Tuts papsb ' putlisned every evening, Sundays excepted, :. ; i By josh. T. james; Editor ana Prop. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAQE PAID: nne year, .oa . six months $2.00. . Three months. $i.oa one month, S3 Scents. V; The paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in any part of the city, at 'tneabbve rates, or 10 cents per week : : -Advertising rates low and liberal.- tr subscribers will please report any and I VT)T Y T T I1 I J KtfIE rro household should es trmiouT WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1888. NO 214. 'Personal. Air. H. J. Price, of Cronlv. wn.fi in A bet pf $100 to $70 that Cleveland "Day's length 11 hoars and 21 raih would be elected was made in New utes. . - - : ' i- :.wl V? Sanset to-morrow afternoon at 21 j today. u.H.n, in uie ruin Avenneiiojei.'A. - . . . . . f - tw. i? t-x 3 -.r S. Bright, a lawyer and a lif long -"' Paspo odocK., f ; ; ; - ; ? Republican, offered to bet $10,000 Sunday School at St. fames' Home city vesterdav on Cleveland's election, but no one to-morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Mr' E. Kuhblank, agent here for wodkeimuri..;.,.- . Rev! Robert Strangei will preach the R. Portner Brewing Co., return: : Itjfc rumored that.Matt Quay has at s- James Home to-morrow night to the city last night from a visit set aside a pari of the bte fat he has at 8 o'clock. ' ; .V- : ? to Fayette ville in, the interests. f his frlorl Vviif rx UA ..'.'A - .'"' ,' ' " J . U: j hOUSe. M.wwuy. fivtci.tDu muiiuu- wer oarque ' row, 1 Bradhering, lies and, trusts for a betting fund sailed from SL Vincent for this i nort and that a part of it has been sent on the 2o,f.h nlr A STRICTLY VlOtTAftLI tA PHILADELPHIA. Pritt, OH E Dollar i here for investment in triat wav. If I (.his is,irg.nii ir are to sav xnat it ( Temperance Meeting. The October meeting of the Evan- Col ! 1 - A Ilia ...:n U.'U.li - Messrs. R. O. Dun & Co. will es- 771? ""-"eu onilon- tablfsha branch of tftMrfI . 'Uht ' ac Y?3U P- STnv f f v,ia u , me r irst Wesbyterian Church, The agency in this city. PLTASS NOTICE. Wo wia bogiadtorccelvo cor from our mends on any and allr general Interest, but ofttetmtcriacst'aiTOys i nlsned to tne Editor. - Communications must be written ' c : one side of tne paper. ; " , .Personalities must be avoided. " And it to especially and particalarir r stood Out the Editor does not alwars r the news of correspondents onlcsa rr in the editorial columns. NEWAOVJEKTiscrji::;-. Ready T AM FULLV. Bru;h5A?e55S0?me,lt Toilet h iS?"1 .Cpmbs. I nave a fine assort , The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1,452 bales. The school children turned out in force to-day and a large number of them took ad van tageof Manager Chadbourn's offer of a lnVwra n.i ! ... u vv lU I v . l . A Ul spent the day by the side of the sea, my 5??. 1 can. 1)6 f0U! Commencing on Monday next ..... iu,uSt; m ine sciiea- . . CASTLE HALL. uie or the Wilmington Seacoast stonewall lodge No. 1, k. of p.. Kauroad, to be made by leaving off -wumington, N.c.;;oct. I3tn:i the last train in the afternoon ,pwrv . PPXXV. aay except Tuesday and - Friday o :gKETnREN:-You are earnestly re- each week. t t ; '-'' quested to assemble at castle nkn or' : The New York Star has been asked to give its opinion as to how the State of New York will go in the Presidential election and it doesnt hesitate to say, editorially, that it is . . . saie to caicuiace on 4W,ouu plurality, For North Carolina as a minimum, rne star carries its warmer weather. usual level head. topic for discussion will be: "Chris-i Eastern .Baptist Association. .erom a srentleman wlm was ,-at Sunday Eye'nlnsrtho Mthlnst.; at 6:30 o?cloctr .attend ices at c.rn.i g.the session of XSS : The Register of Deeds has issued tfan Influence and the Sin of Intern- Warsaw durins i . .. 