1 - f K M . ft ''J vi I V - ;j . i , i "s ' Absolutely Pure. Tula powder never tones. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ' oct 28 d&wly tcnrm 4thpd 3rdpw Tiho Daily HoviTr WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 19, 1888. fr . IN CONGRESS YKSTKUIlAF. ' : ": SENATE. Washington, September 18. -The Defieiencv . ADDronriation bill was reported from the Cotnmittee on Armrcmriations. and ordered to be nrinted. Mr. .Sherman's resolution, offered yesterday, instructing: the Commit tee on Foreign Relations to inquire into the state of the United States with Great Britain and the Domin ion of Canada, and to report (at the next session) sur;h measures as are ? expedient to promote friendly com mercial and political intercourse be tween these countries and the Uni . ted States, was taken up, and Mr. Sherman proceeded to address the Senate. Mr. Morgan replied to Mr. Sher man, describing a - portion of his speech as a "postmortem examina tion of the recent fisheries treaty," and addiner that Mr. Sherman's "Zoilverein" idea had seeiued to set tie into a plan for the annexation of Canada to the united estates. Mr Morgan said the Retaliation bill was in the Committee on oreign Kela- tions, which had not yet considered it, and he, expressed great surprise at hearing the Senator from Ohio condemn that bill before it had ever been considered by the committee. After it' had been considered to morrow he would bring the subject to the attention of the Senate and country. He, therefore, preferred to have the matter cro over till, to morrow. Mr. Sherman's resolution went over without actiou. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Barnes, of Georgia, introduc ed a bill offering a reward of $100, 000 to any person of any nationality who will discover the true cause or germ of yellow fever, with any cer tain means of effecting its preven tion, destruction or material modi fication, or who, without discover ing the cause or germ of said disease, shall discover ascertain and- practi cal mode of effecting Its prevention, destruction or material modification. Referred. . A conference was ordered on the bill amending the Inter-State Com nierce law. - Mr. Forney; of Albama, then call -ed up the conference report on the Sotfdry Civil Appropriation bill. Mr. Barns, of Missouri. read a statement showing that the Senate in four years had increased the sun dry civil bill by twenty-four mil . lions, and this in spite of the fact 'that the House conferees, headed by Samuel J. Randall, had resisted the increase with bitterness. Mr. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania For the information of the gentlemen on that side of the house, I will in form them that one week from to morrow Samuel J. Randall will be nominated unanimously by a Dem ocratic Convention, composed of all shades of Democrats, without re - f erencje.to the tariff. Applause on the Democratic side. Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri -And get every intelligent vote in the district. Mr. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania I doubt, whether there will be a Rep ublican : nomination against him. There have been, efforts in some quarters to push him out, but the people will take care of him. Cries on the Democratic side of "he's all right" : ; : : , : .iv. - l-z W ... tsuclclen'a Arnica Salv The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FeVer Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all JBkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, . or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . . Forsale by.Wm. H. Green.-. l j ; HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT. Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little ob stacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's7 Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, and make lif a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Munds Bros., druggists. Th Caufipaijcu O reran. The numerous newspapers 6f the State have put on their war paint and settled do wn to business, We may expect some lively " music be fore November, . The best campaign . Organ and one we can recommend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in -showing instruments and giv ing prices., , . , . t To Pender County Democrats. Moore's Creek, Sept. 17, 18S8. " Dear, Review. Almost vveeklv we see in your valuable paper( which has a very wide circulation in Pen der) the name of some new aspirant for some office in this county. It would see.ni that their name isuiul titnde. Mrho are so desirous to serve the dear people. -This almost mania for office-holding may terminate in a crreat iniurv to the Democratic partv. " Th'ev all cannot expect to be nom inatefl, therefore there will be many flisannoin ted ones. I write this in the interest of unity, harmony, good feeling and party success. If there was ever a time in the history of the Democratic party in Pender that our forces should be united; that there should be the ut most harmony, "unity and concert of action, it is in the campaign this vear. T anneal to vou. brother Democrats, if the grand old party is good enough in victory it should he as crood in defeat. Let us have no lukewarm voters nor sore heads after tlje county con vention, but show your Democracy by working and voting for the nom inees. A Farmer Democrat. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning. Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Munds Bros., druggists. CO'IIinilCIAL. IfEWS. We now have it, a Door Lock that cannot be picked. It is cheap and safe. See it at JacobPs Hardware Depot. t 0AE0LINA BEA.0H . -JJNTIL FUKTIIER NOTICE THE SYLVAN GKOTK wlil leave for Carolina Beach every week day at 9::W a. m. and p. m. J.W. UARPER, sepltl oen'l Manager. Q For Sale Uirap. UITEALOTOF second hand veiii- cles and a few YOUNG HOUSES at sept 17 Ct OK HELL'S STABLES. Thirtieth Year, Bev. Daniel MomMe's English k Classical School, No. 420 Orange st Corner of Fifth. The Annual Session will begin (D. V.i MON DAY, OOTOB EH 1ST. For information of any kind apply as above. sept 15 2w Just Received. FINE LOT OF BANANAS, CHANGES, Fresh Hoine-Made Candy every day. ' - sept 17 tf A Apples, &c. WILMINGTON MARKET. . Sept. 19. 2:30 R. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 38 cents. No sales reported. s ROSIN Quiet at 67$ cents for strained and 70 cents for good strained. 1 ' TAR Firm at $1.40. ; CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $1,85 for yellow dip and vi rein. ' COTTON Firm. The following are the Official Quotations: Ordi nary, 7 1-16; good ordinary, 8$; low middling. 97-16; middling 9; good middling 103-16. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 134;rosin, 385; tar, 128; crude, 76; cotton. 329. MABTNE NEWS. ANTONIO FANTOl'ULA, 116 South Front st. The Progressiveness of Christianity, A SERMON Delivered August 5lli. 1888, IN THE First Presb 9 terian Church. WILMINGTON, N. C, By Rev- Peyton H. Hoge. Published by Request of the Session, 10 cents. For sale at . Price HEINSBERGER'S The Presbyterian Ohurch. BY Rev. John W. Primrose Price 10 cents. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S sept 17 r H. CRONENBERG, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. GIVE HIM A TICIAL ! All Work Guaranteed. Pictures taken Single or In Groups. ' aug 24 ly Fresh Fish Every Day r "1T ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHIP ALL kinds of Fish on short notice. G. G. AMAN&CO. aug 25 Dock St., bet. Front and Water. Wilmiigton Saiiugs & Trast IV mpany, XTARKET, BETWEEN SECOND AND 1U. Third Streets. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President, W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. -Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays interest on deDosits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. menssti ISLAND BEA0H HOTEL, AT THE HAMMOCKS. A New and Elegant Hotel 9 WITH ALL THE FACILITIES FOR PLEASURING GUESTS. WITHIN ONLY fkirtj Minutes' Eidc frem WflminjUB ! and commandiDg a beautiful VIEW OF THE OCEAN. Board at Reasonable Rate. For further particulars apply to -. W. A. BRYAN, augJ7tt Wilmington. N. C. ARRIVED. SteamsliipBenefactor,Tribou,New York, H GSmallbones. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & JMurchfeon. CLEARED, Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Schr Belle Brown, Sawyer, Fort De France, Martinique E Kidder's Son. - Schr James Ponder, Lynch, Phil adelphia, Geo Harriss, Son & Co, cargo by C B Mallette and Geo Har riss, Son & Co. . , 1 MISCELLANEOUS. EXPORTS. COASTWISK. Philadelphia Schr James Ponder -136,347 ft lumber, 117,450 sningles. FORKIGN. Fort De France SchrBelleBrown -99,450 ft lumber, 74,000 shingles. ' WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND SEPT. 15, 1888. Cotton ashore, 530; afloat, 28; total, 558. - Spirits ashore, 7,011; afloat, 15; total, 7,020. Rosin ashore, 79,453. Tar ashore, 2,011., Crude ashore, 581. RKCKIPTS FROM SKPT.' S TO SKPT. 15. Cotton. 870; spirits, 1.542;rosin, 2,757; tar, 1,065; crude, 503. EXPORTS FROM SKPT. 8 TO SEPT. 15. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 1,035; spirits, 823; rosin, 250; tar, 1,273; crude, 1,087. 