THIS PAI!R. rLnii: ::otici - sisaed every evening, Sundays excepted Osn. T. JAMES, Editor and .Prop. V,tq wiu tofclaatorcccivo c:: uxiux our tricaoj on any era zlli .vj.ct general Interest, but The namo ot tho writer must alwc : 3 to f u r - ..ocx six months $2.00. Three nlshcdtothoEaitor. one month, 35 cents, v , commnnf cations must bo-written only cu per will tXJ delivered by carriers, tree m nr part of the city, at the above ..MIS'. 10 one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. - And it Is especially and particularly ur.acr- 10 cents per wee - : 9- " -MrinwandliberaL stood that the Editor does not always endor o the views of correspondents x unless so stated jrtiaa . ..bribers will please report any and VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1888. NO 201. to receive their paper regularly. in the editorial columns. IIP i ni l f - - - - - TORPID LIVER? ' why these marked peculiarities i : k idling of weariness and pains in the 1 " ft breath, bad taste in the month. Inferred tongue. filiation, with occasional attacks ljtrrhcea. JlAacbe, in the front or the. head! I dizziness, : and yellowness of ' nrn, loss of appetite. '- I fuoo of the stomach and bowels of spirits, and ereat melan- 1 latitude and a disposition . 23ewnrtnln for to-morrow. . hM V IH from the lAwer k "ffST Cd ieaiu. When this JSit results in. BILIOUSNESS, f , v jr neglected, soon leads to serious vrt, Simmons Llverltegtilatorexcrts trtfrlir itous influence over every kind iStousnos. 11 restores the J.iver to rworkin? order, regulates the Kecre f5rtf bile and puts the digestive organs ionditiou that they can do their i Zwnrt. Alter uk i ng ui is ineuiciuo bo Iam bilious'V liavt been subject to severe spells of Con--lotof&c Liver, and have been in the habit of Efffrim is to 2 grains of calomel which gen iCbidme up for three or four days. Lately I rj tea taking Simmons Liver Regulator, Sulk pre me relief without any interruption to 3es.-'--J. Hugo, Middleport, Ohio. fcoor 25 stamP in rC( 0Xk ront Wrapper lH.Zeilin&Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BrSKlstpdiwlj ensat . ISLAND BEAOH HOTEL, - v : AT THE HAMMOCKS. 1 A New and Elegant Hotel WITH ALL THE FACILITIES FOR PLEASURING GUESTS. WITHIN ONLY Ift Hanks' Bide from WflmingUn t ud commanding a beautiful VIEW OF THE 0 OEAN. Board at Tteasonaite Kates. further particulars apply to ' W. A BRYAN. ag 2; tt Wilmington, N. C. Fresh Fisli Every Day V E ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHIP ALL teidsor Fish on short notice. G. G. AMAN & CO. sept 34 . Dock st., bet. Front and Water. The Stokley House, pARTlES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- oasatWrtghtsville will find the STOKLEY Hoisa veil supplied with all that lsneces vy. Board by the day, week or month at low atea. Rsi suppers to order at any hour dur p evening, wiottte delicacies of salt water,flsh,crahs, cunfl,ammp3, &c, furnished to guests. idling Eoaia, Fishing Boats.Flshlng Tackle, amrnisaed on short notice, fftotiej House fronts the water and 13 i'Wn KWjamsot the Depot W. II. STOKLEY, Proprietor. CAUTIOW-. 5f rod, aa my name and the price rion, the bottom of all my advertised rWo leaving the factory, which protect .'Irrnilnst high prices aid inferior goods. ar offers wTl. Douglag shoes at a, re Jjce, or says he has tbem without my name jjwet itamped on the bottom, put him down-a . -Til-rni ii. -, , i - ..r n;r- i'j?S'r y.L DOUGLAS 538HOE. FOB . GENTLEMEN. calf S3 SEA31XESS Shoe smooth rATACKS or WAX THREAD to 1?RIp! easy 83 band-sewed, and Wlli N ife hUGLAS S4 SHOE, the original d7T: weit i siioe. equals crre- iJXThi.jT "ia-sewe iJ"aa tn hurt v. m . 