every evening. Sundays excepted rg. T. jaMES Editor and Prop, W 1 ..rtynoSS. POSTAGE PAID: 1 .rRSCJt" V.O com jcar. six Three . , in month. 35 cents. ntns-Ji- -hi! he delivered by carriers, free ,vnartoftheclty, at the above please report any and -jwji; SbBST piv their paper regularly. ,.,. IU i- VOL XII. Congressman Scott, of Pennsvl. niih positively declined a renom- ' ination. His health obliges him t cure lo private lire. His loss be felt.- - WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 297188? will ns peculiar efficacy is due io ,ncii tn the process and .-om.fi skill in compounding as to 1 diseases in the outset, or if u. tranced will prove a potent cure. filaatoW lie fitta. IL nlaceof a US8 i"" 'tlv Th an phis Hie planters of North Mississippi d Wet Tennessee' met t. M0.,. on Monday and determine! upon boycotting jute bagging. They propose to fight the bagging trust btea! to the bitter end. Index to Nkw AnvKRTisKJnixTS. o o Vollkks For sale Locis H Meabes Scarfs M M Katz Special Bargains Hkinsbehqeb School Books P C MiLUSRcigars, Cigarettes 4 We win be glad to receive trom our trienda on "any and allubj:ct general interest, but - . TUe name of tie writer must always be f: r nlshed to' the Editor. "" communications must bo written only ca, one side of the paper. ; Personalities must beavoldeO; : ; ' - : tt 1LesPe?IaUy Particiiriy.xin'; stood that the E-fltn ... " .IN U IO. vlews 01 correspondents nnlessi instated in tne editorial columns.1 Indication. For North Carolina, fair weath anil slightly warmer. j we are sorry to hear that Mr. Os- I car u. Vollers t this city."-He. wi 1 tJ U U rC H Tl 1 lira A.- li.. tst.riL-o vnni. .-- -. ) " v vau wruiiuiy com- r '-'wi i Luc w.ut-, ir h com or iiuencwinu to the good people of that ! lua' lasten ltseIf uPn you. iowuas-a. c ewr. wnf.ifli.ion n,i ' t'"1'5 a ie o vivifies a positive GU.&R1 AGAINST THK STRIKE, KBWVBIBnBNTO - L I I is to remove from EM , fVCK, 8 I , , i " --"v,uj ui nit; nuufe, x Oil ii go hence .o Laur- cannot tell h iay oometiiinff B rfSSlive of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT- , .ndeorefor nu,';.,i.w.,.. Riliousness. CoBttipl0Ji' ' 1 Depression. No loss Met oa f" rferP1,ct with business of W'Jl V ehildn-u it is most in Tbi!etaky ' s No danjrer.from Softer takms- Cures Colic. Di 'E?5 Bowel Oiniplalnts. Feverish rifcffl,i rTril Colds. Invalids and. !t5 ei will find it the mildest ffiitCdTouiclhcyi-aniise. Al ttl S nicht insures refreshing sleep "ftStSral evacuation of the bowels, fii-vi Ttakcn in morning sharpens v.trietite, cleanses the stomach ana SSsthebreatli. I PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. ' ben practicing medicine for i-otyytire and nave never been able to mtupa v6?tablc compound that would, K SiBmons Liver Kegnlator. promptly effectively move the Liver to action, gd xtthe timc (instead of weak the digestive and assimilative -i5 of the system." LlL Hctton, m.d., Washington, Ark. irkiof Genuineness: Look for the red tMark on front of Wrapper, and the 'alind signature of J. ll.Zeilin b Co., in atteside. Take no other. !afSKlstp(livi- en sat IASOS AND ORGAN.: fLTETO ME f OH PRICES AND TERMS 'jreborin? an Instrument, as I keep one iBUTo'C-st StOCkS Of MOS AND ORGANS IS THE SOUTH. 38 sell you any of tlie"flrst-class manu- teres. Pianos FROM $190 UPWARDS. Qrg ans rKOM US TTPWAIiDS. 