25th Annual Seson. rpHE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION I of Misses liurr & James' School will com mence on Thursday, Oct. 4th, at St. John's Chapel, on Third, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, where it. has been located for the past two years. The street cars run ning: on Red Cross, a few yards from the build ing', can cover any objection to distance. A well ventilated schoolroom, pleasant play ground, good cistern of water and retired sit uation make it more desirable than more central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, will spare no effort for the advancement of the pupils kind ly entrusted to ineir care, giving individual attention to each, and ruling with Arm but loving discipline. Their many graduates, some of them now occupying the position of teachers, testify to their success. As always stated in ihelr cir culars, scholars received only for the session, no deduction Leing made except in cases of protracted sickness. Those entering after Oc tober charged only from date of entrance. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION given by Mrs. M. S. cushing, whose life-long devotion to the science' and long experience in teaching, should be a guarantee for her ability. Vocal music, Calisthenics and Free Hand Drawing, free of charge, dally exercises. Instruction in Needle-Work of all kinds, al so free of charge, given weekly. For further par. iculars apply to sept 18 THE PRINCIPALS. No. 10. SCHEDULE WILMlSGIOr SKACQAST B. I!. 3C 7. ?T i IN EFFECT SEPTEMBER 11, 1888, AT 7 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave 7:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 6:00 p. m From Hummocks. Leave ..7:45 a. m. Leave 10-.25 a. m. Leave 5:10 p. m. Leave 9:00 p. m sept 12 tf - J. n. CHADBOURN, Jr., General Manager. The Acme MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and iPine Fibre, Matting. WILMINGTON. N.C. fJlHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best fanners of this and other States ' ly attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of ou native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort awl durability and the demand, for It is daUy increasing:. It has vlr tue3 not found In any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL Is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. - Certificates from reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or win be mail ed upon application. -1 tan a u fJotice. jyjR. W. A. McGOWAN will collect subscrip tions due THE PJULY REVIEW and solicit new subscribers. , tf Great Sacrifice Sale AT GASH HOUSE. -o- WeofTer the following inducements to make . : . room for - ' FALL GOODS, which we are opening every day by rail and steamer. 500 Colored Jofseys, worth 82.50, this week for 98 cts. - o- r " 2,500 yards Ottoman Cloth, - 41 worth 15 cents per yard, tnls week for 10 cents per yard. 2,500 yards Henrkla Pjisn d j Casumfif. worth 40c, this week for asc per yanL. -o- "One Lot Table Damasks, worth from 35c to 50c, this week for 85c per yard. -o- One Lot Damaged Hose, fuU regular, lo cents per pair. m LOT L DIKS' LINEN 0LLHS, ;5 cents each. - ; '' -o- Remnants: of Embroidisriesr A Job lot of Embroderies at half their value. o- Bargain Day, Thursday, Sept. 20. o- Call early "before the Bargains are picked over. o- - I.M.MtiZ, CASH HOUSE, 11 6. Market Street, WWiMINSTON, N. C. ' ' sept 17 ' Vienna Export Beer! 'HE MOST-DELICIOUS HEEli EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET Guaranteed to keep - Fresh and Sweet In any climate and at all seasons. Sold by the CASE or -BARREL and at Lower .... Prices than any other Export Beer on the Market. i UICCLLLAITEODii ICELUKEOl IN VIEW OPTHE. ''HARDTIMES"VhAVE MARKEDMv , I Carpets and Sues House Furnishing Good At ine iowpsi iossinie-nffure.s.- we ciato all Uarpet. Rilhn n j s sept 18 NORTH FunY-iic' -Ill; 5,1 K. ONWARD IS 1 W(H0 qpHE PROGRESSIVE PARMER ENTE ts THIRD VOLUME at the following .1 subscriber, 1 year 5 subscribers, l year. .v 10 subscribers. 1 year . . ..... Q.ef One copy, l year, free to the one senalrc club of ten. Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send cas (charges prepaid) to . ' " C" LI "POLK. rebll"? Kaieigii. N. , 188 - vILLUSTRATEi). A Card TO THE LADIES! YOUR ATTENTION IS INVI TED TO, THE ment or ine. liCRides otiu-r articles, Buneibly lUust.ri ;u i try; beautifully iDustrati0" Indies: new novels by Whf M'a 1 Howells; noveletteseach ri 4 - nuinuer, Dy Henry James YtZ, 11 and other popular writers ana t- v pers of special . artistic liti' The Editorial Hepanments !5 ceorge William cwR1 fuS atid Charles Dudley WarnSf "K- ', - " ' - i ' ;; H A HPE US' PERIOBICal " PKR YEAR: , I HARPEK'N-MAUAZINE.. i IfAUPJCU'S WEEKLY. IIAlfPKR'SHAZAU. iiAin'KR's youn( pEoriE.'.'