fhers. We are children, " .fbr01?! .hblv shore, if' no the shells and dreaui- ffhe w0rld contains no more; f Cvood the sandy reaches, $r ocan-billo ws rOar. - I js knowledge that we know 0ari pathway leadeth far, . ' rSo the distant regions, -f SiVr than the highest star,;: rr. .tstpos fall unfollowed Pjre no mortal foot-prints arel brothers, do not fancy v it the world Is jrrowintr dull, iSero are no other richeg than fills a single skull 1 -r " ' - . i T- I ff jxi news from Washington. ,ir:lication well rubbed In of sen Oil cured me of rheuina- i trm.firui, 01 iwo itionrns - . , T mam intonil frk lt , . . OCTOIJEK ODDS. Vwe stretehTlie. clothes ftifb01 "7" wages oi uB ' i . - -. .. . m..t, a long story short Cut A .jjlbnt tlm window. -.TJni, uitiii wno is too iresn .v. .-111,1 v nitiiseii in ii nicKie otMer.-OU Cily Blizzard. rieuuiilfUtly asserted, that not thriut-n killed by fulling bemus rifrins of sustrokt 27w?r. , Ui are the ones wlio Jay down yt, ami when it is nicely laid the lawyers jump on 11.7- fa first ussisted Italiau - innni--t to this country was a person tsA Christopher Coluiubug. IVsAfrtnl cow of India is the jrentative of the bovine which can be classed as a beast ps.-PUUburg Chronicle. , .. Co!lc. - enons, and especially children, Jjjabject to this agonizing coiu Qnt, which often comes on sud in the night and without any Qous warning. Simmons Jiver JIator should always be at hand. jlsDgle dose will generally allay ppain. It never fails in giving M. It is harmless, ana can be Ui with safety to a child of the 3frest age. . The Drink That KI1L lWiwrtain that for one inebriate vbotatecome such through the of bee. ale or Dorter, there are ;Aw rho have become so . through aiwof wine, and 600 who owe wflisease to branay; mm, wins K'md gin Indeed, it is an es- yba to find any person committ- 3 the workhouse ' for habitual hikexmess who is not an indulger ae of the four last named articles, jinnot recall a single case of alco ve insanity due to the abuse of hit liquor alone, and very few ncn were due to wine as compared '& those attributable to spirit- m liquors. September Forum. ' CoBianptlon Surely Curtxl. !o the Editor Please inform readers that I have a positive 2dv for the above named disease. Fits timely use thousands of hope- eases have been permanently I shall be glad to send two Biesof my remedy free to, any par readers who have consump jjauiey will send me their ex- FfcT. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 wSewYork. tp forth Cttina Herald says the '' the Chinaman- from 'the -fopean. The Chinaman can write f W. ork all day stand : in" one Cra all day, weave, rbeat gold, ,-jeirory, do inlinitelv tedious vi?ev.erand ever, and discover signs of weariness and ' ir than if he were a machine. yahty appears early in life. If?1 no restless, naughty boys fimna. They are all appallingly i5nd wiu Plod away; in school V?lecesses or recreations of ftbnd. The Chinaman can do Cit exercise. Sport or play S i m so Wlch waste of labor. tep aywhere,. amid rat qmaciiinery, deafening uproar, Jff children and quarreling e can sleep on the ground, Kw?r on a hed, dn a chair, in lhon. It would be easy to iJChinaan anuy of a million CTJpVot ten million tested by l25z?ve wwulnatiou to their to S to eep across three y!y. their ruouths wide open ;-j msiae. Advie to Mothers. 6i vcr. - Wzfuways be used when children teeth. Itrelieveathe lit Upr at once; it produces nat U, Wiet sleen bv - relieving the -wut pain, ana tne little cner- -es as "bright as button." It e eftasant.to taste. It soothes Wn i gums, uiiays t reeves windLreculates the J?1 Ig the best known reme- r'fiiiKa, wnetner arising n,u ' AWaralnff.-v.