3DIDR CATALOGUE. La. Stone RALEIGH, N. C. 1UN0H HOUSE : t Street, between Front and ISecnd, WILMINGTON, N. C. It is said now that the much-talk- eu-oi cenate tariir bill xvill be re ported after -the Maine' election. There is a 50 percent, cut onumber in the bill ami the cautious commit tee are fearful of the effect this will have on the vote in that State. The most remarkable incident of tho campaign thus far is this: There am " 4. a . g nvency-iour orotliers of t III I I it "1 TT uuj, uameii uncaplier, not far from rittsbur, Pa., who have here tofore always voted the Republican ticket but this year they will fiop aim every one of them will vote for Cleveland and Thunnan. Burglars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold atJacobi's. . All kinds of Scliool Books ind ocnooi euppiies can .be bought: eneapese at Heinsberger's. t ood citizen emoval Mr. j bargain a number of articl rGT7.f v T A1 PHEPAREb TO 'rUllNISH 3IT w Ctirp. All Til mo hllod o v- "" Cljr uav, jram in consequence of his Lung troubles yield to iLs treat- V auied and deUvereT ; .5"5TS?". Purl er removal Mr. Vollers will sell off at a ! ent- A sample bottle is given vou v ANIOTAntcla . j" MundsBros., druggists. es, enum erated in advertisement in this issue. U8 South Front st.- Postponert to Friday. k We are requested to state that the shooting toumanient-wheh -was in tended .to take -place to-morrow at j the Hummocks has been postponed The Umbria reached the other side of the ocean a whole dav ahead of the City of New York, making the run in ( tlays, 7 iiours, 23 minutes. The captain of the former claims that there was nothing like a race He says that 14s starboard engine had to be stopped several times, twelve hours in all. There is an impression in Canada that the threatened retaliation meas ures will probably be put in force by the. first of December,' about which time the big St. Lawrence will shut its ice-bound mouth. The Pimples, boils and other humors I un 1 r,day because of other mat are liable to appear when the blood ters which intervene and which will MnAeSted' Tcure theiu' ke interfere with it. Therefore entries Hood s Sarsapanlla. h ,,i , ikivuv iui yjuKj, Kithy lunger. Those who are to take part must file their names with Mr. Bryan, either at tlie Orton House or the Island Beach Hotel. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment one j of aU kinds for both s;ilfe f j esh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. ' t If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. f ForSale JT A BARGAIN, CROCKERY, GLASsl ware. Chairs. Tabis rtevista. hT Two Good Counters and .Shelves, also one Fine fX&&&&:- Jargam good un- rroa O.O. VOLLERS, aus 29 It Na 8 North Water St. Vienna Export :Beer ! 'lu MOST DELICIOUS BKKli , EVER BROUGHWtto lttAimET ' Guaranteed to keep V I ; f- Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. f Dog collars. Largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. Only one case before the Mayor to-day, that of Mary McMillan. charged with disorderly conduct. The Mayor said $5 and costs or 10 davs. Heinsberger has received Hebrew New Year Cards, the finest ever sold Canadians are probably correct, pro- in Wilmington. While opening vided there is half as much back- them yesterday some customer re- V, i 4-4 , I t 1 t , m uoue m ine oenate as there is in tlie marKea: "Tins is enterprise. t White House. A Grant! Occasion Next Week. The Masonic lodges in this city nave chartered the steamer Sylvan Urove for an excursion down the river on Wednesday next to the Rocks, Southport and Fort Caswell, the occasion being the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist Church at Southport. An oration .will be delivered on this occasion by Mr. Eugene S. Martin, of this city. The boat will leave here at 9 o'clock and will return to the city at about 7 o'clock. The prdoeeds of the ex cursion are for the benefit of the 'and needed to provide additional accommodations at the Oxford Or phan Asyium. The committee con sists of Messrs. H. P, West, James W. Munroe, Col. John L. Cant well, T. F. Bagley, W. M. Poisson and J. C. Chase. It will be the first trip made by the Grove to points below Carolina Beach- - Regatta To-Morrow. The fifth regular, regatta of the Recreation Rowing Club will take place on the river to-iiiorrow after lie Stokiey IJouse, WANT OF AcaMODHrilw , "! ut them, for at Mother Hubbard R. E. Cantweli. 