1 n ' -r . . . I " - i " ..w.vri uiree marriage licenses this wwk- nev. nr. Pntchard will Kastern Bantisf ;A cen,.ir; . creasy. ... - " I i . - I 1 .uwviuuuu ncieiirii - ' .; u.. to coioreu couples. r . - wpeuig uciaress. rasters mat it was a most harmonious meet Knijhtsin theTitf arecordiainv tedfoV rofchurches are requested to nmkp in- and tht ah.ton en( are cordially lnvitea to i xna.cai.ons. . 5 thu ftnnm,na,nfln; L.7 vC .7."- w were : By Order Of C. C. , . ' For North Carolina, fnh i xuirow. ; prnt, ur. mtcliard, of this citv.' " W. n. , YOPP, K. of IL & s. Help the Orphans. preaching the introductory sermon i TV tt We cheerfully comply with the re Mlv J- - Stewart, a prominent law- A Hlft ilflir lffl ttlOQ r Bervices lnlSt. Paul's flvflnvoi.Voi quest made of thA sonnio. ver of Cli Tt i ,1 . , l,r .. J ". . wv.w. uu ic- - - icvt x resi- u - uaiu iu uuuersrana wny uon-mutneran Church to-morrow will b Ugious press of the State to Ttn ent of the Association , - , , WHO t "fag -Lfc. . wT-. - the majority of the ills of the human body arise from a diseased Utct. Sim- gress does not adjourn. It is doubt ful if a quorum could be obtained now in either hons fnv fho noccaa . w uuooatto I w -r ... - . of any measure. ManV ,nem.hu non. Alfred Kowfand, Represen- have gone to face their constituents tatjV,e frm this distric i at home xnons Liver Regulator has been the means and those wljo are left are simplv of restoring more peoplo to health and I "gaged in the idle .task of talking Happiness by giving tnem a healthy time to death. Llrer than any other aeencr on earth. BO THAT tou GET THE gentW Yesterday's New York Herald is nov 36 xc lstp d&wiy , ensat . in German at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. the notice of the proposition to take ofthe 'argest crowds was in ar- m. m English? up a collection for the hpnpfif. ft.h tendance that was ever knmvn Oxford Orphan Asylum, wherever Bering about 3,000 persons, services are held, on Thanksgiving Two iudun.d. i u-rr. .Day. If not . convenient to atfpnd Th i iviiinini: i ." i iih i ii i iiml'at - C -v ..aa LIViVC U KJk and has gone on the war path. Jook out, Lockey ! Services in St, John's Church to-i morrow: Holy Communion 7:30 a. full of encouraging news as to Dem- . ' ornm8 grayer 11 a, m., Even- " -v T ; y euu vo,untary tliat element of the Republican contributions to the superintendent, party opposed to the -Court House Dr. B R Dixon;. Oxford, N. C, or Ring." as completed by the "Peo- hftlld t,0 1. lO Macro, K . . r, .. J ...w .vcwn ui Liie iieHrPSTi i uie s Mpftiitiiro -11 uiuiiiiiice. . MADE TO ORDER FOR 820.001! PINE FIBRE PILLOV.T. Feather Pillows. BAWD ADA BED Under Mattresses. HOWELL ;&OTrMMIIIG, ocratic .prospects. Among other ing Prayer 5 o'clock. Masonic lodge. WITH ALL THE FACILITIES FOR Death of Miss Julia Iappitt. We regret Very much to learn of ISLAND BEAOH HOTEL. .inffS U Publishes a nff interview No interments this week in Pine ' I X7 ITU I 'nnn.ul.,nn ATT X CI XX r I L'n.icf X A 1 I . . " -... v B -v- - ooow, 01 cemetery; tnree, an adult the death of Miss Julia G T.inrvtr Pennsylvania, one of the best in- and two children, in Bellevue. Rn,i Lhlnhnnm,, V Pfi ' A New and Elegant HotelhcrLVx mriw" !BntaWtr?H.?C0,m1ft,8nt Headquarters for Powder, Shot, nt a short .., having beer, first