' " ' . . , riXASE soiic: . . We will to glad to receire 'ccmiicatlo from our .friends on any and all Etitject general Interest, but ' The name of the writer must always fee fun rashed to tne Editor. : ; ; ' Communications must be written tnly cr; one side of the paper. . Personalities must bo avoided. And it is especially and particularly, undef stood that the Editor does not arrays enociro the views rjf comndent3 .rcs3Eo stated in the editorial columns. : ; f jed every evening, Sundays excepted, josh. T.JAMES.-Editor sad Prop. IUPTIOKS, POSTAGE PAID: i nn. Six months $2.00. - Three year, ,,- ioa one month, 35 cents. gocta-'. per will be delivered by earners; free HitnT part of the city, at the above . 0r 10 cents per --; rfnn" rates low and liberal. KcrioeraWlU please report any ana tn receive their paper regularly. VOL Jill WILMINGTON, N. C.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER .27, 1888. NO 200. 1-j!Uic THIS PAPER IT . iX JJAltl I JOLiLi eptl ?eDt.: 1 tT&rj iSorS 5 TORPID LIVER by these marked, peculiarities t of weariness and pains In the . rfbreath in the month. !jfarre red tonsil e. , wiin. occasional attacks h1"n the front of the head: i , iizzlneas, and yellowness of vYa"taTi.Vssof appetite. ! 1 IKfSof the stomach and bowels .byJSUn spirits, and great melan - JrriiH lassitnde and a disposition .,ivrvt.hinr for tomomiw. toW""' ' .7 1. .r.i flow of lllle from the Liver l"r . 1 itn.... ...... JjSctrf it results in ' BILIOUSNESS, ,fv if Ejected, soon leads to scrlons ZU. Amnions Lriverliegnlator exerts 'n.L.n.i nuts the digestive ore:ins ditiou that they can do their After taking this mcdiciuo no f"'. Tl- ..I tiili.ins." u . njijrt been subject to severe spells of Con--2a of the l iver, and have been in the habit of ftfroa 15 to w grains of calomel which gen me up for three or four days. lately I Z2 ba taking Simmons Liver Regulator, !Li pe "e relief without any interruption to Jsi." J. Hccg, Middleport, Ohio. : OXLV CEJTVIJTE jb, 2J sump in red on frcnt of Wrapper .H-ZeUia & Co., Philadelphia, l'a. urstclstpdiwu en sat ISLAND BEAOH HOTEL, AT THE HAMMOCKS. II New and Elegant Hotel WITH ALL THE FACILITIES FOR PLEASURING GUESTS. WITHIN QXI.Y Bail bates' Ride from Wilmington ! istf commanding a beautiful WW OF TEE OCEAN. Board at IleaaonalAe Itatcs. further particulars apply to W. A. BRYAN. tZT.tt Wilmington, C. Fresli Fish Every Day Uj-g ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHir ALL tsfcol Fish on short notice. G. G. AMAN fc CO. apt 24 Dock St., bet. Front and filter. 3 Hie Stokley House, yKTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA TE at Wrlsatsvllle will find the STOKLEY CSEwellsuDDlied with all that lsneces- ary. wMltjy tte day, week or month at low to? ilf er R 10 orfler at ary htur ' dur- All otthe dciicaoie3 of salt water,tlsli,crabs, 0401 slumps, 4c, furnished to Rnests. - "-"us wars, rishlnff Doats.FlshiUS xacKie, umislied oq short notlcct. oioKiey uouse fronts the water and is KWyardsot the Depot. kr., W. U. STOKLEY, ,vu Proprietor. CAUTIOW Jl2ot Fraud, as my name and the price r"2l on the bottom of all ruv advertised jjVre leaTlnjt the factory, which protect lt"t?inst hifrh prices and inferior goods, i- MW Oners W. I . nnnl.i.. .ku. o m tolsfw'or MJS he n ttiem without my name trftnped on the bottom, put him down as LtnoLu' Jt restores tho Liver to .-,.rtinz order, regulates tho Kccre- ii-iiKlnflucnceovercverv kind h I" m. r itt. d res ts W 1 she tense' artist 1 of ' nistc? j ado", n LS. I ..4 Ji U. DOUGLAS v3SHrMr ' for JJ W Lmm GENTLEMEN. S fflLf.??L SEAFLESS Shoe smooth wlt.i P Wt1 nil bfvi' IV I4AS or WAX THREAD to "ii1 US eJWT M and sewed and WII.lt ecetpij S 84 SHOE, the orjgtaaj WiVi. i f ',0- equals cus tiepr WORKIXQ, the world for tame .-VI ei.I'l'llLAS BOOK hOiVirrhtto wear a man a vear- H.VOKQLAHN. Vllinlngton. N.;c. ost-Off ofi Brotne- wJcrK, Urrwi sir 2 if, for coys J? rtviT.v "-"LAS vorrTTi-te c-i t rbr ? ; -F ; : i'l will give$50 toanv man who hose UvioS south of - Flour nd vanced 40 cents a barrel in Hew Y ,rfc on Tuesday, all due to 1 . 1. 