2nd oar: R H ESSSfMlfln?. the STOKLEY divorce fmm'i,oV .. Jl . & Pities gentlemen are rigidly ex- ten, 3d oar: W. A. Burr. strokP.T . ..v i jjti.inu.il u iius- -i,i.i fnL , , .1 . ' Little Ones and Narsery. Mr. Blame's reappearance on the ur JXttle Ones and the Nurseru political field has thrown Harrison for September, already at hand, is a so far in the shade that he is really charming number, and ope which heard from but semi-occasionally. sole of the older folks cau appreci- Who is he. anvwav? .Tnst nsV tho laie fts wen asthe little ones. It has first fire-tried Republican you meet ari exce,lent aml carefully selected " r er iae usuai CQr- The Ann iA win uta , c table of contents, all heanrif.iiw ii. wuj ue cauea at o o'clock and ... ..... u aiio paic tiixu Uc unable to tell you more than that he luscraiea a of just such matter lives in Indiana, when he is at home j oost calculated to instruct as that he is the candidate of his party weU as to entertain the youthful for President andt that he is the m Issued by the Huesell Pub- nsning uompany, 3G Brom field St., Boston, at $1.50 a vear. I Invito Tour Attention TO OUR LINE OF Twenty-Five Cent Scarfs ! jXri7leiy on uand- CUl and buy before' viicj aic clll yuiiC. iiOUIS 11. MJsAlt.ES, Gent's Furnisher. au-J 12 N. Front Street; School Books, gCHOOL SLATES AND CRAYONS. DE posltory for Sehool Books adopted by the State Board of Education. Discount to dealers and teachers. Save monev and spnri v-nm. 1, v v f wu v UV1 O VJ HEINSBERGER 'S. Pianos & Ofgans. S200 WiU bUyy0Ua flneUPrint anos which we guarantee for nve years. Organs sold on the popular Monthly instalment Plan at nEINSBERG ER'S. Hebrew New Year Cards, Beautiful Assortment of New Year Cards tor our Hebrew friends are for sale at HEINSBERGERS in any climate and at au seasonal ' V -V" C Sold by theCASEofBAimiand atlW Prices than any other Export Beer on the Market. '.-;.; ;': ';f.';:;' -.-"'. Special Rates to Dealers. : Fuller particulars on appUcatlon to the ROBERT PORTNER BREWINQ CO.', h Nortl Second Street. . :'s V ''T?- ' ' : Agent.'.' A Bare Ohance -To Sccnro a Bargain f aug 28 2w ENTIRE STOCK OP - . ; ' r ; Hats,. Caps, Trunks and Valises TO BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE BUSINESS! :- ": '. :- aug 29 grandson of his grandfather. And so the Lily and her adorable Freddy are not to be married just yet. He is threatened with paresis we believe that is the new name for i i i v . tne start will he made at 6:15. The judges will be Messrs. J. M. Forshee R. H. Pickott, and J. F, LeGrand The Little Joe and Nettle have ex changed crews for this occasion. Three boats have been entered for the race, and with their crews areas follows Leona Lynn Burnett, bow oar; Mother Hubbard Parties. Mother Hubbard parties are the very latest, and they are not less Jos. Keen. 2nd oar: .T Wiil.i- 1 I 1 i 1 -m r I ' 1 " "-- ) it) and has gone to Europe tore- AT aiorner nuooard oar; Oscar Watson, stroke; P. Heins cuperate. The loss of some of his k has alwars been in hot weather, berger, Jr., coxswain. racing stud, : combined with the rJV. . 