820 SUOE Is unexceUed l d &irffe111 Shoe for the priee. SHOP ?L,S ?2-25 WORKING Vr -best in the world for k til1 Dorr? irrh' to wear man par. wM SrtSS k8 ,M,8HOB FOR ROYS fcJ-L. dSi'ot i'Jn lhis world. . -5Stt?JnS5I',5T9PTP,S School .3toiiJr"! world. ti. , , Wli ffl?S'5?tn Lace. If not ! oaip H. VONGLAHN, WUmlngton, N.n?, "gVVl5 30 l'OLICE SHOE. tnfuE nd Vttep Oarrieiiallwear thero. "uS? ? Hand-Sewed Shoe. No Tacks Albany, N. Y., had a slight shock : The receipts of cotton at this port of ; earthquake early yesterday . to-day foot up 545 bales.. . lnorniDfr. - Lottie Shepherd, the unfortunate : The champion inuch-married man colored woman who was struck by has just come to grief out in De- an engine near the Y yesterday, died troit. He was found guilty of big- ; at the hospital this morning. ". amy or trigaiuy or fifteen-igamy, or j Miss Lula J. Agostini will take a whatever it was. He had 33 wives ( few mugic scholars at her residence, and 15 of these comforted him in . 19 South Sixth street. Miss Agos CDurt. : A dime museum , ought to : irti fu n rnnn i-.iv rtf Wirld inns- gobble him up. Our Republican friends can't say that "nobody wants to bet on Cleve land.'' Read this from the. New lork Star: . R. will pive a complimentary excur- A prominent dry goods dealer of 8ion to Wrightsville and the Hum. Broadway has furnished tlie Whole- k toti,e white ministers in this sale Dry Goods Cleveland and Thur- i mocks tothe wnite ministei s m tnis man Club with money to make the;c,ty? au1 on the following Monday, following bets: j October 8th, they will give one to Uue inousana tloiiars To o,UV0 : trtat Cleveland will uave 237 elec toral votes .or more; $500 to $2,500 that Cleveland will earrv'the State of Illinois; $500 to $1,500 that Cleve land will carry the State of Michi gan; ooo to $i,uuo tnat uieveianu will 2arrv the State of California; $5,000 to $5,000 on the general elec -tion. Any part or selection of the above in no less amounts than $50 can be had by inquiring at the Wholesale Dry Goods Cleveland and f hurman CluVNo. 343 13 road way, New York city. . " , Here is another straw which shows very plainly just how the wind doth blow. It is from yesterday's Char lotte Chronicle: Mr. Thosf Rankin, who returned yesterday from New York, says that the metropolis is given up almost entirely to political talk, and some of the- gossip is interesting. New York State is considered safe for Cleveland,and the Republicans have no hopes of carrying it. They seem to have some hopes, however, of carrying North Carolina, as they are betting even on the State going Re publican. Connecticut is consider ed doubtful, but California is count ed on strong for Cleveland. That State is almost conceded to the De mocracy. Michigan, too, is consid ered as a Democratic State. A prom inent and well known citizen of Michigan one day last week, in a New York club-house, put up $10,000 that Michigan would go for Cleve land. The feeling among the Demo crats in New York is one of safety. Cleveland's chances are now considj erd better than ever before. Pimples, boils and other humors are liable to appear when the blood gets heated. To cure them, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Index to New advertisements. IIeinsbbrgek Sketches Munds Bros Pharmacists D J Gilbert Homes-Made Candies M M Katz A Spin In Dry Goods Lecture By Rev DrTII Prltchard P C Miller Plnlf and White Gossamer Miss Lttla J Agostini Music Scholai s Wanted Window Glass, by the box or light. Save money by buying from Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Fishermen will find the cheapest place for Gill Twine, Rope, etc., is at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be bought cheapest at Heinsberger's. t We now have it. a Door Lock that cannot be picked. It is cheap and safe. See it at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. v t Mr. Gilbert will have a fine sup ply of fresh home made candies to morrow on Princess street, between Front and Second. Indications. For North Carolina.fairand slight ly colder weather and light frosts in the mountain districts. . Happiness supreme. This is the condition of all who have been wise ana purchased Stoves at Jacobi s Hdw. Depot. t A number of little ladies and their young gentleman friends in round jackets will give a lawn" party to night at Mrs. Danham's residence, corner Third and Princess streets, for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers. The admission fee is only et . nve cents and everybody ought to go. City Court. Mayor Fowler imposed of the fol lowing cases this morning:' I 1 1 1 1 n D rh..k 1 1 . LI' i , iiniKi luijiuau, utsurueriv con duct, discharged. Benjaiuin Charles, disorderly con duct, $10 or 20 days. Baily James, 'disorderly ponduct .u or uu ciay. . . Headquarters for Powder, Shot, Cap Cartridges and Ammunition of nil kinds is at Jacobi's Hdw. 