1 ' 1 : i. , 1 1 1 .1 , . - lators. . c- .. i The reports as to yellow fever are more encouraging. It is believed hdw, with much reason, that the crisis has passed and tiat the epidemic will hereafter rapidly de cline. Democrats on the State Coinuiit teeleclare that-if the election were held to-morrow Cleveland would carry-New York by 25,000 majority, and thev say that in is jainiiif K O strength every da v. The Republicans are getting very mu6h alarmed over the prospect in Michigan and the author of the Mul ligan letters is to be rushed to the front there as soon as can be. We build some very strong hopes on Michigan. - The sea serpert has paid a visit to the Georgetown, (S. C.) bar. He was seen there 'last Thursday by four persons on a tug which was towing a vessel to sea. A special in the Ifctcs and Cmirlcr tells about it. It is described as being between 30 and T0 feet long, with a tail 15 feet long, dark in color and with a body as large as a "Hour barrel. The report comes pretty straight this time. Here is some interesting railroad gossip. It is from tne New York correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier: Richmond Terminal was the spec ial object of attack to-day, and was knocked down to 22i, the lowest point it has touched for some time. Thi. depression in values, however, does not prevent important moves in Southern railroad affairs, as is shown by the negotiations noy go ing oh between the Richmond & Danville and the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia. The Richmond & Danville proposes to lease the East Tennessee for ninety-nine years, and the details are now being ar ranged. President George S. Scott, of the Richmond & Danville, has submitted in writing the general outline of a proposition to Gen. Sam Thomas, president of the East Ten nessee, Virginia & Georgia, and it is said that the paper is in all material points satisfactory to the East Ten nessee managers. Only a, few minor details remain to be agreed upon, and the matter will then be ready for consideration at tho meeting of the East Tennessee stockholder, to be held on October 8th, and the rat ification of the programme is a fore gone conclusion from the fact that the majority of the stockholders have already been sounded on the subject. The bookmakers are now at work in New York. The odds are all on Cleveland and Hill and it seems to be a difficult thing to get bets, even with odds offered. We gather this from the New Yrork Xta?: A great deal of money is being put up ou the exchanges and also by politicians and sporting men at the uptown hotels every eveipng on the result of the election. These bets take almost every conceivable form, but the Democrats as a rule have the call on tho odds, except perhaps on tho general result, in which case the betting is veven. A week or ten days ago the Republi cans were offering $100 to $90 on Harrison, but these -offers were snapped up with such avidity that the bluffers stopped their shouting, and for a week past tM betting the general result ns uetweeu LH)vc-; land tUid' Harrison has beep even, That Cleveland will carry New York, New Jersey and Connecticut the ruling odds are $75 to $100; that he will carry Indiana, $'J0 to $100, and that he. will carry New York alone, $100 to $75. The lu$tV- uru the rulivg figures at which bets are made that Uiil vi dofiHit Warner i Miller, and that Hill will have 20,000 plurality the betting is even, with j more offered tliau is taken. j The usual amount of bluffing has , been gpmg op ip thi, a in foiniier campaigns. Jake Hess has been ac-, cused of indulging this pastime ! when he offered to bet any part of a : host of $20,000 ou Harrison, which; i . m an 01 tins amount bv Mvron Bans f Syracuse, Edward S." Stokes and other Democrats, Hess failpd tr turn up iu his usual haunts. Joenh IT T:..l..... -r .1 K. Rickey, of Fulton, Mo., hasnlaoe.1 ..... - w oa vrr-i ii $8,000 at I he sr. .lames Hctel. whic it. James Hotel, which he will bet to $7,-000 t'hdt --TMevelaml will win. This itione.y has been thus placed as the result of hjiUT talk by Hepullicans at tins hotel on Mon dav nigJit. It wa stated hv some of these political wranglers that on uipipuuhbitmk " '. Armour, the Chicago millionaire,' had offered to bet $5,000 even that Harrison would be elected. Iurtant- ly Mr. Rickey palled, from a pocket will bring 3'oung Armour here and induce him to repeat the .wager."