1, T " .. ' "JUU" i-tie u. y, Wallace, bow oar; etf supplied vith ail that T is nPp?i tlivorce irom her complaisant hus- lin.l .1 I. - . . . Fibv a,x n, mnBth I "rt"u 441111 uur consequent marriage L , ' " to Freddy, has unhinged that youn- 10 ",tr at any nour dur- gentleman's lovo-addled brain! But or the deu, -A,:...,.,.-.. peruaps inere is a good deal of method in FVed's madness, after all. nSSffi:FnsTa SherniaTaaJlS; two l,ir E&l0, nts tw water and is Uepnblican bosses, are not altogeth- ' 'lie Depot. Lift n.U.STOKLE iTopne; or. ' i I er m accortl on one point. The lat ter said recently, in effect, thnt. eluded. The girls get together at Quelch, coxswain. iie house qf Qne of their riumber j soon after breakfastT . and each brings her mqst charming itothei Kubbard. In this loos.e aqd some what capacjqns costqmo they are wont to lie around on the floor or couch in easy and comfortable atti tudes, thinking of nothinir save Little Joe Rob Lewis, bow oar; Willie Qrant, nd oar; Harry Bow doin, 3d oar; Murray Grant, stroke? Edgar Hinton, coxswain. BARGAIN aug 27 tt. T I. SHRIEK , 10 North Front St. Tkrsdayiug.i Fresh Fisk Every Day t WE ARENOWPREPAEED TO Snip ALL i kinds of Fish on short notice, ' i G. G. AilAN & CO. ' , ' ?; aug 25 pock st, bet. Front and water. H. OBONENBEBG, THE PHOTOGRAPHEK. MivJK Him A THXAL l Ail worlc Guaranteed. " 1 v Pictures taken single or In Groups aug 24 ly t y H i . -o- The. Bookgellers' Convention. 1 he North Carolina Booksellers' and Stationers' Board of Trade met their own comfort and eninv-monf inthis.cfty to-day. About three- rfT..... v. I n - , . . trusts were noho,lv' h!a u. They eat candy.ice cream and cakes. LQU?Vf or tne regular dealers in the those wlio.wpwlnrpr ,,lwJ and drink iced tea and lemonade 8tate were represented : either in . iiic I - I nri, 1... nr. T- riiir.n,!,. hf .. oi. ; i I Tfiev read to thmnRflUvfl nnri tft ui uv ''. ir. .uaaene this a few days ago op the floor of eac, other, and the whole day. isp"-; - "--K" "ie president, given up to pleasure. Gentlemen " " loyt' are not admitted until after sun- Washington, acted as Secretary. down, and by that time the comforts 11,e,1"nutes f the last meeting of the Mother Hubbard have ben surrendered for the more sightly and becoming street robe. ted Ehmw Bargain flay ! No. 8. SCHEDULE fflLHIMlOS 8EAC0ASI B. E. IN EFFECT AUGUST 21, 1888.AT t&Ai It From Wilmington, From nnmmocka. - Leave 6:30 a, m Leave... . . n is . m J2SS- Sigg-s ".'".ic t S 9Sp' m iave 4 00 p. m. aYe frOQp.m Leave.. .....il-oo p. m. J. IL CHADBOTJIIN, Ja., aug20tr ' - General Manager. the Senate; I believe that anv ajrreetiinf whatever, whether in the form of n. trust or any other form, that tends ro restrain competition in trade or to prevent production in this coun try, unlawful by the common law aud ought to le made so by statute law in every State of the Union and by laws of the United States. were read ana approved and the report of the Treasurer was read and adopted. Various matters affecting the busi ness of the tra.de were discussed and resolutions concerning the same were adopted, looking to the creneral Scribner's .Magazine. Scribncr's for September contains articles on a wide range of popular Miss MarRarot Feiinis.il is, or subjects by the Hon. HUjrf, UeCui- ', ZZm nf h m- , B! , ratHerwas, the sn.al.est woman in loch, e5-SeWetry of KreLul Ui an1 "f i i t - . .ii itt , iuc ui-wipitti v iiavui!' lenaereuius lut; &o lur as s lujown. sue general norace rorter, W. H. Mal- lock, author of "Is Life Worth Liv- GOODS ON OUR Bargain Counter TJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVAN ' SSSty? wm leave for Carolina Beach ereir week day at 9:30 a.m. and ffiaf : " . J. W. HARPER, : Gen'I Manager.' angi8 Builder and Don tractor. HAVING DETERMINED DEFINITELY TO locate again In WihiungtonTl resoectfaivr offer my sfirnrpa tn thTTJVfri V? "" 1 A - 'Ik uieu at Carlisle, Pa., on Mtfudav. A lispatcli from that town to the Herald says: Margaret Fennisal. smallest woman in th at her home in this city at 3 o''clock this morning. She was fiftv-fivrf ana only" thirty inches' in yerse' ry having tendered his resignation on account of a. change in liiivirisc Tl TG c tt . ingv"; H. C. Banner, author of "The ",aSZ. " Mide," Robert Louis Stevenson, yoy 1111 Will U. Low, Henry James, Thqmas 1 A proposition that the next meet- Wentworth Hlggison, and other i i i i i . 1 L u,it(jr4! AiM;?, . be held a Ocracoke wasjdiscliss- V4Vebol distinction in prose and nniit.,,19fffl. i4 lhig number is enriched n ; , , . ton as a Bmidef. ConTrVt 'ZT "i,,1? frVhi581 satlafactlonev. augs imnac ReSpW SHOLAIL " Sharpie Bobert E. Leo. ONE TH!R I HEIR VALUE ! C6 w- smith, wile tak paV -o- 8H0P fou ,. (iKSTLEMFN. Sstho?t3..-t,,il- Stoon the height She was a favorite with the with more than one hundred illus- tnn people of this pity, especially the tratlohs. Following Is tlie table of contents: "Show: Yo'ur Til . Tt I as tnougli she were a sister. She mui uever ueen on -exnib tion. al ?.tckoiii0 though she had received nmnv f T hfihfej 4 Ling preferred livincr ouletlv at "the cnt - p poraries '; A XiUUc"giastj stamped 6h 4 nonjpsQn, oq 6bles avenue, A London IJie":"The 1 1" sev-.M","":. the orisrmal L-osung irom -$ Bathing Suits. 5 rTh 'HC'ttir' o l ? . . 1 A -1 1 1 . -: memners ana tneir mm m v v vv - mw w-v nira bbm o w 5 4 V, oi ose, families to visit Carolina Beach. oume ion- The present officers are a fab summer Jsyen- Mows: saenger Travel"; President Eugene LastFriend'"; Raleicrb. N. O. "Silver and GotJ": VPrsMnfi5ii ' Vt:. T-c.:.ii. ... Com. dpwn to Campaign MedalS";"A Se -HauS W , nVto" Tn "S"nter. secretary k. n. Hovt. Washint-w , j - j r N. C. Don'tMisstheODportunity! G. Harrell. .i.M.Katz, 5Sn to .any point on the' fortablP KPJit .S'-Jf' 13 niiea wltl1 co-' tujxuoie seats ana will accommodArA tnrtv pa&sengers. Parties taken F?SgT?oS? feauing or to the Biacicflsh Urowafa outsit' For terms apply on board. aag i ' Cfgars, Cigaittes? : TCE COLD SODA WATEB ANd' MILK SHAKES. ALso a full Una rr t r. C. MILLEB'S. t b SS??8' Ponrth ana Noi Sts.. SxVa fUied at all hoursdav jyiiu or night. n . o . . , ' j 7 i ii -mi vein lAerimi: rsecr .old1!? t.'" ; ,na"S,zesan;1 coIs "FUI: The Sacred Mountain"; "The ton!? nr J -fltP w?CSf lnuturing Modern Greeks; "Letters to Young a4 prioa at the Wilmington Shirt Fac- npnti.mon oV. A6 JS Poe at the Wilmington Shirt Fac- V ' , iftuy iu... r.. uomn- .u"orf o nryoittiir.lL . ' i I ""'. , ftiu )w, , l 'i'reLsnrer- i-c Tir v hw.i. 6t 'u'-.s.Biu.h. v tne uiue awning. t . : - - .-. r .- A...,iiiaK8. i - - ' Tt7i-rl-.l. , . I i -vr 5 ri . 7 7" - 1 HAlcV,S, vx yMf .winuows and ,ureeu!,uuru - p,r",."4vui "... vvMl,v0,ut -nr. uoors can oe n&nat .inonh 'B f inrresnontiin sta.i.rT - t m uuunjaon. tst n uacnhrs Hiiw'T.a-.A . i ttj. , , , -"w?fi - wvvu.., " t - w -w- m a w - W W IM i .. .. ...muK. t fWtaer, Jr Goldsb,pro, X. 0. CASH HOUSE, 116 rarket Street, WILMIKGTO, N. C. Wanted to Boy HOUSE CONTAINING FOUR TO SIX iooms, A good cash price wfiiVw fn,. suitable place. Address '' CASH. llevlew orace. For Gale. QLD NEWSPAPEBS FOR SALE, AT YOUR own price at ' au3r" - . potev; orrccr,

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