'De pot. Shells loaded at a inoment'a nonce. : . 1 v v ical ability and experience, iu this issue. . - See ad. Complimentary Excursions. On Tuesday next tbaSeacoast -IkL. srs. iuunus ros:,ipoarmacisis, ...:n -t.. -Tt,w rnave renewed their. advertisinsr- con thf rolorcd iuirnstpr Appeal for Masonic Sufferers. Mr. D. W. Bain, Grand Secretary of the Grand Jjodge of Masons of North Carolina, has issued an ap peal in behalf of the Masonic suf ferers at Jacksonville, many of the order there being in great distress. Contributions can be sent to Raleigh, N. C, to Col. W. E. Anderson, Grand Treasurer,or to Jacksonville, Fla., to the Masonic Relief Com mittee. - The Cane Awarded. The gold headed cane presented by Mr. I. Shrier for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers, the chances for which were gotten up by a number of little girls, was awarded at Mr. Shrier's store this forenoon and was won by Mr. GuiU ford F. Home. There were fifty-two chances, at 10 cents each, making $5.20 for the cane. Not Maclr Damage. The alarm of fire this morning about 9 o'clock, which was turned in from box 34, 'was caused by the burning of a hole in the roof of a one-story frame dwelling on the cor ner of Front and Meares "street, owned and occupied by John Lord, colored. T-h ' -damage wasJ very slightf 'TKe Department turned out but were met with the information on the way that it was "all out." Weekly Lectures on the Lord' Prayer Rev. Mr. Creasy is delivering weeH- ly lectures on the Lord's Prayer at Grace Methodist E. Church. The subject last Wednesday evening was "Thy will be dpne in earth, as it is in Heaven." On Sunday night, by the request of the Woman's. Mis sionary Society, he will preaeh a ser mon on missions. Col. Waddell Last Night. Hon. A. M. Waddell spoke at the Opera House last night to a large audience, among whom were .many ladies. The notification was a late one and this fact shows the great es teem In which this eloquent son of the Cape Fear is held here in his own home. It was the first gun of the campaign in Wilmington and wiil be followed up by others very soon. Rock Crystal Spectacles an.d. Eyelqgges Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. AH In One Minute. " Old "Harry" the hose ree horse of the W. S. F. E, Cp, $o, 1, is al ways in a big hurry when- the fire belj taps and at such times he can't be held. He knows his business. a,P$ he goes at it without any prrui naries. AVlen te. iU&rl struck 'this moaning he was out at work and moved off with Dave,"the driver, on his back, in full tilt for the engine house. Two gentlemen who were standing at the corner of FoUh and Market streets timed him as he passed and ook him just one. inirute bjy the watch to go down tourth street to the engine house, get into his -harness and appear again at the same spot wiU the. hose reel behind him. The distance was not gretx i K tr:u;ev nbput 225 5ftnsl hut he had. to turn into the engine House, get into ' position for the harness, " receive the harness and get into the shafts of the, hose reel and then get dm, gJ( the house, into tlie" str'and up the hilL .But one minute is a Ivei y small periocl of time and all of this was done 'n. ttat oneVmU innute, -Masonboro comes to the front with a big fish; On "Wednesday a! gentleman resident there caught on j the beach a drum which weighed 26 j pounds and measured 44i inches in i length. Now, trot out your big fish, i Dr. Pritchard's lecture to-night at the Brooklyn Baptist Church will ; treat of .the late Missionary World's i pnierence in Jondon, tne 'Lionaon Tower and other curiosities of that great ' city, with a sketch of Mr. Spnrgeon and his work. tract with the Review. This house was established 15 years ago and it has steadily