-;. Combinations" or7tpools,V ever' Dr. CULL'S facilitates Teet hinffM ,lhe modes, or death's aonroach t grown un under laws Gnanted hvi it: finv nifnitn,iitaftTV.Ti a- are various, ;aud statistics show con- The contest in this country - being JAu I O I till T airdrngriats.Price25cts. . t A. A m W m - . ciusiyeiy tnai more persons aierrom ! Detween aggregatea capital, seeking! diseases of the Throat and Lungs i to crush out all competition: and than any other. It is probable that , the individual laborer, the Demo- everyone, without exception, re-icratie party is, as it has ever been, uw " lijii uci a jl xuucivic:ur;auiab Lilt: lliUUU(JUllsli UUU III IttVUr Germs into the system -and where of a just distribution of capital, and these germs fall upon suitable soil demands the enactment of laws that they start into life and develop, at ; will bear equally upon all.' first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption and to the head, cans iwg Catarrh. Now all this is danger ous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you must act with promptness: al lowing a cold to go without atten tion is dangerous and may lose you your life. , As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat," Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Platform off the Democratic -arcy i North Carolina. L, ljflveeentft fdeod&wfy " . i " Y lkK IT IN TIME. :forv uaii. a suoe was . , r ant of a si " v" tlofa horse, a rider was lrgt fleets small things. -in..xr'SQS of 1 DnetlinonitL jirul mSr iUi CAn positively b check tnsnmfr,s EdrHsIi Hemedy fmpti0n- uBds Brothers, We again congratulate the people of Nortli Carolina on the continued enjoyment of peace, good govern ment and general prosperity under Democratic administration of the affairs of the State which has now been unbroken for bo many years; upon the just and impartial enforce ment of the law; upon the increas ing efficiency of our common school system, and" the progress made in popular education; upon the im provement and enterprise manifest ed in all parts of the State. We again, challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and" the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders. We pledge ourselves to exert in the future as in the past our best efforts to promote the best interests of the people of all sections of the State. Affirming our adher ence to Democratic principles as heretofore enunciated in the plat forms of the party, it is hereby Resolved, That no government has the right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually extinguish its public debt; and that whenever the revenues, however derived. exceed this amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid "a surplus in the treas ury. That any system of taxation wliich necessitates the payment of a premium of $270 by the govern ment on each $1,000 "of its bonds, taken up with the millions that would otherwise lie idle in its vaults, and paid to bondholders who pur chased, in many instances, at less than par, is undemocratic, oppres sive and iniquitous and should be refunded. The course of our Demo cratic Representatives in Congress, in their efforts to give relief to the people from, burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxation, meets with the approval of the Democratic party of this State and we respect fully recommend that if they find it impossible to give to our people all the relief demanded, they support any just and practical measure pre sented in Congress that will afford a practical relief from such existing burden Resolved, That while the details of the methods by which the consti tutional revenue tariff sheriff shall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at the national capital must be trusted to adjust, we think the customs duties should be levied for the production-of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should be such as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of tax atibn, and confer the greatest good on the greatest number. Resolved. That we, as heretofore favor, and Will never cease to de mand, the unconditional abolition of the whole internal revenue sys tem, as a war tax, not to be justified in times of peace; as a grievous bur den to our people and a source of annoyance in its practical opera tions We call the attention of the people of the State to the hypocritical-pretensions of the Republican party in their platforms that they are in favor of the repeal of this on- a A A. r X 1 herous system