vjsaed every evening, Sundays excepted, 1 J0ss. t. a r: - : POSTAGE PAID: "- crBSCRir-i--' 7 eina Six months $2.00. Three ont&s-1-00 one monmta-cent3. per 111 be delivered by carriers, free 158 ia any part of the 'city, at the above ..mvacs per week. .-or 1, -rv rates low and liberal. - - . Scntecribors will please report " any; and L to receive their paper regularly. ,7 Its peculiar efficacy is da as ranch to the process and taTHll,Q .skill In. compounding as to " the Ingredients themselves. Take it in time. Itchecks diseases In the outset, or if danced will prove a potent cure. the place of tfvifolead FOR WHOSE BENEFIT ndfln'. Head ache, Biliousness, fosfoplntal Depression. No loss no interference with business tftinr For children It is most In- ; ..nd harmless. No danger from aottwa aki caret CoUc, Di- eJ?2 Bowel Complaints. Feverlsh tnt?A rTerisli Colds. Invalids and. arsons will find it the mildest and Tonictbey can use A little AK- t nicht insures refreshing sleep natural evacuation or tne do we is. 7 taken in the morning sharpens ippeUte, cleanses the stomach and rLM the breath. , ; L PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. ! i have been practicing medicine for tatr Tear$ and nave never been able to ' 2ro a Ttzeuble compound that would, , Kc Emmons hirer Regulator, promptly d effectively move the liver to action, d at the same time aid (instead efwealt ! ) the digestive sad assimilative , Mtrs of the system." . , . tM. Hiktoh, u.v., Washington, Ark. IbH of Genuineness t Look for the red fSflljtark on front of Wrapper, and tke SSsignature of J. ILZeilln t Co., in SoaUieBide. Take no other. ' ' MTj!tclstpd&wiy en sat : PUX0SAND ORGANS' EITETO M E FOR PRICES AND TERMS Mtttajinj an Instrument, as I keep one tie largest stocks Of . - PIANOS AND OBGANS IS THE SOUTH. -. I can sea jou any of the 'first-class manu- r i JA1 J J VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 30, 1888. NO 176. Pianos TKOM $190 UPWARDS. FROM $45 UPWARDS. SLD FOR CATALOGUE. RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : OtDocfc Street, between Front andSecond, lUIINGTON, N. C. je'att The Stokley House, pARTIZS IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- tjonsatWri?htsvliiewiU find the STOKLEY bouse ireU supplied with all that l3neces tirjr. r Board ty tUe day, week or month at low ntes. ... i .XT PPers to order at any h our ' dur ing tie evening. .V An of tie delicacies of salt water,flsh,crabs, cums snriinps, ic, furnished to guests. SiUiingBoat. Fislung Boats,Flshlng Tackle, , furnished on short noUce, . JTt,0ej'IIOUSe fronts- the water and is lWjanlsot the Depot. W. H. STOKLEY, JUStf IToprtetor. L " :L' r n j n.-r-''1 w. L. DOUGLAS FOR GENTUSMFN. 83SHOE. !r4&?ne,calf S3 Seamless Shoe in the k liaunIthoot k or nails. As Styl feiotaSl8111086 costing $5 or fd, and Jan iKoruaiis to wear the stocking ?aX.,5' makes them as comfortable ""IfSaa a hand sewed shoe. Buy KUmiwn: ,u genuine unless stamped on r.r J? L-DouSlas Shoe, warranted." S Oj rhV;VUAS shoe, the original 5?cn:4 r-shne,-vthicri ta. cnHnaAr 'Shoe's costing from s fc.7 L. TUwr ' torheJa,g.50 SHOE is une? wia is Fhi1 8 Shoe is worn by all .A3 the " tQe est school shoe in the world. io8 i0? goods are made In t,-AnrresK- i ir nllS!1 lf sold by your deal- byu. eoaip T7 Vnvn r 4 trv'r :'Jlmlngton.ii.C r,ocAii osnsrs. Index to New Advertisements. Louis ii Meares Scarfs MM Kat2 Special bargains . IlEiNSBEaoER -School Hooks Kixa & Sikes We Get There V II Stykon At Cost for Cash F U Miller Cigars, Cigarettes l'UAKMACisT-.-Sltuatloii Wanted J F Gakkell First of the Season The receipts of cotton at this port tOrday foot up 41 bales. Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at .Tacobi'H HtJw. Depot. , t " All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can. be bought cheapest at II einsbergerV. ' t Burglars. You fan be safe from them by -using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. x ; PrepareTl by a combination, iro portion and process peculiar to it self, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplish es cures lutlierto unknown. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of till kinds for both salt and fresh water lishing at Jacob i's ildw. De pot. " ---- t If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings- to select from. - , t Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use One. t jX)og collars. Largest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. - - . - Indications. For North "Carolina, fair weather, except in Southwestern xortion, local rains and nearly stationary temperature. Bathing Suits. Conie down to Hea1: nartej-s. 25 dozen Flannel Bagaing Suits, inall sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t . The Temple of Israel. Some considerable improvements have been made recently to the Temple of Israel. The interior lias been newly painted and the seats all renovated and the cushions up holstered in woolen repr There is now Scaffolding on the outside and wire screens are being placed as p protection to all of the windows, us a guard against the depredations of mischievous boys. It is a fact that the rock-throwers have already broken upwards of 500 of the lights in the beautiful stained-glass win -dows. vThe wire screens will hereaf ter protect them from the boys and the rocks; Tbe:KoakgelIers' Board of Trade, The second session of the Book sellers' and Stationers' Board of Trade was Jield this morning at 11 o'clock. , The Board perfected arrange ments towards the establishment of a thorough exchange among the the members of such books, school or miscellaneous, as may be unsaleable in one section arid in de mand in another. This book ex change will be one of the most use ful features of the Board "of Trade and will save the dealers from con siderable losses consequent upon the frecfuent changing of school text books. - Under the head of a general dis" cussion it was learned that none of the members of the Board of Trade, since its organization a year ago, have been selling any of the disrep utable class oT newspapers which were formerly so iargely circulated in this State. It is the intention of the Board of Trade-to drive such literature out of North Carolina if possible and to use every effort tp bujld up. the very purest literary at mosphere around our people. The present official organization was unanimously re-elected for the ensuing year with ti e following changes: . Rev. N. Robey, Corres ponding Secretary, Goldsboro; Mr. P. W. Mellick, of Elizabeth City was added to the executive commit tee. ; - - During the session many business methods and views were exchanged between tlie members of the Board to tlie mutual advautage of all, and the pleasant social meeting was very much enjoyed. f The Board of Trade adjourned to iucci u;uiii on xze euoi Auesuay in Algusis; '1889, khdthB i party spent ihe afteriioon at WrightsVilte and the Hummocks. 1 City Court. - Jno.Waddell was before the Mayor this morning charged with burnin paper on the street; judgment was suspended. And t hat was the only case before the Mayor tonlay. v Prom the Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Jrio. F. Garrell re turned to the city last night from a visit. of several weeks to Western North Carolina and Tennessee. Dur ing his absence Mr. Garrell paid visits to the large cattle farms in that line section and made arrange ments for supplies of fine mountain beef cattle, muttSfl' and" lamb throughout the entire Winter. The first car load arrived tb-day,another is expected to-morrow and hereafter a car load will be received regularly every week. The first installment will be on his stalls, Nos. 1 and 3 South side Front street market, to'i morrow morning and all are invited to call and see it and leave orders. Wilmlngtontans in Jacksonville. We have a postal from Mr. Gh. W. Tlfames, for many years a messen ger on the Southern Express line be tween this city and Columbia and afterwards Clerk of the Market here, but who is now in quarantine at Jacksonville. Mr. Thames tellsj us tbat his three little boys have had the fever, but