grown in the confidence and esteem of the public. There are two stores, on North Front street and on North Fourth and at either place will always be found a full stock of fresh medicines. This Morning's Fire. The alarm of fire this morning at 3 o'clock was caused by the burning of a one story frame dwelling on Thirds between Dawson and -Woos-ter streets, owned and occupied by Jane Farrow, colored. There was insurance for $100 on the building in the Northern Insurance Company, represented here by Mr. M. S. Wil lard. Dr. Moran Alive anil Improving. We are very glad to chronicle the fact that Rev. Dr. Moran is not dead, as was stated by us a few days since. The report was current here to that fact and we only voiced it. He has been a very sick man, though, but we are rejoiced to know that he is still in the land of the living. Mr. H. M, Bowden re ceived a letter to-day from Rev. Dr. Deems, which gives this grati fying ieformation. It says that the crisis of Dr. Moran's malady has been passed and that his medical advisers report him as improving and state that in all probability he will getwell, --. X ! Important Notice. " 01 It will no doubt be a relief to those suffering from defective vision to learn that I have succeeded in se curing, for a few days only, the ser vices of the expert optician, Mr. H. Xi. Cason, who Is representing the famous A, K. Hawkes' Eye Glasses and Spectacles; this gentleman, as many of our citizens remember, vis ited this city before and readily se cured the confidence of the public. This is a rare -opportunity to secure a perfect fit : without extra charge for these glasses than the establish ed retail price, . I will endorse any contract made by Mr. Cason. , Robert R. Bellamy, Druggist 2t NW. cor.Front & Ma.rHet sis. Thanks, frojn, the Tycoons. The committee appointed by the Little Tycoon Opera Company foy the purpose, sent the following com munjeation yesterday to Col. Jones: WliWNGTOX N. C, Sept: 97, '88. Col. Jj. C. Jones, Superintendent Car olina Central'Jtailroad: Dear Sir: The members of the Little Tycoon Opera Company, through their committee, beg leave to offer you their thanks for the courtesy of the Carolina Central Railroad during their recent trip to Charlotte, and to convey to you their gratitude for the" weleome generos ity by which tl benefit was ' made practicable and the charity morefef' - The excellent caxd ' taken of us. and the luxury o car are also warmly arreci$,te4 We also desi, tO, return thanks to Messrs, .J It. Sha.rp a,u,d W. F. Wil liaVv 9K M courteous attentions received from, them. H. M., Emerson, L. L. Curtis, C. C. Chadbour Committee Mr. S. U. . Fishblate, the King Clothier, hai his. - J'all stock ready for inspection. He always purchases early ' so. as to. obtain the choice styles. Merchants buying their stocks tM season of the year have tatae. the "cullings," or what is left, that other merchants would not have. Mr. Fishblate's stock is com posed entirely of first class goods and tailor mad eeqanl to custom make H.e wwploys no somen at 23 cents h day antl work, them 10 hcs each day to make pants and Cheap John goods to palm off oa. the pubr Hc. His stores are well lighted day and night; wduph. is very esstmtial for huyers of clothing.' We advise cTui rteadersr to.bewafeof adark store and Cheap John goods. tx PersonaL ; ' Rev. Dr. pritchard's family, who have spent the Summer at the Sound have returned to the citjv : Messrs. . Scott Stanford, Vof j the Goldsborolrw,and W. Wl Teachey, of Teachey's, are in the city and fa vored us with a call this forenoon. We greatly regret that we were not in at the time. We are glad to hear that Mr. Geo. Grant, who.has been very sick for the last month, is very much im proved.' . -. . Mr. Norwood Huske,: senior mem ber of the new firm of Huske & Draper, who are to open a new dry goods house in this city next week, is here making arrangements for that purpose. Mr. Draper is in New York purchasing the goods. - Death of Mrs. Calder. We regret very much to learn of the death of Mrs. Phila C. Calder, one of the oldest residents of this