S , th.!r!,,f!i""Ch'n?re Cap,, Cartridges and Ammunition taken last Sunday night. The seiz- WITHIN ONLY TkirtjJMiantcs Bide from Filmingtoa ! and commanding a beautiful VIEW OF THE OCEAN. L Board at Reasonable Kates. For further particulars apply to W. A BRYAN. ' aug27tf t Wilmington, N. C. Entire NewReglstrati od . HIO LVeiiUDlK'.HTlS lOSlllfT . Ii -. . ... I. .1 l i PF.ASTTmX-a OTTWttrrfi M,VWan Mi.. rm" ,! UI H as 18 at Jmo Hdw. " De- T"10 ,nto Pmoma, from - ..v uujuuxui I w-o ' "" 1,"uu,n DOt. S hp I Is lnndo1 . WHICH death Pr.Hiiml T1 rhon Tr.aM xV.: . i t I "" u x lllUIUCIIL S I , xCIC,ua,s m lucu mij'iii J notice diana. New .TnrsAv or flnnnopfinnt i1 1 Both I " P. tLOLTi TTA TT? lri Plnl,.... .1.. . . .. . .. rwijm5inSTii,WM. .vuiuuiius are now iainy m the '"" m wuu.xjsjjw. oct lo For the Senate-Alfred Llovd Wilmington SeaCOaSt R. f. For the House John O. Nixon and W. II. Waddell. For Sheriff Harding Johnson. For Register Jno. II . Whiteman For Treasurer-Geo. R. Bate. ForConstable Washington Ho we. For Coroner-Jno. C. Smith. will be brought liere for interment and will arrive on Monday mornin diana, New Jersey or Connecticut.' He seems Knmpwhn.f. fdnrfni nf fiia The usual Snfhpflnv airun.. ... x I ' ' I . -"J i.uiut, 111CCI- I' I'liu fnnn.,,1 1.. I j . pfTflntfi nf RonnhhVon n? will hp hAu of K , . tiuui iias uoi yet oeen " ..vj.uwiiuuiu JXIVWJ. lil 1C3V I " w '-' v cut; UCtllxlllIl S York. Bethel this eveniiiff at 8 o'clofik tn NewYnrk Tho fn.r. nK ""-"w.". muies anu Dusiness Mr. Cleveland's substitute) are .that men are invited. Kegulars Orate and Nominate. The Republicans of New Hanover county met at the Court House in this citv to-flav . Tl.o frs- -l i v " -... chichi was uecmea upon. very quite and Miss Jippitt was a native of this in singular contrast to the turbulent r. I;i t- 7rr T Ulte Jere- scenes ot more ancient days. Gen miah.liipnitt. A few years after-th H- y, J? he was drafted in Buffalo early in Rev. V. S. Creasy, the pastor, will I clo5e of war she removed to New I Miller was chosen as Secreterv Tii I the war; that he had at the time conduct the usual Sunday services York' where she opened and haj result was simnW a 7' t two brothers in the. army, and he at Grace Methodist Church to-mor s,ce successfully conducted a pur jsion. Gen. Mannino- I ..oru.8Cu .cuiaujtu, nuiue anu i n . m. ana v$ p. m. Sab- T one uau -a very lor SUeriff by acclamation pihoK ftflPP. til Ills urirlria flf frionlc nvwl .... C x I t t ... - ' J I - ...uv.iu iuuuici auu i wi-uuui at o.ou p. in. " ...vjo u.uu cuinixtiiiiL- i Jiewitr ior Treasurer I F Cn. i sisters; that a man: a sailor on Lake m, "7T7T ances who will crrieve most sineer- nn t?a,-x - - ' . mp v.-t I.:...!-., x , . mere win oe a prayer antf nraise i fi, , , 7. IZ " wlowl Ul -ueeas, L. J. ui r vdrixjcs Liu 1 1 1 1 1 1 21.1111 w sill r.oi Tk r i ' ixtvtvi. liic aLii nr vvn i i i iimp ioq rn ii.l x- M. u nhfiff: t;;; .r5 tfr to-morrow, at -loiock, on . r .ioil oroner n. f. board the British steamer 4s democratic Dispmy, uimes lor nonstable. John Hollo- . , Schedule, k Sund3bctoKerl4. fJRAINS WILL EUN AS FOLLOWS: Leaving Wllmlngtonjat 2:30 p. m. Leaving Hammocks at 60 p. m. JAS. H. CHADBOURN, JR.. oct 13 it , General Manar. S ew Yprt 6 7ilmti!to:: Steamship Co. proposition was accepted and the The Democrats ot this city and way and Valentine Howe werenom- nnw Ivinr c r(.n H7il .:x v.' i . . - .1 .. xii uu Lilt; iv 1 1 in i iifrr.rn :rvt amount paiu in lull, and Mr. Cleve- , . T. ; vminitv r t i ' inated for th wrtco nu lanfl nnliko Afr Rlir, 1... I lJre!,B