if' f4l i rn ; i r .u: .3 n It H V. ' ; if- I i ; 4 v a - v.- .f. " 4 f r, -3 . . - ... 1 ' it''-. 1. r. i;? . If- i - " " "TTTrrrtT r ' - " 1 1 1 ii i ii Absolutely Pure. -. TUla powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than tteo ordinary kinds, and cannot be aoJdm competition with tno multitude or low CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ,T ortSSd&wly tcnnn 4thDd srdpw r TUESDAY. AUGUST 28. 1888. I IK CONGRESS YESTKUOAV. . SENATE. Washington, Aug. 27. Mr. Alli son presented a conference report on the Sundry Civil bill, and gave notice that he would call it up to morrow." , , , The Senate proceeded to the con sideration of the report of the Ju- ' diciary Committee on the Jackson, Miss., election, and Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, continued the remarks begun ' toy him last Thursday. ' Mr. Walthall complained of the periodical arraignment of the South ern people for alleged ofTences that ; are clearly outside of the sphere of Federal legislation. These attacks, he said, were unaccompanied by ? any plan of remedy or redress. They naa oorne no iruii uui tijujiuuuuiw and recriminations, and had no ef fect hut to delay the era of good will among a reunited people, which happily had come in spite of them. Such attacks might always be ex pected when there was any impor tant political campaign pending or approacnmg. xneir purpose m wa j s was to gain for the dominant party some political advantage by the dis semination of partisan reports and hitter sectional speeches. At the close of Mr. Walthall's speech the report went over without action. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' Under the call of States the fol lowing bills, etc., were introduced and referred: By Mr. Breckenridge, of Arkan sas, to suspend the operations of the laws relating to the sinking fund; also, to correct certain abuses aris ing under the tariff laws in relation to steel rail bars, copper, structural Iron, and lumber. By Mr. Mason, of Illinois, to in vestigate certain national banks which hold and use government ; money without interest, and to as certain how much, if anything, is contributed bv such banks for the use of ' such government money to the Democratic campaign commit tee.-'. Bv Mr. Davis, of Massachusettes, a resolution requesting the Presi dent to communicate to the House conies of all communications ad dressed by his direction to the gov- eminent -01 ureal .Britain remon strating .with that government asainst the wrongs and unfair, treat- - m A l il a r mens oi our citizens uy iue ucnuu of the Canadian covernment in re funding to vessel sand cargoes which Sasa through the Welland and other anadian canals nearly the entire tolls if they are destined to Canadian ports, while those bound to Ameri can ports are not allowed any such advantages, and against the breach of the treaty of 1871, whereby Great Britain promised to the United States equality in the matter of ca nal transportation. The President is also called upon for copies of any demand made by his direction upon Great Britain for the redress of such wrongs, and the replies of Great Bri tain to such "communications and demands. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Deficiency Ap propriation bill. Chairman Spring er nated the pending question to be on appeal from the decision of the cnalr ruling tne J? rench spoliation claims section out of the bill. After "cT"talTcTuilraa provision was eliminated from th.e Din. f - . The committee then rose and the Deficiency bill (without the spolia tion section) was passed. Mr. Hooker, of Mississippi,, intro : duced a joint resolution authorizing the President for a given period to suspend theduty on cotton bagging. Referred. ts action's Arnjca Halve The Best 8alve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Ekin Eruptions, and positively cures ri, ; i . . ernes, or no pay requirea. ins guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, r money refunded. Price 25 cents. per dox. t ; - For sale by Wro.H. Green. stateUews, Sanford depress: .'The congrega tion of Laurinburg Presbyterian Church has elected Rev. Chalmers Moore as their pastor. He was a class mate of this writer, and one of the very best young men that ever was at Davidson College. Eutherf ordtonBangr.' : 'Ruther- ford county mourns, tne aeain oi two of her best and most sn Dstan- tial-citizens. Mr. tiunipnrey-iuuier, aged 61, or Suipnur op"K;iyw ship, who died Friday, the 17th mst.. at his home near isiano X'ora, auu Mr. Solomon lirav, ageu u, death occurred Monaay, uie am, at his residence on Uatney'8 ureeh.. Charlotte Chronicle: MecKlen - &t.Sft.'