.; ! rosuige Frtv la all mhrUim'tl'Z Smites, Canada, or Miirhv. : M U The volumes of tlte Magazine UJ Numbers for June and Decembpffi , I begin with ihe Miff tfffc ! celnt of order. Lound Volumes of Hiirpers na three years back, m neatcktftbrf sent by mail, post-paid, on reeeiw E per volume, Cloth Casea for blnolS oacb-by mail post paid. , -TT', harper's Magazine, AJpt Analytical and CJlasslfled, for Volun Inclusive, from June, lSki, to June, t vol, 8vo. Cloth, $4 00. - ' Remittances should be made by Pi Money Order or Draft, to avoid chaw . Xewsnniwra nn mnt in wi tlumtine express order of narperiK Auuresa . llAKPJfiK & UHUTlli novL1! , . v, Sfti Ladiefmporiurn tt- Special Rates to1 Dealers. Puller particulars "on application to the ROBERT PORTNER BREWING CO., 21 North Second Street. J3 IvUHBIjANJK, aug 28 2w . - Agent. Wow Ready. T AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH X my friends and the publicrgenerally with the Purest Drugs that can be found in the city. Also a nne assortment of ToUet soan. Brushes and Combs. I have a fine assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at my store Night and Day. JOHN SHEEHAN, the Druggist, aug 14 6m N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Societv Work. r1HE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladies' and ChUdren's apron3 a specialty. Orders left at the Rectory, or 224 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention . novastf ' . JOB PRINTING! We want vour orders fnr PRIKTIWH. RUIINO and BINDING, and if aomg your worK wen, with good material and stock amounts to anything we know we are certainly entitled to at least a portion. Our money has not been put in old time material andjwe are constanly adding new type. Try us on any books yen want made to order. . : , . Personal attention to all orders. . , JACKSON & BELL. Specials QARDEN DjOSE, DOG COLLARS, LAWN Mowers, Fishing Tackle, Come in and look at them. We harft th mvw1.o anrt mii mnlro the prices tosult. - , - W. K. S CO., my 14 tt -; 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. c Wow Open. " HAVE OPENED A FIRST CLASS RES TAURANT and LUNCH ROOM at the S E corner of Second and Princess streets also cool and comfortable roooms. iiofini hr ti day, week or month, special rates t,o regular uuarucia. rfUH KOCH. P. S. A tew nice rooms, weu-furnished ror Every article in stock will be oBered at a greatly redu ced price and some goods will behold at less than actual cost to make room for FALL STOCK! All are invited to call and . . - examine my stock and obtain Bargains for CASH. Respectfully, MRS. E.H. WIGGINS. llf Alurki t Strcnr. sept 5 I AM RECEIVING Now Every Week Some of the . .--".- Finest Applea BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALSO Potatoes, Oniaus and Cabbagr. - . -. - - . .. ..- - ,-f , A fresh lot of E. D. CHEESE.. Also Amerl Homes in North Care o- Onlv 20 .Hours Side ft New-Yorl 6y.MHes8onvoiMc Z ' : ' :i . - .. On the Raleigh and Augusts air lint leaf pine region. For Bile on cibt fer lots to suit purchasers. Jrour acres d Larger tracts $5 per acre, in month ments of tlO. -.. This land adjoins the M cm PlncB", a recently estabjlabcd bej sort (or Banltarium), and is specially t for Fruit Gnltnra, aa well as all tben A number of New England people have " lota In the town of "Southern Pine,! Is the desire of the owners of this to duce small, farmers, niechanlcs and from the New England and Middle Si well as elsewhere, to locate hers, wi the Union offers greater inducements Hera than North Carolina. Xowhrn better farming country or as fine a ec found. This ft the opinion of Northf who have settled In North Carolina. I bona fide offer, and Is limited. 4 I For further particulars write at wo JOHN t. vatk: CommlB'r of Immigration, Ealclp ' or B. A- RICHAE1X mn 21 tf Chronicle Office. Aoti- NtwTorr& Wilmic Steamship Co dan and EDAM cjieese. Ur. Price's Bak ng Powder IN GREAT DEMAND. It is Excelled by-None ! and fs admitted by 'connoisseurs" to be the - ' ' ' " --"':'"tV !t J -'r' 'A't FINEST AND PUREST USED, ROYAL NOT EXCEPTED.' v - Don't Forget theft my Cart 6oesD(Cnto tne Sound . Weekly! Call and leit me give you prices. I have a kin la of Groceries and the finest In the city. Jjio. Jj. Boatwright, . an 4 15 & 17 So.Fr0nt St. ! FROM PIER 20, EAST RIVUB, JEW Located between Chambers and BrT ' 7At 3 o'clock, P.Jt- FANITA..."... sa.? PIONEEft BEN E FACTOR FANITA . .j. . ....... '.';vl't , ' . FROMWILMli ; , PIONEER... .. TSS BENEFACTOli "rnpsaf. FANITA.... -Tilda. PIONEER - j pr Through BHls Ladlnff and Vr Iitcs gnaranteed to and from Fs j and south carounx, , ' For Freight dr Passage apP 10 ';' H tj. SMALLBOSES, Wfjg?:.:. ; : THSa- E. EGBKviraffiC?1 ! Lime. L'?c LIME in exchange tor LIME " LIMB LIME LIMC sept; QLD NEWSPAPER FOB own Drice at rent. . . - . , ac 2T lm J t ijLaugl4tf

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