oi taxation, enacceu by their party, while the Republi cans in Congress are taxing iheir energies to obstruct all legislation inaugurated by the representatives of the Democratic party to relieve the people of all or a part of this odious system. , Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party, in furtherance of popular, education, is a sufficient guaranty that we favor the educa tion of the .people, and we will pro mote, and improve the present edu cational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the peo ple by excessive taxation. -Resolved, That, to meet an exist ing evil, we will accept, for educa tional purposes, from the Federal government, our pro rata share of the surplus in its treasuryroviVfed, that it be disbursed through State agents and tho bill for the distri bution be free from objectipnal fea tures. Resolved, That the United States being one government and ours a national party, we denounce the ef forts of the Republicans to force sectional issues in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote dissen sion and ill-will between the people Of the different sections of our com mon country. Resolved, That it is due to the people of our eastern counties, who nave so cheerfully borne their share otour common burdens, that the present or some equally effective sys tem of county government shall be maintained. - Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to any further ex tension of the "No-fence" law, un less such extension shall have first been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters within the territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, .That th'e Democratic party has .ever been the party of the workingman, and has never foster ed monopolies, nor have "trusts" or Resolved, That., as all taxation bears most heavily upon the labor er, it is the duty of the legislator, as a direct benefit to the workingman, to keep the expenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit con sistent with wise and efficient man agement. Tiie Democratic party opposes any competition between free and convict labor, but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the expense of honest labor." Resolved,-That ours being an ag ricultural State, it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best cai- j culated to advance the interests of in ! agriculture; and that in so doing we ! will most effectually advance the interests of mechanics, manufactur ers and laborers. Resolved, That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administration of Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative. Resolved, That' the ability, wis dom, honesty,patriotism, indepen dence, faithfulness to duty and manly courage of President Cleve land have won the admiration of all good men; and the interests of the country demand his" re-nomination and his re-election. mm loit Bxperitnn . You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do nnt permit any dealer to impose upon vou with some cheap imitation of Dr Kipg's New Dis covery tor Consumption, Coughs and C lris. but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as iiood, or just the same. Don't be do ceived, but insist upon irettine Dr. King's New Discovery, which i guar anleed to rive relief is all Throat Lurisr and Che?t affections. Trial bot tles fri'e at W. H: Green &C.'8. Lare bottles SI Japanese Vegetable Wax. Japan wax is obtained from a tree, which is found in Japan, China and throughout the Kast Indies general ly. In the Japanese language it is ca'led Jtajc or haze. The tree com mences to bear fruit when five or six years old, and increases its pro duct every year, till at fifty years a single tree will produce 350 pounds of berries, from which seventy pounds of wax can be obtained. The wax is formed in the middle of the berry, between the seed and the skin, like the pulp of a grape. f It is extracted by boiling the berries in water, and allowing it to cool, when the wax separates out in a solid cake. The specific gravity of this wax is 0.070, and its melting point 131 Fahrenheit. It is largely used, either alone or iuixed with tallow, by the Chinese in the manufacture of candles. The principal port of export is the City of Osaka, whence in 1876, nearly 2,000,000 pounds of the wax were shipped to London. Scientific American. . - I have been treated for catarrh by eminent physicians, but nothing has ever benefited me like Ely's Cream Balm. Mrs. L. A. Lewis, 186 Chip pewa Street, New Orleans, La." Ely's Cream Balm is the best medicine for catarrh I have ever used. Mrs. O Wood, Mexia, Texas. I find Ely's Cream Balm good for catarrh of long standing. M. N. Lasley. 