have, recovered, and that thus far he and his wife have both escaped. He expresses himself as having no fears on his ownaccount, as he has gone safely through several epidemics. The fe ver, he says, is in a mild form. He and his family are all quarantined and confined strictly to their own premises. All that goes into the house or out of it, even the food they eat, is passed in or out over the fence. Their quarantine is for 15 days. Mr. Thames conveys the gratifying intelligence that all of the rest of the Wilmingtoniaus in Jacksonville are well, so, far, and he thinks that there is ihbre fear than fever. The postaUs dated last Sat urday, the 25th,. and took four days to get here. Made Himself at Home. Early yesterday morning Mr. D. J. Steljes, who owns a summer resi dence on Masonboro Sound, re ceived information that some one had taken possession of his place. He immediately got his horse and buggy in readiness and started to the Sound to find out who it was and what he was doing. On arriv ing at Masonboro Mr. Steljes stop ped at the house of a neighbor "and got two or three men to accompany him to his house. Arriving at his place he found the house open and a dinner cooking on the stove in the kitchen, while the best bed showed signs of having been very recently occupied. The intruder was 4not at home" but Mr. S. did not have long to wait for his return, he hav ing gone to the landing to get a fresh supply of crabs for his dinner. Arming himself .with a stout piece of rope, Mr. Steljes went to meet him, which he did about half-way between the liouse and the landing. The fellow did not know that he was the owner of the place and was about to pass hiiii when he began to throw the rope on him in a pretty lively way. After giving him a good thrashing Mr. Steljes let him go and the last that was seen of him was as he passed the ge.cqnU toll house making Maud S."time toward the city. . The fellow was a white tramp and said he was from Jacksonville. He has been at Mr. Steljes' place for three days, having , gained : an en trance by breaking a light from one of the windows and passing his hand to the inside and removing tne fastenings Once in the houfee, he was all right, for the key had been left in the back door, and with this key he opened the kitchen,' where he found a good supply of provisions to which he helped himself. He went in the garden and gathered vegetables and would catch fish an cook them. He is ,now ruitUig" on the truthfulness, of "fhequotation: WTwas ever thus". If there is auy truth in the story that he is from Jacksonville; which we yerymuch doubt,and if he is really in the city, there will be a good chance for some enterprising, GJj&ee. or, citirerr ta apu4 Hlii '.reward offcre ,-A pharmacist, registered in this' State, and one who can bring the j very best recommendations, adver-1 tises for a situation here.' See- ad. ! in this issue NEW Al V E E1TI S K M. KN TB At 4 ost fir Cash. A S I WILL REMOVE MY SHOE STORE TO . aug 30 lw V TT HTYPnW No 23 South Front St. North Front Street on October ist Terror , - - . lursaioiurine next nays, at cost ior cash. Mr. W. H. Styron will remove on my entire stock of Boots, shoes, ic, in store ntua-i 4. -n . .. -No. 23 South Front Street, This offer is made uctooer 1st to . North Front street in good faith and wiu be carried out. come alia tO sav flio tmnhlu r f ,rtJrn.ica"Jr B valgus. will offer at cost for cash, for the next 30 days, the. entire stock, of boots and shoes v in store No. 22 South Front street. See ad. in this issue. - - ; i ' . . (uite a happy party of ladies and gentlemen went up to Point Caswell this morning, with ; Capt. George Morton to be p resent at the pic-nic given"tbere to-day, on his gallent little" steamer. - The start was made an hour or so before day--light. - For Saturday's Market. Messrs. King. &r- Sikes have re ceived from Col. L. A. Powell, of Sampson county, ten head of ! the famous Sampson county beef which they will offer for sale on their stall, No. 4, Front street market, 'on Sat urday morning. They have also another lot of ten head from Mr. J. Carroll, of Duplin county. See ad. In this issue.. The Shot-Gun Contest. The clay-pigeon shooting match at the Hummocks, postponed from to- day,5will take place to-morrow. The arrangements are under the ex perienced direction of Mr. W. A. Bryan, of the Orton House and Island Beach Hotel, and entries can be made with him up to 4 o'clock, the hour lor the match. It is ex pected to be an exciting contest. 