all the ex penses of which will be borne by the State. The Berlin palace, which she has occupied since her mar riage, will be her town residence. In addition she has the Villa Car lotta at Potsdam-a schloss at Wies baden, an old castle at Hombourg, and the Castle "of Born stadt. She is now busy preparing for a monu ment of the late Emperor. It will be an exact copy of the Church of the Holy Grave at Ennisten, near Tablach. It is very peculiar in its architecture" and is admired by aU visitors to the Puster Valley. It was a great favorite with, Fred-r erick, and two architects are now making plans of it for reproduction above the grave at Friedenskirche. The Verdict Unanimous. - W. D. Suit. Druggist. Bippus Ind., testifies: I can rec mmend Electric Bitters as tne very best remedy. Every battle has uiven relirjn 'every case. One man look six bottie9. awl was cur ed of Rheumatism ol 10 years' stand -inij " Abraham Hare, druggist, Bell viile, Ohio, affirms: 4Thc best selling medicine I hhve ever handled in my 20 i ears' Ocperience. is Electric Bitters " Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unani mous that Elec'ric Bitters do cure all di-eases ol the-Liver, Kidnesor Blood. Only halt a ln!lnr n bottle at VV. H. Green"& Co's. Drug Store. " " AUGUST ANTICS. The porcupine" is probably the best informed of all the animals. He can give you more 'points than you will know what to do with in a week. Burlington ree Yexs. Beneath a ripe persimmon-tree Two learned lawyers chanced to be. "Climb," said the first;: "I'll catch you toss 'm," ButVother shook his head: "Aron possum!'1'' . And so the ice cream season, is again upon its, George," she said shyly. "Yes," he responded. "I never fick up a paper no.w that I do not expect to find some awful case of poisoning." The Epoch'. The breezes flit soft on the praiHe, The steamers ply free on the main, Maud swings on tlie gate like a fairy, And summer's come "back" -once again. Duluth JParagrapJier. Hotel clerks are popularly sup posed to own the biggest diamonds in the country, but this is not so. Baseball diamonds are the biggest things just now in the public eye. Rochester Post-Express. A Pennsylvania man who had a landslide of about a million tons come down 011 his cow pasture, posted the following sign on the debris: "A new lot just received. For sale cheap." Burlington Fiee Press. v Sir Morell Mackenzie's work on "The Voice" is a standard authority, and yet the distinguished physician failed to note one important fact, which is that the voice cheers, but does not inebriate. Neiv York Sun. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" A maxim quickened by Shake speare's touch. Alas, that Shakespeare did not tell us if A rose by any other name would cost as much! A HEALTHY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaran teed and sold by Munds Bros., drug gists. - - Valuable Lands for Sale. JNE TRACT JF' L. ND, LYING ONB mUe from Lincoln ton, N. C. , consisting of 83 acres, 53 acres cleared: is beet for cotton, butlves good crops for all grams. Has a b"ach runninjr through It and a fine s prlng a few acres of bottom land on the branch aod 0 acres In wood, oak aad hickory, welt urn bered. Another tract lying 21 miles Jrom Llnroh. ton, 34 m tie from O. o K ., loo acres 25 cleared, fine spring of delicious water, abont six acrea of bottom iMd near it on the branch is No. If or tot -ceo .but grows other crops well; 7o acres In yellow pin and oak For price and term apply o CBONL 1 MORRI5, , men JB tf Anct'rs A weal Estate Brok"- Jno. F. LeGrand. QUCCEEDING PARTNER OF THE LATE O firm of A.- A. Brown & Co., Commission March 26th, Sept. 24th, 8th District, 11. I Long-, of IredelL 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Kockingham. 10th District, W. H. Bower, of CaldwelL . 11th District, Frank: Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 13th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIMB OF HOLDING COURTS FIBST JUDICIAL ,2 - niSTBICT. " spring Judge Montgomery. - ' Fall Judge MacRae. -Beaufort tFeb. tolh. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March th, Sept. 3d. c-amden March 12th, Sept, 10th. ; I'asquotant March 19th. June 11th, sept. 17th, Dec 10th . . , Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24tb Chowan April 2d. Oct. lsti Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Ilertrord April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Waslilngton April 23cL,Oet. 22d. Tyn-eU April 30th. Oct. m Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. -Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICIAL niSTBICT, ' Spring Judge (iraves. . . . . Fall Judge Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, iMarch 5th, May 14th, tNov. 12th. Northampton-tJan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st, Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 29th. Craven-tFeb. 13th, May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, Sepr 17th. Edgecombe April 16th, -Oct. 15th. THIKD JUDICIAL DISTEICT. Spring Judge Avery. Fall Judge Graves. . Pitt Jan. 9th, March 19th, tJime llth, Sept 17tn. '. - FrankUn-Jan. 23d, April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson tFeti. 6th, June 4th. Oct. 19th . Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. -20th, Get. 15th. Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d, tDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash AprlftJOth, Nov, 19th. FOURTH . JUDICIAL DISTRICT. - Spring Judge Shlpp. fall juage Avery. Wake 'Jan. 9th, tFeb. 27th. tApril 23d, 'July 9th, tAug. 27th, TOCt. 22CL Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15.' Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 32L FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. . , Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. ' Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, Sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. .-. . Fall Judge Merrlmon. Pender-Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. -New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tApril 16th, tSept. 24th. . Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. Dunlin Feb. 13th. Sent. SrdJ Nov. 2fith. ' Sampson-tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct, 8th, ueC'iotn. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. ' seventh judicial district. ; ; Spring Judge Phllllos. Fall Judcre Shenherd. Columbus-Jan, 16th, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. An3on Jan tNov. 26th. Cumberlaad Jan. 23il, tMay Tth, July 23d tNov. 12th.. Kobeson-Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. Itichmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept 17tlr, Dec. 3ra Bladen Mai-ch 19th, Oct. TSd. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 23d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . SPRiNG-r-Judge Connor. ' Fall Judge PhlUips. Cabarrus t Jan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th Iredell Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aug. 6th, Nov, iitn. Kowan Feb. 20th; May 7tH, Aug. 20th, Nov 19th. - . Da-idson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, uec yo. - - Randolph March I9th, Sept 17th. . ' . Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Kockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 220. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept. 24th. -Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sent. 10th. Alleghany March J9tn, Sept, 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH-JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Gilmer. Fall njudge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th;-Aug. 6th; Caldwell March 19th. Sept. 3d. . - . Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th.' Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th; Oct. 8tlL ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge BOyMn. Fall Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. AlexanderJan. 