city, which occurred at her resi dence here - to-day. She was . the widow of the late William Cal der, who died many years ago, pre vious to the war, and the mother of Mr. William Calder, the only one of her children who survives her. She had been an invalid for some time and her death was not unexpected. She was an exemplary Christian wo man, for more years than we can remember a meitfber of St. James' Church, and she passed away calm ly and peacefully with the assured hope of another and a brighter life bevond. "' , . For October. We are indebted to Mr. F. P Chaffee, Signal officer here, for the report of the probable weather for October, calculated from observa tions of the past 17 years. It shows that we usually have quite a cool change between the 14th and 18th and again about the 25th. The highest temperaturerecorded here during October was 92 degrees, in 1874; the lowest, 35 degrees, in 1887. Clear, days average one in every four cloudy, one in four, and it rains one day in four, with an average daily rainfall of 0.13 of an inch. The great est daily rainfall was 4.51 inches on the 11th, in 1885. The average ve locity of wind is five miles per hour from the northwest, and this direc tion is 33 per cent, of all others. Highest wind velocity here during the month is 47 miles, from the northeast, on the 6th, in 1873. Wilmington Library Association. A meeting of the Vilmington Li brary Association was held at the Library Rooms last night to con sider a proposition made by the Young Men's Christian Association. This proposition, briefly stated, was: The Y. M. C. A. to pay the present debt of the Association (not to exceed $350) upon condition that the library and furniture be trans ferred to it, and to give the life members of the Association, and such of the other members as shall keep up a membership in the Y. M. C. A., by paying the annual dues of $2, the privilege of the books. In the event of failure of the Y. M. C. A. to keep up its organization, the books to revert to the Association. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Thomas F. Wood, President, and Mr. Iredell Meares was request ed to act as secretary. The proposition from the Young Men's Christian Association wasjsub- mitted, and waa strongly advocated by Mr. B. G. Worth and Mr. W. M. dimming, and was opposed by Col. B. R. Moore Mr. Junius Davis,' Dr. W. G, Tlomas and Capt. W. H. Bix hy. Finally, on motion of Dr. Thomas, the proposition was reject ed by a vote of 19 to 5. - ' " .Dr Thomas then appealed to the members to come forward and ; re lieve the Association from debt, and in response the following amounts were pledged for this purpose: Dr. W. G. Thomas, $10; Capt. W. H. Bix. by, $10; Dr. G. G. Thomas, $10; Dr. Thos. F. Wood; $10; Dr. W. H. Green, $10; Junius Davis, $10; J. C Chase, $10; H. G. Smallbones, $10; Jno; Wi Bolles, $10; B. G. Worth $10; U Solomon, $5; W, M.Cummiug, Zi Col. B. It. Moore, $5;' C. C. Chad bouriJ, $5; C. B.' Mallett, $5; W. II. Bradley,. $5. ' J The follow! ng resolu tion was then submitted and adopted: Res&licdt "That CoL B. R. Moore and Junius Davis, Esq, be empow ered and requested to secure from the municipal' authorities "of the city of Wilmington, a suitable room for theaccommbdatibn of the Lib rary of this Association, if practicable.- --v-- ....; - A committee was, on motion, ap pointed to solicit hew subscriptions to pay the debt and also solicit mem bers. The Chairman appointed as the committee Dr. W." G. Thomas, Gabriel Holmes . J "Rnll,- Capt. W. H. Bixby. ' ucmg uu uiuer ousiness uiv meeting adjourned. 