'u. A Runaway. Dr. A. M. Baldwin's horse, attach ed to his carriage, took a notion to run away this forenoon. He started from the corner of, Tenth and Dock streets, and ran; down Dock to Tenth and then to Market where' he collided with a fence and brokethe shafts and broke off the top of the carriage. The horse ran some little distance further when he was stop ped by a colored man. No one was hurt.' ..' ... . . V i: Our Pressman Married. - Moses Jones, for nine years past the pressman ha this office, and one of the. most worthy colored young men in the city, was happily mar ried last night to Evelina, daughter of Joseph J. Jones, one of the most prominent colored men in the city, at the residence of the latter, on Eighth, between Castle and Queen streets. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. B. Small, pastor of St. Luke's A, M. E. Church, and the house was crowded with the f rie'nds and relatives of the happy pair. The bride was dressed in white satin and the wedding present s were numerous and some of them costly. the Mayor. , Wire Cloth for your windows and end doors can be had at Jaobi's Edw. Depot. - Improvements at the C..C Depot. ' The double daily passenger ser vice on the Carolina Central R. R. has necessitated an increase in the accommodations at the depot here. First, when the day train was put on, the old high platforln was taken down and a lower one built to cover all of the room under the shed. This was found much more convenientas one train comes in just three min utes before the other one pulls out. But it s found that more facilities are yet needed and hence the pas senger shed is to be lengthened tQ 400 feet and made 35 feet wider. No better evidence of the determination of the authorities to maibtain as a permanent thing the double daily seryice can be found . QUAllO AGAINST THE STRIKE, And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Cronp may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive' and a few doses a positive cure. All .Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottle is. given you free and the Rernedy guaranteed by Munds Bros., druggists. . sRlt Al VEKTlSKMRNTb. WANTED LADY, ACTIVE AND LNTEL 11 gent, to represent, in her own locality, an old firm. , References required. Perma nent position and good salary. Address -B. BAINBRIDGE, Manager, aug 16 lw th 33 R3$ St, N. Y. Sharpie Eatiti M. Daniels, Q APT. J, WV JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAR ties Sailing, Trolling or Fishing. Tart yes ta ken to the Fishing Groiui out-slde crupand dywn tip CSianneL. Charter parties accom modated. For terms apply on Board or at the Hotel, , . JyS3tf Pharmacists." J PnARMACIST,REGISTEREf) IN NORTH Carolina, with eight years' experience and splendid references, desires a position by Sept. 15th or Oct. 1st. Address . -B,, Care Box 10, - aug30 2t nac - - - - Salem. Va.; ' We Get Ther -yE HAVE RECIEVED OF COL. Powell Ten Head of the ' Best Beef Caitle we wiii.fcogiiatorccciva t- from our friends ca any ' - -; general interest, I : " " The rxtiriD ct tii0 tcriter nt c 2 1 2 f r nlshed to tne Editor. '- amniiaicauos-inust-to.Tm cnii- ci one islde cr the paper. ; - Personaliues must bo &Tt!lca. And it is (jspeclally ana rarUClriy nr.z... stood that the Editor fiX3 not ajwars enicr; ? the riews of correspondents crZ'zz :: t:.tr i lntheecltorialTOiumns. , , . ' L. A. to be found in Sampson county.' Also Ten llead of Fine Cattle from Mr. J. Carroll, of- Duplin county. They cannot be beat. Call Saturday Morning at our stall and see for yourself. - - - - KING & SIKES, aug 30 2t Stall No. 4 Front