TINGS a,i we know! in the hereafter. ghAil the reasons that are hid? rs the butterfly l emeiiiber . u;; i,e waited, toiled and suffered, Bin,l became the chrysalidt ... Chen we creep so slowly up ward Whew each day new "burden brings.;--- v ' tcheu we &tnve in vain conquer Himl'ririg sublunary things, tfhen we wait, and toil, and suffer; VVe are working for our wings. Danska Dandridffv. Couatnptlon Surely Cured. Tn v tiik Editor- Please inform vour readers that I havett. positive Lujetlv for the above named -disease, Sr its timely use thousands of hope li? cases have been permanently ' rej. 1 shall be glad to" send two bottle of my remedy FitKK ' to any 0f tour readers rwho have consump tion if they will send Tine their ex ,ire6 and post office " address. " Ues-' Sully Jf. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 jVarl New York,- T-. . " ?T " . - .-..- " - . A "liploiuat. . V Rftfinald Elsie, I love you. 1- (interrupting) Really Mr. njjnald (iuterriiptitig) Before onfuA, eoine buj and have Mjme uf'vAU' i reaui, coeoanot, lem-om'le- 'rpl oysters and a sheitfet, fc'fciv' ff oi t 1 1 y ) Ueji ua Id,' I al ways lured you. - time. T. T sym rT A CHILD KIL1LK1J. Another child . killed ; bv tht use ftf oxHatsgiveu"in the form of Sooth iiitfKyrup. Why "mother give their children Mich deadly 'poison is snr- on'sin' wheu they can relieve the child of its peculiar . trouuies oy. iis iuir Acker's Kaby Soother. It con tains no Opium or Morphine - Sold byMaiids Bros., druggists. - ;":";. T - - from tbe Sublime to the ltldlvuku. Two Old Friends Met. VLet vine tee " dd one, "it must be two years sin;e I saw you ; last, John You were goinjr into a jewelry store; to bar a diamond ring." ' ; ':Ye?, 1 remember." - 1tw1 uliprR are voU iroimr tivi' "I'm going into a grocery store to i .lfi..l. 11 TV m rt - - .- DUV a I'uuiion. J. . , . Sore Throat i nartieularlv favorable to the con traction of Diphtheria. Heed the warning, and use Parbys Prpphylae tic Fluid. It at once allays the in flauimatiou of the. throat! ' subdues the Dam ana gives- permanent reiier. It promptly and effectual-destroys all cootaionand diphtheritic germs, , It is a safeguard against Diphtheria, and should be use! on the first vniDtoujs of sore'throat as a gargle. Citiwa (to leader of a street band ) Whjdo you play that big horn?'" . foad Leader (winking slyly) "Veil, you see, dose blayers in mine iorn and drown der whole caboodle. Kll it vasn't" for dot der beebles iniilrl WnMi n rtnntv nnick ont. I knows iniuepisness, ain't it?'1 Texas &if tings. mm m- Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet . sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oth?r causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. july 6 deod&wly . mm . Personal Keflectlqn. l"Aw, Cholly, I haven't seen yoii otately with Miss FIosielAny thing tbe luattaii, old boy?V "Yes, Alfrel. She insulted ine Jd othah day, and- I1 ve dropped her." Insulted you; Cholly! How," Showed me a little pug dog that had twained to sit upright and ,UJ the head of a cane, bah Jove!' ' Adding: Inault to Injury. ' Wink8-'Hello! Minks." I kear Johave solved the burglar prob- They tell me you nave wuat last. - u iiivikusuuicu naiivuuve. ?. urope; paia iormni7" Minks "Y-e-s ' - ' Wmks- -l'd like to see him.' ' Mrnks-4 He isn't at home' just - Hi Some blasted thief etolehim -1 - '. Fortunes in Vrojj. . -1 - - , Any uian who has a - pond n his rcan try the experiment of rais foi8 own frogs.4 First let him Wirr of fine New Jersey T"aersand dump: them into the wr. With these for a starter you - 8eect a quantity r . of - domestic J"rachia, and then you will have wenncleusof a fortune. TDon't in w'u your Avater investment year any more thaw : to keep growing stock well supplied food. . They require an abund Stt -ut Hs hey are not very dainty in f .tast tne expepse account Uau uKt- iorca young tarm w barrels a day of hotel table Jpswill keep the frogs In spend id iSES 80 that at end of twelve th! J?8 yon ca" hegin luarketing all PnvV,u 0411 h out at the "same then ""g chickens. Give me and facilities and I will 1 Sit at at the end of t wo yearn Horn , living on an income of ndn77ro willp,ay,tU my tuses. Boston Journal. : . A llt i t : - - l' WhS ? Blooa lfxir' has gained a an,! 