4 . A. G. P. to H. A. TV., Jr.' Editor "Review: T deem fL A. W, , J r's, communication ' unwort h v of notice, but out at respect to in v self alonelanswer, I admit his state ment about going to his - office as true, but about what .transpired there he is entirelv wronr?. I went to his office knowing that he would reply to 4'Bertha." We compared figures; his answer wasj $4.92 and making the calculation as he did he was wrong. My- answer by the same method was &4.92-3-1G. Another erentleman sittincr bv mad the calculation as- it should have been made. I saw the manner in which he nroceeded. but did not seo the aaswer. H. A. W., Jr., snatched tne paper irom the aforesaid gentle man (and kept it concealed) upon which the nrobleni -was solved. I asked him to let lhe. see the!answer; tnis ne reiusea, ne Intending to in sert it in your paper. We then concluded to withdraw both our former answers and let the mat : ter go unanswered. -He reauested me to withdraw Ihem both. I then left his office and' returned to my place of -business. On returning, I made the calculation, bv the new method, and the result was it ap peared m Wednesday's Review. I then came to your office with the in tention of withdrawing both, when to my surprise I was told- that he (. M. A. W., Jr.") had sent up and changed his answer. I then con ¬ cluded to insert mine. P assert em phatically that I did not' tell him 1 was too late to have . them : with- drawn. Respectfully, A. G. P. died. CALDER In thl3 city, on Friday, Septem ber 28th, Mrs. PHILA C. CALDER, relict of the late William Calder, aged 83 years. : Funeral Irom her late residence to St. James" Church, at 4:30 p. m., on tha 29th Inst.; thence to Oakdale Cemetery. . , . NESW ADVERTI8EEU3XIT8 R EV, DR. PKITCIIARD WILt DELIVER another of those Interesting: lectures to-night at the Brooklyn Baptist Church. Subject: "Spurgeon and Objects' ot Interest In and Around London." Commences at 8 o'clocic Admission 25 cents. sept 28 it Home-Made Candies. J AM NO W IN FULL SUPPLY. WILL HAVE a flne assortment of Fresh Home-Made Can dles to-morrow. Cheap ! Give me a calL '. . D. J. GILBERT, Prineess st bet. Front and Second, sept 28 It Next East of Hall's Printing House. Music Scholars Wanted. MISS IUXA J. AGOSTINI WILL TAKE A FEW MUSIC SCHOLARS AT No. 19 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. 1 sept 28 3t WK. C. MUNDS. 1 J. DICXS0K MUNDS. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS. MTJNDS BE0THEES, PHAKAI ACIST8 , 1 Proprietors Munds Pro's compound syrup Hypophosphltes, Munds Bro's Kmui- , soin cod Liver oil, young's , : t cough Balsam. . - - 104 North Front St. 601 North Fourth ftf., sept 28 Wilmington, N. C. ; James 0. MuMs Agont, Princess Street, between Front and. Second. I will be pleased to see all old friends and cus tomers and to make new nlend9 of: new rcus tomers. sept 27 tf To My Friends and tlie ' . '. " .. . . .' ' : Public Generally. JJECENT EVENTS CONNECTED WITH the renting of Stalls In - Front Street Market Impel me to say a few words to my many kind friends and patrons and to housekeepers gen- It ls'not the location of the Stall that epIIs the meat but the quality of the meat which is offered ter sale. When I opened at my pres ent loeatton, on the south Side of the Market, I took stalls which were out of the way ana where purchasers did not often penetrate. But I determined to have the BESTT BF in the market and have continued to have the BEST and the result shows, as I have said. that It 13 the SUALITYiOF THK XK AT AND NOT THE location op THK stall which attracts the buyer. The proof of this lies In the fact that my sales for the past twelve month have far exceeded my anticipations when I located in the market. My meats will sell anywhere, for consumers will always find out where the best may bo had at t he lowest cost. I have the BEST MEATS In the market, a s is a well known fact, and I will continue to have the Best. I have contracts with part i in the West whereby I am to be supplied eve ry Thursday throughout the season wit h a car load of Western North Carolina and Tennessf cattle, than which there are none better la the world. This enables me to compet nutn the Richmond and Baltimore markets. Every day during the season this meatwlll be io:!i on my stalls. This week the oflerLris win i unusually gcxfcL, because the weather Justi: i -s It, and I would respectfully call particular at tention to the display I am to make on FrlJay and Saturday. t . Respectfully. ' J. F. GARRELL, Stalls I & 2 Front sn Market, jroutu f::- septjnot

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