- Several young men made a run to- ( ward the Brunswick Hotel, where , young Mr. Armour !s staying, but j not return. After waiting- awhile Mr. Rickey authorized his friends to announce that he would bet $8,000 to $7,000 that Cleveland would be elected. Mr. Rickey is the best known non-professional sport ing man in America. '"Four years ago he bet in one day $18,000 on Cleveland's election. He wagered altogether $30,000 on the result of th.it canvass and won $25,000. A check for $1,000 was received at the Hoffman House last night by Clerk Pencofik Irom Mr. King, a prominent railroad juan of Jackson, :Tenn., with instructions to place it 111 two bets on the election. One net 1 is sfriw to pauu on uieveianti, anu ine I other half is to be placed at the same odds that Hill will defeat War- ner Miller. The money now awaits takers at the counter of the Hoff man House office. ! 'I cannot praise Hood's Sarsapa rillahalf enough," savs a mother j whose son, almost blind with scrof ula. was cured by this medicine. LOCAL 3STEWS. Index to New Advertisements. IIeixsbergek -Sketches A Shrikr Keep Comfortable Jas C Mcnds, Agt Drujjglst M M Katz A Spin in Dry Goods W W McDiarmid The Robesonlan F C Miller Pinv and White Gossamer Window Glass, by the box or light. Save money by buying from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. " t Fishermen will find the cheapest place for Gill Twine, Rope, etc., is at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be bought cheapest at Heinsherger's. f Indications For North Carolina, fair weather arid stationary temperature. We now have it, a Door Xook that cannot be picked. It is cheap and safe. See It at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Happiness supreme. rThis is the condition of all who have been wise and purchased Stoves at JacobiIS Hdw. Depot. Col. John li. Cantwell is having his residence on.Priqcess street.near Nilltlij overruled, anxl remodeled Another story is a.lso to be put an it' Two new frame dwellings are near ly completed on the corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. One of these is erected by Mrs. E. Schul ken and the other by Mrs. C. S. Love. Personal. Capt." Jno. Y, Harper, of South pprt. was in the city to-day. Hon. A. M. Waddell returned to the city this morning, via the C. C R. R., for a few days rest. Mr. and Mrs. B. H, J, Alr$nH have returned tq the city from a month's visit to, tl;o CivtskiU Mountains, We are glad to learn that Rev. D. H. Tattle, who has been quite sick, is well euough to he out again. Mr. W. W. McDiarmid, of that ex cellent jiaper, tho Lumberton llobe xonlcm, is in the city to-day and fa vored us with a visit. Our good friend, Mr. A. F. Lucas, is a happy man now, his wife and family have returned from a visit 9 several weeks to relatives at BdfariQn. liock Cvim. s-jociacica and Kyelasea '&ivld5't'6'oiU'' afiiT ymi'iijjf: in e lectiug spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that yo pass that point of inoye,., wUl ouuse you, f urih injury to ilie eye. Using glasses of stronger power than isne iiv t t.liA ilnrilv ennsf! of nrcnia- (urc old agc to thesight. You can get tho best at Heinsherger's. r T - The rVlv, UooU'. , Tie publtc schools In the' city will jjl,' u OI1 Monday next, which .,,; t .u o will be the begming of the SeqQ Annual Session- vx'. Noble urges uopon all who W&Z. Jsome urges uopon .le.lre to enter that they be present Those who were not pupils v.. session but wisl c fte rejt se- M on, report o,r examination on io-uiorrow (Friday) at the follow ing hours; Hemenway School (white), 9 to 10 n, in. Peabody School (colored), 9 to 10 a m Union School(white)ll to 12a.m. u otiiouiini , Wilhston School (coIorX 51 to 12 a. in. - ) Pupils livhl' north of Market emenwaySchool; Market street attend Union School. ,This "rule will be rigidly eniorced. Headquarters for Powder, Shot, Cans. CartrKWH and Ainmnnitinn of all kinfla . . Tnhi Hrir r j pot. , Shells" loaded at a notice. moment's ' ! A Important Notice. , will no doubt be a