UOCK, COnQUCtecl DV the Youn'! ' m on luruoi -- - 'iUO uuuwg ianu, uniiKe lur. islaine, has neverl-. . . AUU11ol iot.f ,,;t,f ii, . ... mr men nf nnc ' .. T made any effort to have it refunded Men's Prayer Meeting Association0 ,ast nieh.t tle occasion being the resolutions were adopted and ""c littue ot me xoung Men s vuuvcuuou aajournea: to him by the Government. There First Fresbyterian Church, corner Democratic Club. The show FKOM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YOIii: Located between Chambers Ind Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, p.jtt.'- jT A MEETING O P THE BOARD OF COM missioners of New Hanover County, held Sep tember 3rd, A. D. 1888, It was Ordered, that there be an entire New Kesris- tmim, nf sii wto,'. n.- r is tne true and complete story about I the pastor. Sunday school at 3:45 Ln Rniit.l, Pmnf df anA u Harrison of Indian: nn, ow Mr. Cleveland's siibstitiit a tinri Ur,.r n. in. Vi fre ri, it , , ' for Presidpnt ni-n-ui t iwJ15,ii- .....Tuesday, Oct. is hereby give nouce. ln accordance with t,' ,u- " ttU mence to ine urton House, where. P. Morten p v "Y, .ty1 Tuesday, Oct. 1 fzP.Stnll,ff Triof tif 1 T i t TTf a . never WB a uggesuon, men or ui xu.ra aim urange streets, Re vv fine one. The Club, under the truid- R0 .ew Hanover county, in ggftrroa Saturday ;6ct&) smce, that every obligation had not Peyton H. Hoge, Pastor. Services ance of ; Chief Marshal Morrfson doSeTheNaS S:IS been satisfactorily discharged. That at 11 a.m. and 5 p. in., conducted bv formed lin t fhJS fsS?5 XtLf Pablcan, Pla ' " vas.a. . iicauu uai i.ki p i mv vuu iiiiiiirH.i iim rana vrtm i x xluiw w 1 1 i rvia.ri'f i?v . .Section 2675 xf the ElecUon Laws of North I simply lies. Carolina, that the Registration Books will be t.T . , T"- , I 4"Jack shall nine and f4 Khnii opened en Tuesday, the 2nd day of October, dance" just as lomr out in the nnnn lowinr? aarah thl t,,r,Jr,. W '"" tncreatter 1 5TSSrfSUjf"5S&S2SSSi-CSS5S3' I T-.--r -an-I down, wcepted, at the foUog places. gia with Salvation Oil to the front. I u ttUU coscs or 6U aavs. a halt was made and where the President; of the Wt city court speakers, Hon. W. M. Robbins Jtiesolved, That we. the 'Rennhif.l . . . -r. Ij nr J ,r , . ..nnnai.fvnf Tl ' . miB uiu iowest Tnro ' mayor bowler disposed of the fol-l"1" .rea ju. oiruawick, were in rnvpnH ui i Tpoanty' Ke&ristratton Ilmirs. "Tie undersigned. Registrars of the different JifPand Divisions ln Wilmington Town- Aviiran:. From 9 o'clock - A. Al. to 2 Only a twenty-five cent investment. LOCAL DSTBWS. INDEX TO NKW ADVERTISEMKNTS. "clock r. M. rrrT o nviuir "o xt tn el KOfP Attention m i tlv M- 411(1 on tne last day will be open- J MM Katz Bargain Day d from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. MlTwlMI KwnaT0oiV ill1?.1 Ward First Division W. Mc Evans, trfE,1- Registering place at Wm. Mc. . on Fourth, oetween Bladen and Harnett "r fo'ung place at W. II. Strauss' office. mf."uru1' between. Bladefl and Harnett gjjpt Ward Second Dlvlslon-C M. Harrlss, nstrar. Registering at corner of Fourth. Polling place at En- ""aswick streets." Mcnds Bkos Pharmacists W & s R R Sunday Schedule Heinsbekgek -Schools Books Howell A'Comming For Sale v F c Miller Pink and White Gossamer John Siikkhan. the nrnorlsf Vnw T?anri-c Change of Sailing Days NTS Wil s s Line Lutheran Church. Jane Roe, disorderly conduct, m or 20 days. - An Affd German Iady Dead, Mrs. Henrietta Krahuke died at the residence of her son, Mr. F. H. Krahuke, corner of Queen and Sur ry streets, at 5 o'clock this moraine She will.be buried at 4 