&''2SL ?'?Jrlll "SrUASrTle 'in,! IS ,,ht 8 Younto Son's & Co. It was Kruueu omui. """"''"o. - bronght ten cent; , Tne horse and two mules perished in the flames and all of Mr. Fitzgerald's farmhiJ Stools and implements and forage were destroyed. The loss will amopnt to $1,000, which will fall heavily upon Mr. Fitzgerald, who is an old, one-armed gentleman. The origin of the fire is not known. Fayetteville Journal: Maj. At kinson, chief engineer of the C. F' & Y. V.R. R., is in the mountains look ing for the best route to extead the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. westward. He intends, on Monday week, to put his corps of engineers on the route to survey and locate the best line; at the same time the Norfolk and Western Railroad starts its corps in the field for the purpose of locating, its line to meet the C. F. & Y. V. The two corps will meet, compare notes and locate the line. N e wbern Journal: JohnShepard, col., who works at Dr. Capehart's mammoth fishery at Avoca beach during the shad season, hands us the following account of some of the big hauls of shad last spring, at dif ferent hauls, 1615, 1611, 1492, 1558, 1373, 1586, 1034, 1050. The following are some of the best days work done in catching shad last spring and these followed in succession: 5103, 2386, 3226, 3381, 3833, 3608, 3377, 2410, 2416. We have been informed that the total catch of shad at the Avoca fisheries last spring was about 100,000. Asheville Citizen: We interro gated several planters from different portions of Buncombe, who were in the city yesterday, regarding the prospects of thetpbacco crop in this county for this season. In nearly every instance the reporter was as sured that the outlook was very good for an average, if not an over yield of the crop of last year. The seasons, while not being over pro- )itious for the raising of the weed, lave not been much of a draw-back to the growing crop. Worms have been scarce, and taken all together the crops throughout Buncombe have not suffered from any of the disadvantages usually incurred dur ing cultivation. Cutting and curing will soon be commenced, and from several of our friends we learned that quite a number of barns had already been "fired," and curing,by the new process, begun. Of all the new tobacco brought to market so far, the prices paid for the same have been a fraction above those paid last season, and warehousemen seem well pleased with the outlook for the season of 1888'89. The Campaign Orcran. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint and settled down to business, We may expect some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and one we can reeomhiend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in showing instruments and giv ing prices. t "WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning. Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Munds Bros., druggists. If you want to feel comfortable and well all you needisa good Ham mock. You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber er's. t Hock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying voiver than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Quarantine at Southport sionersotthe Town of Southport, that after tne 17tli day of August, 1888, no refugees from any of the Infected towns of Florida, south of Waycross, shall be allowed to enter the Town of Southport, either by land or water, unless mey are provided Ylth certificates showing that they have passed through the quaran Unes along t he route, and have been allowed free pratique by the officials in charge. Ordered, That the Captains of 'all passenger nrftVA Jt ,5 any Person entering the town violation ot the lettef spmt ol I do hereby certify the, within as a tmo , 3ES i6tra ot wSSigga aug 18 tf W. T. PINNER, Town Clerk. Notice. jyjR. W. A. McGO WAN will collect subscrip tions due THE - DAILY BKvikwk. co.... nfi-WRntvwrlt-M-i : owiicit tf (Jill rir nf Snlnhur Springs toru ' " . V V u u w w U U tTM R lr" VJ WILMINGTON MARKET. . - - Aug. 28.