relief to those a-ufferiug from defective vision to ' learn that l have succeeded : in se curing, for a few days only, the ser I vices, of the expert optieian, Mr. H. ( 4iuont4wjip.is.iirepresenting tne fatuous JL K. Hawkes' Eye?m Glasses and Spectacles; this gentleman, as many of our citizens remember, vis ited this city before and readily se cured the confidence of the public. This is a rare opportunity to secure a perfect tit without extra charge for these glasses than the establish ed retail price. I will sndorse any contract made by Mr. Casou. Robert R. "Bellamy, Druggist, 2t NW. cor. Front & Market sts. Young Democrats in Council. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club was held at headquarters last night. Mr. Herbert McClammy, delegate to the meeting of the Democratic Association at Morehead, submitted his report, which on motion was adopted and ordered on file. On motion, of Mr. Iredell Meares it was resolved by the club that there shall be three mass meetings in different parts of the city within the next thirty day. and that tho invitation committee provide speak ers for these occasions, and invite Col, Waddell to speak at one of these meetings. This motion was carried. Mr. Herbert McClammy re ported in behalf of his committee that lie had invited Hons. S. S. Cox, Alfred Rowland, and Senators Ran som and Vance to speak here, but had not receivedi any answer yet. The -C!ub resolved Ao ?turU y$ full ranks, under the command of Chief Marshal Morrison, at tho Democratic Jubilee here on the night of October 12th, when Hon. F. N. Strudwick and Hon. W. H. Kitch en will actdve-ss the citizens of Wil mington. . Delicately Done. The Wilmington Amateur Operatic Company have hit upon a very pret ty and delicate device for showing their appreciation of the hospitality 0 the Charlottese on their recent visit to that city. They have for warded the amount netted for the entertainment there to, a committee in Charlotte, to bo by them for warded to the yellow fever sufferers, as a remittance from that city, The following will explain it all: Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 2G, 188S. 2b Mrs. Bason, Mrs. Dcwcy, Mrs. Taliaferro and others: We, the committee appointed by the Little Tycoon Opera Company, desire to express to you our most sincere appreciation of the hospita ble treatment and cordial reception given to. us by the good people of Charlotte, and the warmest thanks of all of us are due to you (or the delightful hours pa$ifiei. in your beautiful little. wAy, 4 We only re erret that we were not able to meet Personal lv and thank every one of ttie many wuo weresoiavisnin tneir attentions to us. We shall always remember with pleasure the lovely and graceful manner, in whi,cli we were received. "Did we leave with weeping; well, we s.Wdl look back with joy." We. euerose ii draft .on the Com- LuciTeial "National Bank and made payable to the order.of your Mayor, for $200, the proceeds of tho ymer tainmeut, which we shall. &e pleased for you to remit to ie sufferers at Jacksonville.- h contribution from Chavloite,' v Yours, very respectfully, ' H. M. Emkrsox,x Louis L. Cums, C. C. CiAIbourn, Committee. All iu. Mr. S. H. Fishblatex the King Clothier, has his. stock ready for inspton. "Heal ways purchases frfy so, a to obtain the choice styles. Merchants buying- their stocks this season of the year" have to take the "cullings," or what is left, that other merchants would not have. Mr. Fishblate's stock is com posed entirely of first cUiss goods and tailor made eaul to custom make. H,e. employs no women at 25 cent ft day 'and- work them 10 hours each day to make pant and Cheap John goods to palm off on the. pub lie. His stores are well lighted day and night, which is very essential for buvers of clothing. We advice. our readers tobewareof adark store and Cheap John goods." tf -: ca '11 The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 480 bales. ' Nor. barque Ilecfcr, Johanuseu, from this port, arrived at Riga on the 25th instant. Nor. barque Argo is reported in below, leaking. Sch'r. Ill E. Clones, from Charleston, is also in below and at quarantine. . Mr I. Shrier will to-morrow