p. m. to-morrow afternoon, services being con ducted in St. received. Then the column moved heartily' endorse the state SrttaS up Front street to Chestnut and on of our nartv. and Hon nL0 a Chestnut to Fourth, down Fourth to Dockery our candidate for Gdver Princess and ou princess to the StSSL00' Opera Honse, from the portico of hearty Snp&T our which the speakers addessed the Resolved That'we. the Rflnnhii. assemblage. The route all alone the pan party of New Hanover county. line, of march was illuminated wJth lX&3 & burning tar barrels and the streets tee of the Sixth Conrsinni ni were full of spectators, amontr whom I trict in placine in nomination m. j c i were to be noticed a great many of I our patriotic ladies. Mr. John IX Bellamy, Chairman in Convention assembled, do most I Kates ZwteeCL to and from points ln North I and South Carolina. , For Freight or Passage apply to v f H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, THEO. E. EGER, Traffic JlaMgir81 P. CLYDE 'aGenl AgStJ Yrfc oct 13 . 35 Broadway, New York. New Blver Oyotoro. trict in placing m nomination our "DECEIVED TO-DAY. A LOAD OF FINI. fellow-citizen, CP. Lockey, for Con- gress, and we piedge to Mr Lockey NewlUvef Oysters which I win servo in ray uui caiuwmuu coraiai support. Paul's Evangelical L: ; w, I t, uuum xxjecuuve uommit- tee, " introduced the speakers in' a style. . oct 12 JOHN KOCH. Cornereecond and Princess. AVindow Glass, by the box or lieht. Bouse near, the corner of sixth and ave money by buyingfrom Jacobfs tiaw. uepot. f .first Ward Third Dlvlslon-James Jones. wirar. Keeistenns and Poiitm? niaon J1C Sermon for the Knights. short, but pleasant and. pithy ad Rev. W. S. Creasy, who is a menir dress, which was heartily applaud ber of the order, will preaoh a sermon ed- Capt. Robbins was the first to ftnA , J to-morrow evening to the members address the audience and he spoke iinna the cheapest Qf the Knithnr-TytMt.ut-i4. Ifnr an 'hon u.i Twinp DnnB f I o" v j naa m una uuj, ..w4 omu a uan, uuruiff UU OI ' w two? I ,S Germania Lodge No. 4 and all visit- which tiine.he was heard with the i. iepOt. t line K"nirrrifo 1'n V.. ."X- i;nll AWcf nUni.' x . . . e - x mo vivjr arc uunuaii v i nucuwou, xtir. OiraUWICK, J un.il Past, mrnar rt lictnH' nvs -rJi.j I . - ... .tfcctsVcitj Ikotaiiiri: " -.-u piace-ror liill jcond ,,r .. at Jacobi's Hd " . ut V00" llouse All kinds of School Books anrl invited to attend. Th m,nha nf who is on of th p.i0,tn.0t t BeSring! d. jaS can be bought the lodge will assemble at Castle Uor this State, followed in an elo- t nan at o'clock. quent address. He confined himself principally to State matters vliila All In. Gihirtn tS Prtnce33 streets. Polling place at cheapestjat Heinsbergers. t.; Ui - . Ifvou wanta. uui in aru w J itosentnai. Resrlstrirl. ...xxwv i . . fn'r.'' D-uu ' i - r SnouSd'P01?ce VPe iS5 to Heinsberger's. He has a large Mr. S. H. Fishblate, the King PtRb!),ns spok a ot - . assuriuiHiir. rr mnn r innc on u.f. I nth a. J. i. j 1-1 .. . . -. 1 - Filth Wflrrt'KMrcl THrlclnr, Tocc. Trr r.. I frOm a' I - . T . . O-ll tstOCtW rt?U.Ujr Wstrar- Registering and Polling place uith Ward Market nouie. . " p ' rilla.half enough," savs a mother whose son, almost blind with scrof. i uiu w 1.11 r-i-i 1 vivr rrix? k-v-... i. tivj- - nstuu aiaia oeiween ue ' r: 7-7 ' - .TO ne. "Payings," or ffHt is Wilmington District. ' Methodist E. Church South, fourth W A llTfirff n V fW round of Quarterly Meeting- : ,f MarUn , Topsail ctM at Union, Sept. 15 and I m Nortn Water street, Wilmington, N. c. , New River Mission, Sept. 