1934 Chestnut St., Bill I fC Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,- Asthma, Broncnitis, p-IpJ Croup,lnci pient Con-y II II 5 O sumption, tive" Persons. 25 cents. and relieves Consump- fjf fj CMinri? LAHGE'3 CUBEB CIGARETTES for Co OHVAC tarrh. Pric.a 1Q Cts. At ell druanlst. oct l tr WHOLESALE PRICES. 7 8)4 8 8tf 14 15 8 8 10 11 13 lof 10 lOif S4 9 The following quotations represent yliolo sale prices generally. In making up small or ders liigher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny... Standard BaCON North Carolina. Hams Shoulders lb Sjdes, y tt WESTEKN SMOKED Hams, US It) Sides ib Shoulders, ib DRY SALTED Sides, U ib Shoulders, lb '. BAKKEI.S Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each. New, New York, each New, city, each BEESWAX, y tt BKICKS, Wilmington, M Northern rtJUTTER, lb North Carolina Northern.. CANDLES, lb Sperm Adamant lne. CHEESE, 13 ft Northern Factory .. Dairy, Cream state coffee, y tt Java Laguyra... Rio CORN MEAL, V bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle ...... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-1, 1? yard Yarns, bunch EGGS, 3? ooz FISH Mackerel, No. l, bbl...'...X) 00 1 40 1 50 0 00 1 75 1 65 1 70 30 23 6 00 S 00 0 00 ($14 00 15 25 25 30 18 25 9 (A 10 11 12 13 3 14V 0 (& 10 27 2 28 23 24 20 22 00 (57 00 m 1 25 1 30 -a 00 80 18 (51 20 bbl. Mackerel, No. l, y half M aekerel, No. 2, bbl ... . Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. Mackerel, No. 3, bbl Mullets, -3t bbl N. C. Roe Herring. keg. Dry Cod, 3? FLOUR, bbl Western, low grade " Extra Family... 7 50 0 00 4 75 7 80 6 00 00 ($12 50 (4 8 00 11 00 fi 00 0 50 4 (X) 4 50 City Mills Super 4 00 4 .w 8 He deserves to find himself ceived who seeks a heart in the thinking man. de-un: A NARROW ESCAPE. Co!. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, came home one evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Div Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Munds Bros. druggists. w York & vnimingtui $teamihip Family GLUE. 8 lb GRAIN, 19 bUSheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 corn, cargo, in duik, wnite. uu Cora, cargo, lit bags, white, fitt Corn, mixed, from store 00 (5) 3V Oats, from store 42 00 80 1 5 10 05 85 90 97, oats, Rust Proof cow reas HIDES, !? Ib Green ... Dry HAY, 33 100 lbs Eastern Western , North River HOOP IRON, V R LARD, lb Northern North Carolina t LIME, barrel LUMBER. City Sawed, 1j? M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank. 15 00 West India Cargies, accord ing to quality 13 oo Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, in hhds. 25 ' in bbls 28 Porto. Rico, in hhds 28 m DDIS XJ ta, x8 00 00 00 10 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 2 67 65 45 52 90 iS 10 m oo 3.V 8 & 1 40 10 0 00 20 00 1 00 J8 00 22 00 15 00 Sugar House, in hhds. in uois. 00 16 Syrup, in bbls 22 NAILS, v Keg, cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, gallon. Kerosene 9 Lard 16 Linseed 90 Rosin 15 Tar - -00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 20 Spring. 10 Turkeys 95 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 lb 60 POTATOES, bushel Sweet 3.1 Irish, y bbl... 2 25 PORK, barrel citvMess 17 50 Prime 15 00 (3 3 (dL 26 30 30 ;s 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 22 25 0 0 90 60 75 18 00 (16 00 15 00 FROM PIER 29,' EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P.M. DELAWARE Wednesday. Oct. 17 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Oct. 20 PIONEER Wednesday, Oct, 24 DELAWARE Saturday, Oct, 27 FROM WIUIINGTON- PIONEER Tuesday. Oct, 16 DELAWARE. Tuesday, Oct. 23 BENEFACTOR Friday, Oct, 26 PIONEER Tuesday, Oct. 30 t3f Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Kates guaranteed to and from points in North - ft and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N THEO. E. EGEK, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. p. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, oct 13 35 Broadway. New York. RICHLY: RumD ' 00 RICE Carolina, 13 ft 4 5 Rough. 1? bush, (Upland)... 00 (4 80 " " (Lowland). SO 1 00 RAGS, lb Country 00 1)4 -City 1 (3 1 ROPE, ft 14T 223 SALT. sack. Alum 70 75 Liverpool 65 70 Lisbon 00 00 American 00 70 SOAP, $ lb Northern 5' SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. 6 6J Standard A 6j 6 White Ex C 0 , 6 Extra c. Golden 5 v3 h)4 C Yellow Q o SHINGLES, 7. In. M 5 GO (4 7 00 Common. . . 3 00 2 50 Cypress Saps 450 500 cypress Hearts 0 00 7 50 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 r. o. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, lb 5 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill 11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 . Mm Fair 5 00 Common Mill.. 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 B0 WHISKEY, ti gal .Northern... 1 00 tforth Carolina..... .... 1 00 WOOL, V lb Washed 28 Unwashep 15 Burry 10 14 00 10 00 6 814 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 (4 0 00 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 25 15 a C . XJrt'j .... . 3 -S ts-. i cr-y ! R-acuiSeent I- "... : ii-. ii tJilMjaeibU V. . . : . -ir wfctii onu Dei e J-. .i: n V fceT fhelr home.i" ' - t?w v --. .jjj-Wfe ilae of oo njaal.te nJ " 1 usrfU t: ; i.. J f-- !.V3i.ES XbMC n-.rt "- '- t-Mf c;. f l after jx bTk-?-t ttm in jrnor hn-r- l... '- : ..hj : .rl suoflrn the totboae tmJ b" ft-:.i.tw U.-.:u ; r-?m pm-rtj It 0 p.-silIc to Hmt'- f.-r.- . uijf i tin MinplKS ia aay I vtv t is-jl'j ifc lrs.j trad to w mutwr uow i . i,vOOO from tb Rewarded are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable employ ment that will not take them from their homes and f amiliea. ti.a nrorira are larce and sure for every industfirus person, many have made i tnowi.UB4ajocrcr tioont...! ;-;.'Wtoo anlarewmakMs1veHi hSdred dollars j i a month. It is easy. tor any one to make (a J. wna v tn ttir ,ir..j es i . vu..- . uy t ar how and upward per day, wlio la willing to wort wt vw u. nKt.tMfa. tory. i-iicrio Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: .uu fc b nt t .Y,," WeBLarS -JOU. Jverytlling new. pcui (MinorxUMiMAut, y.M ct.wure k- liE-. aaa tt lb ability required: you. reader, can do t as wen iZT Xiu -uii wu-t vi,. wia uur in u& as any one. Write to us at once forruiipar-; costly hahlm. tv i r. r.ifht, . ticuSrs. which wfimall free. Address Stlnson W-usa mxx wx, &a txx, rwixii. aub & Ca. Portland, Main?. -. nor 23 USmwiy I sept 28 tf Atlantic Coast Lino. Wilmington & Weidon R. R AND BUAJiCUKS CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I Dated Sept. 16, m No. 23, dally. 2 05 pin No. 27, Ft Mall daily. No. IS, daily ex Sunday. Leave Weidon Ar. Rockj" Mount Arrive Tarbora. . Leave Tarboro... Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson..... Arrive Sennas' Arrive Fayettevl'e Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia... At. Wilmington. . . 3 17 pmj 4 50 pm 10 50 am 3 50 pra! "4 lo pmi 5 10 pmi 7 45 pmi 4 40 pm 5 50 pin 6 05 pin 7 40 pm 5.43 pm; e 00 fan i 7 10 am 7 00pm 7 43 am 7 40pnii 8 05 am i 9 SI "am 8 40 pmi 9 49 arn 55 pm; 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, daily. No. 78. daily. No. 66, daily ex Sunday. 12 05 am 1 24 am Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. i 2 35 am Leave Fayette villej Arrive Selma... Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive - Tarboro. . Leave Tarboro a 10 10 11 8 10 11 3 02am;12 I 1 (Warn; a5am 50 am 50 am ..14 ..ilO 00 am 23 am 43 am; 42pm"i 2apmJ 50 pmj 50 am; 4 00 pm 5 :i0 pm 5 50 um 6 52 pm 7 52 pm 8 20 pm Arrive Wreldon j 4 30 ami 2 40 pmj 0 40 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 p. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at O.SOA. 51. daily except Sunday. Train leaves TarDoro, jn. c. Ma AiDermarie & Raleigh R. IL daily except Sunday 6.00 P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive Wllliamston, N. C, 8.10 P. M.. 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll liamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A.M., 11.30 A.M. . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smithneld, N. C, 8.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfleld, N. C, laiO A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 11.35 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch Mount, for Nashville, 4.00 I. Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spr Returnlntr leaves Snrfnc leaves Rocky M.. arrives at ng Hope 5.15 1. M. Hope 10.40 A. M.. "Nashville 11.15 A. M., aiTive Rockv Mount 11.55 A,M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday,- at 6.00 P. M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A.M. and 4.30 P. M connect ing at War saw with Nos. 15 66 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayctteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 50. Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at WTilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wei don for all point3 North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection tor all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gcnl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Agent, augis Wilmington , Ool s v tti a 1.. t - CONDENSED SCHEDUIjE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Sept . 30, 1888. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence.... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter.... Arrive Columbia. No. 23. NO. 27. NO. 15. P. M. P. M. P. M. 8 05 10 10 t240 11 16 12 37 5 23 13 10 1 20 6 1& A A. M. P. M. NO. 50 No. 58. A. M. P. M. t 3 20 t 6 20 4 40 ....... . 7 40 ' NO. 52. NO. 56. A. M. P. M. I 440 t 9 20 7 47 6 15 10 22 9 05 A. M. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via central K. K. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M., Manning 8:53 A. M, No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaving Lanes 6:35 P. AL, Man ning 7:13 P, M Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marion.. Arrive Wilmington... No. 51. NO. 57. No. 53. P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 25 7 00 5 33 11 52 8 15 6 45 I No. 59. 11 52 t 8 25 1 15 9 40 .. A. M. A. M. NO. 78 No. 66. NO. 14. A. M. A. M. P. M.. 4 35 t 10 00 8 20. 5 22 10 42 8 55 8 35 1 401 11 50J A. M. P. M. P. M. Daily, t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, c. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:13 P. M.. Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9:10 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 8:51 A. M., Lanes 9:29 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. NOi 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. XL R. lor all points North JOHN P. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. K. KENLY, Supt- Transportation. T, M, EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, sept 29 TIMK TABliB NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co, QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally exceptSnn day. GOUiU SOZTTH. No 1 Passenger and Freight Leave Hamlet, N. C . 8.20. A M. Arrive at Cheraw, H.V. 9.30 A. M. Gorxo North. Na 2 Passenger and Freight: Lea v Cheraw, S. C. . . . . Arrive at Hamlet. N. C dee 16 tf M. 55 P. 11. WM. MONCURE, Supt. Jno. F. LeGrand, v SUCCEEDING PARTNER OF TIIE LATE Arm of A. A. Brown & Co.,- Commission Merchant; office in the Kerchner Building, No. Water st reet." W'lU give prompt attention to all business.- J Represents some of the best houses ' the couniry. Inite3 jrrespondence. JeiaiydAW, UISCELLAlIEtDDJj. Oarolina Central Railroad Company. " ; CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ' . , -" , . WESTBOUND TRAINS. Oct. U, 1SSS. I-eave Wilmington. . Leav M&xton Leave I-aurinburg.. Leave Hamlet. . Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte.. Leave IJneointon...... Leave Shelby Arrive leutherfordton.. No. 1. dallyex. Sunday. .7 50 am 1112 am ......ill 43am 12 pm 4 00 pm 4 10 pm 5 46 pm 6 r,i pm 8 15 pm No, 3. dallyex. SUDUay. C 40 pm 11 57 pm 12 :spm 3 00 am 7 00 am EASTBOUND TRAINS. Oct, 11, 1S88. Leave Rutherfordton. Leave Shelby. . Leave Llncolnton Arrive Charlotte...... Leave Charlotte. Leave Hamlet- Leave Laurlnburg. Leave Maxton Arrive Wilmington... NO. 2. dallyex Sunday. No. 4, dallyex Sunday 7 10 am 8 si am a ami 11 11 ami ii 2i am 3 oo pm 3 51 pm 4 13 pm 7 40 pm 8 00 pm 1 45 am 2 49 am 3 19 am 8 40 am Trains Na 1, 2, 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh Take Train No. l for Statesvllle and stations on w. N. c. R. R. and points WTest. Take No.3 for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points southwest. Also, for Ashevlllo via Spartanburg. Local Freight Ncs. 5 and 6 tri-weekly be -tween Wilmington and Laurlnburg, leavtn r Tuesda3-s, Thursdays and Saturdays. "Local FrelghtNos. 7 and 8 trl-weekly oetwec a Laurlnburg and Charlotte. Local Freight Nos. 9 and ' io trl-weekly bo tween Charlotte and Rutherfordton. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10 do not take passengers. I c. JONES, superintendent. F. wT. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. octtt . t- Wanted. t RARE CHANCE TO GO INTo'dUSINESS. Will sell at a low flgnro a paying tuslness. Reason for selling, going Into some other bus iness, a rare chance for an active man with limited capitaL Address LOCK BOX 571, ' 4f - Wilmington, N. C. THE MAYO HOUSE. I would respectfully announce to my ti e and the public generally that the Mayo House, atthe Bocks is now open for the season, under the same management as formerly. Numerous altera tions and improvements have been made and every facility Is offered this season for Sailing Fishing and Bathing. The advantages for all coast. - , special personal attention given to the com fort of guests. Twr tvtnta Hollir Tho- P4RSPOPT. nnrt LOUISE stop each way on each trip. . Stiu water or deep water fishing at any 1 1 m r n Tl ri . Yu o a ro a ri tr nrViorh t Vi o ctfiotnon nr. rive. Fishing tackle and bait kept ready lor instant use. . Rates by the day, week or month and very reasonable. " - Parties from the country desiring to make arrangements address: MAYO HOUSE, The Rocks, Wilmington, N. C. Resneetfullw MRS. W. E. MAYO, - my 18 tf Manager.. I AM RECEIVING Now Every Week Some of the , Finest Apples BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALSO Potatoes, Onions and Calbag. A fresh lot of E. D. CHEESE. Also Amerl dan and EDAM CHEESE. , Ur. Price's Baking Powder i ... , .... IN GREAT DEMAND... V 4 It is Excelled bv None I and is admitted by 'connoisseurs" to be the FINESTAND PUREST USED, ROYAL NOT EXCEPTED. Don't Forget that my Cart Goes Down to the Sound v Weekly I - call and lert me give you prices. I have a kinds of Groceries and the finest in the city. Jno. Jj Uoatwngnt, sept 24 15&17SCvFrontSt. Who are Weak. Nervous and' De- blllted,- who are suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the results of ignorance or folly, will find in Pjeaks' Specific a positive i ouu ycruiaueiiL cure lor rnfryuu. Debility. Seminal Weakness, Involuntary ntal losses, etc. Cures guaranteed. Send six cents in stamps for Pears' Treatise on diseases of man; ineir cause and cure. J. a. feaims. 613 Church st, Nashville, Tenn. oct91y d&w CARRIAGE REPOSITORY " AND "" ; - REPAIR SHOP. p ARTIES IN WANT OF A'Y KIND . " vehicle or want any .Repairing done to their old vehicles, will fl caU on to ithelr interest C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. Corner Second and PrtnccBS Street Send your horses to be shod. We have first-class Sheer. mens Socioty Wort, v rjlIIE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish sollcionters for ail klnd3 of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladles' and Children's aprons a special t r. Orders left at the Rectory, or 21 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention, K0T25tt ,4 i