5oia. on the American neonle and U A uu ine American " people to aj, ""wledged to be superior Pitivo- preparaiions. it is a alL QTora11 Blood and Skin orsT;, medical fraternity Ud ad pwrescribe Guaran and sold by Munds Bros., drug- , What is this "neryous trouble' with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember afew years ago the word Malaria was com -laratively unknown, to-day it is as common as any-word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is,with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our -graridfathers called Bil liousues, and all are caused by trou bles that arise from a diseased con dition of the IJver which in per forming its functions finding it can not dispose of the bile through the ordimiry -channel is compelled-to pasoff through thesystem, causing nervous troubles. Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. Yon who are suffering can well appreciate a eure. Were commend Green's. August Flower. Its cures are jiarvelous. , ' - Platforu of Hie Democratic Party in ' North Carolina. .We. again congratulate tlie pe)pre or iNortli uarouna on the continued mijoyment of peace, gooti govern ment and general prosner.tv under Democratic administration - of the affairs of the'State which has now oeen (ini)rqKHn ror .o many yearn; Upon tne just ami impartial enforce merit of the law; upon the increas iug efticiencv of our common school system, and the progress made in '- -1 A- " popular euiicaiion; upon tne im provement and enterprise manifest fcl in all parts of the State. We agaifr challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy iu ourborders. We pledge ourselves to exert in 'the future as in the past our nest efforts to promote the best interests of. the people of alLsections of the fctate. Afhrinmg our adher ence to Democratic rinciples as neretoior enunciateu- in the plat forms of the nartv. it is herebv T IZ&tolved, . .Tli at ut government has the right to burden its people'with taxes beyond the amount required to. pay its necessary expenses and gradually extinguish its public debt; and that whenever the revenues. however - derived. exceed this amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in the treas ury; - That any system of taxation which necessitates the payment of a premium of $270 by the govern ment on each $1,000 of its bends, taken up with the millions that would otherwise lie idleinits vaults, and paid to bondholders who pur chased, in many instances, at less than par, is undemocratic, oppres sive and iniquitous and should be refunded. The course-of our Demo cratic Representative fn Congress, In their efforts to give relief to the people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxation, Ineetg .with the appTovalof the Democratic party of this State and ?-we respect fully recommend that if they find it impossible to give to our people all the relief demanded, they support any just and practical measure pre sented in Congress that will afford a practical relief from such existing burden. - liesotved, That while the details of the methods by which the consti tutional revenue tariff sheriff shall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at the national capital must be trusted to adjust, we think the custoius duties should be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should be such as - will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of tax ation, and confer the greatest good on the greatest number. llfsSlved. That we, as heretofore, favor, and will never cease to de uand, the unconditional abolition of the whole internal revenue sys tem, as a war tax, not to be justified jrytimes of peace; as a grievous bur den to our people and a source of annoyance in its practical opera tions " We call the attention of the people of the State to the hypocrit ical pretensions of the' Republican party in their platforms that they are in favor of the repeal of this on erous system of - taxation, enacted by their party, while the Republi cans in Congress are taxing their energies to obstruct all legislation inaugurated by the representatives of the Democratic party to relieve the people of all or a part of this odious system. Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party, in furtherance of popular education, As a sufficient guaranty that we favor the educa tion of the people, and we will pro mote and improve the present edu cational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the peo ple by excessive taxation. Resolved That, to meet an exist ing evil, we will accept, for educa tional purposes, from the Federal government, ur pro rata share of the surplus in it treasury;PotiZ(5d, that it be disbursed through State agents ad the ,bill for the distri bution be free from object ional features. Resolved, That the United States being one government and ours a national party," we,denounce the ef forts, of the Republicans to force sectional issues .in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote dissen sion and ill-will between the people of the different sections of our com mon country. Resolved, That it is due ' to the eople of our eastern counties, who lave so cheerfully borne their share of our common burdens, that the present or some equally effective sys tem of county government shall "be maintained. : Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to any further ex tension of the "No-fence" law, un less such extension shall. have first been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters witbinjthe territory to be affected thereby. Y : .i , Resfrfvcd, ThatX-the Democratic party has ever been tlie party of the workinguian, and has never foster ed monopolies, nor have "trusts" or ''combinations" or pools" ever grown up tinder laws enacted by it. The contest in this" country, being between aggregatea capital, seeking to crnsbYout lalU competition, and the individual laborer; . the . Demo cratic party is,Fas tit; has ever been. against the monopolist and in favor of a just distribution of capital, and demands the enactment of laws that will bear equally upon all. - Resolved, - That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the labor er, it is the duty of the legislator, as a ui rect oenent to the worklngman, to- keep the expenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit con sistent with wise and efficient, man agement. ' The Democratic party opposes any competition between free and convict labor, but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the expense of honest labor. ; Resolved, That ours being an ag riciiitural State, it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best cal culated to advance the interests of agriculture; and that in so doing we will most effectually advance the interests of mechanics, manufactur ers and laborers. - Resolved. That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administration of Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative. fcesoivea, mat tne ability, , wis dom, honesty, patriotism, indepen dence, faithfulness to duty and manly courage of President Cleve land have won the admiration of all good men; and the interests of the country demand his re nomination and his re-election. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Ackers Blood Elixir for it has "been fnlly demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning. Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies tlie wliole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Munds Bros., druggists. The Acme MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTUKERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and IPine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. fJlHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS tne ACME ana GEM, Is now established, anc the results of three years' use In the hands of the best farmers of this and other States ly attest their valu as a high grade manure. The MATTING, inade rrdna the leaves of ou native pine, is conceded. to De equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It Is dally Increasing. It has vlr tues not found In any other fabric" V The FIBRE or VOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof agalmst insects. Certificates from reliable parties uslne ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail. ed upon application. ian4tf KI.Y'1S Catarrh Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflam i r rw r - matlon, Heals they ifXVR Sores, Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL .to HFAnl N - WBJfA A artlcle is applied into eaeh, nost ril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by man, registerea, eu Pettis, jmux onyx mans. 6 warren St., ; new x one apl 9 lyeod d&w . . .