30tn, July 30th.J Union Feb. 13th. tFeb. 2nr,h SpniL Trt rt tSept.24th. . . ; Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, t Aug. 27th. -Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, AUg. 6th, Oct. 22d. Rutherford-AprU 23(1, Oct. 29tk . . rT. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. - TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge MacRae. - Fall Judge Boykin. Madison Feb.1S7th July 30th, tNov. I9tn. Buncombe March 12th. Jnnfi it.b a ho- Dec. 3d. ' ' ""v"' 1 Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d, Haywood April 9th, Sept 10th. - . Jackson-April 23d, Sep 24th. " Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. r Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham--June 4th, Oct. 29th. Swain June llth, Nov. 5th. 9th, tApril -30th, Sept. 3d t? n fl fl WSOUCITED WRfTTD TESTIMONIALS ABO OVER rROMLnhlf L7..E,,D,Y X I WND1SPENSAELE.S0L0 BY ALL CR'J66JSrs I SUA I-UK UIAMUNU HKAOMItHESTE-TS ENGLISH NDTAa Nil OllltH tE S.I6NATURE OH EVERY BOX CWCHISTER CKEVUCALCO. SOLE PRCP. MADiSON S3.PHLA. PA fUUSiiSSTSSS ttiiUiUDAAUQKO EaAL'3 PEN jPYR 0 lALPili y?rr!5VC WSE0 aniseodiydo ; - . . . --ww.au. 150 $4.50 FOB We can tfre so much for the money f Thousands say this Ja thpir i mumtk juvw., xut u ncmi ij iuiij jtsa- exisienca tne ,IW C00l iUlJallg - - W n ,. baa absorbed twenty-four other reeoenlxed authority on agTicultnn V- '. uMtrvcn tog irunu oyer. Vlth th. .i ? Ih. T-?Kho haTemade It a power In both hemispheres, reinforced with li,1 of It wW bemore.valaabla durine 1SSS than ever. - Eacti number bo .La.'F wHteri. th' mm Mm ' a number now coirurnl,1,er. ) c"i hundred original Illustrations and original articles on the Farm u;ialn,11rl? ,d Housebold. from over fifty different writers. Price. ,irl.b!J?o, Ha,! rasOW CAIATAIIV K 1 ' 1 urst ana cniy ncproductionTrr BEFOHB glLATR ' hed Dec. 20, 1887) forwarded in lubes, post-paid. American A rrlcnltnrlst fEne. 'or 6erman),rwltn' iMth ur new volume, pubUsbed Dec. 20, 1887, entitled , i - v ODR HOIdTSr HOW TO BEAuTIFY- THEl is nancsome inusxrauons, - Donna in Clota and rold, nrtea 11m.11 . - ' ; receipt of 8J- 60, toe extra ten eents beinK for pactlar aad poitafs.1 ' - Send to ui for Specimen number, ISnslIsh or GeSn rart man, iuii ucscriiHivnvi new ugoas preiented to old g and new sjnbaeribers, and fttll description or the Pte j tares, and Portralf of Mnnkactr, tlie painter or th... m seat ivories, now attractlns world-wide attention, U CANVASSERS WAWX-EIO JEVEin.Y'WIIISUlS. ). JIJDD 0 Publishers, 751 Croadwa w C - . - . a. '4 CUiJO JL JOI -punoj . TaA nv ut aaaaTca-vUooui-ao Jraol D39TQ 01 et mra iincamnii LI 5 - r I , ' tni )u 3 .1 1 w -vwuttympuT V1 '""' i.' '.-tcjiu .u..uior,itnajj Junes nn TZr ' b k'iri I SLH ilihllaull 1 b jt 1 m j 1 1 1 1 - s 1 . . r I T ' V vvm. IUWU 1 1 . V I . t rtLi . t .A 1 . : a -.-1 r . . . r . . .r L-a, T-S m -e- .: 2 jct h m i " iron a roi . . o.uwu At as WANTED at once to sudd1tt -"" vriuciai lives or BIG flOIIEY!l ' vnu l III XJ " xjL lv luti till iX 1 t For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. , $For civil cases alone, except jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS . ' " T??.w HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. -SSftL1 WLLmlngtonTSoUcltor. Tti6- Marcn IMti. May 2lst, July I6tir, Sept. I7tn, Nov. 19th. 1 - . .MECKLENBtTRG COUNTY. 9Uve.p,vMeares' Wllnilngton, Judge. VfHf00 feariotlfe solicit - Court oegins Feb. i.trh Anrii oth Tr. u Aug. l3th.-oct. sth, DecTiotK. " "v Hisses Burr & James, 7 ILL REOP THJSIR 4 SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys.' on TUESDAY Oct? ?i The course of Instruction, a hProZ,.,, be thorough and systematic. w nm Special attention given to Readln? Writing nsic ana rnTKira nn mn . . o . . its - By Hon. W. U. Hensel. also Life of Mrs. Cleveland, exquisite steel portraits: Voters' Car ridge Box, Free Trade Poller, c.;-complete.5 Agents at work report immense suL t best work, apply quick and make $200 to $500 month. 0jtm .Tc. - aug0 4W , - - . . HUBBAliD BROS.: PhllnlPlnhia p. rn vim i a r".itr r.J, zzr ill V '3 i 1 ,m - . n m fldia ft Passages, Jilays Pain and Inflam "matlon, lleals the Sores, Restores the Sense5bf Taste and Smell. 