raffle a gold headed cane for the benefit of the fever sufferers. The commit tee of young ladies are requested to be on hand at 10 o'clock. tight Weights. Three light weights met in Front Street Market this morning and concluded to try and break down the big city scales. They were Messrs. R. M. Croom, of Burgaw, 259 pounds, T. P. Sykes, Citv, 228 J, T. A, Watson, City, 217. . - New Drug Store. Mr. James C. Munds, one of the best known and most competent druggists in the city, has opened a new drug store in the new Smith block on Princess street. He has one of the neatest, prettiest, stores in thejeftyand is supplied with an entirely new and fresli stock of drugs and patent medicines. 'We wish him much success in -his venture. Col. Waddell To-Night. Hon. A. M. Waddell will address the citizens of Wilmington on the political questions of the day at the Opera House to-night, at 8:30 o'clock. The ladies are invited to attend as well as the gentlemen and ushers will be in attendance to see them seated. It is the first time this vear that the people of Wilmington have had an opportunity of hearing Col. Waddell and we- know that large numbers will avail themselves of it. . City "Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: J. -E. Anderson, disorderly con duct, $20 or 30 da vs. Susan Nixon, disorderly conduct, discharged, . Geora Leg'uln, throwing rocks in tho streets, $5 or 10 days. Robert Sweet, hogs running at large, was fined $5. Ellison Herring, disorderly con duct, $10 or 20 days. . Andrew Hill, stealing a ride on street cars, $5 or 5 days. The advantages of advertising could not be better illustrated than in the case of Mr. W. L. Douglas, of Brockton, Mass., manufacturer of the celebrated W. L. Douglas $3.00 shoe. About four years ago, Mr. S. R. Niles, Newspaper Advertising Agency, of Boston, placed for Mr, Douglas an advertisement covering a portion of the New England States. Since that time Mr. Douglas has steadily increased his advertising as his business prosper ed, and the returns have been, so gratifying that he has recently placed, through Mr. Niles, his ad vertisement in over 5000 ne wspapers, covering every section of the country from Maine to California. It - Will Not Gu toTarboro. The-"Little Tycoons" have de cided to decline the invitation to go to Tarboro to play in the Opera House in that city. They would be glad to go, and would go if they could but circumstances are such that they have been reluctantly compelled to decline and have wired their frieuds at Tarboro to this ef fect. One reason for this lies in the fact that Miss Annie DeRosset will leave here to-morrow night on her return to Washington City. tiive Honor to Whom Honor is Due. Mr, Editor Dear Sir The an swer signed A. G. 1 n m vester- dayVUfciYJKW to 'Bertha's" prob lem of the 25th is not to "A. G. PV credit. He came down to our office, asking me about it; he then had it $4,92 3-10 and I had it $4.92, and while we were disputing over it, another gentleman sitting near, showed and explained to us the ciitch hi it, and when "A. G. P." went back to his place of business, 1 requested him to stop by the Re view office and have .my answer withdiawn, as I did not want to havt the credit when, it is due to another. He said lie would, and so I let it. rest, not for one moment thinking what ha might . do. Uj went to the Review oliice and had the answer "withdrawn, as you kco!. hy yesterday's paper. I" asked him about it, and for rearms he has, says he was too late; they had al- ready gone to pres. - No.v, I will give you one if "A, G, P." got there. too, Lite to. have niy answer; withih?awn, how Ciimo hinv-.not too Iftte.txj.cljapge hi and- put anotner man's answer in and sign his name to" it; r: Respectf ully H. A. W.f Jll. t-TJ SundayiSchool Convention. t The Sunday School Convention of this the Wilmington district, of the M. E.-Church,. will meet to-morrow at Magee's Chapel, Smiles from Wilson. The delegates from Grace Church, -this city are Messrs! Jam es F. Post, Jr. and A. G; Warren and Mrss Belle Bowden; Miss- Lula G. Bowden aad Miss Jennie King, and from the church atSonthport, Mr. E. . H. Cranmer, ' Jr.7 : vVe tried in vain to ascertain the names of the delegates from Fifth Street and . Bladen Street churches. "1 : A Colored Woman Injured. A colored woman' abou t : 25 years old, hailing from Acorn Branch, whose name we could not ascertain, was struck by an engine on the W. & W. R. R., at the Y, about. 