-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34 cents. Sales of receipts at 34 cents. ROSIN Dull at 70 cents for strained and 72 cents for good ! strained. ; I CRUDE WkPENTINE - Firm at $L0O for hard, tut for yellow i w m m a mm w 1 v m m w n ru u m ! dip ami virgin. COTTON Dpll. The following ffiir ,mnfnAna. nAi , .03BMttow ! middling 9 9-16. . . . . Receipts to-day: Spirits 181 ;rosin, 1 313; tar, 210; crude, 53; cotton. 5. MAI? TNE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson. Favetteville, T D Love. BVbaraue Maury, Sedgley, Phila delphia, E G Barker & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Pioneei, Ingram, New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamer Pioneer 41 pkgs mdse, 140 bags chaff, 28 bales deer tonsrue. 136 casks spirits, 333 bbls tar. 60 do crude. 49 do rosin, 1 do pitch, 41,970 ft creosoted lumber, 112,300 ft lumber. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND AUG. 25, 1888. Cotton ashore, 71. Spirits ashore, 4,823; afloat, 25; to tal, 4,848. Rosin ashore, 71,825. . Tar ashore, 2,685. Crude ashore, 676. RECEIPTS FROM AUG. 18 TO AUG. 25. Cotton. 62; spirits, 2,104; rosin, 4,289; tar, 1,573; crude, 630. EXPORTS FROM AUG. 18 TO AUG. 25. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 93; spirits, 536; rosin, 412; tar, 1,490; crude, 694. , FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,401. Bargains! Bargains! -o- liiidirs TakvNotice. -o- Closing Out Sale AT- THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, 115 Market Street, COMMENCING TO-DAY, TUESDAY, 21ST, I will sell at a sacrifice my stocke ot Millinery, Fancy Goods, Laces, EflQBROID' RIES, Feathers, FLOWERS, YOKINGS, Tuckings, corsets! ruohings, BustJes, Etc. . -o- This stock must be cleared out by October 1st, and goods will be sold for i-igicdii oiiijjiujs. n gooas in the Store are of Latest Style and Finest Qua itv. MRS.RB.WIGGINS 115 Market Street. aug 20 For Sale. QNE K ELL'S BRICK MACHINE, IN GOOD mn& $ert- raP-Hy 13,T)00 brlek per dav Will be sold cheap. Apply to Iraaj. A. II. PADDISON Burgaw.N.'c.- aug 17 2w Sharpie Robert E. Lc? ZIAPT r V etirmir titttt . ,,. oiii niui TAKE PAR- ties from the Hummocks to .any point on tho Sound or mi r. rn Aa Vn the . io ii Lieu wit fortable seats and win arnimmnrti passengers. Parties taken Fishing M forty sailing or to the Biackflsh dm.L '"i"n. For terms nnnlv nn hni vutsiae. rmTmr wui CA aug i tf WireCloth for your windows and and doors can be hart nf v.. Hdw. Depot. wi&B t i SPIRITS TURPENTINE Finn , , . j - r Gyi oq o.ortT nr W w - - - : Y7 II II X I lly VV yjl I I ' II H K tF A FRESH LOT OP THOSE FINE ASSORTED CAKES ! , . ' "' Come In and look at tnem;they are elegant. My PAIiOLE D'HONSPUr FLOUR still holds the lead, and is pronounced by ex perts to be the PUREST AN U WHI TESTI FLOUR SOLD IN THE CITY. Come in and examine my goods and you'll And that I always have on hand the' best of Goods and at amazingly low prices. - o Parties desiring goods to be delivered on the Sound, will olease leave their orders either , Tuesday or Wednesday morning, as my cart makes weekly trip to all points, without extra charge. Jno. L. Boatwright, aug30 15 & 17 So.Pront St. The Southern Guardsman Winston, N. C OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GUARD. CONDUCTED BY WILL X. COLBY 1st Sgt. Co. A, 3d Regt,, N. C. State Guard. IHE GUARDSMAN is endorsed and reeom mended by the Governor, Adjutant: Gen eral, Regimental Commanders and all other officers of the Guard. It was officially an nounced as the Organ of the North Carolina militia in General Orders No. 6, which were issued on May 2d, 1888. All citizen soldiers should subscribe at once. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. In advance. 53 standard books and THE GUARDSMAN one year for only $1.50. Advertising rates, $2.00 per inch. Send for sample copy. Address WILL X. COLEY, Publisher Southern Guardsman. my 23 tf Winston, N. C. Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS. LIME " " GROCERIES. LIME " LIME " LIME " LlMEg" " DRY GOODS- " ' HARDWARE, ' LUMBER. " CASH. FRENCH UKOS., Rocky Point. sept' Jno. F. LeGrand, SUCCEEDING PARTNER OP THE LATE firm of A. A. Brown & Co., Commission Merchant, office in the Kerchner Building-, No. Water street. Will give prompt attention to all business. Represents some of the Ijest houses the country. invitesC -Tespondence, Je 13 ly d&w. The AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Bfautifollf JHostratei. 25cts., $3 a Fear. ITS SCOPE.--THE AMERICAN MAGA ZINE gives preference to national topics and scenes, and its literature and art are of the highest stan'dard. Famous American writers fill its pages with a wide variety of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure, serial and short stories, descriptive accounts of our ioremost proDiems oi tne period, ana,in snort, this Magazine Is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. Tm t nif ti nt A Specimen Number, with XIJipui tillH illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums to Club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c., if this paper is mentioned. S" Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. ..Write at-"i for exclusive territory. Address, " THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb .749 Broadway. New York. Homes in North Carolina Ouiv 20 Hours Side from New York I -o GS) SlileSoutn of ltaleiffl) Oo the UftlelRb aid Augruata Air-Line R B 1 500 ACRte:s or uijd I-N THK on. lent pine resrton For ). . . lots to .on puhaaerarrour acTes toTi Larger tracts 5 ncr jictp , ' mcnta oi 10. This land 3ia,"" etn Plnea". a rpcentlv iH w--,"'' sort (oi aanltarlum), and is eiKJclallv adat.il for Fruit Culture, well aVl thcSSSte A numjier ol New KnndoShaveufhi lots In the town of "Sr-nth. 1 Vi, la thedro of tbeownera of this and to l! duce small farmers, mechanic and othe from the New Kngfcnd and Middle stau w well as elsewhere, to locate new. No Stated the Union offer greater tndnceinenta tex tiers than North Carotin. nk "lei better rarrpu country or a One a cHmate Im found. Ihlals the opinion of Northern ,Iv who have settled In Nrth C&roHw " Sm" bona flit offer, and Is limited ... "or further partS.inlarB write at once . jni t. patkiitk Coraiala'r of Immigration. Raleljrh. s lftj21 tf Chronicle Offlce. Annst, tt - SHADESFOBIlTOos IN ALL SIZES AND GRADES. CARPETS APJD MATTITJC ! A Good Assortment will be eriven during -the remainder INGRAINS to close put Can Save Tou Some aug 20 ly The fBandaaa,f Bed SEALED BOTTOM, LIGHT WEIGHT,- COMI'ORTABLE AND . DURartp Patented and Manufkchwd by1 'V 1 . ' O PP0igJi y;-;H til lii: . ' S.'s.: i f- ' P. S. Mattresses, Awnings and Pine Fibre Pillows made to order, ilosoulto Wl" . price reduced : ' ' " ' - ars t0r University o' North Carolina Chapel mil, N. C- rjpHE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUGCST30. Tuition reduced to $30 a half year. Poor Stu dents may give notes. - Faculty: of .Fifteen Teachers. Three full courses ot study leading to degrees. Tnree snort courses lor tne i rain ing of business men, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. Law school fully equipped. ' - Write for Catalogue to , HON. KEMP P. BATTLE; ,'- jy 7 tf President. RJEW YORK OBSERVER. . ESTABLISHED IN 1833 The Oldest and Best : Family Newspapen Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad;) Stories, Reviews, Condensed jNews, Departments for Farmers, Mer chants, Bankers, Professional Men, Students, Boys and Girls. ' This year the Observer will pub lish more than - ' : r f FIFTY FRIZfo OliiESi and the ablest md: most popular writers will : contribute to; its col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors,v editors, men of scien ce and women of. genius ' will fill " the col umns ef the - Observer, and it wil erive liftv-two unexeetled "papers in the coming year. . V ; r . " Price, $3.00 a veal. . - ' : " ' ,K -uiergymen, Jga.oo a year. Great Inducements for 1888 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER Will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub scriber, for ONE DOLLAR. ' .