15andl6. w urcrsox SfVx1 St. Station, Sept. 16 and 17. Naval Stores, Venice ana Inlx wniieviuecc, at Wootens, Sent. m ' 16 H 'or ictio Hea . WftS in everv -1! cannot Draise Hnorl' s n early so as to oht?n hntf M- f- successful one -Finn Ward-sina ransinninni, riila."a enouRh," says a mother styles. Merchant t,;;!J!" '"iiii, . y.oaIiB men are to be cor. S&ieffi-Kf?5.iaSr I 2,S!Jfed rof- stocks this seaiaA''", There were great PnliiT. T x.iiSxiuxx uxivx ifwjk.,- oucvis. . ixo vurcu uy Mils lilPfl i fi n o I . , jiv- - j-, fUUlQjr nlape OT Xlnth hotn-Don I'nctlo nrH I J I3 lUClULIIie. I tO into Via ' . . Notice boys! ou .can get a left '.Ihat other iaewiW-r. ' Bracket SaSFranle' wlttftaw W haveri'lSaV T nil?f tk.-. u,..i 1 - v - -shblate's stock is com- lAtt111 Farrow" Regist Uttering and PolUng place al MaS OUTSIDE TOWSmPS. Ftemi nMe. at. Wohf-c H0.n..: U.,- V. suuwe s stocK is com- andFom -r.. ?VhVa entirely of first class good? 7 - 1 ' v - ' -"-xl2. . I I . I x II . I t wvuur maae enan! to r.r.s nin make. He employs rq omen at 25. UAA tV, prK them m hours. tcJi day to, 'wkXpant. anA Cheap 0.n.n. goods to .palm off on the pubr Vc Hiis stores are well lijrhted lajf and night, which is verv essential iwr puyers or cotving. , We. advise W readers to be w'areof a dark store and Cheap John goods. . tf ror.! Tl o nnin..r. . asonboroi preme This is the ' arnt -v- ; condition of air who have been wise ii HaV.Dlpot ?tovfs at aop.ys 1SS?5&K- ' nftS;?8: Heaingd toves can be seen at Jaeo-' J. K.SAMPSOV rbPi Hn' -Tk x- rr' x Register or Deeds. 1 1 . Mv vyuv. xaenasoroyes (Star and Messenger copy j at Vces that will astonish yon.' f many torches in line aid the white hats and the - rec bandanas were prominent -features of the occasion. I9rt Crystal Spectacles, and Jyeslasse Advice to, old and young: lj se IfC.iintr Brtoofaliio An . Q S WHIT TVOSIEIV FADE, tio,W,Tttote.Wn -wwer tlian haa W?n lost to the eve, Acker's English Remedy: for Con as.in tVe uuiie pr.Qportipn that you I sumption is an Absolute cure for nas that point of increase. willeaW ' eoIds Mands Bros t druggists. . 21 and 22. Grace Church, Sept. 22 arid 23. Southport Station, Sept. 29 and 30. Clinton et,, at Goshen, Oct. 6 and 7. CarversCreek ct.,at CarversCreek, Oct la and 14. Waccamaw ct., at Pine Log, Oct. Brunswick Mission. Oct. 17. 18 n.nrl Brunswiclc ctM at Shallotte Camp, Oct. 20 and 21. Magnolia ct., at Carlton, Oct. 27 auu 40 , Bladen St. Mission, Oct. 28 and 29. Kenansville ct., Oct. 31. Onslow ct., Nov. 3 and 4. Cokesbury ct., Nov. 10 and 11. Bladen ct., Nov. 17 and 18.' Elizabeth ct.. Nov. 24 and 25, T. W. Guthrik, P. E. ' Oils, Iieatner Drcz3 ins Oils ana . ReadyMixedPains,a!l Color V; BREWSTER'S PITCH A SPjECIALTY. Correspondence solicited. Address Txyxnz. Look at Oar Low Price:;. Gentlemen's Cassinere Mis fa $51 ( ) $ 13 SPECIALTIES IN CORK SCREW SUITS. Prince Alberts and Cutaways, Round and Square Cuts. We euarantee to seiii.-. t r cent lower than any other house In the city. Glre as a call and secure Bargains. octistf VOU. further ininrv to th ava TTino. . rm. ' -. . . -. ' r ---a. i iae unitea tates imports an- guihses oi stronger pawen than is ne-- nually about 80,000 pounds of van cessary is the daily eanse of prema-1 ilia beans, valued at 4 00,000. Near ture old age ta the sight. You can get 1 v all of it comes from Mexico and me oest at neinsoerger s. France. Ko. lio Marixt st. For Gal g. QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SAI.E, AT YO'J own price at - augmr ' UEvin,.7 orrnT,

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