-. Of irJTEREST to Manly Yicor. Weakness -opLos of . Ifcanory ne iien tly -restored "by the 'use of an entirtlyue ineuy. rx lie ii er Da Santa, rrom spam. Span h Trochees never fail." Oiir illustrated. JWiwge bool ;1 tet?timonial8, (sent sea led VE wry unushoaM J Parte, l'JLtce, . Nt;vr " re tfEAK, UNDEVELOPED PART; t the Body enlarged and treDjrthened. Full particu rs sent,Bealed free. KRIfi MED. CO., Bctfalo, N. 1 OFFERERS KERYOUSHESSbt Misni " salt of over-Work, Indiscretion, etc. address Nw AMERICAN MAGAZINE Bfantifallj Hliskatei. 25 cts,, $3 a Ycir. ITS SCOPK. THE AMERICAN MAGA ZINE gives preference to national topics and scenes, and its literature and art are of tbe highest standard. Famous American writers nil Its pages with a wide variety of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descripUre accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and.ln short, this Magazine ls , - s Distinctively Representative of - ? i American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. . v WHOLESALE ; PKICE& The following qHo?atlons represent whole sate prices generally.- In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. J s, 9 13 10 0 1 40 00 20 6 00 0 00 15 25 15 , 155tf 10 9 50 id C4 (S 1 70 22 C4 8 00 U 00 , : 1 3 & ' 2a-"' 30'. 25 10 12 14 10 28 24 '22 67 67 30 6 80 20 ($13 50 (3 8 00 (311 00 6 00 3 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 BAGGING Gunny..;..;r.V.J; 2. ' 7 Standard...... ...i.......... 8 BACON North. Carolina. , 'Hams.;...;.,.....;.., u Shoulders ....;.:..... 8 - TSJdes, ti. ...... io WESTERN SMOKED : Haas, qtb.. - Sides, ft. .......... . - . Shoulders. Jb DRY SALTED - - ShouldpiM tt BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. s -Second Hand, each:,....:.. 'v New, New York, each..... New, City, each....... BEHSWAX,1I....... BRICKS, Wilmington, VM. .. n- Northern , B OTTER, Jb -North Carolina... ......... - Northern.."......-............ CANDLES, lb sperm-. is -Adamantine... 9 CHEESE, lb , ; Northern Factory n Dairy, Cream 13 State...... . 9 COFFEE, lb Java.. .......... .... ..r.... 27 1 Laguyra. 23 - Ko. .v-.;"....... 20 CORN MEAL, bush, In sacks. 00 Virginia, Meal.. OO cotton ties, bundle....;. 1 25 DOMESTICS Sheeung, 4-4, yard. ....... ' 'Yarns. t& bunch....: 00 EGGS, doz 18 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbi...... 00 Mackerel, No. 1, y half btL 7 50 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl...... 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. ..... 7 80 Mullets, bbl..... 6 00 N. c. Roe Herring. keg. . . 00 Dry Cod, a. . . 5 FLOUR bbl , ' . ; r Western, low grade. 8 50 Extra.............. 4 00 " Family.... 4 50 City Mills Super. .......... 4 00 " Famuy..'.. .... 4 50 GLUE, lb 8 GRAIN, busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 . Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 . Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 66 Corn, mixed, from store 00 Oats, from store." . .i . 42 oats. Rust Proof ...... 00 Cow Peas... SO a HIDES, ft : Green ; 5 Dry 10 - a JiA 1 , 100 IbS - Eastern...... 1 05. 110 western -.. 85 North River.... ...i..:..... 90 HOOP IRON, ft ; s LiAliU, ID Northern t 8 North CaroUna 8 a 10 LIME, barrel s. 140000 Ship Stun, resawed... 18 00 Rough Edge Plank . .15 00 West India Cargies, accord ? lng to quality . . .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 scantling and Board, comn.l4 00 MOLASSES, w gallon : . New Crop, in hhds. " in bbls... Porto lttco, in hhds in bbls... Sugar House, in hhds. . . .. " in bbls. yrun, in bbls NAILS, Kesr. Cut. lud basin OILS, up gallon. j.6ro&eixe f 1 Lard..........:... Linseed.. Rosin Tar Deck and Spar.. POULTRY - - . . Chickens, Utf rowsu " Spring . ... - Turkeys. ... . PEANUTS, bushel, 22 ft. . . . POTATOES, bushel Sweet. ..... Irish, 1? bbl... pork; barrel : city Mess . ... . ...17 50 .prime..... ....15 00 Rump.. RICE caiouha, ft Rough; V bush, (Upland)... (Lowland). RAG8, V ft Country I. city...:.. : ROPE, SALT. V saofe. Alum Liverpool Lisbon American SOAP, ft northern ...... , . . . SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. iStanaaraA-.- N White Ex C Extra , Golden.... c Yenow ......... SHINGLES, 7 In. M common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts. STAVES, v M-w. O. Barrel.. . R. . Hogshead. TALLOW, ; TIMBER, M feet-Shipping. .12 00 jinejuu 11 35 Mill Prime....... 