- "; 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrlp tion for a year in advance and a rnew subscri ber with $5.(X), can have a copy of the "Iren a3us Letters,-' or "The Llfe.of Jerry McAuley.' 3. We will send the OBSERVE R for the re mainder of tills year, and to January lj 18S9, to any nk w subscriber sendlnu us his name and address and $3.00 in advance. To such subscri bers wo will also give either the volume of 'Iremnus Lttters" or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auley.' Agents wanted everywhere. - Liberal ter Larqe commissions. Sample c free. QA.ddress, New York Observer, NEW YORK. ' Stearaship Co FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, p. M: I ttor:: :4 -turday, Aug. 25 F ANITA.... PIONEER.. . . vreunesuay, Aug. 29 . . .Saturday, sept, l , FROM WILMINGTON " AsiA-.v ...Fridav. Ant- o. riun Tuesdav a o BENEFACTOR ' fa NITA TueldSy I sept; 4 3& Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina... . For Freight or Passage apply to II G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, - THEO. E. EGER, Traffic MSg011 ' J5a P- CLYDE Gem Agem Y aug 21 35 Broadway. New Yorlc . MATKh?r5T J2Fm s?cdNo i AND maISrM to Mecute Trasts or all Kinds On Corn, Peanuts Addrea WTtwxirrrt nn. at alllSeasonsr. o of this us month on BUUSQt,Vu getting in New ock S before MoneyiSNf e .This I iU3icntire ' . : NORTH PRbxT STrL. ' or GoveHd Spring CLEARING SAXlv AT r - ! llG.-flarkct St.- yy-E WILL CONTINUE TO OFFKlt Ting week many more Bargains. to make room for .. PALL STOCK. . -v; -. ' . , ; ' . -. ';' : ... , .-::.:-- ' ' - " Bargaiiifi in, VVHITE Cbop5 " . HarjraiiislQ frS iDRESS GOODS, Bargains in Eemuauts Embroideries I WillOpenMonday.Aug.e, 40-lnch Second Mourning Raye Lamawortl 75o for COc 48-inch Blactc Henrltta worth SI foroc, . Drap Avenue de gole worth 81 for T3c vtA many more new Goods. REMEMBER AT THE CASH UOVSE OF.; M;M. 116 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. J716 1888 . ) Harper's - Bazar ; ILLUSTRATED. , " IUbpeb's Bazab Is a Home. journal. " Kg; tions with the latest Intelligence regaw-jv,, fashions, v Each number has clever rw r short atores, practical and UmQf bright poems, humorous sKetcleMt, pattern-sneef ana rasmoa-piaic ""tw costof the subscription, and paPfAiniS etiquette, decorative art, tousepifsj, vnu nlnnA Tipln fts TA save uxaui rT-i! It nsefol its branches, cookery, etc., mac everv honsfihoid. and atrue promwuri term omy. Its editorials are marceu vj 7 r. Vitt mum " axs are wm? i f.;,n. tasi and not a line is admitted to its 7- t could offend the most fastidious tas 'HARPER'S PERIODICALS'; ' -v PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR... ".. 4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE..... 4 HARPER'S WEEKLY m (6 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. -"r" 1 Is(ace Free to all tutisenfjers m v Ssatet Canada, or Mexico. ' . ; .tfititW' ' The Volumes of the Bazar wn V:i first Number for Januaj-yofcacn jeax no time is menUoned, subscriptions Iptrf with thp -KvmYmr current at tune w , - order. . - ' tarf Bound Volumes of Harper's serf years bacic, in neat cloth WnnD?, " i by mall, postage paid, orby exprtg, expense (provided the f -one dollar per volume), for 17 CO pt $ Cloth -cases for each wdZMV binding, will De sent by mall, po receipt of t) OOeach. - ,n r jhjs4- Remittances should be made Money Order Qj Draft, to arold cnau - .,iJ tn snnn this au' . hfr Xewspaprrs are not to MW'f&BToW1 ittotd she express order of nlZa-te. IJHtliOtU mm Katz Addcesa ; J10TJ5 N.",