2& A f:!;ipCiVvi J -s rifly.r c.v.rf z.ss .:sr 5 m al am n av . a as "?v A partlcla is applied into each nostrii and Is agreea Die. price nil cents at arnggists: by man. registerea. go cenrs. n.L.1 -15K(tiikr. 56 Warren St., New York. aul 9 lyrod d&w 1888 , :1888a . Pres dntial VYeartl New York Weekly-Efald,' containing an impartial epitome each week of the movements of all political parties.: will be mailed to any address in the United States or canaaa, irom jun k 6th. 5 until after tne presiaentiai jfiiection, for 40 cents. : " Address. - JAMES GORDON BENNETT, mch . New York city. mwim --.Mysterhmj t ltsaction. Qui,, in affonlin-; tf je 1, immcdij!' in. its benMux results. , I'n ex celled a a bio, i" purifier.; lu veloug as in : . teratire in u Btiauhutt ef . on S torpid Uvei . - ADVERTISERS Caji learn the exact-cost of any propoijd linebf: advertising in ericain Papers by adtireing, Geo. P. Howell f&lfCo Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St.; New YoritC;; Send 1 0 ots. for lOO-page' PamnhJ '- A Bovereifii Cur 1 lor - J - wanioiappeuts Headaclie anf N'V011ST1C5 vanisli as if b' magic -aft7 t Pimples art' Edlls disaiwcr speedily when this remedy is taken. ,Hiere no more effectual relief for the naiwa 1 loathing of food due to INTEMPEfiAXf i than this article. Pnt uoinlaree 75 cent I ties. " Sample packages in povdeb funa i- by mail to any address on receipt of 10 m in stami'S. The rejralarl iquid form eanmjt be sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICINE CO, 400Jorth 3d St.. Philadelpliia, Pa. -bird mm Th' trreat secrctof thecanartblrdbreeJtr! ofthellartz Mountains in German?. W Manna Wil Irnstorfl tha feonc of cairebinKift prevent their ailments and restore tbem b gowl condition. If given to a oira 01 the season ofsheddinjrfeatlicrs, itwillinui; Cases carry the little musician throngn w critical period without loss of song.. Sent in Tiai 1 on receipt 01 10 cm. '""""w. E. OOD CO.. 400 N. 3rd St Philadelphia, ft ; '.ease mention this paver. , ; v ; ' CJJlJil iiU kU Ml 1 u I n . 1 1 1 1,1 .. , .A .. iyThe Acme " MANUFAOT TJRINO CO. J1A5CFACTUKERS OP - ; izers, Pine Fibre ari ; Pine Fibre Matting. WILJilNGTON, N.C tie ACME and-GS!?s the results of three years' use to the. " the best fanners of Oils and other SuW Maturity Asso'ciaH OF .WASHINGTON, D.a ' .rL ' ,2 - MtO tc.cqnai fi wool Sroet for od1 demand for U is dally tocreasli.. -tues. not found In any other fahrJc- - . ; Tbe FIBRE or woOLls extenslveV Upholstering purposes, anu , Mattresses Is almost equal top , !. eiastlo aWproof ies '$?J certificates from re croods can be seen at our jaai The National Lite -AND - vTw; xrr,V.tcr. cmiaing, Muslc and Physical cultm. tblLu rSst" "-.awanoB. Mrs. M.& cushlng will have charge of the Wresenteltme-of the Fjest hou ... "S2Pft!?- - - f V? i?J?tes.C .respondence. -3 . i nrf to H Assets..........4.., Liabilities........ Paid to members ..J.3U72.19 ....ilNon." . .$120,032.31 HORATIO BROWNING, President, , . GEGRGE D.ELDRLD6E, Secretary. Manager and 1 Actuary' S . . ... o Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, A Guaranteed lollcy. " . V An Incontestlble PoUcy. . ' ; - - 'U i Maturity Value In Casn at Fixed Age f Annual Cost Absolutely limited. Only Four Payments per Year. -Non Forfeitable After Three Years ' - . P. 8. KIDDELLE, M D. " m i. .,. .-.3!edlcalLirectorf .-. uidou, special Agent ed upon application. "JOB P Kihvri1" fill We want your orders"' -'1q. ai:. HV1IIG Una ..rod ; i doing your work wen, tWr and stock amount w a pf are certainly entitled to at cll t . Our money has not uecu material au'A we are- constaDiJ . . type-' ' ' ;' r . : ' . j .ant ic ' . try 'us on any books r order. JOHN liAA MBSoXSpeclal Agent ' t - - r to all order. Iiome Office, 115 F Street, N.W. I Personal attention to aii v LIAAR, Jr., Ldcal Agent, I .. wr a, taCKSON A - OCt 23 -vvunungtonj. c. .

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