1 1.-this morning, and severely injured.4' She was walking near the track as the shi fting engine was r moving d 6 wn the track and just before ik reached her she stepped towards the track; The engineer saw her "and reversed his engine and blew "the whistle but she was struck -on ithelef leg Just as she put her foot on the "track. The leg was broken below the knee and she received a severe' contusion on the head. A physician was sum moned and she was sent to the hOs- - pital. It is said the woman I 'deaf and did not hear the "train or'tho warnings". Those who saw th'iAc- cident are emphatic in exhoneratfrig the engineer anday he did" all that was possible to avoid the accident. NEW ADVERTISEMKNTK Ja mes 0. Mundsf Agpnt, PrinrPCa CtroAt' lvif nrann t?iArff tn4 irrferr iimvuw MtlkVUf AVITUVU X'iViiV CVUV4 U- VVJiU m m - . s- I will he pleased to see all old frlendsand cus tomers and to make new friends of new cus tomers. BcSt27tf ICeep Comfortablo " ' O-- ' t v JJBAVY WINTER CLOTUJNa is .q;yet needed, but something thicker than Summer wear is necessary for health. This Is provid ed by us. . ' . . , .. - t Our Fall Styles v are Superb. Just the thing' for Comfort and Health. Good Clothing Is Cheaper than Doc tor's bills, will take pleasure in shown, j our Stock and Styles. - ; --; - -A- SHBIEB, - CLOTHIEK, sept 27 . NO. 80 N. Front St. . j The Robesonicin, Published in Lumbcrton, Ni i., by W. W. McDIARMID, JS HEAD EVEKY WEEK 15 Y NEAKLY every intelligent citizen of Robeson county, and has a general circulation in all tho sur- Wli.blVU' AUViUUill iUUJ IVUf a boro and Darlington in South Carolina. The rObesonian is now in the Eighteentlf Year or a prosperous and vigorous existence, and is so firmly established in the hearts of its patrons as well as a pecuniary enterprise, that business men can readily estimate as to its value to them. The advertising rates are exceedingly reasonable, considering the c. -e, . circulation, and influence of the papr. i ad 5 cents for specimen copy. ; , sert7.- To My Friends and ' ilie Public Generally. . jECENT EVENTS 'CONNECTEp WITH the renting of Stalls in "iVont Street' Slai i r Impel me to say a few words to my many M : .d friends and patrons and to housekeepers v.' crally. . ' . . It is not the location or tho stall thjit u . the meat but the quality ot the meat 'Which u offered for sale. When I opened at my r n n- cnt location, on the South Side of the Market. I took stalls which were out of the way ana where purchasers did not often pec,tmrp. But I determined to have the BEST pZHF iu t he market and have continued to . na'vetiiO BEST and tne result shows, as I have s.i i. that it Is the qcautyof the xkat ikd vnr tii k iiOCATZON of tub sta n, which attracts t ho buyer. The proof of thl3 lies in the tan ml t my sales for the past twelve months Ji-ve far exceeded my anticipations when I located In the market. v - ' My meats will sell anywhere, lor consumr-r will always nnd out where tho Bcsfsliay 1 . had at t lie lowest cost. ' , .v I have tlifi BEST MEATS In the market, as is a well known fact, and I will continue to have the Best. I have contracts with partlf a in the West whereby I ara to be supplied every Thursday throughout tlin season with a .Car load of Western North Carolina and TCnAcis t cattle, than which there are none beMer in the world. This enables me to compete with thr IJJfhmrtnrt nnd Knit lmfir martCtH. EverV day durinar the season thl3 me.itv lil bo foutKi on my stalls. This week the offerings win bo unusually good, because the weather Justine It, and I would respectfully call particular in tention to the display I am to make on Friday and Saturday. "I j . Wv V ; :J; J4 (j-AKKHiLii, StaU3 1 & 2 Front St. Markct.Sou! h. C e. t-y 1 -- " -; " - "7 '- O LI NEWSPAPERS FOR SLC, ATYOCK own prico at airrlHf review orncr. ft 1 x

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