7 50 - Mill Fair. .................. 5 00 Cotamon Mill 5 00 Inferior taOrdinary ... 2 50 WHISKEY; V gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina... 1 00 WOOL, y ft Washed......... 28 f unwasnep . 15 Burry.. . 10 00 50 00 10 00 10 i 65 62 67 65 45 52 90 5 12 95 00 3 20 W 16 00 18 00 C2 00 15 00 25 28 28 30 00 16 23 40 i 9 16 90 15 00 0U 20 10 95 60 35 25 2 26 30 30 35 15 18 3S 50 14 45 00 16. 30 22 25 8 0 90 60 75 00 4 60 80 00 1 14 70 65 00 & 00 6 e a 0 (a uo 50 0 60 8 00 0 00 5 5 2 4 18 00 16 00 15 00 SO 00 1 1 75 70 00 70 '5 6 6 5 5 uu 250 5 00 7 50 14 00 (410 00 3 6 14 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 U 00 4 2 2 00 00 50 30 25 15 Sea woactarg exist lm thousands I J Pi Pil er forma, but are surpassed by. the m marvels of invention. Those who are In need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hailett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, tuu lniormation how either sex. ot all ages, can earn from $5 to t25 per day anc upwards wnerever tney uve. xou are started free. Capital not required. Some hate made over $50 m a single aay at this work. All suc ceed. , nov 22 6md lyw invention: has revolutionized world durine the half century. Not among the wonders of inventive progress is method and system of work that ci 1 bepert formed all over the country withou separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required, cap ital not needed: you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away, than anything else In the world. Grand outju free Address Tpp & co., Acgusta, Maine. nov 'oz tuna lyw . , . WHmingtoiiWeWon BJRi SSAHl?' BR ANCHESBS 4 UOrt JJ EJS SEU SCHEDULE.; TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated July 1,1888. NO. 25, -daily. No. 87, Ft Mall dally. No. IS, dally ex Sunday. Leave Weldon..... i 2 05 pmi 5 4S pmi 6 00 am Ar liocky Mount. 8 17 pmj-.17' 10 am Arrive Tar bom. . . . Leave Tarboro. . . . Arrive Wilson.... 4 50 pmi.... .....r.....,..; 110 50 ami.:.. ....'.(...... . ; I 3 50 pm Leave Wilson... .. '4 10pm ,w.7M Arrive Selma...... 519pm Arrtve FayettevTel 7 45 pm ...... 1 . . . . . .. j . Leave Goldsboro.. 4 40pm 7 40pm 85 am Leave Warsaw... 5 50pm ......... 9 33am Leave Magnolia. . . 6 05 pm 8 40 pm $49 am Ar. Wilmington-. 740 pm 9 55 pm 11 30 am ; TRAINS GOING NORTH. ; - "T" " ' " - No. 68, . " , No. 14, No. 7a dally ex dally. I dally. Sunday Leave Wilmington 12 05 am 9 00 am; 4 00pm Leave Magnolia.. . 1 24 am 10 35 ami 5 so pm Arrive Warsaw... 10 50 am 5 50pm Arrive Goldsboro. 2 25 am 11 50 ami 6 53 pm Leave Fayettevllle . 8 30 ami ... Arrive Selma...:.. ......... 10 50 amf....;.... Arrive Wilson..... 11 59 am . . . . . . , . Leave Wilson 3(B"ami2 43p1nT752pm Ar. Rocky Mount. .........1 1 20 pmj 8 29 pm Arrive Tarboro... ..... 4 50pmr......... Leave Tarboro , 10 50 am Arrive Weldon....! 4 30 ami 3 40 pmi 9 40 pm CCr-LLAllIIOUG. Oaroliiii Cc:: 1 Eailr Company. CUANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESt-OUND TRAINS. Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neok Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at a 00 p. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. - Train leaves Tarbero, N. C, via Albermarle Raleigh R. 1L daily except Sunday, 6.00 P. M.; Sunday 5-00 P.M., arrive Williamston, N. C, &10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wil liamston. N. c, daily, except Sunday, 7.4fr A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarbore. N. C, 9.45 A.M., 11.30A.M. - Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 6.00 A. ML, arrive Smithneld, N. a, 7.30 A. 1. Returning leaves ' Smlthnsld, N. &00 A. M., arrive GoldsboroT N. C. 9.30 A. M. v f Tram on Nashville Branch leaves Rocir Mount for Nashville, 400 P. M., . arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hop 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope ia40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 1L55 A, M., dally except Sunday. - Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 15 and 78. - southbound Train on Wilson & FayetteviHe Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 5a Dally exeept Sunday. . . Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday,' via Bay Line. . - Trains make close connection for all points North Ma Richmond and Washington.- . - AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. s J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. jejJO . ' .. : , TIME TABLE NO, 3. ;. V' Palmetto Railroad toi; Valuable Lands for Sale. LYING nSB TRACT. OF LAND, Mile from Lincoln toa, N. C, consisting Tin nnitttint A Specimen Number, with A HIP i L 11 Ii L illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or valuable Premiums to Club Raisers, will be sent on re eelpt of 15a, if this paper is mentioned. - , r " Responsible and enenretic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address. " - --THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb 743 Broadway, New York, ONK of S3 acres. 53 acres cleared: is best for cotton. but gives crood croDS for an trains. Has a bnch ruBninz through it and. a fine sprinir a few acres of bottom land on the branch mad 90 acres In wood, oak and hickory, well tlxn bered. . . - -. - - . . Another tract lying 24 miles from Llm-o ba ton, mile from - K R., 100 acres. 25 cleared.; line spring of delicious water, about six acres of bottom land near it on tne branch; Is No. 1 for tofreco, but grows other crops ell ; 73 acres la yellow pins and oak. - For price and terma apply to . i CBONLY MORRIS, Ab 1 ti f, Anot'r Fftau John llferner OULD - RESPECTFULLY : ANNOUNCE to his friends, and the public generally that he is now back at his old stand. - Nc. 29 Market street j which has- been thoroughly overhauled,, rejalnxl and refurnished. With first class workmen, share razors aad polite attention he hopes to continue, to merit the! patronage of the public ' -. The "Little Barber Skop around tne Corner" will still be Lest up under the same manage ment. Shave, 4) cts; hair cut, 20 cts; shampoo, Z) cts, at bcti places. - Jytitf '--''-.'., : Ko. L 2a. . v .JxOj 25,1SS3. V dallyex. daily ex. ' ' Sunday, sui d: :y. LeaTe'Wllmingtoii.;..)..,.. 8"00 am 7 J ) r Leave Maxton......-7r...... 1133 am l i ; i Leave Laurtnburg.... 11 63 am li : ; j Leave Hamlet;:.',;-,....... 13 50pm :uk. Arrive Charlotte;...!,...... 3 83pm 6 i : LeaveCharlotte.;.,!:..i...... 3 4?pm Leave Lincolnton., ......... 518pm LeaveShelby,......r....... 6 28pm Arrive Ruthert ordton, ...... 7 10 am . TvAOTBONDTrAINal" ".' .;" .. ; NO. 2. J NO 4 :- -: ,July 25, 1SS8. ; dally ex' daily ca . . Sunday. -Sur... Leave Rutherf ordton 7 49 am -Leave Shelby. : -. : . . . . r.; . . 9 00 am Leave Lincolnton.. ;....v... 10 05 am Arrive Charlotte... , . . ; , , . 11 S3 am i Leave Charlotte.. H 43 am 8 30 r : Leave JIamlet i..t,.,i.. 300 pm 1 4i t . I Leave Laurtnburg.... 8 41pm 2 44 r. . Leave Maxton. ... 4 C3 pm 3 1) a i Arrive Wilmington.". . j so pm 7 CO 1 s1'1sTsPssssssbswbswsssssssssssssssmbsmbs Trains No. 1, 2.8 and 4 make close concoct: c a at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ralei;U. Through Sleeping cars between Tilriiistc 1 and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. ; Take Trait 110. 1 for Statesvirie and Ktiitin; on.W. N. C. R. R. and points West. Take N 0. - for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and au points Southwest.,, Also, for Asnevii: j via Spartanburg. - x - KsLocal Freight Nos. 5 and 6 tri-weckly he tween Wilmington and Laurkibitrg, leavin , Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. k Local FreightNos. 7 and 8 trl-wekly betweoa iaurinburg aid Charlotte. Local Freight Nos. and 1(J trt-vrcekly be tween Charlotte and Rutherf ordton. No. 5, 6, 7, 8V-9 and 10 do not take passengers. . 1 -' r l. C. JONES, Superlniencieiit. : J- CXAJ6, Geta'l jpassexiger Agent. AtlanticViow, v.- -WiaailTSTIIJLE, IfC. riHIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER ItESOIiT IS sltstated at the Wrightsvilfle Terminus of the Wnstngton Seacoast Railroasi, an there 13 no sharge for transportation pt self er to the HoteL ' V ; Bani of Issle icl for Scrsea. 1 We are sorry the Soldiers Bors ; have rone heme so are the klrls; ; u - t . ; Those desiring Board can, nn4 cwnf ortabla rooms and good fare at -reasonable rates. . a :;':ED. WILS0N MANNING, S3y 28tf f,!': i r j .r&.? Proprietor. A RARE CHciTOGpiNi:6BUl wul sell at a low flgnre -k' paying- business. Reason for selling, going Into some other bus iness, a rare chance foraa actlv? man with limited capital. - Address - w ,v.;j , 5 i -s 4 , ., v - - - - - A LOCK EOX 171, TM iA'. i,v:;-Kin'' -t-Wilmlxston, K. C-. THE ;MA,Y0 HOUSE. AN ASD AFTER 'FRrpAT. -TJEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally exceptStm- day: . ' , . , GOI1M SOUTH. No l Passenger and Freight.' Leave Hamlet. N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.20 A. M. 1 Arrive at Cheraw, 8.0......... 