St. Market. First of the Season I -o- rpIIE FIRST CARLOAD OF FINE MOUN- t tain BEEF, MUTTON and LAMB from West ern North Carolina and Tennessee arrived here to-day and will be on sale at m& Stalls in Front Street Market To-morrow. A Second Carload will arrive here to-morrow and T am pleased to be able to announce to my f riends and the public generally that I have made arrangements for the reception hereof -. " " - f- . A Carload Every Week ; OF FINE BEEF CATTLE & MUTTON ! I will have none but the BEST of this Moun tain Beef and my customers can always rely upon getting Just what it Is represented to be, Call at my stalls .to-morrow morning and see some of the Finest Beef, Lamb and Mutton ever exhibited in Wilmington. Orders filled promptly and delivered in any part of theclty. " Respectfully, v' J. F. GARRELL Stalls 1 & 2 Front St. Market, South Side, aug 30 3t - I Invite Tour Attention TO OUB LINE OF Twenty-Five Cent Scarfs ! Only a few on hand. Call and buy before they are all gone. LOUIS H. MEARES, .Gent's Furnisher, aug 29 is N. Front Street. Vienna Export Beer I riillE . MOST DELICIOUS BEER 1 EVER BROUGHT- TO THIS MARKET Q Guaranteed to keep Fresh and Sweet in any climate and at all seasons. - Sold by the CASE or BARREL and at Lower Prices than any other Export Beer on the Market. Special Rates to Dealers.. Fuller particulars on application to the ROBERT PORTNER BREWING CO., 21 North Second Street. XT KUHBLANK, aug 28 2w Agent, ., S c h 00 1 Boo ks , genOOL SLATES AND; CRAYONS. DE posltory for School Books adopted by the State Board of Education. Discount to dealers and teachers. Save money and send your orders to IIEINSBERGER'S. Pianos & Organs- $20 () b J0U a flne Uprigttt pfano which we guarantee for 'five years. " Organs sold on the popular Monthly .Installment Plan at . ; . - IIEINSBERGER'S. Hebrew New Year Cards. jl Beautiful Assortment of New Year Cards for our Hebrew friends are for sale at HEINSBERGER'S aug 29 . "'"". Fresh Fisli Every Day yE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHIP ALL. kinds of Fish on short notice . - : G. G. ASIAN & CO. NEW " ADVlSims BARGAIu a - inursaav fin l .. r . . t I fai Hi" - ' - Bargain Bay GOODS ON OUR Bargain Couiiie V ONE THIRD THEIR VALUE I Dori'tMissthe Opportunity lrr 1TT TT7 mm CASH HOUSE, 116 rjarket Gtrcoi JJ-S0 WILMINGTON, N O. No. 8. SCH1DULB .WILHIfifiiea SIACiiSI E. L IN EFFECT AUGUST 21, 188M.T 6:30 A. M From wilniington, Leave ....... 6:30 a. m Leave..... .U 9J30 a. m Leave..... . 3.-00 D.m Leave...- firOOn.m Leave. ... ... . -7.-00 p. m Leave 9:00 p. m From Hummocks. Leave....... 7.45 a. m. Leave....... 10:" a. m. Leave....... 4 M p. vu Leave 6:W p. vu Leave....... H.M p. ra. Leave lLOOp.w. J. H. CHADBOURN, JE., aug 20 tf . " . . General Manner. CAE0LINA BEA0H. XTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVA!i GROVE will leave for Carolina Beach every week day at 9-0 a, m. and 2-80 p. m. , ' J. W. HARrER, ang!8 - . A ; - : Gen'l Manager. Builder and Contractor. HAVING DETERMINED DEFINITELYTO locate again in AVUnainsrton. I resroeirui:y offer my services to the citizens of W iiinin r ton as a Builder, Contractor and Sapcrmt ea dent. I will do my utmost to piea-.e ai. i think that I can "give satisfaction in eu in case. For the present parties desiring my v r- viees win piease aaaress me tnrougn city v.o. - itespeciraiiy, - aug 8 lm nac JOHN SHOLAi:. rock st., bet, rrc-1 cr.i Water. Sharpie Eohert B. Leo, Q APT. G. 3-V: SMITH, WILL TAK E rA 1 ties from the Hummocks to any point on t:. sound or out to sea. She is nttea wit h cr ..;. fortable seats and will accoiamociat t r rt v passengers. Parties taken Fishing, ire;:;. - ', sailing or to the Blackflsh Ground3 ourr: For terms apply on board. . aug l it 1 - , 1 1. 11 .. I, rn 11 n f . Cfgaro, eisarcttca, JCE COLD SODA WATER AND MILII SHAKES. Also a full line of Dnr-n, Pat : ' Meulclnes, Soaps, I'erfuiiicrles, II :r LrxizL, :, &c, can be lounti at T. C. ?!ILLT:iiH, Dri -: u-: . ; Comer S. Fctirth i 2; ca i. :x, P. S. Prescri;-u;r.3 tll.X l z:l L:ur,t crrJjt. jylj t: "