9.30 A M. , Going Nonrm. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Aft. vuuin , Kr. V . . . ..... ...... , X . iu Arrive at Hamlet. N. C.,.,...,.......&35P. M. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. m SZ r- T-" , -. I fjra"31118 offered this season f sc same r WllinlBSrtOIl. " GOlUlllbla l&ns Bathing, The adrantages for u.: wash I Weuld respectfully aupiace to my fr and the pubUc generauy taat.the . Mayo Housft at tic Eockcj Is now open tor the Season, under the tame management as formerly. Numerous altera. uuna and improvements nave been made and 1 v. A & Augusta B. B; Co. " CONDENSED SCHEDULE. : TRAIN'S GOING SOUTH. Dated June 24, 1888. Leave Wilmington... Leave Marion. Arrive Florence Leave Florence. T... .-. Arrive Sumter. ..... ' . -1 Leave Sumter........ Arrive Columbia . No. 23: mo. 27. P. M. 8 05j 11 16 1310 NO.'50J A. M. 3 20 . 4 40 4 40 6 15 M. P. M. 10 18 13 371 1 2M A. M. NO. 62.1 AM, t 9 42 10 55 NO, 15. Sve&al nersonai attvtinn viTn in tta mw. ifortofguests. " T 1 . .Two boats dailr. - Thn pARSPn-nT T!fi LUISE sjop each way On each trip. Still . water or deep water Ashing at any time and boats ready when tna stnnapm or. rive, -Fisklmr tackle and bait irpnfTrnrtv rm. lnstantuse, ; 4 - Rates by the day, reelc or mH2 and yery reasonajDlo. . ( . ..s , . . - Parties iremjthecomitry mao J811 reesj-MAYO HOUSE,- The Socks. Wllm1mrrin -KT. r . T ? - nee myl8tf. espectfsl 11 .1LMAYO. " Manager. P. M. t 240 523 e 10 P. M. No. 58. P. M. t 6 40 805 NO. 56. P. M. 9 22 10 55. Building Materials I Painto.tXI airdtVa vo, A. I No. 52 runs throucrh from Charleston via central xc k. . Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M., Manning 9:68 A. M . Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 80 A. M.. . Lanes l(h28 A. M.. Manning 11:10 A. M.. Sumter xi-46 jl. m... arrives coiumoia i:io r. jm. No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R.. leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M.. Man- Train onu.CD.R.R. connects at Florence wttn NO. -58. CLAY FLUE? CHIMNEYS I QrdcliQm Mow complete stock of buildtng supplies tu uo iuuna m me state, .which we offer at he lowest prices. . TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 5L Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence , Leave Florenoe ...... Leave Marlon. Arrive Wilmington.. . P. M. 11 25 13 53 . 1352 330 A. M. NO. 78 A. M, 4 35 5 2a 885 no. t:. A. M. 6 50 8 13 N0.-59. t 822 940 A.M. Na 66.IN0. .A. AL T 10 30 11 11 2 10) P. M. rr"r NO. 5ii P. M. ' 5 83 6 46 Factory Atzonts for Stovea WE HAVE A targe Assortment of Stores wtl -?i rwe asi you te examine. TheZ3 YAlXS and OTHELLO still Jead. . . 14. P. M. 8 28 8 65 U 50 P. M. Dally, , v. tDally except Sunday, v Na 53 runs throusrh to Charleston. S. C. via ijentrai it. arriving manning tr. al. janes ojs r. jo., cnarieston 9:45 1 . jz. isa 57 runs tnrougn to Charleston na cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes yssi a au, cnarieston iiau A, 3L. - no. t connects at Florence with c and d. 1 an 19 tr im in ior iaeraw ixui waaesDoro. ;. - Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R R for an points North ' " . - : JOHN F. DmCSTE, " '-" General Superintendeat. J. R. KENLY: Snpt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Farming Implements, Amalgma Hex. E maies lorumiaing Materials, Circulars of Stoves and Sash furnished ; f upon application. Our low prices wui' surprise and : , i 'goods please you l , V T Jacobl's Hd7 St oro; 12 Soutn Front street, v CARRIAGE REPOSITOHY .ARDEN JflOSE, DOG COLLARS, LAWN ! M owers, Pishing Tackle. Oome In and look ! at them. : we have the eooda and can make I the pricey tojsult. w I3J 11 tf 14 Frcit LWU2H3;stcn, 17. Cj REPAIR SHOP. Partus m ' want; of y ;:;ind Vehicle or want any Eepairlnsr Czz eid vehicles, will fl tottcfr to tcirLitcret call ob .... c. d. LouTurnLArD & co. Ccnicr feconden-i tri-i C'rl yc' r Lcr..:...i ta t - - i" Cr:.:-..ii.;r:r. " r- ' C t

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